Simple Past Mistakes in English

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hey student watch this video and learn about simple past mistakes you're probably making coming up [Music] hey friends teacher breaks here to help you talk to anyone anywhere anytime in english thank you so much for joining me live if you are watching the live lesson if you are watching the replay well thank you so much you are awesome too and hey instagram thank you so much for watching and for watching the replay as well you guys rock i i always get excited about making videos for you guys and making live lessons so it's always always exciting so let's dive into the content because i have a lot of stuff to share with you tonight so let's cut to the chase and if you are watching here on youtube make sure to hit the like button because it really helps okay are there baby sardines i see hos angela baby sardine hello are there baby sardines here on youtube tell me i'm a baby sardine from the academy because then i i know okay so simple past mistakes simple past is a very important structure okay and it's something that no matter how good your english is no matter what your level is you will always need to review you will always need to spend some time studying okay as i have been sharing with you like for the past year i've been studying italian and i'm always reviewing the tenses and simple past is one thing that i am always studying again because i know of the importance of using simple past in conversations in everyday conversations whether it is you know for job you know for work related conversations or for casual conversations okay so elma hello my babies elio jose thank you for joining you guys are awesome now my friends here before i talk to you guys about the mistakes i'm going to be doing a quick review okay now if you want a longer lesson about simple past i have lessons here on my channel about simple past okay but here i'm going to review some important concepts so if you think that i'm going too fast it's because it's a review this part of the explanation of what simple past is is more like a a review okay but if you have questions about simple past let me know here in the comments or in the chat and i can come here and make a video more slowly talking about simple past hello cesar thanks for joining and maria guadalupe very nice i have to say guadalupe with an accent oh very nice my friends anyway now simple past okay i will talk about the past that's obvious and i know you know congratulations in the past we need to change the form of the verb okay so we have two kinds of verbs in the past we have regular verbs and we have irregular verbs when we are describing things in the past we need verbs we need actions goal sleep drink buy travel and these actions they need to be changed into a different way a different spelling spelling and pronunciation now when we do that we have two possibilities or my verb will be regular or irregular if my verb is regular that's a good thing because it's easier you will add ed or ied so travel for example is regular traveled a need is regular needed want is regular wanted and then we have the irregular verbs irregular verbs change completely in the past either the spelling and pronunciation change or just the pronunciation will change for example buy to buy bought run ran let's see eat eight so if you have problems remembering past uh past conjugations i recommend to start studying a small list a short list with everyday verbs okay and usually when i am teaching simple past to my beginners to basic students to my private students i tell them to make a list based on verbs they believe are important for them so if you believe the verb run is important to you then you have to to study the past of the verb run to run is important to me okay because i like to run i run four times a week so when i describe my day i can say i ran yesterday because i i did that activity so think of the verbs that are important to you and that's how you start your list okay now affirmative sentences we have three basically we have three types of sentences affirmative negative questions okay when we're talking in the past we can make affirmative sentences we can make negative sentences and we can make questions affirmative negative questions okay now when i make affirmative sentences i for example in the present i like soccer i drink water i visit my friends on sundays this is an affirmative sentence if i do that in the past that's when i have to change my verb okay so in the past tense my verb changes okay so i had a burger for lunch i know i'm embarrassed i should have eaten healthy food but i ate a burger a delicious burger and french fries i'm weak i'm not as strong did you have a burger for lunch no well anyway so if i make an affirmative sentence my verb changes okay i went to london last week no i didn't but i visited that's true i visited my parents last weekend that is true okay so because i am making an affirmative sentence my verb changes the main verb of the sentence will need to change change to what to the past conjugation or regular or irregular okay now we also have negative sentences here there's a catch and i will talk about some observations here okay in negative sentences you will need to use your verb in the base form so the verb in a negative sentence in the past goes back to normal and you need you also need the word didn't i didn't that is not true i didn't go to london last weekend because the pound is too expensive and we can't travel in brazil we can't go anywhere because of that virus you know that lockdown quarantine thing we can't travel so i visited my parents but i didn't go to london i didn't go anywhere different okay i just went to my parents house so here i have to use didn't or did not and after that the verb i didn't eat i didn't have breakfast this morning i didn't run this morning these are all true examples i didn't have breakfast and i didn't run today this was not a very healthy day but i did yoga yeah i did yoga that's fun okay so when you're making negative sentences two important things the verb goes back to base form no more conjugation no goodbye and you need the word didn't to make your negation to make a negative sentence okay i didn't work last night all right now there are exceptions to this rule and i will explain stay