Catching This Ultra Rare FIsh

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today we're going to catch a secret very rare fish before doing anything we need to get in the water and catch a fish not the greatest fish in the world but I'll take it an easy fifty dollars and since we have the Quest for our mustard fish we're gonna catch a mustard fish because that's even more money and that's gonna get us closer to our secret fish idiot sticks on board 450 dollars which unlocked an extra rod for 750 which we've already made so we're gonna do a little investigation here to find out where the rare fish are hiding well the good news is they made 450 dollars the bad news is I haven't found any rare fish yet and that thing keeps eating my other fish we're getting at a diving lure to our road so it goes down quicker so we can see what's down there faster definitely also going to catch that just to get it out of the way easy money and that little fish is 200 we're gonna take a little look around we're starting to see some new creatures kitchen one however probably not going to be super easy we're gonna swoop down and have our fish eating so first I need to remove this aggressive video sell it for 45 catch one of these gentle morons then use a gentle to try and catch one of the new rare fish which doesn't work but you'll see them swim by down over there at this point I think I have to get lucky for one of them to actually I'm close enough to want to bite this thing so we're gonna need a boat we can do that just by following the quest along catching very easy fish and with the game s for two mustard fish you give it to mustard fish but also one of these because I don't think I've caught one of these yet round bin I might uh missed my opportunity to get to into the new fish the mustard fish Quest is complete on the bigger better things two swoopers and I don't know which ones those are turns out they're the little purple fish that likes to do mushrooms get in the boat oh I finally got one of the new ones he did it we're gonna reel them in this should be valuable rare baby bloop 350 dollars get in the boat one of many rare and interesting fish we're gonna come across today okay I've hooked a medium-sized grumper for 800 I'm actually going to turn that 800 into bigger bait because I cleared out enough of the fish down below that I was hoping I could get down to the Big Orange guys below but this might be a poorly conceived plan everything's always way too aggressive when you wanted to be or not there we go this is what I needed this will be a nice bit of money and some experience a big happy orange twenty five hundred dollars and I got another baby blue but it's being eaten alive by literally everything else 87 get back in there we gotta turn my 87 into something useful like this idiot 450 yeah I'll take that that's gonna unlock as the power rod for ten thousand dollars it can cast a lot farther so we're already out of the buoy uh there's also another new fish right there it's like a white version of the baby bloop so I'm going to want to go ahead and catch that we're also going to need a boat so we can get out there further for some better fishes but we're going to throw the big bait out there to hopefully catch or that big or that big thing there is a lot of new big things down there that look terrifying I want to catch them all but we got a new blueberry fish 900. attempted at this point to cast that back in for some other bigger fish but I think we need a bigger hook to hook them by the size of them oh I forgot about the super quest already 200 and now we need a route attachment which is basically the game's way of saying hi you're doing it wrong our next Quest is to buy a bomb and who I might argue we're gonna cast that thing straight into the water and scare that fish away next is two round fin which should be something with a round fin which is the uh purple fish right below me unfortunately I disarmed them all because they're worth a bit of money so let's go ahead and take a gamble we're gonna rocket this fish way up there and hopefully find something a little more interesting there's also a red version we definitely cannot eat that yet one day we'll catch that big idiot who I'm pretty sure we're gonna need a big hook and giant bait for him he's gonna be really annoying a while I got an opportunity to finally catch a little crayfish this is a snob fish it's only fifty dollars so take that snob I don't even care if anything bites you I just want you to get back in the ocean since I have a whatever fish on the line we're gonna use a rocket to go try and get one of the bigger fish where's the Big Green idiot he was non-stop here a minute ago he's just playing hard to get uh I might have to throw off my casting timing I feel like I'm just casting at the same time and always catching him in the same Circle oh he was so close there and forever we got one of these little things I've given up on my dreams of catching a giant fish for a second I wanted the extra round fin that just gives his money an experience that we need for boats and stuff that's going to get us further the further we get the easier it's going to be to catch the big idiots I did in the meantime happen to catch another grape otherwise known as whatever baby blue I'm gonna