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foreign [Music] the tales of the primarks are as myriad as the very stars their exploits their abilities their armies their impact on the great galactic stage that execution of the great crusade their involvement in the heresy of horus lupaca the war master his bloody rebellion against his own father all in the name of unclean evil entities of the warp yet there are so many competing ideas fables and parables of the acts of those times that often things are missed their import occluded by the onward rush of events the significance drowned out by the clanger of unfettered war and thus i intend to throw back the curtain to reveal a dark moment a terrible loss to the imperium one that was never given its due for it was the greatest crime the most devastating of blows so gentle listener if you join me now on this dark sojourn into the past we shall needs witness some of the most terrible acts of those times and we will witness the one most heart-wrenching moment to grace the pages of the black library the end of not one but two primarks in the same moment the same scene one after the other upon the fields of the ergol depression upon the site of the legendary drop site massacre and i shall show to you the man few sea the being few understand for today we shall discuss one of the greatest of the sons of the emperor the master of mankind one of his brightest lights and if any refute this assertion if any dare gain say then i state that my opinion is backed up not only by malcador the hero and the council of terror but by the greatest of all primarks the war master himself horus lupercal so come with me gentle listener and let me introduce you to one of my favorite tales the sorrow the tragedy of the surreying of the most excellent and most gifted of all of the leshones astartes welcome to the fall of the primark of the third legion and his sons the emperor's children welcome to the tale of the palatine phoenix fulgrim so [Music] so so it is the 31st millennium the time of the great crusade the emperor of mankind has reunified terror the cradle of humanity and leads his armies out into the stars he has 20 legions of his adeptus astartes his genetically enhanced warriors his space marines each of these legions is taken from the pattern of 20 different templates 21 if you include the twins faerius and omigon of the alpha lesion these templates are the apex of the emperor's craft both genetic and mystic and they are called his primarks but in the last moments before their maturation before their effective births from their gestation pods they are flung out across the galaxy by the machinations of the dark gods of chaos and the duplicity of a mother who does not trust the goals and methods of the father for it was erda that had a large part in the diaspora of the primarks but that is for another day another time each of the primarks were sent to planets with populations with centers of humanity odd but true for there was method in the madness of the great enemy the powers of chaos so each grew up and matured among lesser civilizations backwater worlds usually denuded of the technology that brought them into the stars in the first place hence they grew to become leaders of their worlds in all cases but the one for the primarks were beings of titanic size herculean strength of both sinew and appetite they were intelligent beyond the realms of most baseline humans and tantamount to immortal they did not age not by any measurement used by humans at any rate and they were sponges for information soaking in everything around them existing on a completely different level to those around them only amongst themselves their own kind the primarks or the emperor himself could any of them come close to being able to state that they had met a kindred soul a capable mind they were that separated from us the normal humans that they were created to save and so it was that fulgrim was like the others his capsule was sent out into the void and it landed on a backwater world a dying world for the planet of chemos was his destination and it was shattered by the past fearful of the future once a mighty hub of commerce the land was choked and blasted subterranean realms being the only way to carry on existence but the technological marvels that permitted the formation of the conurbations was long lost to the sands of time and the cities were contracting year by year for it was an industrial world once a long time ago each of its mining facilities producing enough excess to be sold for the things they could not produce themselves the most important of all goods food and water yet despite putting in draconian rationing a harsh rule toward any who could not contribute despite their entire population working from dawn to dusk and then later literally working until they dropped of exhaustion still they were being defeated for each year there was less surplus each year more of their equipment became inoperable as none remained who could fix them each year less they could trade thus each year their economy contracted and shrank entire sub-sectors had been closed one after another as the people to maintain them were gone starved they had become uneconomical to maintain and each year the creeping stagnation took its toll but it did until the coming of fulgrim his part had smashed through the atmosphere and come down near one of the main facilities a scouting party found it and him a large and perfect child with magical eyes that saw into the soul of all who met them a shock of silver hair over an angelic face yet then it was the custom the russian system which meant that he should be put down immediately all orphans were terminated on chemos without any way to contribute immediately the community could not support them so they were exposed or simply done away with then and there but for some reason the leader of disband he took pity on the young primark or perhaps he was affected by the perfect child somehow which i find more likely but whatever the reason that tugged on the heartstrings of this man he took the primark into his home fed him clothed him taught him all that he knew and fulgrim matured at a preternatural rate as did all of his kind within scant years he was able to take up duties in the mines and factories that were done by people twice or thrice his age and as he matured further he could work for days on end shifting and moving many times that of any other he was a legend even in his youth but more than this the feats of strength and endurance was nothing to the works of his mind self-taught through observation alone pilgrim learned the mechanisms of the minds the factories he then understood them and he went on to not only fix those that have broken down but to increase the efficiency of those in operation and in a few scanned decades pilgrim had utterly dominated the entire planet for he had risen again and again his skills and abilities outshining any on the planet by factors he metamorphosized the plant in this time for he created such efficiency such productivity the trade bloomed again and with his power he then opened up one mine and facility after another one person now able to perform the tasks of many due to his innovations and repairs but this was still not all still not the totality of his vision his breath of perspective as a plant increased in productivity fulgrim then passed off some of those who would normally have worked those who skills were far better deployed elsewhere for fulgrim pulled the entire culture up he endorsed and patronized not only scientists explorers and entrepreneurs also musicians artists writers and sculptors he wished to return chemos not only to sustainability but to exalt the human soul to bring back those things which truly made us great the arts yet as this forward march to a utopia was on track it was then that the seclusion of chemos was brought to an end for it was then that the crusade reached chemos it was then that the emperor himself arrived to claim his errant son and fulgrim was the fifth found of the moor one of their first and thus when all others were subsequently discovered it was fulgrim that was one of their seniors or he would have been the world of chemos had no formal military just peacekeepers who worked for the establishment so fulgrim sent them to meet the beings who came from the skies and ships clearly made for war for intimidation yet when they were laid into the presence of the lord of chemos fulgrim saw the emperor in the entourage detected him and he climbed from his throne and walked to the emperor and without quibble or quandary without hesitation he simply knelt and offered his sword to the master of mankind fulgrim and chemos had been returned to the imperium and he would lead his own army his own legion of space marines but there was an issue fulgrim had been cheated by fate his grand destiny snatched away from him for his legion did not exist not really he was a lord without vassals a general without an army and this i believe is what cracked his heart a small slither that was all that evil needed to seep in how his heart must have broken to be the inheritor of nothing but a name and a potential while others inherited vast arrays of men with accolades and accomplishments already heaving from their banners fulgrim was thwarted by fate utterly like all of the early found primarks fulgrim was tutored by the emperor himself for a time and yes was taken back to holy terror and witnessed its splendor the glory of it everything he had hoped for everything he had envisioned it was here in the imperium in the great crusade