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that's the truth i'd choose him every time you say why because i've tried some of that and i've tried him and he's better than all of that you say what do you mean preacher i mean he's all this he's all that and he's oh so much more hey man i meant to bring that christmas card with me i thought about that today brother gilliam and miss beth sent the church a christmas card thanking them for uh thanking the church for having them in and taking care of them and at the bottom of it they put that at the bottom of it that jesus is all this all that knows so much more and uh i meant to bring that and read it to you tonight i'll read it to you on sunday i want you to take your bibles tonight and turn to the book of the acts in chapter number 14. we're going to go one chapter farther than where we were last thursday night uh in my own personal bible reading and time with the lord there were some things that kind of jumped out at me this past time through the book of acts and i gave you one of them last week and we'll give you the other one tonight that kind has been churning around in my soul acts and chapter number 14. last week we looked at this first missionary journey of paul and barnabas and that man that went missing in action john mark and how the lord ended up getting him back right and restoring him now we're going to go just a little bit farther in this first missionary journey and we're in acts chapter number 14 paul and barnabas are in a place called lystra i want to read two verses of scripture to you but hold your bibles open we'll be referring back to our text and then some other verses of scripture later on throughout the message verse number 19 of acts chapter 14. acts chapter 14 and verse number 19 tonight the bible said and there came vither certain jews from antioch and iconium who persuaded the people and having stoned paul drew him out of the city supposing he had been dead verse 20 how be it as the disciples stood around about him i like the next three words he rose up he didn't stay down he he got up again after he went down the bible said the just man falls seven times but he rises again the bible said he rose up and came into the city he went right back into the place where the folk just stoned him was that can you imagine how big their eyeballs got when the man they thought they had killed came walking back in preaching the same message they had just killed him for just an hour or two earlier said he came into the city and the next day he departed with barnabas to derby i'm interested how the bible says in verse 20 that after paul had been stoned after he had been knocked down taken for dead that the bible said he rose up and tonight i'm preaching in your hearing and into your heart the thought you can't keep a good man down you can't keep a good man down here we find paul is nearing the end of his first missionary journey as a matter of fact when you get just a few verses after this you'll find that paul and barnabas returned to the church that they were sent out of they return back to antioch paul is nearing the very end of this first missionary tour that he has ever taken and what i just read to you and you're hearing this is the first recorded event of physical persecution that paul has ever withstood or sustained now paul has had persecution up to this point but you'll not find up to this point where any of it got physical where he actually suffered scars bruises bled for the cause of christ this is the first time in your bible where you'll find paul suffers physical persecution now they've tried to physically persecute him before but he escaped the bible said over in acts chapter 9 after he got saved they wanted to take him and he got let down by the wall in a basket by some disciples and he escaped earlier in this same chapter the very people that stoned him in this chapter earlier in the chapter they tried to stone him in another city and he fled from there but then they caught up with him down here so the first time this was interesting to me just by a little tidbit for those of you that are bible students the first recorded physical act of persecution against paul was stoning that was interesting to me i think that's got something to do with back in acts chapter number seven and eight the bible said there was a young man there was a preacher named stephen and saw this same stall before he got saved they laid their coats down at a young man's feet whose name was saul as they stoned stephen to death and paul never got that event out of his mind he said when they killed stephen he was consenting unto it i think maybe the lord just said all right uh paul you you you was consent to that preacher's death i'm gonna let you see what that preacher felt like just before he crossed over into the glory world and then paul's gonna suffer a lot more persecution but here we find this persecution knocks paul down obviously it knocks him down because they drag him out of the city the bible said he has to rise up this thing has knocked him down but just because he went down he didn't stay down tonight i found out you just can't keep a good man down tonight you just can't keep a good woman down tonight they'll just keep getting back up lick after leg blow after blow pain after pain tragedy after tragedy they may go down but they'll just rise up up again tonight now listen to me there's all kind of things in life let me just say this to you there's all kind of things in life that will knock you down tonight how many of y'all have lived not just the christian life but an adult life long enough that you realize there's a lot of things that will slug you in the gut knock the wind out of you and it'll just man knock you almost lifeless there's a lot of things in life that can just knock a grown man or a grown woman down to their knees there's a lot of things in life that'll knock you down let me say this by way of reduction hard