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appreciate him tonight and all that he's done amen and uh i i'd be lying to you if if i didn't say you know we oftentimes go into churches and we say well the lord won't do tonight what he did last night won't do what he did a couple nights before and we we look at services like what we had tuesday night and with expectation i don't expect the lord to break into the song service like he did the night before that's just a bad habit of how we like to think the way god is going to do things but can i tell you we ought to amen the very simple fact that i opened my eyes this morning and didn't even think about it i stood up on my own two feet went and cooked myself my own breakfast amen grits and eggs over medium and mixed them together hallelujah to god right there had air in my lungs and i beat my heart we should've we should've just shouted all night long one more time you will not exhaust church by just simply coming to thank him and you won't upset god about it amen he likes it i believe he likes it a lot but i thank the lord for thank the lord for brother zorn minding the lord an extension of this meeting and uh i'm telling you what i'm tired tired tired amen after last night and uh i'm about wore out but i still feel good about being here amen amen if i would have had to made the trip twice today back and forth just to be back at church i would have done it because i needed to be back here and uh i've had several people say thank you for coming thank you for being here and i said listen i said it ain't got nothing to do with me i said i'm just getting to get in on what god's doing here at y'all's church i'm just glad to be a part of what god's doing for y'all this week amen i thank god for it amen i want you to go to genesis chapter number six tonight genesis chapter number six i will read one verse out of hebrews if you want to flip there as well find your place in genesis 6 first and then i'll read just one verse out of hebrews chapter number 11. my intentions were not to preach this at all this week but the lord has every night brought us back to in some way or another hebrews 11. every night this week it's been somewhat about faith uh i dare say the whole week's been about faith church is all about faith and christian walks all about faith so if we need any type of preaching there's probably some preaching on faith amen and but the lord has us here for one more time tonight i trust him with it and following him the bible says this in hebrews chapter number 11 verse number 7 says by faith noah being warned of god of things not seen as yet moved with fear prepared an ark to the saving of his house by which he condemned the world and became heir of the righteousness which is by faith father i pray that you'd help us lord for a moment tonight lord we thank you lord for how you've moved in the singing lord thanks for touching these young ladies as they've sang to us and reminded us one more time about the goodness of god lord thank you for the choir singing and the anointing that they have on them thank you for the congregational singing lord in the touch that was on it and thank you for every testimony that has been given tonight and lord bragging on the name of jesus we are so thankful lord that we can gather together and go to church lord i pray lord that now after the reading of the word of god lord and as we do our very best to open it and preach and expound upon the scriptures lord that you'd help us do that very thing tonight but i know it won't be of any words that i have to say but it won't be my thoughts or my ideas or my studies that could ever be of any help to anyone but lord i do pray and ask that you touch my heart and touched my mind and touched my mouth and used me as your vessel and the instrument that you would relay the sound that you have for your people and for that will be grateful me asking in jesus name amen and amen before i go back to genesis chapter number six i want us to notice something about hebrews chapter 11 verse number 7 tonight uh hebrews chapter 11 i don't have to explain this to y'all this chapter is all about faith this chapter is the the landing spot i believe of chapter number 10 and verse 38. now that just shall live by faith so what the writer has done inspired by god is he has given us example by example by example of those that lived by faith and the evidence of what faith can do in their life and how it can work in yours and in mine tonight as well i tell you this tonight if anything's going to be done if god's going to ever use somebody like me it's going to be because of my faith in him it's not me that's doing it but it's god using his vessels along the way amen i can't make a good sermon i can't sing a good song i can't put it all together and make it make sense but honey i've got faith in one who cares and hoodie if god will get involved honey i'll just trust that that faith the work of god will be accomplished something happened in verse number seven that's not happening anywhere else in hebrews chapter number 11. we've heard about abraham we talked about him tuesday night or monday night believe it whatever night it was one of those nights tuesday night talked about abraham and sarah talked about their walking by faith then last night we got over there and we started talking about the children of israel and joshua's leadership as they embarked into jericho and they saw those walls come crumbling down where hebrews 11 reminded us that it was by faith that the walls of jericho fell down hallelujah to god amen matter of fact i'll go ahead and say something else to you it wasn't just because they walked around them for six days and on the seventh day they came falling down but it was because they said if that's what the man of god said if that's what god told the man of god then we're just going to believe that whatever god said then that's what we're going to do but it was because they had faith in god that those laws came we heard about walking by faith we've heard about winning by faith and i and i want to preach on this thought working by faith working by faith what is it that has happened in verse number seven that has not happened anywhere else if you'll notice every time there's someone's name mentioned right before their name in verse number four says it like this by faith abel by faith enoch by faith abraham by faith jacob by faith joseph by faith moses by faith isaac we are given these lists of how these people operated by faith but something happened in verse number seven that didn't happen nowhere else it started with that phrase by faith noah being warned of god then at the very end of the verse it caps it off all again with that same phrase and because heir of the righteousness which is by faith i'm going to tell you what happened in noah's story it started with faith and