sacrifice that for hopefully a much bigger fish oh oh we need bigger bait that was the wrong size bait okay after catching this mustard fish we've unlocked the boat shop so I just need 35 000 and then I'll actually be able to uh you know get out there so for now we're gonna cast The Mustard fish back out and hopefully catch one of the big green dummies and we did not oh I did also manage to Chuck one of these things it might start getting eaten or you might be able to just pull it in I'm pretty sure this is worth a few dollars because it's very rare and surrounded by the guard Queen's Fish 2500 and these idiots are all very worried about where it went so we're gonna go ahead and discontinue to catch these I didn't mean to throw that one back but they're wondering where the queen went so good they can sit there and wonder I'm gonna sell them we're also massively going to depopulate the ocean this way but I'm perfectly okay with that for a few bucks and the last great idiot is gone oh oh we got him he bit he's on we don't need a huge hook so this isn't even the biggest type of fish it's a very big fish but it's certainly not the biggest one we can find rare adult bloop 5800 yeah get in the boat that gave us almost twenty thousand dollars already now buy one bomb okay 200 well spent now what do we do we throw it in the water and scare something that's fine by me here we're gonna scare this big cluster official annoys me then we're going to reel on this happy little fish and sell them we need one snoutfish I have no idea you what that is or where to find them and since I've hooked another one of these guys we're gonna see if we can cast them down nice and deep so that we can get one of the big orange morons here either one of them will work I just can't say no to 2500 and we've unlocked the bait guard for six thousand dollars but that's money well spent now when we catch a junior and cast them into the water small fish won't be able to steal this anymore only bigger fish which is very helpful oh I caught this one it looks so angry it's being eaten alive by a bigger fish but we got one quarter of this one at least this is a legendary bloop 4 500 it's worth that much even only for its head okay I just got a grumper for 800 instead of taking 800 I'm gonna try and turn this into more so if one of the really big fish wants to well that's okay because this is what we're after I'd even settle for that other weirdo even I'll settle for any weirdo at this point I just want like a crazy valuable oh bite that bite that oh he's looking the wrong way he was so close that's okay I've got time on my hands I can sit through this until we get something amazing oh feeling good about this one God I'm not sure what this is was this the one I already caught or was it the green one and what a little baby tail yes how does he even swim stupid bloop get in my boat common adult blue 12 500 easy dollars which means that if we catch one of these that puts us within 500 of a boat not really sure what's going on here why there's so many big weird fish right near the shore like this but I'm not gonna complain many truck is a weirdo since he was sitting there annoying me anyway eighty four hundred dollars for the common bloop we it means I now have a boat which means I can sail around and catch fish as I want and that's just gonna make it easier to navigate in and around some of these big fish like that so I know where he is so I can catch him quite easily if I work my way up the bait so I take one of you turn it into one of you ignoring the Hat on the ground and see if the Big Green idiot is still here somewhere I do see him hanging out down there wait wrong timing this is why we can't have nice things can you bite it there we go easiest one ever adult bloop 5800 but we're looking for the legendary blue the gigantic one that we can't even catch yet so we gotta keep working away Along but for now I absolutely will settle for these very aggressive morons who just want to jump right into my boat fifteen hundred dollars get in there okay we're gonna take a cast out at our max distance here to see what's hanging out there's a lot of little baby bloops 900 each I'll take that all day long or not we're gonna cast that one back because I can't uh do things right I managed to hook the Red rare fish out of all of those first try twelve thousand dollars get in the boat there's so many bloops out here I can't take the boat out any further but I can absolutely sit here and catch grapes all day long but let's try to cast with the rocket from here and we might be able to get a very rare medium-sized fish or something new or just one of those you know the most basic fish of all but let's go down and see what else is down here never mind my thing got eaten we're gonna try that again with a medium-sized bait we haven't caught one of these yet it's only a medium-sized fish but that doesn't mean it's not valuable garum five thousand dollars we're gonna sell everything before I do something stupid all the fish on board were worth 26 500 and even these pink legendary baby bloops are worth 3 200 and I'm pretty sure I don't need any hook at all to catch these they're probably just a little bit harder to find but there often yeah there's one right here actually can you bite that I was