times can knock you down hard times can knock you down here in the text we find paul's got a real hard time they threw rocks at him i'd say that's a rocky time right there friend here we find they are throwing rocks at this strong christian and their goal is to try and knock him down now y'all listen to me the bible said the devil he throws fiery darts of the wicked one he'll throw things at you he'll throw hard times at you and his goal is to try and knock you off your feet and to get you to quit there's all kind of hard rocks in life that the devil will throw at you meaning to destroy you tonight but what the devil means for evil i'm glad there's a god in heaven that means it unto the good tonight just like joseph he looked at his brothers when he finally got on the top side and he said as for you you thought the evil unto me but god meant it for good he said all those rocks they throwed at me all those things potiphar's wife threw it at me all that tragedy down there in the prison all that tragedy again taken from daddy's house he said it knocked me down but it didn't keep me down tonight child of god make your mind up that just because rocky things are thrown your way yes they may hurt yes it may be painful but make your mind up you ain't gonna let it keep you down you're gonna get up and go on for the glory of god tonight and listen to what i'm telling you some people specialize in throwing rocks some people specialize in throwing rocks just for the purpose of trying to knock you down tonight i found out that hard times can knock you down i found out that haters will try and keep you down haters will try and keep you down look what your bible said in verse 19 they weren't just content to throw rocks at him but then it said this in verse 19 having stoned paul drew him out of the city they didn't just knock him down they then kept him down said they drew him out of the city they grabbed him and they dragged him even if he could have got to his feet which at this point i don't think he could have but even if he could have they wasn't going to let him that's trying to keep him down just as hard and as far as they could now listen to what i'm saying they'll always be haters out there i'm talking about people that even claim to be christians they'll be haters out there maybe on your job maybe where you work at maybe in your family or even sometimes sit in the pew that they want nothing more than you to fail tonight as a matter of fact they relish in the thought that you might not be able to succeed living for god or succeed doing something for jesus and there's a couple of reasons why they hate like to see you fail one because it makes them feel bad because they ain't doing nothing for god and two they just don't want to see anybody succeed in much anything tonight brother don't you let the haters bother you if i listen to all the haters in my past i promise you i wouldn't be here tonight you make your mind up i'm not doing it for them anyways i didn't get in for them and i ain't getting out for them i got in for jesus and he's the only one can make me get out and he won't tonight just keep standing friend hard times will knock you down haters try and keep you down but tonight i want to give you some helpful things that will help get you up you say preacher i feel like i've just been sucker punched gut punched knocked down legs swept out from under me how do i get up i believe there's several things in the text we saw that helped paul get up even though he went down he doesn't stay down and i believe the things that were available to paul in this chapter i believe there are things that are still available to you and i that can help us get up if we have being knocked down tonight you say preacher what are the things that can help us get up if we've gone down this evening and mind you friend if you think you're gonna live a christian life where you ain't never gonna go down you're sorely mistaken tonight i find where peter failed i i find where paul falls i find where all kind of disciples let the lord down and fail him but brother they don't stay down somewhere they get back up to their feet again tonight what can help us get up number one i'd like to say this the first thing i find that helped him we see the people around him helped him up the people that were around him helped him up look at verse number verse number 20. i like this they've drew him out the city in verse 20 said how being as the disciples stood round about him he rose up do you see who he's got himself surrounded with he's got himself surrounded with people that love jesus that's what the word disciple means it means they're a follower of jesus christ he is surrounded by people that love the lord and love him too you say what are they doing standing around him and said they stood about him you say what are they doing standing around about him i got good ideas what they're doing around him brother travis they're doing this while they're standing around they're saying god touch our brother oh god lay thy hand upon our brother god you delivered daniel from the lion's den god you delivered the children of israel out of egypt god you raised up lazarus from the dead god you got peter out of prison and god if you can do it for them lord you can do it for our brother god touch our brother we agree and we're trusting god can do something bigger than we can do god we still need him he's got a ministry you say what are they doing they're praying you better believe brother they're gathered around and calling on they ain't just standing there looking they're crying and weeping and begging god to do a miracle i tell you what to help you get back up if you go down make sure you're surrounded by people like that make sure the people you surround yourself with are people that will pray for you if you go down that'll call on god for you and say god help sister so and so lord sees are going through a rough time god help brother so and