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hello again and welcome back to english today this is DVD 14 and the second DVD of your upper intermediate level and in this DVD we'll begin with another two episodes of our story that's life and then our special TV programs our cinema expert will be talking about the film Casablanca and then in our Travel section we'll be talking about ethical travel then in the grammar section we'll learn more about phrasal verbs those difficult verbs followed by prepositions we'll also study the second conditional and we'll look at some useful language for socializing okay so have fun really Peter was going to punch Jack that's right but luckily I arrived in time I'm glad I decided to check up on them Wow what happened next well Jack and I left and I think Peter and Sharon carried on with their argument Wow oh it's a shame I wasn't there but you knew about Jack and Sharon didn't you but yes I found out by chance I came across a photo of them together while I was cleaning one day wow what an incredible story could you stop saying wow this isn't a film if it were film there would be a happy ending well to tell you the truth I think this is more exciting than the bold and the beautiful what's going to happen now I have no idea if Sharon doesn't go to Japan I think she and Jack will probably get back together and how are you getting on if I were you I would forget Jack don't worry about me I'll get over him good girl if I were you I would look after myself there are other fish in the sea and you are such a great catch Thank You Alice but to tell you the truth I'm looking forward to not having a man in my life for a while don't say that I know you're hurt but what would you do if you met a nice handsome young man who by the way loved cleaning as much as you do well if he if he loved cleaning as much as I do I wouldn't let him go but you know men like that are pretty rare anyway getting back to Jack and Sharon how do you think it will end don't worry about that I'll send you a letter with all the details and I'm going to miss you you know me too but I'm happy that you're going to work with your father it's great that he wants you to come up with the stories for his films it's what you really wanted after all it's true it's been such a long time since I got on so well with him and of course I can't wait to get on with the new film I'm so excited about it all another star in the family mr. bois conquers Hollywood actors and actresses doing their best to impress her no one can keep up with her especially because Mars is in line with Scorpio and what are you going to do now n oh well the first thing I'll do is look for a new flatmate so I can carry on living in this apartment you know how expensive it is if I had the money I would live here on my own that you're not alone there's Jack and how long do you think he'll stay here as soon as Peter leaves he'll he'll only be looking after Sharon and her apartment hello again and welcome back for another lesson in your live TV program of English language I want to look more closely at the dialogue that they just had because they are using some very interesting verse called phrasal verbs now a phrasal verb let me give you an example I'm glad I decided to check up on them now this is a verb with some prepositions what happens is the verb itself changes its meaning and it's actually sometimes very difficult to guess what it means so when a verb has a preposition or even two prepositions after it and it changes its meaning its original meaning we call it in English a phrasal verb so what I want to do with you now is to use the board and also the examples that there were in the dialogue and we'll see that there are two groups in fact the screen will be divided into two groups one will be two-word phrasal verbs and the other is three word phrasal verbs let me explain a little bit better for example an said the example before I'm glad I decided to check up on them you see that to check up on them check with two prepositions now this verb to check up on them means to look at something more closely to examine something more in-depth alright so that is the new meaning and then said I think Peter and Sharon carried on with their argument now Carrie usually means this you know you pick something up and you carry it if you add prepositions so the example here is to carry on it changes meaning and carry on here means to continue so I think Peter and Sharon carried on with their argument means to continue their argument all right so let's carry on then Ann said I found out by chance found out that becomes the meaning of discover I discovered something okay so find out next one she said I came across a photo now came across very difficult to understand what that means because in this context to come across it means to find something or to find someone by chance she says I came across a photo of them together while I was cleaning one day okay you see they're not easy quite complicated and then said I think she and Jack will get back together so look at that that is a three word phrasal verb there are two prepositions to get back together and that means to become a couple again okay to reconcile get back together then Ann said oh don't worry I'll get over him interesting impossible to guess the meaning get over means to forget about I'll get over him means I'll forget him all right Alice says if I were you I would look after myself look at that one look after again difficult to imagine it means to take care of take care of yourself so if I were you I would look after myself good next one there are two more it's been