Beginner Levels - Lesson 3: What does she look like?

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hello how are you today now first Mari is in France now we have Isabel Isabel is from France Isabel this is Ollie nice to meet you ollie nice to meet you too and this is Lisa nice to meet you Lisa nice to meet you too is about great so Lisa how are you today fine thanks and you I'm great and Ally how's it going great and it's about what's up not much on you I'm okay now today we're going to learn more English we're going to talk about people first we're going to learn adjectives about looks and personality adjectives look now an adjective and adjective gives information about a noun adjective plus now now these are nouns teacher teacher student student book book and pin pin teacher student book pin now these are nouns adjectives give information about the nouns they come before the nails and after some verbs look here's teacher here's the noun my nice teacher my nice it's an adjective my nice teacher and teacher is the noun my nice teacher and here's a sentence she is my nice teacher she is my nice teacher now here's another example student student is the noun her good student her good student good is the adjective student is the noun her good student here's a sentence I am her good student I am her good student now one more example this one is plural students her good students this is the adjective / good students this is the noun her good students here's the sentence we are her good students we are her good students all right here's another one look book these big books these big books big is the adjective books is the noun these big books here's the sentence these are big books these are big books now I want you to notice that the adjective does not change for singular okay this is one good student or good students all right this is one maybe two good student good students no change now let's learn some vocabulary about how a person looks okay first short medium height and tall short medium height and tall here we go this is for size heavy heavy medium slim and in heavy medium slim thin heavy medium slim and thin okay now here's some more handsome handsome handsome is only for men handsome and beautiful beautiful beautiful is only for women handsome beautiful now another one is pretty pretty also is only for women pretty now we have good looking good looking good looking is for women and for men oops are here good-looking and we have ugly ugly for women and men good-looking ugly now here's some other ones strong and weak strong and weak strong weak next dark dark light dark light and finally we have young middle-aged and old young middle-aged old adjectives to be now let's review the be verbs be all right now let's look at the monitor here we go I am short I'm I am Molly I'm Molly you are you're you are Ali you are Ali he is he's he is Tom he's Tom she is she's she is Marie she's Marie it is it's it is dolly it's dolly we are we're we are students we're students you are you're you are students your students and they are there they are students they're students now we're going to change it a little bit and we're going to do a lot here we go first of all basic short and two examples okay now what we're going to do is make sentences with adjectives so basic I am short I'm now I am tall I am tall short I'm tall okay I am I'm I am tall I'm tall now let's do it with you you are you are you're you're you are tall you are tall and you're tall you are you're you are tall you were tall okay now with he is he's sentence he is tall and he's tall he is he's he is tall he's tall and of course we can do the same with she she is she's she is tall she is tall she's tall she is she's she is tall she's tall and we can do it with it is it is it's it is tall and it's tall it is it's it is tall it's tall next we are weird we are tall we are tall and we're tall we are we're we are tall we're tall no you are you know this you er you are tall you are tall and you're tall you are you're you are tall you're tall and finally we have they are there they are tall they are tall they're tall they are there they are tall at all let's look at it on the monitor again and you can see I am I am I'm I am tall I'm tall you are you're you are tall you are tall he is he's he is tall he's tall she is she's she is tall she's tall it is it's it is tall it's tall we are we're we are tall we're tall you are you're you are tall you're tall and they are there they are tall they're tall now I want you to look at these pronouns we have the possessive pronouns and the subject pronouns first we have my and I I your you his he her she its it our we your you and there they okay now this is one way we can make a sentence about a person let me show you okay so here we go Olli is yes good-looking Ali is good-looking Olly is good-looking Lisa is tall Lisa is tall Lisa is tall mari is pretty mari is pretty mari is pretty they are medium height they are medium height they are medium height we are thin we are thin we are thin okay now let's practice and I want you to look at the photos and tell me about the person now Isabelle he is short he is good looking good now Lisa look at this picture and tell me about this person he is handsome he is tall he is dark good now only she is good looking she's tall she's young good very good personality now let's talk about personality we're going to talk about personal characteristics first here are some vocabulary funny funny funny serious serious serious nice nice nice polite polite polite rude rude rude