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hello again and welcome back to english today and this is DVD 15 and the third DVD of your upper intermediate level and in this DVD we'll begin with another two episodes of our story that's life followed by our special TV programs where we'll be talking about the option of working in retirement and then our sports expert will tell us about sumo wrestling fat and fast then in the grammar section we'll learn how to use a grammatical form called the causative have and also how to construct the past perfect tense alright so happy viewing hello anyone home um it's great to see you hi you look great thank you palette you look um well yourself this house is so untidy and so dusty I know let's give this place a good clean the others will be here in a minute let's get started straightaway but before you know it we'll have cleaned and tidied everything you haven't changed and cleaning dusting tidying it's not like we move on up to university can't you think of anything else look who's talking always strumming away on your guitar come on Paulo don't be lazy ah come on let's get started that is the rise of Rome are you wonderful all together here just like the old days okay guys what shall we do I want to have lots of fun so do I come on Michelle let's go for a long walk all the way down to the lake stop where you are where are you two going come on Paolo pick up that brush again and Michelle please can you pick up your bag and that frightful hat jerk my captain come on Michelle stop playing around and give us a hand Oh Oh sister Turton has made bets index the American multi-national that makes household cleaning products I refuse to use this product you know I hate multinationals but it's just all detergents are made by multinationals how are you supposed to clean a house if you refuse to use them you guess right I never do any cleaning my flatmates look after that I see so you arranged to have your flat cleaned so you're just like Paulo you what a mess this house is in if it weren't for us if it weren't for you I'd be chilly I'll play my guitar none of your faucet lever I see we spend most of the time of this holiday cleaning and I started to wonder if the solid it may have been a mistake come on Paulo stop complaining you'll be happy to see this place all spick-and-span Sandra I've already dusted that oh really yes you sure you cleaned it properly cuz it doesn't look very clean to me what's going on here are you my old college friends or workers from a cleaning company come on put away those brooms and detergents and let's toast the good old days but Sarah's not here yet that's odd she should be here by now she said she'd be here just off to lunch that's right she's the one who organised this reunion am I wrong are you talking about me oh oh don't get up so everybody ready for the toast yeah actually I'm really tired I need to lie down Oh Sarah don't be a spoilsport we have been waiting for you come on lazy Wow I'm looking more beautiful than ever don't tell me I still think about her so I propose a toast yeah for college days too yes and to this wonderful holiday that's right hi again and welcome back to your live TV program to learn some more English language now in that last episode and was quite surprised that Michel doesn't clean her flat herself in fact she said she said I see so you arranged to have your flat cleaned to have your flat clean now that means that somebody else cleans the flat for Michel this is very interesting well in fact that's what I do too I don't clean my flat myself somebody cleans it for me so I have my flat cleaned every two weeks now this is an interesting grammatical form because we use it when we talk about services we talk about other people who offer us services let me give you another example hair I don't cut my hair myself it's too difficult I can't do the back so I go to the hairdresser's and that's a service so I go to the hairdresser's and they cut my hair and I say every month I have my hair cut so that is a grammatical form using the verb have which describes services somebody does something for you and we can use it for example with the hairdresser with the mechanic for example if your car breaks down usually you go to a mechanic with cleaners with the dentist things like this so services so I'd like to go to the screen now and show you how this works grammatically because it's very different to other languages and we're using the verb half that's why it's called the causative have causative in the sense that it causes things to happen all right let's look at the form have something done so in the present tense you can say every month I have my hair cut now notice the verb have is in the present form because we can use this grammatical form in any tense so we start with the verb have then we have the object that's important I have my hair and then the past participle ok the object is in the middle so every month I have my hair cut another example every year I have what my teeth past participle checked ok I have my teeth checked every year I have my kitchen painted you see and every three months I have my car serviced so I go to the mechanic and I have my car serviced so be careful because it's terribly important to put the object between the verb have and the past participle I have my car serviced ok now let's move on to the past tense because as I said you can use this form in any tense past present future so examples last week I had my eyes tested so the opticians that's a service I had my eyes tested yesterday I had my photograph taken often when you need to renew your passport for example last week