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Colonel fresh was outclassed he knew this from the outset but he had to try for the god Emperor himself he would not yield this world uncontested he had word of the enemy he faced a cold and haughty Inquisitor and given him the best advice he could before going to the front to engage the horrors renegade a starties traitors the Inquisitor had explained how they had believed since the first ages of the Imperium since the Great Crusade even yet now were creatures lower than vermin for they had turned their backs on the master of mankind the Emperor himself blessed be his name efficient wondered why the Inquisitor had suddenly become so forthcoming was it all then the bitter realization hit him they were all going to die this is the only reason to which hunter had revealed so much he did not think any of them would live the Inquisitor explained how these Marines these fallenness starties were experts in siege warfare so fresh decided to throw at a wild card he knew he did not sit in bunkers behind crenellations the Bologna actually put his adversary at the advantage he knew this so he marched out to meet them on the fields of Kos pasión in full battle order but then ensued was a brief game of cat and mouse as the enemy these iron warriors dipped in and out of view on the horizon always where he least expected them to be time and again he redeployed his army who marched head down towards the traitors but each time they melted away battle never seemed like it was coming perhaps these traitors were in fear of his army perhaps I had decided against a battle perhaps Inquisitor as unlikely as it seemed and over-egg the cake but then it began when it started the colonel realized his error instantly but it was too late he had not straight into a trap a horrifying trap as his regiments of men stood and marched forward columns of armor behind him prepared to counter-attack at any time he realized that they now stood completely in the open nothing as far as the eye could see they were sitting ducks it's so concentrated on the enemy below he had forgotten the enemy above orbital barrage has started to slam into his army and Tory to pieces huge sways of his men his arm his artillery simply melted on a huge blast from the iron warrior fleet above as he tried to wheel his men about and flee the trap was sprung properly the orbital bombardment ceased and was instantly replaced by land-based heavy ordnance then they began to appear out of foxholes covered by solder amongst them right in the middle of his guard but never where the pinpoint accurate barrage is struck his men scattered as the iron warriors just appeared amongst them slaughtering them all with heavy firepower vicious charges and utter carnage when they struck his armor attempted to move forward I need to begin to fall into traps sturdy enough to support troops but no armor as such they fail in causing pandemonium behind well-armored attempted to not only extricate itself in the traps but from the cluster that they had become fast attack craft swept overhead and carpet bombed their columns death from all sides was unleashed at the guardsmen as a circle of their forces shrunk again and again nothing could stop their iron warriors nothing iron we are iron iron within iron without tell them ruin has come to their world death despair and red war tell them the hopes and pride have come to nothing tell them they're empty whispers fall upon deaf ears their gods are dead human logic has killed them tell and angels of death have come tell them and nothing can save them now the Primark / told Harpo I am bald Ahmad and I wish to introduce you to the forces and factions of the weimar 40k universe today again we look under the bed we throw open the cupboard and look inside at one of the darkest elements of the Warhammer setting for today we have to explore the very basics of one of the most terrifying forces in the grim darkness of the future the iron warriors their tale is a cruel one but everything we have come to know and love about the Warhammer setting the dream dark so let us begin at the dawn of the Imperium the Empire arose and forged 20 armies twenty different types of warrior but all of a common strain is genetically engineered super soldiers the iron warriors were the fourth Legion of the Emperor's own angels of death his Space Marines his legion is our studies each was taken from the genetic template of a demigod like being known as a Primark they were to be his generals and his warriors without peer the very heroes who would forge the eternal Imperium of man and they would know neither fear nor defeat for each was imbued with abilities both of the mind and body and soul that far outstrip those of mortal man but his pry marks were swept away from him and hidden across the galaxy as babes by the dark powers of corruption the great gods of chaos thus did the emperor launch his great crusade he unleashed his armies of the starties across the galaxy forever expanding out from the heart of the Imperium the cradle of humanity earth which is now called Terra which is Terra Firma not to be scared just