smart smart smart intelligent intelligent intelligent shy shy shy quiet quiet quiet and outgoing outgoing outgoing now we can make sentences the same way but we can add aunt let's add and this is the same as plus okay so we can write funny plus smart he is funny and smart he is funny and smart funny and smart here's another example good-looking nice she is good-looking and nice she is good-looking and nice now let's practice and I will give you the information and you make the sentences are you ready ok first Lisa he tall strong okay he is tall and strong good now only she short smart she is short and smart MA great okay Isabelle they shy pretty they are shy and pretty mm-hmm very good Lisa we funny rude we are funny and rude all right Isabelle you smart polite you are smart and polite yes good and Alli I tall dark I am tall and dark yes and finally Lisa you Finn beautiful you are thin and beautiful oh yes now I want you to look and listen look and listen I am tall she is short we are good-looking they are smart you are nice and pretty he is funny and outgoing read and repeat [Music] [Music] adjectives sentence structure okay now we're going to talk about sentence structure in English sentence structure now in English the verb usually comes after the subject subject and then the verb there's always a subject and a verb in English sentences now here is one sentence you are young you are young subject is you you verb is are and the complement the complement is young now this again you are young subject you verb are complement young now the sentence means you young you are young okay you are young here's another example he is tall he is tall the subject he he verb is and the compliment tall he is tall now again this means he is tall same okay now tall completes the noun now let's practice okay here's the sentence we are smart okay a lead in this sentence what is the subject we what is the verb are and what is the complement alert smart yes okay now say the sentence we are smart yes you are now Lisa here's one for you I am polite okay Lisa what is the subject I what is the verb and and what is the compliment polite okay now say the sentence I am polite I am polite yes you are polite now Isabelle here is the last one they are tall and good-looking they are tall and good-looking what is the subject they what is the verb are and what is the compliment tall and good-looking good girl tall and good-looking very good now say the sentence they are tall and good-looking now I want you to complete these sentences I will write part of the sentence and you finish it okay Lisa I am rude I am rude no you weren't rude Lisa okay Isabelle let's do one for you I said oh you are nice yes you are nice thank you and oli for you he is handsome yes he is handsome Hanson is only for men good no Isabelle I'm cibele she is pretty she is pretty pretty is only for women okay no Ali one for you a long one medium height unten okay again only we are medium height Anton yes we are medium height and thin good okay and finally Lisa another long one okay Lisa they are intelligent and serious they are intelligent and serious good you are very smart now let's make these negative it's very easy you just add not okay there are two short ways to do it and let's look at the monitor and you can see them now I am NOT tall I'm not tall you are not tall you are not tall you aren't tall he is not tall he's not tall he isn't tall she is not tall she's not tall she isn't tall it is not tall it's not tall it isn't tall we are not tall we're not tall we aren't tall you are not tall you are not tall you aren't tall and they are not tall they're not tall they aren't tall okay now let's also make some questions now again we have the question and the positive and the negative answer so here we go the question positive answer and - possibly negative answers so positive negative and question now here we go first question am i tall now here we have the verb and the subject switched yes you are am i tall yes you are or negative no you're not no you aren't same these are the same am i tall yes you are am i tall no you're not am i tall no you aren't now let's continue are you tall are you tall yes I am yes I am or no I'm not okay with either zone Li 1 are you tall yes I am are you tall no I'm not okay here we go is he tall yes he yes you see this is he tall yes he is or no he's not no he isn't is he tall yes he is is he tall no he's not is he tall no he isn't now we can do the same thing with she is she tall yes she is is she tall no she's not is she tall no she isn't okay is she tall yes she is is she tall no she's not is she tall no she isn't and of course we can do it this is the quick way is it tall is it tall yes it is is it tall no it's not is it tall no it isn't okay is it tall yes it is is it tall no it's not is it tall no it isn't now there's more are we tall are we tall yes we are or yes you are yes you are are we tall yes we are are we tall yes you are and of course negative no we are not no we aren't no you're not and no you aren't okay are we tall yes we are are we tall no we're not no we aren't are we tall yes you are are we tall no you're not no you aren't okay keep going here and then the next one is are you tall now we saw this before are you tall yes we are no we're not or no we aren't are you tall yes we are are you tall no we're not no we aren't okay and the last one are they tall are they tall yes they are yes they are no they're not no they aren't are they tall yes they are are they tall no they're not no they aren't okay now let's