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location earth Terra the Middle Ages the Sun lashed the sands like a vengeful spirit as he rode none but he could face disdain none but he would dare for days he had ridden without rest without respite his steed was all about dying beneath him so exhausted was it but it had carried him to his quarry it had served him well he had felt its Ireland some say it's awakening some say it's a rival a dark and terrible God a being that begun with the dawning of the galaxy itself had slain its way through time devouring races crushing planets eating stars it had been party to destruction of the old ones it had consumed many of its fellow dark gods and absorbed their essence a mite it was one of the most powerful things the galaxy had ever known but on the void dragon a terror of old had come to earth to terror and he alone stood against it a man some say the collection of every soul of ancient shaman's others a freak of nature but one of us perhaps the greatest that will ever exist but he was ultimately only a man and on that day he stood against this dark God the stock being and said but two words no more the forces that were unleashed that day as the two titans met a man against a dragon of ancient horror were unlike anything witnessed since the darkest days of the war in heaven some score more millions of years before and none can now know what would have happened what that dark God would have done to our world our people our entire race if he had not swatted it for on that day David fought Goliath but on a cosmic expands on a level none can now truly ever understand for the hero we Coulson Joerg he who is eventually to arise and dub himself the Emperor of mankind he stood and on that day he performed a feat that not all of the old ones not all of the elta lie not even the necrons had achieved alone he bested a god in single combat and the human race was saved he won welcome gentle listener I'm bald Ahmad and I wish to introduce you to the forces factions and faces of the weimar 40k universe today soon george's day we shall be briefly introducing the voice dragon but know that today is the day we celebrate the Emperor himself what better way to do so than to discuss the most important of any of his deeds for it is certain in my mind that this one feat did indeed save the human race from a fate far worse than death worse than my destruction the fate of being thralls or fooled to one of the most vicious entities a galaxy has ever known the katana known as the void Dragon himself but for the basics and as people seem to love me doing it so much let us lean on existing wisdom to quote the void dragon sometimes referred to as the dragon though its proper name is McGladrey auth is one of the few remaining Catan one of the necrons star gods in the Milky Way galaxy the void dragon or a large guitar shot of it is believed by some tech priests to be the actual machine God venerated by the cult of the machine are the adapters mechanicus no shorter this guitar has yet been encountered and it is possible that the void dragon has remained whole throughout the eons and its essence has never been captured within electrons tesseract labyrinths it is a truly terrifying prospect for the galaxy if this entity were ever to waken from its slumber there may be a connection between this being and the dragon of Mars an unknown entity which was imprisoned beneath the surface of Mars by the Emperor of mankind before the start of the age of terror the void dragon if it actually exists is arguably the most powerful surviving Katan particularly after the banishment of the night bringers facesize to the war by the old ones and their elder eye servants during the war in heaven millions of standard years ago although the night banner as a gurad seems to have had a much more sinister effect on the galaxy as a whole my GLaDOS is named the void dragon in elder eye mythology which portrays it as a figure of oblivion wanton destruction and devastation it was a master of the material realm and it's warriors were practically invincible during a war in heaven while eating stars it takes the form of a cloud of dark light in an imperial transcription of a Vox communication between an Inquisitor named Horst and a tech priest named Allen goes to void Regan is described as the most powerful of all the ancient star gods having once possessed the ability to create almost invincible warriors according to the ancient elder religions these Warriors could channel lightning into their foes though these lightning attacks were ineffective against the iron Knights that the elder I hastily created to battle against ancient necrons having gained a respite to the fortune of the iron Knights to my god of the forge war created the talismans of war the black stone fortresses these two were powered by the souls of elderly seers and used by law to attack the void dragon directly here the elder religions ends and there is little evidence as to the outcome of the battle other than the stated opinion of Inquisitor horse which was that the elder attack had failed at the end of the Eldar eyes mythological version of the war in heaven the dragon created the warp suppression pylons and electrons sped a network of them around the galaxy in key locations the purpose of these devices was to block the old one source of psychic power creating an unbreakable barrier between the warp and real space that would forever cut off the old ones and all their servant races like the elder II from their psychic abilities however this project was interrupted and the mechanisms were never finished the void dragon at present is widely whispered to be slumbering as some form beneath the surface of Mars if what the adapters mechanicus first worshipped as the omnis AI is truly the sinister xenos entity a some Czech priests seem to believe there is no telling what the ramifications of this discovery could be end quote so we see