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hello and welcome back to english today this is DVD 10 and the second DVD of your lower intermediate level and in this DVD we'll begin with another three episodes of our story that's life followed by our special TV programs where our travel expert will be looking at capsule hotels and then in our cinema program we'll be talking about Bollywood then in the grammar section we will study more about the forms will and going to in the future and their uses we'll also study the past continuous tense and the different uses of the word like so I hope you enjoy yourselves Alice what are you going to do today I don't know why I'm going to do some shopping for this evening would you like to come along I'd like to make dinner for Jack's armed I also want to invite Sharon and Peter my lesson is at 3:00 I don't know what time I'll finish don't worry I'm going to do some work before that I don't think I'll finish before 5:00 so what do you say okay but only if you loan me your Red Hat okay I'll lend you the hat but be careful if you lose it I'll get very angry good morning everyone oh good morning mrs. and rainy what are you talking about we're deciding what we're going to do today how are you going to spend your day I think I'll go for a walk in the city center maybe do a little shopping oh I think it's going to rain just look at those clouds hi guys int I'm on my way out Jack aren't you great to have breakfast oh I can't auntie I am meeting a Japanese client if I get there late my boss will have a fifth you can't go on an empty stomach oh don't worry I'll have something to eat at lunch oh wait Jack I'll come with you so we'll see each other at 5:00 don't forget I'm worried about Jack he's so thin maybe he isn't eating enough oh he won't starve if he misses breakfast he seems so rundown and so distracted he's always thinking about something else maybe he's in love excuse me a moment I'll get that hello and welcome back for another English language lesson on your live program I want to tell you something else about will remember that we learn to will for snap decisions like I'll buy it well now I want to teach you another use of will which is very common for predictions and I want you to watch this situation which is very typical of the use of will okay great good afternoon ladies and gentlemen and here is the weather forecast for the bank holiday weekend in North Scotland it will be very cold without breaks of snow in the mountains temperatures will remain low as a cold front moves across the region now in the north of England it will be somewhat wet as rain will move across the region until late into the night so if you're planning on going walking take some waterproof clothes with you in East Anglia it will be dry but generally dull and rather cloudy unfortunately however in South England it would be a bright clear day with sunshine a day for the beach and in South East England in the morning it will be foggy but then it will clear in the afternoon and there will be a wonderful warm wind so ladies and gentlemen that is the forecast for your weekend your holiday weekend and I hope you enjoy yourselves if I were you I would go to South England where the sun is shining goodbye okay now there I was telling you the weather forecast and that is a typical example of when we use will let's look at the board now will is easy really it's just the pronunciation which is difficult I said tomorrow it'll be cold you notice how it will be comes it'll it'll strange pronunciation yeah so tomorrow it'll be cold it will be sunny it'll be winter it won't be sunny is the negative won't remember the difference between will not won't and want won't want so be careful with that pronunciation so it'll be sunny and it won't be sunny you could say okay so that's another use of will for predictions so we have learnt snap decisions I'll buy it and predictions tomorrow it'll rain so what do you think it will do tomorrow we'll find out won't we okay see you in the next lesson bye this is Jax at Carolina it's a pleasure to meet you I'm Sharon Evans I live next door another woman and very pretty I might add let me guess you're Jack's friend too who knows why my nephew prefers female friends excuse me I have to go Sharon why don't you stay you can get to know each other better Shannon I'm a little worried about Jack he's so distracted these days maybe there's something you know I don't mean I don't know anything really it's strange I know his work is going very well maybe there's a woman in the picture listen I'm very sorry as I told you I don't know anything about it no I really must get going okay okay what's the matter Sharon you look a little upset I'm fine just just a little tired that's all isn't Sharon you seem like such a nice girl may I ask you a favor certainly go right ahead you know I'm going to leave in a few days when I leave will you take care of Jack it would make me feel so much better oh well I don't know I don't know if I can do that do I not I not really the right person and I'm also engaged to Peter We Live Together engaged that's strange why do you say that because love is joyful my girl and you seem well you seem so unhappy hello again and welcome back Jack's aunt is like a walking x-ray isn't she now I want to look at going to with you again remember in the last lesson some lessons ago we learned going to for a future intention you know when I won - it was 20,000 euro I said I'm going to have a good holiday well I want to look at another use of going to now which is for inevitable results let me give you an example if I take this jug and this glass and I start pouring water like this into it right I say stop it's going to overflow you can see it happening and the result is inevitable so this is another situation when we use going to let me give you some other examples for example let's think football yeah you see the umpire the referee you see the referee yeah he does this a