3/2/2019 AM - Pastor Cody Zorn - Can you make it without your Abraham? - Genesis 12 & 13

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[Music] [Music] let's call water we'll see more clearly see [Music] ah [Music] we'll see more clearly [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] I got a [Music] and I started by merci all of the way his goodness make was my to meet all my [Music] me [Music] [Music] [Applause] but you'll see my lord good friends family and a place to call this church where our worship is Bible Ari [Music] [Music] now speaks for me [Music] [Music] ah you'll see by we are [Music] my lord [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] to be true [Music] so [Music] I just [Music] [Music] start [Music] [Music] [Music] I [Music] Harry [Music] [Music] badges [Music] my me [Music] [Applause] I [Music] Harry [Music] [Applause] [Music] I choose to be a preacher [Music] it had been three days his parents couldn't find him but describes in we're all gather around as a boy in the temple speaking with such wisdom they were all amazed at what he said and in the love it there was Jesus come on crying in the wilderness the baptized the one who was to come with five John baptized me [Music] Oh [Music] and my decent [Music] like it [Music] Oh Oh there was Jesus [Music] okay though I made from water [Music] Rollers house to bring life to his daughter with authority trade from the father no one could explain [Music] was Jesus [Music] they're bleep for the souls of man to captive spring freedom with three days late here's who was it t he conquered death [Music] ha there were sting so no matter what you're facing no matter when hard times or we good just keep your and the battle for Belton streets he'll be right there that's where it's always been to be strong and to anything you're gonna and a bit [Music] just tape your eyes [Music] or bad less announcing straight you'll be right there that's very to be stronger where you think you're gone [Music] [Music] [Music] after we read a few verses in Genesis chapter 12 I want you to keep your Bible open because we're gonna go to chapter 13 here momentarily look at a couple of more verses over there we'll begin reading in Chapter 12 of the book of Genesis and verse number 1 if you found your place with me say Amen now the Lord had said unto Abram get thee out of thy country and from thy kindred and from my father's house unto a land that I will show thee and I will make of thee a great nation and I will bless thee and make thy name great and thou shalt be a blessing I like that the Lord doesn't make you a blessing just to bless you the Lord makes people a blessing so they can bless others when the Lord blesses you it's not just so you can say oh praise God look what the Lord gave me the Lord blesses you specifically so that you may turn around with your time your talent or your treasure and be a blessing to somebody else let me pause and say this if you're not a blessing to others with the blessing God has given you he'll cut the blessing all God wants each and every one of us young and old to simply be a channel a funnel that the Lord can pass His grace and His mercy and his demonstration of power through to help somebody else let me pause this ain't my message but let me ask what are you doing with the blessing that God has given you if you ain't doing nothing with it God can take it away this morning God told Abraham I'm gonna bless you so that you can be a blessing to somebody else verse 3 and I will bless them that bless thee and curse him that curseth thee and in these shall all the families of the earth be blessed verse number 4 what's with me so Abram departed as the Lord had spoken unto him watch the next little calls of the verse these five words are in a spot all by himself nestled in between the semi and the : the Bible said and lot went with him faking be seated this morning pray with me and for me God we should who needs you help God I feel like I've already been helped I feel like I've already been touched and challenged and stirred God I could leave right now and say it's been worth the drive coming up here I appreciate the singing I appreciate the testified I appreciate what you've done in hearts up to this point but now lord I pray as the lot has fallen on us to preach the Word of God in this spot I pray Lord that you might use me I don't mean empower me I can't do this by myself I need you help God these young people and these adults needs your help as well we should appreciate this good place this dear pastor our friend his family God these others that have gathered here today I pray that you would help us I pray you would speak to us help us to listen intently for a few minutes to what the spirit would say unto the church help us Lord to listen for ourselves and to get something from the scripture will thank you for it now asking these things and that precious name of our Savior the Lord Jesus Christ a man and a man in Genesis chapter number 12 you know in this text that God calls out a man whose name in the text is Abram you know later on God will change his name to Abraham and God's gonna bless him God's gonna use him he will be the father of faith he will birth the family out of which our savior the Lord Jesus Christ will come through this man is a Bible staple for everything the scripture will always hear about the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob Abraham Isaac and Jacob Jesus will talk about Abraham and Paul will