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hello again and welcome back to english today and this is DVD 19 and the second DVD of your advanced level and in this DVD we'll start with another two episodes of our story that's life and then after we'll look at our special TV programs there'll be a discussion about winning the lottery and then in the cookery section we'll learn how to make preserves to follow in the grammar section we'll look at the language we use for making arrangements with people and then we'll study some special question forms so I hope you have fun here we are home sweet home I would have preferred to stay away just a little bit longer oh my god look at the mess look at this place and look at the dust oh I don't even know where I'm going to begin calm down and one thing at a time oh let's just have a look at the post to start with electricity bill heating bill telephone bill can't believe there are only bills to pay I'll open them later coming home from holidays stressful enough as it is hmm oh here's a letter from Sharon hmm let's see what she has to say tidy up later dear Ann I would have preferred to say goodbye in person but you'd already left for your trip to Italy speaking of which did you enjoy yourself unfortunately things between me and Jack just haven't worked out maybe we rushed everything maybe memories with Peter was still too fresh I don't know anyway living together just became impossible after thinking about things long and hard I decided to accept my boss's offer to transfer to Amsterdam to take charge of the new museum opening it's a great city in any case I need time to get my life in order and well I hope everything's fine with you Oh move don't hurt me right there you'll find all my money there justjust take it at me relax and it's me Jack Oh Jack Jack are you crazy you scared me half to death and how did you get in here well I might be living next door but I still have these so I can surprise you from time to time Jack you'll never change I was reading a letter from Sharon explaining why she left if you don't mind and I'd rather not talk about that what about you and your mr. perfection Nick how are you well I realized that things went all as perfect as he wanted me to believe and in any case if you don't mind I'd rather not talk about absolutely let bygones be bygones what about a drink to celebrate your homecoming oh no jack I've just arrived and I need to unpack and just take a look at the place it's a disaster area no the first thing I want to do is get things tidied up where did you get this isn't it marvelous my grandmother gave it to me it's fantastic well if you want to get tidied up you'd better start right away it'll take you a month to clean this I know you say I'll never change and do you ever think about anything besides cleaning no guys you should get engaged to a Hoover anyway no excuses come on go get ready can you manage to be ready by 7:00 hello Alice hi yes yes I arrived this morning and I'm here with Jack now he says hello she says hello I'm so happy you know Jack insisted on cleaning the whole house straight away hmm what what telegram no I haven't received anything what but tonight Alice ah what no yes Alice you should have given me some advance notice okay yes fine I'll see you at the airport at 9:00 what do you mean at the airport what did Alice have to say she's arriving tonight at nine o'clock for good and she's bringing a surprise Wow well that is good news but together again all for one one for all isn't that great and what's the matter why the sad face but it's just that I was just thinking about the poor house I don't even want to start to imagine what a mess I'm going to have in here with you two hello welcome back to your live English language TV program did you notice in that episode that Jack was trying to invite an for a drink and he was using the language of making arrangements well that's what I want to study with you now in this lesson and to do that I want to use the telephone now listen carefully to the conversation that I have okay Oh miracles can happen hello oh hi Jane how are you yeah fine thanks very well were lots of work at the moment actually yes I know I look forward to the weekend to just to relax a bit and how about you yeah what's going on well that sounds interesting when Friday oh no not Friday I've got a concert yeah I got a ticket to a concert on Friday I can't make it well um what about Saturday what are you up to on Saturday oh really sounds interesting anyone I know ari I haven't seen him for ages yes I'd love to okay what sort of time yeah all right well if you want I can give you a lift yeah let's say I'll pick you up at about eight ish great oh by the way um what type of clothes is it is it posh is it casual fine all right great great great when I really look forward to it all right then good see you then all right then bye now did you notice that was a nice invitation that I was using certain phrases which are very common in English when we are making arrangements and that's what I'd like to look with you now on the screen all right making arrangements so first suggesting an appointment now there are various things we can say in English to suggest an appointment for example what are you up to on Friday now that's unusual the verb is to be up to what are you up to on Friday so that's a colloquial expression and it means just simply what are you doing what are you up to on Friday other expressions this this you already know we've learnt it how about or what about going to the cinema remember those so they are informal another possibility is could you manage could you manage a meeting on Friday this is a bit more formal managed means organized it's a word we use very often okay could you manage a meeting on Friday