Monday Review Episode 10 Cody Zorn KJV Debate

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all right today we're here with brother cody zorn and we're going to be talking just a little bit about a debate that went on a couple weeks ago i guess there's been a a few weeks worth of commentary back and forth i saw you do brother a couple of uh interviews about it and depending on who you talk to one side or the other got destroyed so we'll just talk about a little bit today and uh we really don't want to beat a dead horse but a very important issue and there's a lot of underlying issues i think too we might talk about that a little bit uh it seems to me like sometimes people get frustrated and can't live up to the expectations of the last generation we see that republican versus democrat inside the republican party inside the democrat party they want to do something else so they just they not only go their own way but they blame the people they left behind allegations of abuse that are really not named like brother i wouldn't say um i wouldn't say that some man or woman in my past abused me without giving the facts if i was going to bring it out i would bring it out right uh but a lot of people you you they throw the word abuse around like they do the word racism and stuff like that and it's really it's really not fair uh basically it comes down to throwing out the baby with the bath water i would be the first one to admit uh brother cody that not only the independent fundamental baptists which i think you and i would both identify as bible believers but that's neither here nor there we're going to get lumped in with them it doesn't make any difference but not only in the uh independent fundamental baptists but also cnn the bbc the boy scouts fortune 500 companies government-run public schools all those places have had some form of abuse take place there's not a there's not a group of men on the earth that doesn't have some corruption in them i would be the first one to admit independent fundamental baptists are just as open to corruption as anybody else but absolutely they weren't built on corruption and the the profession which is about as good a word as i could think of the profession is sound and solid the profession of our faith is sounding solid and no abuser or no corrupt preacher professes his corruption he professes the truth in order to get at people if that's the case there's there is not a lost baptist preacher that doesn't profess the right profession so throwing out the baby with the bath water just so i can grow out my hair drink a beer or get rid of my bible that's that's not a justification and you couldn't win a debate that way brother michael i will say this too what we've what you end up finding out by talking with a lot of people in these people's past is they were always rebels right they were already saved and they were rebels or they were rebellious got saved but just because you get saved that doesn't eradicate we re that from paul's epistles just getting saved doesn't eradicate the old nature you have to combat that right problem with a lot of these guys is they got saved and that old nature of rebellion against authority rebellion against uh parents rebellion against pastors rebellion against the word of god it just filtered over into their christian walk and now they're not just moral rebels they turn into religious rebels right and they're gonna show everyone how open-minded they can be they're going to show everyone how much grace they've got this is what's funny is titus chapter 2 said the grace of god that brings salvation hath appeared to all men teaching us grace doesn't just give us license to now be worldly to now uh have you know uh dance times at the church at super classes you know where we strip down and dance around you know and and bring in worldly music and any version of the scripture bible that we want or whatever it says teaching us that denying ungodliness right we should live soberly righteously godly in this present world if the grace that you have received does not teach you to deny this world teach you to walk godly soberly and righteously than the grace you've received according to paul you've received the grace of god in vain that's right that's exactly right brother do you all i'm sure you do uh but you remember being taught about your standing versus your state yeah absolutely i believe it's critical i think these guys are because i mean i've heard we've even had some guys go out of our church that are going into this recovering fundamentalist thing and they preach as if standing is the only thing that matters and your your physical state right doesn't matter at all and you know that verse stuff about that brothers i'm i'm preaching through colossians right now and how you know it's funny just real fast to get to where i was at last night when we think laodicea and the laodicean church the first thing we think is revelation 3 because that's where it's at but the fact is when you read the book of the revelation the word laodicea is mentioned once the word laodiceans is mentioned once so laodicean in some firm form is only mentioned two times in the book of revelation but it's mentioned five times in the book of colossians paul wrote the book of colossians and said read this to the laodiceans right 30 years before john wrote so i'm preaching in colossians saying how if they would have listened to this they could have avoided the carnality and the lukewarmness and locking jesus out the church that they ended up getting to well a lot of what paul talks about man in in chapter two he deals with compromise and yoking up with the philosophies of this world chapter three talks about just what you're saying difference in standing in state he says put off the old man which is corrupt put on the new man that's that happens after conversion after conversion there is definitely steps of practical righteousness and practical personal sanctification that you have to do right the help of the holy ghost naturally with the help of god but but it's personal steps of yeah trying to resist this flesh and resist the world the first four book of the bible focuses right straight on disciples they're disciples people you know you're not going to be an apostle before you're into this before you're a disciple and that discipleship is it's ongoing actually you and i are still disciples we've been pastors evangelists we've had positions in churches but we're still disciples yeah and that's just it uh also one thing before we get into some debates and stuff with a thought that keeps crossing my mind and you just brought up laodicea everything in your bible in the new testament and the old testament as well points to apostasy as we get closer to the day of the lord i don't but it seems like all the new ideas and all the new doctrines seem to believe that church age ends in some great revival of of conscience and mind just like a catholic believes they're going to bring in the kingdom that's post millennialism yeah so basically what they're saying is they're going to have this great enlightenment