Intermediate Levels - Lesson 8: Crime doesn't pay

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hello today we're going to review the first and second conditionals and then we're going to learn the third or unreal conditional and we're also going to look at progressive verb forms and conditional sentences and the use of code might and should in these sentences but first let's learn some new vocabulary first we have a prison a prison a prison is a large building where people are kept as punishment for a crime a jail a jail a jail is a place where people who have been charged with the crime are kept before they go to court a warden a warden a warden is an official whose job it is to make sure that the rules are obeyed in a prison and next we have a court a court a court is a building or a room where all the information concerning a crime can be given so that it can be judged now we have a prisoner a prisoner a prisoner is someone who's kept in a prison or a jail as punishment for a crime okay a cell a cell a cell is a small room in a prison where a prisoner sleeps next we have solitary confinement solitary confinement it's an additional punishment for a prisoner this means that the prisoner is kept alone and it's not allowed to see anyone okay we have a verb now Ferber's to murder well to murder is to kill someone deliberately and illegally and now we have a murderer a murderer well a murderer is a person who commits murder a pick pocket a pickpocket a pickpocket is a person who steals something from someone's pocket maybe as you are walking down the street a purse snatcher a purse snatcher this is the person who grabs someone's purse and then runs away with it another verb to shoplift to shoplift to shoplift means to take something from a shop or a store without paying for it and then we have a shop lifter murderer snatcher a shoplifter is a person who takes something from a shop without paying for it okay a few more over here now a burglar a burglar a burglar is a person who gets into shops or houses to steal things now we have this one arson arson arson is a crime of deliberately making something burn usually a building and arsonist an arsonist is a person who commits the crime of arson this person deliberately lights a fire or makes a building burn three more hand cuffs handcuffs handcuffs are a pair of metal rings joined by a chain used for holding a prisoners wrists together shekels shackles are metal rings joined by a chain and they're used for fastening a prisoner's feet or hands they're similar to handcuffs and lastly we have evidence evidence is facts objects or signs that make you believe something is true for example fingerprints hair footprints our examples of evidence so let's have a look at these words again those we have a prison a jail a warden a court a prisoner and a cell now we have solitary confinement verb to murder and the person a murderer a pickpocket a purse-snatcher to shoplift and the person is a shoplifter a burglar arson and arsonist is the person handcuffs shackles and finally evidence conditions let's start our review have a look at these sentences on your TV screen if I have enough time I visit my uncle in prison every week if he has enough money he won't shoplift if the warden gets a new secretary he will be very happy the lawyer will still meet with the prisoner if the prisoner has no money okay well a conditional sentence is a sentence which has a condition and a result now if is used in conditional sentences there are two clauses that means a part of a sentence which contains a subject and a verb that's one Clause one subject one verb one clause there are two clauses in a conditional sentence and one of them begins with the word if okay so we have an if Clause plus a result clause so the claw is beginning with the word F is the if clause and the other clause is the main or the result clause so for example in the first sentence if I have enough time that's the if clause if I have enough time and the result clause is I visit my uncle every week let's put down the board if I have enough time comma I visit my uncle every week every week that again if clause if I have enough time result clause I visit my uncle every week okay in the fourth sentence if the prisoner has no money is the if clause the lawyer will still meet with the prisoner is the result clause okay now a sentence can begin with the if clause or the result clause in other words we can have if I have enough time I visit my uncle every week or we can change it I visit my uncle every week if I have enough time that's okay when we begin a sentence with F we must have the comma if we have the other way around I visit my uncle e every week if I have enough time if I have enough time comma I visit my uncle every week I visit my uncle every week if I have enough time no comma okay this is called the first conditional in the first conditional notice the verb in the if clause is in the present simple so let's put this here first conditional first conditional is f plus simple present if I have enough time and then in the result Clause plus simple present or simple future okay if I have enough time simple present I visit my uncle every week simple present let's look at some more examples then if the prisoners don't eat breakfast they always get hungry in the prison yard now the simple present is used and the result Clause to show that something always happens or it's a habit it's a HEPA habitual activity or a situation it always happens another example a person will go to jail if he commits a burglary so in the result Clause either the present simple or