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[Music] Oh Emperor's throne I thought I was getting an easy ride one received our new posting rotated from the front to defense Rios protect the forward medical camp usually a cakewalk but do not think me a coward I don't deserve that I have been fighting for months against things you would never even believe existed it's one thing to see the vids the posters to believe the recruitment officers living it is different all lines have been smashed by the filth what was once a stationing miles behind lines was now the last inch in our defenses in this sector luzina said combat us in their droves their oceans the weapons were crude but it did not matter their numbers were inexhaustible they crashed against our lines across the entire sector at first we thought it was just a barbaric charge xenos her animals but it was not they were probing us testing us working out the exact damage we could have flicked on them where when and how we treated like a game then counting numbers weird shot down and marked notice on our guns or helmets we laughed and even called shots as challenges to each other then head shots only gut shots only we were so smug pride goeth before the fall as they say how things fell so quickly from shooting fish in a barrel we went to manically trying to keep them back I watched as they simply rolled over hill 4:35 it had everything a Guardsmen could wish for in her defense razor wire heavy weapon emplacements ammunition like a bottomless well we thought it impregnable to be honest I thought it was over the top holy Sloane how I was a fool then we all were who took less than our tour proof and then simply swarmed the hill no matter what we threw at them they kept on coming as I crested the hill I realized how we had underestimated them so many their primitive projectile weapons I thought were almost pointless but then the sky darkened we were watching the hill we didn't take cover not one of us then they struck shafts of wood with metal heads so primitive yet when they hit in such numbers we were decimated so many dead in that first volley pierced multiple times for those simple shafts of wood but no less lethal for being so simple entire ranks of us went down we scattered into the trenches we hid from the rain of wood and metal but that was their goal the rain from behind the hill made us hide while their horde ate the distance between the hill and our lines they were on us in what felt like seconds among us killing us I never thought why bayonet drill would ever be used but it saved me time and time again I lunged and pulled back lunged and pulled back blood and viscera their bodies and ours covering the ground making it slippery making it hell that was the first day the first of many many days months no matter how many of them we killed a keep coming don't know I sort of respect them we must seem like the scum here we're invading his air world they were here first but why doesn't matter anymore it's us all them and at the moment it seems like it's going to be them behind this last line our last in this sector stands the forward medical building inside there every wounded soldier from this entire front thousands and if when they cross this last line they will be in their order to think but I know what will happen they will crash through their doors will stream into every corridor every ward every bye Nana will be spared imagine that lying in your bed unable to move unable to defend yourself while these horrors rush in and kill everyone before you knowing they will end you too I think I am lucky at least I will look into their eyes and it will be swift when it happens at least I can go down fighting it begins [Music] our artillery opens up from miles behind the lines they bombard the valley but they are fools they should be packing up and moving we don't know where but they should be running the xenos are coming the next half hour is like an eternity or a second time has no meaning in the fray I ignore the rain from the sky the wooden rain of death but don't care or stand firing furiously firing continuously the repetitive action and mark of my training not my control I fire and fire reload and fire again I go through energy pack after energy pack but it is not enough not nearly enough so many of them so few of us I reach down to my belt but there is nothing there I am out my last gained now nothing more than a club I look up and down the line so many dead hunched all sprawled littering the trains like broken dolls my friends my company gone all of these shafts of wood jutting out of them the whole charges forever forward by a minute maybe the noise of them is deafening the shock of seeing I am nearly the last of my entire company still breathing my ears deceive me I dropped my last spent cartridge and then fixed bayonet I will take one of them with me just one like a heroic vid my rebelling mind has music playing voices like a choir exalting the Emperor well at least I lasted until my death to go mad I stand and prepare for death I see your last wave of projectiles filled the skies not drop while dad's gun and open my arms as I slumped to my knees I prepare for it I close my eyes the music the holy music gets louder deafening almost as I prepared to join the Emperor perhaps he welcomes me shadow