I Made A MASSIVE Profit By Flipping TERRIBLE Houses

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well today my friends is the day where we're gonna make a ton of money by flipping this beautiful island paradise except while like this thing's loaded with trash and it's been completely abandoned there's Vines growing up on it and we need to get to work now the game's like hey there's a buttload of stains a bunch of garbage and we need to sell absolute garbage inside too so you know what let's get to work we're gonna start picking up some trash throwing it in the dumpster we have to pick up that one throw it in let's go ahead and just pick up that guy and like leave it next door very good look at us go so much garbage getting put away actually this garbage needs to be collected so we'll just suck that into our backpack and throw it in the dumpster and I'll grab the flipper tool so I can start selling some of these crates for profit also there's a random board there and a stick and then this thing says danger keep out so I'm gonna sell that because someone might want it oh I can't sell that thing that's unfortunate but I can sell another stick and a for sale sign and a bunch of cones under construction this is fine goodbye all of you bricks I don't need you anymore and why is there just a generic metal beam sitting outside someone's also like a farmer like growing their wheat crops right next to their fire pit why are you doing that you can make some bread I'm not sure but I'm gonna collect all the trash out here and try to get it into the can I get that oh that wasn't even halfway close come here fill it up with more garbage and come on ready yeah can I make it no absolutely not but the good news is I can sell that bag and things are looking pretty good over here now so I guess I'll just go around the outside selling everything that isn't like locked to the ground oh look at this little little tea party and my goodness even junk on the sides of the house we'll get rid of all of these Vines and the pallets out front and in the hole oh no I missed okay ready and we'll go a little bit low yeah I made one in I just realized that I could probably pick up the garbage can and take it with me because I need to use that to like clean up other garbage oh and wow this entire thing can be sold so let's just go ahead and sell it with me on top of it I also just found this what is this gonna be um there's a black hand on it is that like a Skyrim reference can I demolish it get destroyed nope flipper sense nothing's there oh maybe I'll just hit e and open the door like a normal person might gay open and open further oh look at this I found a basement uh maybe this was a bad idea to find a basement because I can't really do anything in here but they're playing a game I don't recognize what game that is but I can play it which is kind of weird all right can we clean off yeah we can spray it clean it there we go spray it some more clean it some more oh my goodness I just looked inside this place is a disaster hopefully you make a lot of money on it so I've got one more place to spray and squeaky squeegee oh I still have seven stains remaining there's one on the floor here oh my goodness I think this is just outside all the tasks I have to do outside two remaining hey I got them let's see what other tasks I have 10 stains gone trash I need to sell did I sell everything I think I did everything outside that's fantastic oh nope I need to do the squares yet so let's do a little bit of oh this is individual never mind I can just uh do that we covering them all up nicely covering them all balls so I found another area here that we need to clean so we'll do that just like so that was pretty good this area needs to be cleaned as well and not cleaning it's not a cleaning thing it's a straight up refinishing we need to put new tiles on the outside also I don't know why we're putting tile on an area maybe it's tile or just wood or something I'm not sure I'm not an expert at beach living oh and then we get to go to the store so I can buy cool wood elegant panels all right is that it it's a 3X3 three oh look at that we're actually doing the flipping now look at us go it looks pretty good not gonna lie just a few more bits of incompetence and I'll be done with that one we have one more over here to do and four more panels later we should have this all nicely cleaned up good I think that's all my tasks for the outside now it's time to go into crippling depression and open this door oh my sweet goodness this place is disgusting I'm just gonna sell everything because why would you want it why do you have old slippers here why would someone want to buy old slippers go away table I don't want you either we're just going through and clean yuck this place is gross all right sync you're gone cabinets out of here my goodness what has happened here nasty oh there's a cool fish on the wall it's a northern pike not gonna lie it's a little bit weird to have a northern pike sitting on an ocean beach front property because there are freshwater fish so I believe I have everything sold here it's time to collect all that trash delicious nasty trash it's also a dead rat on that rug I think maybe it's just Grime I'm not sure look at this disgusting toilet I'm gonna sell it and I got like 150 bucks for that if only I can do that in real life just make it nasty disgusting toilet and sell it on eBay I'm sure some weirdo would like it so that's