later talk about Abraham and the prophets will speak about Abraham he's a very very famous character in the scripture but he is not the one that I necessarily want to highlight this morning it is going to be his nephew the one that goes with him when he goes out searching for this city that has foundations whose builder and maker is God it is his nephew named a lot the Bible gives us a little addendum on to this reading in Chapter 12 as God is telling us and he's calling this man out he's gonna bless him and use him God tells us that there was a nephew of Abraham's that also went with the uh his name is locked this morning now the Bible has a little bit to say about a lot the Bible talks about him later on in Genesis and we'll look at that the Bible talks about him a little bit in the Gospels and a little bit later on in the epistles later on but here we find lot goes on this journey with Abraham now let me say this Abraham invests a whole lot into lot this morning Abraham invests abuts into this young man's life Abraham I believe teaches here much of what he knows about earning wealth and gaining prosperity and doing things the right way and doing things the wrong way may I say I believe Abraham taught a lot about work Abraham taught a lot how to work hard you can't read about Abraham's life and not believe this that God blessed Abraham because he was a hard worker Abraham wasn't afraid to roll his sleeves up get his brows sweaty and do the work that he needed to get done I believe Abraham passed that treasure onto lot he taught him how to work for what he got he taught him how to Tim to his sheep and how to keep his flock and how to gain servants and gain lambs and things of this nature he teaches lot the value of hard work let me pause right here and say this I believe there's ever been a generation that needs once again to learn about work it is the generation that we're living in my god brother even the politicians that now are pervading the left side of the Democratic Party believe that you can get free health care and free everything free education and a free check from the government you don't got to do nothing for it I mean brother that's insane society cannot bear things of this nature there must be some work put into your life this morning we see Abraham told him about work no doubt Abraham taught him about worship Abraham is a great worshipper Abraham's all the time be order altars and worshipping the God of heaven and giving him glory the Bible talks about later on there was a place where Abraham every morning got up and met with God Abraham knew about worship Abraham knew about walking with God and talking with the Lord and the Bible calls him the friend of God isn't it interesting that every time God shows up to talk to Abraham it doesn't surprise Abraham if God showed up talk to some of y'all it shock your socks off but he don't surprise Abraham when God shows up the talk cuz they just talk all the time I'll tell I'll tell you how to develop a real walk with God talk to him all the time talk to him more than you talk with your friends talk to him more than you talk on social media talk with him more than you talk to your boyfriend your girlfriend and then when God talks back it won't surprise you you'll say well I expected it I've been talking with him Abraham teaches law at about worshipping teaches him about walking with God he teaches him about work and they end up with so much stuff brother Milton they end up with so much stuff so many animals so many oxen so many sheep so many goats and horses and so many servants the land's overtaken with them they end up having to separate they end up having to go their separate ways look in Chapter number 13 with me this is where we're gonna anchor down at chapter number 13 and watch what your Bibles said said there was a strife between Abraham's cattle men and lots cattle me in and verse number 8 the Bible says this in chapter 13 Abraham said unto lot let there be no strife I pray thee between me and thee between my herd men and I heard man for we be brethren it's not the whole land before thee separate myself I pray thee from me if thou wilt take the left hand then I'll go to the ride or foul depart to the right hand and I'll go to the left and Lotte lifted up his eyes first Keihin and beheld all the plain of Jordan that it was well watered everywhere before the Lord destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah even as the Garden of the Lord like the land of Egypt as thou comest endures Oh are then lot chose him all the plain of Jordan and lot journeyed East and they separated themselves the one from the other Abram dwelt in the land of Canaan and lot dwelled in the cities of the plain and pitched his tent towards Sodom but the men of Sodom were wicked and sinners before the Lord exceedingly let me get to the message here this morning this is Lots main problem brother Jason Lots problem is this as long as he is with Abraham as long as he is working with Abraham as long as he is worshipping with Abraham as long as he's walking with God with Abraham he can live for God but Lots problem is going to be that as soon as he gets out from under Abraham's tutelage as soon as he gets out from under Abraham's watchful eye as soon as he moves out from under Abraham's wing as soon as he gets out from under Abraham's guidance leadership and direction Locke cannot live for God for five minutes you see here's the difference between lot and Abraham lot had a relationship