Engineering the PERFECT asteroid mining facility in Astro Colony!

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hello fellow engineers and welcome to Astro Colony now this is a game where you mine asteroids Astro and create space colonies colony and oh no there's a black hole with me and wait before we get into it I did just want to say that this video is sponsored by Terror games the developers uh thanks for supporting the channel and if you're if you enjoyed the look of this game click the link in my description it comes out tomorrow in Early Access so let's get into it let's start a new game uh you get to select seed number so of course we're going to be going with a very nice number and basically we start off we're on this ship here look here we are me and me and the boys and the girls and oh and this dude and basically they're telling us the the background story to be honestly I'd rather watch Timber bonders wouldn't you oh oh I'm guessing not anyway floating TV man said we are colonists we're going to be building like a space station and then mining asteroids and basically spreading ourselves into the universe and oh there goes there goes with Bros see you later guys um and oh and this robot you know he knows I'm British anyway he's going to be guiding us through what we're doing but basically we start on this platform this is like our space ship I guess at the moment it's just like a standstill platform it's sort of like a space oil rig a space rig but uh we will be able to like move it around and go to like see other planets and space stations and things and if you feel like it's a bit it's a bit lonely in space you can actually play this in multiplayer anyway first off in order to build anything we need some resources now thankfully we do have a jet pack so that means we can sort of like we can well we can just hover in the air which is cool yeah we're going to go over to like these asteroids and can you see on the right there that tells us what resource it has in oh it disappeared it's smashed into my thing it's gone right let's find another one here we go so that has a load of black ore which is carbon so we can just bash away at this boosh we'll need carbon later on but for now as you can see on the left we need some iron and some copper so this one has iron in so we'll give this a bit of a mine give me that lovely lovely iron all right there we go this one over here has copper and iron quite a rare find so we will boost that out of existence and then head back to our platform uh because now we need to do some crafting so in here we can we can press this little button here and we can craft these oars into their retrospective bars so turn the both those on and now we're making bars baby now you may have noticed as we were smashing these asteroids we're gaining science points which means we have a tech tree now the first thing we're going to unlock is the oxygen uh because if you look in the bottom left we are losing oxygen so we're gonna build one of these I think we'll just shove it on the edge there now what this does this creates oxygen out of ice so we need to go find some ice and luckily there are many asteroids floating around that might contain them cheers Little Robot dude all right so let's head over to this blue one because oh yes it's got some ice in it so we'll have some of that please then if we head over to here we can we can use ice to refill oxygen and now we can breathe again and lovely anyway in order for this to work automatically it's going to need some power so in the tech tree you've got to unlock some electricity but we need more science points which means we gotta do some more bushing wow what is that asteroid I haven't seen that color yet oh look it's got iron and gold in it give me that um gold or oh hang on what's that one over there that's even shinier sort of looks like a nugget of poo anyway we'll have the gold out of there thank you very much um oh and what have I found what have I found over here a planetoid a very very strong shaped planetoid that's gotta be a sign so yeah these planetoids you can actually attach them to your spaceship they're also fully defamishable so we can like we can terraform them however we want uh and literally didn't mean to do that and as you do this you'll notice we're getting a dirt Resource as well there's also there's also like copper ore in there as well that's the right nut I probably shouldn't do that that's pretty disgusting but anyway let's get back to building over here because now we have the resources to unlock electricity so we can build a reactor so we'll plonk that there and yep that's a that's a very efficient looking building so we can shove a load of carbon in there now we've got 13 carbon so we'll just put the max in now that is producing electricity look it's smoking out the top you can see there's a socket out the front which means a wire's got to come out um and probably go into that right now whilst we've unlocked this electrical cable there you can see we can't build it we need some copper spools which means we need the handcrafting wire technology so we'll unlock that and then back in our inventory we can simply turn on the copper wire production and now we can make electrical cable electrically so now this thing is powered but in order for it to create oxygen manually it's going to need a water intake so in our Tech Tree we can unlock water and then we can build this now this one's powered we'll use these blades to grind up ice into water but first off we're going to need some cable to plug that in and then a pipe to come out and go into there which means we're going to do a lot more bushing of asteroids until we've got loads and loads of resources so now we can build our power cables just by dragging like that if we want the water pipes we need to unlock them with research so I've just done that so we can do that lovely and then we just got to fill this thing with ice so it will grab the ice shove it in there and look now the blades are spinning that is making us water which means we're nearly there but we just need a way to store the oxygen so in order to do that we'll unlock the most crucial bit of research we'll do in this engineering and then with the hydrogen also unlocked we can then get the oxygen barrier which gives us the option tank so there we go so there we go this little setup this is making us oxygen and tanks and we're going to need that oxygen tank to create an oxygen barrier now this sort of makes like a sort of bubble shield around us meaning we can breathe wherever we are so you probably want this sort of in the middle of our base so let's shove it like there should do