Intermediate Levels - Lesson 10: At the grocery store

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lesson 10 at the grocery store hello today we're going to learn some new vocabulary secondly we're going to review adjectives after that we'll look at some different endings for adjectives and then we're going to review count and non-count nouns we'll learn how to use them with different units of measurement after that we'll learn some participles and finally we'll look at some new quantitative but first let's look at some new vocabulary a shopping cart a shopping cart a shopping cart is a small carriage on four small wheels shoppers put what they want to buy inside the cart and some shopping carts have a special special seat for children the Delhi the Delhi the Delhi is a part of the grocery store which sells salads cheeses and cooked meats the produce section the produce section the produce section is a part of a grocery store that sells fresh fruit and vegetables a cashier a cashier a cashier is someone whose job it is to receive money in a grocery store a cash register a cash register cash register is a machine used in shops to keep money in and record the amount of money received from each sale a receipt a receipt a receipt is a written statement that the cashier gives to the customer to show she has received payment for the groceries a shelf a shelf a shelf is a long narrow flat piece of material that is used for putting such things as groceries on an aisle an aisle an aisle is a long passage between rows of shelves in a grocery store and Express cashier and Express cashier and Express cashier is where people with few items go to pay for their groceries usually 10 or less a stock boy a stock boy stock boy is a person who puts products on the shelves in grocery stores so that customers may buy them spices spices spices are powders or seeds taken from plants that you put into food that you're cooking to give it a special flavor examples of spices are salt and pepper cinnamon ginger parsley and oregano in America people can pay for their groceries with money a credit card or with by writing a check let's go over these again a shopping cart the deli the produce section a cashier a cash register a receipt a shelf an aisle and express cashier a stock boy and spices adjectives let's quickly review adjectives please have a look at these sentences Michael bought five green apples Mary is using the new shopping cart the grocery store will close the spice aisle today my father thinks grocery stores are boring adjectives describe nouns and they usually come before the noun for example five green apples sometimes they can come after the noun grocery stores are boring let's practice let's use some adjectives in our sentences Monica do you like to go to the grocery store I do but not for too long I'm healthy I like to look at vegetable some fresh vegetables and fruits I like to eat them what about you Luis I hate the grocery store it isn't interesting I agree and Rosa I love the grocery store I love the magazine section I like to read sports magazine good I can see that everyone remembers their adjectives and now it's time to look and listen look and listen the old grocery store will close on Saturday Molly always has to put her naughty child in the children's seat Claire hates to shop in the smelly fish section the video section isn't new read and repeat you adjective endings we can now look at different endings for adjectives these are called suffixes the suffixes please have a look at these sentences that grocery store is famous for its homemade pies the meat in the deli department is not edible the stock boy is usually very helpful some male shoppers are helpless suffixes are letters added to the end of a word to form a new word they can change the word from a noun or verb to an adjective in the first sentence the noun fame becomes the adjective famous by adding us in the second sentence the verb eat becomes the adjective edible by changing this letter and adding ible in the third sentence the verb help becomes the adjective helpful by adding ful and in the fourth sentence the verb help becomes the adjective help less by adding le SS helpful means it will help you helpless means it cannot help you let's look at some nouns or verbs that can be changed into adjectives by adding a suffix danger suffix owe us adjective dangerous noun Fame suffix owe us adjective famous the neighborhood near the grocery store is quite dangerous okay next one we have is noun music suffix al adjective musical the noun is politics the suffix is al the adjective political and the noun is economy suffix al adjective economical shopping at the local market can be economical right we have a noun cloud suffix y adjective cloudy the noun Sun suffix y adjective sunny and a noun dirt suffix y adjective dirty look at Bob's dirty child he's walking in Aisle seven okay we have the verb attract the suffix of I ve and the adjective attractive the verb create the suffix I ve and the adjective creative the attractive woman is in that grocery store okay we have the verb enjoy suffix a ble adjective enjoyable and the verb comfort or the now on comfort the suffix ABL e and the adjective is comfortable not comfortable comfortable rita spent an enjoyable morning at the grocery store right okay here is the verb and noun care suffix ful adjective careful the noun pain suffix ful adjective painful careful shoppers find the best bargains the next noun thought the suffix le SS adjective thoughtless job the noun Fix le SS adjectives jobless the thoughtless woman angered many