Parents, What Have You Caught With Nanny Cams? (r/AskReddit)

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parents a to use nanny cams what is the most bizarre thing you caught on it my brother had a camera that was left in the basement just for safety reasons he had some workers over to fix a tile shower since I didn't drain properly I guess the guys were pretty annoyed at having to fix it but it's their own fault for not doing it right the first time fast forward a couple weeks and my brother's sister-in-law is turning 21 they are in his basement bar when they start pouring shots of Vinick for her as they were pouring they could smell something wasn't right her boyfriend immediately thought it smelled like nail polish remover they decided to check the camera and sure enough the workers drank some alcohol and replaced it with a full bottle of nail polish remover they found the empty bottle under the bathroom sink and my brother's wife knew that was her an opened bottle she had bought previously kind of messed up geez they could have killed somebody our crib was under a window shut and locks don't worry every few days or so a hawk or some other kind of large bird would land on the outside of the window the bird and my daughter would sit there for a good ten minutes bobbing their heads at one another it was adorable despite the fact that bird probably wanted to eat her Birds bobbing their heads is actually a mating behavior and FeO my dad has cameras set up in the house as well as smart lights they used to live overseas but still had the house one time my brother and I were hanging out at their house while they went on a trip they left for the airport and we started watching TV it was after dark suddenly the light started flickering in the house scared the pee out of me a couple minutes later I get a text from mom sorry we are about to take off your father is sitting here cackling watching you guys jump around as he turns the lights on and off we'll let you know when we land your dad sounds awesome buddy of mine had a kid at the beginning of last year discovered that both his cat and his beagle would climb into the crib with the baby occasionally during naps cute right both animals made it a habit to Klieman kick push the baby to the very side of the crib and curl up in the middle completely alone you'd catch them glaring at the kid if he started to roll back over and invade their space that's how I feel nightly with my dogs they are medium to small dogs but damn it get off my butt and free my feet I need to wiggle using a baby monitor to care for aging parent my sister comes in and tries to convince my dad to cut me out of the will and give everything to her when I was a toddler I went from fairly chubby to very skinny in a matter of weeks my parents were worried that I was sick and when they asked our nanny she said everything is fine a few days later they decided to install a camera to see what was wrong keep in mind that off to lunch time she would let me nap and then go home that was the deal it turns out that she would feed me a few bites and then throw my food away so she could leave earlier I was too young to make anything of it this was all caught on camera and she was fired the next day you should have sued for child endangerment not on a cam but on a Baba phone my aunt liked to tell a story from a time when her children were small one time she was lying in bed everything fine and then suddenly she heard a deep voice saying it's me the monster I came to get you of course she went into panic mode instantly ran to her child and nothing there so she went back and heard the voice again realizing that it's one of her neighbours playing with his kid turns out those devices used the power grid and since they both used the same model apparently made her hear what was said in to the neighbors by a phone nightmare fuel until they figured it out of course I never would have I'd have just frozen and died not me but a co-worker it was not actually nanny cams per said she has three cats and apparently while she was at work they were damaging things in the house she set up the cameras to find out which cat was the culprit how it could be stopped well before she was able to figure that out she actually watched his three men broke into her house now she could not call 9-1-1 because she lives in a different state than she worked in southern 9-1-1 centers had no way to hand calls off to each other she got lucky another coworker happened to live at the opposite end of the same County as she did he was closer to my agent lived there before there was 9-1-1 just like me growing up his parents made him memorize his count his seven digit fire police dispatch number and luckily his County had left that number active so that employees and other departments had a way to call directly into the dispatch center he rattled off that number and she dialed it violet got into her county's dispatch center she was able to talk to the police and tell them not just what the guys looked like but which room they were in and where they were crouched down they were arrested without incident although all three had guns on them all property was recovered not only from her house but from two other houses on the same street and they got long prison sentences and it all started with one really bratty cat my buddy has a camera that sits on his doorstep it has a motion sensor and every time it detects someone or something on the porch it snaps a photo and sends it to his phone it's a Sunday morning and for once his two-year-old isn't shouting into his bedroom to get him out of his crib ah yes a rare morning to lay in bed his phone goes off a photo of a little redheaded boy reaching out of the front door to grab a package appears and that's how he discovered that his son could get out of the crib as a fellow parent that is the most frightening I have my house surrounded