5 Advanced English Books You Must Have

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watch this video and learn about five advanced books in english you should definitely use coming up [Music] hey friends teacher breaks here to help you talk to anyone anywhere anytime in english first and foremost thank you so much for watching this lesson if it's your first time here consider subscribing because every week i bring different kinds of english lessons to help you become a better and more confident english speaker now let's talk about books and which ones you should be getting for you you know just say okay so the first book i want to share with you is the longman dictionary of common errors guys this is actually a very useful book you know i use it all the time basically guys every book that i recommend for you guys here are supposed to be used to help you during your practice so that you can check stuff not for you to study 100 of it i don't think i have finished this book i've had this book for a really long time okay the pages are even a bit old you know but i love this book and whenever i wanna get inspiration to make videos for you guys or when i am not sure about a particular phrase or a word i take a look at this dictionary because it shows common mistakes the students make and if you want to get this book i will leave the links affiliate links where you can get these books you know so if you are from brazil there is a link in the description if you are from other countries there is a link as well this is definitely an incredible investment you can make to complement your journey okay so whenever i sit down to study i i really just open the book randomly and i take a look at a few things that i can check out and it's amazing okay this book will show you confusing words confusing verbs expressions uses of verbs that sometimes the students confuse prepositions adjectives adverbs and how we tend to use them incorrectly in sentences really guys common errors common mistakes students no native speakers like you and me tend to make because we do okay and stay tuned because this week i'm gonna be posting a very nice video about common mistakes so guys definitely you can use this to complement your journey as i always tell you fluency is communication not perfection however during your practice it's interesting to take a look at possible mistakes we tend to make and how to fix them the explanations are 100 in english and they are easy to understand okay the idea is to help you on your journey this dictionary uh is definitely going to help intermediate and advanced english students who need to brush up on their english improve brush up on phrasal verb improve their english and learn about common mistakes they usually make okay now the next book that i strongly recommend if you don't know me very well in my method i combine different aspects of english fluency okay i believe that fluency is a mental attitude so if you don't work on your emotions if you don't build up your confidence and you only focus on the language skills you're never going to achieve your main goal which is to speak confidently you know achieve your dream advance your english and talk to anyone anywhere anytime so in my method for example in my online program i combine language skills you need to learn the grammar the vocabulary listening comprehension but i also bring some neuroscience elements i am a master practitioner of neuro-linguistic programming so i bring different techniques exercises to work on the mind to work on the emotions so that you can build up your confidence now if you are studying english if you are on the journey to fluency and you want to build up your confidence i strongly recommend you read some books that are not only teaching you english they are in english but they are not teaching you english stuff they are teaching you brain stuff how to work on your emotions and unlock your brain potential with that in mind i have inner size this is an amazing book guys seriously i absolutely loved reading this book it is for intermediate advanced speakers okay they have incredible brain exercises activities that you can do to expand your mind to unlock your potential to work on your emotions and the best part it is in english of course that you can get it in your language okay so inner size it was written by john azarev i i think that's how you pronounce his name a seraph because it's a different it's not english okay and his last name at least and it's an an excellent book if you were looking to expand uh the way you look at english the way you learn things okay so in bsa my shoes in my academy if you are watching this video i recommend this book okay if you are beginning your journey inside the academy maybe you can wait until you're like in module 6 module 10 but if you if you if you're past that buy this book it will be challenging but here the wonderful thing is you can combine different things you can work on your english study vocabulary study expressions verbs idioms but at the same time do inner size the idea of this book is to bring you exercises inner okay oops inner inside inner size he he explained why he chose this title i watched a video from the author where he talks about it why inner size inner exercise the new science to unlock your brain's hidden power so he does give some exercises for you to do to work on your mind to expand your mind and guys if you want to advance your english make your dream of speaking and understanding english come true you have to start working on emotions and brain development it's very important to do so okay so this is my third no my second suggestion of the day okay getting back to english okay the next book which i really like but i must warn you you've gotta use this book in moderation just as book number one is a book to complement your journey this book right here my friends english vocabulary in news is supposed to be used in moderation as well this is not going to solve your vocabulary problem okay this is why i i'm so worried about making a video like this because just buying this book and doing all the lessons will not be the answer to your vocabulary problem to your vocabulary challenge because being able to communicate means that what do you do when you don't know a word do you practice expressing yourself in those situations because the truth is we're always gonna have those challenges we're always gonna have those problems okay so this is a wonderful book that will definitely challenge your vocabulary skills this version is the advanced version okay i think you can get intermediate versions low intermediate beginners but i think that if you're watching this channel if you're watching me right now challenge okay challenge yourself to the next level it'll give you contextualized uh expressions lessons based on themes and subjects it is really good it is going to teach you a lot of vocabulary and i am sure it will help you boost your vocabulary skills but it's a compliment okay i think that i personally i studied this book like four times a month you know to consult to check some interesting explanations because they teach you the vocabulary but they also give you some explanations sometimes they talk about some mistakes we make so