a long time since I got on so well now to get on with means to have smooth relations with a person it means that the relationship is going well with our problems to get on with and the last one and says I'm looking forward to not having a man in my life again look at that to look forward to again very interesting this has two prepositions look forward to and it means that you think of an event in the future with pleasure I could say to you I look forward to seeing you again in the next lesson alright so these are the phrasal verbs very difficult people hate them and they say well why don't you use easier verbs in English well they come from anglo-saxon and because we use them very often I'm afraid you have to get familiar with them alright so we'll keep practicing and I'll see you again I look forward to seeing you again in the next lesson okay bye you hi Shan guys speak to you for a moment sure Peter I'm listening you know I thought a lot about what you told me well I have to admit you're right I haven't been paying very much attention to you I won't be angry if you don't want to stay with me Oh Peter don't worry about me just look forward to your musical it's your big break isn't it if you weren't so committed you wouldn't be the man for the job now would you you're a star right yes I know just isn't easy imagining Japan without you it won't be easy for me either but I'm sure it's the right decision for both of us I hope so if I were rich and famous already I'd send along my private jet so you could visit me on weekends Yeah right the petrol alone would cost you your fortune who cares I'd be rich so well I wait for you to bring your career off and become rich I might come visit you maybe with an but if you're famous you'll forget all about me you'd let it go to your head and wouldn't have time to take care of me I couldn't keep up with all those beautiful young actresses how could I forget you Sharon by the way would you mind me taking that beautiful photo of you along to Japan with me the one hanging in the living room it'll help me when I missing you especially in the beginning of course Peter take it I'll be happy to give it to you thank you well I have to get on with packing one last thing if we were to meet in a few years in two apartments close to each other you with your new boyfriend would you pretend not to know me like you did with Jack why do you ask me that oh not just curious I guess it would be fun to meet you somewhere else and have little secret between us too you hello again and welcome back for some more English did you hear Peter say to Sharon if I were rich and famous I would send along my private jet so she could visit him at weekends if I were rich and famous I would send along my private jet well that's a bit improbable isn't it but it's useful for us because it means that we can learn another grammatical form because he was using the second conditional remember in another lesson we learnt the first conditional this one is the second conditional so if I were rich and famous I had send along now this is unusual because you say to yourself wait a minute if I were that's not right because I taught you I was you were he she it was we were you were they were how can you say if I were well it's a special grammatical form it's a subjunctive form probably the only subjunctive form left in English and when you say if I were you you're putting yourself in somebody else's shoes okay he says if I were rich and famous uses the verb to be and this is where the subjunctive comes into play all right so very unusual you must have probably heard this expression if I were you if I were you I would do this and I want to give you some examples of that because it's very common in English if I say to you for example I'm tired you could answer if I were you I'd go to bed now if I were you that's the past form followed by I would go to bed that's the conditional form conditional too if I were you I would go to bed um another example smoking yeah I say look I can't stop smoking I'm to stop smoking but I can't you could say to me well if I were you I'd I would I'd go to a hypnotist for example one possibility why not if I were you I would another example imagine that I am bitten look mr. snake bites me I've been bitten by snake I've been bitten by snake you could say to me well if I were you I would suck your blood out there or if I were you I would go immediately to a doctor so do you see how this works if I were you I would let's go to the screen now because I want to show you that example and also normal examples of the second conditional so we use the second condition well when something is improbable that's why we use if let's look at some normal examples we have if that's the simple Plast and then would and the infinitive so a typical example is if I won the lottery win one one I'd buy a house yeah if I won the lottery I'd buy a house I would buy a house it's improbable but if he didn't smoke negative past negative he wouldn't need an operation you see if plus the simple past in the negative and then would in the negative if you ate less you would lose more weight if you ate less you'd lose more weight all right so there's a normal examples of the hypothetical situations of the second conditional and now let's get back to the example I did with you if I were rich and famous remember that if I were in the episode it was if he were rich and famous he had send an airplane to Sharon okay if I were you I would forget Jack if I were you I would forget Jack if I were you I would continue studying with me and English today if I were you all right so that's the second