Elegoo Neptune 4 Pro Full Review

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thank you this thing is fast man I mean fast hey what's happening guys you saw this particular printer last week in my introduction this is the elegu Neptune 4 Pro this printer is running the Clipper firmware package and is incredibly fast I regularly print at speeds of 250 millimeters a second on this it says it's good for up to 300 but I'm holding it at about 250 just because that's a lot of mass for that bed to be shooting back and forth at that speed it actually gets kind of scary so right now it's not printing that fast obviously it's laying down a baseline for a honeycomb wall panel but we'll come back to this once it really starts picking up what I want to talk to you about in this review is how this printer which looks remarkably similar to any other bedslinger is in fact quite different on the inside now sure mechanically they're very similar they all use basically the same uh Nema what are the 17. stepper Motors they have belt drives they have external screens for control and they both have direct tries extruders now this printer here you can easily find for under two hundred dollars and it is a great printer I love it the new elegu Neptune 4 Pro is listing for 299 dollars and is a different animal entirely in fact I would put this printer more in line with something like this printer which is a high speed core XY machine before I would put it in line with this again nothing on nothing bad I'm saying against the simple bed Slingers but with Clipper this is a different Beast so to talk about the specs in this machine I want to start off by saying I was wrong a moment ago I said it was good for up to 500 or 300 millimeters a second eligu in its spec sheet says it's good for 500 millimeters per second and the big difference between the four Pro and the four are the hardened steel rails and roller wheels on both the tool head and down here on the bed uh let's see what else we have this has built-in pressure advance of course because of clipper pressure Advance is uh controlling the flow rate of the filament as it applies and concerns to speed so it either I'm no expert in this yet so it either speeds it up or slows it down as you go faster or slower now it also has input shaping which allows the printer to compensate for vibrations and you'll see this thing started shaken when it starts moving and that's perfectly normal another thing that makes this extremely cool is it has a dual zone heated bed there is a smaller Zone in the center and a larger Zone around the outside it's 150 and 100 Watts together so we're looking at 250 Watts now the bed leveling on this and yes it does have a integrated bed leveling with a little probe in there it does a 121 Point mesh which is just incredible takes a while but it's incredible now if you know anything about Clipper and you've heard of Camp which is Clipper adaptive meshing and purging you can set Camp up on here and it will simply probe the part of the bed that you're going to be printing on instead of the whole thing which is another really cool thing now the build volume on this is 225 by 225 by 265 High which puts it you know in the same category as your standard bed Slinger it has an upgraded dual gear direct drive extruder and it weighs 29 grams it is really nice and give you a view of it you can see the gear pulling there and I love direct drive extruders I am no fan of Bowden tubes even reverse Bowden tubes make my skin crawl I understand they have their their Necessities but I don't like them personally now this printer has 40 15 ball bearing fans here and here and wait for this you see this box here on the back all right I'm gonna spin you around here so you can get a look that box has four more fans it is auxiliary part cooling for when you're really cranking up the speed and it's incredible it makes a huge difference it also makes a huge amount of noise but it works the maximum speed of the fans is 10 000 RPMs per minute well I guess that's kind of what RPM stands for isn't it you can tell I used to work at the department of redundancy Department uh maximum nozzle temperature up to 300 degrees so ASA a uh ABS polycarbonate nylon the hot head can handle it there's no enclosure so anything that requires a steady temperature yeah you're gonna have to think twice about printing it here but the hot end can handle it the firmware's Clipper file transfer method is um either USB or network there is a RJ45 Jack on the side now I do think Ellie goo missed a boat and not putting in Wi-Fi I understand they skipped it for a price point but uh yeah I think they really missed the vote on it you can get a Wi-Fi dongle adapter that worked but it might take you three or four tries to find one if you are a 3D printing fan and you watch uh out of Philadelphia he talks about needing to use one that has the railing chip in or Rail Link r-a-l-i-n-k so look for that if you're interested in doing that and they also tell supportive materials include pla ABS TPU pet G nylon I printed some other stuff on it just fine for instance here is an ASA print it is a Batman bus that I got off in printables and it is absolutely gorgeous here is the 15 minute benchy I think it's actually 18 minutes and it looks good that flagpole in the back looks good no stringing no stringing in the Wheelhouse it's hard to see in white but you can read the text on the back and you can see the text on the bottom I might have had my z a little low very nice also here is the Buddha that you know it comes on the card with it and it printed fantastically no troubles whatsoever I did a few calibration cubes you can see I didn't take the brim off of that one I