with Abraham Abraham had a relationship with God lots only connection with God was through uncle Abraham but Abraham's connection with God didn't go through nobody Abraham's connection with God was a one-on-one relationship it didn't go through his pastor it didn't go through his life it didn't go through his friends it didn't go through his neighbors it was a one-on-one relationship but a lot is not so large relationship with God is based on a middle man I want to preach on this thought to your hearts this morning this is what I'm preaching on young people listen to me I'm preaching on can you make it without your Abraham can you make it without your Abraham everybody in the building knows and Abraham you say what do you mean can I make a lot Abraham I don't even know a fella named Abraham I'm not talking about some I named Abraham I mean everybody in the building knows and Abraham this morning body has invested in your life this morning young people I want you just for a minute to think that there's somebody that has invested in you you say my mama or my daddy has invested time they've invested prayers they've invested some work they'd invested love in me I thank God this morning let me stop and say thank God I had an Abraham mama and I had an Abraham daddy that took me to church prayed for me and I realize I am what I am not just because of the grace of God but I am what I am because I had an Abraham in my life that loved me enough to point me towards God and need me to walk with the Lord everybody knows in Abraham now you may sit here this morning and say this preacher I didn't have a mama that was an Abraham I had a mama that was a drunk I didn't have a daddy that was an Abraham my daddy left us and he's a dope head okay your parents might not have been Abraham but God has put somebody in your life to be your Abraham God has given you a pastor or God has given you a pastor's life God is giving you a youth leader God is giving you a youth leader wife I love these young ladies from Farmer our church supports them I love them listen to me you may not have had a mama or daddy that was an Abraham but God give you a Miss Laury and gods give you a brother Jimmy and they're Abraham's in your life listen to me young people if your mother and your father forsake you the Lord will take you up and God will give you a new family and God will give you somebody to teach you how to worship and to teach you how to walk with God everybody knows and Abraham listen to me that man would not said where he is this morning had he not had an Abraham in his life brother Milton would not pass through the church he pastors had he not had an Abraham in his life I would not be in the ministry today had I not had an Abraham in my life some of you ladies in here would not be living for God if you did not have an Abraham lady in your everybody knows an Abraham and let me say this listen to me everybody needs an Abraham listen to me y'all listen to me don't buy into the sucker garbage of our generation that they teach you young people that all the old folk are fuddy-duddies and they don't be cool and hip and they don't know how to we up and dab and Nene and all that stuff and so they ain't fun no no you need an Abraham this morning listen listen to me if the only people you get advice from are more adolescent goofballs like yourself you're gonna end up in the ditch somewhere if the only advice you get is from other 16 year olds and 17 year olds Asia what do they know about life they live and Rob where you at my daddy always used to say this I love what my daddy said my daddy would tell me this he'd say boy he would always start saying he would start our conversations like that just to let me know where my place is boy even when I was 21 23 boy okay now now we got the pecking order here okay I'm the boy boy I'm gonna tell you something and this is what he'd say I didn't understand this when he was telling me this but it's one of the most profound statements ever heard in my life now that I get older he said boy I've been where you are and I'm where on that you are just where you are now you don't think about that for a minute that's deeper than just he said boy I've been where you are and I'm where I'm at you're just where you are in other words I've walked that same path where you at and I'm way off down the line I've been there done that but you just right there how about listening to somebody that's been there and don't laugh may I say listen to me when people get up and they preach against the dangers of premarital sex and the dangers of drugs and the dangers of alcohol and the dangers of walking away from the Church of the things of God they're not telling you these things young people to try and stem your fun and stifle your enjoyment of life they bend down Road and they know it's nothing but a dead Ian they know it's nothing behind they know it's nothing that pain they did where you are and they are where they're at and you need them this morning everybody knows an Abraham everybody needs an Abraham but listen what I'm fixing to tell you listen I'm fixing to tell you there will come a time when your Abraham will not be there everybody knows and Abraham everybody needs but there's going come a time somewhere down the road when Abraham ain't gonna be there and what I want to ask you this morning young people when you're Abraham is out of the picture are you gonna make it are you gonna be able to live for God when you're Abraham's out of the picture