look at these on the monitor and see how they look okay here we go am i tall yes you are no you're not no you aren't are you tall yes I am no I'm not is he tall yes he is no he's not no he isn't is she tall yes she is no she's not no she isn't is it tall yes it is no it's not no it isn't are we tall yes we are no we are not no we aren't or are we tall yes you are no you're not no you aren't are you tall yes we are no we're not no we aren't and finally are they tall yes they are no they're not no they aren't okay now let's practice Lisa are you tall yes I am Ali are you and Isabelle polite yes yeah Isabelle is Tom Cruise Hansen yes he is Holly is Julia Roberts beautiful yes she's Lisa is Madonna beautiful no she isn't okay if the Bell is Ali rude no he isn't he is polite mm-hmm Ali are you Lisa and Isabel smart yes we are yes you are okay Ali make some negative sentences about Sean Penn he's not handsome he is not tall okay Lisa make some negative sentences about meg Ryan she's not shy she is not ugly good now Isabel makes some negative sentences about Bill Clinton he is not short he is not old very good all right now we're gonna talk a little bit more about description we're going to talk about a person's hair hair okay now we can say long short and medium long short medium long short and medium okay now we can also say curly curly and straight straight curly and straight we talk about colors brown black red blonde and gray okay brown black red blonde and gray now we can also talk about hair for a min we have a moustache a moustache a beard and bald bald moustache a moustache beard a beard and bald okay now this is what we see she has hair her hair is same information for example she has long hair she has long hair her hair is long she has long hair her hair is long okay now here is another example I have short red hair I have short red hair my hair is short and red my hair is short and red okay now you tell me about your hair Lisa I have long brown hair my hair is long and brown okay Isabel I have long straight brown hair my hair is long and straight and brown mm-hmm okay Ali I am short brown hair my hair is short and brown okay now this is how we use some of the other vocabulary he has a mustache he has a mustache he has a beard he has a beard he is bald he is bald now usually these are only for men now look at these photos and tell me about the hair Isabel he has short blonde hair he has a mustache very good okay Lisa this photo she has long curly red hair mm-hmm good only she has short straight black Hey oh yes good okay Lisa this photo he has long black hair he has a beard he has a mustache yes good now Isabel this photo he is bald he has a mustache yes Ali this is the last photo she has short curly brown hair no mustache ha ha ha very funny alright now let's look and listen look and listen he has short curly hair his hair is short and curly her hair is long and straight she has long straight hair we have black hair our hair is black he is bald read and repeat [Music] now here are some photos and I want you to tell three sentences about them so Ali you start they are old he is bald she has short gray hair mm-hmm okay no it's a bell he is young and smart he has short red hair mm-hmm good no Lisa she is serious she is good looking she has black hair great very good now I want to talk more about description about the eyes this is very important okay we're going to talk about the eyes first there's big big eyes big eyes and small small eyes small eyes no we can also talk about color brown brown eyes brown eyes black black eyes black eyes blue blue eyes blue eyes gray gray eyes gray eyes and green green eyes green eyes now this is what we say he has blue eyes I have blue eyes okay he has blue eyes I have blue eyes all right now let's practice ollie tell me about your eyes I have blue eyes all right Isabelle I have green eyes Lisa I have brown eyes all right so Lisa has brown eyes Ollie has blue eyes and Isabelle has green eyes ollie my eyes you have blue eyes yes I do now it's time to look and listen look and listen you have blue eyes I have brown eyes you have big green eyes read and repeat [Music] alright now we've seen many adjectives some of these adjectives can have opposites our Paul sits now look short short tall short tall thin thin heavy heavy thin heavy handsome for a man handsome and ugly handsome ugly now we have beautiful or pretty for women and ugly beautiful or pretty ugly good-looking for men or women and again ugly good-looking ugly now we have strong strong and weak strong and weak dark and light dark and light and finally we have young and old young and old now these are first somehow someone looks now I want you to tell me the opposites for these personal characteristics so let's start with you Ali funny funny serious mm-hmm good Lisa polite polite rude and Isabel shy shy outgoing adjectives but now let's look at another kind of sentence this one is with but but what means different now look at this sentence she is smart but shy she is smart but shy smart shy she is smart but shy here's another one he is short but strong he is short but strong short strong he is short but strong now let's practice a little bit I want you to tell me something about you with but so Ollie I am handsome watch I yeah so really okay Lisa I am young but smart yes now Isabelle I am serious but polite yes that's right very good now look and listen look and listen he is tall but quiet she is pretty but shy we are young but smart you are intelligent but funny read and repeat [Music] you will practice