red card inevitable inevitable result is he's going to send off a player red card look at this I'm going to make a speech and clearing my throat I'm preparing myself the inevitable result is I'm going to make a speech okay now this my god it's four o'clock um my train is a quarter past four and it takes me 20 minutes to get there by taxi oh no inevitable result I'm going to miss my train alright one more example watch me hmm I'm going to fall asleep that's the inevitable reaction okay so I want to look at those with you on the screen now let's have a look so before we said that we use going to for future intentions so let's remind ourselves of that so I'm going to learn Portuguese for example or he's going to make a speech these are intentions okay be careful you're going to drop those plates okay so when it's an intention you often think about the plan you've planned it before remember that I'm going to go on holiday I'm going to buy some beautiful plates it's all planned and programmed but going to in this situation I showed you is for something you see is about to happen so I look at my clock I'm going to miss my train the referees going to send him off the football pitch example be careful you're going to lose the match in the football situation for example okay so these are all things that are going to happen you see them and it's inevitable so you need to decide between the two situations all right whether it's an intention or whether it's a predictable action or result now an intention for you is you are going to be very good at English okay that's a future intention good so that's going to and I'll see you again in the next lesson bye hello and you're very beautiful this evening come on would you like a nice big kiss Peter are you crazy what's the special occasion I'm so happy violated but you'll never like this what's happened do you remember that famous director who was at my performance what did he look like you know that tall well-dressed man about fifty years old he looked like Clark Gable oh yes now I remember well he said he wanted to direct a musical in Japan yes and but so what and he said he wanted me to do an audition yes I can't stand the suspense Oh what about him well today I auditioned and listen to this and he wants me to go with him to Japan Oh congratulations Peter that's fantastic I'm so happy for you well now tell me everything what was the audition like I was very nervous at first he asked me to sing and then he asked me to act like a snob you know they're putting on my fair lady and they're looking for an actor to play the professor of pronunciation remember this professor transforms a simple flower girl into a high-society star oh wow eating no you are perfect for the part but you like wearing fancy scarves you enjoy using a superior tone of voice and are you going to move to Japan of course I'm so excited about the idea of living there I wonder what it will be like what does Sharon think about all this well she doesn't know yet you know she's so moody hmm I need to find the right words anyways it all I can think about now is celebrating do you want to go dancing but you hate dancing PETA I know but I want to be crazy tonight put on your best dress I want you to look like Sophie Lorraine hey what's happening here you're kissing each other Alice now hold on I'm leaving for Japan for Japan what are you going to do in Japan I'm gonna act in a great musical my fair lady that's amazing and when are you going to leave I don't really know yet I think we're going to leave in two or three weeks at the most and what - Sharon think about this Sharon Sharon all you want to know about is Sharon I imagine she'll be very pleased to come with me at any rate it's time to party we're going dancing would you like to join us dancing why aren't you always like this going to Japan is making you much more fun hello again and welcome back to english today for some more English lessons Japan now that's an interesting destination isn't it have you ever been there no neither of I I'd love to go now in this lesson I'd like to do some revision about the simple past irregular verbs and I want to do a type of quiz with you it's very simple just to see if you can remember the irregular verbs okay I will say something a phrase in the positive form in the past let me give you an example I said that yesterday now you have to find the infinitive of the past tense and formulate the question so I said that yesterday what's the question what remember yeah the auxilary for the simple past is did what did I not said is the past tense of what say exactly so what did I say yesterday all right that's the quiz I say the positive form you make the question form all right let's start okay I sold it yesterday I sold it yesterday when sold when did I sell it okay sell sold next one I met him on Monday I met him on Monday met so when yeah okay when did I meet him when did I meet him very good next one I came by train I came by train how did I come all right how did I come very good next one I had a problem I had a problem be careful I had a problem what problem did you have remember have always takes the auxilary in the past tense and in the present tense so what problem did you have great next one I bought it in England I bought it in England where did you buy very good where did you buy it great next one I found it on the bus I found it on the bus where did you find find found where did you find it good next I thought it was good I thought it was good what did you think about it think thought what did you think about it great next one he was at home he was at home where peek-a-ball was a verb to be remember an exception where did he be no no you can't use the auxiliary with a verb to be so he was at home where was he okay so don't forget that the verb to be as an exception doesn't use auxiliaries right next one I flew by British Airways hmm flew how did you fly okay I saw the film yesterday I saw s.a.w the film yesterday