shoppers okay let's practice Louis I know you love shopping shopping for groceries is painful and full of pain shopping for cities is painless there's no pain very good Rosa what do you think of shopping I think it's very enjoyable I love to shop if the weather is rainy very good and Monica I don't mind shopping with my mom she can't see well so it's a little dangerous for leather shoppers if she shops along I see thank you very much and now it's helpful for you to look and listen look and listen the homeless man had to leave the grocery store because he had no money Ron is a very helpful stock boy I think people who use a credit card to buy one item are thoughtless the thoughtful lady let the boy with an apple go ahead of her in the Express line read and repeat you count and non-count nouns well now let's review count and non-count nouns and then we'll look at how to change non count nouns into count nouns let's start with count nouns please have a look at these sentences we bought five ripe apples there are six aisles in that grocery store Craig bought a magazine at the grocery store how many oranges did Frank buy count nouns are nouns that can be counted they can be singular or they can be plural an indefinite article a or n can come before a count noun and to ask a question about a count noun we use the sentence how many let's practice what did you buy the last time you went to a grocery store Rosa I bought ten onions my mother was going to make soup very good Monica what did you want to buy I wanted to buy a new chair for the balcony there are red sheep at the grocer's though I bought one there too Luis how many times did you go to the grocery store last month I didn't go a single time I had grocery stores most men hate shopping thank you everyone and now let's look at non count nouns please take a look at these sentences Carrie bought some sugar at the store my friend bought some rice at the same store the noise at that grocery store is terrible I like that store because they play music non count nouns are nouns that cannot be counted you cannot place an indefinite article or n before a non-count noun you can place the definite article the' before a non-count now because it's specific non count nouns are usually singular and ask a question about non-count noun we use how much how many count nouns how much non count nouns let's practice what can you buy in the deli section Monica you can buy some meat and some cheese very good and what can you buy in the produce department Rosa you can buy some fruit excellent how much sugar did you buy the last time you were in a grocery store Luis I didn't buy any sugar I didn't buy any cooler I had grocery stores okay thank you thank you now it's time to look and listen look and listen there are 70 shopping carts in this grocery store there is a children's seat in each cart I think the orange juice is an aisle 6 the bread at that market is not very good read and repeat now let's see how we can use count nouns and non-count nouns together have a look at these examples je bought a bag of sugar at the grocery store he also bought a bar of soap they don't have any bottles of ketchup at the market Henry didn't need a bunch of bananas well non-count nouns include ideas for example history and knowledge is ideas they also include emotions emotions for example love-hate activities tennis things you can measure things you can measure for example gasoline you can measure gasoline you can measure rice and things you can group together for example you can group together furniture chairs sofa stools furniture so ideas history knowledge emotions love hate for example activities such as tennis things you can measure gasoline rice and things you can group together for example furniture now we can give specific amounts to either count nouns or non count nouns by using certain units of measurement units of measurement let's have a look at some units of measurement now we have a bag we can use a bag with sugar which is non-count or a bag of potatoes and potato chips which are countable we have a bar a bar of candy uncountable or a bar of hard soap also uncountable next we have a bottle of detergent a bottle of soda a bottle of juice a box of cereal or a box of detergent a bunch usually fruit a bunch of bananas a bunch of grapes a can of soup beans tuna and soda a can is also like a 10 sometimes called a 10 or a can a carton a carton of eggs milk or cigarettes a carton is like a box we can have a cup a tablespoon or a teaspoon we use this with liquid and dry ingredients okay next we have a dozen usually just four eggs but another example is loaves of bread a dozen loaves of bread or a dozen eggs a gallon a pint or a quart of liquids for example milk or something like ice cream a jar of mayonnaise or jam or a jar of mustard loaf of bread so not breads but one loaf of bread or two loaves of bread next we have a package a package of potato chips or a package of spaghetti a piece a piece of cake a piece of pie or a piece of meat a pound or a kilo a pound of meat or kilo of meat and a pound or kilo of cheese a roll of paper towels or a roll of toilet paper a stick of butter and finally a tube of toothpaste now these units of measurement I use this way you have the unit of measurement plus of plus the count or non count noun now not a dozen does not have of so a dozen whoops dozen eggs is not dozen of eggs just a dozen eggs so unit of measurement of count non count noun for example a bag of potato chips or a bag of sugar let's practice Lois what did your mother by the last time she went to a grocery store I don't