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hello and welcome back to english today this is DVD 13 and the first DVD of your upper intermediate level and in this DVD we'll begin with another three episodes of our story that's life followed by our special TV programs which include everything but the kitchen sink featuring our culinary experts and then there will be a discussion about India and China do they represent a threat or an opportunity then in the grammar section we'll be studying more about the present perfect and the present perfect continuous tenses and then we'll learn about the gerund and the infinitive and we'll also study the first conditional all right so I hope you enjoy yourselves Sharon I called a real estate agent five minutes ago he deals with apartments in Japan he said he'd sent an email with some photos that way we can choose which apartment we like the best don't rush me Peter you know I haven't decided and we've talked about this a lot but doesn't the idea of leaving appeal to you I mean just think of it a new country a new life together new experiences no I'm really enthusiastic about this opportunity it's not every day you have a chance like this well I wanted to make changes in my life for a long time but these changes seem so well so overwhelming there I said it I've never been to Asia and I'm frightened of going there to live but I told you that Alice has been there she went to Japan in 1995 she says it's a fascinating country it's antique and modern at the same time it's full of interesting traditions and new innovations I know I know I've read a number of books last night I finished reading Japan in the 21st century I admit I'm curious about it all you see just remember you were afraid when we came to London but you've adjusted well we've been here a year and a half and you haven't once complained but I take that back you complained once last week come on Peter stop joking around you're right I've made great friends that's why I'm so hesitant to go I know I'm also sad the idea of leaving everyone huh hey Jack how long have you been in here a couple of minutes uh excuse me I didn't mean to spy but you were so involved in your discussion so you've heard that she still hasn't decided even if she's going to decide soon in fact we are just talking about which apartment to choose well don't rush it Peter decisions about major changes take time so whose side you on I need to get going I took my wash to be repaired two weeks ago and I still haven't picked it up sooner or later they're gonna put it up for sale but Jack I'm leaving her in your hands please try and convince her you hello again and welcome back to english today your live TV program where you can learn the english language that last episode I'm sure Jack can manage to convince Sharon to go to Japan what do you think we will see how that evolves now let's go back to the present perfect remember that we have learned so far that we use the present perfect with Gene just ever already never and yet well I want to give you two more acronyms to help you understand when you use the present perfect and the first one is this slot now you see at the top we have four four is a time word and we use for for a length of time what's length length means a duration of time so if you want to say ten years for example you would say I have lived in France for ten years for ten years a duration of time or for example five minutes I have worked here for five minutes okay so for we use for a length or a duration of time that's slot FL ot slot now let's look at the second one spot now a spot starts with the word since since is a word that we use when we're talking about an exact point of time so R let me give you an example if I say five o'clock that is an exact point of time so you could say I have been here since five o'clock or for a year you can say 1973 since 1973 so these two words are very important for and since flotte spot for for a length of time and since for a point of time now let's do a little exercise to help you with that I will say something like two days you must decide whether to use for or whether to use since okay so two days is it a length of time or a point in time length so for two days I have been here for two days another example Thursday Thursday is a point of time so since Thursday great for a long time a long time exactly that is a duration its length so it's four I gave you the answer another one December good it's a point so since December very good this one are weeks very good for weeks okay fine ah let's think of another one 2001 okay that's a point of time so since 2001 those are some examples let's go to the screen now and I'll show them to you in a written form that's that way you can memorize them and fix them okay so plot and spot there we have it for a length of time slot so this is to express duration the examples I have lived here I've lived here for 10 years then he's known her for ages now for ages means for a long time okay then we had spot which is since and we use it for a point of time the examples she's worked there since the seventh of June point of time that's a date and they've been here since 1978 a year okay so slot and spot now the interesting thing is that when we ask questions about that we use the word how long for example how long have you been here and we use the present perfect look at the screen we say how long have you lived in Cambridge and the answer would be I've lived in Cambridge for ten years or since 2001 you see now remember that how long is different to how many times how many times is one two three four five how long is a period of time okay another example how long has he worked their answers he's worked there for 10 years or his work there since 1973 all right now just look at the examples we practiced we have for two days for ages for weeks for a long time duration then since Friday since five o'clock since 2001 since I was young and since December great okay so there we have it we have Jeanie just ever already never yet we have slot and spot which is four and since this is when we