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between the time when chaos broke Cadia and the return of the sons of the emperor there was an age unreamed of and unto this Cronan destined to Bear the jeweled crown of aquilonia upon a troubled brow it is I his chronicler who alone can tell thee of his soccer let me tell you of the days of high adventure thank you Cronan ducking story continued from cronand to cunning playlist Cronan the Conan one big boss of not only the cunning War but now Undisputed master of all orchidom on aquilonia Sat on his golden chair his storm in his new luminous position he had taken to riding around in it most of the time not that he could not walk or start leaport charge of course not to even consider such a thing was tantamount to a crime against the guards themselves for was he not the cunning one the most okay of all Orcs on a Colonia was he not even now called a prophet unto himself for once there had been no Prophet at all well if you ignore the predations of the less scrupulous tooth exchangers of the bad moons but I feel as if we are getting bogged down for I was specifically referring to the prophet meaning a warrior of the great ones gork and Mork not The Grubby money changers of the aquedonian stalk Exchange why they had to try to Institute the stork as some form of elevated and more gentle version of the much more solid and dependable Chief was quite frankly almost unfathomable to all even Cronan had been informed of this particular stripe of Oddity and considering it had nothing to do with the user activities of the real odd boys it perplexed Cronan to such a degree that he sent out his bodyguard Conan's um black lesion to identify and then pulling the wretch behind it all of course this meant a hearty round of thrashings was Unleashed or near everyone in the war until they indeed found the culprit and when said undesirable was put to the question in front of Cronan it was easily discerned that this near the well had just attempted to be Conan he had in his infinite infamy even gone so far as admitting to copying to Conan one himself and had been thinking about it for this orc had come from a location that had been abundant with a sad long doleful white birds the stalks and he had captured many but he had not known what to do with them then he cogitated on it and had come up with his own plan to trade multiple amounts of teeth for the birds explaining it was a new system of finances and that it was actually the idea of Cronan of course the moment a Cronin had heard this he had risen and he had to look at the ages about him his huge girth and prodigious stature the largest any orc had ever been in all of apollonian Legend even Cronan looked unto a deity of destructive power striding to his stork Cellar this Peddler of Lies he had taken a small hat from a stand near himself as he possessed and when he had approached the wistful and cunning bad moon all he could see was the face of the traitor who had betrayed him so much before with these kind of antics fool remembered how the entire wise economic model and its loot distribution matrices have been utterly thrown out of kilter with the bad Moon's very successful methods of creating false scarcity and squiffing all trades in her favor or at least this is what he would tell his knobs if asked later but the quintessence of it was far simpler for this upstart scum I claimed to be thinking he had to go and as it was the Cronin took his spare hat and crowned this orc with it alas he stated it did not quite fit right it was floppy so with a mighty thwack was a thunder Hammer he had lying around he attached it snugly to the orcing question now the hat and the head were one and would never be removed alas in his exuberance to create a properly jaunty look Cronan had smashed the hat and head into an almost unrecognizable smoosh on the floor but all agreed the hat would never come off the orc's head and thus was their lord right yet again even in sartorial Excellence none could match their lord thus it was a Cronin put an end to the clearly unfair and corrupt stork Exchange at least that was one tedious issue out of the way but where were we ah of course profit as I was attempting to relate before there had been no prophets at all and now there would appear to be two the first the prophet of gork the god of brutal Cannon was of course the mighty Gods will mag uluchraka his name was on the lips of near all of orchidom across the entire galaxy and in his wake wires were fought the likes had never been seen yet now in Cronin some mattered that he was a prophet as well the prophet of Mork the god of Canon brutality now Cronin knew he did not have the same level of notoriety as his Guiding Light straka but in his own mind at least Cronan had gotten off to a very good start he was decades if not centuries behind the legendary Glasgow yet he was on his way and with Mork on his side there was nothing he could not do well apart from getting his left arm to stop pulling at his butt cheeks or sticking one of its fingers into his nose whenever he was not thinking about it and he rarely thought about his arms if truth be told but if he was not careful the force with which the hand was put into either his butt crack or his nose could be well a bit ouchy actually Cronan was also aware that he was a little more runty than his massive biceps and triceps and all of the seps festooned on his normal arm Fred had once belonged to his earthworm rival tooth Smasher and so it was that Cronan was often seen pumping weight with his one scornier arm while being walked around on his golden song now all knew that it was decidedly unocky to be humble so to have himself elevated thus was completely in keeping with the expectations of his tribes and mobs the Warriors of his mighty War yet it did serve another purpose two actually the first was that any platform heavy enough to support his dong was quite large tall and wide many platforms have been tested for suitability but it had come down to not just the weight of the song itself but also the massive weight of the cunning one himself and so it was that the only receptacle worthy of his standing and robust enough to support he and his dog had been quite fun and thus his support platform had been designated as the only Bane blade heavy battle tank they had found on the planet ashamed to use it that but nothing his Mech boys could do made it run again not wanting to waste this Majestic battle tank that could otherwise have been torn to pieces for bargains and Gardens and probably ended as motorized butt scratchers or some other frippery Cronan had requisitioned it himself hence he was carried around on the backs of thousands of clots getting it up was always an issue as it gots required the use of a kind of forklift truck to get it over their heads and many many many gods have been squished under it when they had not gotten the numbers right nor used any form of poles or other thingies for them to Defuse The White to be honest before Isaac Newton had worked on the conundrum Cronan had cause for concern over the number of gods in his camp but izap had done the business all right and now the process was Far smoother all right many Goths still turned into liquidized green sludge when he ordered a stop and most of them let go leaving those directly under the Bane blade to be instantly flattened but Cronan figured these were within sustainability margins not that anyone would have put it that way but such is a Nuance of language after it is wiffy and a bit conceited to some but ridiculously parochial to others go figure Nothing in life was perfect thought Cronin but it would certainly do the second benefit other than station of course had been the fact that nobody could actually approach him if he was atop his dong atop his Beyblade and that was worth every arascrotic spending for as his power had grown he had found that not even the rule of three had done him any good anymore his people now reached from one horizon to another