have no complaints very nice all right we're going to come back to this once it completes the first layer and uh we'll get an idea for how fast this thing truly truly is all right the auxiliary part cooling fan has just switched on that you can hear I'm sure and the printer is uh it's moving we come over here we can actually see some of the specs right now it's only down there what ah where's my finger there it is 22 millimeters a second but it'll pick up you see it was just up to 275 there now let me shut off the light in this camera so I'm not blinding us and we'll come right back and talk about this control panel all right so here we are at the control panel it is a touch panel it is removable and on an old style coiled telephone cord that lump you see there is a magnet and that just clicks right to it very nice now right here where it says eligue if your slicer will output a thumbnail it will show up there just like your high dollar printers you can see the controls we have here while we are printing we can control uh nozzle temperature you see here our printing at 220 degrees our bed and then our external bed temperature you see there is our internal and the external temperature back to the nozzle we can control speed our print speed is at 100 we can move it up or down we can also control our flow we can increase the percentage and we can also control our fans and turn them up or down and it has these modes here there's normal mode giving it a couple seconds here's sport mode those fans are blowing [Applause] I'm gonna put it back to normal [Applause] there we go our filament coals we have adjustment controls we have live Z offset stepping live bed temperature and we can turn off our filament detector while it's printing which is a really nice feature you also have your LED controls there is a light strip on top and a little Spotlight type light the bottom of the tool here [Laughter] but you're not going to spend much time at this control panel it's good for setting things up especially um you know if you're getting ready to print something you can come over here and when it's not printing you'll have a different menu here one of the buttons says prepare you can hit that and it'll bring both your hot end and your beds up to temperature which is you know really useful when you're getting ready to print something have it ready and have to do that Now by default the Neptune 4 Pro does not do an automatic uh bed mesh before every print although it's super simple to do with Clipper which is what this printer runs on it comes with clipper installed here if you haven't seen my introduction introductory video where we put the printer together you should definitely check it out I take the bottom cover off when we take a look at the MKS pie board that's running in here that's right it has its own flavor of a raspberry pie inside here so nothing extra is required Clipper is installed the fluid interface is installed Moonraker is installed so all of your control for this printer can be handled very simply from the computer now I'll link down below there is another video that I I just did last week called what is Clipper which will give you a better explanation of what's going on this is not a great print to try and show you the speed from I'm seeing now but it is uh it is doing its best and it's cranking up there between 90 and 275 millimeters a second so when this is finished printing I will come back and we'll print something else much faster now one other area that I don't like and and can easily be fixed is on the bed with the um the magnetic Pei printer sheet which is fantastic there's no way to really align it and I just got whacked by the bed it's quick yeah I just um there's no way to really align it so you can see I'm kind of off there a little bit I'm hanging more off the starboard side than I am the port it's not a big deal because there is a little bit of space in there you probably got 3 8 of an inch or so which is much more than some of these other printers which if you're off by a little bit it's going to slam into the bed I had that happen it makes the scary grindy grinding noises that nobody likes to hear basically it's just a micro switch in there or this one could be Optical I'm not sure one of the two but it just looks for the filament to be passing that point it's plugged electronically it's on a swivel it's very nice here is your spool holder I kind of wish they'd done it like this I prefer them this way where the spool is parallel with the Gantry as opposed to being perpendicular to it but it works just fine this way now another uh thing that differs from your cheaper introductory level bed slingers is the Dual z-axis and the synchronicity of the belt so let's take a look at that next okay so this is the back of one of the cheaper bed slingers and you look over here there's our y-axis there's our x-axis and there's our z-axis there's just one uh one lead screw that white thing with the bearing I made that to keep it steady but it's not a dual z-axis which can't I'm not saying it will it can lead to your Gantry uh your your x-axis being canted one way or another and as somebody who plays around with Machining Mills and lays that's irritating I have not experienced any problems with it and you can keep this pretty tight by adjusting these eccentric nuts here which you know off-center nuts and by cranking them one way or another you can tighten these wheels up on here but a better solution and I understand why they did this you know this is a low-cost machine a better solution is to add a z motor on each side I love that then you put up your bearings and keep them you know nice and flat and then what they've done to even go a step