he learned of many things art philosophy oratory and military tactics he was to be on warlord but after witnessing the armies of his brothers after his eyes had drunk in the vast splendor of a reunified terror his expectations raised to the high heavens it was then that his dream was dashed for he met his legion the emperor took him they stood before great doors the son prepared to meet the army his father bequeathed him and the doors opened slowly loudly and fulgrim must have been so expensive his hearts in his throat he walked forward seeing the front ranks of his marines his very own astartes his genetic sons but then as he ascended the podium walked forward and his eyes became accustomed to the light the reflections from their polished and buffed parade best shining armor he looked out not believing what he saw his eyes wide and then closed slowly in understanding for he saw hundreds of men lined and columned but that was it he looked past them to empty spaces echoing chambers where they should have stood as far as even his enhanced eyes could see his legion did not exist imagine the pain the desolation fulgrim must have felt his brothers had armies fleets tens of thousands under their control all ready to be shaped honed by their returned father into the ultimate expression of their purpose yet here was he and his illusion they did not exist but people see this as a selfish thing his pride was bruised i think it is not that simple not nearly that simple or selfish pilgrim took on this weight immediately but he did not mourn the ability to compete not entirely not then it was the lack of a way to contribute to the best of his abilities his impact the good he could do will always be diminished his light always slightly obscured dimmed before grimei believed him to be he would have wept for his inability to fulfill his potential the others his brothers would have to fight harder because he could not take his place in the line their sons would die more because he could not be there to help them the salvation of humanity itself was delayed or due to chance for he could not show the others how it could be done better not without an army of his own [Music] yet he faced this bitter blow with such gusto with such effort such vision that he made a believer of the emperor himself he converted the lord of humanity for fulgurm addressed his men his mere two companies as if the vaults were filled to the rafters he extolled their future as if they were a million strong he painted a pathway of excellence endeavour and honorable duty that filled all who heard it was zeal and ever after the emperor had faith in filgrim and his elite force the emperor's children he called them for none others were as close as he none and they would be alone in the right to wear the emperor's aquila his sign that he had chosen them to wear his sigil the honor was not just a reward it was a gauntlet a challenge could folgram hone his men into the vision he had shared with his scant companies a worthy challenge one he left at and grasped with both hands they would be the best of this he swore quality until they too had the quantity he would build the best lesion ever to grace the armies of the imperium and so he set about it now the reason for the numbers was simple there had been a corruption of their gene seed one so prolific that it had destroyed the entire crop hence the growth of more was taken from the marines that existed scanned few there was little hope for the formation and they had been relegated to training the solar auxilia before they were sent across the stars this changed when their template returned fulgrim literally saved his legion as did magnus later from him they took the samples that would permit the resurrection phoenix-like from the ashes the gene text went to work and very soon new recruits were being formed and sent to him from both terror and his home world of chemos yet the cultural difference between the two recruitment zones could not be more different the emperor's children was an apt name for multiple reasons you see not just because of what pilgrim had done and said the few remaining terrors of the legion had been taken from the offspring of defeated warlords and their barons they were as much hostages as anything to those outside of the legion but ah there is no man so fanatical so loyal as he who was once an enemy but has now seen the light a convert thus they were seen as one of the most fanatically loyal and aggressive about this only the word bearers would outshine them in this regard but because of their loyalty their odd pedigree they were also seen as the best ambassadors of the emperor they were to be the epitome of the marine ardent loyal discipline and living lessons living lights not only in the might of his arms to have defeated their parents but also might of messed and reason of course for the sons of the emperor's enemies now knelt in his presence followed in his grand crusade they were trained and deployed as such early on but as their lack of replenishment took hold after the destruction of their gene seed they just faded down to the scant few hundred that now were a dying breed only used as a shining example to the solar auxilia the recruits from chemos were awed by the primark far more than his terran sounds they had served with the emperor lived on terror their loyalty would always be to the master of mankind first and foremost the sons of chemos were loyal to the godlike man who had changed their world had been raised amongst them understood them had saved their entire world from a slow death he was like a guard to them for as he was meant to do ever did fulgrim raise all around him up but as the main recruiting world of the emperor's children soon the marines coming from chemos outnumbered those coming from terror also an important point as we progress even though this explosion in numbers was fast it was not enough to make him an army overnight so the emperor's children were seconded to the expedition fleets of the first found and most beloved primer horus lupoca and fulgrim and he formed a fast friendship for they had the same dream perhaps different ways of achieving it different perspectives on how it should be executed but they were unified in this vision horus was known to state as his guiding light we the imperium should always leave a place better than we have found it yet i think fulgrim was made of even better stuff his was a goal that outshone this guiding light for this is how he put his goal his credo i came from nothing he said fixing his sons with the steady gains i scrabbled in the quarry pits and down at the deepest mines carrying buckets on my shoulders because the ascender blew a gasket he said i broke my fingernails on raw ore and grew blisters from heat and labor you look down on them buying to the beauty of their struggle blind to what they might become if only someone would scrape the filth from their faces he reached down and lifted a child onto his shoulders the girl laughed and clapped unafraid of the giant even as her mother wept pilgrim indicated the crowd his voice had driven many of them to their knees look at them my sons you are the highest and they the lowest it is your duty to raise them up as high as they will go anything less is not worthy of you end quote and so fulgrim served with horus and his lunar wars and horus was always lavish in his praise of fulgrim and his legion they were small but they were elite he even went so far as to confirm that he sought them the best he had ever served with many put this off to horus buttering up fulgrim trying to get his hooks into him early yet this i think is another case of seeing things forward projecting that which we know of the future onto the past for horus did not get his hooks into anyone he did not need to then he would not dream of doing so because he was loyal then until davin until the intervention of the chaos guards until the betrayal of elibus he was beyond reproach and he stated this compliment without reservation or secrecy and if one reads the law as i do then he was right the emperor's children were the best there can be no other conclusion yet being the best elite force was still no match to the honor of leading their own expedition of the crusade how long was it in the coming in that time fulgrim was as good as his word as good as his speech that fine day before the emperor he built the best lesion out there they were drilled to perfection of fire and formation deployment and devastation he took a personal hand in the design of his mighty flagship the gloriana class battleship the pride of the emperor it was vast and it's always expansive not only for training and accommodation but for display of art and repositories of knowledge culture and enlightenment it was a terror in battle and a floating path of the void when in recline some say that only the emperor's own flagship or that of later dawn of the phalanx would best his masterpiece vessel so when it was finally time when his men had gained in number to such an extent that they were able they formed their own expedition and all was ready all was paired all was as good as any could possibly have made it fulgrim henry's emperor's children were finally able to wage war of what a war he chose impossible some said improbable many remarked a campaign that would be drenched in blood was the only possible outcome yet fulgrim chose it without hesitation yet few understand why they fall to the basic interpretation that is given they say it is mere pride hubris that made him take this path shout off his mouth writing a check his men could not pay they