are you gonna be able to walk with God and worship and do what you should do when Abraham is not around that pastor said a minute ago I love it I love it I love what you just said you said when's the last time you made a choice for God that's what he said I'm fixing to talk about choices in a minute I don't want to get ahead of myself but I want to say this I love that you didn't know I was preaching on listen to me let me ask you every young person in the building when's the last time you made a choice for God that your mom and daddy didn't make for you when's the last time you made a choice for God that your Abraham did not make for you this morning some of you the only reason you're here is yours made to come you under made this choice is made for you some of you only sing in the choir because the choice was made for you some of you read your Bible because the choice was made for you some of you only pray because the choice was made for you I want to know will you make it when Abraham walks out somewhere down the line you gonna have to stand on your own two spiritual legs and say I will be a woman of faith I will be a man of faith and I'll take the training and I'll take the investment that they've put into my life and I won't squander the investment I will use the investment to be a blessing to somebody else their lives weary Road this morning I'm preaching on can you make it without your Abraham several things that I see lot could not do right without Abraham let me throw them out to you and I'm gonna be done number one I want to ask you can you make the right choices without Abraham can you make the right choices without Abraham look at the first choice that the Bible shows us that lot makes without Abraham's guidance and making it Abraham throws a choice out to lot he says lot here's your options you can go to the left hand and I'll go the right hand or you can go to the right hand and I'll go to the left hand here's your choice coin toss 50/50 in other words I believe honestly honestly I believe if I could read into it just a little bit I believe that Abraham is willing lot to do a little bit of prayin on his own to find the will of God listen mom and daddy I've got four children I'm raised and next week y'all pray for me next week my oldest is going to be 13 it was God Oh Lord I am not prepared to have a teenager in the house and it's a girl I'm already polishing and cleaning all my guns up all of my guns up I'm getting them locked and loaded I'm ready to put the fear of God and one of you little sorry suckers that comes sniffing around my house praise God the first thing I got two things I'm gonna tell the first boy that comes calling on my daughter number one I'm gonna look at him and say boy I don't mind going back to prison again and two when he comes to the door we'll take a shotgun shell and I'm gonna fire at him and I'm gonna tell him the next one comes a whole lot faster that's your warning shot I too have a 13 year old but I'm gonna tell you something I'm learning something I'm trying to learn the older that my baby hits the older my children hear it's coming now they're their own people they're growing up and even though they're in my house and I'm making decisions for them brother Melton I'm trying now to teach them the value of you pray about it I want to see you make a good choice on your own I want to see that you have come to the place and spiritually that you are mature enough but I don't have to make these choices for you that you can go get along with God somewhere get your Bible out and pray a few weeks and find the mind of God Abraham says all right lot here's your first big time choice you want to go left or you want to go right I'm gonna leave it up to you you tell me I mean ain't that amazing this is Abraham he should have just said lot I'm telling you what you're gonna do you go that way I'm going this way he says I'm gonna see if the investment pays off and sadly sadly the investing of all those years that Abraham put into lot didn't pay off at all oh I'm gonna tell you something listen to me nothing breaks the pastor's heart nothing breaks the parents heart nothing breaks the youth leaders heart anymore than to invest in a young person and to love a young person and to pray over a young person and you think they're getting it and you think they're getting ahold of it but when they get their first real chance in a real world scenario to make their first decision they take everything they've learned and they food in the trash and they do the opposite of everything they've learned this morning wonder if you can make the right choices without your Abraham here Abraham let's see make his first choice he said you wanna go left to ride and lot looks up and look at what you miles said look at what your Bible said verse 10 watch it watch it watch it verse 10 and lot lifted up his eyes and beheld all the plain of Jordan that it was well watered everywhere watch the next word don't miss this word before the Lord destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah listen what I'm thinking tell you lot makes his choice based off the here and now lot ain't looking down the road it looks real good where it sets right now oh man Sodom looks good Wow and Gomorrah looks good oh my goodness look how beautiful the fields oh look how pretty the walls oh look at the fun they're having at the party oh look at all the prestige I could have oh it looks good right now but if you could talked a lot about