use the present perfect great now let's go back and see if jack has managed to convince Sharon to go to Japan okay bye can't leave now that we finally found each other stop it jack I'm so confused don't you start I was thinking you'll be all alone in a foreign country you won't know anyone Peter will be at rehearsals all day at least hearing you have us I will always be here for you yes I I know that Oh with and did you know that women can't go out alone in Japan Jack that only happens in the Middle East stop it now the truth is I love new experiences remember when I moved to London two years ago I've loved every minute of it look that's not what you told Peter I said it on purpose you know I want him to slow down I heard what you said five minutes ago you were sincere you weren't joking you misunderstood Jack I'm not afraid of leaving I've lived in a lot of different places in my life I've done a lot of things I've worked as a babysitter as a tour guide as a waitress I'm sure I'll find something in Japan I know you all too well sure you haven't ever really enjoyed any of those jobs you still haven't found what you want to do in life stop it jack I'm glad you promised Peter to convince me to go I didn't promise him anything so what have you decided are you going to move I don't know I think I will yes I'm going to move if you've already decided why did you have a job interview yesterday afternoon who told you that and no I haven't spoken to her for days how did you find out it doesn't matter so you still haven't answered my question I don't have to answer to you jack okay I see you writing great it just proves that I'm right jack sometimes you are so impossible have you ever considered that maybe it's the best thing for me what about you Sharon have you ever thought that you might be in love with somebody else listen I refuse to give up love is difficult isn't it I know something about that but so is the simple past in the present perfect and in fact this is an important lesson because one of the most difficult things in the English language is to decide when to use the simple past and when to use the present perfect I hear a lot of people making mistakes about this when do we say I went and when do we say I have gone well remember up until now I've tried to help you with these acronyms you remember oil way and Jeannie and I really do think they'll help you now do you remember oil way was for the simple past we use the simple past with on in last when ago and yesterday okay and we use the present perfect with just ever already never and yet be careful there are two A's this is already this is a go okay so be careful there so when you are speaking English you have to make these choices what do I use simple past or present perfect and it depends on what time reference or time word you are using in the sentence that is the most important thing okay which one of these acronyms let me give you example will take a simple verb like I go now if you want to use already in the sentence what do we use do we use present perfect or simple past already is part of Jeannie just ever already never yet so you need the present perfect and you say I have already gone now if you want to use last we where is it huh l-last simple past so you say I went last week now you try I want to use just which one Genie just so we say I have just gone present perfect okay next one I want to use yet now be careful there are two why's this one is yet this one is yes today be careful so yet is negative do you remember it's present perfect and the yet is at the end of the sentence so I haven't gone yet all right that's more difficult yet so that's an exception next one when when okay simple past for a question very often when did you go next one never hmm right I have never gone present perfect fabulous two days ago now this is already and that is a go so I went two days ago right you're getting the hang of it on yes so I went on Friday for example yesterday I went yesterday and the last one in yep good I went in June or in September fantastic so that's it you okay when you are deciding whether to use the simple past or present perfect sync of the time words and let's look at that on the screen just to remind you once more because this is difficult so oil way is for specified time on in last when ago yesterday I saw him on Friday we went there in 1988 she came last week when did you visit them question form I visited them two weeks ago I saw him yesterday on in last when ago yesterday then Jeannie for unspecified time in definite time just ever already never yet examples I have just seen him have you ever been to America they've already eaten he's never learnt and have you met them yet okay yet at the end so please try and memorize these oil way Jeannie and think about it when you have to decide between simple past and present perfect alright good luck and I'll see you again soon bye okay Sharon you remember to buy the beer right of course I did and you managed to bake the cake right not yet I'm going to bake it this afternoon I still need to get some chocolate actually Jack offered to get some for me he promised to bring some before lunch sorry but I can't help you with a cake I have to take some tours to visit the Tate Gallery oh don't worry about it I'll have jack to help me he decided to stay home today to give me a hand just don't forget to tell Tom David Mary and all the others don't worry Peter said he'd take care of it I'm sure he's already got in touch with everybody by phone hmm great everything is going as planned oh don't forget to buy the present don't worry how about getting an astrology book she'd love that absolutely she loves reading those kinds of books hmm I hope I can get it before I go to work by the way have you heard anything from mr. Dubois but he told me he expected to come but couldn't confirm well you know how it is being so busy and everything it's hard for him to give a definite answer one way or the other I imagine being a stage director is difficult how this would be so happy if he comes yes she will anyway mum's the word if you say