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hi and welcome back to english today this is DVD 16 and the fourth DVD of your upper intermediate level and in this DVD we'll begin with another two episodes of our story that's life followed by our special TV programs where our music expert will be talking about the world's most expensive violin and then our weather expert will be looking at the possibility of a new ice age in England then in the grammar section we'll learn how to use the third conditional form in English which is not easy and then we'll be looking at how to make sentences using the verb wish to express a regret so enjoy yourselves good morning Sara hey you say what a beautiful day it is how about I walk in the countryside and then we can relax by the pool I don't really feel like going out I'd rather stay in and read oh come on Sarah don't be a year zone two social self that's that's one front together why don't I play a trick on the guys were still asleep we could wake them up with a nice bucket of cold water what a stupid trick nothing's changed but I still love you truly beautiful girl with brown eyes dusting away my heart sighs that's all we needed oh you don't understand Sarah this is poetry this is the story of a secret love ah poetry love tricks enough of this nonsense if I known you were all going to be so amusing I never would have organised this reunion beautiful girl my eyes dusting away Oh No Paolo look what a mess you've made and by the way you didn't clean the kitchen last night did you come on Michelle move your hand and now I'm sorry I can't touch that awful stuff when are you going to get the message I never touch that awful stuff I hate detergents and the multinationals that make them but I hate cleaning do oh come on one holiday what is this racket and what is going on in here has World War three broken out it's just started well soldiers had has launched our offensive but the power missile squadron is responding well to the attack and will defend its position to the bitter end stop playing around roll your sleeves up the sooner we start working the sooner we'll finish and we'd be able to relax my pool wait a minute I was just thinking of going back to bed if I'd known what was waiting for me I would has left until midday maybe we could ask Sarah to give us a hand well you must be joking to just asked not to be disturbed and giving her a bad mood over the last couple of days well we could ask Mike down oh no I just saw him a few minutes ago I asked him where he was going and he said he was going to the village to buy a newspaper he asked me if he should do some shopping but I told him we'd all go to the supermarket together l-tron hmm fantastic first let me go down the shopping just a sort of holiday today dreaming of well it's only the four of us here let's share the jobs out just a minute just a minute I've got an idea how about you and then having a cleaning competition time in here get your own pot and you the other yes and I can keep the time and follow provides some beautiful background music at the end we'll see who's been the fastest and of course which part of the kitchen is the most I think it's a great idea you and Anna are always arguing about who's the best at doing things oh this could be the right moment to show off your domestic skills and the winner will be crowned queen of housewives what do you think um well it's a it's an unusual idea it's very original but but I'm not sure oh come on Anne why not it'll be interesting okay you've convinced me should we start mm-hmm great so Sandra you can the sink the cooker on this part of four oh and you've got the oven the table and this are the part of the floor okay okay ready get set go Spungen hands cleaned attacks while ends intently sweeping the floor now sound Rijn spring detergent undercooking rains and started on the table time is passing by another contestant is showing signs of fatigue the race is open and nothing is separating the two cleaners those college days were so long ago you are so clever so beautiful too but they never forgotten you nothing's changing I still try love you beautiful girl with brown eyes dusting away my heart sized fish incredible you both finished at exactly the same time come on Michelle we need to decide which is the cleanest part mm-hmm hmm so this one well after considerable discussion the drawer declares that the winner is come on don't keep us in the dark this one or you've bought one it's a dead heat you've finished together and vote parts of the kitchen are perfectly clean okay well maybe it's better this way Sandra at least there'll be no arguing about about who's better at cleaning yeah you're right let's forget our rivalries at least for today come on let's shake on it okay with the champion cleaners you a cleaning competition well that's an interesting concept could only be invented by an now that is something where I would definitely lose cleaning competition no way what about you anyway that last episode was great because it helps me introduce to you one of the most difficult grammatical forms in the English language which is called the third conditional we have three conditionals in English one two three the first let me give you an example if I see him I'll tell him that's number one if I saw him I would tell him that's number two number three is what we're going to look at now if I had seen him I would have told him sounds terrible doesn't it too much grammar but last lesson was useful because we learnt the first part of the third conditional which is the past perfect they used it in the episode it was Sarah she said if I'd known if I had known you were all going to be so amusing I would never have organised this reunion now that's a good example and it's difficult we often used the third conditional when we talk about a regret let me give you an example I saw a beautiful house it was quite expensive but I liked it I needed time to think about it and I didn't buy it immediately and then somebody else bought it so I think oh if I had bought that house I would have been so happy so that's expressing a regret so let's go to the screen and see how it's constructed because it's