Introducing the Elegoo Neptune 4 Pro

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the UPS guy just showed up and look what he dropped off on my door in elegu Neptune 4 Pro this is the latest printer from eligue and features the Clipper firmware we're going to open it up take a look inside put it together and see if we can have some great 3D printing fun with it all right took the lid off so far I've found a manual and this little setup guide let's see what else we got in there That's Heavy ah I bet you this is where the um the display attaches and it's got a magnet there to hold it in place Magnus kind of proud of the surface there interesting standard IEC electrical cable [Applause] I imagine this is part of the filament holder [Applause] accessory bag we will unpack that in a bit another part of the filament holder elugu build platform glue stick special made glue stick for 3D printer very nice this is the auxiliary part cooling fan it's like a curtain fan it's gonna blow you'll see the v-axis out of here so there's our z-axis you can see we have dual stepper Motors dual screws and they are synchronized together with a belt at the top and we have metal rails with roller Wheels now that is very different than most of the sub 500 printers you're going to see let's go over here and take a look what you're going to find on most printers are these rubber type Wheels see that roll in the v group and they're fine for your standard 3D printers but this isn't your standard 3D printer this thing is supposed to be really really fast so we're going to find out but to be really really fast we need low friction and that's what those rails are going to give us here low friction okay we're down to the next layer in the Box here's our printhead we'll look at that in a minute looks like we got some cables here which are attached that's what I want to do and be very careful I said get stuff out of here I don't want to rip any cables off all right so we got our base here and what do we have over here is the controller slash touch screen put that over here the rest of our stuff and see if I can get a base out one-handed not really give me a moment all right I've got all the parts out of the box and I was right about this this is the controller and magnetic base it's nice that it has the old style coil it's an RJ45 or it's a telephone rj11 yeah I think that's just a standard telephone cable four pins black red green and yellow so theoretically you could put in a longer one and stretch that across the room do you know wherever you needed it assuming you can still find telecon cables all right let's look at the printhead now they're claiming this is uh what 202 second I think hold on let me look no they're claiming 500 millimeters a second speed uh build volume of 225 by 225 by 265 and a high temp nozzle 300 degrees so at that speed remember we talked about the rails and the metal wheels they're trying to keep everything really light so let's uh we can get a closer look here at the top end we've got a little breakout board for connecting all of our different things we we have down here in this heater block this is just a a silicone sock here you can see the metal heater block behind it we're we're going to have uh see these thick red wires those are our heater wires and then these uh with the cloth insulation on them those are the thermistor wires that measures the temperature on that so you see we have all these different connections we have the hot end cooling fan and it looks like we have two part cooling fans and I don't know look at that foreign a straight edge at that angle it doesn't look to me like it's quite blown where I'd want which would be right here looks like it's blowing a little bit above like it's going to be blowing more on the nozzle than the actual part but we'll find out we'll find out so there's yeah there's a cooling fan probably right here in the front I don't want to take this whole thing apart maybe I don't have to maybe this just slides off somehow yeah there we go no so we don't have a cooling fan in the front what we have is a little pancake stepper motor here thanks Me by IC or IL uh boy Joy yellow three six dog one two dash zero four Victor zero five okay we do have a hot end cooling fan it's right here and it's one of those uh centrifugalings it sucks in the air from down here and blows it out the side so we have a we have a hot end cooling fan we have two part cooling fans and like I said this is actually a pretty light pretty lightweight it also looks like it uses the uh what is called e3d V6 style nozzles and it's got uh LEDs oh very cool so let's see what's in our parts bag grease we're gonna need those for those metal rails and wheels a couple of spare nozzles well now those look too long let me get something hang on my spare nozzles here's your standard e 3D V6 look it is considerably longer like a quarter of an inch longer so e 3D V6 nozzles will not be compatible it's not a big deal pointing it out looks like we have a filament run out sensor here giveaway what are they giving away [Applause] oh it's a micro SD card in an SD card okay well we're gonna have to read some directions for that we got some pla some zip ties a scraper tool kit looks really really complete you've got a spanner wow and a set of Flush Cutters oh you gotta have your Flush Cutters okay I'm gonna read the manual and then we'll put it together all right we're going to begin our assembly with