we know for the very basics of their origins let us lean on existing wisdom to cook originally created as the fourth Legion the legion was founded on top the wreckage a recidivist fortress on the Terran auto plateau of Seck Hamrick the warlike gun tribes in the surrounding areas made up the first of the lesions Marines the early fourth Legion proved itself in the unification Wars making its domain one of the most stalwart bastions of the Emperor the lesions gene seed showed above-average adaptability and a blow average resistance rate tooled by own ranks this allowed the lesion to be one of the largest and earliest deployed alongside the first legion and faith legion the legion continued to distinguish itself in the conquest of the sol system during the early days of the Great Crusade winning honors in many battles most notably in the mayor Yost campaign on Venus where the fourth Legion was commanded by the Emperor himself to defeat the deadly lissa golem armies of the war witches in light of their earlier successes the lesion was given first access to new equipment being delivered from Mars the lesion led the eighth's expeditionary fleet which distinguished itself in many campaigns however the Legion did not adapt their tactics to new realities of the expanding crusade and was called unimaginative by other Space Marine legions and by Horace himself Paulus however was impressed by their stubbornness and would use the lesion to fight inglorious but vital campaigns of attrition they soon became known as the workhorse Legion ride upon for their tenacity and following orders to the letter it was during this time that the Legion began to spread itself out garrisoning many worlds and fighting many smaller campaigns across the expanding Imperium end what the fatherless sons thus it was that the fourth lesion the iron warriors began to be respected across the Imperium as dependable and no-nonsense warriors who would perform any task without complaint without complaint this did not go unnoticed by the auxiliar forces of the crusade the human forces left to hold or continued longer battles where studies were not really required the slow and inglorious tasks of domination and conquest the iron warriors would never ignore a plea for assistance and would always stay until the job was done the deed performed at that time the Imperium at large held him in high regard but this sentiment was not truly shared by those who mattered most to earnest starties to the space marine it was all down to the Emperor Horace and his brethren prime marks that is what mattered to them alas to all the fourth did not they did no matter the fact that that primer was not found left them open to abuse open to being used as pawns to absorb pain and losses in dark and dingy backwater worlds where there was no glory to be gained no honor to be accrued the stood the lesions with pry marks refused many a thankless task and the Emperor and Horace in his turn then filled any gaps with the iron warriors they would not complain they would not rebel they would do as they were told they would fight and die for the Emperor and the Imperium no matter that no one looked on no matter that their efforts would never be fated never be lauded they just got the job done and after the orders were despatched they were swiftly forgotten resentment was slow to ferment but the seeds were all there planted in the rich land of abuse and neglect watered with heavy casualties fed with the nutrients of others heralded before during and after them never were the force to be the center stage secretly it ate them alive to quote one of the lesions most tragic episodes would be in 842 of millennium 30 during the liberation of the forged world of in Canadian the stubborn fourth Legion used their typical tactics of heavy artillery and armored spearheads and suffered staggering losses in a protected seas nearly 29,000 legionaries died over the year-long campaign virtually annihilating the 8th expeditionary fleet quickly recognized as experts in the art of siege warfare the iron warriors were regularly called upon to exercise their skills in cracking open enemy defenses but this had an unfortunate effect on the character of a legion by their nature seizures are the most grinding and demoralizing type of warfare long periods of tedium and unspectacular labor broken by episodes of merciless close quarters brutality the iron warrior saw the storming of the breach as an escape from the tedium and developed into ferocious close quarters fighters they even came to prefer for enemy strongholds not to surrender thus justifying the slaughter of everyone within once the fortress was taken it became divisions curse one of many that these episodes of brutality eclipsed their superb affinity for the application of logic and mathematics to military problems in the eyes of their fellow space marines and the Imperium as a whole given their expertise of constructing and Manning fortresses the Legion also found itself constantly diminishing an active crusading size as units were detached from it to act as garrison troops watching over worlds and a process of compliance the