What's The Most Fricked Up Thing You've Seen At Work? (r/AskReddit)

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what's the most fricked up thing you've seen someone do at work and still not get fired had a girl steal money from other crews bags in the locker change room instead of firing how they just took the door off the room and put in a camera so now we have to show up to work and uniform with a shirt over it it's very hot here and I end up sweaty by the time I get to work she also called in one time saying her sister died and needs time off she never had a sister after all this she got rehired after she quit for another job that didn't end up working out I worked at a web hosting tech support company and her co-worker accidentally deleted another customer's website this was on a UNIX system so it wasn't possible to undo the delete he deleted the command history to cover his mistake and then told the customer that the web site was lost due to a hard drive failure the custom I hadn't been keeping backups and said that he lost his entire livelihood the employee told management about the situation and they ran with it to avoid getting sued they told the customer that hardware issues sometimes happen and because he hadn't opted into our managed backup services the data loss was on him they offered the customer several months off free web hosting as compensation and the problem went away a week after seeing this play out I put in my two weeks notice very large IT companies pull that sort of behavior to used his corporate credit card for over $10 K in personal purchases he was reprimanded but not fired or made to pay the company back within the next year he did the exact same thing and only then was he fired dang someone bought a $300 lamp for their office and expensed it at my last job and they were fired I worked at a school for kids who need emotional support we had a classroom mate who would scream at kids until they cried and then actively mock them for crying these kids were seven and came from horrifically abusive houses it sucked to work in a place that allowed abusive behavior to continue she was close family friends with the principal it's very hard to help a child when they learn from a young age that adults aren't able to make things better and adults are capable of incredibly mean things this was reported she still got a letter of rare out of her BFF the principle but she no longer works with children please remember that adults who show maladaptive behavior might have been these children it's never too late to be kind to someone adults may be less cute than children but they still deserve a world that is kind to them and give them hope this is the most infuriating one here the other posts have been about laziness or ineptitude costing money or time but this is evil behavior doing damage that can't even be quantified and for it to be protected freakin maddening destroy an overpass with an excavator improperly loaded on a trailer 450 John Deere excavator on Ron's triple axel lobed with a Jeep and booster boom was about one featuring too high at 60 miles per hour this is the biggest excavator you can haul around these parts without disassembling it we call that creating jobs a whole project for the price of one guy's livelihood forge a document it was so obvious then lie about not forging it then admits to forging it one sly was just slightly questioned one partner at the firm wanted her fired yet another one didn't the foggiest stayed energizer circuit someone was still working on accidentally send out the entire company's 3,000 plus employees head counts of the company to stroh file contained everyone's salary birthday government numbers et Cie saw a guy whip out his dong and start running around trying to pee on this one guy he got a splash on him too active duty military here for anyone curious I seem to get the feeling that a fair portion of the military is about as gay as you can get without being actively gay these stories are just reinforcing that guy got caught on video backing up into a BMW at a dealership got out looked at it and just left still works here idk how he must have a video of the boss plowing another dude or something he must have a video of the boss blowing another doodle something is inspecting the damage with his hands on his head puts hand on his chin takes out his phone and plays a grainy video and point it towards the security camera with stern look a few years ago I was working in a big company in my hometown they hired me to create a website because they wanted to get bigger a graphic fashion designer in the same company thought I was hired for her department because our offices were pleasant because I was doing both the programming in the design of the website I had an appointment with another company that would help us set up secure online payments and manage inventories across our stores in the main factory graphic designer welcomed the representatives of this company not even her tasks at all and cancelled the appointment in the contract because she didn't believe I was good enough with computers this is why every project has a manager layers and layers of them called a customer stupid for leaving his phone behind and refused to let him back in the theater so he could find it phone ended up getting stolen by one of the overnight cleaners and after a few days was brought back and the customer finally got his phone back at a previous job we had an employee that was called in to clean on an as-needed basis of the employee who we will call Fred owed a lot of child support after an unusually long break of not working we called Fred and to clean the workplace by sink nee expected to be paid under the table because when he was given a paycheck it was dang near zero because of all the back due child support he owed that we were forced to take from his paycheck he literally started screaming swearing calling the boss every name you can think of punching walls and threatened to shoot up the place the boss still calls him back to work as needed to clean because he is really good at cleaning , is really good at cleaning Leon was really good at cleaning too he liked throwing ice cubes into the deep-fryer he'd stand far enough away that he wouldn't get splashed which made it a complete surprise to the person working the fire if you've never done this it kind