it ended with faith oh something happened in the life of noah amen that ain't nobody else experienced in this life or in this chapter is that god said you know what son this is a story about someone believing god being called to a ministry being called to serve and i believe what god's trying to tell you and i tonight is that if we are born again called by god and we've all got something to do for him tonight you better be wrapped around with faith you better have faith at the beginning and faith at the end i'm not looking to do it any other way but by faith i do i believe the lord was saying it something like this you remember what over the elisha prayed over there when he saw elijah go up in that whirlwind he took that mantle and he struck it on the ground he said where's the lord god of elijah amen he started praying some big things he said hey i want a double portion of whatever it was that that meant god had and you know what noah needed to serve god in this life he needed a double portion of faith young preachers if we're going to be the men that god wants us to be if we're going to be the minute god god desires for us to be if we're going to be the mamas if we're gonna be the daddies if we're gonna be the teenager but i don't need just a little bit of faith but i need a double person god fill me up i want all i can get increase my faith god increase my faith in genesis chapter number six we get the story of brother noah and you know the story tonight as good as i do chapter number six verse number five it said and god saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually and it repented the lord that he had made man on this earth and it grieved him at his heart the lord said i will destroy man whom i have created from the face of the earth both man and beast and the creeping thing in the files of the air for repenteth me that i have made him you know what god was doing he was looking down on this earth as he sat upon his heavenly throne and all he saw was darkness all he could see was the wickedness all he could see was the evil but one day while he was looking down and he saw the darkness and the blackness of this earth he seen a little old light shining in a dark dark world and all of a sudden he said but wait a minute there's one that still left me there's one that still desires there's one that's got a woven god and the word of god said in noah found grace in the eyes of the lord you say what does that mean that means when you have a life full of faith that'll give you the grace that you need to carry on the word that he's got for you tonight oh i don't know about y'all but genesis chapter number six sounds a lot like 20 21. i don't know if he's rewriting anything up there uh he might be writing another book for us to have a little commentary of what our lives was like when we was down here but i don't even read 2020 2020 matter of fact just go ahead and cut it off somewhere about 1990 that's where i was born leave me out of it amen oh but if he was writing another book tonight about the lives we're living if he was keeping up amen with the day-to-day events like we do if he was writing the blog out hey man thank god the lord ain't a blogger or a vlogger hey man if he was doing it though it would be a dark dark story to read hey man it'd be some depressing material it meant to put besides your bed and to go over but i wonder if maybe in the middle of that darkness he'd say but down there in rock from north carolina there were some young boys that gave their all that sold out to god there was some young girls that got up on a thursday night amen and they sing their heart out for god there was a group of about 250 that showed up to revival unannounced unplanned unknown what was gonna happen there's a little light shining in a dark dark world because we live in by faith tonight [Applause] a little grace no found grace in the eyes of the lord then the call comes what did it take for noah to be working by faith we need to go over some things that happened in the story first off we need to notice the preparing that happened in this story the lord begins to talk and know and he says this in verse number 14 make thee an ark of gopher wood room shalt thou make in the ark and shall pitch it within and without with pitch and listen to this and this is the fashion which thou shalt make it up verse number 16 a window shout thou make look down halfway in the middle of the verse he said and the door of the ark shall thou see you notice what just happened in these two verses that we've read tonight or three verses we went over the lord has instructed noah on how to do it but he didn't tell noah i'm doing it for you god gave noah the blueprints god told him the length of it the height of it how to construct every bit of it but he didn't say now noah now that i've given you all the plans sit back and watch me do it that's not how god worked then and that's not how god works now i believe we've got so lazy in our walk with god we begged god to show us what we begged god to show us where we begged god to show us how and then when he gives us all those things we just sit back and say well i'm waiting on the lord [Applause] oh my i'm just gonna wait till god shows up and he'll do it when he's ready to do it honey you better book your seat belt cause i've come to preach what the lord put on my heart amen let me tell you it's time that we get up off our seat and say lord like the prophet said here i am see to me it's not time to get lazy but it's time to do something for god tonight [Applause] yeah i'll just put it to you plainly and i'll go on god actually really does want you to do something for him [Applause] god doesn't need our help in his plans but he does appreciate some participation every now and then [Laughter] i feel like i need to go back and just say it one more time we're so here this is what's funny when i surrender to preach it seemed like every time the lord was speaking to me it was be still don't do nothing just wait and y'all know what i'm talking about when you're in a prayer because we were so eager to go and i was i ain't gonna talk about y'all i'm just gonna talk about me i was so eager to go i wanted to go preach so bad i wanted to do something from god anybody ever been rabbit hunting i don't really care for it y'all know what i like to do we ain't gonna get in all that i ain't too big on the rabbit hunt thing beagles barking ain't my deal you know it sounds like they got something stuck in their esophagus first time i ever went rabbit hunting i went with an older man that i go raccoon hunting with as well and he took us out there and we started beating on them bushes which there again i felt like i was doing all the work i had to find the rabbit for the dogs and then we had to tell the dogs where the rabbit was then they could go do their thing that ain't me we found