when did you see the film okay great we're getting good I drank some wine I drank some wine what did you drink and the last one I took an aspirin took tea oh okay I took an aspirin what did you take fabulous let's go and look at those on the board now quickly just to remind you also of the spelling all right so I said that yesterday what did you say said infinitive say I sold it yesterday when did you sell it I met him on Monday when did you meet him I came by train how did you come I had a problem what problem did you have I bought it in England where did you buy it I found it on the bus where did you find it I thought it was good what did you think about it he was at home where was he no no auxilary I flew by British Airways how did you fly I saw the film yesterday what did you see I drank some wine what did you drink and I took an aspirin what did you take great you see it's really just a question of practice with the irregular past tense verbs it's a question of memory and familiarizing yourselves with them it will come with practice okay great so see you in the next lesson bye hi everybody wow I'm really pleased to see everyone dressing up like this for me haha you'd like to be the center of attention wouldn't you well of course and that color really suits you and Alice made up like that you look much older what's happening anyway why are you all so elegant did I forget something no Jack we're going out to celebrate with Peter he's going to play a role in musical and he's moving to Japan to Japan what does Sharon think about all this she doesn't know anyway according to Peter she'll be ecstatic about the idea of moving to Japan moving to Japan what does Sharon have to do with Peters musical anyway wait how it is jack when two people are together they make changes together and anyway why do you care Peter and Sharon who did it I don't care but I really don't think that Sharon is going to be happy about moving to Japan that's what you think well of course I could be wrong in any case it's useless to make guesses hey Jack do you want to come with us not really the hotel Peter I'm sorry but I don't really feel like celebrating tonight well you don't know what you're missing sayonara jack you sayonara do you know what that is in English well it's hello hi howdy how are you doing how's it going sayonara in that episode we heard three interesting uses of like now and said what did he look like Peter said I wonder what it'll be like and Peter also said would you like to go dancing interesting hey this word like in English is really very very interesting because it has different uses and different meanings and mr. monkey is going to help me explain them to you now if I ask the question what would he like to do what would he like to do mr. monkey what would you like to do mr. monkey you know what he said he said he would like to find a mrs. monkey well that's natural what does it express what would he like to do would like expresses desires wishes and once so that's one form what would he like to do what is his desire would like with the conditional form that's one next one if I ask what does he like in the present tense what does he like well I know I know he likes jumping around trees and eating nuts what do you like that's a question about your general likes the things that you like doing on a regular basis for example I like singing he likes eating nuts what do you like doing do you like going to the cinema going to the theater so there's a general likes alright number two number three I say what does he look like the answer to that question is well he's got blond hair he's got a squashy nose and he's got short legs sorry mr. monkey now what does he look like we use when we're talking about somebody's physical appearance what does he look like what does my boyfriend look like well he's well he's not too tall actually he's good-looking he's dark he's handsome all right look like is there for physical appearance and the last one is if I say what is he like the verb to be with like what is he like well the answer with mr. monkey is he's kind he's loving he's generous he's just gorgeous so what does he like is the general impression about something so that's for different uses of like very very interesting let's look at them together on the board to help you so the first thing the first thing we said was talking about a specific request about something you desire or something you want okay so what would he like to do so would like the answer could be in his case he liked to have a long holiday in the Sun yeah and wouldn't you alright the next question was what does he like and sis for general likes hobbies for example and the answer could be well he likes going to the theater and the cinema he likes playing with other female monkeys okay so next question was what does he look like now that's for physical appearance remember what does he look like he's dark he's handsome that's my boyfriend he's short and blonde that's mr. monkey and then the last one is what is he like the verb to be with like at the end for general personality and character so what's he like but he's easygoing he's very generous he's friendly etc I want to draw your attention to one more question in English which is often confused by people who speak other languages the question how is he means only one thing in English how is he like how are you is asking about somebody's general state of health about how they're feeling so how are you I'm fine thanks how is he is not about his appearance or his character but about how he feels how is he he's fine or well he's a bit tired he's a bit stressed okay so very very interesting word that like and listen out for it for the different uses because you'll find it very useful won't they mr. monkey see you soon bye yes sure okay four o'clock is fine I'll see you later bye who are you speaking to sharing to the museum I sent my CV to I'm gonna have an interview this afternoon uh-huh great but I really don't