and Beyond and in that amount of walks there was always someone who had not a cunning or inside to be aware of the danger they put themselves in when they so much as looked at the awkward let alone attempted to mob him there was also the issue of him being perceived as being blessed by Mork and so some had wished to just touch him and that was tedious beyond belief so the beamblade was all just the right imposing size and of the right height and width to keep pretty much all but a fanatical mob of Mentalist from getting anywhere near him while in transit excellent and of course it looks spanking it did glittering in the Morning Light it was a thing to Behold a worthy conveyance for the Lord of nearly all of aqualonia but that was the rub the Crux the nagging buzzing that constantly vexed the Lord occurring for he was not the true master of all he surveyed well he was the vast majority of the time like as he had utterly dominated both land masses on aquilonia and yet there was still that clog nut that dangler that irritating posture was still remaining the last human outpost on aqualonia now over the time Cronan had become increasingly disappointed in the Vigor of the humans for nothing like this had ever happened before not in living memory at the very least and considering how atrocious Orcs were about their history even one or less Generations later anything more than a score of years before would be lost to the sands of time and yet Cronan had become most astute and he knew things that others ignored he knew that things had changed because they had done so in such a short time as his meteoric grinds to splendor he remembered those times before like how the humans but the adpr starters in specific had always been too keen on a Revenge killing spree as we have heard earlier in this Chronicle therefore Rays into orchidom to exact recompense for any Victory no matter how small had been Swift and brutal exactly as they should be and Cronan always laughed how the Ultimate Warriors of the humans were in fact far closer to his kind than their own yet he was perplexing to the utmost for none had come none had even thought of Revenge retribution retaliation he had slain Marines himself he had slaughtered an entire human Army on the open field he had crashed and burnt and butchered the humans wherever he found him he had in fact done everything in his power everything any orc could ask to be honored with a suitable response yet none came and Cronan was well sort of desolate it all felt like such a huge insult really and so it was that he had left the one major human settlement alone on purpose had crisscrossed a continent with his wife passing out on no less than three occasions now this was as close as he could get without walking over the hills that shadowed and protected the conurbation and stood there moving name were they playing at why had he left this place alone some might ask well it was a stair port or something like that his max had informed Cronan when they had first viewed the place from these huge boring great pads on the ground the humans had ships like massive trucks they explained that took them out into the stairs for this was but one word one place to be dominated and the remaining mcboys as Cronin had considered they might be taking the piss so it snapped a lot until he was certain of their sincerity had gone on to tell him that all of the lights of the night sky were in fact and reality and certainly not a sad and annoying connivance where other planets well they explained lots of things about burning gases which made him total lights in the skies around which the plants circled it was all tedious to his bodyguards and more than one preemptively assisted their Master by silencing a few of the mechs with crumpings until Cronin noticed and waved him away being Mech boy off their Gauntlet the knobs acquiesced of course but they were mostly surprised that Cronan listened to any of this cobblers sitting in his highest biggest widest most thought attracting hat Cronan was now gobsmacked the Limitless potential Cronin had known about wider orchidom for some time he knew that the great prophet of gork guys called mag urakshaka had come from elsewhere but he had never really thought about where he had come from and it now shattered his soul broke his calm removed from him or a sense of time and space security or accomplishment for he knew that this world was only the beginning now surely and so Cronan had previously left a stair Port alone as he had expected nay sisterly anticipated More Humans to arrive in an attempt to stop him as they had always done in the past always perhaps they were just late is what he told himself but now after the word came of the final surrender of the last Hive in the northern continent to grenade a backstabber who had been sent up there as it was Bloody cold I mean really nasty cold like you wake up in the morning and find their squigs and grouts trying to snuggle into your poo pouch just to escape the bitterness of it all angana did indeed grin too much perhaps the cold would wipe the smirk of his face it was the meanest and most miserable of Duties hence cronad had said cleaner he had let him live had allowed him to be a big boss in the war still but Cronan had not forgotten his base treachery hence pong duties and tasks were always mattered out to him first alas when they had spoken on a new thingy the DeMent boys had dreamed up allowing books to see each other as they're standing in the same room there was grinner it seemed that the cold had Frozen that annoying Green in place all that different was a chattering of the teeth and the icicles on his snarls all of that aside the plain fact was that they simply were not biting the humans were not arriving as they should not as they had before and it was high time the Crone and echo of youthful dreams he was a leader of awar a prophet at the great God Mork he had to be a realist now he could not wait around and that he had to take this last Bastille of resistance and and he did not quite know what at the time all he knew for certain was he had to complete a job he had to take all of ecolonia so the next day he would enact his first reconnaissance in force to get a better look at a human stair port and so it was the Cronin stoled from his tent the next mourn ready for the activities of the day though he was in the very center of the city just north of the stair Port he ordered his tribal tent to be put up in the grandest hall he didn't like the humid beds and their intrusive sheets he found it uncomfortable and well to be frank but no less Earnest a bit unlucky really his guard jumped from their slump talk recurring positions as he arrived and it was like listening to a particularly enthusiastic piston Factory as they make alarm a word into place Cronan had the doors opened immediately as he stood feet wide apart shoulders back hands on hips and a powerful stance that Proclaim to all from highest to lowest from old new oras to Fresh youth come and get some if you think you're hard enough the palatial portals were drawn back and Cronan glared at the entryway the thin and long Corridor that led to his quarters that he could see down it seemed to go on forever and as per the previous owners ruled which crown and light intensely none could start to walk down this long Corridor until the doors were opened on his end protocol now Cronan had never liked it before never understand epoxy way the humans thought that they could not only Lord it over other races but even their own people but Cronan had spent his time in the trenches pressing the flash meeting and greeting without eating he had made his presence known in the war they were his now yet now he understood it was not for the person living there it was for the others if Cronen looked great then they who followed him would feel Pride also not just in him but in themselves that they merely followed an or so successor so Canon and yet so quintessentially okay hence he ordered the removal