catching those bloops so quickly that I felt at my boat in like three seconds and we made another eight thousand dollars because of it I got another rare adult bloop so he's gonna go sort of in the boat and we're once again gonna cast out some biggest size bait to really hopefully catch something good oh I'll take the blue one can the blue one come back Bluefish he's chasing another fish isn't he big blue fish if I hang out here this never mind oh we got the pink one oh we caught one of these before and it got eaten so we're gonna pull it away from all the other dangerous fish I wanted the other one but legendary blue for nine grand I'll take that all day long that's a lot of money and because we caught that one the other fish might be a little more like easy to get its attention now so we're gonna try and navigate past all the other morons down to Big Blue territory and uh nope oh we got the pink one again where did these come from so quickly I'll throw it in the boat that's no problem I mean that's nine grand for like 30 seconds work so we'll just keep stacking those up if we have to until we have what we need in our current Quest is for the snoutfish which hides in the caverns down below we can't even get to the caverns down below yet okay this looks big blue I did a Miss click and accidentally wasted a rocket but that worked out because we got big blue common adult blue 12 500 I'm not gonna risk Miss clickiness so he's gonna play all around all the way back to shore uh we're up to eighty thousand dollars suddenly like we almost have enough for the next boat even we definitely have enough for the next ride which I um actually didn't mean to buy I just wanted to look at it but we need to get through some of the rare fish that are worth a lot of experience and money there is for some reason a lonely redfish sitting there I'm not sure what its problem is that I don't think it's supposed to do that I will however catch these all day long because these are worth like five grand and a lot of experience that actually moved the experience bar noticeably I decided to try some deep sea trolling since I have some large bait on so the only thing that can possibly bite would be something this big or bigger I also need one of these and probably one of those but I'll never say no to a thirteen thousand dollar fish so again we're gonna set try that same strategy again but this time with rocket assist that way we can go as far out and deep as possible because there's still a lot of fish out there that we haven't seen yet and there's these big things the deep sea bloops oh and this one yeah that's the one we're after huge hook unlocked uh so on the way down we also got the orange fish too who happened to bite us we're trying to wheel away from everyone else but now we can have a huge hook so we can catch the big fish down below 2500 is that worth it yeah whatever get in the boat oh I may have an opportunity to catch this as the legendary blue below me is just sort of lurking out there scaring me this has got to be worth a few bucks 6 500 get in the boat now we're getting down to the Dark Water where all sorts of big creepy things lay oh I'll take one of you oh my thing's too big you can't bite something this big well we can do a little exploring at least and see what we got going on down here that's just gonna tear my hook off we did get a hat though Cowboy cats get 75 off on all rocket purchases yeah why not okay I can spend five thousand dollars on a huge hook and also some a rocket because we have large bait anyway figured I might as well take the risk right now there's also a whole bunch of different things down here I could potentially catch now it's just a really expensive gamble to uh use this hook like that I don't want to catch that I don't want to catch you oh he's live bait I forgot about that part so I've got a hook a large fish and then work my way all the way up so I've got to turn this I think into a bigger fish and then are you a bigger fish do you want to bite me does someone want to bite me oh that actually worked I thought we needed a bigger fish we did it we got the legendary blue yeah get up here stupid you're gonna worry so much money I can't believe I got him associate that was so lucky 64 000 I'm not gonna risk throwing him into the boat I'm just gonna bring him on back with us the common Mega bloop we need to find the legendary Mega bloop but for 64 000 I won't say no I'm also going to switch my head the ball cap at this point we have 110 000 so why wouldn't we I just wanted to have an extra Quest active that way uh we could have more fish to potentially catch that would get us more experience and money I'm also going to buy some increased rail speed that's just gonna get fish in sooner and uh make me maneuver better okay since I have another one of these on we're going to go ahead and apply another huge hook and cast this out probably should have used a rocket but we'll see what we can catch with this there definitely was something big to flash by I don't know if I got on recording but there was something really big I don't know where you are so I don't know if I want you you I would take I think I don't know if this was a good idea we sent five thousand dollars on this hook oh we doubled their money I was so scared about