before the lord comes back because even they would agree we're living in the last days brother that's why i fully believe these the guys like what we saw at the debate the other day and the churches that they foster and such uh i believe they're i believe that they are setting the stage pushing right towards the one world church of the antichrist they'll yoke up with anything and everyone that's right church's brother have gotten to the place um to where you know that homosexuality is no big deal as a matter of fact most of the people it's hilarious to me a lot of the people that shoot at me with those guys on twitter and social media if you look at their pages they subscribe to homosexuality yeah they have no problem with it they they have no problem with homosexuality with the music of this world drinking liquor whatever version you want there is there is no if you just do whatever you want and claim jesus and everything's cool just claim claim the gospel everything's good that's a perversion of the gospel and so yeah that bible says evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse deceiving and being deceived no doubt about that times some shall depart from the faith giving heed to seducing spirits doctrines of devils that's exactly right right i was watching them uh they did an after party after the debate and then they also from that i found a link to one of their interviews with mark lowry who i'm not going to call him a homosexual but he sure is an effeminate guy but that's neither here nor there but during that debate um they were talking about being accused of going to the left and they basically put it this way they said we're not going to the left we are progressive we are progressing that is a that is exactly you know what they said yeah that's exactly what they say that's exactly what the left says right we're not we're not left-wing we're not liberal we're progressive right we're progressive and that that said everything i needed to hear right there if you believe the bible in the day and time which we live in there's no way you can look at the church today and say that it is not on the down even the best of churches they're not like they were before the church that i go to the church that i pastored the church that i'm at now it's nowhere near like churches were back in the day so the end view is things get worse not better unless you're a kingdom builder which is some of the most dangerous people in the world progressive we're going to make everything all right when i think the real your your viewpoint in my viewpoint ought to be god's going to make everything better and we better stick to this if we're going to take advantage of that so uh i guess the main reason we want to talk today is to let you deal with some things maybe um if we can get a little less going here some of the interaction that you've had since um since the debate maybe some misconceptions about what went on in the debate talk about those things and and really any anything else you want to talk about one of the biggest things that's gotten traction since the debate was um there was a brother in utah i've never heard of him never met him before that wrote a blog about me and the debate it really started out the blog talking about me he had like two segments talking about me personally and uh it gained a lot of traction because it was talking right wrong or indifferent it was talking about me i mean if you look back on his twitter post all of his previous blogs that he'd ever done had zero interactions like nobody comment on them nobody retweeted them nothing as soon as he dropped the blog talking about cody zorn and the debate bible missionary it exploded like interactions retweets comments so a little bit you know throw the lightning rod in there and get hot and hitting it so he throw zorn in there boom boom boom lightning rod not just from the left but also from even some independent baptists that you know don't really like my caustic personality they're little soft soap type guys and um so anyways i reached out to him this past monday a week ago today and uh said look brother i believe you were misguided on some things um i believe you um kind of spoke without knowing some background or either just some some context said i'd like to talk to you he said let's do it we set up an interview and um we did it friday evening and which you can go to my facebook page or my twitter page and and check that out uh it's about 45 50 minutes with me and this brother brandon vaughan he pastors an independent baptist work out in utah nice guy uh loves the lord um we we disagree on some things but he had some questions he wanted to ask you know he you know he wanted to get clarification on do i believe that a person can only be saved reading out of a king james bible or preaching from the king james bible i set the record straight on that no i don't believe that um he wanted to know why i said some things in my personal pulpit about um nathan cravat and the recovering fundamentalist movement and such that before the debate and after the debate and there's two things about that if you want to know my full answer on some of the doctrinal stuff you can go back and watch uh that interview because i dealt with the scriptural reasons paul talked about warning the people about people that would come in and try and you know sow division in amongst the brethren paul named the names about people who had departed from the faith and were heretics hymonaeus and philetus and others that he named that were saved men but they swerved off and and this guy also said well is is nathan cravat is he a brother in christ or is he a heretic i said i believe him to be both and a lot of people are like well you can't be both well according to the bible one of the works of the flesh in galatians 5 is heresies that's right galatians 5 clearly states clearly states this about works of the flesh now the works of the flesh are manifest which are these adultery can can a christian commit adultery sure they can uh fornication can a christian commit fornication we've known that they can uncleanness lasciviousness idolatry witchcraft hatred variants emulations wrath strife seditions heresies pharisees endings murders drunkenness revelings and such light uh so we know that these are works of the flesh yes sir still in the flesh and so are christians can commit any of these sure believe that nathan corbat has taught heresy along with his friends and they continue to in multiple areas of their life least of which which i think most of which is the word of god itself um that's what they get dealt with and um you know talked about that and you know if anybody wants to watch that they can go and check that out um we don't have to necessarily cover that background totally again um the debate you know i would encourage everyone to go back and watch the debate that's listed on our church youtube bible missionary baptist church channel on youtube or on our facebook page um i'll be honest i feel like uh you know i i wish brother mitch maybe would have made some notes to keep him