of causes a mini explosion of bubbles in molten Greece which splashes everywhere and at the very least makes a mess when this got too boring he started stealing kids meal toys and chucking them into the fire it took longer for them to start melting and if he couldn't get them out we had to turn the thing off for the rest of the day because it takes hours for it to cool off long enough to retrieve something and then at least another hour to heat back up I can't remember what it was that he threw but it caught on fire and he ended up pulling it out with a pair of metal tongs and threw it in the sink then he turned on the water and made to his surprise a bigger fire did he get burned yes did he get fired number did he do it again sort of I think he went back to ice cubes after that TLDR technically he got fired but it was with actual fire the boss just kind of shook her head and let him keep working there my co-workers got caught in a compromising position and the walk-in where food is stored not even a write-up they were in the closet making babies and I saw one of the babies and the baby looked at me store manager got caught adding hours he didn't work to his timecard he got a reprimand and they removed the ability for managers to edit their own hours about a month later he gets caught using another managers login to add more hours he didn't work another slap on the wrist and is still working at the same place we're gonna keep slapping you on the wrist until you figure out a good way of doing it and not get in court run along now and think about it some more I worked with a guy who literally had no job he was the studio supervisor but there was no activity in the studio to supervise because the studio had effectively become non operational he coasted for a full eight years at this job he would come in the morning open his email get coffee gossip and complain about the industry for an hour leave for an hour come back for lunch leave for another three hours come back send a few emails and then officially leave for the day it was infuriating and majestic a guy I worked with ran a food truck into an airplane when they drug tested him he peed super dirty after being told that he'd be getting random drug tests for a while they showed up at his house within a week tailed them he couldn't because he just smoked yesterday he was still employed when I transferred from that airport one day that same guy crapped his pants at work and sat in the break room until the smell became pretty loud someone told him he should go home his response was nor dog the damage is already done my favorite phrases peed super dirty and smell became pretty loud that was a fun read I worked at a pizza restaurant when I was 16 place was absolute Anarchy impossible to get fired I'd smoke weed with my bosses they joked with me trying not to get too high today all while on the clock supervisor would take an hour or more on his 30 minutes breaks and come back blasted as Frick we don't make ourselves free food whenever we wanted no one was properly trained so obviously proper procedures were out the window no one would claim their tips so we were being sued by the IRS again no one followed procedure so the Health Department was an hour but hikes this sounds like every nun chain pizza place my boss forged my name on a number of documents because he didn't have the required certifications to sign the documents herself and I had refused to sign them I know this because after things went horribly South they tried to claim I had been the one to screw up and showed me my her signature she got promoted again instead of fired that way I didn't have to quit you will never guess whose mother owned the company I worked at a really nice restaurant and our head chef at the time would come and so spun out on him he would admit to people he was seeing shadow people and would often have to help us on the line only to be a total mess also at the same place one of his other friends who he smoked with was noticeably tweaked and cut half his finger off on the slicer our food service we hide this woman to my team her job was to do exactly what I did we work from home but we have constant conference calls in a ton of work to do it's simply not possible to slack off without being noticed I trained her and she shadowed me for a couple of months she should have been ready to go off on her own but she kept asking the same questions again and again it's like she wasn't even sort of listening to anything we said which was super annoying but then about three months in she disappeared like stopped logging in to calls stopped logging into Skype stopped everything we emailed texted and called for a while until she finally responded that she had been in the hospital with a hernia and now my mother had hernia surgery in her 70s and was home within a few hours so red flag we were all so stunned and deeply offended that she never ever bothered to call text email anything to say she'd be out never in my 20-year career have I seen anything like it in my personal opinion I thought she should have been fired right then and there but our boss didn't want to make a big deal out of it she didn't want to tell the big boss for some reason I'm still baffled by that but that meant neither the powers-that-be nor HR had any idea it hadn't even happened so eventually after having fallen off the planet for about 10 days new hire finally came back both our boss and I canceled her a lot about communication things happen we get it just talk to us let us know what's going on benefit of the doubt right yet a little over a month later she did it again at first I noticed she wasn't joining calls or logging into Skype and she kept saying she was having connection issues fine once again tell us and for god sake call tech support but then she was a flying for an entire week so we tried hunting her down again nothing no response no communication nothing this time the issue was escalated and HR got involved after a total of two weeks she apparently told HR she was having medical issues but she was cancelled that she had to log on and fill out her time sheets to reflect she was out of office for all the time she was gone she was given a deadline of a week to do this this never happened and she was still employed please note at this point she had still not spoken a word to either myself or our boss so now