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hello again and welcome back to english today and this is DVD 22 and the fifth and last DVD of your advanced level and the series and in this DVD you will see another two episodes of our story that's life followed by some more special TV programs this time our sports expert will be talking about Wimbledon and then our culinary experts will be talking about wine tasting then in the grammar section we'll study some more useful phrases for when you're socializing and other ways of expressing probability using likely and unlikely alright so enjoy your viewing hi I'm so happy I've accepted my invitation what a strange voice you have I almost wouldn't have recognized you it's the thrill you can't imagine how I've longed for this moment already you don't say to be truthful I'm rather emotional myself I'm glad you feel that way so down boy I really don't want to wake the others or the others never mind or care if they find out actually I'd rather they didn't you know how I am I'm shy reserved oh what a pity I know and that's why I'm crazy about you reserved with the others but you are a tiger when it comes to what you want come again or you know exactly what I'm speaking about it's like a candle I want to see your face what what are you doing here and it's me but don't worry o date you don't remember who you are little nervous come here baby it does me let go but you can't touch me oh you should be ashamed of yourself oh hey what's going on in here and what the and ah now I understand everything thanks a lot and what a great friend you are no what an idiot I was to confide in you really us it's not like you think and what am I supposed to think then it seems pretty clear to me but really let me explain I thought it would be ever would be jack one does Jack have to do with it why did you leave me this knot in my napkin the other day it was it was me write you that note I can't believe you don't get it the poetry and the Roses that was you sorry about that I thought I'm so sorry what an amateur you are Edward hey have you read the paper there's an article about Peter our seniors become famous now I haven't read it to tell you the truth I'm really not interested it's very interesting hey Alice hi Alice take it big in the paper there's an article about Peter wait glad to hear your case fun you girls are it's quite the pleasure to hang out with you Edward at least you'll be interested would you like to read this article about our friend Peter actually I would object what somebody explain what's going on I have never seen so many long faces you and your expert advice well what's eating you me is he gonna start raving mad no Jack I've gone stark raving mad yet again I played the fool or an idiot okay Alice at least you'll explain what's going on I'm in the dark here it's a long story Jack horrible mess all began with a misunderstanding well I'm all ears go on Alice do tell hello again and welcome back I want to look at some more socializing language with you because very often you just don't learn that when you study in schools and things like that and it's very important when you're traveling to be able to socialize and feel confident what I'm going to do is some of the things on you some of the things you already know now I'm going to say something to you and I want you to think about how we use these particular phrases alright so let's start now if I say to you never mind don't worry never mind don't worry when do we use that yeah it's often in a situation where for example you disturb somebody you say oh I'm terribly sorry because you pour red wine on their trousers or something like that I'm terribly sorry the person apologizes and you say never mind don't worry it means for you it's not important okay so never mind don't worry what about this one if I say what a pity or oh what a shame when do I use that what a pity what a shame yeah it's to express your disappointment when something happens oh you can't come tonight what a pity what a shame all right so disappointment good next one this is difficult this is new for you if I say just as well just as well what does that mean a you don't know it's difficult just as well has no sense individually I'll give you an example it's not going to rain tomorrow just as well and in that situation just as well means I'm happy about that that's good alright so just as well is like saying that's good alright just as well great next one sorry about that notice we say sorry about that okay that's when you want to apologize about something sorry about that very common sorry about that next one this one well fancy that well fancy that now this we use when we want to express surprise fancy that he won the competition really fancy that okay good next one you must be joking you must be joking joking now that is when you don't believe something you want to express your disbelief so for example um England won the World Cup oh come on you must be joking alright now this one you do know so this is revision when do we say well actually I'd rather you didn't well actually I'd rather you didn't you know those golden words well actually yeah somebody asks you something like do you mind if I smoke and you want to say no politely not aggressively so well actually preparation psychological preparation for no well actually I'd rather I would rather you didn't well actually I'd rather you didn't very important these are nice mind how you go take care very nice phrases those mind how you go take care we say those mind how you go means be careful when you're traveling when somebody is leaving you and saying goodbye we wish them that take care mind how you go means look after yourself all right and the last one is Cheers now Cheers is something we usually use when we're drinking to people Cheers but now we also use it in a familiar way to say goodbye Cheers so that's what I'll say to you now we've finished our socializing lessons so Cheers see you in the next lesson hi Anne have you got a minute hi jack I'd like to have a word you've probably already heard the sordid story yes listen and no I want you to listen Jack I've probably had a good laugh on my behalf now that said I prefer no further comments on the story it is not my intention to make fun of you in it although I must admit the whole misunderstanding but rather a music great now pretty please let's not talk about it anymore look I would like to have a word about it I'm about to say is is sure to surprise you nothing's bound to surprise me anymore jack anyway listen don't worry you don't have to explain I know how things are I know that you like me just as a friend a friend that is well maybe if we'd met it some other time hey things would have done differently and then well perhaps a bla bla bla bla bla bla bla and can I speak for one minute please yes thank you you're right ahead no you know how how I suffered about Sharon and after her right I didn't think I'd ever feel anything about another