know maybe she bought two loaves of bread okay thank you what did you buy last time Monica I bought four bottles of Fanta and two cartons of milk my love milk what did you buy Rosa I bought a jar of rosary jam two sticks of butter and a loaf of bread I love toast with butter and jam that's good thank you everybody now it's time for a piece of look and listen look and listen you can't buy cartons of cigarettes in that store please buy a carton of ice cream for the party we need some rolls of paper towels from the store Helen purchased a half dozen eggs at the market read and repeat participles now let's talk about participles please have a look at these examples Mike thanks shopping is boring he feels bored it is a confusing supermarket they are confused shoppers the present participle is formed this way the present participle is the simple form simple form of the verb plus I and J and the past participle is formed by the simple form plus Edie some participles can be used as adjectives and examples of these adjectives are present participle boring past bored present interesting past interested present frustrating past frustrated present confusing past confused present amusing past amused present exciting past excited and present surprising past surprised well let's look at when they are used the present participle expresses how the subject affects someone or something the first sentence expresses the effect shopping has on Mike present participle conveys an active meaning the noun it modifies does something so Mike thinks shopping is boring this means let's put on the board Mike thinks shopping is boring so shopping is boring this means shopping bores Mike in the third sentence the noun supermarket does something it confuses thus it is described as a confusing supermarket it is a confusing supermarket this means the supermarket confuses confuses people shall we say the past participle expresses how the subject feels about someone or something in the second sentence what Mike thinks about shopping is expressed the past participle conveys a passive meaning we say he feels bored we think of it as like a passive sentence he feels bored by shopping he feels bored it's the same as he feels bored by shopping or he feels bored with shopping it's the same in the fourth sentence the shoppers are confused by something and they are described as confused shoppers so we write they are confused shoppers this is the same as they are confused by something actually it's in the situation they are confused by the supermarket so we have they are confused shoppers this is the same as they are confused by or confused with the supermarket well let's practice do you understand Monica I think so it's a little confusing so you are confused then yeah it shows what you feel about a subject it's confusing so you use the present participle good Louis what do you think about shopping at the grocery store I hate it it's boring I'm bored to death very good Monica what about you it's interesting when I have money when I have a lot of money everything interests me me too and what about you Rosa I will use the word I learned last week shopping is fascinating for me watching the people fascinates me great job and now it's time for you to be interested in our fascinating look and listen look and listen shopping with children is annoying shopping with older people can be tiring Jason is always annoyed when he shops with his children fred is always tired after shopping in the grocery store read and repeat quantitative now let's look at our last topic today topic is quantitative or expressions of quantity please take a look at these sentences Andy bought two apples he gave both of the apples to his brother Neil purchases a few bottles of Cola at the grocery store he didn't buy much rice expressions of quantity precede nouns they come before nouns they tell you how many or how much of something there is or there are some expressions of quantity are used only with count nouns and some are used only with non count nouns some can be used with count nouns and non-count nouns let's look at some expressions of quantity we have one and one peach use with count nouns each each peach these are not used with non count nouns every every peach next we have both both peaches a couple of a couple of peaches a few is next a few then a few peaches several several peaches many many peaches now we have expressions of quantity used with non count nouns these are a little a little salt much much salt and now these expressions can be used with both not any not any peaches or not any salt some some peaches some salt a lot of a lot of peaches a lot of salt lots of lots of peaches lots of salt most most peaches and most salt and finally all all peaches and all salt well let's practice Louis what do you usually buy when you go to the grocery store I don't go to the grocery store my mother buys usually where several pieces of meat she doesn't buy much rice nobody likes it in my family Thank You Louis what about you Monica I usually buy several bags of food i buy lots of vegetables and fruit great and Rosa I usually buy a little butter sometimes I buy four sticks of butter I also buy mean eggs thank you everyone so now we have a little time to look and listen look and listen Jeff bought all the apples in the produce section most of them weren't ripe lots of them had worms several of the apples were good though read and repeat review well now let's do some exercises let's start with an easy exercise put the appropriate adjectives before the nouns in the following sentences Rosa you can do the first