most famous of these Garrison's was that of the iron keep of del gas - where a single 10 man squad of our warriors washed over a disgruntled population of 130 million even Space Marines need rest however but the Crusades gave them none a particularly brutal Battle of the Great Crusade for the iron warriors was the thankless truck trader deeps campaign against a fraud which resulted in heavy casualties on a strategically far-off this system end quote [Music] so they acted in a way that was a silent play a great cry they became the corpse grinders throwing themselves fully into the role of martyrs to attempt anything by rebellion that would gain the notice of the guards who led the crusade they went into their battles were the fervor only comparable to that of modern day cream they died by the thousands unheard of in leisure Nyssa studies they died but it also became hard and cold as I will discuss later and their constant abuse twisted them as no one cared for them they cared for no one hence it was they began to use their allies the human I am human auxiliary forces as cannon fodder just as the Emperor and Horus had used them they learned from their betters well using masked assaults of Xillia 2 simply discerned a weak points of fortresses herding them across minefields having them stand to be annihilated by defensive hard points and towers just to see their firepower will were done ostensibly to lead to victory but the costs were catastrophic the stunted troops of the Imperium began to call them the corpse grinders and even began to mutiny when given orders seconded them to iron warriors expeditionary fleets but the hardest blow of war was about to for the control room was silent known even breathe the shock was total the gases Astarte simply looked at the words on the screen dumbfounded finally when there was no way to descanse true the order when it had sunk in all present almost as one sad it was lieutenant on tour emini that broke the silence I can't believe it after all this time all we have done I cannot believe it that's enough is it is it really though we fought so hard we've done everything asked of us things others would not dirty themselves doing all this time we have held on waiting waiting for the day we are no longer the Forrest's sons waiting for that time when someone sees us speaks fast upholds our honor for a change all these years we've waited quietly patiently for someone to stick up for us to lead us but this this is what we get you have not failed but you have not realized your potential these are his words of welcome to his very sons his first words our Primarch our own blood he orders this emotion on us have we not bled enough know the irony that we waited with bated breath for this the ancient practice of decimation we have to take every tenth man of us and have the other nine clubbed them into mulch to kill them this is a joke decimation was always reserved for the Cowardly the Craven the mutineer how do we deserve this what cool trick is this the commandos stood quickly and snapped a word in private lieutenant Ptolemy the commander stowed to his office the back of the wider command amongst all his subordinate following sluggishly with little an emotion as his wide eyes stared at the ground as he trudged the doors closed behind the - and the officer then turned on his heel and delivered a thunderous backhand blow across a face how is junior to his credit the lieutenant did not lose his footing entirely but was different to stumble backwards only being stopped by the bulkhead his head rang as his superior thought the five paces between them and pushed his face against that of his victim not quite nose to nose but there was no escaping his cold dispassionate glare his rage was written all over his sneering face as he practically whispered his retort I've always liked you all don't get me wrong always we fought side by side we've bled together so know that I genuinely like you okay the younger marine gulped and slowly nodded but when he tried to open his mouth his commanding officer shook his head slowly I've now finished I always thought you were formidable marine in any other Legion you'd make the cut you might even excel but here you see secretly I've been hoping with every drop every siege every fire fight I've secretly been hoping you would not come out of it that you would die with honor because we both know your little secret I've tolerated it up to this point as I say hoping it would never become an issue by your convenient and timely demise but you've just done the unspeakable in front of the men you have revealed your little secret and it won't stand now they know because you are very good at what you do you have survived up until now but you just blew it because you make all the pretence of fitting in of being compliant but we both know it's a show you are iron on the outside so you've gone away with it but now all know what I have known from the start your little explosion has ruined the illusion because we both know you are not and never will be iron iron within we will take this decimation as we have everything else without complaint as our studies