understand why you're in such a rush to find a job you know very well I don't enjoy being a tour guide now let's get back to us where were you last night you didn't get home until 3:00 in the morning I was out with an analysis and Sharon I have to tell you something very important what's the matter Peter is something wrong well not really wrong but yesterday remember when I was waiting for you outside the gym you saw that director didn't you the one who wants to put on a musical in Japan yes that's the one well he asked me to audition and well we had a meeting and the audition went very well but the shame you weren't there I was fantastic let me tell you what happened firstly when I arrived they were rehearsing the first scene of my fair lady a girl was selling flowers in the street people were passing by without noticing her two men were watching the scene laughing all the while but then I sat down because I didn't want to interrupt anything after that all of a sudden the director noticed me he called out to me and asked me to play one of the roles and here comes the best part finally while I was singing he interrupted me and he shouted good night my boy the part is yours did you believe it's Erin I got the leading part I'm really happy for you Peter you should be happy for both of us why is that because we're gonna leave for Japan in two or three weeks at the most you'll come with me won't you Sharon Japan but but how this is such a surprise I I don't know Peter I certainly wasn't expecting this what's the problem a change will do us both good what's keeping you here you don't seem happy with your work that's true I wanted to change but I certainly wasn't expecting this this is so sudden I'm completely confused hello again Peter and Japan or Jack and England Sharon the choice is yours what would you choose now there was something that Peter said in that episode which is interesting and that I'd like to teach you now he said while I was singing he interrupted me and shouted the part is yours while I was singing he interrupted me now that is an example of the past continuous tense which is what I'd like to look at with you now and I want to give you some examples of that if you listen using my friend The Alchemist now this is the alchemist and he travels through many countries looking for magical potions to help people and he was travelling in Tibet for many many days and was extremely tired so he decided to lie down and rest so mr. Alchemist rested in the mountains of Tibet and while he was resting a magical butterfly from Tibet rested near his head to protect him and these butterflies in Tibet protect good people from the evil around and there are evil things in the mountains of Tibet so while he was resting and regaining his energy suddenly a ferocious lion appear and saw the alchemist and the butterfly ready and thought haha a great two course dinner a starter and a main course as he was preparing to attack the butterfly saw him but didn't move as the lion was getting closer suddenly the butterfly turned and cast a spell on the lion and the lion bit off his tongue and died that was the end of the lion and the alchemist survived let's look at the language that I use there the past continuous now the past continuous as I said before is a tense that we use when an action is continuing and is sometimes interrupted by another action look at the example he was sleeping when the lion attacked she was working when it happened now you noticed it's I was you were he she it was we were you were they were plus the infinitive form and in so she was working when it happened we were watching TV when he phoned they were relaxing when the lights went off now the negative form is easy because you put the auxilary into the negative it I wasn't concentrating when I dropped it you weren't listening when the teacher explained it you weren't check the pronunciation there it wasn't working when I switched it on the question form you take the auxilary and the subject form what were you doing when he phoned what were you doing where were you going when the news arrived and who were they talking to when I saw them who were they talking to when I saw them alright so past continuous tense in order to describe actions which are continuing and can sometimes be interrupted or for example as I was telling the story you are listening to me and learning the past continuous okay great so that's the past continuous come back to the next lesson more new language by I am mmm what's that smell what are you cooking I'm cooking roast beef Wow I'm starving you know my sweet and I was thinking about you today about how you take care of Alison me you were fantastic that's something I've been wanting to tell you for a long time come on Jack stop it what stop making fun of me but it's true em what's the matter why are you so nervous today I know everything Jack I know all about you and Chan and what is it exactly that you know that you had a relationship many years ago and that maybe do a still in love with him and how did you find this out I was tidying up in the living room the night of Peters performance when I saw your jacket and I was taking it to your room when something fell out it was a photo a very meaningful photo you were kissing her so I spoke to Sharon and what did she say she told me everything tell me the truth jack are you still in love with her well I have to admit that seeing her makes me feel well what about me jack I thought I thought there was something special between us and there is and I care very much about you but but what oh I thought we were just friends oh ok joke I understand no wait and I didn't mean to hurt your feelings it doesn't matter jack just remember Sharon is going to Japan hello again and welcome back for some more English in that last episode there was some interesting sentences Jack said why were you so nervous why were you so nervous this words so plus an adjective and Shannon said this is such a surprise