one cow bought something apples and something bananas and something carrots what did she buy cardboard green apples ripe bananas and fresh carrots green apples ripe bananas and what kind of carrots sorry fresh carrots and fresh carrots good cow bought green apples ripe bananas and fresh carrots Luis do this one the something shopper was shouting at the something cashier the angry shopper was shortened at the rude cashier good the angry shopper was shouting at the rude cashier wonderful Monica your turn the deli had a sale on something fish something cheese and something salads what do you think it is Monica a my favorite section the deli had a sale on smoked fish mm-hmm French cheese and it's held in salads good the deli had a sale on smoked fish french cheese and Italian salads great job everyone thank you now let's do an edge let's do an exercise practice see the different endings for adjectives I'll give you a subject and you give me two adjectives describing the subject please use the adjectives using the special endings that we learned today okay okay just get some board space and Lois you can do the first one and that would be the something cashier Monica you can do this one the something grocery store and Rosa this one's for you the something shopper Lois what's yours the door to cashier yep the attractive cashier good dirty cashier and the attractive cashier wake up the economy code grocery store economical yeah famous the famous yep good the economical grocery store and the famous grocery store and the Rosa the helpless shopper the thoughtful shopper the helpless shopper and the thought poor shopper but good work everybody now let's pretend we're shopping in a grocery store let's each buy three things and it's use units of measurement to talk about the things that we bought Rosa what did you buy I bought a bag of candy a jar of ginger and a piece of chocolate cake sounds good and what did you buy Monica I bought a carton of eggs a tip of toothpaste and four sticks of butter very good hey Lois I didn't buy anything my mother bought two pints of ice cream a can of soup and four rolls of toilet paper Thank You Luis and thank you everybody let's do another exercise let's fill in the blanks with the appropriate participle so Luis since you're so good with that last answer you can go first this time and I'll give you a sentence you hate grocery stores you think they are what Lois you think they are I hate them you think I think they are horrible I think they are boring you think they're boring good you think they are boring Rosa next one the shopper was very the shopper was very frustrated all very frustrated ok chopper was very frustrated and Monica you can do the last one my morning at the supermarket was very what sad thing okay exciting my morning at the supermarket was very exciting great job by everyone there one last final exercise and I think this time you can fill in the blanks with the best options so let's fill in the blanks with an appropriate quantitative first time like a three apples or a couple of apples or some apples or many apples or whatever you think is the best answer all right let's go Monica you go first Janet only bought something apples what do you think Monica Janet only bought a couple of apples okay Janet only bought a couple of apples okay Rosa you do this one we don't need something water what do you think the best answer is there Rosa oh we're not need much water we don't need much water and Lois the last one Joan needs something of eggs John it's lots of eggs lots of eggs super thank you everyone great job today now it's time to listen and write listen and write listen and write these sentences number one the grocery store was old and dirty number two the long aisles were filled with busy shoppers number three that cashier wasn't very helpful number four economical shoppers are always looking for cheap stores number five Andrea bought ten loaves of bread number six we need some new jars of spice number seven shopping for groceries is often boring for men number eight my wife had an exciting day at the grocery store number nine we need lots of groceries from the market number ten many shoppers were unhappy with the cashiers now check your work number one the grocery store was old and dirty number two the long aisles were filled with busy shoppers number three that cashier wasn't very helpful number four economical shoppers are always looking for cheap stores number five Andrea bought ten loaves of bread number six we need some new jars of spice number seven shopping for groceries is often boring for men number eight my wife had an exciting day at the grocery store number nine we need lots of groceries from the market and number ten many shoppers were unhappy with the cashiers now I'll read the story and answer the questions read and answer Mike owns three grocery stores they sell many things produce meat clothing and some small pieces of furniture it is a big store there are many aisles and lots of shelves mike has a couple of parking lots for each store Kate is Mike's wife she thinks that owning grocery stores is useless she thinks her life is boring Mike is always working he is never at home she thinks he is a thoughtless husband she is a very frustrated wife Mike wants to buy a bakery he wants to sell fresh loaves of bread pieces of strawberry cheesecake and boxes of chocolate cookies he wants to open his new store in 2005 if it is successful he will open more bakeries Kate will not be happy now listen and answer the questions number one how many grocery stores does Mike own number two what