five years later with everything's on fire and it's all burnt to hail and a Kris and you can come by and say hey how's it look now lot would say I wish that I looked a little farther down the road I was kind of made my choice not just in the moment I wish I would've just made it in the moment choice I was gonna prayed about it and got the mind of God about it cuz God could see farther down the road even if I couldn't God could have seen what was gonna happen and God would have led my heart but I made a bad choice and now it's costing me listen to me young people listen make you some choices now before the time ever gets you to really make the choice go and make the choice before the choice even gets gets here you say what do you mean make the choice now before the choice gets here make your mind up now that when you at school or when you have with your friends somewhere and they light up that first left-handed cigarette that first blood that first doobie when they light up that first marijuana stick and they hand it to you you gonna say I ain't doing it I don't purposed it in my heart ain't gotta make the choice right in the moment I didn't make my choice Michael be on an older somewhere when you get to the place and they sucker you into the party and they pop the top off that first blood life and everybody's doing it to hand it to you you say I ain't got to make the choice now the choice already been made made my choice when they want you to get in the backseat of the car and ride out to the lake somewhere and fornicate and give away your purity and give away the best thing that God's giving in your life go ahead and say it I made my choice I ain't doing it ain't going there I've made the right choice wonder can you make it without your Abraham I won't listen to me I wonder buddy I wonder buddy do you got enough guts to make it without your Abraham I'm gonna tell some of you boys something you ain't got the guts your daddy's got your daddy lives for God you ain't got enough guts to do it you ain't got the guts at preachers God had preachers living for God how are you preacher 38 years old he still we're still young man we're still in our 30s praise God we're not old like brother mountain name Ian we could be doing something else it ain't easy it takes guts to live for God I wonder if you got enough guts young ladies to live for God like some of these other young ladies has got this living for God can you make the right choices let me pause out here say another choice that you need to go ahead and make your mind up when that first boy comes along that just looks like the steal of a deal or that first girl comes along and she just looks like the cat's meow I listen to me going to make that choice now if she don't love God and she don't go to church and she live for God I ain't even gonna consider her for marriage I'll pray for an hour bet God save her and then maybe I will but I ain't touching that thing with a ten-foot tall unless and she gets robbed of God amen I'll be honest with you list every young person in the building needs to listen to what I'm saying if there's one thing that I see that is that is hindering many many people in our churches I've seen it for over 11 12 years now and evangelism and a little over a year to church I've seen it now on both sides just a little bit I'm gonna tell you one of the biggest things that's hindering many young people in our church and some of y'all are fixing to get there and you're gonna be wrapped about you know 20 21 22 23 I'm talking about that 20 to 30 year age in our church and we'll tell you one of the biggest hindrances of that age group in our church they married wrong they married out of the wheel of God and eat and either that girl she wants to live for God and she wants to keep her family in church and that boy got a he ain't got a care in the world about God or either that young man he wants to live for God raised his kids in church for that girl all she wants to do is party and raise hell and brother we're living in generation where so many are marrying out of the will of God and it is hindering what God could do with your life make the right choice mate listen mama take this this ain't the old days we can't betrothed y'all boy was recorded making a whole lot simpler I'd be done I'd be done get my eyes spied on some good young men and I'd be done getting ready for the betrothal I'd be paying the dowry and hold on everything but they like that no more you got to make the choice we're leaving up to you to make the choice based on good counsel and good advice from your Abraham prove to us you can forget forget proven to us forget about us prove to him that you can I wanted this proof prove to him prove to him that your love for him and your songs for him isn't just based on your Abraham it's based on the fact that you love him can you make the right choices without your Abraham let me say secondly can you make the right choice the right course without Abraham can you walk the right course without Abraham you know there's something interesting here in the text the Bible says this in chapter 13 and verse number 12 the Bible says that lot begins to lean towards Sodom he goes and he throws his tent out towards Sodom he get all his tents and he sets him up and he pitches him looking towards Sodom no words what that tells me is he's leaning towards Sodom he leaning in chapter 13 but you know what happens in chapter 14 the Bible said in chapter 14 verse number 12 it said they