tuned okay i know you're thinking how about verb to be yeah yeah we'll talk about that don't worry questions in questions the verb will also be in the base form okay so no changing again so if you think about it if you pay attention you only change the verb form in an affirmative sentence in a question or in a negative sentence you don't okay you don't change the verb so when i ask a question in the past form i will say did i need the word did then i have my subject did you did your friend did the car did the student did the park did this video the subject you need a subject then you need a verb okay and this verb is in the base form no change did you watch my video this morning i don't know did you did you see the game last weekend okay did you see the game did you watch the game last weekend did you have breakfast this morning okay so that is important so you use did then the subject then the verb and the verb is in the base form now i have a i have a playlist on my channel where i talk about the sequence when you're asking questions in english okay and here i asked a very basic question a yes or no question did you did you go out this morning did you finish your homework did you because it's yes or no yes or no if you want to ask a question about explanation why where people who when you can you put it at the beginning did you first see me on youtube why did you and then you continue okay but here remember it's a review if you want me to make a video just to talk about sequence of questions let me know alright now to the exceptions to these special ones to be or not to be it is the question we all have what do we do about verb to be chill it's easy verb to be is independent okay it's free like a bee so when you use verb to be in the past form you always you always you always change affirmative negative questions anytime in the past okay so you always change okay you always change verb to be in the past verb to be in the present m is r verb to be in the past was were i have one entire video just talking about verb to be in the past only verb to be so if you google here verb to be in the past teacher prix you will find this lesson about verb to be in the past so the two possible conjugations the the two possible forms of verb to be in the past are was were and you are going to use this in affirmative in question and in the negative form you will say was and not wasn't if you don't want to contract was not if you want to contract wasn't okay and the other form of the verb to be in the past were if you want to contract warrant the negative if you don't want to contract were not were not okay oh but teacher americans only contract okay that's good so contract do that too all right good for you so you can do that another verb that is really independent in the past is the modal verb can so can in the past is could c-o-u-l-d could and you use could in affirmative in negative in questions any time in the past okay so you can make questions with could you can make affirmative sentences with good you can make negative sentences with good the negative form is the negative form of good is good plus not could not if you contract couldn't okay you have both options all right so here with could and verb to be you don't use didn't you don't use did you always change was were or could okay so that is very very important now baby sardines question my baby sardines are the sardines of my online english program the real english academy and inside our private group i always tell them hey guys do you have any questions about this blah blah blah so they asking me some questions so here we have a question from from denise why is it common why is it so common among brazilian students including me uh to use the simple past instead of the present perfect okay that's a good question baby sardine but i'm sorry to tell you it's not a it's not a thing of brazilian people it's a thing of his students english students okay now do you want to know a story where about get okay this happened to me i think 14 years ago no 14 13 years ago i was a teacher already and there there was a situation with the verb get so if you want to know the story let's see how many likes i have here on insta on youtube i have 39 likes that is so sad let's get this to 55. if i get to 55 likes on youtube i'll tell you the story of get do you want to know the story of get if you don't want to know the story of get it's okay so if i get to 55 likes i'll tell you the story of get and if i don't get it here that's okay i'll tell you on another day another life another planet but answering this baby sardines question first of all as i said it's not about brazilian people it's about people in general okay the present perfect present perfect may not be a very clear structure to students and here is a is also connected to the habits okay and the habit that you established when studying simple past because simple past is the first structure you learn way before present perfect we end up using simple past more easily and why is that probably because you spent a long time practicing for past is studying simple past doing exercises of simple past trying to use simple past and when you learn present perfect you don't spend half of the time learning present perfect practicing present perfect reviewing present perfect trying to use present perfect so it is really a problem of habit and the way you study present perfect and not just the way the the way you study but the way you try to implement present perfect in your life because the truth is that you can use present perfect you will not use present perfect as much as simple past another thing that we have to debunk here okay present perfect is important native speakers use but you will always use simple past way more okay especially because we human beings have a tendency to be very specific when we're trying when we're talking about the past and when we use present perfect we can't be so specific we can't say yesterday last year yeah a goal a goal this is the number one thing we can't excuse me we can't use specific time expressions and in many conversations that is exactly what we want to do okay so this is a problem of uh a mentality okay if you want to use present perfect more you have to practice present perfect way more okay and uh taking taking into consideration that there are some limitations