on track on something because we kind of got off from the weeds on baptist history and calvinism and such when i was kind of really wanting to stay on track and so there were some things that nathan said that while i'm sitting there i wish there would have been notes taken down to take him to task on some things it was it was hilarious to me um that that he kept saying he quote this is a quote that nathan says i believe i have a faithful trustworthy translation of the bible and and originally he said you know he believes what he has what the king james is his esv and the king james they're real close and they're faithful and trustworthy well trustworthy your esv removes 17 entire verses from the new testament uh not not not counting which it takes the blood out of colossians 1 14. it takes deity away from jesus christ being god in first timothy chapter 3 verse 16. i would encourage everyone that's watching this look up 2nd samuel 21 19. look up second samuel 21 19 in your english standard version second samuel 21 19 in your english standard version says that el hayman slew goliath not david if you think i'm lying pull up your english standard version 2nd samuel 21 and 19 see if i am lying to you i kid you not and there was again war with the philistines at gob and el hainan the son of jeregorum the bethlehemite struck down the life the getting making a lie out of first samuel 17 where it says david kilgoly uh it was funny to me as well this was a clincher this was a hilarious part that nobody caught but i'm sitting there listening brother michael and i'm like there's nobody nobody catching this like this is what i wish they would have taken him to task on yeah so nathan is going through talking about the doctrines of different things in the bible and he starts talking about the lord jesus i quote and i quote he says jesus possesses characteristics of eternality and he does he is the eternal god we believe that yes i'm saying he's the everlasting father the prince of peace we believe that but he wrote the verse along with it or he quoted the verse uh chapter and verse and the book where it come from this is the quote jesus possesses characteristics of eternality in micah 5 2. you can watch it it's on the debate well micah 5 2 and i know this verse in my king james bible micah 5 2 said this is he which was from old from everlasting speaking of jesus christ he's from everlasting his esv his book that he preaches out of does not say jesus is eternal it says this in micah 5 2 whose coming forth is from of old from ancient days he didn't say he was the ancient of days like in daniel it just says he's from ancient days so hilarious to me he's up there saying jesus possesses characteristics of eternality in micah 5 2. well perchance nathan please read us micah 5 2 in your english standard version because he does not possess qualities of eternality in micah 5 2 in your english he's just an old man brother is just an old man he's just an old preheated dude he's from old town back here he's the old man upstairs you know that would be good for uh hilarious to me yeah that that would be good for brian edwards uh brian edwards says there's no reference to old-time religion in the bible so that might be one for him right there yeah there you go there you go but anyway uh y'all that that thing about um that thing you were talking about just a few minutes ago about building doctrines and stuff like that i don't really you know that's just stuff that come up with their heads you know semantic arguments and stuff like that um but there really is no argument there really is no argument against the word of god it's just an argument against your own faith and your own belief listen to this brother eastern listen this remarkable so they took a clip of me preaching somewhere it was either at our church or somewhere else and i was teaching and preaching about the word of god and i was running the references on what the bible says about the bible itself and we know that the bible according to the scripture the scripture is milk meat honey water and bread the bible says that those are the things that those are pictures of the word of god so it's nourishing for the child of god we understand this brian edwards literally got on twitter and said to make a claim that those verses are talking anything about the king james bible is basically absurd and crazy so basically what he's saying is all those verses in the bible that talk about the bible is not talking about the bible it's talking about original manuscripts that we don't have brother i believe that all the verses in here that talk about the scripture the words of god the word of god the small w word of god his precepts his ways his law i believe it's what i hold in my hand i don't believe talking about original manuscripts that i can't hold when it says the law of the lord is perfect the law i got it i got it when it says thy word is very pure therefore thy servant loveth it i got it right wherever those fellow young man cleansed his way by taking heed there to according that word i got it the word of god's quick and powerful sharp knee two-edged sword i got it all scriptures give my inspiration to god and probable for doctrine and proof for correction instruction righteous i got it and that from a child that has known the holy scriptures i got it this is my feet a lot to my path i got it you know we could i could keep going on and on and quote and quote i've i've got them yes sir and you wanna know something else that was hilarious to me here's a little backstory i'm gonna give you all some insider info you all ready for this let's have it so we were setting up for the debate and getting our sound check and such is that ready to go and we ended up having an issue with one of our lapel mics during the debate which don't if you notice brother mitch you had to use a handheld during the question and answer that's because we had an issue with the new lapel mic but regardless so before the debate ever started brother nathan got there early and he come in and i was showing him around telling him you know how things were going to go i said let's do a sound check real fast let me get your lapel mic on let me get my sound guys back there let's just do a little sound check so i got him up there in the pulpit put his lapel mic on and he said uh you know check testing one testing two and i said uh quote us some scripture just just quote some bible and this cat screams out and not like screaming out but i mean strikes out he cuts out the quote inscription and he starts quoting scripture talking and quoting scripture and he quoted two or three verses and i said okay that's good and we got the sound check and he got done and i walked up to him i said uh that was all king james just quoting he said yeah he said that's all i know how to quote he said cause that's all i memorized brother you all notice this when people quote bible they don't quote this garbage that's right they quote the eternal words of the living god that's right people quote verses it don't matter if they've swapped to a new version you listen