the future simple is used to show that a predictable fact will happen it's going to happen every time another example if Tom doesn't shoplift an apple he will have nothing to eat tonight the simple future is used in the result clause when the sentence concerns a particular activity or future or situation in the future another example if the family isn't home tomorrow the burglar will rob their house so the simple present can also be used in the if Clause when the sentence concerns a particular activity in the future let's practice Rosa what will you do if you see your friend shoplifting I'll be very angry if I see my friend shoplifting I'll tell the police good for you Rosa Lewis what will you do if you see an arsonist if I see an arsonist I will call the fire department then I will call the police very good Monica what will you do if you see a prisoner escape from jail I will chase them if I see a prison escape from jail I'm mad fast and I will help I will use my handcuffs really yeah I haven't got some they're toys the toys okay thank you very much everybody and now if you look and listen you can practice more look and listen the murderer will kill his wife if he finds a gun the prisoners can't use the telephone if they are in solitary confinement if a burglar enters my house I will shoot him if a purse snatcher grabs your purse you will be sorry read and repeat okay now let's look at the second conditional take a look at these sentences if I were a warden this prisoner wouldn't be here the shoplifter would be taken to jail if I were the shop owner if the arsonist had some petrol he would start a fire Larry wouldn't be a burglar if he had won the lottery a sentence in the second conditional expresses something that is not true in the future or in the present so in the first sentence in truth I am NOT a warden in the second sentence I am NOT a shop owner in truth really right now I am NOT a shop owner in the third sentence the arsonist doesn't have petrol and in the fourth sentence in truth Larry would not be a burglar if he won the lottery so to make the second conditional we use this formula we have the if clause plus the simple present then we have the result clause would plus simple form so this is our if clause if plus simple present and then would plus simple form let's put that here the if Clause and over here the result clause let's practice this now let's pretend we are criminals what would you do if you were an arsonist Monica I don't want to be an arsonist if I were an arsonist I would set fires in empty buildings and so that no one can get burned that's a good idea so Rosa what would you do if you were a shoplifter I would see a psychiatrist if I were a shoplifter shoplifting isn't normal you're right and Luis what would you do if you were a burglar if I went into someone else's house just do something I would be very quiet and wasn't get caught very good thank you everybody and now if I were you I would look and I would listen very carefully look and listen the warden would change his job if his wife found the job the prisoner would escape if he had the chance Bonnie would like to visit the prison if her husband let her if the weather were nice today the prisoners would go into the yard read and repeat well now let's learn past or unreal conditionals for please take a look at these sentences if the prisoner had had enough time he would have made a new weapon the warden would have been angry if he had known the guard gave the prisoner a cigarette if the pickpocket had been quicker he wouldn't have been caught the burglar would have been rich if he had emptied the safe well the third conditional can be used to describe ideas about past situations or events that did not happen the past perfect tense is used in the if Clause let's look at the formula we have if plus past perfect comma would have plus past participle okay if plus past perfect this is our if clause and then would have plus past participle our result Clause let's have a look at these examples okay if the prisoner had told me about the problem I would have helped him so in truth the prisoner did not tell me in the past it's an untrue past situation so the third conditional is used another example if the burglar had studied the house plan better he wouldn't have been arrested so what actually happened the burglar didn't study the house plan so he was arrested it's an untrue past action so he used the third conditional okay the next example the prisoner wouldn't have broken his arm if he hadn't slipped on the ice so what really happened the prisoner slipped on the ice and broke his arm so in this sentence it's an untrue past situation again we use the third conditional so when we're speaking the auxilary verbs or the helping verbs are almost always contracted for example here if if you'd told me comma I would have helped the prisoner so for speaking we'd say if you'd told me I would have helped the prisoner just be careful it's not I would have but I would have if you told me I would have helped the prisoner that's when we're speaking well let's practice these now okay so do you understand why we use the third conditional of course we use it for things that happened in the past great and do you know what verb tenses we use we use past perfect and if clause we use would have plus past participle in the result clause good so let's try to use this conditional Rosa what do you know about Adolf Hitler he was a bad man if I had known him I would have put him in prison before the law I agree and Monica what do you know about lik Valenza he was a great man he was in prison too