we're at three weeks of radio silence and HR contacts our boss to say new hire had reached out to say she's filing short-term disability fine whatever we wait and wait and obviously she never filed so finally a month after disappearing for the second time with zero communication she was terminated the amount of work I had to pick up thanks to her disappearing act to his madness I'm talking upwards of 80 hours a week for more than a month I am still bitter about it sleep for three hours I was brand new on the job corporate thing and my new co-worker came up to me on a weekend [ __ ] and said I was up really late last night I'm gonna go lay down for a few minutes three hours later he woke up and came out to work again without any measure of apology in the interim one of the people we worked for found him asleep and told my boss he got a warning close second being a co-worker that hacked the company's network using the term somewhat loosely to get an internet access password we weren't allowed to have would have gotten away with it if he hadn't also changed their file structure to have folder names like Frick you I want him to net access he also got a warning ex Kalka closing early not 5-10 minutes early but nearly two hours the reason was she just didn't feel like working I've seen more than zero nurses mistreat patients so I've seen too many unfortunately unless it's flagrant and there's enough eyewitnesses and as long as it's on old people or severely mentally ill people who have little to no family support nobody gives a flying crap nurse got caught with her hand in the sharps bin and it still took months to prove she was stealing narcs I work in the healthcare field had one co-worker who never wasted his narcotics properly with a witness he would just have them signed out solo and say oh yeah patient didn't want them so I disposed of it with zero verification and had a lot of liquid narcotics whose count suddenly went mysteriously off after he'd been on shift somehow he did not get fired or even investigated he wound up quitting after just a few months good riddance this unfortunately is way too common at my last job they found a nurse dead in the bathroom from an overdose whilst working at a local hospital a nursing student snorting a line of whatever in scrubs in a hospital bathroom to post on snapchat all the two housekeepers who engaged in a fistfight on an elevator only to continue said fight as they arrived at their destination woman screaming at the supervisor at the call center when people were on the phones cursing saying she would beat him up because he gave her too many leads she just wanted the Glengarry leads not this glen ross balls I didn't catch the person in action but I was the HR consultant so I did all of the new hire processing lady came in shaking like crazy had to leave the processing to go home and get a read came back high AF two weeks go by and she just stops showing up for her shifts we also found used needles in the bathroom she didn't die or anything we checked in with her but it's still so frickin sad but yeh TL DR lady shot up at work and got away with it I used to work in a bar one of the waiters who was wearing an apron would pull his nutsack out of his zipper and walk around lifting his apron and anyone and everyone that worked there but the customers never knew his balls were flapping in the breeze as he took their order I worked from home at my last job and my coworker would sometimes just not log in until like 11:00 a.m. and were just completely skipped meetings that she was supposed to rung one time she missed a meeting with our boss and my boss just goes well I bet she was up late working so his coming in late she was supposed to rung that's the bad part right there had eight servers delivered very late one day and left outside the datacenter everything in boxes on a pallet janitor thinks it's trash takes all of them to the trash compactor and crushes them each box weighed 80-plus lbs they weren't house but a company we contracted with we had to buy all new servers and the guy didn't even get to write up he had a family member on the board not mine but something an old buddy of mine did 15 plus years ago he worked for a really big gaming company that was just about to ship a major title like major because of beta testing there was code in the game that would disable the beta copies the day after the game officially dropped his job was to make sure that code was removed before they burned all of the official CDs for the game's release guess who forgot to remove the code the company had already burned tens of thousands maybe more off game discs and box them up for shipment before my buddy realized his mistake and came clean to his boss they had to reburn replace and Reeboks every copy of the game and do it in time to meet the launch date cost a lot of people a lot of extra time and grief but ultimately my buddy got to keep his job the company was Bethesda Softworks and I believe the game was more aligned their offices were in Rockville Md at the time and I used to go meet my friend over there for lunch every couple of weeks if I recall correctly he was in charge of coding the sky effects for the game well that's and removing the code that would brick the game after release : I wouldn't fire him keeping him on sends an incredibly strong signal to everyone that the way to handle a mistake is to admit it that's priceless finally one I can answer our department went for a team-building overnight stay abroad the next day when we were supposed to meet at the airport he was nowhere to be found his phone was off bosses rang the hospitals missing-persons report you name it a week later the bosses went back to the country to find him again nothing wife and child had he heard anything week later he turns up for work like nothing happened he had decided to jump on an earlier flight to Thailand for a week's holiday without telling a soul couple of meetings with the bosses never mentioned again guess his wife made him feel it but that was never disclosed there is essentially no way he didn't go there for freaky frick stuff a guy who works at a local grocery store would get caught masturbating at work with the bathroom stall door open he was caught so much that he was eventually relocated to the gas station and he has a serious attitude problem because he thinks that it's