Embarrassing Stories

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we shut the door please evening finally we're alone what is up my my beautiful beautiful people it is me for some reason I feel like just get a little nervous I got this idea for my beautiful sweet daughter Emma Chamberlin she did this a while ago and I thought it was extremely entertaining and then I was like what's a better way to teach you guys about me then to tell you some embarrassing stories about my past so we can all laugh about it and just kind of accept the fact that I'm embarrassing I've written them down just a little side note some of this stuff might not be that embarrassing but it's still stuff that's ingrained in my memory is just so embarrassing and then don't even get me started you know what I hate I hate when people are like oh my god your cheeks are so red yeah I know I feeI just I can feel them burning I'm clearly already embarrassed please don't tell me my cheeks are in because it just makes it worse but they do in red just pretty much all the time something I'm working on it's something that's happened for my whole life so whatever they're probably just gonna be read this entire time but it's okay okay so a little backstory about me I went to a private school from kindergarten to 12th grade but kindergarten to eighth was with basically the same 35 kids the whole time so we really got to know each other you know I remember a few things about elementary school whatever nothing too crazy sixth grade happened you're in junior high but got to carry binders it was crazy so when I was in sixth grade I had a crush on this boy he was my boyfriend from second to fifth grade which is the longest relationship I've ever been in his sixth grade though we had broken up but I was like still trying to impress him kind of you know wanted him to like really miss me and all the times that we had together which was the two times we hung out outside of school with our parents but whatever I wanted him to really miss those days so we were doing this obstacle course in PE class and I think what I've realized thing about these stories is in my mind I was a lot cooler and like cooler than I actually am or was so I really wanted to impress him we were do this obstacle course and he was the first one that went so he was like the first in line so he was cheering on our team and him and I were on the same team and I was like oh my god run so fast and you know I'm gonna be the best girl he's gonna be so impressed this one thing that we had to do is run for a red touch the thing run backward to the line and I'm like sprinting sprinting backwards like as fast as I possibly can go and he was like a screaming when I was going he's like you you're so much can you didn't say that like that that's like what I was envisioning and so I was like and I ate shit and I fell in and broke my wrist and I was sitting there my legs were out I was there and I was like so then to top it all off then I went to the health office and I was like I I my wrist really hurts it really hurts and they were looking like right here at this part but they weren't looking at the side maybe like it's not swollen you're fine take an ice pack if he was the first class the whole day I had to go keep switching out ice packs cuz no one believed that my wrist was broken so I have the shame of eating shit in front of Jared because I was running so fast and then to top it all off don't believe that my wrist is actually broken and then we get home and I'm like mom my still hurts and she's like no the lady in the whole office said it's fine then she went to run an errand and I went to take a shower and I couldn't squeeze the shampoo out and I was just screaming and crying in the bathroom I mean the world's most dramatic person my brother heard me and he called my mom and he said she had to take me to the hospital and she finally did then I had a car saw me race then for my birthday and broke Jared and I never got back together and it was all for nothing but oh well I had my eye on the on a bigger prize a sixth grader I went up a level and for some reason had enough balls to lie just openly flirt first of all we never spoke I never said one single word to this boy it's not like we were friends so Valentine's Day comes along and I picked out four of those sweetheart things it's up York you be mine call me or something absurd and who I don't even know and then I held them in my hand all of recess and I have like the world's sweatiest palms and then at the end of recess the bell rang and I walked up to him and I was like that's just sweet hearts do you want them and he was like yeah sure random stalker I like drama the sweet the hearts in his hand they're like slowly going off my sweaty palm one by one and then I'm like he's gonna read them and get the fact that I'm telling him that I like him and he's gonna want to be my boyfriend and then he took my sweaty sweet hearts and didn't look at them and just shoved them all in his mouth and walked away and I was like okay totally all good let's just think of something else to do I brother knew I have a crush on him so the next day my brother went up to him and told him I liked him which was fine you know he was just trying to be a wingman he knew my brother he didn't know me then I thought that was too forward so then I went up to him this is what our second conversation ever right after the sweetheart incident and I was like so my brother told you earlier that I you know he didn't really respond and I was like it's not gonna be crushing it was just that I think you're really good and he was like okay and then I walked away and safe to say nothing ever came of that and then we went to the same high school and never spoke a single word to each other and then he messaged me on Facebook and said hey and then like two hours later I hadn't responded and he messaged me against a wrong person so things that were worked out but I think he kind of peaked in like fifth grade anyway so it's not that big of a deal so then few years off eighth grade you know took a little turn for the worse quick example of something that happened to me in eighth