if I had met him I would have give him a big kiss good okay he was a good man and Luis what do you know about Franco Franco was a Spanish dictator we didn't like him in Portugal I would have murdered him if I had seen that's not nice but you're right he was a a person okay so these people had looked and listened they would have spoken English better and now it's time for you to look and listen look and listen if I had known the prisoner was a convicted murderer I would have been more careful if Manson hadn't gone to prison more people would have been killed the arsonist would have burned more buildings if he hadn't gotten arrested the purse-snatcher wouldn't have been caught if he hadn't had a sore foot read and repeat before we continue let's look at the three conditionals together okay let's practice all the conditionals Monica I have a friend who's in prison he isn't a bad person what do you think Tommy's name give me his address if I enough time I will write him a letter I think he'd like that Louis what do you think I think all prisoners are bad if he was smart he wouldn't be in prison sorry okay I understand and Rosa how about you I don't know maybe he wouldn't have any kind of life if he hadn't had you as a friend it's very nice Rosa thank you very much everybody okay so now let's look at the use of progressive verb forms in conditional sentences please take a look at these sentences if it weren't raining now the prisoners would play basketball in the yard if I weren't living in New York I would visit my brother in San Quentin prison if it had not been raining the prisoners would have played basketball in the yard if I had been living in California I would have been working at San Quentin prison well unconditional sentences progressive verb forms are used in progressive situations now let's look at could might and should in conditional sentences first let's look at could if I were a prisoner I couldn't visit my grandmother if Tim could sing as well as his mother he wouldn't be in prison Lou could have gone to the prison to visit his brother if he had had a bus ticket okay well in these sentences could means the ability to do something so in the first sentence couldn't visit means wouldn't be able to visit in the second sentence could sing means was able to sing and in the third sentence could have gone means would have been able to go now let's look at might jack might go to prison if he doesn't find a good lawyer if Henry was a better person he might not be in prison if Frank had told me about his shoplifting problem I might have been able to help him in these sentences might refers to possibility so in the first sentence might go means maybe he will go and in the second sentence might not be means maybe he would not be and in the third sentence might have been able to means maybe he wouldn't have been able to and it's finished with a look at should so first sentence was should if the / if the prisoner should call tell him I will speak with his lawyer tomorrow if there should be another prison riot the safety of the guards would be in jeopardy so in these two sentences should call and should be and to indicate a degree of uncertainty or some doubt well it's practice might could and should okay so Louis what could you do if you were a prisoner I couldn't do anything if I were a prisoner I could sit in my cell I could read books mate you're right Monica if I were a prisoner I might kill myself if my father had been a prisoner I would have been very embarrassed I'm sure you would have been very embarrassing and Rosa I don't want to think about it if a warden or petitioner should call my house I would scream I'm sure you would thank you very much everybody and now it might be a good idea if you look and listen look and listen I could carry a gun if I were a prison guard if the police could have found some evidence they'd have convicted Gary if the arsonist is in court I might move to a different state if you were a better pickpocket you might get rich read and repeat review here's one last thing we should look at before we do some exercises first sentence have a look at these sentences on your TV screen should the prisoner call please take message head I known I would have called the jail were I you I wouldn't steal that so sometimes when we have were head pass perfect or should if isn't used and in these situations the subject and the verb are reversed or inverted well now it's time for some exercises let's do an exercise using the first conditional Lois you are a warden and I want you to give us three sentences using the first conditional Monica you're an arsonist Rosa you are a prisoner okay what are your sentences Lois if I like the prisoner I will not put him in solitary confinement if I don't like the prisoner he won't get a TV in his room the new TV room will be used today if the prisoners are good good sentences Lois okay Monica what are your sentences if I'm burned out building a lobby code I will start the fire in the basement if there are people inside if it's a good fire I'll stay and watch it I'm sorry I don't like being arsonist I'm sorry about that good sentences though and Rosa how about your sentences if I don't want to go to solitary confinement it will be good I will escape if I have the chance if I find that knife I'll make a hole in the wall excellent work everybody so now let's try an exercise with the second conditional this can be a fill-in-the-blanks exercise with the appropriate verb in the second conditional Rosa you can go first if the pickpocket something enough time comma he something five wallets if the