to them everything they learned how to quote was in a king james bible with just a whole another subject but it's written in such a poetical cadence in a poetical form that it sticks with you and you can remember it these books take i can show you verse after verse after verse and you know them too that i've got made notes in the back of my bible of how the king james bible has poetry in it it rhymes it flows they destroy that in all of these books it's on purpose so you don't remember the words of god it's on purpose that's right um you know before the king james was translated the standard for all seminaries was not greek i'm not talking about i'm not talking about manuscript evidence at all i'm talking about the standard text that was used to teach students at seminaries was a latin if you go back and find a book that was written in the 1800s on theology it'll be full of latin quotations not even tr they don't even translate those to tell you what they mean but when they want to give you an exact doctrinal statement they always give it to you in latin the king james quickly replaced that so that john mcarthur uh piper anybody anybody who teaches anything even joel osteen the doctrines that he teach were were discerned from a king james bible all these guys have to go back to the standard when they say what they believe none of those doctrines are produced in modern translations none of them can be but the king james bible it's going to be at the forefront of every ministry that has any attraction in the world right and you know getting to getting back to the debate real fast there's some things he said you know right off the bat he said i too am a bible believer that's what i was trying to say before the debate ever started to our people seductive tactics right he's not a bible believer the word bible means book and he tells us he doesn't believe any book is the words of god he believes the originals are so it was seductive and then right away he said i'm not here to take away your king james bible then every time he spoke he shot at the king james bible that's right so it's tactics but about being a bible believer there are two things that he said that every bible believer believes or should one he said this and i quote he said after mitch had made tried to make the point and he kind of got off topic about the difference between our manuscripts and where our the word of god come from is through antioch of syria where they were called christians first and those missionary journeys of paul launched from there and then alexandria egypt how egypt is never typified as anything good in the word of god it's always pictured as the world the persecutor of god's people and alexandria the alexandrians disputed with the first beacon with stephen he said this and i quote nathan said city characterization is silly city characterization silly well listen to me nate not if you're a bible believer that's right jesus christ himself i want everybody to listen to me jesus christ himself does city characterization sure look with me revelation 11 18 watch the city characterization it's not silly if you're a bible believer watch what the apostle john says over here in revelation 11. i'm sorry verse 8 revelation 11 8 speaking of these two witnesses that will be killed in the tribulation by the antichrist watch this city characterization revelation 118 and their dead bodies shall lie in the street of that great city which spiritually is called sodom and egypt right where also our lord was crucified now that's jerusalem but he made a city characterization and said sodom and egypt jerusalem is like them spiritually well hold on now what a terrible that's silly lord why did you put that in there ain't nothing wrong with sodom ain't nothing wrong with egypt there was churches established in these places in the gospel that's silly no when you study sodom and egypt through the whole of scripture it's rotten that's right why would you want a version or a manuscript that literally that later made versions that came from a place like egypt son out of egypt caught his people out of egypt got joseph bones out of egypt jacob refused to be buried in egypt that's right it's ridiculous so they um when jeremiah preached they were going to go into captivity and they rejected his word they went into captivity the remnant that was left went down into egypt the lord got so mad about that he said i'm never going to speak to anybody in egypt again that's right that's right what about that here's another thing you said that's not crazy if you're about see this is what they try and do they try and make bible believers that if you believe what the bible says that they make you try and feel like well you're not scientific that's why also that's why also in all these versions where paul said they would give heed to science falsely so-called they remove science out of it and they say it's knowledge falsely so-called right because the bible throws shade on science no doubt and all these guys they don't want to look goofy in the eyes of scientists so they dump the bible and take their progressive approach but he said this too when he was talking about just having faith that the king james bible is the word of god he said we don't have faith like people have faith in unicorns right well bible believers believe in unicorns jack it's mentioned nine times in james bible and when you go back and look at the greek word you can't translate it as the wild ox like they do with this you can't translate it as the wild ox but they do you know why they don't want to look silly in the eyes of scientists the king james didn't say that a unicorn was a white horse with a horn between his head it didn't say that's what it was just because some some goofball greek mythological individual decided he was going to make up a white horse with a horn when he said that's not what it said it was no so we believe in unicorns not necessarily like white horses running around with spirals between their eyes right could have been a rhinoceros could have been anything i don't know but it says it's uh we believe unicorns why because the word of god said they will what they the scientific classification of uh one horn rhinoceros is unicornus what about that there you go so see what i'm trying to get at is right off the bat he says i too am a bible believer and then over and over he does not believe what the bible says what he believes is whatever he wants to believe yeah stormy waters caught him i mean taught him you know it is hilarious so she says when you get to the end of the day and you've got your four things you reasoned from he said the four things he reasons from is an esv a new american standard a king james and blue letter bible and she says at the end of the day what do you do he says oh we have great resources in blue letter bible well god bless you dave your final authority is an app on your phone wow wow yeah well from from what they used to quote and learn their doctrines out of those four i would say the king james is their final authority as well yeah that's what they end up teaching