I had my dress dry-cleaned again that's another service you don't do it yourself somebody does it for you ok so the verb have goes into the past I had something done and now let's look at the future tomorrow I'm going to have so here the verb have goes into the future expressing an intention so we have I'm going to have my scooter repaired all right object in the middle next week I'm going to have my hair colored and next week I'm going to have my passport renewed all right so the causative have very very useful and you don't find this in other languages so you need to practice it and remember first the verb have then the object and then the past participle all right so that's the causative have and I think you'll find it very useful all right great so see you again in the next lesson for some more language bye lives hard for magicians you know Mike sample recordings auditions they uh performance but never anything serious always ready for the big break you know Paula I think no one has understood your talent yet you'll see you'll be successful one day I certainly hope so I need to make my somehow why don't you get a job something until you make it as a guitarist what would I do working in a bank like you oh that's not for me it's not as if there are only banks to work in there are other jobs you can do I know I know I worked in a supermarket last year what was that like oh whoa uh cutting up all the time I'm the alum Clark don't I did it for free month turn out normal jobs are not for me I am an artist what are you talking about about work oh by the way Sarah how's your pub coming on just a minute was it called blue moon that's it you do it on purpose don't you making things worse with that sarcastic tone of voice you like making fun of me you're horrible but what did I say what didn't you know sawdust pop butter down two years ago the insurance hasn't paid they say the fire wasn't an accident Sarah's thus everything included the sense of fun she used to have man I really messed up I didn't know that had happened we spoke at Christmas but she didn't say the pub burned down you know what Sarah's like she doesn't like to speak this thing this experience has really changed her and I think this holiday will be good for her hey what's going on tastes like us enough Sandra I don't think you need to add any more salt I really think that really are honest tasteless let's see what they think would you like to try my ravioli Sandra says they're tasteless sure fantastic um hmm hmm really good yeah I always said you meet someone great wife see I don't did you hear that I don't think they're very tasty I'm sorry Ann but my reviewing are a lot better than yours I'm cooking tomorrow and we'll see who is the best cook oh she's always criticizing well don't take it seriously an you know what centers like mmm competitive by Nature oh okay guys let's have a chat tell me what you've been doing since we last met well Paula and I were talking about our work and our hopes for the future let's talk about something a bit more interesting Roman says passionate love story things like that oh yeah for example then have you got a boyfriend me why me I I've got to go to the kitchen to check on the roast come on and don't be shy Assam shells question okay well there is someone he's not my boyfriend Oh what does that mean who's my flatmate his name's Jack and he's going out with a friend of mine called Sharon oh but I still hope I have a chance I really do like him and I think about him all the time oh are you in love maybe yes yes I think I am Wow I adore passion to mented love stories I've really got to go now and check on the roast it will be burning uh Michelle can you come and give me a hand and then come and tell the others that dinner's ready Mike Mikey hello anyone there yes what's wrong oh you tell me you look as if I'm finished Paul I wasn't expecting this I'm stupid what are you talking about what do you mean and she's in love with another man and I was hoping that you know we could become more than just good friends during this holiday I've never stopped thinking about her an idiot sorry Paolo I have to be by myself for nothing beautiful girl with brown eyes Oh dusty doesn't dusting up dusting away my heart sighs sighs sighs sighs my signs oh yeah no bad inspiration at last oh thanks Mike you're a great friend you hello again to you and welcome back in that last episode Sarah was in the bad mood there's always a reason why somebody's in a bad mood and she had a good reason do you remember what happened yeah I'll read it to you so you do remember because it's useful for us it introduces a new grammatical form which I want to teach you Paula said when she arrived the place had burnt down now can you imagine Sarah goes to her pub and it's but so he says when she arrived the place had burnt down now this had burnt down is what I want to teach you it's the past perfect let me give you another example because we use it when you have two actions one action happens after the other let me show you for example I write a message and then I send it okay now these are two actions first you write it and then you send it so I could begin the phrase put the two actions together and they become consecutive and we begin the phrase with after so I could say after I had written this is the first action further in the past after I had written the message do I sent it the second phrase is in the simple past so this is what I'd like to look at with you on the screen now the past perfect for two actions which happen at different times in the past now if you look at the examples the first one is after I had checked my change I left