a rabbit got them dogs and beagles on that rabbit and there they went well i got a 20-gauge shotgun in my hand with three just ready to eat i'm fitting to go shoot this rabbit so i take off running after them dogs and he said whoa whoa whoa whoa where you going i said i'm going to kill that rabbit he said well just sit tight he said he'll be right back he said he's going to run this away and he's going to run that away he said he's going to make a big old loop he said but before he gets too far away he's going to come right back to where he started at [Laughter] oh the holy ghost sat down in my heart he said there are some christians and you've been one of them i've been one of them tonight hey man that i was running as fast as i could go i was maybe sinking this way and sagging that way but before it was all said and done with i ended up right back where i started out because i was not willing to wait on what god wanted me to do [Applause] then it seemed like the lord changed everything that i thought and changed everything i preached i went from waiting and waiting and waiting on god to tell me what to do and it was like one morning he just said hey when you're going to get off your seat and go do something i need some honest christians to bear witness with me on that wait a minute lord i found out that noah god gave him a instructions on the what and where in the hell to do it all and then god said son get busy doing something and if noah would have sat there and waited on the unseen hand of god to come and pick that hammer up and start nailing boards together he'd still be waiting there tonight but there was initiative in the heart of brother noah and he said god gave me the word he gave me the way he told me how to do it i've got the directions i've got the instructions it's time that i now get busy doing something for god honey i got news for you we've got the instructions we've got the word we've got the manual just get in the book get in god's word and he'll show you what you're supposed to be doing for the preparing make it fashion it shout thou make the preparing not only the preparing and the working by faith but notice the preaching and the working by faith we never find much of this in genesis but over there in second peter chapter number two verse number five the word of god reminded us that it was noah it was noah saved noah the eighth person a what a preacher of righteousness honey i just got to believe with all my heart even if god told old peter to put it down amen that's somewhere along the way a while old brother noah's amen nailing them boards and putting everything together as they come along and they begin to mock and persecute him and said what in the world are you doing noah he said i'm preparing for a flood they said what's a flood he said it comes from rain they said what's the rain he said it's going to come from the sky he said the clouds will gather up it'll get real dark for a while he said but i'm making a way out and you're welcome to get on i have a feeling that in the midst of the work that there was a message that brother noah gave and i tell you according to the accounts that we give i'll go ahead and tell you spoiled alert nobody listened to him when god looked down and he saw that all those men and all those women all the earth had went over to an evil mind in a wicked heart and he only seen noah's light shining that day that's how the story ends just knowing his wives and his son and his son's wife and no one else would say it wasn't noah's father it wasn't god's fault that boat was big enough for anybody but wanted to get on that day but they did not hear the word of god that was preached unto them oh i don't know how that's how to say it to you tonight but what i do for a living what your preacher does when he's not around here is we are going from town to town we're going to church to church and we're saying what thus saith the lord and we're trying to tell everybody that we can there's a storm coming you better get on the ark you better get ready the floods are on the way god's judgment is coming and honey they mock it in this day just like they did in noah's day and then they persecute christians they make fun of the men of god but honey that ain't gonna affect me none i'm just to keep building i'm just going to keep working i'll just lay the hammer in my head and give him what god said to give him amen i'm a preacher's kid and that's a special place in my heart i i when i go into a church i try to go in with the mentality of what a pastor would have i'm not trying to say i try to sit in the place of your preacher tonight but i i like to watch people when i see god moving i i want to see who's crying who's weeping those tears brother mike then i start trying to discern are those tears of joy are those some hurt and tears i want to look around at the young people oh you gotta you've got a special group here tonight church i don't know if you realize how precious of a group of young people god's allowed you to have here it ain't everywhere that their young men is running around and shouting and carrying on it ain't everywhere that their young ladies is up singing for the lord honey usually it's me singing it's me preaching it's me doing my own invitation because ain't nobody else to do any of it honey god's blessed you but i'm trying to look and see that when i look around i say god don't let me just come in here and think i'm gonna preach a good sermon and make them feel better and leave in six months down the road they ain't gonna remember anything that happened but god lord give me the wisdom that i can help a young man but give me the right verse to say lord there may be a young person they let the home where mom and daddy was fighting before they got in this house when they left their house they was just trying to make it to god's house before you got here tonight hey man your marriage might have been on the rocks you and mama might have been arguing and man you and daddy might have been talking about some things i i don't know but it's my job tonight to pull up my boots and then to open up the word of god and say this is what god has got for you tonight [Applause] my goal as a preacher ain't to make us feel good my goal is to let god help us oh and sometimes he lets us do it brother cody where we run and where we shout sometimes you can see them as they pulling their feet back up under the fuse and now i'm gonna go ahead and let you know on something else my it ain't my job to bring no shears in no man's church i hope you understand what i'm saying tonight this is the flock y'all are the flock of god tonight y'all have been entrusted under the leadership of this man god the father is our shepherd tonight and he has given you an undershepherd and it ain't no evangelist's job i don't care who he is amen how smart he sounds how little he