call it childish but this i feel is utterly unfair fred forgets to the primax despite their abilities were still in some part human and they felt as humans feel fulgrim had been working under others supporting assisting for decades now his men were being super sap almost those who are most welcomed when they support another unit or formation the popularity of the emperor's children amongst the lesions was well known but it was also felt by all of the supporting formations of all the primarks it was only a reboot who seemed to care more for the attached baseline human soldiers in his fleet pilgrim had them trained as well to excellence was wary of deploying them for he truly was one of the best primarks he wanted to show his brothers not what he could do he wanted to show them what they could do to improve he wanted to be an example i'm sure of this and that is exactly what he was made to do yet still in fulgrim i see a great man i primark who as i said wish to push his own boundaries but not for ego because i believe he saw himself not as a star to be followed no i think he saw himself as grabbing the very tethers of human culture and gathering them putting them over his shoulder and then trudging forward into the deep snow of ignorance and fear he was a wayman a pathfinder and he would drag all of humanity up with him he rose so he could pull everyone up every man woman and child in this perhaps he was the greatest of his father's sons in this aspect so much like sanguinius so much like his friend so much as well like the old gorgon ferrous manners i believe each primark had their uses they're wrong some built some thought some led some were examples also i believe where dawn was to build the imperium's walls perturbo and gilman its roads and highways horus its armies and how fair is its intelligence hence i believe that sanguinius and falgren were cut for the same cloth i believe they were to be examples for fulgrim was the perfect ambassador now some say that lugar would fill this place but all of the primarks had redundancies so to put it and i believe that his own primark ability as some call them was a charisma almost as palpable as that of horus or sanguinius but of a slightly different order a different level one might say but no less potent for many to ride and underestimate fulgrim looking at what he became i believe he was secretly one of the greatest of the more and horus lupoca the war master and the council of terror agree with me and here gentle listener is why delayer campaign the great crusade was not a mindless structureless attack in all directions it searched out indeed but there were times when it would circumvent a hard target if its destruction would take too many resources and prevent the expansion in other words there were some nuts that they went around and put on a list for the future the leia empire was one such hard point a realm only a single system in scope one inhabited planet it was seen as a huge problem because an exploratory scout fleet had encountered them and been butchered the entire fleet lost to the last man and the lair had lost not one single ship it was deemed that their technology was such their forces such that they would be a major combatant it was estimated that the extermination of the lair would require three whole legions millions of auxiliary forces fleets of ships and possibly even years to conclude it was effectively out of the reach of the imperium if they were to maintain their outward rush across the stars there was even talk of the race being permitted protected status a non-aggression alliance for protectorate within the imperium with hopes of trading the technologies that have made them so formidable it was indeed a different time there are few of these regions these pocket empires to come back to in the future but very few yet despite this the sheer impossibility of the task this will be the first real test of the new 28th expeditionary fleet the personal armada of filgrim the transports for his emperor's children to take their righteousness their skill unto the stars the lair were snake-like people with two pairs of arms at the top of their torso just below their snake heads yet they were lies and nimble moved with a pretty natural fleetness and an oddness that bent the minds of those who saw them those who fought them and their sound-based weapons caused confusion nausea and shattered bones exploded organs just as advanced as the marines they fought their world was entirely covered in water but they are created floating land masses atolls that glided through the skies above the eternal waves their anti-gravity tech was superior even to the imperiums their warriors almost impossible to break predict or take down easily much is made of the casualties that were taken filgram often called a bracket who traded the lives of his men for the petty coin of pride and glory but i feel again this is unfair perhaps fulgrim could have moved with more caution been more careful spent the lives of his men for greater cost but it is near impossible to tell perhaps philgrim knew that the only way to perform this war was to use the tactics of his big brother hoarders to fight horrifically so as one fights for a shorter period as possible but this was not against humans who would not bend the knee this was against zeno's enemies of humanity and they were putting up the fight of their lives yet despite the casualties being high very high for some lesions the result was the same and it is no less grand due to its realization for the campaign that should have taken three legions taken years if not decades he and his sons had done in months they had done it alone and they had done it in record time the piffling sneering of others at his casualties utterly ignores this most important of factors for it is always easy to say i would do it better here or there or in total yet none of the other legions of primarks had chosen this task and i honestly believe there is not one of them that would have done it better not one alas it was this first campaign that immediately led to the downfall of the primark and in his form he carried all of his sons with him and the hope of the crusade was diminished nearly as badly as if it had been the angel who'd turned surely the pain of losing horus was worse but to lose fulgrim that too must have elicited its own dagger in the heart of the emperor i honestly believe that the last battle of the campaign was to be its most bloody but it was to lead to their doom on the last atoll of the last region the capital of lehren itself there the end came the largest and best offended atoll was assaulted from all sides by the emperor's children their primark at their front the lair fought so hard that they near-repulsed the marines but eventually the suicidal charges and traps began to slow then to stop as the company surged towards the central area they wiped out all in front of them the primark of the head of his personal hand-picked elite phoenix guard swept forward into the last central amphitheater and the furthest reaches was a temple a strange sound like a horrid twisted music came from it the air thick with narcotics smog pouring from its roof and doors fulgrim and his marines went inside and they witnessed an alien ceremony the huge open hallway was filled with this music to eardrum piercing volumes the air so thick with stimulants that they could barely see the last remaining layer seemed ignorant of the newcomers rising on the floors in huge carpets all insensate with pleasure from their copulation and their narcotics in the air the marines went forward shooting into the masses of the things they offered no resistance whatsoever as the emperor's children walked forward and hacked them to pieces instead while all of this occurred fulgrim looked around he saw the dizzying murals of colors so bright and intense that it hurt the eyes the sensibilities added to the sounds the very structure created to resound with them and amplify them both internally and externally it was a backhanded scheme taken to the extremes beyond normal human conception all of this occurred under the watch of a huge bull-headed yet bipedal statue and in the center of this rising congregation of perverts in the center of the place of debauched worship suspended on a perfect plinth was a simple silver sword but beautiful and elegant in the sweep of its lines and the primark was drawn to it not knowing of chaos or demons or curses believing with every fiber of his being in the imperial truth pilgrim simply reached out to take the sword to look at it at first but as soon as his hand touched that blade skinned to metal contact had been made it had a way in free grass strip was purpose only a nano second later raising it up and knowing that he would take it from this place it was his now and soon the mere's thought of being parted from it would hurt him for it was cursed it was infused with a power and threat that fulgrim could never understand then could not have accepted even existed for his father the emperor had kept all of his sons blind utterly in the dark to one of the universal truths of the milky way galaxy he had lied about the existence of gods or demons he disassembled and he had distracted avoided and evaded he let his sons go about the universe without the basic knowledge of what they were actually up against for he knew he always knew the emperor could not have made the primarks without their assistance without knowledge he stole from the gods themselves he just did not tell his sons not even they and in this he was in error some say that he has been playing an endless