Girl Talk Ep. 4

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hey guys before we get in today's video I just want to say thank you to our sponsor Cara vitamins I like to do these Girl Talk so that I can try and help you guys mentally and emotionally but it's also important to help yourself physically which is why you have to take vitamin so carob makes it super easy to take all the vitamins that your body specifically needs all you have to do is take a quick five-minute quiz and Carib suggest exactly the vitamins you need based on your lifestyle or your dietary requirements and they send it to you in this box and it's personalized with all the vitamins you have it's got your name on it and it makes take your vitamins fun so if you want a pack of your own cute personalized vitamins then click on the link in my description and the first 100 people who use my code kelsey k-50 will get 50% off their first month of care of vitamins thank you Karen for sponsoring this and let's let's take our husbands hi we're having a girl talk today and I know you're thinking this is not your normal setup you're not in a onesie and you don't have a bowl of popcorn and I apologize and this is just Girl Talk special edition Girl Talk tour edition because I'm currently visiting Cody while he's on tour and we're in Orlando Florida and I forgot to pack a onesie and they don't have any popcorn at the hotel so I have fried pickles and ranch and I'm wearing pajamas so it's still pretty good okay I'm just I'm just uh what's the word I'm looking for I'm just improvising but we're still having the fun sleepover look we rebuild our bed this time isn't that exciting it's really really sleepover vibes right now I hate it that really sleepover rework and you can really feel the sleepover I don't know what I'm what else I can say sleepover vibes so whatever it's sleepover vibes how's that so it is another beautiful addition of my favorite thing in the world to do Girl Talk because I'm a girl talking to you about whatever you need advice on and it's just the best it's just like we're all at a fun sleepover is sharing our deepest darkest secrets and you know just having Girl Talk or boy talk if you're a boy you can ask me questions I don't care but we're just like we're just like we're spilling our secrets and we're helping each other out and it's the most fun sleepover there is all right had I had a drink before this so let's get right started best advice on how to approach starting to date again after a big time heartbreak take as much time as you need take the time you need to process the break-up process why it ended what you're looking for what you felt like you lost during that relationship and work on yourself and just take as much time as you mean getting over the relation because if you don't believe get over it it's gonna end up coming back in another form at some point and however long it takes you to get over that big-time heartbreak just take your time how do I get over someone that I thought was my dream guy if it didn't work out with this guy you thought it was your dream diet just imagine the guy that actually is your dream guy like this guy clearly wasn't it and that's kind of exciting because that means that someone even better than this person who you thought was already the best is going to come along so just think about what could count if this didn't work out how do you date when you're in college and too busy and stressed to actively look I don't worry about it if you're busy and you're stress and you're studying and you're doing shit for school I just do do your thing girl if dating isn't something that's a priority right now that's fine you don't have to make it one you're just gonna be forcing yourself to do something you don't want to do so just focus on the other stuff that you're doing and you're you'll either meet someone through all these activities you're doing but you don't need to actively look for someone what's the point of adding that stress you're not gonna be happy going on these dates you're gonna just like consider them a waste of time so don't bother me and my boyfriend are in they want these fried pickles are a little bit spicy meet my boyfriend are in a long-distance relationship whenever I'm home and with him in person he treats me so so well but sometimes after I leave he gets distant and kind of cold I love him so much and don't know how to ask him what's going on okay you guys are in a relationship and one of the most important things in a relationship is communication so I know it's like kind of uncomfortable because you don't want to be like what's wrong with you I know you like me when I'm gone cuz like you know that just sounds needy and stupid but it's it's bothering you you should communicate about it so it doesn't affect your relationship he could not even realize he's doing it you know so instead of creating a bigger problem and like just sitting and wondering and stressing yourself out and thinking oh my god he hates me when I'm gone just talk to it it's so much easier to just communicate these little things than like sit and worry about it in your head I'm in high school and I have absolutely no experience with dating so much anything really should I be worried no no just not at all when I was high school first of all I didn't have any experience with anything either and like I'm freakin thriving now in Orlando Florida high school is just just four years of your life and you're gonna move on and there's so many college and there's gonna be after college you have so much time to gain experience don't stress out so much about the fact that you're in high school and have no experience it will happen it will happen it will happen don't force it because if you're not ready you're not ready and it's okay you don't need to force the experience to come it will come but high school is not like the end all and be all you'll you'll have so much more time for experience after high school so don't like what your age determine whether you think you should be experienced or not everyone's experienced at their own pace okay I find myself never being able to actually date a girl because my feelings can change too frequently it's okay or should I do something about this please help you know I don't think that's necessarily a bad thing it might just be that you haven't found someone that actually piques your interest all too much right now maybe you're just kind of choosing girls either for the wrong reason or if the girls that are around aren't that interesting to you and that's fine if there is someone that you find intriguing I don't think you should just fit well and mines gonna change anyways so let's see what else is out there but it's if it's just not there you don't have to fake it it's okay how do I get over someone that I was never in an official relationship with mmm love love that I love that he started dating a girl the same day he broke up with me lol it's possible that they were talking the whole time we were together and I just really feel like crap about it all SHhhh I hate this I hate this I'm so sorry I think it's okay it's okay if you're having a hard time getting over it because like the almost relationships are sometimes the hardest ones to get over treat it like a breakup you know like it's okay you don't have to diminish your feelings just because he wasn't really your boyfriend don't let his poor actions make you feel less of yourself he is the asshole you're great and you are the kind of person someone should want to make their girlfriend and just