interesting I have completed the oh there's the stairs here never mind do I do I dare go upstairs yet no I don't we clean up the first floor first and we pick up the garbage can so we can properly throw things away there we go I guess we get to clean up all of this graffiti too anywhere else I can't tell what's just nasty and what's graffiti and what needs to be cleaned yeah well guys we'll clean up everything there's just glass shards on the ground delicious I guess we'll try to vacuum it up there we go goodbye little glass shards I'm gonna make a nice sandwich out of you this place is straight up nasty it's so gross in here they look pretty good though oh it's gonna be so nice oh yeah I forgot about this one too you gotta you gotta squeegee the window properly yes that's satisfying oh shiny and bright I feel like a NASCAR driver I can only turn left got it they even got the sounds right I wonder how they made that just put up their fingers nails to a chalkboard and went tiny little ocean window oh it's adorable and that should be the last stain in here good all that's cleaned up we got a lot of other work to do oh we need to sell a door frame wow um you okay that was awkward so we've sold everything we've vacuumed all the dirt we got all the trash we got all the stains now it's time to repaint the beach panels on the wall but I think we should probably demolish the wall first because yeah that's just a bad deal oh my word we're going straight up destruction mode I kind of like this not gonna lie I wish I could do this in real life actually I have it's not entirely as fun as you'd think it is especially if you do it for like eight hours straight like the first couple swings are satisfying and then oh we can we can hold it to get it bigger neat and if I would have known it would made it dirty inside I probably would have waited okay oh yeah we just have magic floating block here of course we do at least we made it nice and open oh we don't need to clean it cool I always like it when Rubble cleans itself okay I'm gonna move the clothes washer out of the way because I saw a little fella down there hey buddy how are you we're gonna cook you for dinner why don't you come over here actually you're already cooked because you're red that's too bad I have to rename the signs that way we know it's official so I've been all over this room and there's still one jar left for me to sell I have oh there it is it just Blended over the floor nice all right we'll put you back in the other room for a time being we'll flip this room quick so we probably also need to fix this mess yeah we'll just uh do these couple we don't need to do them all we'll just do the broken ones right I probably will do all of these though because that's all sorts of badly broken this reminds me of playing snake you know the old game where you can't touch your tail because if you do then you'll eat yourself for something weird and I've just realized that I'm completely terrible at snake ah cool that one's good oh we got a Double Double Dash here okay we'll mark this corner come on Mark it you want to mark it can you mark it all right we're just gonna finish all of them then Gotta Love demos that don't hardly work half the time but we did it nice okay those are in place now I need to go to the store where is the store at and then I can buy oh well let's hope that these are what I need they do look right that's totally not right so can I find the one that we need tiles I just need tiles surface finishes my goodness there's so much here maybe this one's the one I need let's see nope nope that's not quite right either so I guess we'll do it the right way and just replace all of them on the wall because that looks pretty good actually it wouldn't be a true flip if you just kind of reused half of the tile and try to patch it in the right way we'll do it right the first time I'm just hoping these floor panels work a little nicer yeah that's gonna be good indiscriminately throw them wherever you want in the game's like yeah you did that perfectly nice job we also need to paint the walls might need two cans of paint so we'll grab the paint roller we'll do a little bit of dab there do I have to do these I don't know tell you what though that looks a lot better I need to change the size of this thing oh they hit the floor can I make it bigger oh my goodness that's the way to paint a wall just kind of hide all of the sadness underneath of it and go Zoom all right so the walls are painted up pretty nicely I forgot about this area though we're gonna have to build up over here so Boop and then Shoop and then up oh we do one layer at a time oh really ah there it is okay I just hold it to build it oh interesting yeah keep building it up nicely done and then we'll fill it in magically with these bricks that I was hiding in my pants pocket and everything should be done very quickly cool all right now I get to paint that too I hope good painting is completed in here we'll go over here and paint it through the door because I'm a genius see I did it through the door I don't know how that works but I did it same thing in the room of laundrying even though this is a really small room and I don't like being in here because of claustrophobia plus there was a I I think living in the back down there whatever those are called so the bathroom requires a different color 110 squares of vibrant blue I'm guessing it's back on this wall let's just start here I don't want to cover