you you cannot because you are not iron within so I'm going to do for you the only courtesy I can brother I'm going to make damn certain that yours is the hand to picks out a black ball yours is the name on a list the when it is time it will be by my hand that a cudgel strikes your head it will be by my hand that the next blows will crack and then shatter your skull and it will be by my hand that the country is raised to know it again and again until there is nothing left of your head but a mulch as you say because you cannot face what is coming what this autumn means so I save you from days months decades or even centuries of pain so I will be the one to kill you and now say there only two words I will accept you know them so say them for this is the last time we will speak as a younger a starties finally broke eye contact as his officer stood back closed his eyes looked down at the ground and said to quote meanwhile dyin warriors Primark / to Robbo was raised on Olympia a mountainous planet divided into warring city-states because of the rugged terrain military supremacy revolved around the construction of stone fortresses and the controller strategic mountain passes pitarrio had an affinity for cold logic and the use of technology which made him a superb military engineer at the time the Emperor's Great Crusade reached an empire / table I was warlord - the tyrant of locusts as was his custom when one of his lost sons was found the Emperor gave Petrov O rule over his home planet and relocated his legions headquarters there upon taking command of his Legion / - Rob I reviewed the war record of his newer forces after heavy analyzing their record effectiveness doctrines and practices patois bo found them wanting his punishment was decimation by lottery one in every 10 legionaries was chosen to be beaten to death by his comrades such would be Pirtle Arbos reign brutal and unforgiving even before they were reunited with their Primarch the space marines of the fourth Legion had inherited his military qualities / Thabo quickly recruited new troops from olympia and embarked on a campaign against a nearby moon base known as the rock of judgement ruled by the black judges it was a stunning success though only fragmentary the iron Warriors were known for an affinity with technology and the clinical application of logic to military problems this affinity was channeled by / to Rambo a skilled practitioner of siege craft into the mastery of that form of warfare these abilities were increased by cross-training with the mechanic on the iron warriors war Smith's could match skills with Maguy and as he said that pert Robbo could beat any and all in the art of machine engineering their methodical attitude made the merciless men in battle and see after the siege works were built there was a choice given to the besieged or us to throw down their arms then and there or the warriors would show no mercy just like many other lesions they soon gained the reputation of brutality during seas not to mention the merciless manner after a siege had taken place but their typecasting is seizure engineers or garrison troops set them apart from their bother lesions and made them feel increasingly marginalized in particular they were aggrieved by the Imperial fists whose prime mark Rubel dawn often boasted about the impregnability of the defenses they had constructed around the Imperial Palace on Terra / Drago was not that only one of the pry marks who found his brother too worn a boastful and arrogant but Petrov was unable to let the insults to himself in his recent past and he's continued to fester in his heart likewise Couric's the primal because the Raven guard made little secret of his contempt for pet rather his legion dismissing them as solid attrition it's a nassima to coax his own concept of fluid hit-and-run warfare end quote the return of day Primark to the nest did no favors to the iron warriors his one perspective but we shall address that later what he did do was play into the strengths of delusion and made them even more just more of what they already did better at it for pet Robbo was a phenomenal mind even amongst the pry marks a true thinker but always with a practical application he had studied the art of war on his homeworld of Olympia but then all eyes are texting his brief time with Emperor for it was very short his ability to organize plan calculate every little detail of an entire campaign before it had begun could be argued as his greatest virtue but his methodical war by numbers approach was uninspiring and left his leaves not as merely numbers all of his men were just numbers or compassion or camaraderie but that was found for most pry marks towards a genetic science was simply not err the campaigns of the iron warriors under / Thabo were like boardroom affairs corporate organized efficient but utterly without remorse or consideration for the horrific casualties they entail some say that pet rubber made his heart iron to avoid the crushing guilt of his actions the way he used his sons some say he thought that they would know that it was all for higher calling that of the Imperium the salvation