the shop alright so first I check my change have I got enough change is it correct and then I leave the shop you put them together and the first action goes further back in the past now you can see how it's formed we have the auxilary have in the past not in the present and that takes everything further back so after I had checked checked' as the past participle my change I left simple past the shop okay so then we get the idea that one action is further in the past another example I read the contract then I sign it it becomes when I had read the contract I signed it alright so past perfect this is important for you because we also use it in the third conditional which we will be studying okay another example you get in your car you fasten your seatbelt you drive off alright so after I had fastened past participial my seatbelt I drove off and one more example when I had tried the shoes on I bought them so I try them on I buy them when I had tried the shoes on I bought them a few more they'll help you you'll get the hang of it after I had checked my tickets I went to the airport so first I checked my ticket then I go to the airport and the last one I read the instructions I have a new machine so I read the instructions and then I turn it on so after I had read the instructions I turned the machine on alright so that is a new tense it's called the past perfect and it's formed by putting the auxilary have in the past tense followed by the past participle and this is actually very similar in many other languages so I don't think it's going to cause any particular problems for you all right and we look at that again in the conditional form conditional number three great so have fun and take care bye good evening and welcome to this week's edition of let's talk in the studio with me as always our our commentators Marie and Tom good evening everyone good evening I'd like to start our discussion this evening with some personal questions how old are you are you nearing retirement are you already retired perhaps you have your working life ahead of you anyway one thing is for sure the meaning of the word retirement is going to change in the future let's talk about this with Tom and Marie you're right Eric the traditional division of life into three cycles education employment and retirement must change people in developed countries are living longer by 2025 in developed countries the share of the population over 60 will have reached 26% all these pensioners will certainly wield a lot of power they will Eric but you know experts are beginning to talk about the concept of active aging just think that by 2050 the average lifespan in developed countries will be in the mid 80s and this increasing longevity is already starting to have a negative impact on public finances economic growth and general living standards but the problem is that there is increasing pressure on social security systems and public funds for retirement and health care expenses economists are increasingly questioning the sustainability of the European social model with its high welfare standards so how can we solve this problem well governments really must encourage older people to continue working there sure just a minute Mary sorry to interrupt but are you really saying that I will have to work until I'm 95 oh well not until 95 perhaps but as I was saying there should be programs for lifelong learning to help people learn up-to-date job skills as they get older people about to retire should plan ahead and find some way of working maybe a part-time job well some American companies already have phased retirement programs now do they work well retired employees go to the company website where they can find project work for the company this may last two days or two months and they retired workers can manage their own time and work when and where they want if they need some training to do the job they can go to the company website and take a short course using the Internet to learn what they have to do in this way retired people have more money and the companies can use the skills of their retired workers yes more money but less free time I don't think I like the idea of having to work in my retirement and you ladies and gentlemen what do you think about this well thank you to our commentators Tom and Marie and goodbye thank you thank you bye bye and goodbye to you and see you again next week for another edition of let's talk well today's discussion was about how retirement will change retirement is when people stop working the retirement age in European countries is around 60 we say a person retires to retire means to stop working and a person who is retired is a person who has stopped working they are called pensioners a pensioner is a retired person who receives weekly or monthly payments from the state the money a pensioner receives is called a pension so why and how will things change in the future the average lifespan is increasing a lifespan is the length of a life so people are living longer we call this longevity this increasing longevity is having a negative impact on public finances and living standards public finances are the money a government has to spend it's on its services and living standards are what we call the general level of life in economic terms there is more pressure on social security systems in Europe a Social Security system of a country is the system of a country has to support the members of its society for example sick unemployed or retired people economists these are economic experts question the sustainability of the European social model that is the social security systems of European countries the