of present perfect i have a video here on my channel where i talk about five situations when you should use present perfect you shouldn't use simple past well you can you know you can but it is much better to study present perfect so in this video i show you five situations so what should you do with these five situations you should practice them you should study them and you should try to create your examples and every time you have an opportunity to record your voice speaking in english or do something in english you have to think oh okay how can i include present perfect here instead of of the past okay and that way you will gradually establish the habit of using present perfect because simple past is easier of course it is you spend too way more time studying and dedicating your energy to simple past so present perfect is relevant but you need to do the work if you want to to get at a better level and watching and using present perfect in specific situations i think i like to use present perfect strategically because you can't use it all the time the way we imagine like oh we use present perfect we use simple past all the time so shouldn't we use see a present perfect all the time and the answer is no we don't use present perfect all the time because we are in many conversations we are very specific and that doesn't work very well with present perfect whenever you are very specific and when i say specific you uh are talking about i'm talking about uh dates yesterday last week last month last year and i can't do that with present perfect i can't be so specific with present perfect okay so i hope this answers your question baby sardine three more likes i need to get to 55 i have 52 likes so i there's still time i will go back to the story of get okay but i need three more likes if you are watching on instagram dislikes they count here on youtube come to youtube hit like and then you go back to instagram okay now my friends let me know when i when we reach uh 55 likes now my friends common mistakes which you know are the common mistakes are actually the main subject of this lesson uh how about when i'm using present perfect and continuous completely different lesson my friend this these are very different things i can make a video talking more about that but uh the focus here is simple past really simple past and these students they get so caught up in present perfect and present perfect continuous that they are so important they are so relevant but the frequency you're going to use these guys um is is low okay so you of course you use and i really defend using present perfect and present perfect continuous but here i'm talking about the foundation of english let's work on improving your past okay you master past you become like yo good at that then you can learn more complicated tenses uh okay we got 59 likes so i can talk about it i can talk about the story of get now this is to help you understand the importance of habit the importance of making it a a a task okay so if you want to improve present perfect if you want to use more present perfect you got to do the job okay now when i was uh uh when i i don't i'm not good at remembering dates and numbers but i was already a teacher a young teacher i was about 19 years old and i worked at a school you know i went to the school i had groups i had students it was amazing today i have private students but my focus is my online program the the academy the new english academy but at that time i was a teacher at a school and our coordinator my boss okay his his vocabulary was spectacular he was he he was out of this world okay the man was perfect he had never traveled abroad okay never traveled abroad his english was amazing okay i i looked up to him so much because he was brilliant and one day because at school the this coordinator asked us to speak english all the time even in our free time he wanted us to speak english to be an example to the students and he was right one day he started to listen my conversation with my friend and he looked at me and said wow don't you have another word do you need to use get and get and get and get and get i'm laughing but at the time he said that i was so embarrassed because there i was with the person i admired and he was like get get get get don't you have another word fine so he said guys you need to use other words and then my first explanation was but it's so difficult i can't think of another word because get is easy we use get all the time i didn't learn other words and then he said well you didn't learn other words because you didn't study other words and you didn't practice the other words the moment you decide you decide to establish a study routine that makes you that forces you to get out of your comfort zone you're going to learn other possibilities and i started to think and on that week we had a teacher's meeting and he gave us a challenge and that challenge was to reduce how much how often we used the word get now there's absolutely nothing wrong with the word get and today that i am older and i am more mature i love his strategy he was absolutely right there's nothing wrong with the word get but at that time i needed to get out of my comfort zone i needed to explore different words and learn new things but because i thought what we get is so easy yeah i was not doing that okay and here i am talking about this as a teacher not necessarily as a student okay it was my professional experience i wanted to be better to help other students so i thought wow he's right and we accepted the challenge and we started to study and we started to practice and i started to write down the same strategies that i teach my students in the academy the strategies that i share here with you guys i i worked on them i started applying i started practicing and studying and writing examples and creating examples exploring different words and after the challenge was over i realized that there's nothing you can't do it's only that you have to accept that you need to do the work and the work sometimes is a little annoying i i get it because get is so awesome i have a video here on my channel where i teach you seven different meanings of get because get is cool as someone said here get is cool and i agree with you now in the real world let me make a big disclaimer here when you are in the real world