by CCTV cameras one day just all of the sudden in the city of New York in Flushing an entire herd of goats just randomly walked into the area where our tiny front yard is they stood there and nobody came to get them it was completely bizarre I looked up any information I could find about parades or anything that would have had goats around none of the neighbors saw anything this is a regular street in Flushing with only houses around me my mailbox was eaten off a fence post they were around for 20 minutes I'll never know why they were there in my borough Staten Island they hire goats to keep the grass and weeds down in Fort Wordsworth during the summer that's the only possible reason I can't think of baby monitor I woke up to the sound of heavy breathing to find a face closed up in the camera two eyes and a nose my son figured out how to pull himself up on the crib rails I may have stopped breathing for a few seconds very freaky needless to say we moved the camera to a more elevated location I took a picture of it I'll post it later on the other hand I know of a family who had a full-time Plus nanny cleaner cook known as a helper in Hong Kong and often expected to work 20 hours a day plus sleeping in the same room as the kids with only Sundays off they got a nanny cam and fired this woman because after spending her entire day getting the kids ready for kindy cooking a hot breakfast picking up after the family doing 3-4 hours of cleaning prepping for dinner setting out activities for after she went out to get the kids in other words after a very full day's work for minimal pay she had the audacity to sit down on the family's couch in the communal room of the house she was contractual obliged to living for 15 minutes to have a rest before leaving to get the kids work for 10 hours straight and sit on the couch for 15 minutes of downtime before getting the kids making dinner cleaning the house welcoming the parents home serving dinner cleaning up after dinner fired my old roommate has two kids of his own the elder kid three deactivates the baby monitor cam when he and his sister want to do something they'll get in trouble for kid even waves bye to the camera before he pulls the plug that's when you get a second one without their knowledge my girlfriend's now fancies parents have security cameras I used to pretend to not care much for my girlfriend's cat around other people then when they were out of town we took care of the dog and brought a cat over they saw me on camera holding the cat over my head and dancing softly in a circle while looking into his cat eyes the jig was up not a nanny cam but one of the older ones so you can hear if they're crying or whatever else might be going on I was up very early one morning 5:00 a.m. getting a little work done in my house office had the thing with me so I could hear my baby daughter about two months old at this point but suddenly I hear a woman talking very very softly my whole body went cold and I stopped everything to make sure it wasn't just my imagination yes I still hear it at the same instant that I prepare to dash into her room I hear a little more and realize I'm hearing a mother [ __ ] autoplay video audio add on a tab in my web browser coming from my computer speaker which was turned down really low I thought my heart would never slow back down our desktop computer is in the basement and once my wife didn't close a website and at 3 o clock in the morning I hear two people talking literally jumped out of bed grabbed my gun and went to the top of Fester's once I got closer I figured out that the thieves in my basement were talking about I cleaned the poop out of my pants and went back to bed super late but whatever when I'm home from college I babysit for these pretty wealthy people at the time the bonsai wood badass it were about two years old in nine months old it was summer and I had laid the younger one down for a nap then took the monitor out with me to the back yard so the two-year-old could play I hear sound going off and see arms reaching into the crib to the sleeping baby I grabbed the two-year-old and and slowly walked upstairs there grandma had come to see if I needed any help but didn't have my number so she didn't text me she was there we laughed about it but never have I ever been so ready to shank someone you get an A for effort you like to think about a suitor especially a younger one will make the hard call to defend your children but you just don't know and that's a risk parents take not a camera but a monitor had it on one night and heard someone talking it was some older lady talking about what it was like growing up in Africa weirdest crap cordless phone intercept I got fired because of a nanny cam I was working for a very rich by Australian standards family the dad was a surgeon and he'd invented some kind of special surgical screw anyway so I was 25 looking after their five children all boys age 17 16 11 9 and then baby surprise who was three years old the two older kids obviously don't ever need me and the 11 and 9 year olds were really sweet and cute and didn't need that much the toddler though just the worst kid I'd ever cared for really bratty and awful but stopped short of torturing small animals one day was stuck inside playing starways Lego and he's bossing me around and talking about the cat catwalk as we're building I'm like little dude it's a tat for real he cracked it flipped over the fancy Lego table tailed me he hated me and ran downstairs being the consummate professional I am I calmly flipped him off for two whole minutes before I went down and helped him cheer up next day I was fired I have a toddler and I can total relate and empathize with the flipping off honestly sometimes you have to do it in order to keep your cool I'd much rather people flip their kids off than hit them back when monitors intercepted phone discussions in the 90s I was a toddler