is how big he is it is not his job to bring a pair of shears with him and to fix another man's sheep to fix another man's sheep out can i get a witness right there have never loaded my suitcase down with trimming material but i can't help it if when what god told me to say that's right that's right i've preached john 3 16 before and they come up and they said boy you were stepping on my toes tonight what sermon was you listening to yeah that's a good preaching brother nine times out of ten about ten times out of ten and you preachers bear witness with this for me some people come and say man when you started talking about such and such and you said this and i said i didn't say that i didn't say nothing about that oh you was you remember when you was telling that story and then in that story you said something about that boy that helped me and i said oh my i remember saying that i've got in the truck and i said jennifer i'd say such and such she said i'll remember you saying that i'd say normally when god is pricking at your heart he can turn the man of god's volume down [Applause] and he can crank up the dial on the holy ghost oh oh you say what is it that's preaching yeah oh that's preaching it might be something the man of god said it might be something the preacher said but what god likes to do is let the preacher open up the word of god whether it's me whether it's him whether it's him down the road and honey just let him start preaching and god will start preaching to your heart [Applause] my brother prayed it last night i ain't never heard nobody say it like that and i liked it they said lord you said in your word you chose the fool what is it first corinthians you chose the foolishness of preaching to save them that'll believe he said now lord let us get foolish i like that pretty good i wish i would have said that i tell you it was preaching the night i got saved and there's a soft spot in my heart for preaching this there's a place in my heart not just for preaching but for preachers and my heart aches for the way that brother noah was probably treated as he was persecuted and mocked because brother cody i remember being just a little boy and hearing them christians say brother edward i need to meet with you after the service brother cody i remember being a little boy and standing in the parking lot of the church and hearing something going on inside of the church and i i remember i came around the corner one time and i usually i thought it was the preacher that did the talking but that night it was the members doing the talking and they wasn't bragging on him and they wasn't telling him how much help he had been to them but i remember walking around that corner and them having their finger in my daddy's nose and saying we didn't like the way you talked to us tonight we didn't like the way he was preaching we don't like the way he was doing things around here oh and i can remember the defeat that came on my daddy as he was just trying his best to tell them what god had told him i remember being a little boy and walking in the house and you can tell when we had a good service daddy would go home and he'd go pop him a bag of popcorn or go get him a vietnam sausage or go open up a can of sardines y'all pray for him and ice cold not coca-cola cause we was poor sam's cola or if granny had been shopping and come by the house it was a chick [Laughter] cola he'd get in that recliner and our uncle we didn't we couldn't afford cable television nothing like that but my uncle he had it so he would record on vhs gunsmoke episodes bring him to daddy and he'd put him in the vehicle i mean that's what he did on sunday night on the good nights on the good nights but i remember there were some nights where he'd come in and he'd go straight to his room take a suit tie off but it never came back out and all of a sudden the lights would start flicking off one by one and as a little boy i'd say well i guess we're going to bed tonight ain't doing nothing tonight with no gun smoke tonight no sardines and sam's colas and i can remember sometimes i'd get up close to that door and i'd hear mom and daddy talking in there i hear daddy saying i don't want to listen they don't want to hear what god's got to say i don't understand it i'm just telling them what god told me boy and i didn't understand it then but i can understand it now i was looking at a defeated man i was looking at a man that was ready to throw in the tail i'll give up but i sure am glad that that ain't how the story ended yeah because i can remember on the next morning's brother bike i'd walk into that living room i'd walk into that dining room and there daddy would see it with a cup of coffee and that king james bible laid out one more time that he'd be having his notepad beside him writing his things down and he was studying and he prepared and he was getting ready to go right back and if they didn't want to listen and don't listen but if just one shows up but it's my job to go and be a preacher of the gospel [Applause] they kept on preaching they kept on preaching you know what i saw i saw hey when you feel like give it up don't give up when you feel like throwing in the towel don't throw in the towel because i didn't know waiting on me in just a few years i didn't want no part of what i'm doing tonight i didn't want to be a preacher i ran from god because i didn't see how it did in my family how i want to do whatever i could just not be a preacher but here we are tonight i didn't know that somewhere down the road there was going to be some days when i felt like throwing in my towel when i felt like giving up and i felt like quitting but my mind go back to that dining room table and i said honey if my daddy stayed in this thing i believe i'll hunker down i'll go one more time i'll open god's word and i'll give it my all right oh keep on preaching bye he was preparing he kept preaching now i want us to notice thirdly he was protected when he was working by faith the bible says this genesis chapter number seven verse number 23 the bible said and every living substance was destroyed which was upon the face of the ground both man cattle the creeping things and the fowl of the heaven and they were destroyed from the earth and noah only remained alive and they that were with him in the ark and the waters prevailed upon the earth 150 days can we back up for just a moment to chapter number seven and verse number one the bible said lord said unto noah come down all thy house into the ark for thee have i seen righteousness before me in this generation goes on to explain about the beast the bible says at verse number five it says in noah did according unto all that the lord commanded him at the end of this paragraph if you will in chapter number seven verses number one through verse number four that is the last time that god ever said anything to know