anything it won't be a surprise hey everyone what are you up to oh nothing important oh I almost forgot happy birthday Alice so what have you arranged to do this evening well I considered celebrating with you guys I mean if you want to Oh I'm really sorry but what Jack has arranged to eat out this evening with his colleagues and he can't put it off now and well I agreed to correct some reports oh I see what about you Sharon I'm terribly sorry but I agreed to go to the theatre with Peter and he won't be finished rehearsing before midnight well but I thought but I know we promised to have a party but why don't we postpone it but it's just not possible today what a shame I can't stand the thought of being all alone on my birthday hello again she really believed them didn't she great actors now in this lesson I want to do something new and it's related to gerunds and infinitives in that last episode our friends used some quite complicated sentences which I want to look at with you now and said Jack offered to get some cake do you notice that there are two verbs together there Jack offered to get some cake now offered here is followed by an infinitive that's one example the next example is she said he promised to bring some before lunchtime he promised to bring some promised is followed by an infinitive promised to bring then Anne says she loves reading loves reading that love is followed by a gerund then Sharon says yes I imagine bee a stage director is difficult I imagine being gerund so here we have offer which is followed by an infinitive promise followed by an infinitive love followed by a gerund and imagine followed by a gerund and you're probably thinking so how do I learn these well you have to learn them by heart as we say yeah there's there's no other choice so let's go to the board now and I will show you how it works and unfortunately like the simple past irregular verbs it's all a question of memory so as we said when you have a main verb followed by another verb sometimes it's in the infinitive sometimes in the gerund let's look at some examples you managed to bake a cake the verb managed is followed by an infinitive Jack offered to get some he promised to bring some I have to take some tourists have to in the sense of obligation what have you arranged to do arranged plus infinitive I agreed to correct some reports so there you see manage offer promise have arranged and agree are followed by the infinitive with to let's move on to the other examples where verbs are followed by the gerund she loves reading so love followed by reading gerund I imagine being a director is difficult imagine followed by gerund I considered celebrating considered followed by gerund celebrating with you guys and he won't finish rehearsing before midnight so there we have examples of love imagine consider finish followed by the gerund forms so it's a bit complicated and it's a question of familiarizing yourselves with the verbs that take gerund and the verbs which take infinitive it comes with practice don't worry but this is just an introduction so let's go back and see what's going on in Alice's birthday party alright and I'll see you later bye hey is anybody home oh that's right I forgot everyone's busy this evening what a shame I resent having to spend my birthday all alone hey what's happening here happy birthday to you happy birthday to you happy happy birthday to you oh I'm so happy I didn't expect to find anybody here I thought I had to spend my birthday all by myself oh did you really think we would forget to celebrate your birthday well yes I play quite a trick and you fell for it come on everyone a toast to Alice oh wait wait before we make a toast we have another surprise another surprise daddy this is such a great birthday how did they talk you into coming Palace dear how could I miss your birthday work is important sure but nothing is more important than my dear sweet only lovable adorable little girl dad it took like that maybe blush in front of everybody listen I know I wasn't always there for you and that I've made a lot of mistakes but I want to catch up things change I've got a suggestion for you do you want to come and work with me really with you what would I do you can write scenes for my films you've always had artistic flair I'll teach you the tricks of the trade you'll learn how to write convincing scenes in no time at all that way we'll always be together if you want I don't know what to say I gave up wanting to spend time with you you don't have to decide to do anything now let's celebrate the birthday it's toast Cheers Alice thank you so much daddy this is the best birthday of my entire life happy birthday Alice did you hear what her father said he said if you work with me I'll teach you the tricks now that's an opportunity not only for Alice but also for us because he used a grammatical form that I want to teach you now if you work with me if I'll teach you the tricks and that in English is a conditional form the first conditional if I work if plus a simple present I will teach followed by the future will so to illustrate this a little bit better I want to talk to you about what is almost a religion in England making tea now every household in England has one of these this do you know what this is called it's for water to heat to boil water in English we call it a kettle every English household has a kettle we have all sorts of different models as well and I can assure you if you buy a kettle you will never regret it why look at this it's very light plastic and it's very fast so if you fill this kettle to about here it's one and a half litres and then here's the plug if you plug the kettle in the water or on the half liters will boil in three minutes incredible so one and a half liters if you boil one of the half liters then it will be ready in three minutes okay the other good thing is that if you want to carry the water to another place look take it off the element and it's portable now there's one thing to remember inside sometimes it gets a bit dirty you have a special liquid to clean it because if you don't