we had lesbian neighbors one of whom travelled frequently so it's night they'd call each other from afar my devout Christian parents who were privy to their conversations your parents said they didn't like it but they kept on listening every night they waited for the phone call not a parent but once caught about a sitter taking the baby's blanket putting it around her neck like a small cape and flying around the room with it on keep in mind the baby could only see out of the crib and was not present for the show needless to say we found out she was often high during babysitting I got really nervous after reading putting it around her neck but I liked the direction it went unexpected and hilarious just me I went into his room to get him and said daddy's here don't cry I went with him back to my room and heard my monitor say here don't cry since my voice sounds so a long to me I freaked out and watched sin horror as a tall man grabbed my baby and walked out it really probably took one second to realize I was holding him and it was me in the video but I went through ten years of gray hair in that second when you push the button to view a monitor it shows a brief second of the last image before the screen shut down I've completely freaked out several times before realizing the woman over her cot for a second was just me tucking her in earlier it will also replay the last sound it recorded so I'll view it to have her scream for a second but then lie perfectly still it's terrifying when my niece was around four years old I had her stay for a weekend while her parents went away they loaned me a baby monitor because I sleep like the dead and probably wouldn't hear her from my attic bedroom if she woke in the night I was just settling down to sleep when I heard this horrendous hacking cough over the monitor I bolted to her room thinking that she was choking but she was still sound asleep a few minutes later I heard it again but this time there was a female voice - saying SH HHH you will wake her up I charged and there again to find her fast asleep and alone it was then that I realized one of my neighbors must have the same cheap but baby monitor and was picking that up not a cam but when I was two I started to become skittish so my parents put in a recorder with my foreign nanny and found out she was hitting and slapping me , there was a small hair or thread on the camera lens of the monitor and it looked like something moving under our son's blanket very creepy totally believe it I have definitely been startled by little bits of thread that look like spiders in the right light well it didn't catch my kids doing anything weird I had it set up while me my husband and kids went to weigh for a few days to visit family I had a friend of mine who was a recovering alcoholic and staying with us to help get straight watch our house and take care of our dogs I felt like it was a simple enough task there was zero alcohol in our house and she had no car in the closest store was like 10 miles away and her mom being her only contact in town if she needed help definitely wouldn't get her alcohol we are about two days into our trip i text my friend to see if everything is going well hours go by with no reply I try calling her several times and she won't pick up her sister calls me worried that she can't get ahold of my friend either so I turn on my nanny cam to see what's going on she laying on my couch with nothing on but a tank top and my front door is wide open I can talk through the camera and tried talking to her but she was unresponsive that I can see that she is breathing I call my uncle to go over to my house to check on her and find my dogs I can see on the camera when my uncle gets there he tries to shake her awake but she just groans and went talk he throws a blanket over her and finds my dog's locked in the laundry room with crap everywhere and my dog chewed up the holes on my new Dyson I was pretty pee my uncle hangs around awhile until she wakes up and has no clue what happened he asks so how she got so freaked up and she told him that she drank a bunch of mouthwash don't underestimate addicts I'd like to say though that she's been sober a year and employed and getting her life on track now I was the or pair the parents had a monitor in their room downstairs and the other in the kids bedroom upstairs the monitors did two-way communication so the parents could let the kiddos know they heard them and would be on their way one time I was putting them to bed as the parents were out and as we are reading there's this breathing sound on the monitor and the little one just asks who that is TF I don't know but I gotta be cool so I pretend like nothing as I nervously continued bedtime routine kids didn't pay much attention they were convinced I was Batman and Superman jumped out the window at night and saved the world so they would never question any security safety issues sorter assumed I got it back to story though the dog the dog did it one of them was sleeping with the head close enough to the monitor downstairs for it to catch the noise I can tell you in like 1995 I was babysitting for this really wealthy family and I couldn't figure out how to turn the TV on the little girl was fast asleep and I was so bored I checked out her enormous playroom and ended up playing with a doctor kit with their little Shih Tzu dog they literally walked into the house on me with a doctor coat on weird doctor headband that looks like a headlamp and taking the dogs heartbeat with a stethoscope I was like fifteen and so bored they were speechless doctor headband that looks like a headlamp a tolerant ologists mirror used to focus light down a throat prior to the invention of small headlamps I've posted this before a while back so I'll copy and paste it here they are now three and a 1.5 years old I badass it my cousin two kids pretty much every other Friday night so he