passes over me I hear the Ricochet of metal-on-metal wooden shafts clatters the ground around me I open my eyes and then I see her towering over me in black armor power armor she stood between me and death I am alive because of her the singing is not a dream I snap a look from side to side of my jaw drops lines of them the wood bouncing off their armor in their hands the weapons of the Emperor himself the holy balsa they walk forward they are not stopping at a trench they were advancing into the horde the guns shoot out and Zino's die in their droves exploding like the Emperor himself is obliterating them she stops firing as to her sister's passes she takes off her helmet just to speak to me I can barely hear over the artillery the bolt is screaming the song of battle and praise of the Emperor that is issuing from these dark clad women all around me she looks down and smiles she nods towards the hospital I look at it or she kneels down and whispers in my ear this will not happen unless all of us are one he will not answer unless it is all of us say the words I look I do not understand I see the building is dark for there is activity in sight singing a beautiful song but terrible so an application to the Emperor she whispers again son of the Emperor warrior of humanity you know the words say them now I know they come to me the emperor protects no warrior of light not with your mouth not with your lips say them with your heart say them with your soul bring his power I look down nearly weep so much is happening so much is going on but then I look up again I look at the triage and think it harder than I've ever thought it before as instructed I say it with my heart but even so it cannot be contained it sounds out of my mouth as a bell the Emperor protects and then I see a miracle a miracle as if I caused it but it cannot be me light blazes from every last window in the triage it just like a bomb has gone off inside I hear it building what I think is a huge screaming at first but then as the doors open I hear it clearer as my injured brothers and sisters pour out of every door every window take charge it is a bellow not a scream they are armed with last guns that seemed to be glittering with light all of them thousands of them flooding out like a tidal wave to meet the xenos as I passed me I am agog men I knew to be crippled women I knew to be mind they all charged us one healed the sister firmly puts her arm under mine and lifts me up she passes me an energy pack from well as gone she smiles at me while putting a helmet back on the nods in the direction of the zenith the directs and her sisters are leading the army always thought destroyed come Warrior of Light let us not be left out come let us smite young clean for the Emperor all right snatch the energy pack and slam it home or I check my bareness she's fixed properly that I look back at her and I grin for the Emperor then we charge [Music] welcome gentle listener I am bald Ahmad and I wish to introduce you to the forces and factions of the 1a 40k universe so at last we come back to the adept assault Loretta's and the sisters of battle to wipe away the colony of that disastrous prognostication that I penned what feels like an e on a girl to even introduce this faction my free we must look at the bigger picture today a very big picture indeed for few truly understand the vastness that is the Imperium the sheer scope of it one could take a stroll to one's garden on a cloudless night and then look up and see D Imperium even the assistance of a top-of-the-range telescope everything one would see is the Imperium every twinkling light every star every system that surrounds it that is the Imperium of mankind it is said that there are over a million worlds in the Imperium take a moment to grasp our mind-bendingly vast that is all of it is Imperium of man but why do I mention this why do I book this subject now simple to grasp the import of the fraction we are about to discuss the fraction we are about to discover together for the uninitiated may look at the mortal range the basics of their attire and may well scoff nuns with guns is what is oft said this is of course only ignorance it may have been true at one point before the faction had been developed but now it could not be further from the truth this is a rich and diverse fraction on the tabletop with sumptuous splendid figures and intriguing and interesting rules and tactics but it is far far more than that they are now a fundamental part of the rich tapestry that is the grim darkness of the future the Imperium of man the recent codex has built on that which has gone before the development of this faction from a bit of a gag to an unbelievably important and diverse well sculpted and fully fleshed out organization the adaptive sorority and their chamber militant that are the sisters of battle have well and truly blossomed for the depth of psoriasis everywhere it is interwoven into the very fabric of the Imperium to the extent of very few arenas are free from its presence and its influence there are feared force on the battlefield they're an irreplaceable factor in diplomacy they teach the use of the noble houses while watching said houses for any tiny slither of apostasy or heresy they are forerunners for the expansion of the Imperium into the very fringes of the