at the end of the day that's right because if they talk if they talk things other than what king james bible believers teach and preach their own people would call them heretics right so they can't they don't get anything new it's the only thing they get new other than what they would get in the king james bible is the ability to live in sin without having to repent over it that's the only new doctrine they get the word sodomite in your english standard version the word sodomite gone gone not in there the word hail omitted over 40 times english standard version brother that's that's pernicious yes it is that's sly fox sleight of hand done on purpose and these guys all of this is the dumbest argument i've ever heard they say well you think the devil's behind all that and if the devil was behind all that why wouldn't he just take it all out why would he leave any of it in are you a little heaven leaveneth the whole lung the devil did not show up to even genesis 3 and show up and say hey eve guess what i'm fixing to mess your whole life up i'm fixing to mess it all up fixing to throw all y'all into a world of damnation doom depravity i'm fixing to mess you up no he come in real slick and smooth and and quoted some things that god said right and went against it he did it real sly he's smart enough to know that a bunch of dumb christians aren't going to accept it if he just takes it all away so how do i get a bunch of naive progressive ignorant christians to gobble up this garbage i've got to do it seductively right slickly slightly yeah yes i mean look here brother i mean we have we have one command in our new testament of how to combat the devil when it comes to prayer and fasting we find it in matthew 17 and mark 9. matthew 17 21 in a king james bible said this kind of thought out by prayer and fasting that verse totally omitted it in the english standard version it doesn't tell you to pray and fast wow mark 9 29 it leaves the word prayer in mark 9 29 i'll read it to you mark 9 29 says this uh and he said unto them this kind cannot be driven out but by anything but prayer no prayer and fasting it leaves that why in the world would you leave that stuff out the only way to really combat the devil don't you think the devil knows that stuff he does people from faster than praying yes sir it's brother it's such a black and white issue to me you have to be educated beyond your intelligence to get to this place and i believe you honestly have to be self-deceived self-conceited and yes sir well the the most telling thing that i took away from the from the debate at least from the other side i've heard i've been in church since 1974 i've heard all the you know pro king james arguments that that could probably possibly be heard yeah i shouldn't say that i mean i can be taught i can i can still learn stuff but i'm just saying i've heard all the arguments but the most telling thing that i heard on that side of the issue normally you go to these debates like if it was a dr ruckman debate or something like that you would have two uh quote-unquote fundamentalists talking about the same issue these guys are a little bit of a different animal in the first thing he really accused bible believers of holding the position that the king james had to match the originals word for word which is not what we believe at all but on the on the opposite of that his most telling uh remark was that uh somewhere there in the neighborhood of what stormy asked him stormy waters he said this he kind of leaned back in his chair and he said i love the word of god he said i believe the word of god and he kind of you know was looking way off and reflecting a reflective kind of a pose but then he said but i like to study i like to preach and so that basically told me that this guy was more in love with the ministry and that's what they always say none of them ever say i was called to preach i was called to ministry these guys are professional preachers who want to be preachers and pastors and like some that we know of in the bible love to have the preeminence but they don't want to stick with the standards and i'm not talking about man standards white shirts and no beards i got done with those standards a long time ago but we do have standards behind this beard is a man that has to answer who is god behind this green shirt is still a man that has to answer to god just like the people with white shirts and shaved faces i'm not trying to get rid of god's standards but it seems to me that like the main issue of it recovering fundamentalism is we want to go through the motions and have the same preeminence we want to have the same clout but we don't want to do it in the old-time way we don't want to follow our forefathers we don't want to be named with those mean and vicious people we just want to we just want to draw a paycheck and be seen as somebody and that's to me that's what i took away from it yeah well it's just absolutely crazy man um you know talking about the question and answers brother brian greene really kind of stuffed him up and got him to a place too where he had to admit he got the you know the question was mark chapter one verse two in a king james bible says is written in the prophets i'll send my messenger before thy face oh that was classic the prophet it is malachi but but in the english standard version it says it's written in isaiah the prophet and then he tries to wiggle around and say well the way that the jews did they just classified all the prophets yeah that's hogwash you don't find that nowhere in the bible when you don't find that anywhere in your text that's that's garbage yeah and so then he tries to say that what about you and he really got made to look foolish because he went to matthew 27 9 and when he went there i was like you thinking a really step step in it brother yes sir he says over there see right here king james does the same thing it says it's spoken by jeremy the prophet yeah and and what he's what he references is written in zachariah right you see there it does the same thing and brian greene said it says it was spoken not written that's right brother you're go back and watch that debate the look of sheer horror of all of a sudden he just froze and had his head down looking down looking down and he looks up and says it said it was spoken and written same thing same thing like come on brother it's not the same i can sit right here and and quote to you you know famous statements of men gone by or quote to you bible just because i spoke it don't mean i wrote it right that's exactly right i mean that would be literally like me sitting here and and you know quoting to you and saying you know i pledge allegiance to the flag united states of america and to the republic for which you stand i quote this to you speak this to you and then 75 years later somebody watches this video and says hey cody zorn wrote yeah that was what wrote that no i spoke it somebody else wrote it that's right same thing yeah oh jeremiah said it don't mean he wrote it that's exactly right it just associated you with all them patriots that quoted