such those are the words I want to look at with you now so and such now I want to illustrate them by telling you something about a holiday that I went on listen to how I use them now in front of me I have some objects which I found when I went to Tibet I had a fantastic holiday in Tibet it was so interesting and we visited the monasteries there which was so huge and so beautiful and inside the monasteries we met some monks now there aren't actually many monks left in the monasteries anymore but they were very interesting and so special and we saw this instrument this here is an instrument and look if you you can open it it's so strange look at this and it's so long and it's actually so difficult to blow I'll try listen well when they played it in Tibet it was much easier anyway so interesting this so they have these instruments and the monks wear these these hats look look oh so strange Hey look at them very strange so or very interesting and in Tibet obviously the temperatures are low and the de betting's have a special type of milk and this is a container where they keep the milk and the milk is yak milk it comes from undies unusual cows with long hair and horns that make this milk yak milk which is so unpleasant if you're not used to it but anyway it was such an interesting trip that I really recommend you should go and visit Tibet now as I was describing Tibet to you I was using both so and such let me show you how that works so is usually followed by an adjective the example is Tibet is so interesting interesting is an adjective so interesting and it gives the impression of being very extremely interesting ok we were so impressed by Tibet so plus adjectives these instruments are so difficult to play ok they're so difficult to play the monasteries are so huge and it was so cheap in fact the holiday was so cheap alright this so followed by an adjective not such I said it was such an interesting trip now look at that it was such is then followed by the noun and if you have an adjective describing a noun that goes before so look it was such an interesting trip okay not easy it was not a such interesting but such an interesting trip another example it was such a different experience so such goes before the noun and it's adjective in the plural look at what happens they sang with such deep voices yet in fact in Tibet the monks they sing in their boots is more incredible sound you notice in this example we take out aa or an which is the indefinite article and it becomes they sang with such deep voices they wore such strange hats alright so so and such so we use with adjectives such we use with the noun and it's adjectives alright so Tibet is so interesting I recommend you go there for a trip okay great well I look forward to seeing you in the next lesson for more English take care and keep practicing bye good morning welcome to this week's edition of the travel program and welcome to Christine o Tang our travel expert good morning Lucy well Christine statistics from the international tourist office show that Japan is the in destination at the moment for holidays that doesn't surprise me Japan's of fascinating country yes I'm sure it is but tourists do worry about high prices in Japan it's true Japan can be expensive but there are ways to save money visitors can save on accommodation for example what do you have in mind well I'm thinking of capsule hotels there are lots of them in Tokyo and in other Japanese cities what on earth is a capsule hotel it's a low budget hotel it doesn't have bedrooms instead it has capsules you sleep in a capsule this is a plastic box 2 meters long 1 meter wide and 1 meter high incredible it sounds like a coffin yes but they're more comfortable than a coffin there's everything you need a bed a control panel for the light and heating or air-conditioning a small TV near your feet a radio and an alarm clock don't tell me there's a shower too yes there is a shower but not in the capsule though you share showers and toilet facilities with other guests and how much does it cost about 25 euros a night capsule hotels are really for office workers who miss their trains home at night but tourists can sleep there too amazing and only 25 euros do you think that an idea like that could work in Europe absolutely in fact there's at least one capsule hotel already in London does it have capsules - no it doesn't there are traditional rooms but they're very small they're about 7 square meters many of them don't have a window and there isn't a wardrobe just to coat hangers you need to pay extra to watch TV and to have your room cleaned but there is a double bed and an ensuite bathroom with a shower toilet and wash basin and how much does it cost in London a room cost about 40 euros a night but if there's a lot of demo and the room can cost more you see the hotel uses the concept of low-cost flights and the earlier you book the cheaper it is so if you book at the last minute you pay more that's it well there are some interesting travel ideas there if you're looking for a cheap place to stay in central London you could try a capsule hotel but remember to book early on the other hand if you're visiting Tokyo why not spend a night in one of those capsules it'll certainly be an unusual experience and you'll save some money too thanks Kristine it's a pleasure goodbye and goodbye to all our travelers see you next week Christine said Japan is the in destination at the moment we say something is in when it's fashionable and popular we can say Green is in or Green is the in color this means that it's a popular color at the moment and did you know what a capsule hotel is I didn't it's a low-budget hotel with capsules instead of rooms low budget means it doesn't cost very much so a low-budget hotel is cheap accommodation remember accommodation is the place where you sleep how much does it cost this is the question you ask when you want to know the price of something it costs about 25 euros a night notice we