so he's done got weak in the faith and he's fallen god touch them tonight dear god surrounds yourself with people that love jesus and you're in touch with him and can help get you up when you go down tonight you know what the bible said the bible said woe to him that have no one to help him up god help you if you ain't got nobody to help you up tonight you're in bad shape i'm glad if i went down i got some people i believe in bible missionary baptist church that had helped me get back up again i believe there's people across this country that pray for me that if i was to go down they'd help me get back up again and child of god i believe there's people at this church if you used to go down they'd try and help you stand back up again friend i believe they gave them a hand up too i believe this it said here in the text they stood about him and he rose up i believe when he started moving brother john he starts moving i don't think they just sat there and watched him i mean he's bruised up cut up beat up he's hurting i believe somebody stuck a hand out and said take my hand paul let me help you up i believe somebody grabbed him under one of his arms and started lifting him up so y'all help us help us here y'all and they started lifting old paul up and said let's help this old boy up help him up y'all they didn't just watch him they lended a hand in trying to help him get back up tonight that's what the church needs it needs people that'll help the hurt get out of the dirt tonight and people got to help somebody stand up after they've taken a hair dive this evening now let me pause and say this right here let me pause and say this right here do y'all notice something about paul listen to what i'm fixing to tell you paul wants to get up now y'all understand something i'm fixing to say i found this out in nearly 20 years worth of ministry preaching ministry you can't help people that don't want to get up i'll tell you where a problem with a lot of god's people are they waste their time trying to lift people up that don't want up if it's not in their heart to get up the best thing you can do is leave them alone and pray for them until god finally puts it in their heart to get up and when they finally start deciding they want to get up then lend them a hand but until then if they're just laying down there on the ground and they don't want to get up come here don't don't want to get up okay lay down there don't want to get up if they don't want to get up that's all you're doing come on let's go check come on come on now come on you know you're not be down come on you just going to spin your wheels and waste your time the best thing you can do after a while is somebody don't want to get up say all right i love you but i'm going to go help somebody that does want to get up and i'll pray god gets it in your heart where you want to when you want to start getting up let me know i'll help you but until then i can't help you but if they want to get up brother they can get up i'm saying tonight don't waste your time on people that they're not interested in getting up spend your time on somebody that they say i want to get up from where i am tonight can keep a good man down oh yeah i want to say thank god for people thank god for some people in my life that have helped me up after i've went down tonight brother skip i run back through the curtains of memory in my life and there's been people down through the years that they helped me get up after i've been down i mean after i felt lord in a snake's belly in a wagon run i'm telling you i'll never forget years ago when i was about 20 21 22 years old something like that pray god i'm about out of breath picking you up was a task give me one of these light fellas from now and i'm going to use hunter next time pray god i need to start running with hunters what i need to start doing amen come by my house run down here and get me all right i remember when i was 20 21 22 years old i was running with a crowd that when they when when they finally found out that my preacher had had an unfortunate divorce in his past they consider that a blight not just on him but they thought has a blight on me i ain't never been married but to one woman i never i ain't never been in people with one woman in my life but for some reason that meant obviously i was disqualified too and so they cut me up one side and down the other i mean shot at me in meetings that i'd show up at excommunicated me i had the fellowship in the whole nine yards and i stuck out there just a young evangelist trying to get started and have no meetings and the ones that i had they finally pulled off and left me wouldn't have nothing to do with me and i'll tell you some men i tell you some men to help me up tonight there was there was a man there's a man called me one day named rick parker and rick parker helped get me up i'll be forever in his dead one long after that god hooked me up with jason fuller and jason fuller helped get me up you say i don't think too much of them to me and well don't come let me know it tonight they held me up this evening there was somebody that wouldn't nobody else helped me up they helped get me up he's a fellow in columbia south carolina we went not long ago that when everybody forsook me he didn't his name was stephen williams said he held me up i tell you if you've got a real friend in life that'll help you get up you better hold on to them tonight you better love them and pray for them tonight because those don't come along very often friends you can't keep a good man down people around him helped him up i tell you something else helped him up the power inside of him helped him up not only just people around him helped him up there was a power inside of him that helped him up you say what do you mean a power inside of him well paul said this in second timothy one verse seven it's my life verse he said god hath not given us the spirit of fear but of power and of love and of a