Recreating Pinterest Hairstyles

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hello it's Kelsey welcome back I was thinking a lot about what to do and I realized that I've been getting a lot of questions about my hair for example how I style it and also just like compliments and I realized that you know I don't want to keep my secrets to myself I want you guys to know how I style my hair and how I work with my hair and I thought I'd just look up some Styles on Pinterest and recreate some pinterest hairstylist for you guys my hair is really versatile so I can just do so much with it let's just dive right in what I like to do normally when I start is just kind of take it out it's bun let it fall free and then just start with the hairstyles I'm also gonna have Cody come in and rape them on the scale of one to ten so let's get this thing started welcome to my Pinterest hair tutorial so let's just take it out of the bun just and then it just kind of falls yeah so you want to just let it free this is the first style it's kind of two french braids up into like Princess Leia kind of buns and it's a super cute style to Bailey and Oliver just working out or you use that all the time in the world so I'm gonna try it so you're gonna just part it down the middle I'm get a nice even part so I'm gonna just pin this one to the side if you just throw this one over to the side and then you start on the brave just gonna braid it yeah mm-hmm so there's my brain and then you're just we gonna want to connect it to the pigtail or to the Princess Leia bun she has her buns kind of look like a nice little muffin tops but I mean so there's that and then just want to do the same thing on the side you know sometimes with my hair it's a little hard to separate the curls yeah so that's probably good for that one and then there you go so if we can only see hers from the back so I'm sure she looks similar let's see what Cody has to think of this can you see the braids yeah yeah yeah you go where are they right there yeah I see it well really good yeah yeah you got the same beautiful swimmer I'll call you in again when I do the next style you look great though you look down yeah you look great so here is Pinterest and that here is my exact replication of it it looks pretty phenomenal if I do say so myself next that the trend Fisher flipper braids it's a braid that you do in front and then you flip it to the back here we go here we go on the trend for a flip braid transfer super afraid good one and two perfect you gotta get all your hair in front just let it fall in front of you like mine is doing so she just twists she's so she's twisting them into each other grabbing a little bit at a time I'm gonna start grabbing a little bit more at a time so yeah you just want to grab I'm trying to choke yourself and so then you have your brain here so you have a nice detail in the you have the nice detail in the braid right there as you guys can see kind of the depths of the braid and then what you're gonna do is you're just gonna we have to loosen it up and then you're just gonna try and take it over your head yep this is how it's supposed to look so here is the flip rate and its final product there's that business in the front party in the back alright see oh yeah yeah look at that that's amazing what would you rate it one out of ten seven seven Wow yeah I know that's a whole bet is it that's amazing technology very even in that position I took my hair tie out not much has changed okay there we go alright next up a style I've just been absolutely dying to try is um easy twisted heart this is an easy twisted heart half-up half-down also sorry if I'm not looking directly at the camera I'm trying to use the viewfinder as a mirror so here we go so you're gonna take it front strands I have to get a little bit more of mine and you're gonna wrap them into the back I want there to work with super easy then what you do is you take these guys so you bring them through these strands of hair then you tie these here and you have a heart see it it's really nice honey yeah yeah one out of ten eight eight eight seven three two eight eighteen twenty-four oh wow oh it's really good I love the detail of your hairs sprouting through the hair type mm-hmm next up we have this guy you tie in your hands back down spread it you flip it through oh yeah so and then you have step one then you take all the hair that's on the bottom here and you put it into two braids so now I have my two braids then what you do is you take this bring it and bring it up to this side and there we have the finished product twist raised so and we did it in like five minutes and look it I'm ready for a prom she has some curls hanging down as do i oh it's actually really good look good yeah what do you rate this one I attend sorry no no six maybe tried three times to do you see the two I look at you like a brown shih tzu yeah I totally see it next up we have this it's from the article 52 quick and easy half-up half-down hairstyles well it should be quick and easy for me to when I finish you should look exactly like this quick and easy quick and you best believe it is as easy quick and easy let's get the judge to come in here and give me my rating big smile on holy bun confuso because hers they're like they're like large they're bigger did you kind of go with the extra big small versions she just has more hair so that's all I could get and it just does not a bit more sort of I describe this I know it's more curly I know I don't have professionally beach wave hair I'm kidding okay can you rate this actually I know I actually really like this one the best oh oh do you yes I'm looking a little bug cuz he 9 I guess on 9 this is my favorite there you go ok so that's that one last but certainly not least we have the poke through braid anchor point tailing my ponytail probably looks the same is separated and then what is she doing now I'm watching a tutorial on it pushes hair extensions in got no wonder all natural baby all natural no extensions needed so then you this is what your point up should look she says I mean look at what we've got going on here just big fluffed it out and there we go now it's a pull-through braid both opinion and that's what I'm gonna say pull-through braid yeah yeah yep yeah this looks like a horse's tail and this looks like a pig so what do you read this one 1 through 10 I give this one off you know when I get rid of 5 oh yeah that looks amazing done it again alright you guys so that was me attempting to do Pinterest hairstyles clearly I am NOT a hair stylist nor did any of those look similar to the ones on Pinterest but I tried and that's that's what counts I hope you guys enjoyed let me know which one was your favorite in the comments down below thanks guys love you see you next time okay bye
Channel: undefined
Views: 641,100
Rating: 4.9773932 out of 5
Keywords: hair tutorial, pinterest, quick, easy, comedy, fun, beauty, kelsey kreppel, cody ko, joke, satire, hair, tutorial, how to, curly hair, braids, buns, summer, girl, commentary, roast, cody ko and kelsey, kelsey and cody, met gala, fashion review, girl talk, codyko, dinner with kelsey, kelsey kreppel cody, insane baking, makeup, Chrissy teigen
Id: 3xHlh8-PxKo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 58sec (658 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 06 2018
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