and his wife can have some time alone and out of the house their kids are two and six months so they have video monitors in each of their rooms and I pretty much watch the monitors and read or watch TV roughly a month ago I heard talking coming out of one of the monitors it was a man's voice and he kept saying over and over again it's okay go back to sleep I'm here and I could see a figure standing over the crib in the six-month-olds room my freaked out thinking someone has broken it they had a break-in around Christmas time and the guy was the court I called the police and my cousin had crept upstairs with a knife to protect myself in the babies no one was upstairs and both kids were sound asleep needless to say I was thoroughly freaked out until the police and my cousin came out it didn't help that they lived in an older home and everything creaked fast-forward to last week the exact same thing happened to my cousin during the day while the kids are napping but since it was daytime the video monitor gave off a better picture of the room apparently the one monitor in the six month old room switches over to the neighbor's monitor every once and a while the voice I heard was that of his next-door neighbour soothing their crying baby who is around the same age but when you said their kids are two and six months I thought you meant one was two months old and one was six months old I had seen you mentioned that they are now three and 1.5 years old and my reaction was how the heck did one grow up faster than the other I need more coffee finally I have a weird relevant story to post back when I was relatively young probably eight ish I had an action man doll toy which had a speaker in its chest along with a portable microphone you could speak into and your voice would come out of the chest of this doll pretty cool well it gets interesting because the neighbors had a baby monitor setup which happened to use the same frequency as this Action Man doll so when I started playing with it I got these creepy baby crying sound ztc and the sounds of my neighbor's trying to hush the baby needless to say my parents and I were freaked out until we figured out what was going on I had an Anakin for our chicken cooperative I actually caught one of our neighbors brandishing a power drill about to break into our cooperative I called the cops and her defense was I was worried about the eggs the cops let her go thanks rural America I love that you have one for your chickens Frick your neighbor though I had an elderly neighbor who was an ex-cop and nosy as Frick he had huge antennas on his house and I knew he was monitoring the local police calls I also knew he could hear me on my kids baby monitor one day he did something to pee me off so I went into my kid's room and called him every name in the walk through the baby monitor I knew he heard it because he was never friendly with me after that freaked him not a nanny-cam Percy bird close enough worked with a guy who was a young techy he'd installed one of the remote control home systems Internet of Things when they were pretty much a new thing he was newly married and his wife had moved into his house we were on an installation assignment in California often working late he'd open up the remote control and look at his wife reading on the couch in the living room then he start freaking with her turning on and off different lights around the house she looked scared and turned to look at the camera flipped him off and screamed dang you stop that crap or I'm moving out I used to babysit a nine-year-old kid with autism along with his almost two-year-old brother he really liked to watch YouTube videos alone in his room and his parents were cool with me letting him during the 3-4 hours they would leave me with the kids as long as he ate lunch and as long as he didn't watch anything inappropriate they had a nanny cam in the baby's room so one afternoon I put the little one down for a nap and bring the laptop with the nanny cam feed with me to the living room so I can get some reading done I look up maybe ten minutes into nap time and I see the nine-year-old performing the most mind-bending and impressive dance choreography I've ever seen while his little brother watched in complete awe this kid was like a little Bianca the best part was his parents confirming that they had watched it too and they had no idea that he was studying dance videos on YouTube and that he could actually perform such an amazing routine five years later they're on Facebook sharing how he's in his high school's prom squad and how dance has helped with some behavioral delays the best nanny cam moment ever my ex-husband about to try to molest my daughter that's frickin horrible hope he got his butt sent to prison my cousin has a video baby monitor that connects over Wi-Fi her husband travels a lot in likes to check on the baby at weird hours without having to wake his wife so he can just log on it also has a microphone feature so he can talk to his daughter she is 2 now but was about 18 months when this happened she was inconsolable one night and my cousin kept having to go soothe her back to sleep one the third or fourth time entering her room she heard a man's voice not her husband talking to her crying baby she changed the password and sent out a warning to other parents to change their passwords of scary stuff oMG that is so horrible I wonder ah this is something that sick as often try to do not a baby monitor or nanny cam story but my sophomore year biology teacher once told the class a really creepy home security footage story sir my teacher lives with her husband and her house is in some back roads with a couple of neighbors nearby so one morning while everyone was at work she told us that a group of people dress up as furries were snooping around her house she explained how at first it appeared as if they were trying to break in the house and