game of four dimensional chess with each and every one of the gods who cares that he is as important a player in the great game as any of the dark guards that he knew that some of his sons would turn to chaos that he depended on it that it was all part of his plan yet still it was the era that left the gates unguarded for the primarks could not offend against that which they were specifically told was not even there they could not discern the influence of chaos of demons of evil as they were indoctrinated into believing that it could never ever exist and it was their father who had told them this it was a master of mankind who had made them the way they were trained them in all he deemed they should know and identifying and protecting them against the corruption of chaos was not something he deemed they should know an open mind is like a fortress with its gates on barred and unguarded as the quote goes in the grim darkness of the far future and the heresy proves it to be true for fulgrim did not know what was happening to him could not now and thus the trap of the imperial truth was made manifest as i've said before for the emperor was trapped within his own lie unless of course it was all as he had designed he and malcador but that is for another time entirely so fulgrim was in possession of a weapon that contained a demon and it slowly slunk its tendrils into his mind and soul but more than this the entire force that had gone into the temple had come out changed and worse still the primark permitted the remembrances within his fleet for other few to welcome him at all to go to the surface to view said temple to witness its music to hear its song to view its images and it tore their minds to pieces as it was not immediate or perhaps others would have been able to see the change to somehow staunch the infection but it was not so the music of the lair temple haunted their ears even when waking the vibrant colors unhinged the minds of those more visual in their medium or attempted to copy the sounds or colors that they have witnessed yet they could not do so with the tools they command the colors were not bright enough the sounds from standard musical instruments not deep or expansive enough and so they went about creating their own tools and their own methods of emulating what they experienced and those who went to the palace be it mortal remembrances or the astartes who took the place or guarded it later they all descended into hell for their minds and hearts could not take the sensory stimulation that they had been exposed to for it was of chaos all of it was a vast monument to the prince of pleasure to slanesh and the layer blade that fulgrim took was dripping with its influence a demon contained within it subtly changed phildrim but it radically altered his lesion at a rate he did not notice due to the influence of the blade it was all pervading and soon so tragically soon the emperor's children descended into madness as well they had been cursed by sanesh and now had them all in its sights and what a triumph that must have been to take fulgrim surely only the war master and the angel sanguinius were more sought after by evil but as i said it was not obvious and it was not immediate the rot crept and crept slowly by slowly helped along by the warrior lodge that infected the emperor's children from the lunar wools and horus but it was erebus and the word bearers secretly behind it all they who had snuggled it in within the breasts of the lunar wools before any others the creep of the rod pilgrim had a second chance he had many but he took none of them because he could not see see what he and his legion were becoming the first was perhaps the strangest of meetings in the entire period full group was changing his senses were overactive his sensibilities even more so his expedition discovered a region of planets that were beautiful beyond belief the clean air the seas of lush green grasses the trees and natural animal life so beautiful to him untouched on side perfect the worlds were perfect and fulgrim and those who had been to the temple on leia would bask in their panoramic vistas their harmonious balance one after another should have been catalogues mocked and allotted the details sent back to the imperium they were lost from verdant worlds yet vulgar mendo is now closest to him they wiped the memory banks they hid the walls it was more than passing odd especially for fulgrim of all primarks but this showed some form of kindred to others who were shadowing his exploration fleet sleek ships of ancient design skirted the fleet of the emperor's children waiting watching now seeing his clemency his appreciation of the beauty the universe was capable of the eldar made contact they arranged to meet with fulgrim on a world in his path another perfect planet a wonder but this was no coincidence at all for each of this cluster of worlds had long ago been terraformed by the eldar they called them maiden worlds and the eldar considered them theirs that they were the homes of the generations of eldar yet to be born to a new elder empire it was no small thing that the humans were here but it was no small thing that they had left them untouched either so the arrangement was made and a small delegation of men went with their primark fulgrim to meet with the eldar embassage on the maiden world of tarsus the farcier much younger then still on the rise but he was mighty enough to have the guardianship of a legendary race lord called kieran goldholm it was elder ulsran and he wished to party with fulgrim this was one of the first non-violent meetings with the elder and with the son of the emperor no less for the elder farcia a mystic psycho leader and prognosticator ever throwing their vision into the warp to see the patterns as they emerged the futures that could occur the best way to manipulate them to their benefit but they met as dignitaries of their species fulgrim and elgin alas it went badly for the eldar thought their view of reality unquestionable the knowledge they had irrefutable that it should be taken on face value as the wisdom that it was alas elder has never understood humans primark or no and when he volunteered to fulgrim that his brother his friend horus said poised to betray the emperor the crusade and humanity all to some mad idea of monsters in the warp the hectic but harmless dimension they traveled through with every ship it landed like a punch in the gut to fulgrim who went to take the head of the mage when the huge wraith lord belied his size with lightning quick reactions blocking the primark eldrid then saw the truth he recognized the demon blade when so close for he knew that fulgrim had already been lost perhaps he did not know it himself was not aware but the dark whispers of the blade had already begun to take hold and the rage that fulgrim felt was not just natural the duty of brother to brother nor just outraged that the greatest primark should be besmirched by a filthy lying alien zeno it was also enhanced by the rage of the thing that was inside the layer blade the thing that made filgrim go into a near berserk frenzy as he tore the racethrough to pieces the rearguard action of care in the gold helm performed its purpose as elders retreated to a nearby webway portal intact but as he neared it fulgrim's pursuit the thing flashed and more eldar appeared from the slashing reality but amongst them towering over the rest its sinew sizzled as it burned the air around it the fire pruning from its head its eyes and teeth as white hot lava it was corosal in size the avatar of kane a shard of the elder god of war and murder and they met in open arms the avatar and fulgrim the being saw its spear his way in doom but nothing stopped this enraged son of the emperor and the two fought like titans but it ended with the beast being strangled by the primark his fists clenching into its throat and tearing it out so its molten blood poured across the ground it died and the last of the elder with it on the blades and bolters of the few remaining of fulgrim's bodyguard they had taken a vicious toll of their own yet the farsi escaped into web and back to his fleet and they retreated away from the enraged human expedition fulgrim then went on a rampage he virus bombed each of the worlds he had before left untouched he wiped the maiden worlds of all life destroying countless millennia of development but why because he knew deep down he knew the whispering in his head the change in his views the distraction of it all the voluptuous tastes and experiences he before took for granted did not permit himself to exalt him he was becoming and he knew it yet he was so vulnerable to it most believe that this was because of his narcissism that he was a nothing and i cannot disagree more he was a voyager as i've said and he wished to test all of the boundaries of human existence now he had thrown off some limiting thoughts outdated moors and social conventions he and the astartes even the artists in his expedition they were not only exploring outer space but the depths of the human soul its expression its inherent drive for perfection and in this way it was not so far removed from that which he had been made to do like his brothers he had a purpose and his way was to be an icon an ambassador and he was to inspire so he thought he was treading tracks previously on trodden for the betterment of all at least that would have been his viewpoint had he not already been weakened by the thing that now coiled itself around his heart i made a fog in his mind the demon of the lair blade it now ruled him but it was not a fall without