say the price of a hotel room about 40 euros a night we use about before the price to indicate that it isn't exact it could cost a little more or a little less and we say 40 euros a night this means for one night in London the earlier you book a room the cheaper it is to book means to reserve so you should book early this means you should reserve the room as soon as you chan because if you book at the last minute it's more expensive at the last minute means very late just before you leave so now let's look at some hotel vocabulary a double room is a room with a double bed a bed for two people a single room is a room with a single bed for one person usually in a hotel room there's a wardrobe the place where you put your clothes an ensuite bathroom is a private bathroom for your use only in low budget hotels you often have to share the showers and toilet with other guests guests other people who stay in a hotel to share means that it's not only for you when it's cold you use the heating to make a room warm in summer when it's hot you use the air-conditioning to make a room cool that's all for this time take care and see you next week good morning and welcome to this week's edition of torque cinema and welcome to Sanjeev Gupta our cinema expert hi Lucy and hello everyone well Sanjeev what are we talking about today Bollywood I'm sure you're a real expert Sanjeev and a fan absolutely I adore Bollywood films you know my brother's a director in mumbay interesting first of all let's explain to our viewers what Bollywood is of course Bollywood's the name given to the Indian film industry it comes from Bombay and Hollywood Bollywood Bombay's the center of the Indian film industry Bombay's now called mumbay but the name Bollywood is still used as he seems to be such an expert I can ask you lots of questions fire away how many films are made in Bollywood each year about 800 the same as the number of films that are made in Hollywood Wow filmmaking's really big business in India that's right did you know that 14 million people in India go to the cinema every day 14 million every day I don't believe it that's a huge number of people that's right there are lots of people in India remember but even so it's a large number of cinema goers it certainly is but tell us is it true that Bollywood's now becoming more known internationally yes it is many people from India now live overseas especially in the UK in the USA Today in the UK Bollywood films are screened in normal cinemas and are also broadcast on TV the films are becoming popular with new audiences also you know Hollywood's beginning to copy Bollywood the film Moulin Rouge for example used lots of ideas that are common in Bollywood films I see but what's so special about Bollywood films the films are full of color with beautiful traditional Indian costumes and lots of Indian music and dancing but there's one thing I don't like the storylines are nearly always the same love stories I mean I see what about the act does Bollywood have its own film stars it certainly does they're very famous and very rich just like Hollywood stars well stars are the same everywhere but tell us Sanjeev are there any problems facing Bollywood unfortunately there are illegal copying is the biggest problem facing the Bollywood Studios they lose lots of money because of piracy another problem is that young audiences are becoming bored with the traditional love story formula today the studios have to create new story lines a typical new film is the one that is set in a call center in Mumbai and follows the lives of six young Indians working there did you know Lucy that many young Indian graduates now work in call centers they answer calls in English from customers in the US and the UK yes I have heard of the new call centers in India so the film mirrors real-life it sounds fascinating well Bollywood's booming and is becoming more known internationally the stories are rather similar love stories but some new interesting storylines are creeping in right Sanjeev right thanks Sanjeev and goodbye goodbye see you again next week for another edition of talk cinema so Bollywood is booming we say something is booming when it is growing quickly and becoming successful Bollywood is the name of India's film industry the film industry is everything connected with making films the music industry is everything connected with making music Sanjeev said that Indian films are screened in cinemas in the UK and broadcast on TV we say that a film is screened in a cinema which means it is shown there and a film is broadcast on TV means it is shown on TV well I didn't know there were so many cinema goers in India a cinema goer is a person who goes to the sin to watch films are you a cinema goer do you like love stories a love story is a story about love most Indian films are love stories in fact the storylines are nearly all the same a storyline is how a story develops so the storyline of a film is what happens in the film the audience is all the people in the cinema watching a film in a theater the audience is the people watching a play young audiences in India are bored with love stories this is a problem Sanjeev mentioned he also said illegal copying and piracy are problems illegal copying is when somebody copies a film without permission it is illegal and piracy is when people sell the illegal copies bollywood studios lose money because of illegal copying and piracy it's a problem for film and music industries all over the world do you remember the expression Sanjeev used when I told him I had lots of questions for him he said fire away this is an informal way of saying ask me those questions bye for now see you next week
Channel: Learn English Conversation
Views: 630,781
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 5w0GZBYgiUg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 29sec (3809 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 12 2014
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