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what if I were to tell you that this printer is one of the best Budget Printers of 2023 would you believe me well let's find out here is the latest from eligue it's a Neptune 4. no it's not the pro oh who sent the pros to the pro I mean it makes sense they know I'm not a pro so they got it right right yeah they did I'll keep telling myself that anyways I'd be hard-pressed to say this is a Neptune 3. I mean it looks identical b-rollers you know detachable touch screen I mean everything looks the same mine is this big blower on the back and this ethernet port on the side and a few more inputs on the front otherwise it looks identical however it's not the internals are different it's running a much better processor and it's running clipper what does that mean well elgu is claiming that this bedslinger can reach speeds up to 500 millimeters per second for printing really fast wow that's pretty impressive but you know I just take a stroll back on memory lane and yeah my last betslinger that claimed those speeds didn't work out too well for me and now it did for others don't get me wrong but for me I review what I get and it didn't work out so let's take a deeper dive and to see what you get in this for only 259 currently on their website 259. is this a race to the bottom I don't know let's take a look on the front you'll notice four ports and one to the right is it for your touch screen interface then you have your standard USB USBC and micro SD on the inside you have a 64-bit quad core processor that is running Clipper and you have eight gigs of RAM now allow around 400 files to be added to it if you so choose there is of course bed leveling Springs and knobs it does have a auto bed leveling mesh system and there is a flexible Pei sheet magnetic of course on the front you'll notice that there's belt tensioners on the Y and the x-axises and if you're familiar with the Neptune 3 series of printers man probably predecessor so you got your magnetic display here and it is very responsive touch screen here so if you're familiar with the Neptune 3 Series you'll be familiar with this as well as we move up you'll see the standard direct drive yeah this is actually 25 percent less weight than the Neptune 3. it has the Dual part cooling on both sides to adjust the tension you have to use an allen key here however this nozzle can now hit 300 degrees yes so you could print some nice high temp filaments now you notice on the back hello we have this huge part cooler yeah it goes the whole width of the bed so let's go ahead and take a look on the back side of this on the back here there is four 40 20 blower fans and then you go turn it on or off by the switch on top however you could also software control it you can do it right on the display if you so choose there's three settings that we'll go over a little bit later unlike some other bed Slingers with Clipper on it this lower will kick on after the first layer is down hmm Whoever thought there are two Z stepper motors for stabilization since this has a z timing belt I highly doubt that these are independently driven otherwise you would have no need for that timing belt on the top there is a filament run out sensor right in the top and it swivels I think that's one of the best spots for a filament run out sensor you notice that there is a light here that is actually controlled on the display it's called the headlight there is also a light that's uh underneath the printhead here and that is called Observation light and um you can run them both or you can choose not to now this does not have Wi-Fi however it does have an ethernet port and if you want to access Clipper you'll need to attach this to your your router through Ethernet yeah that's a lot of features for only 259 dollars now let's take a look at assembly I mean it's an eligue right of course just like any elugu machine the box came extremely well packed nice origin foam Gantry is installed by four bolts two on each side and you have the touchscreen Mount plug it in do some wiring follow the instructions for those install your big part cooler install your the spool holder filament run out sensor and select your power filed the bed measure leveling and you're all set to go speaking of fast and easy assembly that leads us to today's video sponsor PCB weight are you looking for a PCB manufacturer are you looking for rigid flexible pcbs are you looking for them to assemble them for you well they can and they also offer other services such as 3D printing injected molding and CNC heck they even have a community section where you could buy a project and assemble it on your own if you're looking for any of these services please reach out to PCB way and I'd like to thank PCB way for sponsoring today's video now let's take a closer look at the Lu Neptune 4 and see how it prints but before that you start printing with this you need to load the software and the assembly video and software is provided on the included USB stick they use a skinned version of cura which I don't really understand I really would like them to just have it config that you could just put in there but that's just the way they do it and typically I just build my own profiles but I like to give it the whole end user experience here what you get from the box and printing so let's go ahead and install the cura and let's see how we could actually connect Cura to the printer so you could just send a job right to it the first thing that we're going to need to do is connect by ethernet then go to about and copy down our IP address then we're going to launch Cura and we're going to search a Marketplace for the Moonraker connection we're going to agree to all the terms and sign your life away that you have no idea what you're signing about and once it's downloaded we're going to need to quit Cura to install the add-in once you've restarted current add-ins installed we're going to choose the printer in the drop down and we're going to configure the connection and make sure you follow the format that's above in the yellow and type in your IP address you can hit save ignore the other two tabs those are not needed make sure that you have your project in there whatever STL you want and now once we hit slice there will be a couple more options you click on the arrow pointing down and now you can choose upload and then click one more time to upload this will give you a chance to change your file name which gives you like this really long file name so I like to shorten it and then I'm going to send my job directly and print it and voila 100 uploaded now let's configure your browser now if you want to just view your job or go into a Clipper just type in the IP address like you did for the Moonraker voila you're in say that you also want to view your printer if you have a just a USB webcam just plug it in configure it and boom you can now watch it remotely as well well that wasn't too difficult so all we have to do now is see how this printer prints and see how fast it goes [Music] now with the slicer I decided that I'm going to just stick with the 250 millimeter profile that they had which is plenty fast