the tool head going on to its Mount right here so we put this cable holder through the back like this and we're going to attach it with two M3 by 16 screws check out the uh the Allen keys they give you with this kit yeah they're balling that's really nice there is a Fallout assembly video on the thumb drive they give you if you're not trying to film this while you're doing it I assume it would be quite a bit easier give me one second all right it took some manipulation but I got those top two on there through the the cable stay so now I got to get two screws down into two little holes down here I think building a 3D printer is often best done with friends that is not wanting to fit in that hole and this would just be so much easier with somebody else to stand here and hold it for me let's see if we can get the other one in there then I'll probably have to loosen the top a little bit nope nope that one's gone I kind of have mixed feelings about the printhead not coming assembled on the gantry that's kind of been a standard for the last couple years and printers but I like the fact that they're making me do this because now I understand how the printhead goes together so that's quite useful [Applause] and now the next step is to put the cover on which is a very nice design nicely designed cover but I think I'm going to leave it off just for right now because I want to see what's going on underneath when we put this together okay so next we have to put the Gantry to the base that might be exciting as well okay if you go through any of the 3D printer forms on Reddit you're going to find people complaining that their printer turns on fine does everything until they tell it to print and then it goes nuts or doesn't do anything oh I just dropped some that is because most printers coming from China are shipped to 230 volts switch it to 115 you'll be fine okay Gantry installation time we're going to flip this guy on its side which is no problem we want to make sure we're not pinching any cables anywhere so like so I'm sorry it is uh big and dark then we're going to bring in the gantry and this never works because there's always something sticking out the side so I'm gonna have to put that and I hope I get lucky and everything will coalesce one moment in my book this is always the most difficult part we're getting these gantries on here and that doesn't feel like it's lining up so let me come up to the top loosen this one a little bit foreign these up turns out after you get one in it's a lot easier to just sit the thing upside down on this bed and we can just get the rest of these in real nice the one thing I am not keen about is these wires sticking out here are very close to both of the holes and this one is coming from the power supply so that could be a problem I'm just knocking stuff over left and right let's see if this thing got enough torque heck yeah that'll save some time then we got one more screw over here ah beautiful and now we can snug them up oh look at that click click and click very nice you want to see the guts of this yep me too let's get these loose we'll have a look at the main board all right let's see if we can oh the band was connected there get that softly and safely out of the way so this board is labeled znp K1 V 1.0 it's right back there is using an arm processor processor is right there it only appears to have four drivers but that makes sense because if you think about it we have one for x y z and extrude but we have two Z Motors they're just getting together so here is our ethernet coming in yes this is ethernet capable we got a super cap on here cool bit well super capacitor bwc5r 4355 qg it looks like they hot snotted just about every connection which is great there are some extra spots on the board and I'm assuming these are for fans DET one LED one all right let me reassemble this and we'll get on to putting our printer together okay I just mounted the uh LCD stand there on the side and the next thing we need to do is come up here trying to get my thing to stand up straight we need to come up here and mount our um spool holder so they go in these two t-nuts right here okay I apologize I have to go handheld for a minute here we've exceeded the uh the reach of my camera arm what we're going to do now is we're going to install the filament run out sensor right here this is it good amount right here kind of like so and you want to mount it on the same side that your filament spool is going to hang from okay now we're going to install the curtain fan that goes on the back here it mounts into those three holes using the 4 by 45 screws everything in this kit has been just exquisitely labeled this uh this printer so far has been a fantastic out of box experience I have no complaints whatsoever all right let's get this installed so what is the reason for this giant fan or four fans on the back here well if this thing is going to print at 500 millimeters a second the two biggest things that you need to worry about are can you move the gear fast enough that's why they've made this as light as possible and can you adequately cool the material when you're going that fast which is strange I mean I guess it's not strange it's you know one of the requirements but I just think it's odd that for some of the materials you have to print inside a heated enclosure and keep them at a certain temperature yet you have to cool it really fast so I don't know maybe you don't use these