took lot Abrams brother Abrams brothers son who dwelt in Sodom in one chapter he's a leaning toward Sodom but in the next chapter he's living in Sodom once you start leaning towards will be watching start living in what I'm not some of y'all think well I can kind of lean towards that worldly crowd I'm kind of lean towards that stuff out there and still hold on to the church and still sing in the choir at my youth group you can't do it you can't do it don't work that way once you start leaning towards you will fall off into it and be wholly gone with it this morning can you walk the right course without Abraham parole launch course winds him up in a bad place it winds him up in a place of carnality I don't have to preach to you about Sodom and Gomorrah the Bible gives us plenty of stuff about old Sodom and Gomorrah the Bible said this was the sin of my sister Sodom it was pride fullness of bread I don't US of hands and there was sexual immorality going on down there we understand all the messed up garbage that was happening down in Sodom and Gomorrah it was a place of sodomy and homosexuality and incest and fornication and drunkenness and pride and lust listen to me it's the place of carnality that lot ended up on his course some of y'all sitting here this morning you got your course headed that way we can already see you leaning you're already leaning and you got your course set I'm gonna tell you young people listen to me Sodom looks real good right now it looks real good standing here right now but you mark my words and everybody listen to what I'm fixing to tell you somewhere down the road young lady listen to me Sodom looks real good on this side but somewhere down the road when you wake up one morning and you got one or two little babies out of wedlock and that's sorry good-for-nothing sucker won't take care of them and can't hardly buy you milk or groceries and you're living in a one-room ratty apartment with cockroaches running across the floor and you call mama up on your government phone cuz you can't even afford to buy it you crying saying mama I want to come home I've messed up don't you ever don't you ever forget there was a preacher that told you this is where it leads to this is where it leads to listen to them but let me back up and say this you say preacher ain't no hope in that I realize that's a bleak looking picture but let me just stop for a minute give you my heart look at here let me just give you my bird if you ever do end up in a place like that if you ever do end up messed up and you're the prodigal son and you don't fell off in the Sodom also want you to know the is there's a God in heaven that I'll take you back there's a God in heaven that'll get you out there's a god there's somebody praying for you there's somebody on bended knee there's a pastor that he'll love you there's a pastor's wife she'll pray with you and you'll always come back wonder if you walk the route course look watch his course his course not only led him to carnality Sodom but it led him to captivity the Bible said in chapter 14 one chapter after he starts to living down in Sodom and chapter number 14 the Bible says that there's some kings that come down and they take lot and all his family captive here the Bible says down here verse number 14 chapter 14 14 14 when Abram heard that his brother was taken captive talking about lot he earned his trained servants born his own house 318 so forth and so on he hears a lot has finally fellin off into what he was leaning towards will tell you where carnality always leads and we'll tell you where carnality always lies it always leads into captivity somewhere down the road you end up with change that you can't break on your own you say I wish I should get out of it but I don't know how to get out and I don't know how to go back you say preacher five or end up in a place like that how do I get out you just start pointing one step at a time back towards home you just start putting one step at a time and you get up today and Sam will make a good show I can't help all the bad choices of yesterday but I make a good choice today now get up tomorrow make a good choice tomorrow I can get right with God I can get back to the church and I can start reading the Bible and praying and I'm gonna walk out the same way that I walk dear can you make it without your Abraham this morning we see lot couldn't make the right choice without Abraham lot couldn't walk the right course without Abraham I been preaching almost 30 minutes I'm done right here I wonder can you make the right changes without Abraham can you make the right changes without Abraham you say well what do you mean make the right changes well I'm talking about can you make the right changes in others do you have a testimony that's big enough to make a change in others you say what's that got to do with your message well if you remember all the way back in Chapter number 12 remember the Bible said in Chapter 12 we read right at the start the Bible said oh Abraham got a word from God and God said Abraham I want you to leave your house leave your family leave your kindred and I want you to just strike out and go to walkin Abraham and even what your Bible said it said this lot went with him stop right there it does not say it don't say bruit don't say that Abraham said hey what come with me we going somewhere buddy come on and lunch said I don't think I want to go no you need to come it's gonna be awesome come with me no no don't say nothing like