conditional for you there are three we've studied number one you've studied number two and later on we'll see number three - okay so goodbye for now bye so it's just you and me isn't it in well really it's just me all alone are you still angry no I was just joking of course it'll be difficult to forget a man like you you're just pulling my leg now aren't you in I wanted to say if it had been a a different time in my life when if they weren't sharing maybe we would or rather maybe we could too many ifs Jack anyway I'm happy for both you and Sharon really you know I adore love stories with happy endings hey don't jump to conclusions Sharon just left Peter okay let things take their natural course you know as Alice would say if she were here I really miss her craziness and her jokes that was just isn't the same without her that's true she always had something to say I miss so many things like Peter I even miss his singing exercises but they were awful our poor ears I know but I was used to them by the way how did things turn out in the end between you two pretty well well we we had a long talk and he understood it really wasn't my fault that it was inevitable Peter was just too involved with his career to notice Sharon's needs and desires let's just say I took advantage of their situation I'd say so you've never missed a chance like that in your life have you that's late I have to go I'm late as usual by the way Sharon and I are going to see a film tonight would you like to come thanks for the invitation Jack um but uh I prefer to stay home anyway a possible new flatmate is coming to take a look at the apartment his name's Nick well actually I've got to get things tidied up that's right cleanliness is next to godliness huh don't work too hard and perhaps Nicky is less tidy than Alison I put together oh no I lost the battle with YouTube but it's time to put an end to all this chaos I've asked him all the right questions and but if I get the feeling he doesn't like cleaning I won't let him in the door you hello again everyone Jack exits and Nic enters maybe we'll see now I have a quiz for you you've learnt a lot of language up until now and I want to see how much you remember of what you've learned the quiz is this I will say something which is wrong and you with all your grammar knowledge must correct it let me give you an example I say when have you gone now that's wrong because when uses a simple past so we correct it and say when did you go all right so that's the quiz your turn what means this word what means this word yeah that's a question with questions you need yeah auxilary so what means this word what does this word mean yes next one has he any brothers question good it's a question auxiliary does he have any brothers okay next one this is more difficult be careful I live here since 1977 I live here since 1977 think of seasons yeah present perfect continuous I have been living here since 1977 great next one what do you do tomorrow what do you do tomorrow yeah exactly do you do is the present tense tomorrow is the future so what are you doing tomorrow or what you going to do tomorrow futures right next one they haven't to work on Sundays they haven't to work on Sundays negative wrong present tense the auxilary exactly they don't have to work on Sundays great that's one do she play tennis do she play tennis terrible yeah exactly third-person so does she play tennis excuse me next one I call you later I call you later think of this snap decision so it becomes exactly I'll call you I'll call you later great let's run he just left he just left okay we have just with just we use Jeannie Justin already never yet present perfect so yeah he has just left he has just left great this one here if I would know I would tell you if I would know I would tell you not possible second conditional if I knew fantastic I would tell you and the last one how much it cost this is a typical mistaken how much it cost it's a question you need an auxilary so that's it how much does it cost fantastic your great great students keep on studying like this and you'll be able to speak English like me at the end of the course all right great we'll take care keep studying see you in the next lesson okay bye you you good evening my name is Nick how do you do how do you do Nick my name is Anne it's a pleasure to meet you the pleasure is all mine so this is the apartment it's very beautiful it's so clean and tidy I love cleanliness I'd even say that I'm a maniac for cleaning ramie well yes my friends give me a hard time they say that I'm the mommy of the group is that so my friends say the same thing about me well there's another thing and to tell you the truth it's a little embarrassing I have another hobby which I adore what that be well I just adore cooking in fact could I take a look at the kitchen are you okay what the kitchen do you think you could show me the kitchen oh I'm sorry it's just that well I love cooking fantastic that way we can experiment and try out new dishes together okay so where is it right um the kitchen is in there and crate rooming well-lit and tidy just as I like it I've got to confess that the kitchen is key to whether I come to live here or not oh um well Nick are you pleased I mean with the apartments oh yes it's very lovely I like it very much not only the apartment thank you um so when would you like to move in well if it's all right I'll move in tonight I just need some time to get my things oh that's great well I'll cook up some dinner one you get your things and then you can tell me what you think I'm sure I'm not as good as you not so sure I'll go get my things I'll