clean it then it'll change the taste or it might change the taste of the tea okay so that's important so our kettle if you buy this I can assure you you will never regret it okay now I was using some conditional sentences there and I want to go to the screen now to look at those more carefully it was the first conditional using if all right and this is used to describe real possibilities so look at this if you work with me this is Alice's father I will teach you all the tricks so we have if-then the present tense and then will and be infinitive which is probably different to your own language so be careful about that the other example if you use a kettle you'll make tea faster so present tense future with will if you use a kettle you'll make tea faster if you don't clean it the tea won't taste good you see the negatives there if we don't negative over the present the tea won't negative of will taste good now we can sometimes change the second part look at the next example if her father offers her a job she might accept it now using might gives the idea of uncertainty but that's fine to use in the first conditional the other example if he accepts the job yeah if he accepts the job he might move go to Japan alright so you can also use might if you stay with me in English today you will learn the English language alright great well I'll see you again in the next lesson bye hijack his n home no she hasn't arrived yet I've been waiting for her for over an hour I think she's been shopping what's the matter you don't look too well nothing really don't lie to me I've known you for 10 years listen Jack I I really don't want to speak about it okay no it's not okay we have to speak about the situation and clear the air once and for all I've been thinking about us a lot I've been thinking about us so much I haven't slept well in nights what have you been thinking Jack about us you're leaving for Japan I've told you before and I'll tell you again Sharon it's crazy you can't leave now when when we know how we feel you're repeating yourself that's right and they'll continue repeating myself until you accept the truth we're made for each other stop you're embarrassing me Sharon listen I haven't stopped loving you and I know you feel the same about me that's it I said stop it and I meant it look you've made me cry and anyhow how do our feelings change anything how do they change anything that they change everything you must tell Peter immediately about everything tell him you won't go I'm so happy I knew you felt the same way about me oh my god it's Peter he can't see me like this stay calm maybe it's time we tell him everything hello everyone and welcome back to some more English today it's the moment of truth for Sharon isn't it now in that episode they used some very interesting language and language which is a grammatical form very typical to English it's a form you don't find in many other languages let me give you some examples Jack said I've been waiting for her for over an hour I I've been waiting for her she's been shopping she's been shopping and jack also said I've been thinking a lot about us remember she said what have you been thinking Jack now that's the form that I want to look at with you now because as I said it's very unusual and particular to the English language so Oh London Bridge the Tower Bridge now that's that's a useful image because in fact this grammatical form is about bridging two different forms it's about bridging the present perfect has been or have been with the present continuous form for example I am working now you put those together mix them all up thing bingo you get the present perfect continuous you see the taxi joins the two together that's great I'll give you an example I have been teaching for years now what does that mean it means that I started it in the past this action and I am still continuing it now so I started in the past have been and I'm continuing now the continuous I have been teaching English for years okay let me give you another example yoga I started yoga ooh five years ago I'm still doing yoga now so I say I have been doing yoga for many years I have been doing yoga for many years okay so that is the interesting mixture of present perfect and the present continuous okay so I think in order to understand this a little better we should go to the screen so that you can see it in the written form I remind you it's a tense that you find in particular in the English language not in other languages so here we have it Sharon has been working as a tour guide for many months so an action starting in the past continuing now he's been working here for five years he's been stands for he has been working here they've been playing tennis since May okay that's the positive form now the negative form Peter hasn't been paying attention to Sharon for a number of weeks that's the negative that's true the question form is how long have you been doing your homework this morning have you been doing inversion how long has she been teaching we use how long very often because we want to find out the duration when the action started and the action is continuing now so what period of time how long have I been teaching then the answer would be I've been teaching for many years I could ask you how long have you been learning English you can say well I've been learning English for years or whatever the answer is so that's the present perfect continuous PPC and don't worry this is not the only lesson about it it's not easy and I will tell you other things about it in lesson four necklace alright so see you then bye Jan Sharon what are you doing here I've been looking for you for half an hour hey what's the matter you've been crying are you going to explain to me what's going on or not Peter listen calm down I'm not gonna calm down I want answers and I want them now what's going on here that's what I'd like to know jack and Cher have been here for who knows how long and who knows what they've been doing hey Jack it's time you tell me what's up I'm gonna get really mad if I don't get some answers stop stop you're acting