sound mind paul said he had christ in him the hope of glory tonight brother he had a power down inside him that wouldn't let him stay down i believe with all my heart brother joe i believe in all my heart paul when he finally come to himself he heard a still small voice down inside of his soul and that still small voice said get up paul you can't stay down yonder get yourself up boy you can't stay on the ground and water around down yonder i know it hurts i know you don't feel good i know you bruised and you cut up but i'll help you stand i'll help you get up get up paul don't you know i thank god we got the holy ghost on the inside that even if we go down we got somebody that'll help us up he's called the comforter he comforts us when nobody else will and he helps us stand up after we've fallen down tonight i've i've told you this before but it's too good not to tell again i'll never forget years ago when my little boy was only about three years old i guess i bought him one of those little punching bag things for christmas when them little the weeble wobble things you know you you hit it and it falls over and it bounces back up i had one of those when i was a kid and i loved it brother cliff i said i'm gonna buy one for him he had done got about three and at three years old he was the meanest little cuss that god ever birthed in this world we was looking at family pictures the other day he had these big old jowls and a big flat head i mean he had the flattest head i've ever seen in my life you could like set a plate on top of it wouldn't fall off i mean big old flat head and these jaws he finally growed into his head and it kind of took shape i mean it mean i'm telling you what i started feeling bad about how many times i spank that young and growing up i did brother i'm telling you what that's the meanest devil you ever seen in your life and i thought well this'll work great he's sameen who wants to punch something he always punching his sisters he can punch this so i bought it for him and this punching bag had the face of a man on it looked like he lost every fight he'd ever fought he had a real nasty scale on his face and a cut and a bruised up eye and his fists up like this and when you'd push it over it would fall over and when it bounced up it would talk to you it had a sensor and it would talk to you and it would bounce up and it said two different things one time it would bounce up and say is that all you got and then you'd hit it and it'd fall over and bounce up and say hey hit me with your best shot i thought he'll love this i'll never forget i called him out there one christmas and i said look what i got you son look at this look at this and that little sucker come walking out there and he kind of looked at it and it was it was as tall as he was and he's looking at it and walking around i said hit it hit it haul off and hit it boy and he kind of just walked up timidly done that number and when he just bumped it like that it kind of fell down a little ways and when it come up it talked to him and son when it talked to him oh cody took off running through the house crying squalling running off the other way yeah scared to death it took me forever to finally get him to play with it i ended up playing with it more than cody did i found out it was a good way to relieve marital tension praise the lord go hit the weeble wobble yeah that's right don't feel sorry for tristan when she got mad at me she shot it three times and stabbed it twice praise god yeah amen i took that thing brother i'd uppercut it like that it would fly off the floor laying in the house and slide over hit the wall scuff along the wall and lean up say is that all you got i'd come back not hit it this way it'd fall over and he'd fly across the floor and he'd stop me to lean up and say hey give me your best shot and i kept wondering what in the world makes that thing get up after it's gone down i've hit it just as hard as you can hit something knocked it off the floor and it keeps getting back up brother kidman every time i hit it what keeps it getting back up and i remember the instructions said when you blow it up you can't just fill it full of air because if it's just full of air it'll go down and stay down i know some christians like it they just full of air yeah they just full of a bunch of air when they go down they don't get back up don't take much to knock them over knock them down knock them out but it said you fill the bottom up with water or some sand so it's got some weight to it so even though it falls down it don't stay down it'll rise up again can i tell you guys that's what god did for us when he saved us tonight when god saved us he put something down on the inside of us he gave us the holy ghost of god and the truth is some of us tonight we've been knocked down knocked around but we ain't been knocked out tonight and yeah we've went down and yeah we fell down but we just keep standing back up again and say hit me with your best shot is that all you got there's something inside of us that keeps us getting back up again tonight can't keep a good man down people around him helped him up there was a power inside of him that helped him up can i say this there was a young person watching him that helped him up there was a young person watching him that helped paul get up now i want y'all to look at something i've never seen before until i was studying this passage the other day look at chapter 16 of the book of acts remember where i told you that paul was at when he got stoned he's at a place called lystra watch what your bible said in chapter 16 uh chapter 16 of acts and verse number one i said there was a young person watching him that's what helped paul get up chapter 16 verse one then came he to derby and lystra on the second missionary journey paul goes right back to the place where they tried to kill him at and behold a certain disciple was there named timotheus the son of a certain woman which