connect it up and look we're inside a bubble Shield so now we will breathe while we're in here as long as we're creating oxygen which means as long as we're creating Water and Power remember now you might be wondering well why is engineering so important can you see there it creates engineering science now you may have noticed this early on to unlock all of these they only need like normal research if we move further up here can you see they also need engineering science the little Cog in a head symbol yeah if we scroll 30 and you can see they need more and more things like these end ones they need a bit of everything to unlock so if we build one of these a laboratory I'm probably going to build this like over here sort of out the way a bit it is a big boy of a building this one's powered will allow us to make those science points so we better just power it boosh and look you can see electricity warning signs that means uh our generators run out so we better fill it with more carbon so that's up and running you can see the laboratory is up and running as well and basically that turns iron bars and copper bars into those engineering Signs Now later on that's how we get the the other things we need as well yeah for now let's put a load of bars in there since I've got loads of meat so that is up and running nice uh you may notice we're not really automated whilst you've got these they're not actually getting the resources they need so what we're going to need to do we're going to have to do some asteroid catching look at the look at the magnet so we'll unlock that I'm also while I'm here let's unlock deconstruction so we can move things about if needed and the booster because now flying around we can stick how fast we're going see that's going to be very handy because we're going to have to do a lot more mining as well I probably should have probably should have got that before I did all the mining that I did do but anyway catching asteroids so first off we need an asteroid catcher let's just rotate this around and then perhaps shove it there so here we go here is the building so basically we can jump inside this and now we're on a turret we can literally be like yes I need I need some of that please and you can see in there that is the asteroid that we captured and that's going to be creating carbon meaning inside here we can then take the carbon out and shove it in there however that's a bit of an architect's job we can we can of course automate this by unlocking Logistics because that gives us access to conveyor belts now to make conveyor belts we're gonna have to turn on iron plate crafting but again that's something we can also automate as well but for now we'll just do it by hand so now we have conveyor belt so you can come out here so you can see our conveyor belt has got the carbon on it but we've got to this point we've got that in the way so we can just put an upward conveyor belt in and a flat one then a downward one and a flat one that can go straight into there so now we are fully automated lovely and technically we built our first Bridge which means we need a bridge review this colony's first hump Arch Bridge made out of conveyors it allows us to catch asteroids and as they get mined carbon heads over the cable beneath and into the reactor powering an entire station so whilst it looks small it's one of the most important Bridges we've ever built isn't that right Mr mate so overall I give this bridge a 7.7 out of 10. bridge review right however this isn't fully automated you'll notice this thing does not catch asteroids on its own I have to keep coming in I have to keep trying to find the right asteroid type and then keep boosting them so they come into me and repeating however if we go a bit further on you can get an automated catcher and that will require some engineering points uh but first let's get to this because it sounds very intriguing the cosmic Harpoon now remember those remember those planets we saw earlier the planetoids so I'm pretty sure if we build one of these which we can actually we can shove up here actually so now we have this we can we can attract planetoids so I see planetoid over there we get the green arrow so if we click that that is now coming towards us and we will be able to doctor that and once docked and once we have engines on our station we'll be able to move around with that attached and I think actually this is the one yeah this is the one I found earlier now remember I can mine all this by hand that's pretty architect move let's unlock a bit of mining so we've got a drill let's shove it there oh man that is it's a beast again this needs power so let's take our power I guess we can go to sort of there then take this straight up and oh no they're on a different grid they're on a different grid well thankfully because I'm big brained I think we're just gonna build a new a new power station up here so that now has electricity this drill is going to be mining that resource which is going to be getting us a load of copper oh look how fast it is a copper every two seconds so we'll take some of that thank you very much I mean to be fair this little dude he did tell me to add a carbon reactor next to the drill I mean I was just trying to I was trying to do it my own way anyway we'll unlock the automated capture but I think before that we are gonna need some Logistics blocks because basically these will allow us to filter what sort of resource comes along the conveyor belt so basically if we have a conveyor come out like that we can then build a pusher in that direction and configure that to push carbon or that way and we could perhaps do another one that way that does ice and I guess you probably want one for like all the different oars because I've put the automatic thing here so this is going to automatically get any asteroid in range so this ice one I think will take it sort of up and over which hopefully means now this will start mining so you can see it catches asteroids automatically and then as the resources come out this should sort them so that is iron so that's going to come out there and then that's just going to get stored along that conveyor until I set up smelters and stuff the next resources also iron so yeah basically each resource will go a different direction so the carbon will go into the power plant the ice will go into the ice grinder everything else will come out this way so I feel like we're pretty sorted I'm going to get some engines going so an electric Thruster that's going to take a bit of hydrogen so Hydro generator there connected up with power connected up with water then this also requires is carbon as well now it looks like in