more with but in another lesson but now we're going to do some review and here are some questions we can ask what does he look like what does he look like he is tall and handsome what does he look like he is tall and handsome here's another question what is he like what is he like his personality he is nice what is he like he is nice all right now oh Lisa what does Holly look like okay he has short brown hair he is handsome he has blue eyes and what is he like he is quite but nice okay Isabel what does Lisa look like she is tall but pretty she has long brown hair she has brown eyes and what is she like she is smart but funny great now Allie what does Isabel look like she is tall but beautiful she has straight brown hair her hair is long she has big green eyes yes she does and what is she like she's shy but intelligent very good now listen and write listen and right now listen and write write these letters number one H a in d f o m e number two p r e t t y number three b e a you t i f you l never for p o l i-- t-- e number five q you i e t now check your work h a in d f o m e number two p r e t t y number three b e a you t i f you l know for p o l i-- t-- e number five q you i e t now listen and write these sentences number one we are good-looking too they are strong but rude number three he is tall and dark number four I am beautiful but smart number five she is quiet and polite now check your work number one we are good-looking number two they are strong but rude number three he is tall and dark number four I am beautiful but smart number five she is quiet and polite now read this story and answer the questions about it read and answer and is a student her first name is Anne her last name is Smith she is 22 years old she is medium height and pretty she has short curly blonde hair she has blue eyes she is quiet but funny nice to meet you in now answer the questions number 1 what is her last name number 2 how old is she number three is she tall number four is her hair long and straight number five is she quiet now check your answers number one what is her last name her last name is Smith number two how old is she she is 22 years old number three is she tall no she isn't she is medium height number four is her hair long and straight no it isn't it's short and curly number five is she quiet yes she is okay students see you soon practicing English [Music] so Alexi how's your work going do you like your colleagues it's going very well my colleagues are very fine and it's fun to be with them I'm glad for you it's very important to have nice people at work what about your boss do you like him well he's smart and funny and that makes him easy to work with who are your other colleagues well there is one colleague her name is Lisa Hawkins what does she look like hmm she's hard to describe let's see she's tall and she has red hair she's very serious never smiles she always wears black and her skin is very white she's not very interesting oh that's too bad I have one colleague who always wears a red tie he has long hair and earrings he is very smart do you like him he's a good teacher but he doesn't have a lot of patience with his students he is angry every day Oh oh no he is serious but he's a good teacher okay hey hi did you guys see Jack I haven't seen him all day his niece Stephanie is here from Germany does she have blond here yes she does she has blue eyes and is wearing a denim jacket and black jeans with the red shirt how long is it here is it curly yes it's curly and medium length is that him no no no no this girl has a beautiful smile her teeth are straight white her smile is just amazing Sam you sound like you're in love well she's very sweet I want I want to get to know better well why don't you talk to Jack isn't he your best friend he helps you come on guys I'm a shy guy I can't talk to Jack about her mmm why would you want to talk to a guy me Sam you're a great guy you're smart fun to be with and I hear girls say all the time how they love your green eyes that's right Sam don't be shy there's nothing wrong with asking a girl out for a drink Sam you're a very sweet guy you're good-looking handsome and you're fun to be with I don't know guys meaning the new girl someone pretty like Stephanie I'm very shy and I don't know what to say come on Sam just tell her she's very pretty and you would like to know her better well I'll try to talk to her soon hey everyone the new Julia Roberts movie is opening tomorrow Alexi and I want to see it do you want to come with us another pretty woman well I'm not talking to Stephanie I could at least see Julia Roberts her hair is long and wavy her smile is very bright I love her movies yes she is an attractive woman I love her movies but I always love her fun personality she's famous in Greece too [Music] you
Channel: English For You
Views: 2,708,423
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: English for you, سلسلة من 80 درسا لتعليم اللغة الانكليزية, دروس, تعليم, اللغة, الانكليزية, English, for, you, apprendre, learn english, free english, Education (Word), education, english lesson, learning english, free english learn, learn english free, english for you 80 cd, full english, ingilizce, ingilizce öğren, ingilizce ogren, ingilizce cd, elementary, beginner, intermediate, learn english easy, easy english, kolay ingilizce, what does she look like, she, look like
Id: QTd9Hu-1RH0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 45sec (3945 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 16 2014
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