it's not about being pretty using the most beautiful words no it's about being able to communicate your ideas okay so don't understand this story as oh my vocabulary is basic no understand that this is what i do in the real world okay i will do what i can do but when i am practicing it is a good idea to try to explore because at some point i will begin to use what i am studying and practicing but this moment of practice and repetition needs to happen consistently continuously otherwise you may always feel that you're not going anywhere that you're not moving forward okay the same thing happens to phrasal verbs collocations expressions it doesn't mean you're going to use all of them but it'll make you a better listener you will understand more conversations in english it's not about only using the words but understanding them okay so i hope this story inspires you to do the work too okay and uh bye by by practicing i'm sure that the present perfect use will will change you will use more present perfect now common mistake number one using didn't the negative didn't plus verb to be was didn't was i didn't was no okay as i explained to you guys the negative form of verb to be is wasn't okay as i told you verb to be is an exception is a special all right this verb doesn't need didn't doesn't need don't it is independent i ate too much now i'm burping i feel my burger i'm sorry [Laughter] so the negative form of was is wasn't so when you when you study and and this may confuse the students because when they start studying simple past they learn that the negative form always uses didn't didn't didn't didn't but then when you see verb to be wasn't was not why didn't is the past no for verb to be and could you will not use didn't the negative form of could in the past is could not or couldn't the negative form of verb to be in the past is was not or wasn't or the other the other conjugation were were not or weren't these are the verbs that are exception to the rule okay with the other verbs you're gonna use didn't okay now comma mistake two past plus past i will explain this is not past perfect it's a different past past sometimes students are making sentences and they say oh teacher i tried to study it two verbs in the past what is the problem here you cannot do that i try it two eight okay using it in the past i wanted simple past i wanted to went the past of go no you don't this doesn't work okay why not there is an explanation okay in english when you have two verbs together two verbs in a sentence because it's possible okay in many many situations if the second verb verb number two is not a separate action an individual separate action from the first you cannot change because it's a complement to the first so if the first if the second verb is completing the idea of the first verb you only change the first this happens a lot with the verbs try want continue because usually when you say these verbs you will need another verb to explain what you tried i tried to do my homework to do is completing i tried it is what you tried so to do is a complement of try in that case because it's a compliment not a separate action you don't change okay you only change the first there are some situations when you have two three verbs and you change but they are separate actions they are not connected they are not completing each other for example you know this morning i got up around 6 a.m then i took a shower got dressed had breakfast listened to music read a book then i started to work okay so i started to work i cannot change because work is completing start but the other actions describing what i did in the morning i got up took a shower brushed my teeth got dressed had breakfast read some emails called my mom there's sep they are separate they are not together they are not connect i'm not they are connected because i am giving a sequence but it's not completing it's not a complement of the first verb because there isn't a first there's a first second third fourth but i understand the sequence of actions so pay attention okay clark dc another baby sardines elma the lesson about get is here on youtube and if you put different uses of get teacher pricks because me right uh then you will find so different uses of get teacher pricks you will find the lesson okay very well so when the second verb is completing complementing the first it doesn't change i wanted to buy a porsche but i don't have money i wanted to eat healthy food but unfortunately i couldn't i ate a burger because i was not strong enough see all past okay all passed so here i wanted to eat but i didn't i couldn't i couldn't eat healthy food today i couldn't be healthy today okay oh another thing i couldn't be it's possible to use verb to be bbb without saying m is r okay i couldn't be healthy today because i don't know i couldn't be a healthy woman today i ate a burger and fries lots of fries anyway my friends if you're enjoying this lesson make sure to hit that like button share it with your friends and keep watching now another baby sardines question vinicius from the real english academy my babies uh picture breaks what's the best form of i am going to all right first and foremost b plus going to is future okay let's make that very clear you use b plus going to when you are going to do something in the future you will do something in the future you you are showing a decision a plan okay i have a lesson another lesson here on my channel where i talk about b plus going to okay hello vitor another baby um you know the the this afternoon i was eating my burger and i was watching a tv show episode and then the woman uh her daughter died and uh she looked at the daughter and she said my baby my baby my baby and i i started to think of my students my babies my babies that's how i feel when you translate i feel like i am dying okay anyway now guys as i said i have videos here on my channel where i describe b plus going to as future okay now b plus going to is used to talk about future plans decisions so keep that in mind that being said it is possible to use a similar structure in the past form but now i am not talking about future i am describing something that i wanted to do that i intended to do but for some reason i couldn't okay it was my intention to do but i didn't do it okay because something happened maybe i changed my plans so