further is they put a belt on it and what the belt does is it keeps those two Z Motors synchronized which is very nice it keeps everything as perpendicular as it possibly can be doesn't mean it's perfect and there are ways to adjust it um if you're familiar with the prusa printers when they first boot up they take their uh the X Gantry in the drive it up to the top so that the uh the screws end up bottoming out and then they pretty much level themselves that is an interesting way to do things I see advantage of it I see an engineer sitting in a room you know who finally we have to add one more feature to this we need we need a self-trimming Gantry and the guy's just like off really all right you asked for it you got it so this has it and that's very nice you'll notice that all of the wires are nice and held in one I don't know what they're called these I call them rooms wire looms and then our umbilical here is very nicer mounted to the back of that z-ban tree we've got heat shrink tubing all of the connectors are of course labeled this is our uh Tech stock and you can see the little micro switch in there now I'm not exactly sure what steppers are in here but I don't believe they're using the TMC 2209s because if they were they would not need the stepper over here is my another bed Slinger this is um the Cobra Neo you can see it also uses those but this printer which is the uh just the standard Cobra has no x-axis and stops because it uses the 2209 stepper which allows it to use uh sensorless homing it just simply detects a spike in current and says oh don't go any further than that all right we're getting some good print speed now we're still nowhere near as fast as it'll go that is 155 a minute but you know if you're familiar with you know say you have an Ender three or you know first I3 or something along those lines a longer in any cubic or even the uh Neptune 3 Pro or the Neptune 2. you ain't boogieing at this speed baby now if you take a look at the hardened rail up here you'll see there's some grease on it which they provided and you're definitely going to want to make sure same goes for the rail down here for the bed now look here Springs and wheels is this like 2014 get rid of them replace them with either silicone spacers or hard spacer even the cheap bed swingers are doing it if you like the cool kids that would do get rid of those nobody likes uh thumb wheels and spoons look at that we're printing up at three well we were but for a second we were at 300 millimeters a second now we're slow there we go 300 millimeters a second 155 45. here's the nature of 3D printing that speed go up speeds go down it all depends on what the machine is doing okay I've loaded in the rapid Bantry test code it says it should take 15 minutes it's 3 39. okay okay I have this position here so you can see the print speed on the one side and the printer itself the fencing being printed over there it is ridiculous how fast this prints it's already eight percent complete I'll come back when it is uh closer to the end it's now 3 51 P.M the print is 65 complete 65 complete with six minutes remaining and it is boogieing now I think we're on the uh yeah we're doing the Wheelhouse be up to the roof soon okay the time is 3 53 or so it says there are three minutes left it has been printing for 13 minutes and it is 80 complete well it looks like it's getting ready to start putting the roof on yep that's what it's doing drawing the roof on there now at 200 and 500 millimeters per second and swapping back and forth there I'm assuming the 250 millimeters a second is the print speed the 500 is the um travel speed but man when I got my first anet A8 I don't know five six seven years ago I would have never believed a 3D printer could behave like this it's incredible 87 percent two minutes left 91 one minute left it is 356 it looks like yep it's starting to draw the smokestack there it goes one of the things I'm going to show you here when this is over is just incredible when I did the introductory video and I took the bottom cover off to show you guys the board there is a big old honking super capacitor on there and uh it prevents brownouts it's amazing it's good thinking it's great engineering look at that thing go a little pull out here because it is over and you can see there it took 17 minutes well that says 18. there's the clock and there's the part I know why it's hard to see details yeah man it's look at that is it the best Banshee in the world no but it's close it's real close so watch let me zoom out here zoom out there we go in focus and I'm gonna flip the switch off and it's still on and I come back and boom I mean it's only good for a second or so but it stops you from losing your print which is fantastic just another great feature the elugu Neptune 4 Pro the list for 299 that is a lot of printer for 2.99. so I'd like to thank Ellie goo for sending this out to us free of charge for our consideration and I'd like to thank you guys for watching the videos I wouldn't be here without you all right guys that's it I'm out peace
Channel: learnelectronics
Views: 2,916
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Keywords: 3d printer, 3d printing, elegoo, learnelectronics, neptune 4, elegoo neptune 4, 3d printed, neptune 4 pro, 3d print, elegoo neptune 4 pro, neptune, elegoo neptune, klipper, 500mm/s, best 3d printer, tech, printer, best 3d printer 2023, 3d printing for beginners, 3d printer review, diy, resin 3d printer, anycubic Kobra 2, gadget, fastest 3d printer, 3D
Id: qtuuXS0YQpk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 28sec (1528 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 07 2023
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