of the busts that had previously been on the plinths in the sconces every three Paces down that long corridor and had them replaced with his own image to magnify his greatness and if someone was annoying or even likely to annoy he would bid them to perform the right of kissing sidebar the corridor of bats now the day that a cunning one had taken this particular stronghold he had seen it immediately he had understood and the ideas that attacked is now receptive Noggin went into overdrive when he summoned mad duck kunkelstein hypocrates who of course brought happy Len and Big Mac eisap newtone they were a Gog at his suggestions well more sharing of a dream really their eyes had glazed as he had bespoke in his mind had passed on his vision now some might say that the proposal elicited the kind of vacant stare one gives a person with authority when they have just verbally shot themselves in everyone's presence and in such a way with such an intensity so as referrals to specialist services are made to instant anyone can feasibly escape their presence but of course this would not be the case in this instance they were all just mind-blasted by the sheer avant-garde Brilliance of their War bars he was he was a Renaissance orc the proof was this hence I'd come before of course his invention of origami orkigami the Canon mobile a consultations he was Omni talented omni-inspired he was indeed the chosen one this was definitely it most certainly not the thing I said before no not that this the good one thus they prepared this dazzling feat of bio-organic and Architectural perfection in the one day Len was particularly helpful in this regard who would guess that Linda grott would know so much about bottom bile thingies the corridor was completed and set up before the morning question and there it was every third piece of Prince and on that Prince the image of their lord A Perfect cast a likeness um like no other but not a bust of his head and face for all could see that daily he wanted to be close to his people to those who got this far surely they should know their leader better hence they had to look at the many forms of his buttocks as they strolled of course the specialist he had employed on this work of art had made it biologically exact and honor of honors had failed each set with much captured methane from the Canon one himself they would be filled with his essence of cunning some gagged on the gases not prepared for the power of the current one but all understood by the tort and relaxed orbs that they were going to meet an orc who could quite literally clench their heads off sidebar over today Cronan only had Greener performed the right of kissing and that he was a bit later than the rest as he stopped at every prince to show his loyalty and grinner's hair Squig was also a lot more Windswept than usual when he arrived amongst the rest of them isap Newton hypocrates an even blunt heard side splitter was invited they stood and were talking through the potentials of a Shifty around the human defenses where a massive orb of pure and adulterated dental Fury came careening down the corridor of butts the green skins present did not miss a beat and actually sighed in with a leaf as Cronan strolled to the door his arms thrown out bellowing a deep belly laugh for surely there had been deep concern of late for cronin's pet had not been seen in days and if he had not returned none might have survived a Wrath of the cunning one and so it was the tittles came bounding towards his master he leapt into his arms as Conan was bowled backwards by the Monstrous Squig it had knocked over every button that Corridor but Cronan was so elated to see his pet the nun dare mention it the two rolled around on the floor in a horrific display of sheer power Squig was huge and seemed even more bitey than before which was really saying something and afraid he looked so fast the snaps coming from it could easily take off a torso um well that's all the limbs and feet and head and stuff of anyone it actually hit yet Cronin was laughing all the while as he dodged it and punched it on the snout a few times the thing backed off and sat smiling at its Master now that the pet was sure it was indeed Cronan for it was true Cronan was even larger than when nut crunch sorry tittles had left and tiddles then opened his mouth to his master and let out his long tongue he had brought a gift and what a gift it was Cronan looked on in awe as he reached out and picked up the present tiddle's tongue then retracted as he wanked bodily in front of Cronan who did indeed pet him well but his eyes never left the gift and nor did anyone else's in the room for it was a thing so rare so valuable not for itself but for what it meant and all looked on at tiddles in Wonder for Cronan now held a leg a large human leg when it was covered in power armor titles had bought cronand a leg of all in the room now laughed maniacally fully without restraint they had been bought a thing to elicit unfettered Joy from all present for this was proof they would get to fight the emperor's own angles of death their dippy are starters the Space Marines when all the others had gone given their orders to prepare Cronan went to his humitec his data slate what he called his menu for he could not wait until the mourn he wanted to rush there right now to see them identify them confirm it and then to charge the Marines full-on but he could not he had to take this seriously for these were not Orcs these were not Sly like table or two Smasher these are not even the standard explanatory difference forces or something like that no no these were the best in the first instance Cronan had told himself not to get his hopes up as it could be the smaller Marines with the pointy noses starter level stuff really and he felt he deserved more but the signs of the leg itself was enough he had sought it so small as not to be the proper Marines but then someone else had held it and he realized it was actually quite massive well for humans anyway it was just that he and nutcrunch sorry tittles had become so robust and colossal in Dimensions it could be nothing but an adipi are starter and so he skipped the anal mini tantrum and went straight to their entries on his data side which ones were they which he had to know was it the crime some tryst who according to reports thought they were quite tasty against Orcs nice one he looked forward to testing their assertions how so very much was it the ultra marinade which always made Conan think of cooking a disgusting habit the humans performed dousing their dinner hours before eating it how on aquilonia did they have time to plan this far ahead with their lies this boring the spaced Falls or something like that they looked doggy but they had some amazing Choppers and had even been advised by gazool as being premium tier Marines where they have the collecting indeed the blank tipplers who had an eternal Caster or something like that he wondered if they had ever had problems with the desert Raiders despite the silliness Cronan wanted a crack at these ones they all seem to have Choppers a good sign that hiding and Dhaka were not the main event with damn it at the very least and of course the blood Bangles they looked more Eldar than orky if truth be told but perhaps it was just a pics in this report he hoped anyways he didn't like the idea of Elder Marines it didn't seem right somehow they already had the pointy nose ones they didn't need more thought he the silly man Bears seemed appropriately named they were larger again and of course they wore the color of wire Green Oh yes they did he would be proud to crush them mankind they would bring lots of metal boxes but they did look like they were up for a strap at the very least even God seem to just sneak ERS sneak out in their own castles like cowardly Commandos or something well so it seemed anyway the Dork angers seemed right up there with a blank tippler's choppy heavy perfect but they too wore the color of wire to be treated with respect