another possibility is do you think we could meet up do you think we could meet up which means get together and also I wonder if we could go for example I wonder if we could go to a show together I wonder so wonder is a word which we use and it's talking about thinking something over alright so those are different ways of suggesting an appointment now usually when somebody suggests an appointment you have to look in your diary I remember yeah we say diary in English we don't say an agenda okay so you look in your diary to see what your did your availability is and you can say for example on the phone you say adjust a minute I'll have a look I'll have a look in my diary or you could say let me look in my diary two very common expressions now remember alternative words for diary are an organizer or a day planner these are words which are often used day planner and organizer alright good now we have to talk about a time so you could ask are you free at 8 o'clock for example or could you manage you notice manage again organize could you manage Tuesday or would Friday at 5:00 suit you now look at the spelling of that s you i T we don't say Swit we say suit and suit is very common it means to be convenient so would Friday at 5:00 suit you another very common one is could you make it could you make it on Monday which means could you organize yourself could you make it on Monday or another possibility is where would you be available available more formal when would you be available alright great so now we've talked about the time if you want to reject say no to a suggestion and an arrangement these are the possibilities you can say I'm sorry I'm booked up on Friday now booked up means that your agenda is full okay so I booked up my agenda is full my diary is full my day planner is full okay so you can also say I'm afraid I'm busy on Friday I'm afraid now I'm afraid means unfortunately it's the same meaning unfortunately I'm busy on Friday alright or unfortunately I can't and make it which is what we've used before great now if you want to accept the suggestion you can say I'd love to which is something we learned in socializing I'd love to or that'll be great that'd be great that would be great and the last thing is to confirm the arrangement so here you can say fine so that Wednesday at 7 o'clock in your office notice we say so that's Wednesday at 7 o'clock in your office so that's good I'll see you later then is less formal and more formal I look forward to seeing you on Friday remember we've learnt that expression - I look forward to seeing you on Friday very common all right so that's all the language of making arrangements and I look forward to seeing you again in our next lesson so until then goodbye I just don't understand Alice why did you leave the job you were doing with your father had you started arguing again no well not exactly you know working with my father is very difficult we just have a completely different artistic view of things and you know how I am after a bit I just get bored of doing the same things I need new horizons well what's wrong with working on a set wasn't it too satisfying enough sure of course you know in the long run even the most satisfying things can get boring and of course I met Edward by the way Edward is a scorpion oh that's really interesting have you noticed what a magnetic look he has about him it's kind of hard to see his eyes from behind that camera I wonder if he ever puts it down does he take it to bed with him stop no no not going to work like that you guys aren't acting naturally at all you're too stiff you look like statues what we need here is expression involvement passion come on let's do another take of that last scene which scene makes us look stiff we're simply talking here Edward at what I mean do it well let your inner self flow express your fears your hidden desires you and yes you you are in love with Jack aren't you don't be afraid show your true feeling it show him what you are capable of besides the fact that I'm I'm not in love with Jack anymore well who told you anyway okay okay let's take five and B's better if I leave you alone excuse me Alice could you tell me where I can watch this material in peace and quiet um going into my room Edward I'll be with you in a minute okay Alice could you tell me what the hell you said to him oh just the truth when Edward told me about his love of reality shows I jokingly told him he had to meet you guys because life in his house was more exciting than a soap opera they asked me why I told him everything okay what exactly do you mean by everything well that you and Peter and how you fought over Sharon and about Anne's unrequited love for you and how she discovered your relationship in other words all the emotional goings on a present God Alice what got into you this is so embarrassing you know damn well I'm reserved about these things what am I supposed to do now just be yourself there's nothing easier is there what's the matter nothing's the matter for you that's for sure we're the ones that end up looking ridiculous just for the record what is Edward planning to do with all of this interesting material what does he do for a living Edward is a director a great director so far as your other question is concerned that's a surprise I can't say anything yet at any rate you'll find out soon my god Alice your surprises are starting to trouble me we like surprises don't we now questions in this lesson I want to do some revision of questions and I want to do a quiz with you and I want to ask you some special questions those unusual questions in English and I want you to try and find the correct answer by understanding the real meaning of the question let me give you an example if I ask you what's he like what's he like what answer would