What Type Of Nation Wins Wars? - Worldbox

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diplomacy Warfare stewardship and intelligence which one of these traits is the best for winning wars let's find out but first we gotta kill this guy um so in this video we have four different nations we have the diplomats the Geniuses the stewards and the Warriors um so for the diplomats we gave them all a hundred diplomacy and that has a hundred percent birth rate so that will pass down to uh pretty much all generations until the end of time yeah I'll definitely be interested to see how that all works I don't know if we've really played around with diplomacy very much and then for the Geniuses we gave them all obviously 100 intelligence which will also pass down we also have the stewards with a hundred stewardship and we have the warriors with a hundred uh Warfare uh so we're just gonna go ahead and hit play and we'll see what happens so they're starting to develop a little bit I think I'm gonna start off start this off with going five times speed just to get them going a little bit quicker I haven't really played around with these traits very much I'm assuming stewardship means they're just gonna manage their uh resources a lot better which would be cool Warriors will probably build the biggest r Army obviously and then diplomats we're just going to try and Ally with everyone which I think they're the most interesting one because they don't really have any benefits besides just what people they Ally with um oh and look at them go they're already starting to Ally with someone who are they oh they're trying to Ally with the Warriors okay that is actually really smart I think the diplomats could potentially win it just depends on who they Ally with and when yeah they're definitely the most risky one but who knows okay looks like everyone is expanding well diplomats are actually in the lead as far as population goes they have about 13 um Geniuses have 10 Warriors have 12. stewards have 12. oh yeah you can see the Geniuses already have houses I think that guy was just mining Silver too we should check to see the technology they're at now yeah so wuvo tab they're already up to a level 11 which is really crazy so they have bows and swords no new materials but the bows are definitely going to come in handy and they also have house tier three um so they might might actually end up being the nation with the most population no are the stewards trying to make who are they trying to make peace with or Ally with um joining Alliance okay Bond of people I think that that's got to be the alliance between the diplomats and the Warriors okay yeah you can definitely see the stewards kind of Advantage here um because they have the most population and they're the first ones to build a new Colony um so yeah I guess they're just managing the resources super well which is cool that that actually does make such a big difference and I think they have an army already I don't know if it's an army I think it's just their King picked up a stick oh no it is Army okay Ike is their first uh Soldier so that is really cool yeah stewards are doing really well um Geniuses I would think would have a lot more population than they do um because they have like the least amount of population out of everyone and I would think with how good their housing is they would make more uh babies but uh I guess not I don't know what they're doing what are the diplomats doing are they uh they're trying to get out of the alliance that's it's really interesting okay we just entered a new age um yeah we're in the age of Tears yeah okay so diplomats just ended their alliance with Warriors and stewards and I think they're trying to get into an alliance with the Geniuses here yeah Geniuses and diplomats are trying to get into alliance and their Alliance is called Turtle Power oh look at the Geniuses Army though they got some pretty good weapons or at least they have a lot of bows I'm seeing which is good I guess they're still using wood so they're wuvo bab um they do have silver I guess they just haven't mined very much and yeah they got some really good technology they got army training two um hammer swords and it looks like they start at level two um they get max level um their Max and level is increased and they just they live longer too yeah these guys are super op they've actually overtaken the diplomats as far as population goes and then Warriors have really fell behind so they're down to um they only have 122 a tornado just spawn on them I don't think it killed too many people but that's funny it's like just as I'm talking about how bad they're doing they get a tornado okay it just went through it's a diplomats and Geniuses are going against the stewards that's a good matchup um stewards could actually pull this off we'll see you got one of the Geniuses armies coming down okay and they just took over that Colony um I could dran oh wow okay the stewards have a 30 coming up look at that that's a huge Army we'll see what they're down to 25. okay I think the Geniuses can probably pull this off um they're kind of being really smart about what they're doing it seems like they're kind of just sending a few guys down here to like distract them well these armies are just kind of range attacking them oh and the Geniuses are taking over this Colony okay so I could dran I guess I was already captured um but they captured it again and uh now it's just getting captured Again by the uh stewards oh all right okay Warriors looks like one and one in on this um they're playing a war against the stewards I feel like this always happens it's always like the nation that's doing the best I feel like everyone gangs up on okay Ava is getting captured by the Geniuses and we'll see if this war goes through okay that one's getting recaptured all right okay Warriors just declared Warren stewards yes they got some armies coming in um yeah I don't know about I don't know how the stores are gonna do okay yeah I could dran just got recaptured um Ava's getting captured 80 90 100 and okikayo is under attack by the Warriors right now um 60 70 80 90 and 100 okay so that just got captured um stewards are down to 165. um Ava's getting