of the human race entire but it mattered not as the butcher's bill always climbed promotion came through survival then ability then polity King yet pet Robo had installed such a rapid recruitment and training network that he sustained leash and worthy numbers of a starties even so backed up by more war gear than any other region perhaps possibly the first the iron Warriors were a machine that ground forward and a relentless pace in its conquests but also in its collateral carnage thus it was that the thankless tasks the constant losses the endless heralding of others like booboo Gillman Rogel dawn and Horace all led to / Thabo and his entire Legion becoming twisted things of resentment and in these fertile grounds the seeds of rebellion was sown by Horace Lupo Karl the war master he poured poison words into the ears of / table oh how the Emperor did not respect him did not even consider him he was like his lesion before he had arrived merely forgotten a happy deluded fool like a dog wagging his tail er - every order that every doleful onerous task given to him by his master the Emperor the words took hold the iron warriors in a Primark / - Robbo were amongst the treated lesions who turned to the side of Horace at the drop site massacre on istván 5 they helped Massacre near a full three lesions of their brother estar T's their iron hands salamanders and lei from God and they took great relish in doing so from there the road to holy terror was set for Horace would take the nine treat adhesions a full half of all of the armies of the Imperium or more and smash his way to the very palace of the Emperor to defeat him the siege of terror / Tabo and his iron warriors were instrumental to the salt of the holy Paris that edifice of defense that Rogel dawn had been working on for over half a decade and thus they crashed finery Rogal and his imperial fists will claim that they held a palace and two iron warriors failed yet this is a lie Horace fell / - how about it not for the emperor himself was forced to attack Horace on his own flagship the vengeful spirit due to the plain fact that the palace was about to fall for all of Robel dawns buster his pretty castle had been torn down and the last ramparts were about to be bridge let none ever forget that / Thabo defeated Rome on that day and he was to do so again yet Horace did die slain by the master of mankind and the traitor armies fled from the soul system in disarray as other traitor legions of chaos were herded and harried back to the io terror the bastille's of the iron Warriors were ever the bane of the wrathful loyalist forces the iron warriors bled them white when assaulted yet could never be ignored at last / Thabo played one last card before he left for the eye of terror as his present and their legions had almost universally done themselves the fortress a tunnel the iron cage to quote that Robison devised and enacted the one real victory for armed warriors and the immediate aftermath of the Horus heresy he crafted a trap on subasta for designed to ensnare Rugal dawn and the imperial fists with whom petra bow and his warriors harbored a bitter rivalry this trap was known as the eternal fortress a keep centered within 20 square miles of bunkers towers minefields trenches tank traps and read doubts upon hearing of this mogul Dorn publicly declared that he would dig / Thabo out of his hole and bring him back to terror in an iron cage as a result of the statement the ensuing battle has become known as the iron cage or the iron cage incident local dawn expected an honorable battle but this was not to be beginning by isolating the four companies of the Imperial fist that landed and their orbital support / Thabo began to carefully divide his enemy and destroy them piecemeal some Imperial fist managed to penetrate the defenses and reach the center of the eternal fortress I need to find there was no central keep simply an open space watched by yet more defenses the fortress was a decoy of no real value by the 6th day of the siege Imperial Fist Space Marines were fighting individually without support using the bodies of their own battle brothers for Kara but dawn would not relent and he continued his assault the siege of the eternal fortress lasted for a further three weeks relief came only in the form of reboot killerman and a force of ultramarines the sacrifice of over 400 riotous marines Jean seed paved the way for / tirado's ascension - demon Prince hood following this the iron Warriors were cheated into the eye of terror and Petr arbo crowned the world of men during guard as the new home of the Legion since then Petro Arbor has remained dormant regard while his legion but continues the long war or war has periodically battle one another end quote the iron warriors scene as the rival to the Imperial fest usually an embittered rivalry and jealousy and tippity leading to animosity between Rogal and petty Robbo one was created defenses Rogal and one tore them down / Tabo with their similarity in personality as well both cold and aloof it was inevitable that they would hate each other on sight but is this actually how the fans the law bus should