English Conversation Learn English Speaking English Course English Subtitle Part 9

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hello and welcome to English today this is DVD 9 and it's the first DVD of your lower intermediate level and in this DVD we'll begin with another three episodes of our story that's life followed by our special TV programs where there will be a debate about where to live the city or the countryside then we'll learn how to make strawberry whip in the cooking section then in the grammar section we will study how to use the English auxiliaries we'll also look at how to ask for permission and express obligation using must and have to you'll also learn some important phrases for talking on the telephone okay so happy viewing horrible weather I hate it when it rains so what are we going to do today it's a perfect day for tidying up I enjoy putting the house in order when the weather is bad and by the way look at the mess we don't often get a chance to clean up together you're joking right I hate cleaning the house don't you have any better ideas and just a little bit of tidying up anyway it was just an idea and not a bad idea at that in my opinion sorry that idea is bad what else do you suggest personally I enjoy doing something more exciting than vacuuming and doing the dusting why don't we play a game what kind of game how about playing cards no I hate playing cards so boring let's see what's on TV hmm cartoons soap operas political talk shows there's nothing interesting on shall we go for a walk I like walking in the rain why don't we take a walk to the new bakery in Piccadilly what do you say are you crazy it's raining out well you know what the traffic's like when it rains I certainly don't want to get stuck in a traffic jam on a Sunday well that happens every day when I Drive to work and when I drive back home okay okay so what shall we do if you want I can read your fortunes using the tarot cards aren't you interested in what the future holds that's your favorite hobby no thanks Alice let's not think about the future I prefer the future to remain a mystery well I prefer to be prepared if something's going to happen I don't like surprises so sit here I'll tell you who you are and what your future holds you know what I like to do on days like this nothing totally relaxing doing nothing I agree with you jack total relaxation now that's a great idea and maybe eating something nice and tasty huh and why don't you prepare us one of your lovely lunches wait guys you don't want to go out you hate cleaning the house you don't like playing games but so in other words you want to do nothing while I have to cook and do you know what I say I also enjoy doing nothing that's what I'm going to do watch out couch here I come hello and welcome back to english today that live TV program where you can learn the english language and in this lesson i want to do some revision on the things that people don't like about the english language the auxiliaries now the exercise is simple we're going to look at some of the auxiliaries that we've learned up to now what are they well we have learnt am is are do does and did when do we use them we use them in questions aha this is the exercise i have here some sentences in the positive form and i want you to make questions using these auxiliaries okay so i'll give you an example i say he likes why you start the question with what what he likes wine now this is the simple present tense so which of those auxiliaries do we need a Mazar do does or did simple present tense exactly we need do or does now i said he likes wine third-person so which one does exactly good so the question is what does he like get the idea great let's continue number two I play tennis I play tennis what sport alright do I play very good i play simple present tense we need do or does the subject I so what sport do I play great next one they're coming at seven o'clock they're coming at seven o'clock what time yet now they're coming present continuous auxilary that's it fantastic what time are they coming all right present continuous auxilary to be next one she went to the cinema yesterday she went to the cinema where all right simple past tense what do we need we need did so where did she go excellent very good you see getting better next one we had an ice cream after dinner we had an ice cream after dinner what had we we simple past did that's it what did we have remember the verb have always takes an auxilary so what did we have great next one she's painting the front door she's painting the front door which tense present continuous so what third-person is she painting very good next one I was at home on Saturday this is difficult I was at home remember that the verb to be is an exception I was is the past tense of the verb to be and it doesn't take an auxilary so we don't need an auxilary the question is where were you that's difficult where were you the verb to be no auxilary okay they work in Paris what's the tense simple present good where do they work excellent and the last one I'm living in Florence I'm living in Florence where are you living fantastic you're getting better all the time you see it's just a question of practice so now let's look at the screen and see those written just to remind you once more okay so he likes wine what does he like I play tennis what sport do you play they're coming at 7:00 what time are they coming present continuous she went to the cinema yesterday where did she go simple past we had an ice cream after dinner what did we have simple past after dinner remember have you need the auxiliaries she's painting the front door present continuous what is