you give me what's he like you remember okay it's not the verb to like like to like and dislike what's he like is asking about the general impression of a person so what's he like an answer could be he's lovely he's very nice he's kind he's generous all right so that's the quiz are you ready let's move on now question what does he look like what does he look like remember that yeah look like his for physical appearance so an answer could be well he's tall dark and handsome classic all right so what does he look like physical appearance next how is he answer how is he now that's a bit confusing because it is only asking about somebody's health like how are you so how is he he's fine great okay he's fine next one what does he do for a living what does he do for a living the answer okay he's a dr. he's an engineer so that question is asking about professions what does he do for a living very good next one these what's the matter what's wrong what's up okay yeah there are here there are many many possibilities because the question means what's the problem so what's the matter what's wrong what's up you could say I can't find my phone alright good next one this one not so easy try and answer this what's it about what's it about yeah okay now we're asking about the content it could be a book it could be a film for example what's it about an answer could be well it's a love story it's about two people who fall in love and then bla bla bla bla alright so what's it about content it's one which way do we go answer which way do we go yeah good it's for giving directions so you can say well you go right then you turn left and then you carry straight on so which way do we go giving directions fine next one this one what size do you take what size do you take yeah now we're talking about clothes we're talking about shoes for example we don't say what number do you take but what size so you could say for example I take size twelve or I take size 42 all right so what size do you take great this one how long does it take how long does it take or how long is it going to last one hour fifteen minutes all right so how long does it take how long is it going to last is for a length of an activity how long does it last strange that yeah next one hmm this is difficult do you know this if I say to you or what do you reckon what do you reckon huh do you know that it's very very very familiar language reckon is the same in English as what do you think what do you reckon what do you think good next one what's it made of what's it made of if I show you this what's it made on plastic right so what's it made of is for the substance wood plastic paper etc all right okay this one here how do you want your state done how do you want your steak done three possibilities in the answer okay you can say well done medium or rare I want my steak rare are a ar e which is like bloody alright and the last one do you know this what am I supposed to do what am I supposed to do yeah exactly you're supposed to go to bed now now this is asking for advice it's like saying what should I do is exactly the same meaning great now you're very good you see with every lesson you learn more and more and we really making progress so keep practicing and I'll see you again in the next lesson so take care bye hello everyone welcome to let's talk the evening discussion program with our two commentators Tom and Marie good evening everyone good evening what have you got in your hand Tom well I bought a lottery ticket on my way here to the studio I thought I'd try my luck you know the first prize is 20 million pounds at the moment Oh quite a penny or two and what would you do if you won 20 million pounds hmm well I think the first thing I would do would be to set off to the Caribbean to veg out for a couple of weeks just to give myself time to think about what to do next any ideas at all well I certainly want to have a good time just after winning anyway but I wouldn't fritter away all the money on parties and things sounds sensible and you Marie if you won 20 million pounds what would you do what I'd love to do is start up my own business I wouldn't want to stop working all together but I'd really want to be my own boss for a change Oh what sort of business would you get into I think I'd buy a big country house and convert it into a hotel not too big a place I guess I might not have enough money would you give some of your winnings away but of course I'd give some to my relatives my my sister anyway and my mum and dad too I I don't know about the others and I certainly wouldn't skimp on Christmas presents anymore well I donate some to charities some to AIDS charities that work in Africa and some to cancer research I'd invest some of it pretty soon after winning to make sure I didn't spend it all hmm do you think all that money would bring any problems well I've heard you get a lot of letters from people begging for money I wouldn't be too keen on I guess you may suddenly find yourself surrounded by lots of new friends or some old ones may show up again - am I being too cynical no tom I think you're right and lots of people would try to give you advice on how to invest the money you'd have to be really careful about who you trusted winning huge amounts of money can destroy people's lives if they can't handle the changes all that money brings that's true and our state lottery is just another form of taxation an unfair hidden form of Taxation poorer people spend lots of money buying tickets with very little chance of winning I don't think government should be involved in selling dreams through lottery love oh maybe you're right Eric lotteries sell illusions but tonight I want to dream okay Tom keep on dreaming them good luck for the draw and goodbye to you and Murray goodbye goodbye would