a good fight it would be Cronan hoped the list went on the tight consoles the angers of dark Nation the angers are furry that angers her million the Austell bras the average Sons the heritans the cholesterol Lions the Dank crack owns and the sexecutioners so so many to read up on Cronen eventually skipped to his favorite bit and then got on with the day he had a lot to put in place and he trusted his bosses as far as he could punt a Giant Squig off in mega armor well he tested them to be loyal he trusted them to do as he told them to do but it was their ability to understand their instructions he now constantly queried but to his surprise the day went as well as any day can well when it doesn't involve a huge kicking being dished out at the very least even so all thou seemed in place and he was ready tomorrow would be fun but he knew deep down it would not be the best of days not yet that would be the day of the big scrap and so it was that the day arrived and Cronan looked on as a reconnaissance in force took place and he was ready from his vantage point over the entire Vista he could see all could hear all could witness the ways of war that we use that day he looked down on the fortifications around this stair port he had seen them before of course but paid little heed back then for the reasons explained already but I shall repeat these as I do tend to Waffle on inanely so I would not be surprised if you have not caught it in the midst of my verbal tryst with your ears in basic he left the stair Port alone as he had expected the humans to bring more troops better troops more worthy of a scrap they're done now to push on that's Cronin now sat cross-legged in the highest peak his own guard about 100 meters below him as they could not make it up as high due to their Mega armor making the hand and foothold somewhat less Dependable than usual now of course Cronan was new buyer and did not wear his armor what would be the point of guards if he had to perpetually festoon himself with his best armor no point at all and anyway even without his armor they all knew he could take out anyone in megalama as he had most definitely and finally proven in his Jewel with tooth Smasher and so it began the valley mouth filled with a carpet of tiny green beings that screeched as they moved forward covering the entire plane before the human City and it was running at full Pelt towards said defenses got a vegetable sea of them the hard points of the curtain wall were elevated nicely and their darker was absolutely prolific waves of it crashed into the onward rushing diminutive greenskin horned blowing entire Columns of ranks of them to Pieces as they charged sidebar grot motivation 101. now one might think that the normally cowardly and rather ineffective grott's wood by simple Dent of their numbers have tried to Rebel again in the face of sudden death throw in all of the history of aqualonia only Conan had taken a humid City the mass charge had always failed previously always something that the rant herds and youths had taunted the gross with over the day proceeding and yet Cronan was a leader unlike any the Orcs had ever known for he truly understood them the grotz he had spent so much time with the herds had an intimate knowledge of the little wretches both inside and out well mostly their innards if we can be candid for in his early days of origami many many a great had split or exploded on him yet he had persevered and pushed through these minor hurdles but more than this he had witnessed the discussions of the Run turds all those moons ago and his cunning mind had absorbed so much like osmo sticky that he was able to recall almost all at the top of a hat which was quite prophetic really as most Orcs now took off and threw away their headgear whenever Cronan Hove into view none truly understood why but Cronan did indeed detest others wearing headgear of any sort at least of all hats from the humans but I digress hence Cronan was able to Fathom what motivated the grot more than any leader had ever done in all the history of orchidom on aquilonia and it was difficult to compromise for an orc of his caliber for it hinged on a trait an emotion that he had so little experience with fear it ran through the cross like a like a like a particularly nasty drink that always comes out of your bottom too quickly the grots were just about cunning enough to know when they were onto a loser barely anything else but this they could get so to put it so Cronan would have to motivate them and so it was the Cronin had indeed invited sign splitter they had rant herd to his previous meeting and it was with a tear of gratitude a sheer joy that the herd took his message unto his brethren side splitter had gathered all the Run hoods together to inform them all in one go behind closed doors so we did not get out too early because everyone hated it when A really lovely event was ruined by spoilers and when they all heard of the planned event there too were tears of joy unabashed outpourings of overwhelming gratitude to the cunning one it had been such a long time none believed it would occur again to have it not only permissible but a phenomenal display a virtual Battle of ability Lord is throughout the entire Camp the entire War this was a thing of wonder the morn had broken hours ago that is when the event had begun for Cronin had decreed that all of the Gods in the camp be rounded up and placed in an area to witness the contest for cronenda Cannon had declared that a full-on competition of colossal scale was to occur a contest of origami and so it was that the rent herds had a hundred tables arranged and walked the lines to make sure no unfair practices or governs were being employed like Choppers or Goose start for the art of origami in its purest form had to be the use of the grot naked and natural that's the biggest Enthusiast were gathered and encouraged to perform their trade even some amateurs were given a table to attempt to reach the heady Heights of contest winner to show the beauty of that art and so it was that the grass looked on in utter bowel liquefying Terror as they were subjected to this display and as one they understood the implicit message Cronan was giving them with this Carnival of barbarism it was simple enough for even they when it was that anything the humans do to them was as nothing compared to what was in store if they crossed the cunning one and thus they would charge Alliance all right here and is the lesson no matter how yucky sidebar over the darker sighs into the grots leaving chunks of them everywhere saying scores with the one rattling discharge and then it began the sounds of the grass the explosions the screeching the high point so much like his old sanctum sanctorum is Axis Mundi Cronan clonan observed and began to to think now cronoun found the projection of his presence into the perspective of the human's vile but it could be useful most importantly because they are starters weren't really humans not really their big boss this Emperor must have mixed them with the sons of war the great green skins they thought and fought much more like the Orcs Cronan knew this and yet their hats they were the key their Cannon was so powerful in them that the boss Marines these cat pains had Shields of pure thinking and he now knew that this was a Wellspring of Canon man yet again Cronan knew all too well that this Emperor was only a babe in arms was a puny God Mork was mightier and cunning and the gods did help they held him on his way the curtain wall of prodigious height the darker the large areas of boring Gray Rock Creek that held some of the human battle wagons of the stairs and he thought so if there were Marines here surely they had to come from somewhere so they would have a wagon in the Deep void above the planet to take the city he would need to crack the walls to crack the walls he would need to destroy the batteries to kill the batteries would be near impossible as their range was too great far greater than his own big guns