the same thing exactly right and so those little you know him trying to do those it's what's funny to me and right off the bat he tries to say i love the king james bible and i'm not trying to take your king james bible and then the whole debate he tries to tear down your king james bible yeah well that that it was just it was so sly that kind of tactic is just for i mean that was just that was for evangelistic purposes they were just trying to convert as many people if you think there's people that is sitting in your church my church any church that has a fleshly uh going through a fleshly period in their christianity people are looking for a way out and they know it just like the devil knows it and if you come in and start saying well i'm not trying to call you bad for having the king james and i love the king james and it's just a kind of a joel osteen way of converting people over to your way of the jehovah's witnesses have been using the same tactic for years go into people's homes and say we love the family oh yeah we're all about the family well who isn't for the family you've got an open door to to mess with them now so same tactics as the mormons yeah for years they used to have them commercials on there said you know talking about the ministry in the life of jesus and if you'll call now we'll send you a free king james bible yeah james bible we're going to send you another testament of jesus christ that's right that's exactly right those commercials used to be a matter of fact i saw one of those commercials not too long ago so they're still here they're still at it i'll be done so and here's one thing that was funny to me real fast and we can move on to something else deal with something else or whatever he made this statement too and i quote he said god can preserve his word any way he wants to and i quote evidently not okay we we believe that he did in other words he's saying this he ascribes enough sovereignty and power to god that he said god can preserve his word any way he wants to except through a king james bible right exactly through one standard and it just doesn't it just once again i've said this for a long time i think brother mitch even said it in the debate and i said for a long time divine inspiration without divine preservation is a divine waste of time it is it really is if god's got enough to give us his word but then not god enough to continue and hand it down to us through the ages man what a what a good that is i don't know any organization on earth and all earthly organizations are imperfect but i don't know any organization on earth that has multiple standards no no it's impossible also another thing i'd like to talk about on this translation issue is in the bible translation is never mentioned in regards to a book at all it's always in regards to me personally and the bible uses interpretation as a means of turning one language into another time after time after time after time yeah it's always and when jesus was talking to him right there in their own language they didn't understand it he said eli eli lamas they thought he was calling for elijah when he was saying my god so languages is in the bible coming from language the language it's always a matter of interpretation and that solves a whole lot of basically basically what you have in these debates is a manuscript evidence debate really but you know uh daniel came in to the king there in babylon and they god's own hand had written four words and when daniel comes in and gives the translation there are words in the translation interpretation i should say there are words in that interpretation that have nothing to do mene how do you get the word kingdom out of mene but daniel did that because he's interpreting with the power of god and the leadership of god and takes four words and turns it into just off the top of my head it doesn't matter if i'm right or wrong because the idea is correct it turns into be something like a 38 word interpretation out of four words and so right there in the book of daniel you see god's example of turning one language into another and giving the definition the interpretation of the originals right there on the wall of the king of babylon exactly that this the argument about translations can be so frustrating in that it goes in a circle alexandria uh you know uh uh tasteless receptors it's just it's a circu it's a circular battle that everybody's gonna have amazing those it the bible backs up what you're saying the word inspiration is only mentioned twice in your king james bible that's right once referring to the scripture in second timothy 3 16 but then referring to what you're talking about job 32 8 but there is a spirit in man and the inspiration of the almighty giveth them understanding that's right and you know and so a lot of guys give us a lot of flack and junk and say you believe in double inspiration you believe in double inspiration well the bible said the spirit of god gives a man that's right that it's or that inspiration of the almighty gives them an understanding yeah every time i read the bible somebody's asking me do i believe that the inspiration of the almighty gave those men uh that were on the translation committee for the king james bible gave him understanding absolutely yes i don't believe he was re-inspiring he didn't have to re-inspire anything as far as he's already inspired it breathed on it yeah really when it's written all he's doing is just continuing to give me an understanding to be able to continue to give it to us that's right he breathed on simon peter and said understand the scripture every time i read the scripture and i understand it that's inspiration exactly right doesn't give me the right to write my own book what i believe about preservation is god doesn't just preserve the words god preserves the inspiration in the text sure what i have is inspired sure because god preserved his inspiration in it that's right absolutely i believe that 100 otherwise it otherwise it would disappear someplace well they never have answered the question sufficiently and they always duck and dodge them and shift they say their own statement of faith here i will read to you that this came to me uh some some time ago somebody said this to me this is the recovering fundamentalists own statement of faith on the scripture it's it's you can look it up it's sufficiency of scripture this nothing objectionable is what they believe we believe in the verbal plenary inspiration of the scriptures and that they the scriptures they contain all the words of god that we need in order to completely trust and obey him the scriptures are inerrant in their original writings infallible in their instruction eternal in their duration the final authority and standard for faith and practice and sufficient for every counts are for council on every issue of life we believe that the very words of scripture in the original hebrew greek and aramaic are inspired by god therefore we believe that bible versions which translate god's words most literally should be preferred so they give all this bluster and blunder and