that the void dragon is a tail and a fixture in the Warhammer world that is perpetually being honed and developed by Games Workshop and has mutated quite a bit recently more information may come out the tale report into more stark relief of which I wait with bated breath it may never happen though but it could happen at any time is where I say it was the Emperor on his own with nothing but his own power resolve and courage the defeated his elder thing is nightmare from the dawn of time and in doing so he saved humanity if one were to look poorly on his later acts still it is undeniable that he has saved humanity we would never have walked the stars never have developed never I've grown to dominate the greater part of the Milky Way galaxy if not for this one battle this one epic confrontation being won by a man who for the god for the future of his people so today we celebrate this one act some might argue as being the only pure act the emperor has ever performed but he did he saved us all no matter what may have happened later no matter the errors the mistakes the pain and horror he may be guilty of on this day on this day we celebrate the indomitable unquenchable spirit of humanity we celebrate the Emperor alas my cold or fatigue has made me a tad soppy but I feel that on this day alone I can indulge justice once for our community has gone to 35,000 souls today I wish to just tell you how proud of you I am every single one of you look what we have achieved not in quantity but in quality just read the comments section one day when bored and you may see one of the rarest things in the world of war a truly positive community with the old hands answer the questions of the new we're friendly ribbing and rope a occurs yes but never with venom never with bitterness or one-upmanship I feel personally that people do not understand how precious this is with all of the stress and strain and the drive for competition that has burned through the Warhammer community of late here is what I truly believe to be one of the few places you can ask a question and gain an honest answer without ridicule we're discussion can occur without spiked without rage where we all ignore just one thing we are legion we are one and we are never ever alone it is a site that has been forged by community has changed and grown by the direction of the whole not the dictator of the one this is not and never will be the Baltimore show it is the guides to Warhammer a place of relaxation and refuge it truly is a brother and sisterhood so when I say I am your faithful servant know that I mean it now any servant can get tired can make mistakes can ah but I serve this community as one of its number not some Overlord or guru I learn as much from the comments section as anyone does from me so when I am not certain I will be asking for other old hands and young consumers of the law to help out this magnificent community nobody knows it all so let us explore this great universe together as one community who meet around the campfire and all can be heard and/or can respect the opinion the reading of others even if we do not agree with it for Warhammer is a different thing to each and every single one of us it's only purpose is to allow us to forget the vicissitudes of the world and immerse ourselves in a dream a dark and terrible dream but a dream another thing a little bit of advice from an old culture it is easy to see a better painter of models a more able player a more knowledgeable law hound but do not get jealous rest assured your time will come someone else being shiny takes no light from you no earth no greatness or can be great you will get there so passion patience and wisdom if you can but most of all to yourself be gentle be forgiving Rome was not built in a day you'll get there if you try but in reality you don't need to get there the journey is as important as the destination for you have the greatest gift anyone could ever have you will won the lottery every day for nobody else will ever get to be you and your journey is worth the taking enjoy it Lord your mistakes so you will often learn more from them than your victories you are unique you are the first and last of your kind nobody else will ever have seen what you have in the order you have with the perspective you have would you ruin a da Vinci at the castle a Shakespeare play a speech of Cicero the pyramids a perfect song or meal just to make them like something else more famous if not then why would you do that the greatest work of art you will ever see ever witness ever have the pleasure of knowing you so my advice do not compare yourself to others they are an equal work of art but of a different genre just know that there is something inside you that is unique why would you bow in it be you be happy about you learn to love you when you do that when you acknowledge the greatness within then you can see the greatness and others and feel no Envy no jealousy and no pain you may slip when tired or hungry when you feel the weight of the world is on your shoulders ethical fates against you but no you have already won and when you do that you join the Emperor you are his equal who you defeat the dragon within be a dragon slayer every day believe in hope believe in kindness believe in yourself if you must do it in his name for this this feeling I described this is what he intended for us all and today of all days just this one day no matter what your favorite faction force or creed join me in saying for the greatest of us for the most powerful of us but only one of us a human for the Emperor happy st. George's Day and no matter what you do today do try to make some time for fun
Channel: Baldermort's Guide to Warhammer
Views: 35,787
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: xJv2-zJCiWk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 7sec (907 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 23 2020
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