you like to win twenty million pounds well think about it and we'll see you again next time for another discussion of let's talk well what would you do with 20 million pounds would you set off with the Caribbean like Tom we say set off for a destination this means to start a journey he would veg out for a few weeks to think to veg out means to relax completely it's an informal expression it would be a shame to fritter away the money to fritter away means to waste if you fritter away money you spend it on useless things would you keep on working to keep on doing something means to continue doing something so keep on working means continue working or would you stop working altogether if you stop doing something altogether it means you stopped completely I would start up my own business like Marie to start up means to create to start up a business means you create a new business I'd like to be my own boss this means work for myself are you your own boss or do you work for someone would you like to start up a business what would you get into to get into something means become involved in something I'd probably start up a record shop I'd like to get into the music business I'd probably donate some money to charity donate to charity means give to charity would you donate any of your winnings your winnings is the money you win I guess though unexpected people may show up if you suddenly won so much money to show up means to arrive and as Marie said lots of people may start begging for money when you beg for something you ask for it desperately perhaps I'll try my luck and buy a ticket to see you next week or if you don't see me that it means I've won bye good morning from cooking today here we are with Lisa French our expert homemaker how are you Lisa I'm fine thanks hello everybody and welcome to my home I wonder what you talked about today an interesting theme preserves oh this reminds me of my granny so what kind of preserves are there there are plenty jams jellies conserves marmalade syrups candies sources you see you can preserve almost anything even meat of course meat poultry and fish what's your favorite preserve I have a strong preference for chili sauce oh no I find sweet and sour food particular tempting I don't really fancy the two flavors together as they say differences are the spice of life anyway what are their actual ingredients for chili sauce tomatoes peeled and sliced in chunks chopped celery ground onion green peppers a cinnamon stick chili mustard brown sugar and vinegar that's all and meat I suppose you're right mincemeat mmm I adore chili I'm curious about vegetable canning what's the right procedure that's easy once you grasp the basic rules is quite simple all you have to do is heat the food in sealed jars so simple well you must sterilize containers and lids before coming this may seem like a stupid question but heating is important isn't it of course the heat destroys the bad bacteria so you can enjoy your preserves all year round great and now what about canned tomatoes they used to be popular in summer when I was young yes for this preparation dip tomatoes in boiling water first why to loosen skin dip quickly in cold water then peel them and once peeled what else cut out stands and quarter them and you boy them again don't you write first you add salt and basil then pack tomatoes into hot jars don't forget to close the lids well fantastic and now how do you make let's see jealous oh I have pretty good mint jelly recipe you combine water vinegar mint and sugar in a large saucepan a bring to a boil then add fruit pectin how long should it cook heat to a full rolling boil and boil hard for 1 minute then 1 just remove the leaves and pour into hot jars then seal with paraffin it's easy this sounds much easier than I thought our Trier thank you Lisa for your fantastic tips on preserves and I'm looking forward to seeing you next week thank you you're always welcome in my home let's look at the language of the dialogue a preserve is one of the various methods to store food for a long time such as canning drying bottling freezing and so on Lisa gave examples of food preserves Jam comes from cooking fruit with sugar notice that Jam is also used when you're stuck in one place and a traffic jam jelly is food made from gelatin well not only food even your legs can be wobbly like jelly when you're afraid marmalade is jam made from oranges while conserve is Jam containing large pieces of fruit syrup is made from fruit pulp sugar and water and candy is fruit cut into small pieces and boiled with sugar and dried in the US candy means sweets in general and finally a sauce is made from fruit or vegetables boiled into a thick liquid the adjective saucy is used to mean also impertinent person when you make preserves make sure you have sterilized jars and check if the lids are well sealed canning is also used to mean the same technique but a can is made of metal Lisa said that sweet and sour is her favorite flavor this is typical of Chinese cooking where dishes can be sweet and sharp due to the addition of vinegar then talking about food preparation Lisa used chopped which means to cut into small pieces or chunks slice that is cutting into flat pieces grind which means to cut into fine powder as with coffee and pepper and quarter cutting into quarters for example an apple or tomato then regarding boiling we say bring to a boil or to a full rolling boil or boil hard I finished for today look after yourselves bye
Channel: Learn English Conversation
Views: 239,530
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Id: AE-qRzp8K8g
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Length: 37min 36sec (2256 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 12 2014
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