see things I don't like to forward a different view just for consideration he is actually the mirror of killerman reboot killerman the present regent of the Imperium oho and how so Oh obviously seen our bold one one might ask well Britain sisters lend me your ears let me take your imaginations and her analytic elements on a little gawd just for fun killerman is an empire builder and gathered a colossal lesion due to his support structures and then a lot of autonomy to maintain a doctrine leading to a few casualties supporting doctrine through logistic control and accuracy but a rabble managed to create a doctrine which led to horrific casualties yes yet his formidable mind had created a system where his numbers were replenished and his men trained so swiftly that they maintain fighting strength despite the losses a formidable achievement what if the iron warriors had not the losses thrust on them by Horace and the Emperor before him how large could they have been first robber and his iron warriors all were incredibly skilled in technology but Robin learnt as fastness for racially as old good old Bobby G but in technical matters as well as war the equal and opposite of reboot killerman there so like in so many ways mirror image is far more than he and dawn if you ask me Oh through boot and petal Robbo are aspects of a king as Gillman planned the Imperium and ultra Mar and bureaucracy of the future empire building Perabo was forging the greatest military and technical machine to prosecute a war but in a tyrannical way where reboot got the best out of his men through loyalty confidence pride and discipline / Thabo got it by ruthless and Baconian measures and punishments decimation the ultimate gamble it makes or breaks an army but was it just him stamping his authority yes that would be an unmissable sign of power the ability to remove one tenth of one's own army just to gain obedience definitely acts of a tyrant the good king in reboot against a bad king in petrol Robbo but equally able but this entry is not about that rabble it is about the iron warriors iron they had no choice they had to become cold and hard not bending iron folded and forged on a thousand battlefields nobody else would take pawn sacrifice to keep the tarnish from the chosen pry marks legions then cursed with a heartless master one would think to be pitting know a tragedy to be sure invertible Iliad of woes but it has forged them they are iron iron within iron will out more than ever they are to be feared although they have fractured perhaps Petr Bo can combine them again they may possibly nod to the great powers of chaos but they do not bend the knee swiftly by the children or death guard will live on them by the word bearers they are of the other persuasion those who fight for chaos mortal fight against the Imperium for their shackles to be gone in Petrov was a demon Prince but they only retained their old character and professionalism that being bringing overwhelming power and support weaponry to any engagement they maintained their requests and generate more was a business a bloody one but a business the business of revenge so they remain a teller of a force disciplined ordered well-trained provisioned and equipped and all then with the augmentation er engorgement of the powers of chaos undivided well they he will serve non-exclusively some say that they do not truly bend the knee to chaos at all and yet Patera bow is a demon Prince against such a force that Imperium will always have issues due to the chapters system and a lack of cohesion also demon Petrova has never been seen some say all who have seen him have died few others can say the same and now the dawn of MOOC and walk the tear across the galaxy has opened they run on walk forever tearing down the hard places of the Imperium and then replacing them with twisted mockeries devoted to chaos but more so to the deaths of any who approach let alone any who attempt to seize these help it nightmares and none will ever gain having any mercy from this lesion so the iron warriors truly are what they claim what their battle cry is they are iron iron within iron without I have been bald Ahmad your faithful servant I hope you have enjoyed this brief introduction to the iron warriors treated lesion if so then do please consider liking and subscribing and pressing the notification button as it would not want you to miss out should you be a regular ginger listener and see the worth in what we do then please do consider supporting us on patreon now no matter what you do today do try to make some time for fun do Lu you
Channel: Baldermort's Guide to Warhammer
Views: 136,440
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Warhammer 40K Lore Iron Warriors, Iron Warriors, Traitor Astartes Iron Warriors, Perturabo, Chaos Space Marines Iron Warriors Lore, Iron Warriors Lore, Baldermort, Primarch Lore, Roboute Guilliman, Warhamher 40000 History Iron Warriors, Space Marine Legions Lore, Great Crusade, Crusade
Id: o_wmDDTLEJ0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 3sec (2283 seconds)
Published: Sat May 30 2020
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