up that nice tile work or maybe I do did I cover it up no it went away okay cool gotta have some of the original flavor of this house right maybe potentially 60 squares there we go okay that wall needed it too nice so it looks like we have all of the tasks for this room complete and in here other than buying things and in here other than buying things so let's go upstairs and do a quick clean job of this floor because it's absolutely disgusting as well my goodness all right you know how to do it we got the flipper tool we start clicking on literally everything because it's nasty and there's bricks we can sell and we can make money money money oh hello fish like how would you let your house get like that so nasty all right I'm gonna be for real here if your bedroom looks anything similar like this or whatever you're in right now just pause the video and give it a good 20 minute clean up just please for the sake of humanity and the people you live with or you know if you live by yourself that's totally cool too just like on me just take a take a minute to clean up the place because you'll feel so much better about yourself I promise and we'll start at the back might as well just squirt the floor and rub it down gently same with the wall with the ectoplasm or whatever it is we'll remove that shelf do I have to clean the windows oh the windows are actually clean look at that and we'll keep going through the rest of the upstairs that was dirty so is that oh my word okay this is different that's like a blue green mold right there and no amount of like little spray cleaners gonna get that off that's also what happens when you leave a house abandoned for a good period of time it starts getting weird watery things coming from the outside in it a few moments later see look at that after just a very brief little vacuuming selling of all of the trash inside and cleaning things up looks a lot better oh never mind there that looks there that looks a lot better oh we gotta break up this unfortunately oh maybe not maybe we'll just build inside I think that might be what we do okay we're just gonna fill all the little holes just one brick at a time not gonna lie I would have preferred tearing down the whole wall and restarting but the game's like nah bro you can't do that oh we got outside all right hadn't thought of the outside world you're ready to end the job no we're not doing that we have plenty of work left to do my dude we got to make all the money that we could make here how to vacuum up a bunch of leaves carries some ferns downstairs I guess this is where it goes because I can't like cut them down but you can go down here with their lobster bread okay so we'll nicely smear over that and then move into here why do I need to buy Windows oh we could just put a window here instead well that's easier nice I do need to put the wood around it though so let's go ahead and buy the painted wood and then we could just like oh look at Osco hot dang that's cool and the game's like no that's not the wood you're actually supposed to put here not getting credit for this do I put it on the outside of the house where do I oh I put it on the ground right here the oh and there's another board to sell here I was wondering where that went I couldn't find it okay we'll slap those in and the wood floor is complete everything outside here done looks great okay now we're gonna paint this one wall vibrant white yep that's enough cool back over excellent so everything up in this room is good except purchasing I'm fine with that let's move into the bathroom and we'll start purchasing in here I need to buy a tub not gonna lie that's a really nice looking tub we also need to buy whatever that thing is not a huge fan of that toilet like thing we need a radiator for heat put that right under the window a toilet brush scrubby boy and a nice carpety rug thing very good all right this room is now complete we can close the door and we'll move into the next one this is easy because it's a laundry basket and uh scrimmer skirt standing mirror that's all as I like to call them all right right at the corner actually we should put that there here you're getting moved you move over here we got to skip our scrupula going in right over here and then uh cabinet that's probably need to go on oh that's actually not too bad wrong button we'll put the cabinet right over here cool works for me that room is now complete so we'll close the door there's no door and now is where the fun begins there's a whole buttload of different items that I get to use on this room so let's start with the big ones we'll go with the bed first now we could do a bed under this window or under this window let's do it over here because that looks kind of like a nice spot for a headboard don't like the choice of the bed sheets but I'm good with it we have a IKEA stand right there and another one over here I think I think this is meant to be I think that's where they're supposed to go we can put a oh okay we have a couple other things here looks like succulents the oddest uh the ottoman goes at the end of the bed everyone knows that it's not centered that is hey we'll put in the wardrobe next that's the next biggest item maybe over here wrong button perfect another accent one we can put that right in here yeah I put the succulents inside I feel like I need jars for the succulents is that what this is not quite that's for the big towering one yeah that goes in there oh the shelf on the