its steps for there were many more to come it is now i make good on my assertion the illusions i made in my first moment for here is where we see the validation the layer defeated the legion moved on a secret message was received and it was from terra itself but not from the emperor it was from the new civilian mortal council of terror malcolador and his hand-picked cronies little men doing little jobs they were petty bureaucrats according to the primarks but they sent word to fulgrim that he was to go to investigate the war master that he was to investigate the rumors that horus had been given the world eaters too much leeway had used them like a mad dog that he was perhaps straying from the true path his father had expected of him so they sent fulgrim fulgrim snuck up on his brother the legendary general warlord the intimidating horus lupercal and he had him dead to write in his sights and utterly unnoticed filgrim stood on the bridge of the pride of the emperor and here another chance came another moment but he missed it for as he looked at the armada of horus he recalled the words of the elder the depths emissary has said horus would plunge the universe he would burn it all and fulgrim hesitated he could end it right now before any of it had started he could just order his fleet to open fire and it would be over at that moment he did not have the layer blade on him for one reason or another he had not wielded it or even caressed it held it or worn it in some days and his mind for that fleeting moment was clearer and he saw his chance he could save all of humanity from the worst war imaginable with but one word it could be over but that is when his deck officer one of his closest aides brought him the blade alas fulgrim was so ensorced by the blade by the demon within it that when it was offered his hand automatically went out to take it even as his lips parted and he stated he did not recall asking for it his moment passed the sword was back with him its influence then took over again and he attached it to his head and he ordered the fleet to send greetings and move out of the blind spot of horses formation the chance another chance had gone but there was one more to come not here but on the fields of historian fulgrim had ever been closest with his best friend the gorgon ferrous manus one of the earliest found also loyal to the core the two seemed like such opposites on the scales that their friendship made total sense how this we shall discuss in a moment but it must be said that of all of filgrim's other brothers he loves sanguinius as much as any but his first choice will always have been horrors he fought under horus for decades knew his approach his honor his way of doing things fulgrim respected him like they all did he was the first found he was the closest and deepest in the emperor's council he was a big brother and fulgrim and he would close he did not worship horus and so many of the later found primarks did his was a friendship of equals or so he thought when horus was the victor of the alano campaign had personally intervened to save the emperor from the orc war bus then was raised up above his brothers was made first among equals he was named the war master unlike so many others fulgrim was not jealous he was happy for his brother as rogel had been fulgrim was competitive with his brothers for so many reasons but mostly it was small lesion syndrome so he ever overcompensated and his brothers called him out often brutally candidly but he was never sneered at by horus lupercal knew his worth and the worth of his men they were the best horus was the most charismatic of all the primarks he also knew how to talk to fulgrim and so while the demons the layer blades suppress the emotions of fulgrim the urges of loyalty and honor and honesty love of their father and all humanity the demon prepared the ground horus then planted the seeds of sedition and they grew fast the war master claimed that he had discovered that the emperor would do unto the marines and the primarks as he'd done until the thunder warriors that the council of terror made up of overstuffed shirts and incompetence would rule when they were gone for the plan was for the marines to conquer the galaxy then to be wiped out put on a pie so that the emperor could ascend to being a god a god that will be worshipped by the entire human race and would rule the galaxy that the marines had won for him for all eternity the emperor had betrayed them and he had lied to them he would discard them just as he had already done by retreating to terror to tinker on nobody knew what he had not trusted them enough to say and horus knew how to manipulate fulgrim for he claimed that the emperor was not perfect did not deserve the loyalty of others as he was not perfect thus fulgrim owed him nothing that only through the assistance of the gods of chaos could fulgrim gain this state of perfection the gods that horus had met the gods that the emperor had met and then denied even existed he had lied to his people his astartes but even to his generals his sons his primarks he did not trust them with the knowledge he did not trust him with the choice his way or theirs for the emperor knew that his way was cursed and the way of the gods of chaos was the truth of the galaxy it was the future for all of humanity the emperor their father was a charlatan and a tyrant the fire of the soul that blazed in fulgrim when eldred had foretold this very moment had stated horus had turned traitor turned rebel it was not there he was influenced by the demon of course but it was deeper than that now for fulgrim had experienced things beyond his previous dreams he began to have sensations as an intensity he could barely describe it was sublime but in all of this the mirror that he used to mark himself by the image he had of himself was now turned inwards he like his legion now sought perfection not for its uses not so they could raise up others and inspire but as an end unto itself the ultimate end and that means it justified absolutely anything done in its name for the legion had already slid and continued to do so at an ever-increasing rate so it was that fulghim himself not just a demonic influence believed what horus had to say he knew that the emperor had lied about beings the warp their boundaries perhaps the very nature of the primarks themselves so it was all too easy he went over to horus in an instant it was almost too easy and this must have worried horace lupagal for the secret of horus was that he was scared he was not prepared he was not confident perhaps this is why he got on so well with fulgrim because they were the same on opposite sides of the spectrum but the same fulgrim was scorned as he had no accolades so he felt this deeply and overcompensated rebuffing the annoyances of others who were gifted armies whereas he had to build his own and he was rightly proud of them for it but this came across as arrogance perhaps it was this was a shield in my mind he was so down heartened by it all he knew he could never catch up even if he outshone them by a hundred fold their trophies and battles were already stacked too high yet horus was at the opposite end of the spectrum he had fraud feelings badly for all that he was closest to the emperor longest found most experienced and best trained of all the primarks he was also pretty naturally charismatic as if born to the purple designed to lead even his brothers yet he doubted he was always asking himself why sanguinius was not chosen as a war master why not he also said those words as soon as fulgrim was within whispering distance have you been sent to replace me and he meant it it was not just manipulation and i honestly believe that fulgrim could have done it could have become war master so i feel that the next moves by horus were done out of instinct not calculation yet so many things people do are uncharted are subconscious reactions to situations and triggers and the next moments were insane for both of them acted at odds fulgrim wishing to prove himself useful or perhaps more than just useful he offered to gain the support of the gorgon to try to bring ferris manus over to the rebel cause cores over taurus but horus knew ferrous manners he'd been found even before fulgrim he'd been tooted by the emperor as well and in my mind horrorless knew that ferris would never turn against the emperor it was as likely as dawn or lehman turning it could not would not happen yet horus reached all by permitting fulgrim to go on this mission knowing as he did that fulgrim was merely filled with the luster of a new cause that fulgrim believed that he could turn first was not in question he believed it because he could not imagine a world in which his closest brother was not at his side but horus must have known so i believe that horus allowed fulgrim to go permitted him to fail for fail he would and by doing this horus immediately negated fulgrim as any sort of challenger to his preeminence as war master and chosen of the dark guards yes i do i believe that horace so feared what fulgrim could be that he knew he had to clip his wings had to allow him to fail so that he could not outshine horus and be the next new love of the chaos guards he took fulgrim that seriously best of brothers now the friendship of these two was legendary for all of the many webs of friendship rivalry or enmity amongst the primarks ever was the bond between fulgrim and ferris mannis the closest the warmest they had met while both on terror fulgrim only recently found by the emperor the primarks had so few equals that to meet one was a thing of wonder not only