she painting okay so that's it keep practicing with your auxiliaries they will be easier and easier now let's go back to our friends where Alice is reading Sharon's tarot cards let's see what comes up see you later bye yeah I see you're very shy and sweet tempered yet you are somewhat Moody and sometimes seems you prefer to stay by yourself yeah that's right sometimes I enjoy solitude just me and my thoughts yes indeed I say that you are worried about something but that's not clear I think it has something to do with a boy or or oh maybe it has something to do with your job yes maybe you are going to get a new job Wow definitely I like the second options much better but I don't know actually this card means that love troubles are on their way sorry Peter but I see the shadow of another boy in your Sharon's heart don't be silly Alice tell me more about this job instead okay if you like so you are very careful in your work even if it seems you don't like it that much yeah that's right I like doing things right if I can't work well I prefer doing nothing at all what's more I'm very punctual I hate being late yes and you're also very modest thanks Alice well actually I can't stand people who show off they make me uneasy your tarot cards seem to know me very well well you know tarot cards never lie that's why I want to investigate more about this mysterious boy come on darling they don't they're not always right are they yes they are ice they always tell the truth come on girls stop is how can you spend the whole afternoon talking nonsense why don't we do something more interesting why do we all stop doing nothing and and go out look it is just stopped raining how about strolling in the park yeah that's a great idea let's go hello again and welcome back I want to continue doing some work on auxiliaries do you believe in tarot cards I don't now that's sort of an example of what I'd like to teach you now short answers in English usually in other languages when you ask a question like do you believe in tarot cards people say yes or no in English it's a little bit more complicated I can say for example do you believe in tarot cards yes I do no I don't so we take the auxilary and repeat it in the positive or the negative so that's really quite strange other languages don't do that as it's complicated I want to go to the screen now and we can look at it written it'll be easier for you very common you'll hear it all the time so look at the example does he like wine instead of just saying yes or no we take the auxilary of the question and we say yes he does or no he doesn't you see that we repeat the auxilary very unusual do you play tennis do is the auxilary yes I do no I don't the negative all right so we always take the auxiliary of the question next one are they coming at seven o'clock we've changed tents it's the present continuous the auxilary to be so yes they are or no they aren't are they coming at seven o'clock yes they are no they aren't next did she go to the cinema yesterday did simple past repeat yes she did no she didn't okay next one did you have an ice cream after dinner yes we did no he didn't is she painting the front door is yes she is no she isn't were you at home on Saturday now listen to this yes I was you take the verb to be and you put it in the correct form so were you yes I was no I wasn't okay is she in the bathroom is yes she is no she isn't do they work in Paris yes they do no they don't are you living in Florence yes I am but to be are you yes I am no I'm not so you see it's really quite unusual isn't it and it's not easy it's not a spontaneous thing you have to practice so do you understand yes I do no I don't all right so those are your short answers have some fun with them keep practicing them and I'll see you in our next lesson okay bye hello this is Anne Baxter from Red Bear publishing I'm looking for accommodation for an American writer and his agent they're coming to London in two weeks time and could you tell me a little bit about your hotel please and uh our clients are used to the very best and do you also have a swimming pool at a sauna great and as far as entertainment is concerned do you have a lounge with live music could you hold a moment please Sharon stop humming please I can't hear anything um okay well thank you very much for your help I'll let you know as soon as possible right good bye what are you doing in my boss asked me to booked rooms for two of our most demanding clients they would like a quiet hotel near our publishing house oh and of course with all the creature comforts so I'm making a few telephone calls and listen to this song for a moment it's Ray Charles's last recording it's fantastic I've got a lot to do Sharon just for one minute and come on I'm afraid I can't now but why don't you go over to Alice's she's having a shower you know when Alice gets in the bathroom she takes at least two hours well do whatever you want just please get out of this room and what's the matter today why are you treating me so badly that's enough Sharon I know everything about it everything about what that you've got a lover I love her are you going crazy Anne okay don't try and pretend with me Sharon and I call you a friend but it's the truth uh-huh and who is my romantic lover by the way you know I'm talking about Jack Jack what are you talking about the photograph the one where you and Jack are kissing it's not what you think uh-huh so you tell me you know a picture says more than a thousand words that photo is from three years ago we were engaged or what but you and Jack were engaged I know I know I wanted to avoid stupid gossip and also because of Peter so now you're