wall too so I decided to put the desk over in that corner with the chair right by it don't know if that's supposed to be a desk chair but it'll work also we're getting Ava with the uh laptop here along with the computer mouse so they can watch my videos a nice giant poster where does this go ah that'd be cool to put it up on that right here that's a good spot for a poster that says and then a clock clock clock if I were a clock where would I want to hide on the wall also I totally just recognized that these succulents are supposed to be in these pots and then we have one chair remaining I kind of wanted to put the chair back in here I don't know why but I thought it'd be funny like you just come in from work and you just sit down you yell Coke that's a pretty cozy room I do say so myself looks kind of like a dorm room so we have that completed I believe all of the tasks up here are done stage trash vacuum sold everything we bought everything good now the annoying thing is this thing staircase because we're gonna have to replace the wood I think or not quests are complete staircase is done great so now we just have I guess the hallway entryway here we have a shoe bench to go on the wall we have a clock also to go on the wall a rug to go on the floor for your nice shoes a ficus plant for the pot and whatever the this thing is we'll put them the clock above the door and then we'll put the mirror above the thingy yeah that's better this bathroom gets to get real fancy because we get a bidet in here okay we'll put the toilet on the wall I'm not an expert in the old bidet world but I'm assuming it's not a water fountain that goes up yeah whatever we'll just put it right there pretend it doesn't exist good next room is complete and now we get the main living room oh my word that's a pretty view I do like this place maybe I'll just move in so where should we start probably kitchen cabinets hanging there's regular we need two of those and one of that's a dishwasher okay hanging cabinet we have an oven all right we'll start with these I want that handle style instead we'll put that right here seems a little tall to me whatever let's get the oven in here too and a fridge can we fit the fridge next that is one teeny tiny fridge whatever next we have a sink cabinet my goodness how are we gonna fit all this stuff in here in a dishwasher all right the dishwasher fits next to the sink cabinet what else do I have another one of these how am I gonna fit that in here I think maybe a good idea is just to literally buy everything on the list and then organize it later wow there's a lot of stuff here though and I still don't know how to place this properly in time for the game a puzzle time so I'll probably put the table over here and then we have some chairs that are required to go in put one like that that actually kind of works good and we'll turn the other one like such as we'll take this last one and put it over here now I do have a bunch of couches and junk maybe the TV needs to go on that wall I don't even know if we need a TV in here I mean why would you watch TV when you got a view like that but the game's like no we named this TV Joshua now we need it on top of that little TV stand I hope that's good oh can I get over there all right that TV looks really sad and small and then Jacob the microwave comes over here can I put it up don't worry about that um that's just for looks yeah that's the only way I could get that to fit in put the drying rack next to the watery thing and then we'll put the toaster inside the sink because that's where healthy people have their toasters we need tips sorry the blender that's its real name put that next to the nuker Waker carpet on the floor because that tile is ugly and I'm too cheap to replace it they will buy another floor lamp if I sorry I don't know where to put it and then this Gotti table oh yeah right over here that's terrifying three hours later you know what I I actually got everything in here that looks fantastic mostly except that lamp's in the wrong place we'll put that back here too even though there's only one real light we should put another light but I'm not gonna do that either I think I did it all did I do all of the tasks have I flipped this house properly I did put all the books over here because there was a lot of collecting trash for beginners I had hot dang does that ever look good wow okay I totally flipped that house and now if I hit shift plus enter it should finish nicely I wish I could sit down like in this chair and just look at that Sunset so shift and enter completed three stars that's it oh there was it didn't tell me how much money I made I'm gonna pretend that that's like a 10 million dollar house because because I did it anyway my friends that'll do it for a house flipper too if you enjoyed this video let me know thank you for sticking on the ice we'll catch you next time and I'd like to thank all of my patreons and channel members including Auto Dave Ben Nicki J Teddy hippies ninja General Harris
Channel: Blitz
Views: 582,074
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blitz, blitz plays, blits, house flipper, house flipper 2, house flipper 2 gameplay, house flipper 2 game, house flipper 2 steam, house flipper 2 blitz, blitz house flipper 2
Id: BreaWqAoEjU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 29sec (1289 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 24 2023
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