to those who witnessed it but also to the primarks themselves only they were a swift of mind of perception a million undertones meta messages and subtle tales in every single movement of their face or body the slightest shift in tonal pitch they were like geniuses who had to talk to rocks all day finally meeting another of their kind but inevitably each would make it a test or a sparring match of one form or another and it was no less an event when fulgrim met fellas for each touted their abilities at the forge ferris could create weapons of splendor with his bare hands it was true but ever was fulgrim a feyenoordian level of artisan he was simply the best at everything he put his mind to and so they went ahead and each created a weapon of surpassing worth of replete and vibrant power freshman has created a sword which he named firebrand and fulgrim forged a hammer which he called forge breaker and when they were done each became the other the master of the art for they adored the utter skillfully crafted weapon of war and after much bickering they called it a draw and they swapped weapons and from that time onwards ferrous manus would always wield the hammer forge breaker and fulgrim would always wield the sword fireblade this was until he found the layer blade which slowly seduced him the pair was an odd coupling for ferris was pragmatic down to earth and functional he could not see the worse in art poetry or entertainment the very things that fulgrim so adored so extolled as the apex of human achievement it was such that at one point in their first meeting fulgrim called ferris a gorgon reflecting his bullish and prosaic perspectives on reality though most of the primarks were prickly and would have shot back at this clear derision ferrous was not a horror he could see the twinkle in the eye of his brother he could tell that the primox alone could understand one another and that his brother was testing the waters of the fast developing friendship and he reciprocated he did not bluster or take truck with the statement he laughed and then he owned it and henceforth he would be the first to champion its youth pharas was to be called the gorgon and the friendship of the two grew to legendary levels of all of the brothers there were friendships common cores yagati and magnus of course but none were as genuinely close as ferris and fulgrim wherever possible they would be placed in the same arenas would support each other with real camaraderie and their legions so different yet so close for the emperor's children had been attached to the iron hands when not with horus himself due to this friendship and it was ferrous who seemed to understand the peacock-like filgrim when he was at his most petulant sometimes fulgrim could be lost but only in the presence of those he should have been able to look eye to eye with his brothers the small lesion effect meant he was ever and always on the back foot always taken lightly so he would make claims that others called wild and derided him for when he said he could bring a world into compliance on his own had not all of the primarks not done so on the worlds that they had landed on and he did bring a world into compliance with only a bodyguard of six or seven men he did it he broke the unbreakable he took the snake of the layer and broke them over his knee like a toy yes the casualty reports were hard but it was done and it was done in the way of horus in the way of the crusade it was done fast so the lesion could recover and move forward could bring more words into imperial compliance the wild claims of rampant egotism are perhaps true but they should also be tempered with the knowledge of the difficulty of the task the import of its swift execution few remember that of course am leaving out as much as i am including at this point the battle against the rogue xenos loving diasporax for one but i need to save some details for an entry for this mighty son of the emperor ferris manus but there is so little writ about him for reasons we are about to see and so horus agreed for fulgrim to meet his best brother his best friend ferris and they did fulgrim brought his fleet in and ensconced it within the lines of his brother's ships there was nothing strange about fulgum wishing to see fares especially as they had parted so swiftly after that battle with the diasporax where ferrous mass risked his flagship to protect his brother's fire raptor if anything ferris was anxious to meet again he probably expected a swift and awkward apology before a good natter so the smaller emperor's children fleet was at point-blank range with the iron hand ships as the fire after took fulgrim to ferris they met the pomp as large as usual the phoenix guard surrounded fulgrim his terminators pristine as always they met the warlock guard of ferris both escorted the primarks as they walked to ferris's private quarters the two units taking position one after the other in alternating ranks of warlocks and phoenix god alas fulgrim was so sure that his brother would see things his way was so certain that ferris loved him more than even his father the emperor but in this the layer blade had dulled the mind of fulgrim too much for ferrous manus was of medusa he'd been raised on a planet where honor and loyalty were all fulgrim could not have done worse had he attempted to seduce rogel he failed miserably and despite their connection their friendship their history they fought ferris was enraged as fulgrim would have been had he not been under the dwemers of the demon and ferrous moved to strike fulgrim down the two fought but falcon was the faster and he stuck at first who caught fireblade in his own iron-covered hands and he looked deep into fulgrim's eyes as he declared that firebraid was of his craft and he knew how to unmake it and with that only inches from his own face first broke the blade its power exploding out and sending both walls fulgrim a tiny distance further from the origin point of the discharge work first he could have slain ferris who was still unconscious yet he stayed his hand he would not kill his brother even now fergan turned on his heel and swept from the room as he did so he gave one signal to his phoenix guy who in synchronization swept up their blades and decapitated the warlock terminators to their left the morlocks all died instantly the attack utterly unexpected it must have been rehearsed for there to be such efficiency fulgame and his elite then pounded their way to the fire raptor and disembarked before any really knew what had happened fulgrim then ordered his fleet to open fire the prepared ships their emperor's children fleet displayed their usual accuracy and perfection as their broadsides and large batteries tore into their iron hands capital ships crippling many but actually destroying few yet even now with his coat colors turned and his is now revealed still fulgrim did not wish to stay his brother outright he could have maintained fire and destroyed every ship there he could have concentrated his fire and at the very least destroyed ferris manus flagship and guaranteed his death yet he did not he spared them in the future he might tell himself that they could not possibly be effective for years that he had neutralized the iron hands totally and utterly but deep down he must have known this was not really true yes the damage he delta fleet would any other legion for years but this was the iron hands they made their vessels tough knew how to repair as well as any taco dams they would turn this around in months not years yet the deed had been done fulgrim left pharis alive but grieving she had been betrayed the emperor had been betrayed humanity had been betrayed estevan the legions of the sons of horus renamed after the victory at eleanor from the lunar worlds the emperor's children descartes and world eaters were gathered about to turn their cloths and declare their intent to the galaxy fulgrim had been bawled out by horus after a failing to convert ferris perhaps as planned but even so it meant that they had little time the primarks went through their rosters the entire roles of their legions for they knew that there were still elements in their armies that were and always would remain loyal to the emperor they had usually been raised on terror had fought in the legions before their primarks were found or had been attached to the master of mankind in previous campaigns they would remain loyal so they had to go each of the legions then sent down to the planet the companies and chapters that they knew would never support them landing tens of thousands of marines on the world to crush a rebellion that had never started and after deployment the ships in orbit launched virus bombs on the planet attempting to wipe the loyalists out in one fell swoop a pity that the entire fleet were not of one mind then for some amongst those in orbit were still loyal and horrified at what was being arranged for firing virus bombs was not a small task hence they warned as many of the marines on the surface as they could and any who were close to shelter took it immediately the boeing happened the world was scrubbed clean all life died but there were so many loyalist life signs remaining that the traitors had to consider this a war horus and the other primarks were preparing strategic bombardments when it was revealed that angron the red angel the berserk primark of the world eaters had taken upon himself to go down to the planet to crush the last survivors personally blade on blade and the rage of horus at this news was epic for they all needed to now engage in a costly ground war against astartes