really not easy it takes time to be fluent in the third conditional the grammar is this if because if describes a hypothetical situation now when you're talking about the third conditional it's an unreal it's an impossible situation because you can't change it anymore so we start with if-then the past perfect which we learnt last lesson then we use wood which we also use in the second conditional followed by have the infinitive and then followed by the past participle so let's see how that works if I hadn't gone past perfect to the party I would have gone to bed early okay so I went to the party and I didn't go to bed early so the consequence is if I hadn't gone to the party I would have gone to bed early but I didn't go to bed early okay so what was the consequence of that now imagine I drank a lot of wine and I had a terrible headache and you think Oh regret if I hadn't drunk past perfect negative if I hadn't drunk so much wine I wouldn't have had such a bad headache yesterday now that's difficult look at that wouldn't have negative wouldn't have plus the past participle of the verb have so I wouldn't have had now this is not easy it will take time for you to use fluently you have to keep practicing it practice it in the toilet in the bath when you're walking down the street okay another example now I didn't set the alarm so I woke up late if I had remembered to set the alarm I wouldn't have woken past participial up late if I had remembered to set the alarm I wouldn't have woken up late seems difficult doesn't it takes practice another example I missed the bus I didn't get up bus went without me so third conditional if I had got up earlier I would have caught catch caught caught the bus if I had caught up earlier I would have caught the bus impossible situation can't change it if I hadn't been late for work because I missed the bus so I was late for work my boss wouldn't have been so annoyed wouldn't have been you notice be in the past participle being so annoyed and the last one well we lost the contract because I went to the party I drank too much wine and I missed the bus everything was late so if I hadn't gone to the party we wouldn't have lost lose lost lost the contract if I hadn't gone to that party we wouldn't have lost the contract okay terrible consequences of my irresponsible behavior so that's the third conditional please don't worry it is difficult probably the one of the most difficult things in the language and it takes time to get fluent in it but just keep practicing just take a phrase and say it to yourself often like if I hadn't done that if I or if I had studied more I would have passed the exam as an example if I had studied more I would have passed the exam all right so happy practicing bye hi Sarah Jeff a minute I'd like to talk sure um well I'd like to apologize for the other evening I swear I didn't do it on purpose I didn't know anything about what had happened at the bar okay I'll forgive you this time great I'm glad we've cleared up a misunderstanding so tell me how did the fire start I don't really know the lighting system had been checked two days earlier by the electrician and the sprinkler system was working fine too it had just been installed but it didn't work how's that possible I don't really know someone must have thrown a cigarette on the curtains which caught fire straight away the whole pub burned down in a few hours the fire brigade couldn't save the place it all went up in flames I wish I'd been more careful I wished I'd checked everything more carefully but it's not your fault Sarah how could you've prevented the fire come on you've got to pull yourself out of this you can't spend your whole life thinking about your problems used to be such a fun person life changes us Mike we've all changed since our university days sure but I'd like to help you find your old enthusiasm again tell me what can I possibly help well I'm not sure you're embarrassing me you shouldn't feel embarrassed not with me we've always trusted each other no what time is it 4:15 oh no the match it's already started you know Mike we were talking just then yeah I know I know um we'll continue our conversation later I really got to watch the game now it's a great match Chelsea against Manchester United you know that doesn't interest me in the slightest you haven't changed Mike all you think about is football football's the only important thing in your life you're exaggerating then sir and you don't understand anything all you care about is football maybe if I were a Manchester United shirt you'd pay me more attention you would say you you unafraid of big Romy you go when I underway my heart side oh no Paulo that's all I needed is you with your stupid guitar I've had enough I'm going to my room what's wrong with her I don't think my son that bad I didn't think Mike I'd let tell you I love you Paulo can I watch the game in peace and quiet I love that's enough I'm gonna watch this somewhere else I can't believe it they're all mad here I'll tell you I love you I'm afraid you know we brined than away my heart time oh um at last someone who appreciates my talent I knew you were an expert music/song Paulo what does it mean oh I wrote it thanks to mag that gave me the inspiration do you like it Oh Mike yeah that's not possible I don't believe it unbelievable they are all mad in the south no way my hello again and welcome back for some more English language and this lesson is a continuation of what we started in the last lesson where we learnt the third conditional if I had known I wouldn't have gone where we are expressing a form of regret and in fact in this lesson I want to show you another form of regret which is very common in English and in the last episode you had a very good example of poor Sarah by hello again and welcome back for some more English language and this lesson is a continuation of what we started in the last lesson where we learnt the third conditional if I had known I wouldn't have gone where we are expressing a form of regret and in fact in this lesson I want to show you another form of regret which is very common in English and in the last episode you had a very good example of poor Sarah who