and everything in english okay there's no translation don't study books that translate okay even if you don't get these books i strongly recommend you get these books but if you don't never buy books with translations it's harmful do you want to speak english or do you want to translate things okay so this is an excellent book you can find the link in the descriptions to buy this book okay teacher can i get a free download no that's a crime that's illegal you have to buy the book okay so i will only leave links uh to where you can get the book where you can purchase the book okay and hey guys if you're enjoying this lesson make sure to hit the like button now guys the next book unfortunately i couldn't find it okay i i couldn't find my book because i have this book i have several of them in fact this is the the same author but it's a different book okay so i recommend the miracle morning okay this is a different book this is the miracle equation amazing as well i read this book three times okay it is mind-blowing but the book that i'm talking about is the miracle morning you can see a picture here on the screen at this moment yo and guys it's an excellent book the author talks in a nutshell he's going to talk about how your the first hours in your day can determine your life you know another thing that i teach in my academy in my online program is the importance of developing habits coming up with a structured plan to achieve english fluency to make your dream of speaking and understanding english become a reality in your life but to do that we need to establish habits and this can be very challenging for students especially if they are studying alone without any guidance without any plan okay so reading a book like this it is not teaching you english but it is in english so it will be a challenge for you you will challenge your vocabulary your uh conjugations you know a comprehension of tenses expressions phrases more complex phrases but it'll be an incredible opportunity for you to grow your english and grow your mindset students focus too much on the lesson and they ignore the mind they ignore the emotions and without working on these guys it can be very difficult to achieve better results to improve your english and improve yourself so this is an excellent book if you want to get the miracle equation i will get the link i will leave the link in the descriptions as well but the miracle warning really helped me understand my morning in a completely different way every person i know who has read the miracle morning only says great things they they really enjoy the book they really say that it was able to give them ideas to transform their mornings i'm not saying you will need to wake up at 5am i don't wake up at 5 a.m anymore i wake up a little later nowadays at 6 00 am but i have a much more productive day because i understood the power of habits it's a very interesting book to introduce the idea of habits and if you want me to make more videos about books that will help you on your journey to fluency and on your journey to unlocking your mind let me know in the comments and i will be more than happy to make more videos so if you want let's let's create a hashtag okay more books okay if you want to know more about that more books hashtag more books and that way i will know you want more and finally again in moderation book number five is advanced grammar news okay do i do this every week no have i finished the let's say i don't remember the number of lessons have i finished the 90 the 100 lessons no and i've had this book this is a new version okay because mine i had another one and it was really old because i've had this book for a really long time so i bought the latest version i think this is the third edition yes this is the third edition i think i had like the first edition so i got this latest one because they updated a few things it looks more you know looks clean and more beautiful so i bought it again i don't do the exercises in the book i i do them in my notebook because i like to write and and they space here is really bad you know you can't fit your handwriting here and this book is amazing to teach you a lot of grammar and ideas to help you improve your english but as i said in moderation my bsa in the academy have grammar lessons in every module but in moderation you're not supposed to be two three four hours doing this lesson or start like lesson one lesson two lesson three lesson four just focusing on the grammar no that's not what i want you to do i want you to sit down and include some of these lessons okay so the books that i'm showing you here especially the the language books they are supposed to complement your journey because at the end of the day this book doesn't offer listening exercises real life conversations to help you practice your listening there's not there there may be some vocabulary but not really that's not the focus of this book it doesn't give you real life conversations so you need to include the grammar you study here in real life situations to write about things to talk about things that happen in your life so be very wise when using this book but do i recommend it yes i do but you have to use it in moderation okay i had a bsa who joined the academy and she had a call with me and then she showed me this book and i was like well it's a good book but how do you use it and then she was like well every day i spent about an hour an hour and a half doing the exercises and i was like oh really no okay maybe 20 to 25 minutes but teacher what if i couldn't finish well there you have it life goes on do something else okay when i'm studying italian because italian takes me a bit more time i i divide my time wisely to do the activities that i do i don't spend as much time on grammar i study grammar i watch grammar lessons here on youtube as well but i am very careful so that i don't spend all of my study time just doing grammar exercise i'm not going to criticize this book it has some interesting concepts some interesting lessons that you should definitely use but be very careful you don't need to do all the exercises i don't okay because exercises don't prepare you for real life it's much more important to see the observations the explanations that is definitely nice sometimes here in the grammar videos that i make i can't give you all the information because i need to make the video short and here you're going to find more details more interesting facts about the lessons you are studying so this is definitely a good one for you to have other than that my friends if you enjoyed this lesson share it with a friend maybe you can help someone find something meaningful in this video other than that 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Channel: Teacher Prix
Views: 1,350
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: english vocabulary, advanced english books, advanced books, english books, books to learn english, books in english, advanced lessons, best english books, bets books in english, how to use books in english, english fluency
Id: RysLnh_YwTw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 4sec (964 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 16 2021
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