steal stuff that things got weird they decided to hide around her house and seemed to wait for someone to come home she said they stayed for one hour and 27 minutes than they left the sight of the cameras into the back trails they got the local PD involved in purchase self-defense weapons this story fuels my fear of furries not a nanny cam but my parents caught me on CCTV stealing cigarettes from their shop the batterer sitter was casually saying go and get me a couple of these packets from the shelf probs too late but now I was babysitting for my sister or a few months ago and was checking on my two-year-old nephew through the nanny cam asleep in his crib I got up to put dinner in the oven and when I came back I checked the cam again and there was a huge black mass in the crib with him my sister doesn't have any pets so I was like WTF a black dog or cat or something had gotten and is attacking my phew I ran upstairs like crap off a shovel and saw to my horror my nephew has pulled a black bin liner into the cot with him and had crawled inside I got him straight out of it and he was fine I took the bin liner back downstairs and just sat on the floor crying this was my first time babysitting for my sister I had a go at her when she got home who keeps her bin liner where that baby could get it and she said there was one in his cupboard full of nappies diapers when out of reach so we checked and the nappies were in there but the bag had been taken out somehow for your information bin liner equals garbage bag and the UK I am glad you were watching I can understand that being pretty traumatic for you okay not a parent and not a nanny cam but my nephew and his baby monitor sis called me cry laughing to tell me that niece went into the nursery and proceeded to lay out a few house rules on her four weeks old little brother sis says it was things about sharing and cleaning up and being nice and protective and minding his manners that was funny enough look nice finished with this gem everybody pulls their weight in this family you're lucky you're only nine pounds that little bossy munchkin she's super protective of him still I have multiple pictures of them holding hands while they map the babba sitter would sniff the kids underwear after changing them what the frig I look at the baby monitor and see a ghost I do a double-take yep it's really real and on the monitor hovering and swirling around my infant son my brain jumps WTF do I do should I go grab my son this can't be real maybe the ghost is harmless should I get my camera no one will believe it I don't believe it is the ghost going to hurt the baby I can't believe this is happening will the ghost hurt the baby if I interrupt think logically it's not a ghost it's not a glitch it's definitely in the room hovering over the baby think breath calm think oh it's the camera light reflecting off the vapor from the humidifier we installed this morning law ghosts I knew I didn't believe in MERS the same thing happened to me I figured it out pretty quickly but we had a friend over a few months later and it freaked him out pretty badly and took some time to convince him it was okay we had a camera that covers our backyard and it has a microphone we had a pool party and invited people over and our friend la tourney sat at the table under it and told another attorney how he was sleeping with my wife and now only I have the house up vote if you want me to post the video on YouTube some perv hacked into the monitor and was whispering flicked up crap to my kid I got caught having a dance party with the 8 and 10 year olds I was babysitting it was to Daft Punk they couldn't sleep so we danced until they passed out the parents loved it but I was so embarrassed because I felt silly weird that they saw my creative solution to getting the kids to go to bed I bet the parents were happy they'd found a good sitter the cam at home has some sort of lag sometimes and the baby had not been feeling well she was about 2.5 years old at the time and had been whining while on her sleep the whole night I woke up to a loud cry to find her standing on her bed she wasn't moving just standing there and movement was still heard from the cam speaker she was just still I rubbed my eyes and opened them again to find her moving while laying down in bed it was the most freaky thing ever while not a baby cam I used to have a low G circle camera they are basically baby monitors that I can link up to my phone I also had a setting on it to get a notification on my phone every time motion was directed like the second night I had the thing it was set up where it could see most of my living room in the front door I was in bed just about to fall asleep when Maanshan detected on living room camera shows up on my phone as someone who was recently on their own for the first time that freaked me out check the footage turned out to be a bug that flew in front of the camera and the night vision picked it up as someone who is terrified of bugs I have really long thick hair a huge bug would have still freaked me out as I'm convinced they are all trying to attach to my hair so they can crawl in my ears and eat my brain you have been visited by the wealth wrath subscribe in 12 seconds and he will share his wealth with you like and subscribing magnificent person [Music]
Channel: On Tap Studios
Views: 132,164
Rating: 4.8950868 out of 5
Keywords: parents, parents stories, parent stories reddit, nanny, nanny cam, nanny cams, caught on tape, weird, weirdest, babysitter, #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, sub, reddit cringe, memes, comment awards, dankify, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, chill, story, stories, reddit on tap
Id: M3kzSU4v27c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 23sec (1763 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 08 2020
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