is expressing her regrets she said I wish I had been more careful I wish I had checked everything more carefully you know when the pub burnt down so she starts the sentence with I wish and that's her desire a desire that she would like to have fulfilled it's too late so we use wish to express desires like that let me give you an example in the present tense I can say I'm fat and I have a desire which is to become thinner so I would say I wish I were thinner let's look at the screen and I'll help you with this because we can use wish in the present and also in the past so the grana form changes let's first look at how we use it in the present I say I'm fat I'm over weight all right so my wish is I wish I were thinner now this is very interesting because it's an example of the subjunctive in English now the subjunctive has disappeared from the language but only in this case do we use it we don't say I wish I was but I wish I were thinner okay so an important exception that another example is I don't know how to cook and I have desire a wish to change that so I could say I wish I knew how to cook notice that the verb know goes into the past simple past I wish I knew how to cook she can't speak another language so the girl can't speak another language she has a desire she says she wishes she could speak another language so we're in the present she wishes I wish you wish he wishes she could in the simple past all right she wizard wishes she could so that is a present desire that you have if in the case of Sara your desire is in the past which often becomes then a regret the grammatical form changes have a look I didn't buy that car now imagine you see a car it's a bit like my house you see a car and you don't buy it and then you regret it you think I wish in the present I had bought now you remember the past perfect we looked at it in the two previous lessons here it is again I wish I had bought we contract it and becomes I'd okay now be careful because I had when it's contracted in English could be I would or I had now would would never be followed by the past participle so you can tell if it's had because the past participle follows alright so I wish I had bought I wish I'd bought it alright another example she spent so much money last year and now she's got problems so she wishes she hadn't spent so much money alright past perfect he didn't come to the performance that's the situation his desire in the past he wishes he had come to the performance or I could say I I wish he had come to the performance all right one more we lost the tickets they wish they hadn't lost the tickets okay so that is an important verb wish it's important because often we want to express our desires both in the present I wish I were thinner and also in the past I wish I had studied more languages all right so when you want to use wish think is it present is it past and then choose the correct grammar form great so I wish I had met you earlier we could have done a lot of language together but I look forward to seeing you next lesson okay bye good morning and welcome to this week's edition of music world and welcome to tony moore our music expert hello Lucy and good morning to all our music fans well Tony on May 16th 2006 a Stradivari violin was sold at auction in New York for three and a half million dollars the Christian hammer violin as it's called had become the world's most expensive musical instrument so why is this violin so special well this violin was made in 1707 by Antonio Stradivari in the family workshop in Cremona near Milan in northern Italy the Year 1700 to 1720 are called Stradivarius golden period because of the exceptional sound quality of the instruments he made during this time so why is the sound quality so good good question Lucy during this period Stradivari came up with some tiny improvements to the shape of the violin experts think that these changes to the shape of the violin particularly to the shape of the belly and the backplate may in part be responsible for their incredible sound quality so it's the shape of the violins that makes them so sought after by the world's best musicians yes but not only the shape you know the wood Stradivari used to make his violins may have been stored underwater in the Venice lagoon before he bought it it's thought that this may have damaged the wood slightly and may in part be responsible for the special found so the shape and wood that was stored in the lagoon in Venice is why Stradivari violins are so special well actually there are one or two other possible explanations tell us more some music historians say that the varnish Stradivari used may be behind the exceptional sound quality others say the secret is in the glue he used and two American scientists have recently suggested that the quality of these violins is due to the cold weather experienced in Europe during the period when the violins were made cold weather and wonderful violins I don't see the connection Tony well you see Lucy the colder weather resulted in trees growing more slowly the wood from these trees was denser than normal and makes a better sound when it's used for making violins interesting I can see now that everything's perfect about these violins by the way who bought the Christian hammer violin we don't know actually the buyer remained anonymous he or she is probably a private collector and what do you think the new owner will do with this wonderful instrument well music lovers are hoping that the owner will allow the world's best violinists to play the instrument at concerts around the world this has already happened in the past with this violin to its previous owner allowed you hoody menuhin to play the Christian hammer 15 times so we'll be able to listen to its glorious sound again well Tony thanks for a fascinating program goodbye goodbye and of course good bye to all music lovers we'll meet again soon for another edition of music world Wow I never thought a violin could be so expensive of course we're talking about a very special violin the violin is what we call a string instrument a violinist is a musician who plays the violin and he or she uses a bow a bow is a long wooden rod with horse hairs used