in this story as soon as noah has come inside god has shut the door by the skip there was no more word from god and i have to believe tonight that somewhere along the way in the midst of that stormy water and stormy time for 40 days and for 40 nights i somewhere along the way mrs noah probably was getting a little nervous maybe the children was getting a little nervous about what was going on oh and maybe they said noah maybe god will give you a word go and ask god are we gonna be okay we're gonna make it the waters are high the winds are strong and no way it seems like our hope is lost you know imagine a week goes by of the storms and the crashing of the waves and the crashing of the water and the wind beating them all around and a week went by and god ain't said anything yeah you imagine going two weeks in this story and living in the life that noah was living the rain nonstop the storm prevailing and god's not said a word in a week and two weeks and three weeks and for 40 days and for 40 nights god never said anything how about that i wonder how many of us have been in some stormy trials in our life listen now and our ship was being tossed to and fro and the wind was raging in our lives and the waves was coming over the stern of the boat and we was crying god where are you have you forgot about where oh my god didn't you put me here god didn't you call me here god lord if you brought me we like to say it if god brought you to it god will bring you through it and honey that's all well and good when you're looking back but when you in the heat of the battle you want to know where is god in my life and god never said a word but he protected them through the waters and i tell you how else he protected them he protected them not only in the waters but he protected him by his word oh me whoop glory hallelujah no god never said anything for them 40 days and 40 nights matter of fact it went a little longer than that and god ain't never said nothing but if we just be honest god didn't have to say anything during it because of what he said before it he didn't have to talk to him while he was in it because he talked to him before he ever got there oh and if i could just every now and then while i'm working by faith say you know what lord i thought i just needed a word but i was just reminded of what you said when we got started but if what you said when we got started was true then it'll work where i'm at it'll work for now it'll work for tomorrow i'll go off of what he already said and i know you're wondering well what did he say go back into genesis chapter number 16 and look in verse number 18. whoop glory hallelujah but with thee will i establish my somebody say that next word good and loud covenant oh my guess what we can already just take a timeout and shout on the word covenant we can already be happy about what that means but let's be happy about something else did you know that that's the first time that that little old word has ever popped up in your bible oh glory hallelujah for the first time ladies and gentlemen we have found where god established an alliance with someone where god has started working with someone and said hey i've got some good news for you if you don't do that for me then i'll do this for you and god started making promises in genesis chapter number six and the word of god and because of what god said before the waters ever rose before the rain never fell before the wind ever blew up because of what he already said it was enough to get noah through we was in genesis chapter number three the other night wasn't we wasn't we talking about oh adam and eve on monday night and how they was covering themselves up in their stuff and god came and he took away their stuff and he gave him his stuff but you know what happened in genesis chapter number three first time this was ever done a curse came in cursed the serpent cursed the ground and he cursed man he said you want to eat it'll be by the sweat of your brow he said to thy belly you shall be talking to the serpent and he cursed the ground he said thorns and thistles will grow now amen and this earth received a curse in genesis chapter number three but thanks be unto god in chapter number six amen after we got our curse god come walking in with the covenant and he said i might have brought damnation amen because of the sin and judgment because of the sin but we got a glimpse of glory and we got a glimpse of the cross but god brought the covenant [Applause] let me say this all right now move on to my last thing the bible said it like this chapter number seven how we know he was being protected while he's working by faith notice the first two words of chapter number seven i'm going to try to quote them it might be hard but i think i remember them come in ain't that what it said come down come down close enough see come thou georgia version come on in yeah that's all that's what i mean come back come on in now where i'm from i have a feeling y'all probably like the same way around here but where i'm from if somebody comes to see you at your house and you outside and you see them pulling down your driveway they come up on your porch if you're already having a drink out there a good glass of sweet tea maybe you just cut your grass and you're just admiring the the stripes that you put in your yard maybe you're just out there enjoying god's good creation i don't know i'd seriously doubt when a visitor would come to your house while you were outside you would tell them come on in right but if you was inside the house and someone pulled down that same road that same band of company came to see you you'd open up that door brothers act and you'd say man it sure is good to see you and because of where you was you was inviting them to join you on the inside you'd have to say something like this come thou or come on inside because of where you was he was already in where they wanted to be you know why god told noah come down all in our house get your wife get your son on board get your wife on board get your boys wives inside do you know why he said come now because he was already in there before noah ever got in before he ever took the first step god was already waiting on noah [Applause] now i want to tell you something tonight child of god no matter what you're being faced with god is not going to bring you to something that he already ain't in it himself amen they ain't nothing that we have to go through in this life that god has not felt that burden yet god has not felt that pain oh my matter of fact before i ever felt the shame and the guilt of sin my savior my lovely lord jesus christ he already felt it he already bored and he already paid for it hallelujah amen he's already been where i am and he's already been where i'm going and he's waiting on you and he's waiting on me just to get there with him come now and i have since