pickpocket something enough time he something five wallets what do you think two words that's difficult hmm if the pickpocket had enough time he would steal five bullets good if the pickpocket had enough time he would steal five wallets okay Monica here's one for you the prisoner something to his parents if the guard something him a pen prisoner something to his parents if the guard something him a pain the prisoner would write to his parents mm-hmm if the God gave him a pen good if the guard gave the prisoner would write to his parents if the guard gave him a pen and Luis last one for you if the shop lifter something a larger coat comma he something to hide more things if the shoplift something a larger code he something to hide more things what's the answer do you think if the shoplifter wore a larger court he would be able to hire more things good he would be able whoops he would be able to hide more things if the shoplifter wore a larger coach he would be able to hide more Thanks thank you and now let's do an exercise using the third conditional this time I'll give you the verbs and you fill in the blanks with the appropriate tense Luis you go first this time let's just make some space on the board what's the first one it is if the arsonist and we have the verb have more gasoline he and the verb is set more fires what do you think Louis if the arsonist had had more gasoline he would have set more fires good if the arsonist head had more gasoline he would have set more fires excellent ok Rosa this one's for you court and the verb is start on time if the prisoner something in the verb is be so unruly ok what do you think the answer is Rosa Court would have started on time if the prisoner hadn't been so unruly good mean court would have started on time if the prisoner hadn't been so unruly ok the last ones for you Monica if the police something the verb is fair find some evidence comma the woman and the verb is not release from jail what do you think there's Monica if the police had found some evidence the woman wouldn't have been released from jail good release we'll put it up there if the police had found some evidence the woman wouldn't have been released from jail ok that's excellent work thank you all now one more quick exercise this time gets fill in the blanks again with an appropriate verb okay Monica I want you to use could in your sentence Lois can you please use might yeah and Rosa I want you to use should okay Monica here's your sentence if Tom were a policeman he something a gun okay what do you think Monica if Tom were opposed man he could carry a gun okay good if Tom were a policeman he could carry a gun good work Rosa his yours if the prisoner something comma shoot him very dramatic if the prisoner should escape shoot him okay if the prisoner should escape shoot him and the last one view Luis if Kevin had told me about his problem comma he something in prison today what do you think is if Kevin had told me about this problem he might not be in prison today good if Kevin had told me about his problem he might not be in prison today good job everyone and now it's time to listen and write listen and write listen and write these sentences number one the prisoner will work in the garden today if he isn't sick number two if the prisoner has enough time he writes an article for the prison newspaper every week number three if Greg had enough money he would buy things instead of shoplifting them number four Yvonne would have written to her brother in prison more often if she hadn't lost his address number five the arsonist would have been captured if the police had arrived sooner number six if Jason weren't studying right now he would call the warden number seven if the prisoner should leave call the guard number eight I might get a job in the prison if I pass the exam number nine if Bryan weren't a prisoner he could move with his family to Detroit and number ten had she loves Tony he wouldn't be in jail well now check your work number one the prisoner will work in the garden today if he isn't sick number two if the prisoner has enough time he writes an article for the prison newspaper every week number three if Greg had enough money he would buy things instead of shoplifting them number four Yvonne would have written to her brother in prison more often if she hadn't lost his address number five the arsonist would have been captured if the police had arrived sooner number six if Jason weren't studying right now he would call the warden number seven if the prisoner should leave call the guard number eight I might get a job in the prison if I passed the exam number nine if Brian weren't a prisoner he could move with his family to Detroit and number ten head she loves Tony he wouldn't be in jail now read the story and answer the questions read and answer Kings prison was built in 1972 it's near San Diego it is a small prison if the state had had more money they would have built a bigger prison the prison has 200 cells in the main block it also has six solitary confinement cells the prison is very dangerous if there weren't so many guards it would be more dangerous there are 95 guards with 40 on duty at any one time some of the prisoners aren't so bad these prisoners are allowed more time in the yard Manuel is the worst prisoner if the lawyers find enough evidence for a first-degree murder conviction he will be executed some of the prisoners think Manuel wants to die now he is in solitary confinement and can't speak with anyone the only time he has contact with another person is when his meals are handed to him to a slot in the door well now