blowing out all this smoke we believe words of god we believe the originals word of god we believe they're inspired then it gets down to it and says but we don't have them we just believe anything kind of gets close to them is good that's why he said that's garbage yeah that's why he said but i like to study and preach so what they've not answered sufficiently is okay so you believe scripture is only original writings that's what they just said and that's what they believe scripture is only original god breathed transmission from god to those men written down on that paper okay what do you do with timothy timothy 3 15 he had a copy that from a child has known the holy scriptures he didn't right he didn't have an original copy of isaiah jeremiah daniel or ezekiel or genesis or exodus and this probably retranslated his bible said his father was a greek i don't even know that he's reading hebrew that's right it's translating maybe into another language yeah what do you do with the ethiopian eunuch acts eight the bible said he had scripture he did he clearly says he had scripture surely goodness nobody thinks he had the original copy of isaiah in hebrew from the temple come on man he stole it he stole him before he left yeah no doubt no doubt it's it's it's such a it's such a rounded round it's always gonna uh come down i preached a sermon a long time ago called christian identity just went through a bunch of things that christians are and for the letter i went through the alphabet or some i can't remember what all i did but the one of the first points was christians are believers they're not skeptics you might find some skeptical christians but believers are first and foremost believers and that's the way i've been i've been a believer there there's not one example in the new testament old testament either not one can't point to this is why we're bible believers we try and pattern ourselves after that book yeah you won't find one instance in the new testament or otherwise where men speak of the scripture like they speak about it that's exactly right they had opportunity don't tell me they didn't have opportunity because they didn't have the original writings in front paul didn't have an original uh uh a copy of the scripture when he's writing about isaiah he didn't have an original copy when he talks about abraham he's got copies of copies too and not one of them says well a better translation of what i just read this morning should be this because this is an unfortunate translation and maybe you should look at it this not one of them says junk like that that's right that's man-made sophistry that is man-made garbled-up garbage to deceive the hearts of the simple that's right he says so for the prophecy came not in old time there's there's edward's reference to old time religion religion he said uh for the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man but holy men of god spake as they were moved by the holy ghost that's the bible that's a bible man's view of the scripture yes sir yes sir yes sir and they believed it and you know they believed that that what they had was god's word even if they hadn't seen it in 50 years you know they brought a book to the to the king and said we found this in the treasury we found the book yeah and they they opened it and read it he fell on his face with no skepticism whatsoever amen yeah this is the book yeah praise god but like i say the the fundamental thing at hand is not a translation or a manuscript it's do you believe or do you not believe and uh and they're they're what you just said brother michael it's it's like this it's hilarious to me these guys get so uptight about us believing that god's given us a perfect book in our hand y'all that that's way down the line of things we believe that the world will look at and think is way out there no doubt we we we believe that a god out there stepped out on nothing made everything yes sir we believe brother that that god sent his son impregnated a woman's womb stuck him in placed him in a virgin's womb birthed in the world lived 33 and a half years of sinless perfection hoping blinded eyes opened dead fears made lame legs walk raised dead people from the grave died a substitutionary death took that blood to the third heaven rose again three days later ascended to heaven and coming back one day in a cloud and we gonna go up too yeah that's right i've got a perfect book from that gods way down on the list of things that the world would look at me and say you crazy no doubt no doubt no doubt about that it is so i don't know how they could just how they could make such an issue out of god preserving a book when we're talking about abraham's bosom you know there's man there's there's so many instances of things that man's eyes can't see that we certainly believe it's very easy for me to believe amen that the bible is god's word and on that brother michael this is what they try and say they try and act like they say two things one they say that's that that doesn't go to orthodox christianity you know and two well you guys are bringing in this new doctrine and you guys are the troublemakers and you guys are dividing no no no no no i just went to the sandy creek baptist church which was the first baptist church in north carolina about two weeks ago right before the debate in the 1750s shubal stearns and that crowd come down worshipping just like we worship preaching just like we preached and they had a king james bible believed every word in it we've been preaching and believing this stuff for hundreds of years and if you would brother 250 years ago if you went into any baptist methodist uh lutheran presbyterian church they would all be preaching the king james bible they are the ones that brought in the pernicious doctrine uh and doctrines of devils and seducing spirits in the last hundred years or so not us right we're still holding on to the orthodox traditions if you like that word they use right our forefathers was preaching and revolutionized this continent with yes sir and not only that if you would have if you would have had a king james bible and ask one of those guys is this god's word he would have been yes and if you would have picked up a geneva bible and held it up and said is this god's word they would have been yes yeah and if you would have took a wycliffe bible i mean not white cliff but if a tyndale bible matthew's bible whatever you want to call it and said is this god's word that said yes do you believe there's errors in this book that said no that's god's word and but it's so it's they're talking about traditions the bible has its own tradition the bible has its own um lineage and it's been god's word and it's always been god's word for the time in which it was needed and from the nobody and the heritage and tradition you're talking about it's a blood-soaked heritage and tradition yes sir there ain't no the only thing attached with stuff like this stuff right here it's not blood and martyrs and and faithful men who love god this right here brother's got uh roman catholic handprints all over it uh jesuit priests