i'm about through you come on back to piano the preparing the preaching the protection let me tell it to you like this child of god when you're operating in faith when you're working by faith you can be living in trouble you can be living in that storm as noah was living but that storm and that trouble it don't have to live in you [Music] you can be surrounded by pain but pain ain't got to be inside you you can be surrounded by hurt and hurt don't have to be inside you young preachers listen to me you can be surrounded by bitterness but you don't have to be bitter that's [Music] you can be surrounded by hateful words christian but hateful words ain't got to live inside of you [Music] my sin has been forgiven we said it the other night it ain't that god forgot about it he said i chose not to remember yeah but guess what i ain't forgot about it and i can be living and all of those sins be living around me but hallelujah they don't have to be living in me [Music] you say what are you saying we we had a little testimony of where god had got some people from earlier some old drunks some old dope head oh oh i'm sorry we posted alcoholics and and and you and users yeah i ain't never met an old drunk that said i was an alcoholic he said i was a drunk i was a seven day week of drunk hey man [Music] ain't you glad that even though the enemy rape may remind you brother may remind you and take you down memory lane of what you used to be and sometimes it don't even feel like it was that long ago and you may look around and say lord how did i even get here because those things they tried to come in here with you tonight they tried to weigh you down you can be living in that trouble but that trouble does not have to love inside of you anymore [Applause] his preparation his preaching his protection not only those but i want you to go to chapter number eight and i'm through lastly he was preserved now i i may mention that he hadn't said a word god ain't said a word to noah since the day that he said come thou come on in and shut the door the word was over the work was done and now we're living by faith brother cody i i've not decided yet i read these scriptures i don't know how many times i've heard i don't know how many sermons on them i've preached i don't know how many sermons out here and i know you men as well have as well and i can't decide which took more faith for noah to do what god said to do the actual building of the ark [Music] or the staying inside of it after god ain't said nothing to him because i'm just going to be honest with you when i finally surrendered to preach i was so excited i was just ready to hit the road going i was ready to run wide open but then when sometimes it seems like we hit a little bit of a drought i think oh lord when cove had hit my phone started ringing it wasn't meant to book me it was meant to cancel me i thought maybe this would be a good time to start a church and i did amen i did i started going down at the pond i thought dear lord i ain't staying home i'm going to preach somewhere hey man on easter sunday we had about 20 come down to the pond amen and i preached to him hallelujah when i had to stand at the graveside of my two little nephews my sister ashley loss i thought lord what the world's going on we grew up singing we grew up serving my daddy has served you faithfully preached his lungs and his heart out and lord here we are at the graveside of their children i don't get it i started looking for my flag of surrender [Music] and when those that i thought was never going to walk out on me [Music] those that i've locked arms with and prayed in altars and campings and revivals and shouted together with them and ran with them and they said we're going to cross the finish line together and you go years without hearing from them amen say lord i don't know if i can keep going [Music] when your wife nearly loses her life and i i tried to preach it the way i really have felt it but i'm going to give you another little piece of advice when i get home every night from going to greenville south carolina and feeding and giving my wife a drink and spending time with her doing everything for her that had to be done when i'd get back to my in-laws i couldn't even stay at home i was so scared i'd sleep on the couch of my in-laws house i was trying to have faith and satan would get right up close to me [Music] yeah he said man you've been doing this for a little over 10 years ain't you he said man the lord sure is good to you let your wife back get killed lord he'd start filling my mind full of things brother cody i almost started believing him i almost started thinking he was right about a few things but just about the time i started thinking that he was right about some things y'all remember that old song thank god i can still pray through oh lord have mercy then something sweet stirred up within me my spirit was renewed and then i realized i had access to the throne room and i said god i need you right now he's lying to me he's telling me a bunch of stories oh yeah i've had some rose to home and there's been some bumps in the road but can i tell you tonight through it all through it all through it all god has been faithful and god has been [Applause] [Music] the word of god said chapter number eight didn't say that god said something to noah didn't say come down and visited him but it said it simply like this and god remembered whoa glory hallelujah you say why is that so good because i just want to remind you tonight charlie god while you're working by faith god has not forgotten god has not forgotten god knows where you are he knows better than i know and i'm glad to know tonight he knows where i am and he knows what i need i don't know if you know it or not tonight noah but when you thought the boat was going over god remembered you and he kept that boat floating right along amen just when you thought you was fixing to go down god kept you up when we thought we was down and when we thought we was held god remembered us one more time isaiah said it like this he preserveth the soul of the saints psalm 32 verse number 7 thou art my hiding place [Music] and thou shalt preserve me from trouble [Music] we might be in some trouble we might be surrounded by trouble we might be in that storm we might be in that circumstance right now but god has encased himself around us and he has sealed us up and even though we may be floating around in a little arc on our way just trying to do a little bit of work by faith for god that trouble and that circumstance don't let it get inside of you tonight keep working by faith young men young ladies i hope next time if i get to come back i hope next time they still running and i hope the girls are still singing i can go in and i hope they're still singing about the goodness of god and i hope they're still shouting all across the sanctuary