telling me well I can't believe it I know I didn't want to hurt your feelings see now you're angry with me that's why when you're right shower I am mad at you and now I look like a fool I'm sorry and really what's going on it's Alice come on let's go see what's happening hello again and welcome back to english today did you see that last episode of That's Life poor and well sometimes the truth is difficult to hear isn't it yeah sorry sorry I've got to turn my phone off this live television program just to just one moment hello this is Luis speaking Pablo um I'm afraid he's not here at the moment uh yes um would just one moment just one moment I'll file try and find out okay put it on hold man hello yes hello could I speak to Pablo please what could you put me through to him no um okay yes I understand no no it's not important don't worry all right thank you very much thank you yes all right bye mmm hello yes hello I'm afraid he's not available at the moment um yes what would you like to leave a message Sharon called okay would you like him to call you back yeah all right okay yes I'll tell him right thank you thank you very much goodbye goodbye Sharon who Sharon hmm ha where were we ah yes interesting I wanted to talk to you about telephone language now I used some phrases there which are quite useful to you and I want to go to the screen so that we can see those written together and look at how the phrases work okay now look at these situations when you don't understand someone on the telephone what do you say can you repeat please no nope if you are somebody can you repeat please it's like asking them to to vomit why because there is a small word missing a very important one in English you must say can you repeat that please very important many many many many people make that mistake and they asked everybody to vomit on the telephone so remember can you repeat that please good next when for example imagine that you are on the telephone and you want to write something down when the person is speaking so you want them to ok good so you stop them just a minute just a minute this is difficult we say in English I'll make a note of that okay just a minute I'll make a note of that I'll make a note of that snap decision all right next one imagine you're on the telephone and somebody knocks at the door when you're speaking now you have to say hmm what can you say yeah so just a minute we say I'll be right back now that means that you're going somewhere and coming back then quickly so just a minute I'll be right back I'll be right back okay useful that phrase now you return to the phone okay and the other person has been waiting for you so you need to apologize for the inconvenience so you can say sorry we say in English sorry to keep you waiting sorry to keep you waiting so you say just a minute I'll be right back many many many many many many many music lean lean lean lean and these are sorry to keep you waiting alright great next thing um you're speaking to somebody and suddenly the other person disappears because what disappears now how do you say that new in English we say sorry we were cut off we don't talk about the telephone line we say sorry we were cut we were cut off okay great now when the line is bad you know with mobile phones often you can't hear properly especially when you're on the train sometimes when you're in the mountains and you hear it do you know what you can say we say in English hello you're breaking up you're breaking you're breaking up I'll call you back I'll call you back so you're breaking up I'll call you back or can you call me back all right so those are some of the most important phrases when you're speaking on the phone but we will be looking at more telephone language because it's very useful for you and it's a bit unusual you to practice it a lot practice in the bath for example I'll be right back I'll be right back so that way you don't panic when you answer in English all right great so I'll see you in the next lesson and we look at some more telephone language by what happening why are you screaming my hair look it looks your hair is green I know how okay imagine this I'm washing my hair whoa coloring my hair actually I want to change my look my mobile rings it's Tom he's telling me all about this great party yesterday evening I'm listening to his story and I don't realize the time flies more than an hour it's always the same old story Alice anyways green suits you yeah it looks very original oh very unique just like you well Alice don't be offended but um you look like a frog Thanks and that's the nicest compliment and what shall I do well why don't you call a hairdresser and make an appointment and in future try to avoid changing your look hello again and welcome back to your live TV program where you learn English and in this lesson I want to go back to look at some more telephone English because it's really not that simple we have special phrases that we use when we speak on the telephone in English so to help us let's go and look at those on the language screen okay now the first thing is when you introduce yourself on the telephone we don't say I am louise we say this we say this is Louise or this is mr. Smith now that's really quite unusual and different to other languages so hello this is mr. Smith or we can say hello Tom speaking Tom speaking Louise speaking okay so don't say hello I'm Louise we only use that when you do for example a sales presentation on the telephone all right good then asking who the other person is you can say um hello is that mr. Jackson is that mr. Jackson so it's like this is is that mr. Jackson hello is that Peter speaking and not hello are you