galaxy and they are the healers most trusted with the injured soldier II they defend the myriad shrine worlds across the Imperium and they bring fire and wrath to the unclean and root out the cancer of the faceless the mutant the heretic though which the most important thing one needs to know about their depth our sororities at large and the sisters of battle in specific is their faith this is only an introduction to the Schewel organization that has tentacles in so many of the arena's of the Imperium so it behooves me to start small and then progress to more expansive entries in the future so gentle listener let us explore the very beginnings of this order for this we will have to be very briefly criminally almost discuss how the Imperium changed from a secular and atheistic organization into the semi authoritarian and theocratic entity it is today as this underpins the entire point faith the Imperial truth for the whys of the beginnings of the Imperium please see my entry for local duel or Astra militant until I perform at separate entries on the unification Wars the Great Crusade and the terror of the Horus heresy I believe this is very good place to gain a basic understanding of the birth and formative years of the Imperium of man that said let us move on the Imperial truths was the initial dream of the Emperor he is often stated to have decreed to the most dangerous of all things the biggest threat to human development and erase entire was religion and faith while he walked the Stars and spoke with his people the human race he was adamant that this should be not only policy of his rule but it's very goal the eradication of religion and superstition this was to be hand in glove with the goal of unifying the lost civilizations of humanity across the stars and to then defend them his policy was also the annihilation of wooziness cultures that might be a threat to humanity but that would take us off point the Imperial truth was the firmly held theory that there were no gods there were no spirits demons afterlife reincarnation or need for redemption it was hocus-pocus and a dire threat to the very well-being of humanity as all religion would do is humanity and haveth mire a sailfin hatred war and stupidity science logic empirical data and progress would be the base stones on which his Imperium were to be built and then maintained it was not to last when Emperor was struck down his body all but destroyed his direct influence on humanity was removed he was to exist only to continue as a figurehead and a source of power for the astronomic on which I will explain at another time the Imperium was dealt an almost mortal blow by the Horus heresy and devastation and fear were rife humans are simple creatures when all is boiled away when the fear of the future became too much small sex that had venerated the emperor as a God to flourish but it was not entirely illogical either for the Emperor the master of mankind had displayed capabilities powers and wisdom beyond anything that a normal human could emulate the step from godlike power to being a God was a very short step indeed thus over the next two millennia the sex that extolled him as the living god of humanity grew in power the misery of the aged the difficulty of everyone's existence the struggles that all felt was almost insurmountable made them turn to these religions in ever-increasing numbers to synopsize a millennia or more his rough treatment of the law but eventually one sect grew to dominate and absorb all others the Temple of the Saviour Emperor became so complex so powerful so all pervasive that in millennium 32 it became the state religion and the attempters minused Oram was formed the church with that the dreams of a secular empire were washed away it went swiftly from being the norm to worship the Emperor to being a crime not to believe in his godhead and to be a vocal adherent to the Imperial cult and as time went on the power of the clergy achey the adductors Minister 'm became so much they had armed forces under their direct control could issue censure against entire worlds and declare any a heretic and have them removed alas as is always the case power corrupts inevitably a demagogue arose and attempted to wrestle power from all four time he very nearly succeeded in a thirty sixth millennium the galaxy was struck by a wave of warp storms these storms halted much interstellar traffic as had happened in the age of strife but to a much lesser degree and panic was life in this time fear led many to give even more power to the church for parasails all issues to a scared human thus did the Imperial cult gain such power that they took control of the administering the administrative wing of the Imperium they Cleese young akin to a pontiff of the entire Imperium then ran rampant this period is now known as the age of apostasy for this I will lean on the existing law in the newest codex as I find I cannot even come close to matching its eloquence and brevity to quote in the 36th millennium the tyrant goes van dia usurped the position of both ecclesial and high lord of the administration he achieved this through a combination of bribery coercion blackmail and outright murder and in doing so managed to secure an unprecedented level of authority since the fall of the emperor no one had controlled both the