you say you say brother jared you have no idea no i don't but i know this i'm not oblivious to the fact that among us tonight are some very hurting people and all you've done is try to be faithful to god all you've done is try to serve him all you've done is tried to please him but yet here you are being tossed about to and fro in your heart can i tell each other god he's not forgotten about you don't give up on god just stay faithful he has remembered you [Music] keep working by faith noah he started with faith he ended with faith maybe tonight if you're going to do a work for god maybe you need a double portion of faith lord if i'm going to keep doing this and i want to give me the faith give me more more faith father in jesus name lord we thank you lord for the word of god oh lord i pray that you'd use it for your glory tonight we thank you but as we labor let it not be in vain lord thank you lord i mean this from the bottom of my heart thank you so much for what you've allowed us to witness in this place these past days lord these nights of meeting lord have been so helpful to me but i ain't been in it like that in a long time and i want to say thank you for it and thank you lord for the work that you've allowed to take place in this body in this church thank you for brother zorn god lord in the leadership that you've put in his heart lord not just for this week but lord for this church lord it started a long time ago but i believe before he ever even came here lord you have prepared him for this ministry lord for the people that you've brought in the way you've built in this church lord there's been some people working by faith lord it is evident and for we say thank you i pray that you'd help these now in jesus name the altars are full tonight we're standing together all over the house preacher will come in a moment i wonder before he does no one's looking around while these are praying tonight i wonder if there'd be one say brother jerry would you just pray for me man i want to keep working by faith i want to keep being faithful to the place that god has called me to will there be a hand go up it might be hard you might have felt the pressure of giving in or giving up but brother dear tonight i'm not quitting i'm asking god for some extra faith the double portion hands are going up everywhere tonight thank you father in jesus name we pray for these that have lifted their hands god that you give them exactly what they need as they do the work that you've called them to we thank you for it in jesus name no one's looking around maybe you're maybe your part of the sermon was the ending maybe you feel like you've been laboring maybe you feel like you've been trying to do what god's called you to do maybe you feel like god's just forgot about you floating around up there all by yourself he said it's been lonely where i'm at i hadn't heard from god in quite a while but tonight i'm going to keep on going because i know god remembers me god has not forgotten about me i wonder if there'd be one and said brother jerry would you pray for me i need god i need god to prove himself some more in my life i need to show himself or maybe simply i just need to be reminded that he's not forgotten i don't want to give up thank you thank you thank you sir thank you ma'am thank you brother thank you sister thank you father we pray for these lord in this day and hour we're living lord there's a lot given up and there's a lot thrown in the towel but the more so in this day and hour we live we don't need any more given up we don't need any more throwing in the tower what we need is some ones that'll rise up and say i'm just going to keep on going by faith [Music] i'm just going to keep on doing what god told me to do i'm just gonna keep on working where god told me to work keep on serving where god's called me to sir keep on praying that prayer i'm gonna keep on rejoicing i'm gonna keep on being faithful trust god that he'll do i'll trust god he made the covenant god give them that grace that they need tonight the same grace noah found in the eyes of the lord may they find that grace tonight as well in jesus name there's still plenty in the altar tonight there's still time to do something she's going to sing a verse why don't you mind him tonight while she sings walk on walk on for jesus walk on in his name lifting high [Music] the blood said banner walk on in his name [Music] sometimes your pathway made through uncertainty line circumstances seem to tell you [Music] that there's no reason to try but walk on walk on for jesus walk on in his name lifting high the blood stain better walk on in his name walk on through the shadows where doubts and fears recite he will crown your faith with victory in him we [Music] for jesus walk on in his name [Music] lifting high the blood stayed better walk on in his name brother rocky there ever been any days in your ministry but you just thought i don't know if i can go on anymore might have been finances takes a lot of that might have just been the burden but i'm looking at that road and i just have to believe that there's some men with you tonight that say i show i'm glad that the man of god kept going by faith i'll never forget a couple years ago down at camp meeting in florida boy you brought a crew that year they shouted and shouted and shouted and every time they'd get in the shout and i'd watch you and i'd watch for the berry and y'all was just crying and worshiping god i couldn't help but to think had him had that man of god had brother rock had he given up somewhere down the road when satan started telling them big old lies saying it ain't worth it i bet you there's some wives of some men that would testify tonight that say oh it was worth it i bet you there was some men that we could go find tonight somewhere and say hey hey i'm sure i'm glad that the man of god never gave up i bet there's some church members here tonight that said i'm glad my preacher didn't give up when he felt like giving up maybe you say there's somebody in my life that they probably felt like quit and probably thought that their prayers were just bouncing off the sea lamp but i'm glad they kept praying i'm glad he kept preaching i'm glad he kept serving i'm glad they kept the faith [Music] when we look at these examples tonight look at these men of god but it might just be your babies is looking at you [Music] daddy your son might be looking at you like you look at your man of god or your hero of the faith yeah when you say i'm glad they kept going it might be your children that are looking at you and said i'm glad they're going and if you can't find no other reason in this life to keep on walking you just keep walking for that next generation yes sir you just keep walking the men because there's someone coming along the way i'm glad there was some men in my life amen that pleased this