Peter okay is that good now you want to ask to speak to another person so what can you say well you can say hello I'd like to speak to John please I'd like to speak to John or you can ask the questions can I speak could I speak may I speak to the managing director now remember Mae is very polite could is neutral can is more informal alright then we could also say good morning could you please put me through to mr. Smith now put me through - which is difficult to say put me through to is like saying in American English could you connect me - all right so that's connecting people now when you connect the person you can say just a moment I'll put you through to him I'll put you through to him you need to practice that a lot I'll put you through to him or yes mr. Smith is in I'm trying to connect you now Connect is the other word and you can say hold on just a moment please that's to ask people to wait okay good then leaving a message you could say you could ask could you take a message please could you take a message or can I leave a message then you could say could you ask him or her to call me back could you ask him to call me back all right then the last thing is taking a message you can ask can I take a message can I take a message or would you like to leave a message all right so there are some more fundamental and essential english-language phrases that you use on the telephone and I think you'll find them very useful so experiment and I'll see you again very soon bye good morning everybody can I ask you a question yesterday evening I died sorry dad I can't listen now I've got to get to work I have a meeting at 9:30 with my editor and I'm late but I only need a minute it's important nothing is more important than this meeting if I arrive late my boss will kill me ring me later if you want okay great Alice Alice can I ask you a question yesterday night jack I can't I'm really sorry but I have to get going too but you never leave before 11:00 in the morning and why are you in such a hurry today I'm starting a new yoga course this morning my horoscope says I have to do some exercise well if your horoscope says so anyway I only need a second no jack my teacher told me not to be late you can give me a call later but Alice wait it's important what a bunch of nuts I wonder what my aunt will think hi again did you hear what Jack said he said what a bunch of nuts do you know that expression in English because nuts has a couple of meanings nuts are the things that you have in the aperitif but it's also a way of calling somebody a crazy person you say you're a nut means you're crazy okay I just wanted to clarify that for you he also said can I ask you something may I ask you something he wanted the girls to listen to him and they weren't paying any at and I want to talk to you about these words which are may could and can because they are the three forms that we use when we ask for permission so what's the difference between them now if I say excuse me may I open the window because it's hot in here may is used in more formal situations if I use could it can be used in any situation it's neutral so for example could you lend me your pen and can is used in more informal situations imagine you're at home you're having dinner you want the salt so you can ask can I have the salt less formal so let's go to the screen and see those written see the differences we talked about it already actually when we looked at telephone conversations so formal situations may I and we can also say may we may I may we may I ask you a question may I offer you something and may I have this dance so remember may for formal situations it's very polite okay then could for neutral situations which means you can use it in any situation really could I use your phone please could I change the appointment and could we meet later I write a very useful verb it's good in all situations and then can can you pass me the salt please more informal with your friends your family people you know well can I have some wine please and can I borrow the car tonight so those are the examples all right may and can so remember depending on who you are talking to make that choice may could or can let's go back to that life the girls are exhausted and Jack has a surprise for them let's see what it is bye important important important what a day I'm exhausted me too all of my muscles are killing me what is there to eat and well we can make a sandwich that's about it the fridge is practically empty Jack that you who's that with him hi everybody this is my aunt Karolina she came all the way from Bologna to see me she'd like to see how I'm getting along what good evening jack why didn't you say anything I should clean up look at the mess look everybody was in such a hurry this morning I tried to telephone you but your mobile was off and Alice's mobile just rang and rang I imagine you left it at home again as usual Alice well I guess so good evening it's a pleasure to meet you well well only girls wait so you are Alice and it's the interesting one of the house and you are and the housekeeper please and Karolina so that's how you describe us come on and Karolina is on the joking right and this is the wonderful house and well yes but it's usually tidy it's still very charming thank you but may I offer you something um would you like to have a glass of wine maybe yes thank you I would Alice could you get a bottle of wine please there isn't any wine and there isn't any wine there isn't any beer we have to do the shopping oh oh I'm terribly sorry it's not usually like this but today was very busy do you know what let's go out for dinner what do you say and Karolina that sounds