sporran bureaucracy through which the millions of worlds of the Imperium were organized and the faced attempt humanity united against its myriad enemies with such unparalleled powers of command Vande are sought to bring the Imperium under his heel giving rise to the reign of blood in which countless billions died and all planets burned the rain of blood continued for decades with each passing year van dia grew increasingly psychotic and the numbers of those who were burnt in his fires climbed exponentially at the height of his madness a sect known as the Confederation of light rose to prominence on the world of Dammam are led by a then-unknown man called Sebastien Thor the sect denounced the brutal rule of van deer and began spreading a message of hope across the Imperium a message that was readily accepted by peoples who had long lived under the yoke of sadistic oppression Avandia sent a force from terror to crush the confederation of light and execute the upstart for but shortly after its departure the entire fleet was destroyed torn apart by terrifyingly powerful warp storm in an area space still known and feared as the storm of the Emperor's wrath unchecked the Confederation of Light was able to expand its influence gaining support from scores or symptoms willing to join them in rebelling against the tyrannical high Lord through masterful oration Sebastian Thor rallied millions to his cause steadily gathering might to match the forces still loyal to fan deer yet deliverance only came with when the adepts of Mars Space Marines and adapters custody's chose to side with Thor preparations were made to assault a crazy Arkell palace from without while the egyptís custody's would attack van died from behind his defensive lines though the combined might of the forces moving against him were considerable Vanda was far from defenseless early on in the reign of blood the high Lord had been informed by his extensive network of spies of a small cult of some 500 individuals based on the little-known agry world of San Lee or known as the daughters of the Emperor the members of this sect were entirely devoted to worship of the Emperor and maintaining inner purity they studied ancient arts of war clearing their minds of worldly considerations in order to hone their battle skills over the course of a lifetime his interest piqued Avandia informed the daughters of the emperor that he would honor them with an ecclesial the it when van they arrived on San Elijo he was informed by the daughters of the Emperor that they did not recognize him as an envoy of the god emperor triggering a wave of fury amongst his sizeable retinue but the high Lord at this time having not yet succumbed to the full ravages of insanity had prepared a demonstration to prove his status he commanded one of his guards to shoot him to show that he was shielded by the Emperor's favor the guard shot his last pistol and after a blinding flash of light the daughters of the Emperor saw clearly that Vanda have remained unharmed and fell to their knees in worship as an deer later posted to his scribes he had correctly guessed that the isolated sect had no knowledge of the conversion field produced by the Roe's arias he was wearing having sworn oaths of fealty to the high Lord the daughters of the Emperor were instated as a ecclesial bodyguard their culture of purity and marshal excellence was augmented by new forms of weaponry and their dedication to the protection of Gandia became legendary throughout the Imperium when van Dee's legitimacy as ecclesia was challenged these elite soldiers were his blade over rebuttal and when the holy synod of the minister conspired to kill their leader van Dee's bodyguards strode into their chamber locked the doors and emerged several hours later carrying the severed heads of every Cardinal present when the forces united by Sebastian thought besieged akley's they are called palace van Dee's bodyguards were instrumental in holding the force at the attacking forces at bay over several months the outer sections of the price were reduced to rubble but the central complex that housed the High Lords throne room remained an impenetrable fortress van Diaz warrior stood firm against a brutal assault their unflinching faith sit in the Emperor and his favourite servant fueled the indomitable fighting spirit but while their efforts were focused on repelling the invaders another force moved conquered a crazy Arco Paris from within as guardians of the Emperor and the golden throne the adaptors custody's possessed incomparable knowledge of the Imperial Palace including the vast wings in which the ecclesia are called Paris was located a small contingent of custodians worked their way through the hidden labyrinth of passageways that snaked beneath the palace emerging not far from Van des audience chamber there they were confronted by six warriors of the clerical bodyguard the leader of the custodians laid down his weapons and tried to convince friendly as faithful that the high Lord they served was an enemy of mankind of the Imperium and of the Emperor himself but the ecclesia ark servants were not swayed by these words alone the custodian sword that only one option remained for an alliance he entreated the women barring his path to follow him back through the winding tunnels so he could lead