and to take the space battle wagon would require another space wagon so he would need to take the stair port and NAB one at least to take him up there but the battle wagon above would pour fire into them as they took the city and that is when he saw it this all of this it was the riddle of the boxes all over again just with more boxes he thought back to that first of all of his conjugations his very first moment event practice of the dread Arthur thinking and he sneered as he stood the God's still exploding as he raised his mighty arms to the sky and gave thanks unto Mork for he need not sink again not on this world for Conan dick cunning the war boss of the cunning War he would do exactly the same thing he he did to beat the riddle of the boxes the first time just on a far larger scale now Cronin did not of course just use the one method of spotting for he wished to gain a more holistic picture of the entire battle sphere Cronan would never have put it that way of course as he was not a fop but the general Point still stands does it was that while the grots were being exterminated wholesale on the ground there was the one craft playing the skies above the Full Assault for Dhaka Von smash Hoven was the only orc he could trust with this level of task and so it was that the uncannily skilled and restrained orc had swept across the skies above the stair port and taken more than a few picks as he had been instructed and when DACA returned Cronan had a very tidy amount of clear picked to view the defenses as Cronin perused them he knew with the certainty of a Tau gun line being struck by an assault formation that this battle would be an R to bloodbath well if he played his cards right he also knew the exact tribe and culture of the Space Marines in the midst of the defenses for they wore red and yellow in quarters they had to be the growling hifons their salt would indeed be a pageant of Slaughter and so it was that Conan began his preparations in Earnest or was that Frank who knows and dares to dream but back to the tales of high adventure Cronan had given his instructions to eyes up newtone and his other big bosses but some were less enthusiastic about the dictats if troops be told for much work needed to be done for cronan's actual plan to take shape and lead to his boot being planted into a rump of the Marines so knowing that the Marines inside would need a hearty distraction or else they might sachet out to cause trouble Cronan gave them something to worry about each and every day of his preparations which weren't many to be fair of course he knew that the Marines would be fortifying their positions further with every passing second but needs must when the squiggoth charges as they say or at least they did these days as Conan attempt to make this little ditty intensely popular how one might ask well by instituting the rule of three if anyone did not state it in every conversation at least once not that he got his guards to inform people before they even process down the corridor of butt well he did but dissemination are such Concepts is not particularly effective with knobs involved so it really did take some doing meaning a lot of crumpings in the Days running up to the assault but then Crone anted indeed need to raise his fightiness and his conveyance his dong Atop The now trackless Beyblade had actually diminished his proximity to the annoying hence his need to crump had been similarly then diminished and so the new rules and crumpings helped out a lot actually especially with his left arm that was now almost as meaty as his own right arm moving on the boys did not really understand why they were being asked to throw themselves at the walls every day but being truly orky Ox they did not mind in the slightest in fact on one day it seemed that the assault might actually get past the wars but this was gratifyingly rebuffed by the intervention of some of those wonderful adepi starters especially too much slathering from Cronan the intervention of a tiny amount of the noble Marines the preminers they had been hiding them from cronan's wad scene now some might bemoan the loss of life but not Cronan for he knew that the mobs that survived well the few boys that had come through The Fray would be stiffened up quite nicely and the frustration of not making it over the walls would make their rage on Fury unto gork's own when the day of the real Attack began and in reality he had boys to spare at the present Cronan was staggered when he saw the lines of them still arriving every day from tribes and crimes he had never even heard of all across aquilonia still they came his mind swam at the possibilities yet how to use them if the humans were all gone he signed truly when this last Bastille was ravished as it should be then what on aquilona would he do with all these moms a trouble for another time he had sworn that he would not need to think again until after he was King and so he stuck to his word it would certainly keep Cronan never once used his back lesion in these assaults not because he was saving them from the Carnage because that would have been astonishingly spiteful to awk so loyal but he needed every last one of them for his plan to work to its best and Cronan did not want to take any risks this time he needed to mark his Pathway to glory to make the emperor of the umiz take stock so he would then send progressively more potent and fighty Warriors at Cronan one cannot expect to make it all the way to the gold ones without working for it after all he would have to take the head of the ringing cat pain their boss or it all might be for nothing well that was putting it strongly for a good fight is its own reward but he unlike so many in orchidom was aiming much higher his goals far outstripped out of any Orchid ever known except perhaps the prophet of gork gaskall hence was all finally in place all perfectly aligned the moment had come and Cronin could scarce control his excitement the riddle of the boxes was about to be concluded to his Advantage yet again true there were more boxes to this conundrum but in its essence was the same so if Mork was right the first time and he surely was then if it ain't broke don't fix it Cronan Laird his finest most toothy layer as he rose on that blessed mourn foreign Falcon strike Crews over the emperor's own angles of death had a rather eventful morning now it wasn't immediately apparent that they were lacks for nothing could be further from the truth there had been raids and coal missions on a regular basis storm Ravens and storm Talons had been on near Perpetual sorties into the atmosphere smashing the huge collections of green skins that have not yet arrived at their constant master and squads have been used to hem them in and butcher them all but the main body was left alone and seemed utterly oblivious to what was going on because the Marines wanted them all in one place under the targeting crosses of their incredibly well worked out defenses PlanetSide and that is when the ship would unleash hell and make sure there was nowhere for the green skins to go for they were scum in the eyes of the emperor few Marines were actually present on board so nobody actually thought to buzzer them with bundle Oddities and so it was to the flashing light would first ignored they did not seem to be direct weapons of any sort they were so harmless they're not even the proximity or targeting sensors gave off any warning before they bloomed in the darkness of the Void yet as they seem to be getting closer the deck officer advised to summon the Bridge officers to active duty they had been in some form of long and roughly discourse sitting like a clutch of hands is what some might say but more acute and astute Minds would understand that the meeting had been thorough the Marines did not wish to merely win a battle for that they all knew would just mean that the Orcs would scatter back to their old grounds they would return to their Turf and be Dash difficult to Winkle out Mars had always been the case