was a jewish a jews and believed but his father was greek which was well reported of by the brethren that were listed in iconium him would paul have to go forth with them and took and circumcised him because of the jews which were in those quarters for they all knew that his father was agreed paul calls this young man later on mine own son after the faith there's two reasons why he says timothy is his son one because paul led him to the lord two is because he circumcised this boy and that was the job for the father he feels like he's his father physically and spiritually tonight now watch what your bible said watch timothy is from the town where paul got stoned at go to the book of second timothy tonight this boy right here turns out to be a great preacher of the gospel the pastor of the first church of ephesus and watch what your bible says here in second timothy and chapter number three watch what paul says about this boy second timothy chapter three boy that's blessed my heart today this is what helps me keep getting up many times second timothy chapter three verse ten second timothy three ten he says this to timothy he writes two books to this young pastor first timothy and second timothy and here in chapter 3 verse 10 he says but thou hast fully known my doctrine manner of life purpose faith long suffering charity patience persecutions and afflictions which came to me at antioch at iconium at lystra paul just said you have fully known these afflictions that happened to me at lystra how do you know him he lived there what persecutions i endured but out of them all the lord delivered me you want to know you want to know why paul got up because he knew somebody was watching him there was a young disciple in that town that he's watching paul lay there and paul knows if i lay here and just suck my thumb and have a pity party and act like god died yesterday what's gonna happen to that boy's life but because paul got courage and stood up to his feet that boy saw something in that man that he said i want what he's got that fellow right there he don't just stay down he's he's got something real he's got something worth having tonight listen what i'm telling you mama and daddy grandma and papa child of god there's people watching you tonight there's people around you that watches you get sucker-punched and gut-punched by problems and burdens of life and they're watching to see what you do with it and if you quit church and turn your back on the bible and quit praying and quit going to the house of god and quit telling people about jesus them young people's gonna look and say i knew it wasn't real i knew what mom and daddy had wasn't the real deal but when they watched mom and daddy fight hell by the half acre and brother go through burdens and trials physically and married and spiritually and financially and yet they still get up on sunday morning and go to the house of god and worship like they got a million dollars in their pocket and still live for god they say they've got something that's real they got something i want you know what keeps me getting back up after i go down from time to time i got four babies that's watching me i got young people in this church that's watching me and if brother cody don't get up after he goes down maybe they won't never get up too make your mind up i ain't staying down somebody needs me to get up and go on for god you say yeah but you don't know what they said about me quit sucking your thumb you little cry baby somebody needs a testimony that you can handle it and get off live for god well you don't know how bad i feel i ain't saying you don't feel bad but somebody needs to see that you love god enough to keep on going when it's not convenient it's all that we have is all that we have a convenient christianity is all that we have a christianity that only works when everything is good when the sun is shining and when all is well in our life then we don't have nothing more than what the world's got to offer these kids in here we got nothing more to offer them than what the world's got to offer them or do we have something that we can pass down to this generation that when everything goes wrong in life when they stand next to the graveside of somebody dear when they're going through pain and heartache when they ain't got a dollar a dime to their name and their friends who walk down on them we've still got a song in our lips and a shadow in our voice and a handclap of praise and worship that's something real tonight i want to give my baby something more than what the world's giving out tonight i want to make sure i give them something that gets them back up when they go down tonight i was i was reading i was reading this this afternoon i want to read this to you something that i come across when i was reading about about a missionary his name was robert moffat robert muffett was a great missionary that lived he was born in the late 1800s or born in the late 1700s and lived until the mid to late 1800s he served for years in the dark continent of africa he was the father-in-law of david livingston you've heard of david livingston that great missionary and explorer that opened up africa and led people to christ this man was the predecessor of david livingston and led thousands of africans to god gave his life on that mission field leading people to god this is how robert moffett's life started robert muffett not only led all the people to god but he had a profound impact on david livingston who then turned around and led thousands of people to god i read this today this blessed me they said this they said there was once an elderly preacher who was rebuked by one of his deacons one sunday morning before the service this is a true story the man said to the pastor he said pastor something must be wrong with your preaching in your work there's been only one person added to the church in a whole year and he's just a boy the minister listened his eyes moistened and