that the way the verses insinuated is this that Abraham got a word from God and lot respected Abraham's walk with God so much that lot said Abraham if you got God's word on it I believe in you so much I'm gonna go with you I believe he walks with God to the point that if he said God sac that settles it for me I'm going to Abram Abraham made changes in people Abraham had such a faith he made changes in others poro a lot had a faith that nobody wanted you say how do you know that come to chapter 19 I'm gonna read you a couple of verses here and we're gonna go chapter number 19 in Chapter number 19 God's judgment is about to fall like a hammer on Sodom God's judgments are coming down it's fixing a wipe this place off the map fire and brimstone fitnah rain out of heaven every one of these suckers is fixing to go to hell without hope without God and God mercifully sends a couple angels in to get lot in his family out and watch what happens here chapter number 19 and verse number 14 chapter 19 verse 14 lot gets the word from God he now here's the warning and in Chapter 14 watch what it said chapter 19 verse 14 lot went out and spake on his sons and law which married his daughters and said up gets you out of this place for the Lord will destroy this city you would think that you'd think that your own daughters and your own sons-in-law they would see you've got such a testimony that they would say if daddy said it and daddy in law said it it must be so he walks with God I mean you would think them daughters of lot would have been living with their husband and say things like this well my daddy walks with God I was sitting reading his Bible I'm sitting praying daddy walks with God boys I'm telling he does and them sons-in-law would have said I believe you I've seen him doing it but watch what happens when a lot gives him the warning verse 14 but he seemed as one that mocked unto his sons-in-law they said a lot we following you out of this place you ain't got nothing we want to follow got none you want to follow nothing we won't watch verse 26 even as a wife didn't believe him they gave lot in his life the word lot tells his life don't look behind us you'll turn into you he's got to judge you fortune don't even look back verse 26 but his wife looked back from behind him and she became a pillar of salt his married daughters didn't believe him his sons-in-law didn't believe him his wife didn't believe him and his own daughters that still lived under his own roof come on down if you would to verse 32 his own daughters living under his own roof finally got him in a cave and said this verse 32 come let us make our Father drink wine we will live with him that we may preserve seed of our father Lots married daughters lot single daughters lot son in-laws Lot's wife nobody looked at Lots life and said you got something we want to follow I wonder young people without your Abraham do you have a faith that others want to follow without your Abraham do the young ladies in your youth group want what you got until I something for God do the young men in your youth group do the people in your class at school do they know you're a woman of God that you're a young man of God and you walk with the Lord or do they look at your life and say you're a joke I've seen what you've been posting on Instagram I've been watching your live stuff on snapchat I've been watching your live videos on Instagram and I see you rappin on Saturday night and rappin to some just some lyrics that's got four letter f-bombs in it and then you want to get up in the choir and sing about high love Jesus it just don't my job baby they don't respect you they think you a joke as a matter of fact they don't just think you a joke I think you a joke and God thinks you a joke you a hypocritical to time and double-faced joke is what you are this morning you say that's stout what needs to be preached that way today I'm so sick and tired of watching young people live for hailing the devil on Instagram and Twitter and Facebook and those say and those same ones are the best ones we got in our youth groups it's a double life it's a double standard and what we're showing people is what you got a real phony and it's fake I wonder can you make the right changes in people without your Abraham oh I'm telling you have enough faith that's worth following standing when nobody else does this morning listen to me I'm done with this I love I love history and I love them old war stories of days gone by I love them old war horses I mean them old generals and sergeants and lieutenants that fought in battles and days gone by one of my favorites is a character named Thomas Jackson Thomas Jackson you know him as Stonewall Jackson one of the greatest generals that ever put on boots and never wore a sword and put a uniform on and went into battle he was a brilliant tactician er he was a brilliant leader his men followed him I mean brother riding to the jaws of death and the way he got his name Stonewall was at the First Battle of Manassas also called Bull Run at the First Battle of Manassas when the window when the Confederate Army got to put to the worst and they started running off the field old Stonewall brought them Virginia boys up on the field and got standing right up on top of a hill and they said there was bullets whizzing past him and blowing holes through his coat and the bombs was landing around him and blowing up and they said he was standing there and he was a rallying his men forward and about that