trip i wasn't the first one to ever have a heartache i wasn't the first one to ever get talked about i wasn't the first one to ever be run down but there were some men that's been along the way they just kept on walking by faith and honey it showed me but if they can i can too amen y'all don't know it y'all don't know it but there's already some young boys in this church that are already watching y'all right now that's exactly right brother and if the first little thing that comes along breaks your heart and gets you out what do you think is going to happen to them everybody wants to be grown until we got out of like grown people don't we thank you [Music] i i'm upset towards the rush shut down because i used to love that song i don't want to grow up i just want to be a kid when i started getting bills with my name on it i was like oh i'm i'm going i'm going back to daddy's [Music] my bed was free and my meals was free and i didn't like the responsibilities now i got kids of my own and it's the little things getting out of the truck at night and ella says daddy i'm scared [Music] ain't nothing to be scared of y'all know what i'm talking about i really ain't but it's the little thing daddy can you you know i tell my little girl daddy can you fix it i said maybe i can fix anything daddy can you pick this up i said hey i can pick anything up y'all think i'm crazy if you want to i told her i said honey there ain't nothing daddy can't do now there's going to come a day that i'm going to tell her one thing daddy can't do but i'm going to tell her who can yeah that's right [Applause] but for right now she's gonna know daddy does it all that he can provide whatever you need baby that he's got it these hands can build it well mine can't but pop-pop can but i'm going to tell her i build it and pop-off ain't getting no credit hey man you say why because there's been some men in my life that now i can tell that it was probably aching on the inside but they stood bold like a lion and they faced their trouble and it made me just believe they can do anything they can face anything they can face any time they can face any trouble in any storm and it puts some faith down in me to believe and i won't instill it into somebody else and honey it ain't me that can do it but i know a man who can and i'm just stressing him to take care of it all yeah keep your faith thank you brother for just keeping on having the faith because you've been a blessing to me y'all been a blessing to me another man that's been through there has been a blessing to me and that preacher right there that's y'all's preacher but he ain't just blessed y'all he's blessed me and he's blessed people all over this country and i'm glad that he just kept on going brother skip i want to tell you you've been a blessing to me thank you for keeping the faith amen i don't know what all you've been through in your life but i know this you do an awful good job at leading to singing amen and you stirred me up you get me ready to worship i'm glad that there's somebody amen that god will let you cross paths with amen that you can look at and say hey they have kept the thing [Applause] help me and by you keeping your faith it might just help somebody else keep their faith keep the faith keep working by faith [Music] the disciples told the lord they said lord this is one thing we want increase our faith [Music] i i i not speak for any of the visitors that are here but i believe i can speak for myself and the membership of the bible missionary baptist church because i've watched you this week watch the beer from sunday to tonight and i really really believe brother jared that the lord has increased our faith yes yes god has done some things in our hearts this week i i really do i appreciate every visitor that's here tonight i believe i believe the lord if you had ears to hear the lord increase your faith tonight how could you not got help this evening in this service but just just speaking for our folk y'all it's been special this week the lord has divinely so orchestrated that he'd come by just to meet with this little crowd for a little bit and increase our give us a fake lift it's been a blessing to live it's been a blessing i appreciate it thank you lord i appreciate it tonight we're gonna have brother jared unless something happens different we're gonna have brother jared for one more service that'll be tomorrow afternoon at five o'clock youth rally is tomorrow afternoon at five o'clock that it's specifically for the 12 to 19 year old crowd but i will say this even though all the prizes and things of that nature are are solely for that 12 to 19 year old crowd and the food that we're going to serve afterwards are solely for the 12 to 19 year old crowd the preaching and the service is for everybody amen amen so we're going to have preaching tomorrow from two of our young preachers and then brother jared's going to close it out these young ladies are going to sing again we'll see what else we do brother jared will probably say we're going to start at five o'clock for you that are 12 to 19 we want you to come you go on facebook and look at what we got going on tomorrow we're giving away a laptop we're giving away earbuds we're giving away a 200 visa gift card we're giving away a bicycle all kinds of stuff we're going to give away tomorrow uh you that are from our church for those of you that bring the most visitors from the the the young person from our church brings most visitors we've got special gifts for y'all one for a young man one for a young lady but we got a wheel to spin to have an opportunity to win this stuff and after all the preaching and the singing is over with we'll have a meal for the 12 to 19 year old crowd and then games and all kinds of stuff i don't even know what all they got bro john this man has just been working and got all kind of stuff and so it's going to be a lot of fun i'm excited i'm most excited about what god may continue to do in our hearts yes sir tomorrow night thank you thank you for being obedient to the lord i appreciate it it's been a help to my soul all right we're going to close the word of prayer thank you so much for coming tonight it's been a real real joy to have you uh i'm going to ask one of our preachers that is a member of our church here to close us in prayer brother john i love you my brother i appreciate you and your family and so brother john if you don't mind close us a word of prayer when brother john's done praying you'll be at liberty to go you ain't got to run off you can fellowship long as you want to so close in the word prayer brother john yes
Channel: Bible Missionary Baptist Church
Views: 858
Rating: 4.8518519 out of 5
Id: KoY26-wa2rE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 71min 51sec (4311 seconds)
Published: Thu May 06 2021
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