like little children come on Jack let's leave Peter and Sharon alone they need to talk and and we need to go shopping so Shan what's going on Peter I have to tell you something I've never told you before I've known Jack for a long time we went to the same university together and well we were once engaged what so that's why Jack came to live here you can see each other haven't you Shannon no Peter I swear it it's true we just happened to meet here it happened by chance by chance that's a strange stroke of luck just enough to bring back some old passionate feelings here's how long has this been going on Sharon nothing has happened between Jack and I even if I do still have some feelings for him after all Peter you've been neglecting me for months the only thing that's important to you is your work you live eat and drink theater and nothing else so you're saying this is my fault no one is at fault it's just that we want different things from life at the moment I've had two interviews with the director of the archaeology Museum they want to open an art exhibition and they've offered me a job do you understand Peter it means a job I would really love what are you getting at Shan would you stay here and not go to Japan if I asked you what kind of question is that answer me Peter it's important I've accepted the job without asking me how could you did you ask me about Japan did you Peter huh are you willing to stay here with me I can't Sharon this is my big chance you see Peter I'm right nothing is more important to you than your success so this is our moment of truth the question is when do we use the present perfect and when do we use the present perfect continuous many people ask me this they say Louise but when do we use the present perfect I have gone I have seen I have done and when do we use the present perfect continuous I have been working I have been learning often people confuse the use and you're right it's not easy at all so I'd like to try and help clarify that by these simple things a revision of what we've already seen now with the present perfect we use Genie remember just ever already never and yet that's important to remember with those words we use the present perfect but with the present perfect continuous we're using for since and how long okay now that is the difference so if I take a phrase like I do the exercise and I want to use the time word already then you need the present perfect I have already done the exercise but if you want to use the concept of since you can't use the present perfect you use the present perfect continuous so I have been doing the exercise since Friday another example would be for example just just is a present perfect word so we say I have just done the exercise if you want to use for we're into the present perfect continuous the PPC so I have been learning English for many years so do you see the mechanism you have to think about what time words you want to use in the sentence then you choose the correct grammatical form Jeannie for the present perfect for since how long how long have you been learning English for the present perfect continuous that way you can distinguish between the two forms all right so try and memorize those time words and I can assure you it will help you a lot when you're speaking alright great well see you again in the next lesson bye welcome to cooking today we're delighted to be back and these are Frances home again Lisa we've had so many calls since our last program I'm glad to hear it well now let's see here Sally from Manchester is getting married in June and has always dreamt of having a well-equipped modern kitchen just like the ones in the movies how can we help her well to begin with a kitchen environment should be well lit and have ample surfaces to work on also plenty of drawer space is necessary for storage of food items and utensils I know what you mean I have to contend with a small kitchen that has neither light nor enough drawer space that's why I go out to restaurants you don't need a king-sized kitchen to enjoy cooking in it what's important is organization and having things at hand what are the main appliances newlyweds should have well obviously a hob an oven and a fridge are absolutely essential today many people can't survive without a dishwasher I'm one of those people I really hate doing dishes so do I getting back to the subject I'd like to show our viewers some optional appliances although they're not strictly necessary they often come in handy in large families or when entertaining guests frequently one is the grill another is a deep fryer for large quantities of chips and other tip bits that's not the appliance for me I love healthy cooking in that case you need a steamer oven like this one in the u.s. is hard to find a kitchen without a microwave microwaves are quite useful especially for busy people other appliances which are also common in the US are water and ice dispensers like this one everybody seems to have a food processor these days why is the food processor so useful well a food processor is a great boon since it's a real space and time saver it has many different functions it can mince meat grate cheese and vegetables make bread crumbs pop tomatoes fruit and so on so what else can you show us an electric beater like this can be used for whisking eggs as well as making mayonnaise other kitchen aids are scales and measuring utensils careful weighing and measuring a fundamental for successful cooking since recipes are generally in kilos and grams all right there are a lot of other things that we could talk about but unfortunately our time is up Lisa once again it's been great being here thank you for your help you're welcome well let's analyze some of the vocabulary used by Lisa talking about the appliances for cooking she spoke about a hob or us stove where you cook food an oven where you roast or bake food a grill where food is cooked by strong direct heat as we saw the farming machines can be optional a deep fryer in which you fry food a steamer oven where you can cook food and steam rather than water a microwave