grade we all graduated eighth grade girls I started getting full dirty boys and girls are flirting with each other people are kissing and stuff eighth grade was nuts so we're all hanging out and buy this like Golf Course thing for someone's like graduation party I'm really running around the girls are like homilies pinky podraces when I say girls worth learning and kissing boys and stuff I don't mean myself because I didn't know how so the girls like hey everybody piggyback rides on the boys and I was like yeah totally it was more just how are we gonna get through this moment I was like Deepika max the girls like pick their prize and you know I picked mine and I think that was a one-sided choice because I was like hey you I'm coming for you and he was like hmm and as I was running not even like cute no likey cute girl Ryan I was like they try to get on his back and then I just launched into the air and he moved out of the way at night fell and ate shit on the grass and liked him and this girl ran off laughing now thinking about it it's just funny and you know you move on in life but it was tough for young Kelsey to get through but she did alright so ninth grade I'm in a high school I'm on the cheer team I'm doing my thing I guess nothing too bad happened yeah there were definitely like a few minor things like my brother having to come up to me one day and be like hey you really need to stop carrying every single one of your text books in your backpack because you're walking around school completely bent over like a hunchback and my backpack was like a turtle shell and I was just walking around like this and he was like you look really weird and my friends are all saying stuff to me about it so that's uncomfortable definitely um just other things like being in tenth grade and we would practice on the same field as a JV football boys and so we try to impress them they would be at their practice we didn't exist and we would be like that's literally what I looked like I didn't look cute just like gyrating around the football field waiting for someone to notice me or any of us really we were like come on move move shake shake yeah lights on and there was like one move that like you didn't that but you're like moving your hips right now and we're all like ah who here wants in the movement shake shake dance and we do they'd go on their water break we would drop everything just start doing the routine that when they were on their water break we'd be something like holding a girl up in the air like and then we'd be like okay sort of this part like one of the years or is it like three do you do this - which pardons that and their water breaks were like 15 seconds long and we we milked those 15 seconds for all it was worth and pretty much everyone on the team got a boyfriend I was on the other half that didn't I still think those boys are dreaming about the move move shake shake dance let's see so I think this was in like 11th grade because 12th grade I had my act together but 11 that was still a little weird so we had a cheer volleyball games there was one game I think it was like a bigger game I don't know I just remember there being a crowd and me being excited to be out there on the floor cheering for the boys actually it was girls volleyball but cheering for the ladies that makes your uniform on I'm like really feeling myself you know when you're wearing that uniform anything's possible just kidding it's all done up they can't put eyeliner on that day so we're walking into the crowd the crowd is on one side of gym and we have to enter the gym from another way and I like to have my bag and I'm like uh-huh laughing with the girls and everyone's in the students actually facing us watching us walk in and I'm the first one I specifically remember thinking look cool because people people can people are watching you so I'm like walking trying to play it cool and out of nowhere someone from the other side of the volleyball court cuz the volleyball players are like warming up someone hits the ball as hard as they possibly can and it smacks me directly in the face a perfect shot I'm like and it just comes I didn't even you just you know when you just hear like you out of nowhere blindsided me hit me so hard I literally was like just pretend nothing happens pretend that the old students I can just see you get hit in the face with the volleyball it was just kind of like life smacking me in the face reminding me that I'm not cool so I needed to stop acting like it for five seconds but no one said anything to me about it so I was like oh I got away with that no one even saw someone after the game was like how's your face doing and then everything yeah I saw you get hit in the face of that ball when you first walked down maja it was mortifying yeah so still remember that that is pretty much it I mean I know there are definitely more embarrassing things that happen but I feel like I've shared enough embarrassing things that have happened for for today for now this is just a little taste and it's also just to give you guys hope that if shitty embarrassing things are happening to you it's gonna get better look at me look at me laughing about it now just kidding but it really it really does get better and stuff that seems like a big deal really isn't that big of a deal but it still sound embarrassing thanks for watching I hope you guys enjoyed if you want to hear more of my embarrassing life stories or like just embarrassing things that I did I will share more thanks for listening hope you guys enjoyed this I love you guys and I will see ya next time
Channel: Kelsey Kreppel
Views: 445,514
Rating: 4.9864602 out of 5
Keywords: comedy, embarassing, stories, storytime, middle school, high school, kelsey kreppel, funny, cheerleader, awkward, fun, cody ko, commentary, roast, cody ko and kelsey, kelsey and cody, met gala, fashion review, girl talk, codyko, dinner with kelsey, kelsey kreppel cody, insane baking, makeup, Chrissy teigen
Id: 2VvYMf4le5E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 30sec (810 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 15 2018
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