time one of them fellas that was dropping back stopped and saw him on that hill and he told the rest of his men he said boys there stands Jackson like a Stonewall rally around the Virginians they come running up there and riding around old Stonewall and he ended up took it taking the ground I'm saying this more to what God needs is he needs some young men and some young ladies that'll stay in with everybody else's our fall and I mean brother I know the bombs is a bursting and the bullets is a flying I know what the world's throwing at you I know what the devil's throwing at you but what we need is some young people that'll make their mind up I'm gonna stand if nobody else does if everybody else dips their colors I choose to be the Christian that we sung about I choose to follow Christ I choose to walk with God I choose to be real this morning and I don't got to do it because I gotta Abraham pushing me I'd do it because I'm Abraham invested in me and I see what's right and I walk with God I wonder if we could have the ladies come up and sing for us real quick that'd be all right brother Jason if y'all come up play something for us seeing something be fine listen to me I'd like for you to do two things this morning young people if God's touched your heart to do so one I'd like for you to hit an altar and say lord help me to be able to walk with God with mom and daddy ain't around some of y'all are fixing to get out on your own real world decisions are gonna start you're going to end up in college you're going to end up in a dorm somewhere you're gonna end up in a real world job you gonna be by yourself I want you to get to the place where you say I'm gonna live for God even when my Abraham in around but I'll tell you number two I believe will be good this morning is unifying Joe Abraham they sum Abraham's in here to some of y'all young people and they have invested in your life they brought you to things like this they pray over you they invest prayer they invest money they invest time in you because they believe in you they want to see God do something in your life I'll tell you what be good go grab that Abraham lady grab that Abraham man and say thank you I love you thank you for investing in my life to help me work and walk and witness and worship for God you better thank the Abraham's while you can because one day they won't be around and you'll wish to God you can tell them thank you but they'll be gone as the pastor I want to thank you for viewing our video today however if God's dealt with your heart we do not really in this video without giving you a chance to be able to accept Jesus Christ as a personal Savior if your day of the day and God's actually dealing with your heart I want to remind you what the Bible says for all have sinned and come short of the glory of God that means every single one of us has had problems issues seeing failures faults in our past the great thing is this is that Jesus says I'm the way the truth and the life no man coming through the Father but by me there is a way to be able to have hope to have eternal security within the Lord Jesus Christ to be able to know that you're saved by the grace of God now the great thing about the Bible is it tells us about the love of God he says for God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believeth him shall not perish but have everlasting life and that's amazing to a lot of people they can quote it but the beauty of it is this is the very next verse tells us the purpose of Christ because the Bible says for God sent not his son into the world to condemn the world that the world through him might be saved that means that God sent his son to die for those of so that we can have fellowship with God yourself now if you're there today in God's will available with your heart I want to ask you this question do you really believe that God's been dealing with you about salvation if that's the case today then I want to tell you what you need to do is repent of your sins you need to die yourself admit that you're a loss and you're on your way to hell and then look at what the Bible tells us that he tells us that we can be saved through Christ who do you call there's only one it's about salvation in any other for there's none other name under heaven given among men whereby we must be saved it's only through Christ in Christ alone so I tell you today would you trust in Christ when I ask you would you would you trust in him as a personal Savior you said brother Jason I don't really know if I can do that well let me tell you the Bible also tells us that whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved it don't matter who you are where you come from God sent his son to die for everyone if you've made this decision as today to be able to trust in Christ to be able to die to yourself to to be able to start living for Christ and accept him it's a personal Savior after repenting would you do us a favor and be able to contact us at 3:30 six seven eight eight zero five five one and let us know about this decision that you made so we can start praying for you thank you
Channel: Hanes Baptist Church
Views: 5,087
Rating: 4.7192984 out of 5
Keywords: Truth, Trust, worship, Life, Salvation, God, Jesus, Spirit, Gospel, Bible, Real, Happy, Heaven, Hell, Joy, Revelation
Id: lR32Ywm5BAM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 40sec (3400 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 03 2019
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