order to sort of split resources we we're gonna need a splitter so we'll unlock the automation tab which gives us access to that and some other things oh a rod show on you splitter down there build a load more conveyors and then we're making hydrogen except we're not because the carbon we're not making any more that's because this has backed up so we either need to send our iron somewhere for it to be like stored or used or something or we can just like make more conveyor belts to store it so right so that should give us enough space to store all the iron and stuff so hopefully now we're making carbon why is that why is there still no carbon what's going on oh no now the Copper's backed up okay well give me a few more minutes oh right that's better that took a while but I think we're finally there so this should oh now the Gold's backed up anyway we've now got a gold needle so that should door a bit more resources so I think we're finally all good for this to be working sending resources to all the machines it needs to meaning we can now build some of these electric thrusters so I don't really know how these work they seem to you can rotate them whether that matters or not let's just shove I don't know let's just shove one there and do we think one is going to be enough to move to move our new space station uh only one way to find out so it looks like do we oh yeah if we look at if you look in the background can you see the asteroids as I move that up we're moving up definitely okay so this is how we move nice okay the thing is we've only got 38 efficiency now it looks like that's because we don't have enough power our Network consumption is 26 our production is only 10. so basically we need a load more of these now we've just got to be careful about the power connector at the back so let's build one there another one there another one there and just conveyor along here along some Splitters in fill these up with some carbons give them a boost start and then we're up to 100 efficiency nice so question is where do we want to aim for oh well straight behind us actually look look way over there that looks like something interesting oh and also where I did my moving oh no how far did we move I don't know where my mining platform is that's why we need to dock our planets first right anyway let's let's get moving I reckon we're gonna head over to that one right over there right so I think in order to go backwards obviously we only have up down left and right and because of where it's facing because the power is on that it means we're moving forwards constantly oh God so we've actually been moving that direction and we want to go that direction so I guess instead we want to do something like that possibly two rows right so they're all powered on going that direction oh man so we're moving at 2 400 whatevers we were moving at 400 oh my God look at the asteroids flying past okay we are really going for it and that is what we're aiming for so um all right I want to go right a bit then I'll slow you down slow down power power stop stop stop stop how do I get it to move the other way no we've gone past it we've got way past ah there he goes there's a button there play connected thrusters with matching orientation so I've made them all stop now okay so now we just go to that one power back up and then so I could just rotate some of these around actually right then you can see top left is moving towards me oh that's actually that's the one with my mining platform on oh you can see all that mine's got on finally so we're coming up to it so let's hit stop right so now if we go and have a look we can see how did this thing get oh man look actually it actually drilled out all of it that is a hardcore drill blade to be fair nice so inside here we've got loads oh loads of dirt and loads of copper oh nice we'll take that right but now if we want to go explore our planet we we can't just like we can't just like try and Visually find it we have a map so we can press M and look at all these it's the universe so we can click on any of these they've all got like different names this one's called free me that is a very random name what's this one down here called okay if you say so yeah basically all these they've got like a load of different resources on them this oh this one has like uranium and stuff so we can plot that I think this is saying it's 3.52 light years away and basically now we have like a little HUD marker so that's where we want to aim for so I think I'll just fill in the gaps going that direction right so I've said go down and that way so we should see we start getting closer to that down there so you can see asteroids there sort of going up which means we are definitely going down we're going the right direction nice so if I just drag all of these down and Wang the power up here you can sort of see all the Flames are going upwards which means we're going down oh and yeah we're getting closer we are getting closer right now this is making me realize like how big this map is so it was sorted at the right level so I'm just telling all of these to sort of blast where you can see where the Flames were all sort of moving the same direction teamwork so you can see it's proper moving you can actually speed up time using like the plus and minuses so we can just do that to sort of speed this up so now we're sort of in line I think just want to aim forward with those apply to all yeah right with those left with those apply to all right then we should be coming up above it now there is like an autopilot thing where you can like automatically do this without having to manually do it all but again that's quite a way off in the tech tree yeah oh look at this planet look at this planet right so we have now arrived which means you've got loads more resources we can mine out because we know how to do all that now you know I mean you can see most of the resources on the planet but I do actually have a scanner so I can scan oh look at all that uranium titanium aluminum loads of mining to be done here but I think for now we're gonna leave out there with with this absolute mess of conveyors anyway thanks to the depths of sponsoring click the link in my description to check out the game yourself and I'll say peace love and conveyor spaghetti bye guys
Channel: Real Civil Engineer
Views: 327,519
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Astro Colony, rce, asteroid mining game, astro colony gameplay, astro colony lets play
Id: anuSD9fwFcI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 58sec (1018 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 06 2022
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