no less and there has never been a battle more charged than that of brother against brother so the sheer passion and rage that was displayed in the fighting was something that had never been witnessed between human warriors before and the carnage was great and in the middle of all of it some of the loyalists bent at the knee lucius the eternal a name he ends later of course was one of them defending a segment of the palace housing most of the remaining loyalist emperor's children he betrayed them and opened the gates after tearing squads of loyalists to pieces his portrayal claimed all those remaining in that palace but in all of this what was the phoenix doing only the most important task of war the linchpin to the entire plot of horace for he knew that fulgrim would be the best at whatever he was tasked to do despite his failure with ferris manus fulgum was still his most able primark lieutenant so horus pleaded with fulgrim to create the defenses that would be so important in the coming battle a battle they simply could not lose but a battle that needed to be performed with almost mechanical precision for any and every casualty taken was one less man or marine to take on the warpath to terror to confront the emperor on his home world the center of the imperium but it would take every soldier they had to do this thus falcon was given the defenses to create and he did he made them as well as even a roguelord peterrara would have done excellence the slaughter at istafan3 performed the lawyers finally wiped out or thought to have been the war master then raised his banners on istavan and declared his cause to the entire universe pilgrim matarian horus and angron all waited for the emperor's counter strike of course it would be orchestrated by the praetorian roguel dawn and at its head would be that redoubtable ferrous manners the dropside massacre rogueldorn was now the de facto war master for the forces that remained loyal to the emperor he knew that horus had the world eaters emperor's children and death guard with his own sons of juarez four legions and some of the nastiest to deal with all led by the best primark in war the one first found and most trained by the emperor horoscope it would not be easy so dorner raider formidable force to assail the position while his own legion regrouped he sent the salamanders the raven guard and the iron hands in the second wave would be four more legions the night's lords despite their fall from grace the alpha legion the iron warriors and a huge contingent of word bearers one of the most numerous of all legions second only to gulemon's ultramarines that would be a full seven legions against four more than double the forces of the traitors for the rebels had lost up to a third of their legions in the cleansing of estevan iii and on the edges of the urgal depression a fortress had been constructed by fulgrim and there the traitors waited a raid for battle the loyalist armadas firing down on the bastille were ignored by the voyage shielding fulgrim had a raid so the loyalists would go down to meet them they would perform a staggered assault the first wave would be the iron hands the raven guard and the salamanders the second wave would be the rest with this much force in one place there could be no hope for horus he had clearly gone mad none could face this much power surely so the three initial legions dropped down to the planet across from the traitor lines and then advanced with vulcan and his sons on one flank and corvus korax and his raven guard legion on the other first manus let his iron hands up the middle and he was enraged first knew that some of his brothers would hear of how fulgrim had attempted to turn him thus there was not just a rage of betrayal not just a shock of the deed but also a palpable slice of blame avoidance forcing his actions he needed to show how loyal he was to his brothers to the emperor so he charged the center of the urgal depression with an abandoned approved fatal a thousand of his morlock terminators at the front of his wedge fair smashed all before him the lines of the traitors were holding but barely it was felt that the next wave would annihilate them had to and thus the four legions of the second wave were brought down and the three initial legions reacted in different ways the raven guard retreated pushing out to the flanks to permit their brethren to come forward the salamanders also pulled back they'd done their part had taken the worse the war master could throw at them made them bleed it was time for the next wave to take the battle forward with fresh troops with fresh roth it was an attempt also by vulcan to share the onus or glory of this deed alas ferris was considering his position when he caught sight of his brother fulgrim he looked across the battlefield and could not miss the very obvious sign of fulgrim if we held the line directly before ferris the vision enraged him and he led his morocc on his lesion into the depths of the guns of the traitors attempting to smash a path through to fulgrim but he need not have worried for fulgrim 2 spotted ferris and he got up from the defenses and pushed forward towards his closest friend as well and the two met they men dying around them in their droves they traded initial blows exploratory jams and faint but had not fully engaged when it happened first looking to the skies looked at their unnumbered transports and ponds as the second wave coming down he gestured toward him and laughed in the face of his brother he knew that they could crush fulgrim and horus and all the traitors but fulgrim did not seem concerned not one john as the two stills their battle for a short period to look at the reinforcements the second wave was building their defenses like mad with perturbo amongst them it was efficient and effective when the lines of the salamanders and raven guard went back to their drop site they approached the defenses their brothers had made to prevent horrors from counter-attacking or breaking out is what they all thought but when the wounded and depleted men of the loyalists came within range a single flare went up from the tower of horus lines as a single red fire streaked into the sky and then slowly dropped the walls of the defenses of the second wave erupted the night lords the word bearers alpha legion and iron warriors then opened up the walters were in dug in defenses the first wave in open ground directly before them and they butchered their brothers in their throngs panic erupted and the loyalist first wave legions were smashed forced back from the new defenses toward the old the hammer and anvil of the trap was perfect and the lesions were being wiped out with ease fulgrim looked to his brother ferris pointing to that which was occurring and laughed at him in return and ferris knew they had all gone over to horus all four of the second wave legions had turned traitor before they even met to plan the battle and in that instant fresh could see the unmaking of all he had fought for all he had worked for all his sons had bled and died for and he tried to kill the only person left that he could he took out all of his ire on fulgrim yet his brother was always underrated by his siblings usually ferris remembered this but in his fury he now forgot so fulgrim reminded him for fulgrim was as i read the law one of the most potent of all of the primarks in a duel he might not destroy as many of the enemy as eingrohn or sanguinius might yet he was lethal in one to one mano imano fulgrim fought like a tiger yet needle fellas all the way through provoking the lord of iron to make mistakes which of course inflamed with passion as he was he did finally with ferrous manus now beaten down on his knees his neck opened for the attack fulgrim seemed to come to his senses or was it the machinations of the demon inside the lair blade for the thug was now lifting from his mind only at the point that he now experienced below him beaten and blooded clutching the wounds inflicted on him his most beloved brother knelt and looked up at him but there was no imploring in the eyes of the gorgon the name he fulgrim had coined first i had been so close but all that was in ferris's eyes was hatred no pity no understanding no care just raw unbridled hate and it snapped fulgrim out he witnessed all around him the mind-bending scale of it all as a masculine tens of thousands of marines was enacted mere feet from where they stood all around them like there were an island in a sea of woe and it hit fulgrim what they had become what he was doing yet he could not stop himself he decided not to strike yet he watched his hand as if it was someone else's he saw the lair blade come down as if held by another who inhabited the spot on which he stood and he could not stop it and when the blade ended its ark when the blood spattered from its tip across the ground it was followed by a dull muffled thud barely audible over the cacophony around them it was the sound of ferrous manusy's head hitting the ground as fulgrim looked on the head of ferrous rolled to a stop its eyes still looking at him in hate eternal hate and the scales were finally utterly and totally lifted from fulgrim's eyes like the curse of morgoth upon hurin the evil that he had witnessed and ignored the horror of the last month it all came crashing down on him i have not discussed the depravity of the emperor's children all of this time because fulgrim was so enamored so enrapt with himself and his goals with his legend that he did not once take real stock even as things happened before his very eyes the thing inside the layer blade confounded his mind