here i have two examples i was going to move to another country but my parents convinced me to stay so here i was going to move i had intentions i had plans of moving to another country in the future but something happened my parents convinced me to stay this is just an example it's not true okay example i'm not moving next example oh i was going to call you i forgot to write you here on this slide i was going to call you but i completely forgot i am so sorry so i had intentions i planned to call you okay but unfortunately my memory didn't help me i forgot sorry okay so it's different okay vinicius uh i am going indicate the futures a future plan something that i want to do that i'm going to do that i have decided to do and when i say i was going to do it is different okay so keep that in mind it's something that i intended to do something i wanted to do but didn't happen okay uh right wagoner another sardine vito ah these sardines are awesome so baby sardines don't make me go into drama mode my babies my babies my babies are translating don't don't make me do that all right moving on mistake number three using verb to be and another verb but you only use verb to be in the past hi teacher i was do i was go my friend was like i i was go i was bi no okay when you do that you will confuse your listener okay actually before this lesson i was talking to my student and she was asking me but when do i use verb to be well you use verb to be when you need the verb to be when verb to be is the main course of your dinner when verb to be is the verb that you need the main verb i was tired this morning so i didn't go out for a run because i was tired so here i was tired there's no other verb tired is an adjective now here what students do is they think they are using past i was bi i was right i was run and you can't do that okay now there is a difference between past and past continuous i also have a video on my channel probably talking about that but they are different things when you are making a sentence in the past form you change the verb so if you need the verb do that's the verb you change goodbye to be bye bye bye goodbye verb to be i did my homework that's it no to be because it's not the verb you need i bought a new dress you don't need verb to be you students sometimes say i was by a new dress forget was change by by is the verb that is necessary for this phrase i bought address okay uh and if you are curious about uh i was busy doing something you can say that it's correct but here uh you are using past continuous that's what i said it is different okay now guys if you're curious about the show i was watching is the 100 i'm i'm watching season seven it's the last season the final season it was so dramatic today i think i'm gonna watch this show again today tonight i'm gonna watch this episode again because it was so emotional when clark started saying a baby a baby i was i was like oh my god they killed her child that is so horrible it was a it was a very emotional episode very very good show really mind-blowing show i recommend you guys do it the 100 okay the the article the and then the number one zero zero the 100 awesome awesome show i think it is on netflix but i'm not sure okay i'm not sure now be careful with mistake number three and last mistake mistake number three and then we continue mistake number three okay this is mistake number four mistake number four when sometimes the students use was verb to be was and the verb go the past of go is went okay so verb to be was and verb go in the past to end they use these words as if they were the same thing they are not the same thing verb the verb to be doesn't indicate movement okay only the verb go does that and in the past went so i went to the movies last night so this means that goodbye i moved i walked or i i drove a car or i took an uber you know i moved to the direction of the movie theater i went but if i call my friend and i say oh i was at the movie theater last night i am not saying that i went that i moved my body i'm just describing a place where i stayed for a certain period of time so there is a difference okay you can use was to describe uh describe the location you were present at a certain time so this is important you can use was to describe a location where you were present at a certain time you cannot use was to indicate the movement that you had to make to get to that place okay so this is a mistake many many students make okay uh emmy emma says mistake number three is the name of an old song from culture club now songs are a free arena okay songs will have all kinds of english mistakes because it's it's art so it is very difficult to analyze a song okay so every time we have a song when we're talking about music the rules change the rules change completely okay so as i was saying i watched to the movies no okay i went to the movies if you want to use was i am just indicating the place where i was present at a certain time for example i was at my parents house last weekend i was at i'm indicating the place where i was present not that i went if i want to indicate this imagine these are my legs i went to my parents house last weekend okay so that is uh i went to see my parents awesome very good all right my friends other than that i want to say thank you you guys are amazing my babies are amazing now every time i think of the word babies i will remember the actress from baby she was so sad it was so dramatic um a baby is my baby and i was like my babies from the academy they can't do that to me so now elma just checked 100 the 100 is on netflix so check it out okay and remember my babies don't translate other than that thank you so much and i'll see you next week next week there are many good things coming so stay tuned thank you so much my friends and i'll see you next week bye
Channel: Teacher Prix
Views: 4,565
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: english, english lesson, teacher prix, english class, english fluency, grammar in english, english grammar, simple past, simple past mistakes, mistakes in english, learn simple past, simple past common mistakes, simple past tense, past in english
Id: k9V0HbL3_2U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 15sec (2715 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 24 2020
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