on this world on a Colonia and pity as a human is adored that plant had been rather a lovely little edel with an incredibly long and Rich history also when the green skins had been leaderless they had been easily handled coal to levels where they were a nuisance but not a threat now could believe that in such a short few years the entire orb had been taken by an orc clustering when the Bridge officers arrived they took stock and without a second wasted they gave new directions ordered the light bursts to be analyzed or spec scanner's word and the regions were bought into far clearer picture and this is when the most experienced man owners looked on a Gong for in the midst of where the lights have burst there seemed to be small things floating there another burst of light from the Portland starboard and one above all seem miles away from the ship still yet much closer so the new regions were enhanced again and the mild Amusement was now replaced with stock staring Terror for in the blast areas of these lights they were indeed floating things they were Orcs And they were getting closer the captain of The Vessel barked it all around to heave too and powered up and raised the void Shield all of the engines snapped too and did as instructed but it was not enough just as a ship was about to fire its engines the bursts of light were no longer discernible for a second some thought they might have stopped but the older hands worked even faster they knew and it was these who did not jump when the alarms went off the rookies practically escaped their skin all looked at the lights and winced at the klaxons they were used to them but not expecting them not here not about this dirt globe because they had been boarded on Mass on a Colonia Cronan looked on impatiently as eyes at newtone was using a strange contraption that covered one eye with a huge well a huge type of horn or something like a hollow spear odd it had gas at one end and the other yet as he looked up he would nudge his instruments a tiny bit here or there getting his grot to nudge others and finally he turned and gave the signal he waved at Cronan man where is that the endlessly heard it got some mobs were permitted to run away from the pads as Conan marched forward with a full battle mob of his guard his Elite his black lesion near half of them in fact and that was a lot these days onto the pads they stomped and when the entire thing was full off they went Cronan leared at his boys plus his main Entourage for he had bought mad at krunkelstein and get squisher mcmurder with him and so Cronan laughed along with his boys as a teleporter pad fired up and activated now being thrown through a teleporter pad is much akin to the use of a shark attack gun Fred punches a hole through the warp itself and sends things rushing through just on a much larger scale thus Cronan was able to defeat the riddle indeed exactly as he had done the first time when he had told isap of his plan to ask if it was possible the big Mech had not even needed to sink for a second before he was nodding like a maniac cleaning from ear to ear which as you can imagine was quite a meatier wide grin and so it was that Cronin and his Entourage appeared on the Azure Falcon right on the bridge lucky for them less lucky for the bridge Crow for Cronan or any of his boys were in the mood to be patient or tactful in fact they were rather rushed about the entire Affair I mean it's not often that an orca gets to really get a drop on a human Force let alone invade a strike Cruiser but after intramitable days of inactivity watching all the other boys trying their hand at the city even if they failed they had at least had a day of fun and frogs in the trenches amidst a shot and explosions ah happy days to any green skin worth his sought orki was the start of Cannon hitting lines either being magnificent of course for who didn't love a good scrap only weeping out our unwailing humans actually required to win they just didn't seem to get it it was all about the taking part really so the black lesion rampaged through the humies as if they were an inexhaustible Supply it was after only one minute of Mega armored stomping chopping slicing hammer smashing and Claw crunching and the humies had all been used up the legion was still arriving all over the ship well most of them were there will always be a few sets left to float about and cool their heels if I zap Mr Cruiser but generally he was accurate enough hence within only 10 minutes there are about 5 000 Mega knobs on board now Cronan was as enthusiastic as anyone else to get right into the sick of it but alas he would have to coordinate huh the trials of being a boss he sent his Legion under mcmurder to take the most important segments with a marine still existed which wasn't many by then a squad in the hangar Bay were really putting up a sterling defense though Cronin was proud of them of course another Enclave of resistance in the engine room but everywhere else was dwindling fast the reason where of course ordered to clear the lower decks many had flamers and a real need for heat about them so they moved stuff down into the dark regions with a scroll near humans were the charter Smurfs or something like that in any case there would be no issue now Conan had brought with him some minor Max and the studies of isab and they were already using odd beeping chain lines and muggins pushing them into the metal stands of the humies the Orcs were somehow trying to take over the ship itself at one point they heard it begin to say things chirping in the annoying human language about destructing something called a self whatever that was but the next moment I zap himself and arrive emptied the contents of his stomach over another Mech then wiped his mouth heard the repeated warning and spent it to the controls using the wires and other muggins the Lesser makes it attached he launched two of them out of the way and began to push buttons as if we were playing whack-a-mole and with a passion and energy one might only finding someone attempting to stop their feet being eaten by a mad pack of squigs and he rested when the computer stopped talking and then returned to his activity at a much slower rate now all of this happened so fast that it might appear that there was practically no resistance and that would be a total error to say for the growling hiffons had put up a real fight in many a segment the play guard Elite Squad led by Marconi Milan had raced to the Apothecary almost instantly there the three veterans had held the line and slaughtered over three score boys from the initial waves and then engage in a never-ending set of duels as they held one doorway each and the mega rubber knobs could come only one at a time yet even after most areas have been clogged with green skin dead mcmurder had arrived and taken the tired Marines to Pieces allowing others to get inside to cut down the other two veteran R starters from behind all told the Marines had slain a further 30 Oak knobs brother castanized the librarian was reported to have attempted to literally cut his way to the bridge he had used warped powers of his order to blind or even burst Orcs in front of him his four sword carved through a veritable stack of volts also but when he met with man at kunkelstein he was just no match for the orky weird boy for the wire energy was flowing through him and the Liberian was also fatigued so the contest was short and final but murder then proceeded to the hangar to finish off all last resistance but all he saw was a single storm Raven flying out of the hangar toward the atmosphere of aqualonia they had gone to warn their cat pain but before they had done all of this the Marines had trapped and neutralized near every form of Transport or weapon in the hangar many Orcs exploded while parting or playing with the muggins that they are left behind and soon it was apparent the Crone and second stage of the plan might not happen at all also most thought all they saw was no flying thingies and no way