listen and answer the questions number one when was Kings prison built number two where is Kings prison number three what would the state have done if they had had more money number four how many cells are there in the main block number five what would make the prison more dangerous number six how many guards are there number seven what are good prisoners allowed number eight who is the worst prisoner at Kings prison number nine what will happen if the lawyers find enough evidence number ten how does men well get his meals well now check your work number one when was Kings prison built it was built in 1972 number two where is Kings prison it is near San Diego number three what would the state have done if they had had more money they would have built a larger prison number four how many cells are there in the main block there are 200 cells number five what would make the prison more dangerous if there were fewer guards the prison would be more dangerous number six how many guards are there there are 95 guards number seven what are good prisoners allowed there allowed more time in the yard number eight who is the worst prisoner at Kings prison Manuel is the worst prisoner at Kings prison number nine what will happen if the lawyers find enough evidence if the lawyers find enough evidence Manuel will be executed number ten how does Manuel get his meals they are handed to him through a slot in the door see you next time bye bye practicing English I can't believe this what's the matter Carrie I have the worst luck in the world I was at an internet cafe this morning and someone sold my cell phone oh no that's terrible how did that happen well I was using the computer and drinking coffee I was pretty busy in there and I used my phone I left it out in case it rang again I think I left it on my desk anyway I was in the elevator when I went to use it and I watched my back and it wasn't there are you sure it's not somewhere else your purse maybe I'm sure it's gone I looked all the places it would be and it's just not with me someone must have picked it up in the cafe and stolen it I didn't even miss it till I got here why don't you go back to the cafe and see if someone can help you maybe someone found it I guess it's possible hard to please find the guy who did this I love my phone and all my numbers are in there this really stinks you're right getting something stolen that you use every day really is the worst look I don't have a class now so I can go back to the cafe with you I hate this but thanks for coming with me let's go to the cafe and see if they can tell us anything sure thanks for everything hey Dave have you seen Kerry today she seems like she's in a really crabby and bad mood yeah she's had a really bad day her cell phone was stolen this morning oh that explains it hi guys hey sorry to hear about what happened to you this morning sorry about your phone oh thanks but just really makes me mad if they find the creep who stole my phone they should put him in jail where did it happen I was at the internet cafe by school it was taken right off the desk I was working on did you go back to the cafe yeah Dave and I went back what did they say yeah they're all sorry and everything but they have signs all over advising people to be careful of their positions and I guess I wasn't being too careful you know the kind of people that do these crimes are very good at it unfortunately usually it's a pair of thieves one person asks you for a cigarette or for change and then while you're looking at them the other grabs your stuff all I know is they can't find a jail bad enough for whoever stole my phone I want them locked up if the world was a fair place this kind of thing wouldn't happen don't be too hard on yourself Kerry Monica's right you were probably hit by guys who do this all the time yeah but I just feel so stupid maybe if I'd be more careful this wouldn't have happened so the worst part is I'm mad at myself look we live in a big city so this kind of crime is just part of urban living I guess you're right Monica Carey if it make you feel any better I have a student who is how to replace her cellphone four times this year two were lost and two were stolen so there is someone out there with Lois luck than me come on just be more careful next time you're in a public place and you should be fine well some people getting things stolen as a way of life but I grew up in a small town and no one ever stolen anything like they do in the city I just get so angry when I think about someone using my phone or selling it for a few dollars look it's over there's nothing you could do now you're right of course well there's only one thing left to do what's that does anyone want to go shopping with me later okay nothing that I can't come back to let's go phone shopping check please you
Channel: English For You
Views: 79,330
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Keywords: اللغة, kolay ingilizce, Key English, TOEIC, learn english free, learning english, apprendre, الانكليزية, how are you, iTEP, دروس, IELTS, TOEFL, english for you 80 cd, full english, تعليم, free english, English, English for you, learn english, ingilizce ogren, ingilizce cd, PTE, ingilizce öğren, Education (Word), you, english lesson, elementary, ECPE, learn english easy, education, easy english, for, free english learn, ingilizce, beginner, سلسلة من 80 درسا لتعليم اللغة الانكليزية, intermediate
Id: paLLw6NPreY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 32sec (2972 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 17 2014
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