captured oh yeah and it looks like everybody's coming down to the Capitol what is this Army doing the stewards have some random seven up here um like going on the offense they should not be on the offense right now they should just be defending their cities I don't know what they're doing oh yeah and I also do have angry villagers turned on so they do have to kill um some of the citizens to capture some of these colonies oh okay a pogo just fell okay so it really is is just this one Colony um for the stewards rip okay 80 90 and 100 okay so that war just ended yeah unfortunately the Geniuses um didn't really get like anything out of that they didn't even get like one colony from the uh the stewards so hopefully they can capture catch up though this builds a new colony and it looks like a few new colonies that were built um duplex just built a new Colony Warriors just built a new Colony everyone's kind of trying to dissolve this Alliance right now so we might get some Wars after this happens and yep that just went through um Turtle Power is now dissolved so I'm curious to see who's gonna fire the first bullet here okay diplomats we're going back to going back to war see who against against the Geniuses okay interesting I feel like they're pretty evenly matched um diplomats have the numbers but Geniuses do have better technology I don't even know if diplomats have like bows or anything I think they're still using sticks so it should be pretty evenly matched all right and there goes diplomats against Geniuses so a couple armies are meeting here on the border the diplomats again it just makes so much sense but they literally do not have like weapons for most of their soldiers uh so yeah they're just getting like absolutely pooped on out here okay and another War just started oh no it's happening again yeah the Warriors um apparently just declared war on the uh the diplomats as well yeah diplomats are just gonna get absolutely demolished yeah diplomats uh definitely made a poor choice by dissolving that Alliance uh because that was realistically their only like hope to win yes they're down to one Colony here and yep the armies just arrived okay two population left 20 30 40 50. all right yep okay diplomats were just destroyed I'm curious to see what the armies look like okay so the armies are pretty even and also the populations are pretty even um so I'm really curious to see how this is gonna go I wouldn't fast forward this a little bit all right so Geniuses versus Warriors we'll see how this goes all right and Anson is at 50 percent Warriors I don't think I've arrived yet and then kupworld is getting captured by the Warriors um atika is getting captured feels like they're just gonna trade a lot of colonies right off the bat um I was getting captured okay the Geniuses have pulled ahead they're up to 900 Warriors down to 600 but it looks like the Warriors are about to reclaim a few colonies um though the Warriors do have quite a bit of army they just haven't really used them very much um they had three these three armies right here which seem to all be pretty op oh yeah this has just been like a ton of trading Jesus keeps like claiming colonies and then uh Warriors just take them right back um it is getting easier and easier though I think because these middle colonies are all just getting worn down um so they're just like super easy to take now I mean this one right here just has one population and then this one over here just got destroyed oh okay that one just got destroyed too and I bet this one is gonna go as well um I wonder if we can find the one guy I think it's this kid down here okay I think he's safe all right stick a little look at the armies I think the Geniuses are definitely starting to pull ahead at this point um yeah okay Geniuses have almost 300 Army um Warriors have like 80. so Warriors have like 550 and Geniuses almost double their population with uh almost 1100 oh yeah okay Geniuses have a 60 coming down um I wonder do they have any better weapons yet I think I'm seeing some steel in here I only have a few Steel weapons Ivan the pike this man named his own Pike but I think what happened was this war just went on too long I think the Geniuses just became so Advanced that uh Warriors can't really compete with their army I'd say I'm only seeing about like 40 Army left for the Warriors oh look at them go they're still trying to like reclaim colonies from the Geniuses um they did have an army I was surprised that they could still take that over okay they still have a 30 over here hadn't it heading into a gokio um yoliko is about to get taken over all right three colonies left two colonies left I'm just Xiao and you and odd this is their last stand right here those like three soldiers and so it's just this one Colony left and there's just one guy do show me all right let's give him a star and let's just let's watch him okay he's actually well okay never mind I think he got I think he killed someone though all right 50 60 70 80 90 and that's it okay so is that the last Colony yep okay so warriors were destroyed and um Geniuses officially win I do feel like if the stewards had uh not all been ganged up on I feel like they probably would have won um with how good they were doing it's just unfortunate because uh I don't know everyone ganged up on them and they just got destroyed like super easy um but maybe next time the uh the stewards will have a better chance we'll just have to see thank you
Channel: Mellon
Views: 34,565
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Keywords: worldbox game, worldbox update, worldbox pc, worldbox new game, god simulator, world box, worldbox gameplay, super worldbox, super worldbox war, worldbox new unit, tabs, dangerouslyfunny, world box game, new sandbox game, world box sand box, worldbox on steam, new worldbox video god tycoon, world simulator, worldbox god simulator, simulated worldbox, gorg worldbox, worldbox mods, powerbox mod, druuuwu worldbox, worldbox, worldbox mega box, worldbox 0.15, project zomboid
Id: 1zn2fkiLQNM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 18sec (678 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 15 2023
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