try to hurry up and then I can give you a hand you know what end I think we're gonna get along well you so Anne and Nick cleaned happily ever after now in the last episodes we have seen lives changing we've seen people saying goodbye and I want to look at that language that we use when we say fare well fare well in English is a word which means stay well in the future so let's look at some of the language we can use we heard I'm sorry to see you go and also I'm going to miss you I'm going to miss you hope to see you again soon is something we very often use hope to see you again soon okay call me from time to time call me from time to time is a nice one another really nice expression in English is let's keep in touch let's keep in touch all right so that you continue having a contact with that person let's keep in touch let me know how you're doing let me know how you're doing okay then saying goodbye to people some examples are all the best all the best for your new job for example to Peter good luck with your new job another very common expression good luck with your new job see you soon see you soon yes like an imperative there take care that's really very nice it means look after yourself look after yourself or take care then safe journey now that's when people are leaving by car or by plane or by train safe journey and you're wishing that they have no problems then goodbye or more informally bye cheers which is something we use a lot in England and we also use it when you're drinking with someone Cheers also for goodbye Cheers and we also use the Italian form ciao so bye Cheers and ciao until our next lesson where we'll be doing some more English language ciao hello hello I'm Lucy Ross and this is talk cinema and today with our cinema expert Sanjeev Gupta we pay homage to one of the most popular films of all time an unforgettable Hollywood masterpiece I don't think I need say more I'm sure you all know the film we're going to talk about today Casablanca Casablanca the amazing cast the fantastic script and of course the unforgettable story yes there'll always be a place in my heart for Casablanca and not only in your heart Sanjeev well let's try to explain to our viewers why this film is so popular first of all there are the performances of two of Hollywood's greatest actors and free Bogart and Ingrid Bergman and secondly it's a firm that was able to bring romance together with the serious theme of resistance to the Nazis the end result is a passionate love story brimming over with the emotion yes you just can't forget the wonderful performances of Humphrey Bogart and Ingrid Bergman could you run through the plot for our Sanjeev just to jog our viewers memories sure Casablanca takes us back to a wartime Europe of Nazis and freedom fighters the film directed by Michael Curtis in 1942 focuses on the character of Rick Blaine a cynical American who has escaped from occupied France to open an upmarket jazz bar in the Moroccan city of Casablanca he has to choose between his love for Ilsa and his duty to help her husband Laszlo a resistance leader to escape for Morocco to continue his fight against the Nazis Ilsa first met and fell in love with Rick in Paris she believed her husband had been killed by the Nazis when she discovers that Laszlo is still alive she leaves Rick abruptly without explanation and returns to Laszlo leaving Rick feeling betrayed and bitter in the end Rick sacrifices his love and helps Laszlo and Ilsa to escape to Lisbon well that's it yes who can forget Rick's famous line to Ilsa as she gets on the plane at the end of the film we'll always have Paris that's true there are also several other famous lines in the film for example when Rick says to Ilsa here's looking at you kid or when Ilsa says to Sam the piano player play it Sam play wait a minute what's the name of that song oh yes I remember as time goes by I've sung it so many times but tell us am I correct in thinking the film won an Oscar three Oscars for Best Picture Best Director and Best Screenplay it was a big hit in 1942 and has been ever since Casablanca represents Hollywood at its best a film with undying universal appeal the film is still shown regularly in America really do you mean on TV or in the cinema both actually you know colleges across the USA show the film every year during the week of graduation exams this has helped keep the film popular well it certainly is an unforgettable film that's Casablanca thanks to our expert Sanjeev goodbye Lucy goodbye and good bye everyone see you again soon with the next edition of torque cinema so have you seen Casablanca it really is an unforgettable masterpiece we say something is unforgettable when it's difficult to forget Casablanca is unforgettable because it's such a good film we call it a masterpiece a masterpiece is an excellent piece of work we usually use it for films books and art why is Casablanca such an unforgettable film first of all the amazing cast amazing here means incredible very good the cast is all the actors of a film Casablanca features Humphrey Bogart and Ingrid Bergman if you've seen it you can't forget their incredible performances an actor's performance is the way the actor plays his or her role secondly the script the script is the text of a film or a play in fact Casablanca won three Oscars one for the Best Screenplay the screenplay is another word for the script it won Best Director the director was Michael Curtis we say it was directed by Michael Curtis and it won Best Picture Best Picture means Best Film I'll quickly run through the plot to jog your memories what does all that mean to run through something means