them to the most sacred place in all the galaxy the chambers of the golden throne where the Emperor sat in repose the six bodyguards was to see what no one but the Companions of the adapters custodies and the space marine prime oxen seen in six millennia I was sworn to secrecy on pay no death what the six saw in those chambers has never been recorded but when they emerged their hearts burned with anger they returned through the tunnels to the ecclesial palace with a leader Alicia Dominica spoke to her order of the High Lords fathomless corruption renouncing their duties as render as bodyguard the daughters of the Emperor followed Dominica to the private Hall where the ecclesia gossip on good they found him busied in study his chambers in anarchy and his scribes long fled sing his supposed bodyguard their van deer launched into a bloodthirsty tirade ordering them to march out and slaughter the invaders Dominica looked upon him coldly and with words that one day being graved upon the sarcophagus that holds her body she pronounced his you have committed at the ultimate hevesy not only have you turned your back on the emperor and stepped from his light you have profaned his name and almost destroyed everything he has striven to build you have perverted and twisted the path he has laid for mankind to tread as your own decrees have seated there can be no mercy for such a crime no pity for such a criminal I renounce your lordship you walk in the darkness and cannot be allowed to live your sentence has been long overdue and now it is time for you to die Dominika lofted her as power soared high forgoes randhir to see with an uncompromising shake of his head the high Lord replied to his former bodyguard that he was too busy to die at this Dominika brought her energy wrist blade down decapitating the traitor and cleaving through the burrows areas he had worn since the day we first met the daughters of the Emperor the rain of blood died with Randhir but the age of prophecy took many more centuries to quell Sebastian Thor stood trial for sedition but the purity of his intent and I hate said held for the deposed tyrant saw him not only found guiltless but led to him being instated as the new o'clock at the behest of the other High Lords of Terror a great number of changes to adapt as minister 'm were then implemented the most radical of which was the implementation of the decree passive by this edict de clichy aki was ordered to relinquish its control of its standing military forces giving over the bulk of its armies to the astra militant and its fleets to the imperial navy but Sebastian Thor insisted that the daughters of the Emperor were unaffected by the decree he knew that military might was needed to defend the faith and so the daughters were incorporated fully into the minister Wharram and renamed the Adept assault Loretta's this caused much fixation among the other High Lords but they had no recourse doorposts and newly appointed Clark Laura power he still held you see the decree passive stated that increase yaki the deputies Minister on could have no men under arms and thus the depth of sororities is purely women and thus circumvent this law end quote another interesting and incredibly important thing that came out of the age of us apostasy was the or Doha rheticus the Inquisition already had two wings the Ordos enos which hunted and destroyed the alien and all of its vile influence and the auto malleus who had tasked with rooting out the influence of the demonic and warp tainted the order heretic us was to watch the imperial cult and all of its adherents its many churches across the entire Imperium they were to watch for heresy any break from the mainstream beliefs of the cult but also to make sure that the ecclesia key the adapters Menace tourim never overstepped its reach again whenever a cleric of any rank garnered themselves a military force to prosecute a crusade against heretics mutants or witches they were watched like hawks the instant the very carefully agreed parameters and goals of Crusade were met it was the order heretic us they would then order said forces to be disbanded or absorbed back into the department home unit Orem the Imperial Guard or Navy never again with the church be trusted with power such as it had in the Age of apostasy that was the doorway to the age of blood never but why am i mentioning this well general is not it was at the inception of the order rheticus that they adapted sororities militant or army contingent was sworn to be an ally of their rheticus to be it's very own chamber militant should the order heretic us find heresy performant by mutants or cycles or any other uncleanness they can call upon the sisters of battle as they should for there are few forces that are as able well equipped or as steadfast as the sisters outside of anybody adept osa starties the space marines now that we knew the history and origin of the sisters let us now discuss what they are now and what makes them so special for every faction in the grim darkness of the future has its own very Putin to lure fastening a brief understanding of their many roles for many both think that the adapter is just the sisters of battles it is not the adapter sororities is the umbrella term for the combined orders entire but it is not just the sisters of battle for the