and what what is on the machine they had these 18 minute benches so we're going to take a look at that as well so let's go ahead and see if it actually printed pretty decently at those print speeds shall we let's go ahead and take a deep dive into it first we're going to start out with the Buddha yep they're standard print that comes on all Lu printers and this is uh with profit 3D and this is their blue came out real nice bottom layer looks fantastic yeah came out really really good and then I went with their 30 minute benchy I didn't remove her little uh raft there so but uh this is their 30 minute Banshee with the same blue filament and I have to say mine's a little bit of ghosting right there compared to what I dealt with the last time this looks fantastic and so I decided okay I'm going to do it on the cura profile for the 250 millimeters per second again we got some ghosting here on that side but on the other side not so much but overall 30 minutes looks really really good bottom looks great too so I decided then I'm going to switch to their translucent red that is very vibrant that is also by profit 3D again this is their stock profile for Akira at 250 millimeters per second about a 30 minute benchy now I did notice like I said there's on the bow here that we have some uh I can't tell if it's ringing or not I want to just switch out one more this is a profit threes magenta and this really can show what I'm talking about right here it's either it almost looks like an indent here and then if you turn it the other way this is where the big part cooler is blowing on and that looks great and not so much here so when it prints it's printing this way with the part cooler on the back so I wanted to turn the boat around like this and so I did was on this printer that's what I did and what would you look at that gone so having the part cooler hitting this side on your on this Edge fix that issue and the rest of the benchy looks great so yeah not not too bad so then I did some tripods garage calibration cubes very nice edges yeah it's hard-pressed to say that it came out really good and I have a little bit of a squish too much of Squish here but look at those lines those look great and this is a 0.12 did one more and the translucent red here same thing looks great there's your seam I should have put it on a different one is that part of the no that's just I thought I lived it part of the Pei but nope that's just a speck of dust so I found some other files on um on Clipper not onto SD and uh here's one for a tool holder this goes on the back of on your Gantry and you could just snap this in and you can hang your tools in here your Allen wrenches put your SD cards here USB wrenches yep that's pretty cool and this is where you hang your your your snips that's pretty darn nice and here we have a nutcracker no not that type of Nutcracker one for nuts that's salty nuts who wants yep it works great not the best overall print I don't know what profile they were using again this was buried in a Clipper so these were test prints that were ran on the printer before I even received them so and here's another one of their test prints this is me trying to pull it from the bed you can see I pulled it too hard but again here's your seam here that looks pretty crappy but otherwise the rest of the print looks great found this bowl on there now that that looks great look at that bottom layer again they had some raft on there but wow that came out great and this is profit 3DS magenta really really nice so I said okay let's do something else this is a print from Steven to light speed it is a iPhone holder and it's a print in place again look at that first layer looks great and it's a kind of a tolerance test too look at that that's pretty cool I am actually a patreon for Steven and Lightspeed he has some great practical models and some fun models as well and last but not least is my Christmas music tolerance test so yep I decided I'm going to give this a try so let's go with uh if you see that spins nicely and we will start with 0.5 no problem 0.04 or 0.4 0.3 a little bit tighter point two and nope I even tried to pry it with a Flathead couldn't get it I mean it looks like it should release but I think it's more on the top right here so bottom looks absolutely mint but yeah all these came out so so much better than the last review of a bedslinger running clipper well there you have it you got some very good quality prints at high speed on a bedslinger for only 259 dollars that's pretty darn good let's go over some of the positives well first it's running a 64-bit quad core processor with eight gigs of storage that stores about 400 models on it you have an intuitive touch screen that looks just like the one on the um the Neptune 3. you won't even know that you're running clip around this if you didn't connect it to your home network and take a dive into the operating system it has a direct drive with the Dual cooling with lighting filament run out I mean it's a very scary well-built machine offer 259 dollars now of course there's some negatives it is on B rollers however you could buy the pro if you don't want to be rollers there's no Wi-Fi honestly it's kind of no-brainer if you're gonna have Clipper it should have Wi-Fi on here I mean it's kind of lame to attach it to a lan cable having a lan cable is great but I'm in my garage and I would have to run a lan cable clear across the whole house which I'm eventually going to do to get this on my home network uh it has regular just secret uh timing belt synchronization for your Z I would like to see it to be independent Z stepper Motors that would be a lot better and it has talent drivers but you got this big fan here and it is software controlled you can go into display as is printing you could go from extreme setting to low to off and you know you can see here on my decibel meter here the differences it's not much but you should be aware that having these four blowers and the two that are on the hot end the machine gets rather loud but overall you're getting a ton for your money with this machine and I would um definitely highly recommend this over the previous one that I reviewed so I really appreciate you tuning in to tripods garage please have a wonderful day evening or weekend or whenever you decide to watch this video thanks again for tuning in and we'll catch you the next time on tripods garage
Channel: Tripods Garage
Views: 17,138
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 3D Printer, Unboxing, Assembly, One Leg, Disability, Cancer, bigtreetech, creality, CR6-SE, Creality CR6-SE, CR6, SKR CR6v1.0, Upgrade, 3d printing, 3d printer, Ender3pro, Ender 3 Pro, Ender 3, Creality Ender 3, Ender 3 Max, Ender 3 Max Neo, Creality Ender 3 Max Neo, sovol, SV07, Elegoo, Elegoo Neptune, Elegoo Neptune 3, Elegoo Neptune 3 Pro, Elegoo Neptune 4, Neptune 4, Cheap 3D Printer, Cheap Printer, Budget 3D Printer, Best Beginner 3D Printer, Beginner 3D Printer, New 3D Printer
Id: XbVi6fL-ftM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 59sec (1199 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 31 2023
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