his thin hand trembled and the pastor said i feel it all too but god knows i've tried to do my duty and they said on that day the minister's heart was heavy as he stood before his flock as he finished the message he felt a strong inclination to resign the church after everyone else had left that one boy that had been added to the church came to him and asked this preacher do you think if i worked hard for an education i could become a preacher and perhaps a missionary again tears welled up in the minister's eyes and he said oh this heals the ache i feel and he said robert i see the divine hand now may god bless you my boy yes i think you will become a preacher and that little boy turned into robert moffett the one who went to africa and won thousands of people to god you see that preacher he was that close to giving up he was that close to throwing the towel in he was just about to give up before he ever preached that life's message he was at the verge of saying what's a use i've been sucker-punched i'm just going to give up but there was one little boy listening there was one little boy watching that grabbed a hold of what he had hey you don't know who's watching you sunday school teacher you don't know who's watching you mama daddy pop on grandma somebody's looking at you somebody's watching you you keep getting back up it makes a difference in somebody else's life tonight what got him back up people around him power inside of him a person watching him and lastly i believe the last thing that got paul up was a promise before him there was a promise before him they kept getting him back up so what do you mean a promise before him preacher well the bible said in our text that they drew him out of the city after they stole him supposing he had been dead personally i believe he was then personally i don't even i believe they supposed it but i believe the old boy had done checked out and there was something that happened in that time in paul's life that he never got over you say what happened turn with me to the book of second corinthians and we'll be done second corinthians in chapter number 12 watch what your bible says second corinthians in chapter number 12 a promise before him helped him get up this ought to help you get up if you go down child of god there's a promise in front of all of us you say what's the promise oh watch what paul said in second corinthians chapter 12 and verse number two ii corinthians in chapter 12 and verse 2 paul says this he says i knew a man in christ above 14 years ago he's talking about himself whether in the body i cannot tell or whether out of the body i cannot tell god knoweth he said it was about 14 years ago when you look at when second corinthians was written and when the timeline of what happened in acts 14 it's about 14 years before this he said i can't tell whether it's in the body or out of the body he said god knoweth and watch what he said such a one caught up to the third heaven and i knew such a man whether in the body or out of the body cannot tell god knoweth how that he was caught up into paradise and heard unspeakable words which it is not lawful for a man to utter of such a one will i glory yet of myself i will not glory but in mine infirmity say what are you saying preacher i'm saying i believe with all my heart most people do as well that what paul is writing about here where he had this out of the body experience that's when he was laying down there stoned at lystra while he was laying down there he had done checked out and he landed in the third heaven brother he got up there and he got to see it before john the beloved saw it in revelation can you imagine that i mean he said i can't even talk about it it's good y'all i can't even tell you about it he got up there can you imagine he got up there in about that time he saw that great big old throne that rainbow round about the throne the son of god sitting on the throne i mean he all of a sudden heard somebody say paul good to see you and up ran stephen the one who he watched stone years ago shook his hand say hey paul we've been waiting on you to get here i mean paul sees all him great sights of heaven walls of jasper gates a pearl street of gold tree of life i mean sees the mansions sees all that stuff and about that time god says all right paul back you go well lord now i'm just going to give it to you and cody's on reader's digest version but y'all we're reading between the lines here you ain't going to tell me paul's looking at all that and when god said all right back you go paul says good yeah i'm ready to go back no no paul says don't send me back lord lord they hate me down there and i hate you down there god don't make me go back paul it's more abide it's more needful for you to abide in the flesh i still got stuff for you to do all i wanted to do paul this is the first real persecution you've suffered in the flesh paul you've got a lot more coming i just wanted to show you something that helped you keep going paul you're going to suffer more than almost anybody else is gonna so i got to show you something that'll keep you going so you don't quit paul i'm gonna put that carrot out there in front of you just keep going i imagine paul said would you go let me tell everybody about it the lord said no that's john's job john's to get to write about that because he was with me at the cross and he took care of my mama i'm going to let john write about that and he's going to do it in the book of the revelation you don't say nothing about it you mean i can't tell it no you keep it to yourself but paul i showed you enough of this sort of keep you going and about that time paul said lord please don't make me go he said all right new jerusalem express heading back down to earth it's time to get down paul paul loads up back down he goes about that time boom he comes back can you no wonder paul got back up and walked back into y'all ever wondered why paul got right back up walked right