sororities have as many orders duties on roles and civilian life as they do orders militant who wage war now I saw again lean on existing wisdom because frankly it is so well put to quote the daughters of the Emperor were more than a community of warriors and devoted themselves to a wide range of disciplines by which they could serve the god Emperor for many of these disciplines survive to age of apostasy and have been further developed by a depth of sororities through specialized categories of non militant orders orders dialogue Asst the sisters of the order style August serve as scholars and advisors they are expert translators of texts both human and Zino's holy and blasphemous and step end years learning languages used in esoteric scripts much of their study is devoted to collating ancient scripts to give accounts of the god Emperor before his interment within the holy throne humans are on many of the worlds rediscovered during the Great Crusade recorded the coming of the Emperor as did those Zeno species upon whom this fury reigned the sister dialog has translate these accounts they are long forgotten language of origin into Imperial high gothic and through them reveal more of the Emperor's glory the orders dialog has also frequently caught up on their unparalleled expertise in cryptography their ability to unlock obscure ciphers and find patterns across vastly mess of communicate ensure daily adept authorities as well as the ecclesia are key at large have access to intelligence on their enemies but it's within the Imperium and beyond says the DeLuca's also provide many services for the Inquisition using their skills to interpret heretical meanings hidden in seemingly mundane speech and text and thereby bringing secretive traitors to justice in a warzone sisters dialogue as actors conduits to which keren asus of militant orders can in turn commands and prayers of defiance ensuring that formations operating in isolation remain in communication with their spiritual leader large contingents from the orders dialog us also remain on a world after the enemy has been purged assisting our theocracy our cocles servants as they scour the planet for traces of heresy the most senior sisters of the older style Ogas maintained the ancient texts held within the vault of origins only the highest-ranking members of the ecclesia key allowed access this most holy archive for it is rumored that the heaviest of secrets regarding the events of to age or apostasy and ven Diaz rain of blood are locked away within it orders fabulous the orders families form a network of chambers advisors and diplomats whose sacred duty is to guide the Imperials noble families and working towards the ultimate good of mankind sisters of these orders play crucial role in brokering trading agreements between obstinate planetary governors forging alliances between powerful plutocratic families and arranging marriages to continue two lineages of the Emperor's most loyal and useful subjects when a planet system or sub sector is faced with direct hostilities the sisters familis coordinate the efforts of those over whom they have oversight ensuring that a noble household has everything they require to effectively fight and die for the Imperium concomitant to their diplomatic duties the orders familis also provide the trees yaki with watchful eyes throughout the Imperium a sister family's presence among the upper echelon of society allows her to closely observe the dealings of the most influential individuals from appointed bureaucrats and strong-armed tyrants to rogue traders and novice nobility dignitaries should the activities of these powerful people in any way go instant octets of the detrás Minister on the sisters reports to her superiors may result in stringent countermeasures confessors may be sent to extract admissions of heresy and in extreme cases the orders militant are alerted to cases of widespread treachery families who have held well-off positions for generations have been eradicated in their entirety their crypts incinerated and the name stricken from all records on the word of a sister a fabulous shepherding the nobility in this way is crucial to preserving the sanctity of the Imperium and those who attempt to hide from the sight of the auto families are seen as opponents of the Imperial Creed in the course of their duties sister's families often speak of how the Emperor manifests his will through his subjects pointing to miracles performed by the Imperials many saints as evidence given that the orders families have access to the genealogical records of uncounted millions of Imperial citizens and that they actively encourage diplomatic and familial unions between the most faithful members of the Imperial society it is unsurprising that the hand is often to be seen at work before during and after a manifestation of the Emperor's grace is recorded very much like the vintages of sisterhood one might think but why not sorry sideline over orders Hospitaller with the exception of the adapters of starties chapters the orders Hospitaller provides surgeons physicians and nurses to all arms of the Imperial military sisters of these orders exhibit their face by operating in grueling battlefield conditions soaring often cauterizing limbs that have been mangled by blasts of warp energy and digging