twisted his sensibilities so that it seemed practically run of the mill normal nothing to rebuke or rebel over it was as it should be but now the blood oozing from the stump of his most beloved brother's body as it fell forward onto his knees he could not avoid seeing what they had become it had all been so slow the path to perfection the road to hell taken one tiny shuffling step at a time fabius bile the apothecarian had been experimenting on his brothers he begun by trying to make them better at war it was all another step to perfection the integration of their voice boxes and caused to marines they could now screech and shatter the eardrums of their enemies if close enough they could burst their eyes on organs the force destroying skeletons yet it had descended over the time until fabius bile was no longer seeking merely to improve the marines but to snatch the keys to heaven itself he experimented not to improve the person on his slab but to garner as many secrets from them as he could he rendered down entire populations of freighters for narcotics that were initially to boost the efficiency and reactions of the emperor's children at first they had been taken by volunteers eventually these combat drugs were taken as standard ordered to be consumed then later they descended into being narcotics for recreation and edification the highs were staggering but the price was untold tens of thousands of sentient beings [Music] beings of their own race the emperor's children who were meant to be shining beacons of what was best in the astartes best in the crusade the best of humanity they had become butchers as bad as the lair and other zenos hollers that they had salad forth to destroy they had gone from being saviors to being base vile slaughterers and what they had done to the fleet the insanity in excess that had swept the entire expedition was ghastly the artists that have made garish horrors out of their own bodily fluids then they generated into murder and using the fluids of their victims as the colours of for their canvas the great bequenska had created new instruments had attempted to replicate the droning cacophony she had heard in the temple of lehren and she had made it happen it had all happened in a place called la fernice the performance and carousing area of the flagship that was for the remembrances the great composer invited all to attend her first performance both civilian and primark and marine alike when the strange and terrifying music reached its crescendo it was proof of the link between the lair and the warp for a tour open space and demonets astonish converted to the portal the insanity bled into reality and only augmented the feelings that were rife the emperor's children taking over the instruments from those mortal performers who had burst and demonets come from them and they played the instruments like they were weapons scienting their ways of music into the crowds of mortals and watching them explode or vibrate into non-existence their molecule was simply falling apart they enhanced amongst the emperor's children added their own voices to this macabre music and more innocence died their heads practically exploding and this was the birth of the noise marines their first outing and fulgrim now saw it all as if it had just happened for the first time the ultimate cruelty from the thing inside the blade for the primarks had perfect recall they could remember a summer breeze on their faces with the exact smell of the pollen on a morning hundreds of years before when they remembered an event it missed no nuance was party to no rewriting or deterioration so when the scales were lifted the demon retracting its influence the good and pure fulgrim the hero of the crusade the best of brothers with the most ardent and well-trained army that humanity had ever known the lord of silver hair and silken tongue the man who wanted to raise all of humanity up as far as they would go he saw what his sons had become he witnessed their mutations their horrific sonic attacks and the glee with which they annihilated the morlocks the last of pharisees guard and he saw they were things of nightmare distended jaws for screaming like banshees wings and claws and teeth among those possessed it was like a scene from hell and the worst of it all the body at his feet the precious blood of his most loved brother now kicked his very boots fulgrim looked on and finally openly wept he was broken and then when there was nothing there nowhere he could run to no way to avoid the repercussion of his own form for all of it had happened because of him he had not let his men had not protected them from evil he had not stopped them devolving to barbarism had not lifted a finger worse he had been at its center he could not have defended them from a threat they were never told about the emperor their father had never warned them about he had sent them as lambs to the slaughter so even now even when he was clear of mind and soul even now pilgrim could not forgive the emperor for their father had forsaken them hardest was right but the cast [Music] look at what they had become what evil they now performed worse than any tyrant or zenos they had crushed in the crusade and it broke filgrim it broke him so much that he accepted a dire offer for the demon and the blade sensed his witness his sorrow his wish to end it all and he offered to make it all go away for fulgrim to rest forever to never have to feel the sting of his actions the pain of his deeds looking down as his brother up at his sons fulgrim chose oblivion and in that second when he opened himself to the demon adapted the chance fulgrim was no more the primoca remained with him in body only his spirit was locked away from his body in the portrait written blood and feces on the wall of left beneath the demon now possessed filgrin's body and led his legion now there is so much more about this primark this tragic figure i have left out as much as i've outlined if not more so yet from here i do not consider this fulgrim i know that in the book the mirror cracked he escapes his captivity he reclaims his body then he goes on to become a demon primark an angel exterminatus and it is by his hand that his brother reboot was stuck down a planet all of his own to rule in the warp but this is quite a journey unto itself and a tale for another time so let us sum up of all of the lesions or primarks have fell to chaos i believe that of fulgrim and the emperor's children to be the most monstrous the greatest loss the most barbaric of desecrations that could have been only matched should sanguinius himself have fallen for the other primarks had felt enhanced augmented they and their lesions were made more they became more of what they already were the world eaters became more savage the death guard more resilient the thousand sons more mystically powerful but chaos destroyed the emperor's children it did not enhance that which was there for it was the twisted mirror image its opposite so it destroyed the emperor's children as it did their lord everything they were everything they had done everything they could have been a quest for perfection many have taken this world all have failed but was it really that at all perfection is the obsessive name of that greatest of all drives merely taken to an unhealthy extent the purest the most noble of drives to be better to leave the world a better place than you entered it and that is what the emperor's children stood for it is what fulgrim was born to do to raise people up fulgrim was one of the most potent of the primarks one of the best so much that he could have been war master had his legion been larger had the blight not wiped out the seeds that made his men and the council of terror agreed with this of all of the primarks they could have sent the loyal wolf the successful and martial lion the angel himself the council sent fulgrim for he was on hand fair enough but he was also one of the few who could have taken horus to task could have replaced him if need be they showed that much faith in the abilities of the palatine phoenix like a more mature angel and it is his loss more than any other more than mortalian angran alfarius perturbo lugar or conrad that must have been felt so keenly will have actually wounded the emperor his self-image for only horus and magnus were greater losses only they and only due to horus being found so much earlier than fulgrim if the crusade had taken a different course as the landing planets had been swapped then surely fulgrim would have been warmaster weep weep for what the imperium has lost while the human race has had snatched from us one of our greatest lights height to the dark gods of chaos for what they have done for taking from us the palatine phoenix from taking from us the perfect one from taking from us fulgrim [Music] this video has been made in collaboration with horus heresy legions links in the description so if you wish to command the emperor's children hofilgrim himself to see how you would fare on that most bloody of all battlefields the ergo depression the dropsite massacre then download the game and get stuck in see you there [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] now no matter what you do today do try to make some time for fun like playing horror series allegiance two glue
Channel: Baldermort's Guide to Warhammer
Views: 193,314
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: g5xdbh14Eic
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 104min 7sec (6247 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 11 2022
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