all over it homosexuals like martin woodstruck they all want to get on us about using virginia malincot which she was a lesbian but forget about virginia molinkov for a minute how about martin woodstrom which had a big hand in the translation of the old testament in them books right there yeah and all these other guys these infidels wet scott and horton thayer and people like that they didn't even believe in the deity of christ right and there's no blood attacks for those right there that king james bible it's a blood soaked book yes sir yes sir it's all king james and and different bibles like that came at the cost of men's lives that only came with the cost of somebody's hurt feelings about some hard sermon they heard somewhere that's all right amen hey well listen you got a revival meeting coming up a camp meeting coming up let's switch gears a little bit and talk about that dates and who's going to be there and such things as that i'll be there by the way i'm going to come down he's going to preach at it um that's a sound bite for all you ifbb sermon clips guys right there y'all you got if you want to i won't even charge you any raw to your trademark y'all can see it hang on so our church at brother nathan hamill's church is the one that originally started this 30-plus years ago since i've been the pastor here bible missionary our church has thrown in with them it's hosted at their church that's where the meeting happens at under their opener tabernacle and at their gym is where they feed at and things like that that's in richfield north carolina uh the date is september the 20th through the 24th so i wish i had the flyer it's over at the church september the 20th through the 24th in richfield north carolina um is where the camp meeting happens at uh i'll get you the phone number uh that if anybody wants a hotel room or anything like that we provide hotel rooms until they run out it starts on monday night the 20th goes all the way through friday night the 24th uh tuesday through friday we have morning meetings and as well and so um man there'll just be people there from all over the country folk come in from texas folk come in from kentucky and south carolina and georgia and florida and some folk come all the way down from uh maryland folk um just from here they're coming out of alabama i think folks coming out of mississippi this year we just got folk coming from all over the country uh to be in the meeting and so it's gonna be good we have preaching in the mornings on tuesday through friday normally we have about four preachers and then go eat lunch have the afternoon off come back and eat supper about five o'clock and then have two more preachers at night with some singing uh this year is something i'm really excited about so our church doesn't go over until monday night we we do at our church that i pastor what's called camp meeting sunday the sunday leading into it and and normally what me and brother nathan do is we we swap two preachers like two preachers will preach for me sunday morning two preachers preach to him sunday morning then we'll swap them those two preachers that were with me you'll preach for him sunday night and likewise well this year on sunday september 19th the bible missionary we're going to have the lutrik family the whole gang's going to be here brother gary gary junior miss wyvon miss kathleen jack miss stephanie the whole gang and all their family is gonna be at the church and they have not recorded they've never done this they haven't recorded a cd in about 20 years but they've never recorded a live album well between sunday morning sunday night they're bringing musicians in jesse craigel and some others to help them and they're going to record a live album at our church on sunday morning and sunday night interspersed with the preaching they'll probably sing five or six sunday morning and then sing five or six more sunday night and put those together and make a live album out of it so that'll be good we're really excited about that you know looking forward to the preaching and singing i love the lutrik family they're wide open yeah and uh they're a blessing amen well this year brother i'm excited that you're coming up i hope ma'am i hope you can load up old brother ryan and bring him down with you i don't know it's possible um i think he's going to um next next monday he's going to go to tennessee you know he's trying to put together a revival at the ryman auditorium being this out he's a rhyming yeah so um that's going to be in 2022 in october hopefully so he's already got a bunch of money pledged from different guys different people interested in coming um but man it's it's going to be a big deal so he's going to be doing that and uh next on next monday so whether or not he'll turn around and go somewhere else that fast or not i'm not sure but i'll tell him about it for sure and maybe i can talk him into coming i don't know that come down to the debate with you amen they had they had a good time everybody had a good time down there it's interesting to see and really i think that um uh not that there was no interest but the the interest really picked up from the guys that came with us during the questions and answers i i think there was a lot more revelation about the mindsets behind the positions during the questions and answers than there actually was during the during the actual debate there absolutely was yeah so that's real good i appreciate you having that meeting i appreciate the opportunity to come down there and take part in it i hadn't been it's been two years since i've been here at faith baptist church i haven't been anywhere as far as meetings or anything like that so i appreciate the opportunity to get out of the house we're excited to have you down in camp meet man put a bullet in your gun come ready to shoot that man i need to i guess i still need to um i'll get a list of hotels or something um so i can get that taken care of i don't wanna i'm gonna i'm gonna book that for you and we can talk about that now or when we get off what days are you coming in i got the whole week off i took the whole week off so you coming through sunday through or monday through it'll probably be monday through because i'll probably be here on sunday that's fine i'm fixing to call brother he actually tried to call me while we're doing this i've got to talk brother nathan about several people that i need hotel rooms for our church helps fund it but their church is the one that just books everything through through their church so i'll get with him and have that done for you so i'll get you a room monday through friday okay my brother let me know how many you need all right i'll do it i'm gonna go ahead and cut her off right here i appreciate the talk no worries
Channel: FBCSmyrna
Views: 1,475
Rating: 3.5217392 out of 5
Keywords: Brian Edwards, KIng James Only, Nathan Cravatt, Cody Zorn, King James Bible, ESV, NIV
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 49sec (3889 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 23 2021
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