living munitions from the guts of screaming soldiers they perform these acts with an air of solemnity and compassion and are often regarded as holy figures by the combatants under their care indeed many sisters Hospitaller have been canonized as Saints posthumously for their miraculous skills sisters of the orders hospira can be found accompanying many branches of the Imperials military from estimated harem regiments to the personal armies of inquisitors as well as serving alongside the serratus of the orders militant they are renowned for their skills both on and off the battlefield and often deployed to war zones where new and grotesque weapons are being brought to bear against the Imperium warriors the sanctuaries of the orders hospital are contained massive libraries detailing the most esoteric tools of death around kind has encountered accompanied by the extensive journals of sisters who has spent their lives researching how best to ameliorate their devastating effects some orders operate alongside the order support them in studying weaponized plague be they biological technological or demonical in origin whereas others were to develop protections against psychic assaults the orders possible I have been known to work in close conjunction with the order's fabulous mapping bloodlines and genealogy in order to stem the spread of mutation combating the threat that aberrant evolution poses to humanity just as they study the effects of enemy weaponry on human soldiers so - - the oldest hospital are dedicate themselves to understanding the physiology of their enemies where previously unknown senior species are encountered the sisters Hospital ah worked tirelessly to find weak spots in their biology please the Oracle confessors who rely on the expertise of these sisters to preserve the lives of those who are being questioned pharisee it is not uncommon for a sister Hospital to reattach limbs or suture mortal wounds multiple times before a confessor is able to extract the truth from a suspected heretic there are many other types of waters that provide ancillary services within the adaptive sororities as well as for the ecclesia hockey and the winter Imperium in some cases a single order is tasked with a particular focused duty and given their own designation as is the case with the order finestra's who maintained the illuminated armor glass panes of the Imperium most holy shrines and cathedrals other types of orders carry out sacred duties that give them a great deal of influence within the god Emperor's domain the orders say bind up right at the very edges of human space accompanying the minister aureus Galaxia - newly rediscovered human worlds they specialize in infiltrating their aggressed and primitive societies that is believed opposed arrival of the Imperium sister Sabre and set themselves up as as prophets as the Emperor preaching the Imperial creed in secret or fomenting revolt against the religious leaders of a world win the mission arias galaxia arrives and announces their presence to the world's peoples the sisters say Baron have already prophesied such an event and they lead those natives sympathetic to the Imperial cult in a sudden and deadly coup against their leaders through her work her sister Sabin is often cut off from the Imperium for a great many years perhaps only returning to terror or philia 7 once in a lifetime the orders pranati us specialize in retrieving guarding studying and repairing artifacts of value to the ecclesia key this includes the uncounted thousands of holy relics revered by the peoples of the Imperium as well as items captured by the forces of the Imperium that are considered too powerful or significant to be allowed to fall into enemy hands sisters prone artists have the responsibility of maintaining and blessing the many banners and symbols of the order militant and have even been called upon to reconstruct the livery of other Imperial bodies it was members of the order's promoters who repaired the chapter banner of Dementors the involvement in the Batak war and they have also restored many of the KD enrichments or standards that were recovered after 13 spent crusade cleansing every fiber in holy oil and recordings names of martyrs in Corinth read end quote as you can see the adapter are nearly all pervasive in the Imperium now that we know the distinction and the multiple roles within the adapter let us get to the meat of the matter that which we are all really here to understand the sisters of battle the King two chapters of space Marines the sisters have many orders just to list them now orders Majoris doctor orders the order of our martyred lady the order of the valorous heart the order of the bloody rose the order of the ebin chairs the order of the Harton shroud the order of the sacred rose but there are also orders my Norris smaller the order of the glowing chalice the order of the thorn the order of the iron veil the order of the ashen shrine the order of the wounded heart and lastly the order of the golden delight but thankfully we're also able to create our own orders as with so much of this phenomenal hobby you may truly spread your creative wings should you have the desire as long as your order adheres to rules of one of the existing orders you can do what that wilt with your own background magnificent just