do they sell at the grocery stores number three how many parking lots does Mike have for each store number four who is Kate number five what does she think about grocery stores number six why is kate frustrated number seven what does mike want to buy number eight what does he want to sell there number nine when does he want to open the first bakery and number ten will his wife be happy now check your work number one how many grocery stores does mike own mike owns three grocery stores number two what do they sell at the grocery stores they sell many things number three how many parking lots does Mike have for each store he has a couple of parking lots for each store number four who is Kate Kate is Mike's wife number five what does she think about grocery stores she thinks owning them is useless number six why is Kate frustrated she thinks her life is boring and Mike works too much number seven what does Mike want to buy Mike wants to buy a bakery number eight what does he want to sell there he wants to sell loaves of bread pieces of cheese cake and cookies number nine when does he want to open the first bakery he wants to open the new bakery in 2005 number ten will his wife be happy no she will not be happy see you next time bye-bye practicing English so Dave we were talking the other day you mentioned you had a birthday coming up when is it exactly it's next Friday the 22nd why we were just curious do you have anything special you always like to do on your birthday like see a movie go away for a few days stuff like that well like most people I think I like to spend my birthday with my friends I usually like to have a nice dinner with everyone then have a little party maybe even a big delicious chocolate cake hmm sounds good go on hey what are you two up to I know that look you just gave her what's going on well you've been such a good friend to us since you got here that we want to plan a special birthday for you we wanted to know what your favorite foods are and we do all the cooking ourselves that's sweet but you don't have to do that Dave we want to make it for you before the party on your birthday really you girls are being unbelievably kind but it's too much trouble and work no really we want to do this please let us make this delicious dinner remember we'll get to eat this incredible food too okay okay you win okay we'll be ready to go the grocery store in just a minute all right if you really want to know my favorite meal is full of things unfold your health but delicious to eat for example okay my dream meals starts off with a thick and creamy Boston clam childr served with big fresh pieces of clam then I love a thick juicy steak cooked medium-rare you know red in the middle with a baked potato topped with lots of butter and sour cream also I like to eat a salad God have at least one healthy thing and broccoli covered with melted cheese mmm for dessert that's easy chocolate cake hmm got it Carrie we can pick up a few of these things next week so they're fresh but I know my grocery store can get us started let's go right now and see if they have all the ingredients for Dave's birthday celebration I have to pick up a few things for tonight's dinner myself come on I don't have class tonight so I'll cook tonight too since we're going to the grocery store together we might as well eat together let's practice for next week excellent idea let's go see ya look at those Tomatoes Carrie have you ever seen them that big there's a huge some of them like basketballs well they're that big but some of them are really enormous hey I bet they'd be great in that salad we were planning for for tonight Dave Sydney likes broccoli with melted cheese right yes you did this broccoli looks super fresh shall we get some yeah let's do that I love broccoli too siliceous with melted cheese and look at those big heads of lettuce we can make a really big salad with those yeah I think we'll have a good dinner tonight it'll be good practice for Dave's party next week you're right hi Monica are you good at making baked potatoes sure Dave's meal is easily made nothing's very complicated it's a simple meal so we shouldn't get in over our heads I mean I'm not the most talented cook in the world but thankfully Dave's birthday dinner isn't very difficult hey Mon a few of these tomatoes in our basket have sauce spots on the other side let's put these back and get some fresh ones good eye Carrie I didn't notice that I can't wait to eat a good big salad tonight and let's get some bread some cheese of course dessert excellent so you and I are set for cooking for Dave on Friday right yeah I can't wait to see his face when he eats out incredible meal well he's a great guy so we should do our best thanks for helping me on this let's go look at the steaks and get shopping yeah let's do it let's go okay you you
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Keywords: IELTS, Key English, easy english, free english learn, ingilizce, english lesson, iTEP, الانكليزية, ECPE, learn english free, kolay ingilizce, beginner, سلسلة من 80 درسا لتعليم اللغة الانكليزية, PTE, learn english, اللغة, ingilizce cd, english for you 80 cd, education, for, Education (Word), دروس, English, apprendre, full english, learn english easy, تعليم, how are you, intermediate, free english, English for you, elementary, ingilizce öğren, TOEFL, you, TOEIC, learning english, ingilizce ogren
Id: UV8Asxp0AAQ
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Length: 53min 0sec (3180 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 17 2014
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