May Might Must Can - Modal Verbs of Deduction - English Grammar

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may might must and can't modal verbs of deduction watch this video and learn how to use these modal verbs to talk about deduction in english and how native speakers use them in conversations coming up [Music] hey friends teacher bricks here to help you talk to anyone anywhere anytime in english well first and foremost thank you so much for watching this english grammar lesson make sure to subscribe because from monday to friday i always come here to bring you new lessons to help you become a better and more confident english speaker deduction what does deduction mean deduction is the process of getting to a conclusion based on the information you have you don't really know if you are right or wrong but based on the information you have you deduce you make a deduction in english you are going to use the modal verbs may might must and can in the negative form can't to make deductions to talk about things that may be true or not may be possible or not based on the information you have that being said let's look at each one of them so that you understand the difference between these modal verbs of deduction let's get started with mate and mind because they are very similar we are going to use may and might when you think something is possibly true you believe something is possibly true you are not sure but you think it's possible you think it's possibly true example i call james but his phone is off so his phone is off not on off he might be on the plane now or just boarding so let's put this into a context i know peter is traveling sometime today so i called peter i called him but his phone is off his phone is not on his phone is not working he might be on the plane or just boarding that's why his phone is off so here i am making a deduction i think this is true i don't know i think this is possibly true but i am not sure so when i am not sure about something some inaction that i'm talking about then i'm gonna use me or might oh but teacher breaks what is the difference between me and might well as i said they are very similar you are describing something that is possibly true in some books some teachers will say that when you use might you are really really really not sure okay you have no idea and when you use may you are a little bit more certain but very little okay so that's an informal way to explain that when you use might you really have no idea what you're talking about and when you use may you may be a little bit certain but not much okay remember you think something is possibly true but you don't know you are just making a deduction i don't know where susie is but it's 4pm she may be at work she may be at work so here i used may because of the time well there's a very good chance she may be at work she may be they're separate okay may and then the verb be maybe is different from may be okay maybe i'm talking to my colleagues at work and i'm trying to finish a report and i'm having trouble so i talked to a friend and i say hey um what if they call alex maybe alex can help me well you can try to talk to alex but he may not be able to help you either we are all pretty busy this week so my colleague looks at me and says hey you can call alex but he may not be able to help you he may not help you either i don't need to use b it's just a common combination but i can use other verbs he may not help you why well because we're busy everybody's busy so try call alex but he may not help you either because we're all busy now guys one disclaimer even though i didn't mention the modal verb could in affirmative sentences affirmative not negative okay in affirmative sentences it is possible to use the modal verb could instead of might i call james but his phone is off he could be on the plane right now or just boarding he might be on the plane he could be on the plane that's why his phone is off so this is one option and as i said may and might will both be used when you believe something is possibly true or not it depends affirmative sentence possibly true negative sentence possibly not true possibly not happening okay so as i said when you use might you're really not sure and when you use may you have a very little idea of what's going on and guys if you're learning something new and you want to let me know that i am helping you with this lesson post in the comments of this video hashtag plus the word value that way i will understand that you are learning something useful and i am doing a good job helping you better understand how to use modal verbs of deduction now let's keep going let's talk about can't i will not use can in the affirmative sentence to talk about deductions only in the negative form and why well because in this case for the purpose of this lesson i am talking about deductions modal verbs to describe deductions and when i use canned i am talking about something that you believe you are sure it is impossible and why do i say you believe as i said based on the information you know you are sure it's impossible you are sure it's not true okay but always remember it's based on what you know maybe you are a hundred percent sure of something but then two days later you receive new information that changes your mind so here whenever you use can't as a model of deduction you are describing something that you believe you are sure is impossible or not true and i'm gonna give you some examples to make that very simple check it out jack with a new porsche no he can't be that rich he can't be that rich so jack with a new porsche no he can't be that rich something's going on that is not his car maybe it's not his car maybe it's his friend's car and then i saw it and i'm like hey jack is driving a porsche what he can't that's not his car he can't be that rich it's impossible for him to be that rich it's not true that he is rich maybe he rented that porsche maybe he's driving a friend's porch but he can't be that rich yo that is our new professor no maybe you look at the new professor and you think wow that is the new professor she can't be the new professor why because she looks like a 10 year old that happens a lot you know don't judge a book by its cover open the book first so maybe here i look at the new professor and she does look very young so in my mind that is not true that is impossible she can't be the new professor why she looks like a baby how how is that even possible based on the information you know okay it is true she is a new teacher but based on what you see she can't be it's impossible as i said we do not use the verb can in affirmative sentences to describe deduction you will use it in other situations but not in this case to do that use might that's a better option that's the only option you have in might and may okay now if you're enjoying this lesson make sure to hit the like button and subscribe that way the channel grows and i also get to help more people let's move on and focus on must ah must we use must when you are absolutely certain sure something is true but always keep in mind that you are absolutely sure based on the information you know maybe you're wrong okay it happens alright maybe you are walking down the street and you see the the lights of your neighbor you know the lights of the house and the lights are off so you can say wow the neighbors must be out the lights are off it's a it's an interesting conclusion okay you are sure based on the lights the neighbors must be out they could be sleeping but hey we're not going to talk about that so the neighbors must be out the lights are off they are always there maybe you know the neighbors maybe you know that always at that time the lights are on but on that day the lights were off so i can conclude the neighbors must be out guys the main difference is that when i use must instead of me or might in this particular case i am sure something is true disclaimer i could be wrong but in my head in my mind i'm sure okay so here in this example it's very clear i am making a deduction at the end of the day you are making a deduction in all these examples but with must you are really certain and maybe you are right okay maybe you are right so that's a very important difference between must may and might okay another example wow your friend must be rich look he's driving a ferrari i don't know why i'm giving car examples i think that these cars are so expensive that it helps you understand the deduction because if you see someone driving a ferrari that person must be rich or that person must work for someone who is rich or that person must have a friend who is rich so you see these are three possible deductions that i'm making and i am sure he must be rich he's driving a ferrari he must be rich okay that is a possible explanation uh oh teacher but he could be renting a car that's when i go to more uncertain deductions so in this case when i'm using must i'm really certain i could be wrong but i am certain in my in my in my core i know it i'm absolutely sure something is true not very commonly used in the negative form focus on affirmative sentences with must okay so that is a very important use of the verb must when i am describing things that i am sure absolutely sure there you have it my friends i hope you enjoyed this lesson make sure to type value in the comments below that way i will know that i am in the right direction i'm helping you become a better english speaker that can talk to anyone anywhere anytime in english other than that thank you so much and i'll see you next time bye
Channel: Teacher Prix
Views: 2,059
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: modal verbs, modal verbs of deduction, deduction in english, how to use modal verbs, english lesson, grammar in english, may and might, might and may, must, how to use modal verb must, must and may, learn english grammar, teacher prix, improve my english, learn english, english grammar
Id: lek32SczTh8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 33sec (753 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 08 2021
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