good to me excuse me do you go out just like that maybe you should get cleaned up a bit yeah you're absolutely right let's get ready to go out on the town may I ask you a question jack of course and Karolina shoot do you really think it's such a good idea to live together with all these women well hello mr. monkey and how are we feeling today let's check the thermometer I know you're not well let's have a look good yes the temperature has gone down that's good news now mr. monkey you don't have to stay in bed any longer okay because your temperature has gone down but you can't go out monkeying not yet you must stay indoors for another three days because you're not strong enough to go out yet alright you mustn't be too energetic you can have relaxing baths and you can eat whatever you want but you mustn't have any alcohol okay because you haven't finished your antibiotics it could have a disastrous effect on you all right so you must finish your cycle of tablets now let's see what else oh yes and you must drink a lot of water maybe five liters of day if you can manage that okay good so um oh and you don't have to pay me until you're better okay mr. monkeys so um take very good care of yourself and I will come back tomorrow and check on your condition again okay so goodbye mr. monkey see you tomorrow I became a nurse to show you other ways of using modal verbs now so far we have studied can could and may and these are verbs which help to change the meaning of the verb which comes after they're called modal verbs and here we were using verbs of obligation very interesting let's look at the screen and see those now let's first go back to permission remember we talked about can is a form of expressing permission and I was giving him permission to do things for example you can eat whatever you want you can go for walks and you can't however that's not giving permission you can't go monkeying or you can't go to work all right then I talked about obligation and this is very interesting I used the verb must must followed by an infinitive without to so for example you must finish the tablets you must relax you must stay at home for three days and you must look after yourself now that in English is how you express obligation something which is you are obliged forced to do alright it's a strong verb in English now the opposite mustn't means prohibition if you do that okay so very strong verb you mustn't drink alcohol you mustn't do anything energetic and you mustn't jump about alright so must and mustn't must obligation mustn't prohibition then I said something else I said you don't have to stay in bed now that's very interesting because that's optional obligation and it's the same as saying you don't need to stay in bed you don't have to stay in bed it's optional or you don't have to stay in doors I also said you don't have to pay me it means it's not necessary so that's optional optional obligation with have to so that's an important lesson must mustn't and have to as different ways of expressing obligation great so now you have to study more English you must read and read and watch and watch your English sessions okay and I must see you again next time okay good bye good evening welcome to this week's edition of let's talk our discussion program with our commentators Tom and Marie how are you fine Eric fine good to see you again well did you have a good weekend very good thanks I relaxed in the country I have a house there it's so peaceful mmm a healthy weekend and you Tom well I had a great weekend too I stayed in the city and it wasn't peaceful I went out a lot in made some new friends hmm sounds like a good weekend to me so the same old story our relaxing peaceful life in the country compared with an exciting life in the city where's the best place to be in the city or in the country let's discuss this more sure I'll convince you that gardening's more interesting than the pollution and chaos at the city I'm not so sure about that last weekend I went to the cinema a rock concert and two parties gardening isn't for me really your weekend certainly wasn't relaxing don't you feel tired well maybe a little yes but I love city life the city offers so many things it's fantastic I don't agree with you life in the city is too stressful you rush around all day long and then there's the traffic and finding a parking space walking in the woods is far better than being stuck in traffic jams I'm really thinking of moving to the country well I I don't think I could ever live in a country I die of boredom it would be a problem for my work - you're wrong Tom you can work from home a friend of mine does this he works from home he uses the internet for email and virtual meetings he goes to the office in the city two or three times a month he's got three children and life in the country is great for the family and he loves gardening too and gardening is difficult in the city isn't it sure but country life is so isolating you don't meet new people well okay the city is more polluted more stressful but country life is so boring I like meeting new people making new friends and in the city it's easy to meet new people I'm not so sure about that whenever I'm in the country lots of my friends come to visit me they all complain about the stress of city life and they really enjoy the peace and quiet of the country I'm sure that sooner or later you'll arrive to let's bet on it but if I do come I'll bring a few friends and maybe we'll have a party ok I'll be waiting for you of course you're invited to aerie oh thanks Marie ok this is a good compromise a less stressful weekend for Tom and a more exciting one for Marie well the city or the