dropping it I brought all the way back to shore okay five thousand dollar hook uh whatever rocket we're just gonna cast right here where we'll hook on to one of you well that's not worth it we're gonna need to turn you into something bigger like you perfect also if you could direct me to where the legendary bloop is hiding that would be great George in eleven thousand dollars we made a profit did not mean to hook this there's also a glowing fish but I guess we're gonna settle for whatever this thing is twelve hundred dollars you're not worth my time you get back in there and turn yourself into something more useful then again these green bloops are down there probably far enough to be worth some value so yeah you know what you get get over here bite me there it is I also don't need to hook to do this I don't know I keep buying those that was a rare bloop six thousand dollars there's also these little uh scary things right out here and because my rail speed so quick it's actually really quick to grab them along the way I just kind of dive into the mob of them I miss that one but you get the idea oh and I can unlock sonar for five thousand dollars so now I can use my handy little mini map over here to see what kind of fish are in the neighborhood without having to physically see them oh I got the red one out of there again six thousand so now we're gonna go way down deep again and settle for this one for a moment but we're also gonna look around way down here there was something really big right there these are all pretty average there's something really big right there there's a big glowy kitty which would be great to catch I gotta get right down below me here it's not a bloop but it's got a lantern on his head so I want it just got to avoid everything along the way okay yeah that's fine I can actually take you it is still eleven thousand dollars so we did make a bit of profit especially considering the whole boatload is worth 25 Grand I managed to get my large bait all the way down to the Bottom now so we're just going to cruise around hoping to find something they can actually eat that would work a large red bloop hiding in the dark oh but good instead of that we're settling for a 400 mustard fish well we're gonna go ahead and send this one right back down we do have a huge hook on so if we can find the red Loop down there we could actually hook it this needs to be really careful to stay away from other idiots are you the red bloop can you bite me what are you doing what are you chasing I would really really like to catch that fish well I was sitting here trying to figure out how to catch this uh uh whatever this is just wandered over it's a fish without eyes so we'll take this too old Casper 58 000. he just happened to swim on by invited I'm pretty sure this by itself was a quite rare fish but now I want that big red bloop so I need to find a way to get this down to the bottom without catching any fish along the way and as you can see that's not going to be super easy to do plus I can't really reel at all while doing this otherwise I've come too shallow but I am in the area of what I need I need I need that fish to bite and wait what happened don't worry I can keep doing this all day long until I catch that idiot it's gonna get expensive quickly so I think in order to catch the big bloop I need to catch one of these glowing fish which are playing really really hard to get I even have the quest on the bottom catch one legendary Mega bloop I'll get it eventually unlike the stupid worthless legendary regular blue okay I finally got uh the glowy fish on now I just need to find the big legendary blue poo somewhere in the neighborhood at least was oh I saw his tail I was gonna say he was very very easy to find until right now and now he's playing hard to get he's also a little bit deeper than me okay yeah good I was totally thinking I just wanted one of these so we can actually do for this is add a Repel so that these are repelled for my line a little bit because it is didn't mean to do that it is really really exciting when you finally catch all the fish you need and you just need to find the big legendary blueprint one of those boring idiots decides to go ahead and take it all from you because in order just to get down there I've got to put on a five thousand dollar hook and navigate my way through the whole mess of idiots which is really really hard to do in itself and then getting down there close enough to a glowy fish is very hard in itself oh come on bite me do I have it bite me bite me wrong fish come on red one yeah yeah got him we did it we did it we caught him the legendary rare blue what is it the legendary makeup Loop 450 000 dollars I'm not gonna swinging this back into the water we're gonna swing around in celebration until we get all the way back legendary makeup Loop he's so big he doesn't even pit on the screen anymore easy money we're three quarters of the way to millionaire that took way longer than I thought it would [Music] thank you
Channel: DangerouslyFunny
Views: 894,521
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: p6glj_XohKs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 24sec (1044 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 25 2023
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