American Shocks Tibetan Elders by Speaking Rare Tibetan Language

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Now Tibetan is one of those languages in the world that is really rare There's not that many people that speak it But fortunately here in this super diverse neighborhood In New York City called Jackson Heights There is a lot of people... Hey good videos man, very good videos Oh thanks man! There are some people who speak Tibetan Which is kind of cool I'm going to go try and... ...practice today It's sort of a hard thing to do because... There's all these different dialects of Tibetan Who knows... Here it goes guys It's so cold in New York right now So first lets go find some steaming hot Tibetan yak butter tea A traditional beverage in snowy Tibet What do you need? What do you need? The tea The tea Just tea Yeah Milk tea [Tibetan] Do you guys have butter tea? "Butter tea", haha We have butter tea over here... Looks like we might be out No? I think we're out Ok Actually we have some left! Yes, we have some left Is it hot? I love drinking butter tea Oh haha yes, butter tea is delicious Wow, you speak Tibetan...? It is delicious indeed Yeah, Tibetan tea is great Yeah Oh yeah Really tasty Where are you from Where am I from...? I'm from America... New York... Where did you learn Tibetan? I've been learning Tibetan online... Oh, that's very good! I actually have been to Tibet before Have you? Indeed A place called Deqen? In Yunnan Yeah, Deqen yeah In Shangri-La Shangri-La, yes Deqen yeah I speak Chinese too actually But just a little Tibetan Yeah I speak Chinese too Yeah yeah The more you speak the better you get Exactly, exactly I think so too The first time I came here No English no Spanish, but as you talk It gets way better [Spanish] You speak Spanish too? [Switching to Spanish] Of course, I speak it well They would always ask me what country I was from "You're definitely Mexican" Or Filipino? No, no You got people from all over in New York Yeah, people from all over here Lots of Ecuadorians, and they would always get excited by me speaking Spanish You're Tibetan? Yeah Wow [Chinese] From Sichuan Sichuan? [Chinese] You speak Chinese? Near Chengdu Near Chengdu? [Switching To Chinese!] Yeah, near Chengdu Near Deqen? Deqen is more south Yeah, that's where I remember going Oh I see Lots of Tibetans over there Yes, Tibetan, but we speak Mandarin and Tibetan as well [Spanish] Seems like you speak all the languages in the world Yeah, all of them It's so easy to learn languages here You work with people who speak Spanish and you pick it up It's easy if you practice yeah And then, you learn with practice Just work a bit and pick it up Yeah, it's very good man Yeah I'll see you later Oh wait I never paid hold on I pay I pay it's ok You pay? No no no it's ok I got it [Tibetan] How much? Yeah yeah One dollar Thanks See you later And of course we've got to get some food So it's time for some delicious Tibetan dumplings aka momo Hey how are you doing Fine how are you I'm good man I wanted to get some food maybe Are your momos any good? Of course they are! Yeah? Oh, that's good Can I get some of the beef momos? Okay The beef... One One? Yeah For here or to go? For here For here, okay yeah... okay You speak Tibetan... That's nice Just a bit! Yeah Do you have any hot sauce? Right over there This is the hot sauce? Yeah Then what's this? White sauce... Mayonnaise "Mayonnaise"? Mayonnaise Mayonnaise!? Yeah Is it good? Yeah, but I don't like mayonnaise on the momos No? I'll try a little I've never had momos before The first time I'm going to... We're going to try it You're smart Oh... thanks You memorized it in one day No not one day but... It's taken me three weeks to get to this level! Three weeks... Oh, three weeks...? I think Tibetan is... ...pretty hard No, it's not hard! DO you like it? Delicious! Yeah? Here's the money I already ordered Oh you ordered? Yeah Oh okay There we go, yeah Do you guys have any more of that butter tea? What? Butter tea? Butter tea? Butter tea? Butter tea, yeah No we don't have... No? Yeah Oh okay Do you have momos at least? Of course Okay Can I get some chicken momos? Just one of the chicken ones Chicken momos? Yeah Yeah... You speak Tibetan? Yeah This guy speaks Tibetan! I was really impressed man Thanks man Where did you learn Tibetan anyhow? I learned it online Oh okay Online Nice to meet you It was nice meeting you man Xiaoma: Have a good one Man: I'm super impressed You have a YouTube? Huh? Yeah I'm a YouTuber I'm a YouTuber You can [write your channel name] here, [on] YouTube? Oh yeah yeah I want to see Where is YouTube? * She doesn't have YouTube on her phone * Do you speak Chinese? Chinese? Chinese, no I don't No? I can only understand a little bit [Chinese] I was going to tell you how to get the app in Chinese my Tibetan isn't that good yet You know all... the languages! You so smart Are you ready to order? Thank you Is this Tibetan food? Yeah Can we start with butter tea? Butter tea, yeah Thanks More momos for me today Momos coming up Hold on a sec Can I get them deep fried? Is that it? Yeah, that's it Oh okay This guy over here speaks good Tibetan! You speak good Tibetan I love Tibetan food Do you? That's pretty awesome Do you have napkins? Napkins? Yeah Sure they are right here Oh Thanks You're welcome! You know Tibetan? Just a bit See you later Now I want some noodle soup? Noodle soup? Yeah, we have it I will take the noodle soup then Very good Wow I'm impressed with you Huh? Oh! Been learning some Tibetan Have you? From where? Internet Nice job learning from the Internet... Good job! Cold, huh? Wow, you understood that? You understood that? Cold? Yeah Wow, you know a lot of Tibetan... No no Dude speaks good Tibetan Just a little We say "tserin" Tserin? Tserin "Live long" Okay, tserin
Channel: Xiaomanyc 小马在纽约
Views: 353,928
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: xiaomanyc, tibetan, xiaomanyc tibetan, tibetan language, tibet, tibetan culture, lhasa, lhasa dialect, tibetan food, momo, momos, butter tea, yak butter tea, tibetan tea, tibetan butter tea, speaking tibetan, learn tibetan
Id: eHeWChj9pgk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 18sec (558 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 15 2021
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