country I think it's difficult to say where it's best to live it depends upon your taste the country life is more relaxing whereas the city life is more exciting well time to say goodbye goodbye Marie and goodbye tom goodbye Eric goodbye Eric and goodbye to you and see you again next time on let's talk did you notice how we call life in the city city life and life in the country country life city life is more exciting but also quite stressful we say something is stressful when it makes you nervous the traffic in the city is stressful traffic is the word we use for cars buses trucks everything on the roads when the traffic moves slowly or stops we say there is a traffic jam parking in the city is also stressful it's often difficult to find a parking space to park your car notice the verb is to park and a place where you can leave your car is called a parking space usually in cities there are car parks a car park is a big area with lots of parking spaces for many cars another problem in the city is the pollution pollution is the contamination of the environment for example the traffic makes the air dirty in the country the air is clean and it's easy to park but tom says it's boring to live in the country because there's nothing to do boring means that it's not interesting Murray says it's relaxing to live in the country relaxing means it makes you feel relaxed notice that often the adjectives we use to describe things places or people end with eng the city is exciting the country is relaxing but boring adjectives that describe how a person feels often end with Edie Edie tom is bored in the country Marie is relaxed in the country and stressed in the city Marie said that the city you rush around all day rush around means to go everywhere and do everything very quickly but in the country you can go for walks in the woods and do the gardening a wood is an area with lots of trees the gardening is the work you do in your garden like watering the plants or cutting the grass well see you welcome to cooking today today I'd like to introduce you to a very special guest he's our French she's the popular author of the best seller of PhD in homemaking Lisa thank you so much for inviting us into your home it's my pleasure if you're wondering what to make for lunch if you have to prepare a last-minute dinner then leaves is the person to ask for help listen Lisa I'm having a dinner on Saturday could you give me a tip on a quick and tasty dessert course you can prepare an easy-to-make dish with fresh strawberries the strawberry season only lasts a few weeks so it's worthwhile making the best of in season berries and it can be made in a jiffy Oh strawberries I also go mad about strawberries so let's get started so the idea of strawberries makes my mouth water first wash drain and home strawberries for four servings then mash them to a pulp all of them no you have to put aside some good ones for decoration okay no one next whip about half a pint of cream then whisk two egg whites stiffly and fold into the cream add the strawberry pulp and stir in two tablespoons of caster sugar does it need cooking no all you need to do is pour the mixture into individual goblets there's no more don't forget to decorate each one with a bit of whipped cream and the whole strawberries you put aside now your desserts ready to serve oh it looks delicious let me have a taste right now Oh yummy this is sensational if any of you have a request regarding homemaking then please contact us at our studio 800 3 3 2 2 1 1 send an email to cooking today at home making tv.com thank you Lisa we have so much to learn from you thank you for coming have you enjoyed the recipe well now let's go over the language used in the interview first of all let's explain what a homemaker is a homemaker is an expert in all matters concerning administration and running of a household cooking budgeting sewing etc Lisa used some typical culinary terms drain means eliminating excess water from food after washing or boiling you drain pasta vegetables and so on hull means removing inedible parts from food like peas beans or strawberries mash means crushing some foods such as potato or carrots into a paste Whip means beating to a fluffy consistency as in whipping cream whisk means whipping egg whites for example to a froth incorporating air or until firm we say whisking stiffly stir is moving a spoon around a liquid when we add one ingredient to another and mix them together when we say stir in fold-in means blending other ingredients to a whipped mixture stirring gently pour means adding a liquid into a mixture or serving tea coffee water Lisa also mentioned a goblet which is a small cup with stem to serve fruit salad or ice cream a pint which is a unit of liquid measure equivalent to 568 milliliters a UK pint or five hundred and fifty milliliters a US pint a tablespoon is also used as a unit of measure in order to express appreciation about food we say delicious yummy mouth-watering Lisa said in season berries to mean fresh fruit otherwise we say out of season not to be confused with the word seasoning which means adding salt pepper and other spices to food a berry is a small fruit such as a strawberry blackberry raspberry blueberry another useful term is serving you can also say helping it refers to individual portions of food well I hope you had a good time and I'll see you
Channel: Learn English Conversation
Views: 588,739
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Id: xrZ9wvJGFaY
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Length: 61min 8sec (3668 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 12 2014
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