for duck off on smashoven to come up and get them nor any way to teleport down for there was no teleporter here and isab had come up to the wagon of the Stars so he could not assist from the ground and use a teleporters he had most believed it would take new tone at least a day to recreate a pad to get them down probably much more but they had not factored for the cunted one oh no they had not for when Cronin had organized the forces that would remain on this stair wagon he then went down to the hangar himself for the mobs Left Behind were to be very busy indeed and Cronan wanted izap on the bridge making sure all went to plan his divinely inspired plan could not fail well it was highly likely to actually but Cronen was like a mariner of Legend his firm and Meaty huge and heavy hand on the tail of the entire War and so it was that Cronin got to the hangar with magnet and knew exactly what to do for it wasn't actually important for many of his knobs to get down to aquilonia realistically he alone needed to be there to challenge and slay the leader of the AR starters the cat pain for reasons noted previously that's the cronana Spy the tear drop shaped thingies in their hangers and because of his data slate he knew exactly what they were they were poop piles this ship could send them down to the surface at an incredible Speed without a second thought cronad had his closest knobs bring some out and the mechs were kicked until they opened them more wires more mechs being burnt or shocked so their blackened bodies gave off an incredibly burnt mushroomy whiff across the entire ship yet they managed it and a full half dozen poop pods were prepared it was twice Conan's favorite number so it seemed Mork himself was smiling on their escapades this day Conan was quite large as we know so only he gitsukusha mcmurder and magnet could fit into the pod the doors were then pushed into place again by Megan arms and they were winched into place without further Ado Conan was plummeting through the skies towards a stair Port well he hoped he was the margin for error was quite extraordinary is what any passing Layman might think but when one is divinely inspired as not only Cronen but all of his wah were extending he went to the weird boys like Isaac it made near all things possible for their God Mork was indeed on their side and so the sixth tier-shaped poop ponds were um well pooped out of the cruiser towards the planet they hurtled down a magnet made a toe of Mork green spectral energies swirling around in the cabin as they collided downward and through the toenail as he had done before Cronan watched avidly at the activity occurring below his plan was working the steer ship itself turned on its access and its waste Batteries Now opened up at the port it shot down as the knobs had manually loaded and fired the huge deck of cannons on board fire to the left of them fire to the right of them the ship was unleashing only a small fraction of its full complement as many a heavy Dhaka can unexpoded or fired madly wide but those that came down were realistically aimed by isab and so it was the Conan could see the shots missing his poop barely but taking out one of the group headed down but the war was in full swing battle wagons and trucks literally approached to the port fire billowing from the walls from whirlwinds and thunder fire cannons as a marine slaughtered entire ways of good Orcs as they charged yet they were getting closer the fire from the captured ship came down any one moment half of the batteries on the crenellations and caused Mass confusion amongst the normal humans trying to put up a fight the red and yellow Marines Dove from explosions still firing down at the oncoming green tide they were so accurate so powerful heads and limbs were being torn off Orcs as they came in Cronan wished a weep from the beauty of it all is what some literature would have stated this was not true of course but his eyes were like saucers as he took in all that was occurring he and mcmurder both jeweled as they witnessed the Carnage below but Cronan also had a special twinkle in his eye a look of almost fatherly Pride as he saw the combined power of a squigoth charge come barreling into the walls tearing them down just as he had done one of those moons ago life was a great cycle of death and birth bogey flicking leading to Choppers and Shooters leading to crumpings and then ultimately to being Big Boss Conan could see the circle of strife and he knew his place in it as a provocateur and it felt wonderful but what didn't feel wonderful was all the waiting he could see the bouncy Marines some with long guns some with short ones somewhere Choppers they bounced around the stair Port now trying to take down as many knobs and mobs as they could the Marines had expected the walls to fall it seemed for they had many many fall back positions and barricades in concentric circles within the pot they would unleash their pinpoint accurate Dhaka into his boys then fall back so few of them had actually been ganked by his War the Conan laughed this would take ages other leaders might have thought this a bit out of place callus or even careless yet to make murder at mad nut also giggled or titted along so he felt proper orky again for nothing filled the heart of an orc more than the sight of a good scrap well apart from being in said scrap and that was about to occur the last thing that the three saw in the huge green spectral toenail was a real Attack now coming in for darker Von smash Hoven came streaking out of the Skies with his mighty Winds of War and they filled the heirs like Lucas they swept down and were wreaking havoc on the human Defenders no small number of Marines were also caught out while retreating and of course there would always be some of the Winds of War who were just too excited firing that they forgot to pull up and so it was that the poop pods had plenty of competition as Targets in the sky so they all hit down well almost or so this heralded the other half of the black Lucian arriving at the starport and their ranks were Unstoppable when the last Squig off had been brought down the lesions simply charged and the Defenders across a huge front now to say that Landing in a poop party is usually rather ouchy there's a bit of an understatement and when they did indeed decelerate Cronan was actually glad he had not brought titles along because he would have become pate the only way that man not had escaped becoming a smear was his prodigious green energy bubble around him and also the entire Poop part mad had attempted to use his powers to defray as much of the impact as he could but mcmurder and Cronan both had a rude awakening as a thrusters fired now only months ago both probably would have been shattered like the dreams of an Eldar dancer when they had been told that francey twirling had fallen out of favor the force of it was so much but Cronan had grown had become far more dense and robust than before and as he had grown so had his boys of course the better armor that both wore also might have felt a bit just just a tiny bit but now they were down the weird boy let go of his control and a pod dropped to the floor two foot now orky magic is quite powerful but rather unstable so the green hand holding a pod had crushed most of it so the three inside were a lot closer and palliative than usual when the hand let go the ball then had all of its ramp exposes go off at once filling the entire cabin with ricocheting shrapnel but only two doors went down well burst off is probably the better way of putting it I guess and at three then burst from it like a Triad of wrath from a dried plume overhead The Winds of War were dog fighting with a few Marine Fighters they fought well but they had no hope of controlling the skies all around them Cronan could hear the dean of battle the Sweet Symphony of Slaughter he looked around and saw two more Paws smashed into the ground nearby but alas nothing came out of them a Pity but then that just meant more rampant