to make a brief summary the plot is the storyline what happens in the film and to jog someone's memory means to help them remember sanjeev jogs my memory he made me remember some famous lines from the film a line is something an actor says in the film one of the most famous lines is at the end of the film we'll always have Paris notice how we say at the end of something but in the end means finally after some time and now it's time for me to say goodbye so see you all next time bye good morning and welcome to this week's edition of the travel program in the studio with me as always is Christine o Tang our travel expert good morning Lucy and hello to everyone are you dreaming of your next holiday you can't wait to get away from it all thinking of going to an exotic tropical destination well let's have a look at some suggestions that will make your travels more rewarding and help local people to so over to you Christine thanks Lucy well the golden rule for a true traveler is to respect the culture and environment of the country you're visiting this is why I want to talk today about ethical travel I'm not talking here about a weekend in Paris or a week on a Greek island but more about tourism to more distant locations in poor developing countries ethical travel is all about what to do when you're on holiday in one of these countries can you give an example sure to start with before you leave home try to choose a travel company that gives part of its profits to a fund that supports local community projects you know with traditional tourism only a very small percentage of the income generated by visitors actually goes to local people most of the money that tourists spend goes to multinational companies usually these companies take their profits out of the country and do very little to help local communities and the local environment you're right the tourist industry can be a very cutthroat business so do you have any other suggestions on how we can travel ethically sure choose a resort that is built with local materials in the local style or stay in local family-run hotels shop and eat where local people do use public transport and try to learn a few words of the language before you leave home the only way to really get to know a country is to get in touch with local people so it can be useful to read up on the place you're going to visit and its culture before you leave home of course tourists usually see the local culture as something colorful and exotic without really understanding it very well it's important though to learn about local traditions and to respect them do this and your holiday would be much more rewarding experience one more thing do remember to always ask before taking photos and what about shopping is this against the concept of ethical travel absolutely not shopping is always fun but do use your head when shopping I mean try to buy souvenirs from local markets and always pay a fair price for goods bargaining's fine but don't beat the locals down too much one important thing never buy souvenirs made from endangered species this is illegal and damages the local ecosystem fine so an ethical traveler is a responsible tourist who knows how to combine the joys of travelling with a respect for the local culture and environment any more advice for us Christine yes just one last thing follow these suggestions and your travels would be a lot more rewarding and much more fun I'm sure they will be well thanks Christine for your really useful tips on how to be an ethical traveler well that's all we have time for today so goodbye Christine good bye to all travelers and remember travel ethically and enjoy your holidays more see you soon with another edition of the travel program goodbye well I can't wait to get away from it all I can't wait is an expression that means you're looking forward to something to get away from it all means to have a holiday and leave your daily life behind today Christine gave us some tips on how to be an ethical traveler a tip is a piece of advice a suggestion first of all what is ethical travel it's travel that respects the local culture and environment local means from a specific place for example the local people are the people that live in a place and the local culture is the culture from that place the environment is the world that surrounds us all the social physical and cultural conditions of a place Christine gave us a golden rule a rule that should not be broken the golden rule for an ethical traveler is in fact to respect the local culture and environment she also suggested choosing a travel company that gives some of its profit to local communities a community is a group of people living in the same area a travel company is a company that organizes tours to various parts of the world and you should read up on the place you want to visit to read up on something means to research and get information about something the best place to stay is in a family-run hotel family-run means it's owned and managed by a family and when you go shopping in a market arguing is okay to bargain means to decide the price with the seller if something costs 20 dollars you bargain to pay $15 but don't beat the locals down too much to beat someone down means to force them to reduce the price of something that's all for this week see you again soon
Channel: Learn English Conversation
Views: 349,447
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Id: mSsgBq0p-jo
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Length: 48min 40sec (2920 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 13 2014
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