woman but then you came back from your holiday and and I started to feel better I didn't think about sharing so much what are you getting at jack and then it was because of you then that I managed to forget about Sharon that's what friends are for this path you really don't get it to you what back yeah Eden I'm trying to tell you that in love with you I didn't want to believe it at first I thought I was attracted to you me because I I felt so alone in the world but then this feeling grew and and when Alice told me about Edward I realized it should have been me to bring you those flowers Jack if this is some kind of a joke it's not very amazing no no no no no it's the truth I swear we were made for each other I should have realized it sooner inside Oh JA so Edward are you going to explain why you called us all here today what's so urgent what listen something marvelous has happened to say the list I must say I'm a little unsure about what you tell marvelous to further our differences Allie's we should all be happy today oh just one yep oh great great don't worry eh they are certain to accept I've already spoken with the group yet they are bound to be I will be sure to get the details later bye bye Edward do you plan on telling us what's going on well you all remember that I was in touch with the producer to propose what I filmed in his house yes and he ate it up he loved you all the hours your daily gossip your relationships are great they've already arrived and excuse me for a moment I'll get it who's arrived hmm come come in come in this way are these people all down now mr. Martin the producer has accepted my proposal we are going to make some TV shows here and you you are going to be the stars you are bound to become famous and I have already come up with the title at all with and what do you think God hello again and here we are at the last lesson and if you are still with me you are so dedicated I would want to give you a medal fantastic so in this last lesson I want to say a couple more things about probability and improbability because it's very important to have and to understand a couple of these words which I don't think you've heard before so we'll go to the screen to look at these words because they're quite complicated so probability and improbability look at the screen we can use two words unlikely and likely have you ever heard of those unlikely and likely no maybe not let me show you how they work I can say to you if for example let's take my sister my sister is a gymnast she's going in for a competition but the probability that she will win is low so to say that in English I can say she's unlikely to win look at that structure it's the verb to be plus unlikely plus the infinitive so if I say to you my sister is unlikely to win the competition it means the probability is low all right so she's unlikely to win now I can increase that negative probability by saying it's highly unlikely for example the weather let's say the weather the weather is bad and the chances that it will be improved tomorrow negative I say it's highly unlikely to improve highly unlikely means it's almost impossible so we can add highly to unlikely you see unusual unusual structure this another example he's unlikely to get it all right so I want you to think about that unlikely is something we use a lot in the English language you need to recognize it and to use it yourselves now let's move on to real probability expressing real probability um in English we can use the word certain sure these are words that you already know but there's another word which I don't think you know and it's bound from the verb bind bound bound now if I say to you they're bound to accept yours probably think what now they are bound to accept means they are certain or they are sure to accept so this is describing real probability all right bound to shore to certain - look at the examples they are bound to accept it we are sure to arrive on time it's certain to work now let's take some examples and put them in sentences I say to you China will become a major world power now what do you think about the probability of that well hai-yah so we could say China is highly likely this is the positive form highly likely to become a major world power another situation what about this in our lifetimes a woman will become Pope how about that mmm right we would say it's highly unlikely that a woman will become Pope all right highly unlikely another example the world's climate will continue to change I think that's obvious yeah so we could say the world's climate is bound to continue is sure to continue to change if we keep behaving like this and one more you'll learn English if you follow this course that's for sure so we would say you're sure you're bound to learn English if you follow this course all right so different ways for you to express probability strong probability less strong probability fantastic well what can I say to you you have been wonderful you've studied hard followed all the lessons all I can say is keep practicing go to England go to America go to Canada go on a holiday speak to tourists speak to friends do courses keep reading it's important you know English is an important language today it's not possible to work or live without it so thank you for being such great students and who knows maybe you and I will bump into each other in a street in London well I hope so so take care look after yourselves and good luck with your English okay bye and thanks again the tennis that for many years insisted players wear only white the tournament where the games played on grass and where tradition is a key ingredient of course I'm talking about Wimbledon good evening I'm Eric Brown and here in the studio with me to tell us more about this famous championship is John Forbes our Sports expert welcome John good evening Eric and hello everyone so John can you tell us just why Wimbledon is by far the world's most prestigious tennis tournament well Eric the world's first international tournament took place at Wimbledon today of course there are many international tournaments but Wimbledon has managed to retain a special place in the hearts of tennis fans and most players around the world and win did the first championship take place the first tournament took place in 1877 and there were a couple of hundred spectators today nearly half a million people go to watch the tennis and in addition millions worldwide follow the games on television radio and via the internet for many years players used to wear white on court no other colors were allowed this has changed today though and the grass courts well yes it may be hard to believe but the games are still played on natural grass obviously a great deal of care and attention goes into getting the grass to the state of perfection for example for example one tonne of grass seed and 3 million litres of water a year and a team of 14 groundsman 14 yes 14 but you know Wimbledon's famous grass surface can cause problems what