ass starters for him and Conan could hear the loudest concentrations of Darker so he mcmurder and magnet all rushed into The Fray the Marines had fought like Titans the Conan one had to walk over entire carpets of greenskins as he headed onward he had no doubt that had he not taken out a stair wagon not smashed the wall from one high none of his mobs would have gotten this far no matter how plentiful they were Cronan turned a corner and near walked into a small group of explanatory deference forces he and mcmurda roared as they butchered 200 of them his Chopper raising and falling raising and falling cutting sways of them in half in a single swing silly humans mcmurda was stomping the heck out of them and slipping off limbs with his claws mad not harbored his strength as he knew these were no threat to the bosses when they could not catch up to the last fleeing humies they pelted it down another Alleyway attempting to get to the very heart of the scrap and within moments there it was and there he was the central stairs up to the massive building which was now burning from anywhere over the third floor Dhaka Jets jutted from it and Bomb Blast and blackened it so that only tiny slithers of the alabaster Wars remained untarnished and the foot of the stairs was a Circle of Death red and yellow colored Marines all stood behind makeshift defenses and snapped shots out of their oncoming waves of cronan's mobs yet standing dead center right at the top of the stairs not hiding not stoking but feet far apart shoulders back the cat pain stood Conan recognized their start of course he used it so often himself the come on if you think you're hard enough starts luckily Cronen did indeed think himself hard enough as he bellowed and launched himself into the air mcmurda matched then outpaced the knobs rushing in so he slammed into the Marines right at the tip of a spear of huge power armored Warriors the collusion Cronan landed but 20 Paces from the boss of dark Humes and it was most definitely on but this was not like his battle with Tuffy oh no ah totally different for the Marine cat pain did not mince about or engage in posing oh no he came at Cronan instantly and near took his head off with a first Sally the Marine powered forward faster than Corona had expected lunging with his sword to impale the cunning one Cronan stepped sideways and brought his own chopper down like lightning but with a power totally unexpected for such a shorty even if he were a marine the cat Fame blocked a blow and let it slide down his power sword into the floor then uppercut Cronan with a power fist Cronan felt his door shatter and lights burst behind his eyes he felt himself flying up and then plummeting down as he blinked all he could see was dancing wagging squigs for the moment then he shook his head and cleared them he rose much to the surprise of the cat Pain by the look on his eyebrows raising to meet the back of his neck Cronan sniffed hawked and spat a Cascade of teeth larger than most boys life savings came out of his Garb but he then growled and attacked the cat pain was quick skillful strong and experienced but he was no proper orc after a hundred blows were exchanged in mere seconds Cronan saw his chance he dropped his Choppers and grabbed the forearms at the cafe Conan's hands were so meaty that they encased even the power gauntlet the campaign pushed crackling power down his arm and Conan could feel the Flesh on his borrowed runtier arms sizzle the pain was just about right thought he as he reveled in this last moment for he did not let go and with the other hand he began to move the campaign's arm backwards you're also crackling sword the blade solely moving millimeter by millimeter toward the Marine's face the cat pain was stoic and Resolute his eyes make cronans as he tried again and again to reposition to slide his arm or rest or to release more power from his gauntlet yet the cunning one just smirked as he reacted and never let go never tripped never stop blaring as he then forced the sword into the cat Pain's head the human was tough real tough he did not wince he did not scream he did a crumble or beg he simply glared back a Cronan as his head was cut into and his flesh burnt away only when both of his arms lost all of their resistance did Cronan know he had finally gone had finally died Cronan then turned and hefted the cat pain above his head and screamed his most orky scream the Marines that were left were in no position to turn to look but they knew their lord their cat pain was dead and thus so too were they and within only a minute more mcmurder and the hundreds of meganobs had made this a reality no bouncy Marines were left no flying Marines nothing Cronin had done it he had done it Cronan was now king of all of aquilonia Crona and sat atop his golden chair his thong amidst the largest audience Hall in the stair port and atop his head was the jeweled crown of aquilonia he had something was wrong something tasted like ashes that nagging buzzing idea raised its ugly rump and exhaled into his face it had all been too easy where were the rest of them the Marines never ran where was Vengeance where was Justice and then he slowly rolls his eyes widening his jaw dropping but he had to be certain he had to be Crone and bound down the corridor at such a pelt that tittle's bear woke before he was at his destination Cronan accosted the remaining exhausted Max raised hell until his needs were met he had the other no Watts from the port and the space wagon sent to his data slate and then he studied it for days his doors remain closed Tittle is deterring anyone entering and he looked and he looked again until he confirmed it he knew he was certain now [Music] he hide been cheated he staggered his arms barely taking his weight as he fell forward sending the contents of the table across the floor his heart echoed in his ears like a million drums drums that got closer and louder as he panted see everything it swam before him it's Siege changing it darkened as he felt his veins pulse like they were filled with squid sharks he could barely contain had all been there in front of him had been a fool he had crushed and slain the emperor's angles of death he had crushed the emperor's weeding people in battle he had raised every city of every one of their times and Clans he had gathered the green skin tribes and openly made War yet they not come and now he knew why because they were elsewhere the other are starters the blisters of battle the breast crop of Craig the catty fans the marinaders the black tipplers The Bangles perhaps even the gold ones his dreams he had been cheated and Crona knew they they were they were at a bigger fight the rage the Wrath denied the drums in his ears they heard him now everything was green his body shuddered he felt every step burn his skin contracted the desk beneath him shattered everything was Green the color of Rage color of and he threw back his head opened his mouth opened his mind opened his very soul and out it came a scream that was Amplified by every voice that heard it and then emulated and augmented it a ripple across as it traveled across aquilonia foreign into the depths of the Void [Music] to be continued well of course it is
Channel: Baldermort's Guide to Warhammer
Views: 49,564
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Warhammer 40000, 40K LORE, wARHAMMER 40L Lore, Ork Lore, Warhammer Ork Lore, Ork lore 40k, Kronan, Kronan Da kunnin, Kronan the King, LEGEND OF KRONAN - KRONAN DA KING, Legend of Kronan, Warhammer comedy, 40K audiodrama, 40K audiobook, Greenskin lore, Greenskin stories, Ork stories, Howling griffons, Baldemort, Baltimore, Baldermort, Guides to warhammer, Waargh, Ork Waaargh, ABUNDANCE TERTIUS, LEGEND OF KRONAN, Conan comedy, Conan Ork comedy, Ork battles, Choppa, Squig, Tiddles
Id: rHLv6OqtPGQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 82min 59sec (4979 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 30 2022
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