for playing string instruments the violin we spoke about today was sold at an auction for a lot of money an auction is a public sale a place where people bid against each other to buy something to bid means to offer a price you can buy almost anything at an auction houses fern paintings instruments the buyer of this Stradivari violin remained anonymous to remain anonymous means to keep your identity secret the owner of the Stradivari is probably a private collector a private collector is a person who collects things for their own enjoyment the Stradivari was made in a workshop a workshop is a place where craftsmen make things a craftsman is like an artisan well as we heard it's a violent with incredible sound quality the quality of the sound is excellent one reason could be its shape the shape of something is its physical form the belly of the violin is the part under the strings we also have bellies your belly is this part of our body and the back plate of the violin is the part at the back again we also have backs your back is this part of your body so it's one of the most sought-after instruments in the world if something is sought-after it means many people would like to have it well I'd like to have the 3.5 million dollars that's all we have time for this week take care and I'll see you again soon good morning welcome to this week's edition of climate change in the studio with me is our experts Susan Burley hello Eric and good morning everyone well Susan let's talk about the weather in Scotland today you know I'm planning to visit the west coast this summer and I really don't know what kind of clothes to take with me it's cold air isn't it not really take your swimming costume a beach towel and some suntan cream you're joking aren't you not at all the west coast of Scotland has beautiful islands and locks and gardens full of tropical plants really yes full of tropical plants hmm tropical plant since cotton how is that possible it's thanks to the Gulf Stream you know it's one of the world's most important ocean currents it carries large amounts of warm seawater from the Caribbean Sea to the northwest of Europe this warm water brings about an increase in the temperature here of about nine degrees centigrade without it the weather in Great Britain would be a lot colder hmm I thought it was called so the west coast of Scotland is a tropical paradise that's fantastic well let's not exaggerate there are tropical plants but it's not exactly like the Caribbean though the winters are very mild here at least they are for the moment since 1950 scientists have noticed that the flows of cold water in the North Atlantic that are associated with the Gulf Stream have decreased by 20% we're not talking about the Gulf Stream here but this change could slow down the Gulf Stream itself and what's behind this change in the North Atlantic well the water in the world's oceans and seas is constantly moving the speed and direction of these movements of water are controlled by different factors such as the shape of the ocean floor the salinity of the water and the Earth's rotation well scientists have noticed that the ice sheets of the North Pole and Greenland are melting due to the greenhouse effect this is reducing the salinity of the water in the North Atlantic and is reducing the flows of cold water that helped the Gulf Stream bring warm water to Western Europe so are you saying that the seawater and the temperature in Great Britain could become colder yes this has already happened in the past scientists have discovered that the Gulf Stream slowed down or maybe even stopped completely about eleven thousand years ago this brought about a fall in the temperatures in northern Europe of five degrees and could the same thing happen again now yes scientists fear that a knock-on effect of the salinity reduction may be the slowing down of the Gulf Stream again and what would the effects of this be the worst predictions suggests there could be a new ice age in Great Britain whoa that sounds frightening well perhaps Great Britain will become a new center for the winter sports perhaps the Winter Olympic Games will take place in Scotland we'll have to wait and see thanks to Susan Furley goodbye Eric goodbye Susan and goodbye everyone well apparently I should take my swimming costume and beach towel and some suntan cream to Scotland a swimming costume is what we wear to go swimming a towel is what we use to dry ourselves and a beach towel is a big towel for the beach suntan cream sometimes called suntan lotion is the cream we use to protect ourselves from the Sun I thought Scotland was a cold country but actually the winters are even very mild mild means not very cold Susan explained that this is thanks to the Gulf Stream which is an important ocean current an ocean current is a movement of seawater sea water is a compound noun that means the water of the sea the Gulf Stream brings warm sea water from the Caribbean and this brings about an increase in temperature to bring about is a phrasal verb it means to make something happen but the flows of cold water have decreased when water moves we say it flows so a flow of cold water is the movement of cold water the Gulf Stream could slow down to slow down means to become slower what is behind these changes this means what is the reason for these changes well the ice sheets in the North Pole are melting and ice sheet is a layer of ice also a compound noun when ice melts it becomes water this is a reducing the salinity of the water the salinity is the amount of salt it contains it is also reducing the flows of cold water that helps the gulfstream bring warm water to Europe this could bring about a fall in temperature a fall is a decrease we call this is a knock-on effect a knock-on effect is an effect of an effect of something happening we run out of time again so I'll say goodbye and see you soon
Channel: Learn English Conversation
Views: 177,683
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Id: 1ZiIZxbi4K0
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Length: 38min 48sec (2328 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 13 2014
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