back into the place where he just killed him at he walked back in hoping kill me again i guarantee it yeah dying didn't mean nothing to paul now he's done sin yo hit me right there with the rock send me back say what help paul get up there was a promise before him oh paul said y'all there's a promise we're going to see it one of these days we're going you know what to help you keep getting up when you get knocked down hold on to the promised child of god this world is not our home we're just strangers and pilgrims passing through and one of these days we're going to step out of this veil of tears and we're going to land on the sunny banks of sweet deliverance and we're going to be in the glory world and this will all be a distant memory that ought to help you get up and to keep going on tonight the promise before him helped him up esther help me over here promised before him helped him up people around him helped him up person that was watching him helped him up and there was power inside of him that helped him up i wonder tonight do you got enough to help you up i do i got some people thank god for the church i got power inside of me i got people watching me and i got a promise before me every child of god in here has all four of those things to help you up every one of you got those four things there's no excuse to stay down you say preacher are you beating us up if we fall down heaven forbid no everybody falls down but i'm telling you this i do not believe a child of god can stay down i don't believe child of god can just keep staying down and staying down and staying down for years and years and years and years i mean got saved you know way back there and then just stayed down until he got to glory i don't believe that i believe somewhere along the line a child of god will get up why there's too much around him there's too much before him there's too much in him he'll get back up again tonight maybe maybe you are on the verge of getting knocked down maybe some things in life has knocked you down maybe like get around altar and say lord help me just get back up dust myself off and go back to living for god that's what paul did he rose up he rose up you can't keep a good man down let's all stand for prayer tonight if you need to come you come father i pray that you'd give us some people here tonight that would realize that some folks are watching them forgive us lord for where we've murmured or we've complained or lord just for where we've lord lived lasciviously in our life and not considering that we got a testimony to uphold we are ambassadors for christ god i pray tonight should help us to remember we got folk watching us each and every one no man lives to himself no man dies to himself help us to remember we got a promise oh what a promise that you're coming back to get us one of these days and we're to hold the fort until you come lord i know that many of your children suffer different things they get a lot throwed at them god i pray you'd keep giving them strength to stand having done all to stand help our church tonight in jesus name we pray amen if you need to come you come sister sing for us walk on walk on for jesus walk on in his name lifted high the bloodstained banner walk on in his name [Music] sometimes your pathway may through uncertainty love circumstances seem to tell you that there's no reason to try but walk up walk on for jesus walk on in his name lifting high the blood stained bender walk on in his name walk on through the shadows where doubts and fierce resort he will crown your faith with victory if in him we will love to walk up for jesus in his name lifting heart the blood said better walk on [Music] amen i believe if paul can do it we can do it too i mean come on y'all let's be honest let's be honest with each other most of the things we go through it ain't as bad as getting stoned i mean really come on listen you know i'm not saying you don't go through some tough stuff but at least nobody came in here tonight grabbed you by the hair of your head drug you out in the parking lot and picked up some of them rocks and started chunking them at you till you die god's been good to us i ain't saying it won't ever get to that point god give us grace to get through it if it does i'm kind of more like peter i'm going to draw my sword and start swinging if that happens praise god i'm gonna shoot i'm gonna sling the lead back that's one thing i give it to old stephen and paul and them i ain't like those guys gotta have to give me some special grace because i'll be honest with you bro jacob when that starts happening if i start at me i'd probably pick the rocks up and start throwing them back don't know i'm gonna pull it back at you and uh lord have mercy just keep getting up child of god don't stay down don't stay down be an example to the believers stand back up all right let's go to one word of prayer you'll be praying for each other uh i meant to mention this is another thing i didn't have written down i meant to mention i'm preaching tomorrow night at the crossroads rescue mission we support the rescue mission many of you men have went with me preaching down there before i'll be down there tomorrow night at seven o'clock in shelby anybody that wants to go we're gonna leave here about 5 30. any men that wants to go we'll leave about 5 30 going down the crossroads rescue mission okay several men have asked me about it so if you want to go 5 30 meet here we'll go to shelby tomorrow night and come back all right okay let's go lord a good word of prayer and ask the lord to dismiss us and his blessings brother randy wagner would you ask the lord to dismiss us tonight [Music]
Channel: Bible Missionary Baptist Church
Views: 742
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: L9QYt3FzGqs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 44sec (2744 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 17 2020
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