where food is cooked by electromagnetic radiation then should refer to items where food can be stored like a fridge originally refrigerator the section with frozen food is called a freezer the section of the fridge which produces cold water and ice is called a water or ice dispenser Lisa also said drawers are important you need them to keep utensils cutlery and so on a dishwasher is a machine for washing dishes cutlery glasses and so on other small appliances are a food processor a machine which can ground mince or chop food an electric beater where you mix whip or whisk food scales or measuring utensils used for measuring food weight or liquids then Lisa use some culinary terms such as mints that is chopping meat into very small pieces notice that mince meat is a mixture of dried fruit cheese and carrots can be grated that is finely shredded or we can say pulp which means crushing fruit into a soft paste pulp is also the soft inner part of fruit another useful verb is beet that is mixing eggs cream butter using a fork or whisk that's enough for today see you again bye hello everyone and welcome to let's talk the evening discussion show with our two commentators Tom and Marie good evening everyone good evening well let's talk business tonight let's talk about some important developments in the global economy let's talk about new markets and new commercial opportunities in particular I'd like to know what you think about the extraordinary economic growth that's taking place at the moment in some parts of the world are you referring to China yes and also to India you know for the last five years the economies of these countries have been growing at almost double-digit rates in 2005 the Chinese economy grew by nine point nine percent the Indian economy by 8 percent compare this with an average of only 1.3 percent in Europe's eurozone how do you see these developments is this enormous economic growth and opportunity or a threat for European producers well I'm rather concerned about it and I believe that many European industrialists are concerned to these two Asian giants with their enormous populations are threatening European manufacturing and jobs the fact is that labor costs are so low in China and India that European manufacturers just can't compete sorry Tom but I really don't agree with you I don't see these growing economies as a threat to European producers I believe that China and India offer new important markets to European manufacturers you know both countries have middle classes that are becoming larger and larger these people are becoming wealthier and are looking to spend their money on luxury goods made in Europe so Maria according to you European companies can sell their high-quality goods to middle-class Indians and Chinese exactly in this way European exports to China and India are predicted to increase just a second Marie the reality of the situation is rather different India and China are selling much more to Europe than Europe is selling to them I accept that's true at the moment but don't forget Tom that cheap Chinese goods have helped to keep inflation low in European countries and this has helped keep interest rates low too so consumers have been able to save money and spend this money on other things well I agree with you that European consumers in industrious have benefitted from trade with China of course what's more today more and more European companies are building factories in China or are having their goods produced there exactly that's the problem very european industrious are deciding to have their goods produced in these countries because labor costs are lower if we continue like this lots of factories in europe will close and the number of unemployed will rise well I can certainly see that you have different opinions on these issues I think you're both right like most things in life economic growth in China and India has it good and bad points it can either offer commercial opportunities to some European producers but it can also pose a threat to other sectors of European manufacturing okay let's say goodbye to Tom and Marie goodbye goodbye goodbye to everyone and see you again for another appointment of let's talk so we've just spoken about developments in the global economy the global economy is the economic system of the world an important development is the economic growth in China and India economic growth is the development of an economy the Indian economy grows by 8% notice the use of by the Chinese economy grew by 9.9% here notice also how we say 9.9 is this economic growth threatening to European producers a threat is a danger and the verb to threaten means to put in danger one opinion is that the economic Rose of India and China is threatening European producers producers are companies that make products another word for producer is manufacturer why is it a threat because there are low labor costs in India and China labor costs are how much a company pays its workers to produce something the number of unemployed will increase in Europe this is the number of people without a job we say someone is unemployed when they don't have a job another opinion is that it isn't a threat actually it's creating new commercial opportunities for European manufacturers new commercial opportunities are new markets for products or the chance to sell more to existing markets just quickly before we run out of time there are a few useful expressions for discussions I'd like to look at a polite way of asking someone's opinion is I'd like to know what you think about when you strongly disagree with someone you can say sorry but I really don't agree with you or just a second but if on the other hand you agree you can say I accept that's true or I agree with that well that's all the time we have for this time see you soon
Channel: Learn English Conversation
Views: 581,027
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 8cEbIu6E2cY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 38sec (3818 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 13 2014
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