because he's overweight it's not because you're chubby it's because of your chub I work in the office of a major retailer I have a co-worker who's made several negligent blunders that have costed the company millions in lost sales he has regularly failed to monitor the flow of advertised goods until it is too late to react lost sales he once decided that if someone he works with Frick's up it isn't his problem to fix it he wouldn't even tell them about it so they could fix it of course it quite literally is his problem to fix it this caused lots of failed shipments and flows that again caused lost sales he failed to monitor entry levels on regular stock items sales obviously spiked during Christmas time which has caused him to run out on half his inventory and thus lose sales as of yet he still hasn't fully normalized all of it to my knowledge he's only recently gotten a formal reprimand for that last one how it took so long is beyond me meanwhile retail floor employees are getting berated for not opening enough members accounts in two weeks crack the casing of the most expensive piece of equipment in the lab by head-butting it because he had anger issues he was team leader for that section bonus points he looked a lot like Phil Mitchell co-worker once asked me if I would help him Photoshop a letter of recommendation before an interview this man has an MD he has an MD Oh someone helped him Photoshop his diploma to say he's got an MD I wouldn't say freaked up but I work closely with the federal government and the number of people just hanging around until retirement doing jobs that have been obsolete for twenty years is remarkable there's a dude I know whose only job is to scan things like scan paper into PDFs he's a federal employee being paid fifty thousand dollars it literally do this job as part of my degree I must work in a place my college chooses for a semester but still pay college fees I scan all day do nothing else I am replacing a man he retired last year who was on fifty thousand euros I take a total of two hours off a day for breaks and have been told I am much more efficient than the last guy worked at Applebee's in this one survey had decided she had enough of the Bulls she walked out in the middle of her shift while she still had tables showed up the next day like nothing happened and nothing did happen she didn't get fired she didn't get written up she didn't get warned she left everyone including customers high and dry as to where she was I eventually grew to get along very well with her that crap blew my mind though my manager always showed up high and drunk at work then would take breaks to smoke weed and buy vodka at the nearest sack and he pretty much hit on every girl that was working but obviously nothing happened to him cause he was the manager sack equals liquor store in Quebec for those curious female co-worker printed off nudes of male coworker and passed them out like flyers didn't even get to write up that's a crime in most states I would have sued their asses too next week some bozo made me a restaurant manager when I was 21 very frequently after rouse we drank from the bar and had late-night cook-offs sounds like you improved staff morale and encouraged camaraderie in your staff I am leaving the job partially for this reason my manager speaks to all the employees like they're idiots and despite multiple HR reports she still works here talks down to people and belittles them makes decisions and tells people to do things just to throw her weight around and rather than letting people take sick days she makes them take it as personal days Oh also when people try to call out when they are legitimately sick she will try to make them feel bad so they won't call out and guilt-trip them and if someone actually calls out she would treat them like crap the day after as payment for calling out sick like how dare you get sick law what an absolute idiot the point of sick days is not do you feel sick but will you get everyone else sick which has a much higher economic impact your manager is garbage this guy at the DQ I worked at did all sorts of crazy crap he pulled my head and screamed at me he pushed an underaged kid with a lot of force he called a 15 year old girl a nice piece of butt this dude was 34 he threatened to kill his exes dogs as well I can probably think of more or expand on this stuff if anyone is interested the guy came to us from Illinois because he started dating one of the managers at my location he had been through the prison system for the last decade or so hi sir assault arson on a car and arson on a home after he finally left he would keep calling the store and hang up if anyone other than his ex answered the phone he would come in and just stare at everyone that worked there it got so bad that the GM started carrying a gun to work I would watch him through the security cameras and he would nonchalantly knock things off off counters and stuff but just make someone else clean up his messes like it was nothing he was particularly creepy towards little boys that well with their mothers he would complement the boys moms to the kids and tell them that they needed to protect her all in all he was one fricked walnut was out to lunch with three co-workers collectively there are two males and two females were all attorneys bTW one of the males is very into the other woman she is also a hijab wearing Muslim woman the male coworker proceeds to get up from eating and starts to massage female co-workers head her hijab starts to fall off we all tell him to stop he explained that he was getting the brain spiders off I was mortified she was so was the other male but he continued working there like this video and this good boy will play you a nice song like and subscribe you magnificent person [Music]
Channel: On Tap Studios
Views: 13,028
Rating: 4.8194447 out of 5
Keywords: most outrageous, do at work, how did he not get fired, not fired, people who get away, got away, get away with anything, #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, sub, reddit cringe, memes, comment awards, dankify, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, chill, story, stories, reddit on tap
Id: -dPn09CrOyc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 47sec (1547 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 04 2020
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