sort of problems today very few top-level championships are played on grass the world's top players just aren't used to playing on grass anymore and some top players really dislike grass oh where grass courts more common in the past yes they were three of the four Grand Slam tournaments used to be played on grass I guess the one exception was the rolling Goro tournament in Paris that's always been played on clay right that's right Eric but the Australian and the US Opens which were originally played on grass have now switched to surfaces requiring less maintenance leaving only Wimbledon with the surface on which tennis originated and what difference does the surface make actually it makes a big difference Eric on grass courts for example serves can be very very fast over 210 km/h and the ball tends to bounce lower than on other surfaces giving attacking players an advantage and the alternatives one alternative is the clay surface of the courts of Roland Goro in Paris here compared with Wimbledon the game tends to be slower and the ball bounces higher giving the defensive players the advantage fascinating okay thank you John hey oh one last question where exactly is Wimbledon Wimbledon is a pleasant leafy suburb in southwest London obviously it's famous all around the world for the Tennis Championships that take place there every summer okay thank you again thank you goodbye and good bye to you and see you again next week for another edition of sports special today's topic was one of the most important tennis tournaments in the world a tournament is a sports competition did you know the first Wimbledon tennis championship took place in 1877 to take place means to happen in a certain location a championship is like a tournament there are a series of games and there is a winner a champion today Wimbledon has nearly half a million spectators spectators are people who watch something from a short distance and millions of viewers follow the championship on TV viewers are people who watch something on TV we can also say to follow something on TV a person who plays tennis is called a tennis player tennis is played on a tennis court the Wimbledon Championships are played on grass courts tennis courts with a grass as surface they require a lot of maintenance maintenance means care and looking after the other three famous Grand Slam tournaments are all played on clay courts a clay court has a fine red earth surface the first shot in tennis is called a serve a series of shots between players is called a rally when the ball hits the ground we say it bounces the ball tends to bounce higher on clay courts and it bounces lower on grass courts to tend to do something this means it has a habit of doing something on grass courts the game tends to be faster Wimbledon is a leafy suburb in South London a suburb is an area of houses away from the city centre and leafy means there are a lot of trees that's about it for today I'll see you on sports special next week bye bye welcome to all our viewers Lisa this is our last show together I hope you've enjoyed these informal chats as much as I have of course it's been fun for me as well now then what are you going to talk about today I've received quite a few emails from people who want to learn about wine-tasting you know it's become very trendy these days great I wouldn't mind understanding a little more about wine myself let's begin with the right approach to wine first of all before drinking it one should appreciate the taste of wine there are three steps to correct wine-tasting look smell and taste what should one look for color is the first thing whites range from green to yellow to brown and red ones can be pale red to deep brown is the color of wine related to age the general rule is whites tend to darken with age it's usually the opposite for red ones but tell me Lisa why do people tend to swirl their wine before tasting it for two reasons to observe the body of the wine and smell its aroma now how do aromas of wines differ well there are many different kinds of bouquet for example perfumed spicy smoky and toasty well now it's time to taste oh if we're tasting how should wines be poured let me show you still wines like this one should be poured towards the center of the glass mm-hmm remember that sparkling wines on the other hand should be poured against the side of the glass why is that so the bubbles don't escape so now try sloshing the wine yourself observe it carefully are there good legs legs what do you mean can you see the droplets on the glass yes well they indicate thick body of the wine now have a first sip swish the wine around your mouth and give us your first impression it's how can you say slightly bitter seems like a fruity taste to me you see you've already identified two wine flavors now take another sip and see if you can't taste the tannin I'm not really sure in the beginning it's difficult to define a wine hmm this is without a doubt a round full-bodied wine hmm now I noticed you chose this glass for red wine what are those glasses for this glass for red wine is called a Rhine glass this tulip shaped glass is for white wines and that flute is for sparkling wines and those items over there are the basic wine utensils aren't they yes this is a corkscrew and this is a foil cutter other useful objects are drip catcher and a decanter hmm well I'm sure there's a myriad of things that we could say about wine but unfortunately our time is up Lisa thank you for being such a great hostess my pleasure now let's have a look at the language we used Lisa said that wine-tasting has three steps when we look at wine we study its appearance when we take a whiff of wine we smell it so as to appreciate the bouquet this is also called aroma or nose it can be perfumed fruity a Polly berry like for example bitter toasty smoky spicy and so on I asked about swirling this is moving the glass around quickly to draw in some air when you slosh wine the movement is more agitated legs are the viscous drops that form and run down the sides of the glass after swirling wine a body refers to the weight of wine in one's mouth wines can be defined round full-bodied medium bodied or light bodied aftertaste defines the taste that remains in one's mouth length of time after swallowing tannin is a chemical compound from bark wood etc used in tanning it mostly refers to red wines then lisa describes a different method in pouring still wines wines without bubbles or sparkling wines wines with bubbles now a quick look at wine utensils a corkscrew is what we use for pulling corks out of bottles a drip catcher will avoid drops falling on the tablecloth to let wines breathe we use a decanter thank you very much for your attention good bye
Channel: Learn English Conversation
Views: 364,100
Rating: undefined out of 5
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Length: 34min 10sec (2050 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 12 2014
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