don't expect to have any accolades to earn your way if you try to invent rules and then attend a tournament this will simply not stand one day I shall perform entries for these mighty and magnificent orders but that is not for today as this is only an introduction but what exactly is a sister of battle man let me tell you gentle asana there are schools academies across the entire Imperium called the scholar progeny um they are vast centers of training and excellence with the very best of humanity are taken to be trained molded and equipped for very specific duties from stoller Pragya comes every officer of the Astra millet harem or the Navy every priest and every commissar to say that this training is hard is to do it little justice for those of us killed in diplomacy or tuition are eventually sent to perform roles in a non-military orders but those who are of unshakeable faith who show a rugged nature and a natural preponderance to combat are then taken and trained further for they will be permitted to join the holy orders of the sisters of battle if they are brave enough just bomb enough is they are filled with the light of the Emperor's creed and display enough faith but again please do not think nuns with guns do not think more of an army of Sarah Connors a force of Joan of Arc's a battalion of black widows and boudicca's there are everything a warrior should be they're untouchable in close combat more accurate than any sniper and as driven as any commissar they are less sanity given mortal form in all of the Imperium only their Dipper studies the space rings with all of their augmentations and almost superhuman enhancements only they are more lethal to the sisters of battle but even they cannot ignore the conviction is carried in the hearts of the sisters the sisters are also armed with the finest weapons Imperium can produce though not the match of the space marine power armor for they do not have the black carapace or transhuman sinuous of the marine they are almost impregnable to small arms fire and weapons unless it is to be those wielded by the most powerful of all adversaries but more than anything even than these things their training their panoply of war the sisters have one distinct advantage over nearly any other formation that the Imperium deploys in the field their faith the faith of the sisters is such that they can call down the protection of the god Emperor himself also they can call down his wrath miracles are their stock-in-trade the impossible happens across any theater of war which they gained to grace missile slam and effectively against shimmering shields of pure light soldiers who were left dying in the dirt find themselves healed and energized and filled with an unquenchable holy wrath buddies are not psychic powers no channeling of the war if the warp is used it is wielded by the god Emperor of mankind he merely hears their prayers for the sisters do not suffer a witch to live in this they are averse to the black Templars and the clenched fists of the order heretic us but the Holy Inquisition they will never be bowed no matter how bloody their enemy may think they are they wield the Holy Potter of course it is not the match or the size or the penetrating power of the larger palter used by their space marines but even though it is smaller it is a lethal I honestly could go on for hours days even on the majesty of this faction this glorious gathering of female warriors but I must let you return to your lives but know that we shall see much much more of the sisters on this channel for days as a story that must be told in detail in depth as time goes by as I leave you I must say but one lasting whenever the sisters of battle are deployed wherever they hear the call they bring with them the blessing of the Emperor and thus is made true the most oft-repeated line in all of the Imperials forces when the sisters take the field the prayer is made reality the Emperor protects [Music] I have been bald Ahmad your faithful servant if you enjoyed my introduction to the sisters of battle then do please consider liking and subscribing if you are regular gentle listener and see the worth and what we are doing then do please consider supporting us on patreon but only if your resources permit if this is not possible then - please consider sharing this video if you feel it worthy it will be a great boon now I am very much looking forward to getting into more of the sisters in the future but trust me we will get into it now no matter what you do today please do try to make some time for fun do [Music]
Channel: Baldermort's Guide to Warhammer
Views: 188,395
Rating: 4.96105 out of 5
Keywords: adepta sororitas lore, Sisters of Battle Lore, warhammer 40K lore Sisters of battle, warhammer 40k lore Adepta Sororitas, Warhammer Nuns, Baldermort, Warhammer 40000 lore, warhammer for beginners, warhammer 40K for beginngers, war, Battle, Age of Apostacy, Emperor of Mankind, Warhammer 40K history, Warhammer 40000 history, Reign of Blood, Female space marines, Space Marines, Ecclesiarchy, Adeptus Ministorum, Goge Vandire, Womens Lore, Nuns Lore, warhammer lore, sororitas
Id: 7hggeykbKUE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 16sec (2956 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 11 2020
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