Baldur's Gate 3 | How to get Silver Sword of the Astral Plane in Act 1

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hello I'll be going over how to get the silver sword of the astral plane in act 1 of Baldur's Gate 3. this legendary Greatsword is normally given as a quest reward in the later act but it is possible to acquire it in act 1. the stats on the weapon without considering the conditional damage for being a gift Yankee is still higher than anything else in act one also if you use illusion magic to turn yourself into a gift Yankee you get the bonus from The Sword as you can see here I've tested it sometimes you do need an unequipped and re-equip the sword after the illusion is cast before I get into the specifics of how I got the weapon I just want to make it known that safe scumming is required to do this unless you're extremely lucky so the weapon itself is dropped from kithrak Vos a level 12 gith Yankee your first instinct might be to use command drop but the weapon itself gives significant psychic resistance so command drop is easily resisted so the most optimal solution I found was as follows first you need a fighter specifically a Battle Master you want to take Precision attack and disarming attack and at level 4 take alert as your feet it gives plus five initiative next invisibility whether that's from a potion or an ability you need to be in melee range to actually use the attack on Vos I also want to mention that I was level six at the time of obtaining the weapon but I feel that it could be done just as easily at level four as you can see here I have footage of me doing it at level three I respect and kept myself at level three but unfortunately because my initiative wasn't high enough due to not having alert because I wasn't level four I died as soon as uh before it was even my turn so I think being level four to solo it is essential just to have that extra initiative okay so once you have every buff you want to send all of your companions except the one fighter DeCamp and then use your fighter to sneak up on Boss save your game and then spam disarm sometimes Vos will start talking to you as if you walked up to him but after you finish talking all the get the Yankee will be hostile other times he'll just teleport after you hit him once the goal is to disarm him before he teleports so if he teleports and he hasn't dropped his weapon you need to reload your save if you don't see the large text saying weapon dropped he didn't drop his weapons so reload your save after 10 to 20 times you should have your weapon and if lucky you have enough initiative to run away as you can see here I used a scroll of Misty steps to teleport over here and then I use Dash to run far enough to be able to flee combat so thanks for watching this video I hope it was able to help someone get the weapon and have a good one enjoy the game
Channel: OrangeSoda
Views: 28,456
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Baldur's Gate 3, Silver Sword of the Astral Plane, How to get Silver Sword of the Astral Plane, baldurs gate 3 silver sword, Silver sword of the astral plane bg3, bg3 how to get silver sword, bg3 best weapon in act 1, bg3, bg3 how to get best weapon in act 1, bg3 legendary weapons, bg3 how to get legendary weapon in act 1, bg3 legendary weapons act 1, bg3 fighter best weapon, baldurs gate 3 legendary greatsword, baldurs gate 3 best greatsword in act 1, bg3 best weapon act 1
Id: t-q7IInR84k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 30sec (150 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 09 2023
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