sustainability means the ability to continue doing something because welfare standards in Europe are high welfare is the economic assistance a government provides for people in need so people need to plan ahead a plan ahead is a phrasal verb that means to make plans about something that will happen in the future well that's all for me take care and I'll see you next week for another edition of let's talk good afternoon and welcome to this week's edition of sports special with me in the studio is John Forbes our Sports expert hello Eric and good afternoon to all our sports fans well John which sports are you going to talk about today I'd like to talk about sumo interesting I must say I know something about the martial arts karate and judo but sumo I know almost nothing those enormous guys they're unusual hairstyles they're colorful and rather unusual clothes so please tell us more well Eric you know sumo is a martial art - and it's Japan's traditional national sport in fact it's one of the world's oldest sports it was first mentioned in a Japanese book more than a thousand years ago but experts believe it might be much older really more than a thousand years old yes and you know there are also ancient wall paintings showing the sport archaeologists think prehistoric man may have done sumo as a form of prayer to the gods for a good harvest I think most people in the West watched these enormous wrestlers without appreciating these ancient traditions that's right Eric sumo isn't just a sport it's more a way of life and it's played an important role in Japan's cultural and religious history in Japan successful sumo wrestlers are looked up to as role models and heroes by many people um how does a sumo match work two men meet in a ring that is about four and a half meters across the aim of the game is to force your opponent out of the ring or make a part of his body apart from the soles of his feet touch the floor a bout can last just a few seconds or as long as three minutes sumo wrestlers are very big but they can move very quickly do you think I could be a sumo wrestler well if you put on 100 kilos maybe yes sumo wrestlers start their training when they're young boys if they show promise they go to live in a traditional Japanese house called a sumo stable the young boys trained a lot and look after the older wrestlers they prepare their food and clean their rooms for them everyone the sumo stable eats a lot they lots of noodles rice fish and chicken the traditional dish is called Cheng Kenobi and it's made with fish meat and vegetables the wrestlers eat this with lots of rice and they drink lots of beer too and then they go to sleep so that's how they put on so much weight yes the secret is to eat a lot and then sleep this helps the wrestlers put on weight and the wrestlers hairstyles where do they come from a good question Eric there are lots of different ranks for sumo wrestlers the best wrestlers are in the top ranked the style of a wrestlers hair depends on his rank all the hairstyles come from samurai traditions samurai were traditional soldiers in Japan interesting I guess it's difficult for a sumo wrestlers to find a girlfriend actually it's not that difficult Erik successful wrestlers usually go out with beautiful models or pop singers hmm where can you see tournaments in Japan there are six grand sumo tournaments called bash Oh every year they take place during odd-numbered months like March or July the bash show take place in Tokyo and Osaka Nagoya and Fukuoka thanks John for our fascinating explanation of these rather mystifying sport we found out a lot about sumo thanks John goodbye and goodbye to all our sports fans see you next week for another edition of sports special so today we found out about a martial art called sumo a martial art is an art of self-defense without using weapons just your body to find out about something means to learn new information we found out that in Japan sumo is more than just a sport it's a way of life people look up to sumo wrestlers they are heroes to look up to someone means to respect and admire them a sumo wrestler is a man who practices sumo sumo wrestlers are very fat and they have particular hairstyles we found out that their hairstyle depends on their rank notice how we say depends on something our rank is a position on a scale the best wrestlers are in the top rank and I was surprised to find out that sumo wrestlers go out with beautiful girls to go out with someone means to have a romantic relationship with someone what about you ladies would you go out with a sumo wrestler and you guys would you put on a hundred kilos to become a sumo wrestler we say put on weight this means become fatter actually to put on so much weight sumo wrestlers start training very young if a boy shows promise this means he shows ability at the sport and what is the aim of the game the aim is the objective in football the aim is to score a goal in sumo the aim is to force the opponent out of the ring the opponent is the other person playing the ring is the square platform where wrestlers and boxers fight our wrestling or boxing match is called a bout sumo tournaments take place in odd number months an odd number is a number that isn't divisible by two for example one three five seven two four six eight or even numbers an even number can be divided by two I have to leave you now but see you next week for another edition of sports special
Channel: Learn English Conversation
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Length: 34min 54sec (2094 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 13 2014
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