because some idiot couldn't see that doesn't mean that it's not true and you know what that girl can have him they can go on and do whatever they need to do and this is just opening a door for you to find someone better and for you to realize why it didn't work out with this person but don't put it on yourself because it's not your fault it's his fault for stringing you along it's his fault for doing what he did but you are not the problem someone would be lucky to date you and you can't let some idiot make you feel any less about yourself that was really deep but it's true and I mean we all have to learn the hard way advice on staying in school college somewhere you aren't happy but have a lot more opportunities I'm flighty and I have a hard time sticking to a plan when I feel what's right for me isn't what I want I'm not dropping out at just my transfer um I say transfer I know it's hard because you said that you have a lot more opportunities where you are right now but if you're not happy and you're miserable where you are you're not going to want to go get any of these opportunities you're gonna want to just be miserable because you're not happy where you are but when you're happy and excited about where you're am with but when you're happy and excited about where you are you're gonna be more like inspired to go out and pursue things and find things because you're gonna be in a better state of mind so I say go where you want to be don't just go where you think you should be because you're just gonna be miserable so just go where makes you happy and you will find those same opportunities they might be presented to you differently they might be on a smaller scale but that doesn't mean it can't grow at some point but you don't want to look back on your time in college and think like wow I was just miserable but I only stayed because I thought I could get a good job I really like this guy but all my friends don't like him at all how should I approach this should I tell him just leave it alone I don't think you should tell him because then he could like start acting weird towards your friends I think you should talk to your friends about it try to understand where they're coming from and why they're saying what they're saying but then also explain to them what it is about him that you like and how he makes you feel and all of the good things about him and see if they can maybe give him a chance and you can all hang out together and they can see how he treats you and maybe their opinion can change keep it between your friends don't involve the guy I really like a boy I go to college with four really good friends sit together in most lectures I'm hanging out between classes sometimes in a group sometimes alone and he's just so nice and funny and I really like him but we never really see each other outside of college most weekends we both work and our work schedules are opposites should I say something to him about liking him and risk it being awkward for the rest of college if it goes badly oh and by the way neither of us live on the college campus I think that you should risk it and say something to it because what do you really have to lose you know I understand that like you guys sit together in classes and stuff but like college is pretty big you will find other people to sit with if it does go terribly awkward it's only going to be awkward for a little bit if you guys are both mature college students you will be able to move past it eventually and so like you both live on the campus so you won't run into each other all the time like I think it's okay but if you don't tell him you're never gonna know what if he feels the same way and both of you were just too worried that it was gonna be awkward so you didn't want to say anything just say it if it's awkward it's awkward but at least you said how you were feeling and you're never gonna regret that you're never gonna know unless you try so basically I slept over on my friend's house this weekend just to chill and hang out she also has a really cute brother that I've been crushing on for a while bad I know but this is where it gets juicy it was kind of late and I went downstairs for some water and a snack when I was getting a cup he came down the stairs we started chatting and long story short I admitted that I liked him things got kinda heated and we made out in the kitchen boom after a while and things were getting too far I pulled away and just kind of ran upstairs the next morning I tried to talk to him about it but he said it was just a thing idk what that means but I thought he liked me too I want to tell my friend about it but if he doesn't even like me is it worth it plus it's kind of awkward not between me and him and I just don't know what to do that's a tough situation I'd say first thing to do is talk to him and be like hey I know things have been kind of awkward since we made out in your kitchen at one time but I I just thought you liked me too and if that's not the case at all I just want to know because I'm friends with your sister and I don't want to make this weird so why don't we just clear the air and see what's going on and then I don't know if you should tell the sister or not if she's a good friend of yours I say just tell her and be honest and you guys can eventually move on I think the truths gonna end up coming out she could be even more hurt if she finds out it at a way later date so if it is a friendship that like means a lot to you I say you got to be honest because that's like the most important thing in a friendship so talk to the brother first see kind of like his reaction because you want to have the full story once you talk to your friend you want to either be like but it's not awkward now we talked about it we don't like each other or you could be like we really like each other and so I need you to know it's all about communication people so I'm a senior in high school and I'm not sure what to do I don't want to get into an actual relationship because I don't plan on going into college or the long-distance relationship my last friends-with-benefits situation was really shitty I'm conflicted help okay you don't you don't need to just be like hurrying up with someone like you can go to parties and like enjoy your last few months in high school without like being with someone like you can just like be with your friends have that be the relationship that you focus on you know that you don't run a relationship but you also don't want friends with benefits cuz it could be really shitty like your last one so instead of trying to be in something with a guy or girl or a significant other why don't you just focus on your time with your friends and just have fun and make it as casual and as fun as possible okay guys I'm gonna I'm gonna go finish my fried pickles now but I love you I hope this helped thanks for watching hope you guys enjoyed this and I will see you next time of you I [Music]
Channel: Kelsey Kreppel
Views: 234,579
Rating: 4.9837508 out of 5
Keywords: advice, relationship, friendship, comedy, love life, kelsey kreppel, girl talk, care of, relationship advice, love, vlog, help, fun, funny, girl, boy, friends, secrets, stories, love advice, cody ko, commentary, roast, cody ko and kelsey, kelsey and cody, met gala, fashion review, codyko, dinner with kelsey, kelsey kreppel cody, insane baking, makeup, Chrissy teigen
Id: ZTV1vJoy6Fs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 46sec (826 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 28 2019
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