for the engineering grade materials I don't know I haven't really uh I haven't really experimented with them yet but we will all right it's time to start plugging in some cables we're getting really close folks so here is one z-axis z-axis and it's marked Z or Z however you prefer yeah the switches are the sockets are keyed that's a very good thing so we got here is this my other said yep so here's my other Zed then I have these two over here not quite sure what they're for probably end stops one's A2 connector and the other is a three connector and again they're keyed so that's all very good we've got this end stop back here is already plugged in that looks good I guess we're coming up to this next all right I got everything assembled but this z-axis to me seems incredibly stiff like why is it so stiff luckily you know the z-axis doesn't have to move much but still that's why I have the fan off the back just so I could get to the uh the cam nuts back here and I've adjusted them but I don't see anything there's nothing in the troubleshooting guide quite know what to do except plug it in and try and move the z-axis and see what happens right all right everything's assembled let's give it his first ever power on oh yeah help I plugged it in [Music] [Music] yeah oh man okay I hope there's really a protector on there otherwise that would have been very sad all right she's thinking yeah the system is currently starting please wait okay I'll wait no problem so if we look here we can see our X Y and Z positions are unknown okay there we go looks like all of our heating things are good that uh let's see prepare home yeah see that's what I was afraid of there's something wrong with that Z power off dog on it okay I think I got the z-axis freed up what I ended up having to do was come up here and fights with these you see if I put a little too much stress on that these things do not want to work let me see if I put you in the holder and show you hang on maybe we can make this work so you can see everything I'm doing all right let's try that Okay so it's free like this you can see I'm twisting it down here but if I put a little stress up here it just kind of gets a little um so I don't know we're going to try it again though take two power it on all right we're at the startup to do I'll come back when startup's done all right we're almost there come on this must have something to do with clipper all right prepare home yeah z-axis is moving I guess that was the ticket be interesting to see how this uh inductive sensor for the Z homing works as well hopefully doesn't come crashing down into the thing what so you know yeah it did very good all right now I'm gonna have to figure out the leveling process one moment all right so we're following the directions here when the printer is powered on select level the operation will trigger The Return To Zero action yeah yeah go ahead do what you got to do turning to zero [Music] no okay so our next step in each actress the planet returns home after entering the leveling page paste a piece of it place a piece of A4 paper between the nozzle and the platform and click the compensation value to adjust the distance between the nozzle and the platform picture two picture two so that must be in auxiliary to just just between the knobs on the platform by rotating the hand okay so where are we gonna go first front corner back corner front corner it is I have this piece I of green paper that I use to level all my stuff please click the number icon all right number one okay now if I can just figure out okay up is that way should be like this wow this thing that much off there we go all right I'm gonna do that for all four corners and I'll be back all right that is complete plus confirm to complete all the leveling yes now it is going to Return to Zero all right so now it's going to heat up the bed and when it is done it is going to come back and perform 121 Point Auto level setting up the nozzle right now it looks like it's hitting them both the nozzle is heating quickly that is impressive the bed seems to be about average we're going to take a look at something here in a minute if I'm not mistaken this is a dual zone bed so once this is up to its uh temperature Point what it's going to do is it's going to use that inductive probe to come and map the bed to find any inconsistencies and then it can uh compensate for those inconsistencies I'm just checking belt tightness all right once that gets up to 60 we'll be back okay it's beginning the auto leveling procedure we'll come back when it's done it has taken its time as you can see but uh we're about done we're on a spot 124. all right pay attention between the distance and the nozzle and the bed can be adjusted by offset confirm and now you can see all the readings from our different spots minus 0.0200.03 oh 405 looks like oh no spot nine wow spot nine was really out okay save and restart to apply the Z offset value and measure the data of Auto load okay I just heard the fans go off bands are back all right now I want to check yes you don't like that pair level confirm okay go ahead and go back to zero I just want to do that Z offset again and make sure it's where it needs to be see that's that's just flapping in the breeze all right let's try this way that's making it bigger getting anywhere yeah I know how it works myth auxiliary relevance to adjust the distance we're rotating the hand nut uh hi carumba I didn't want to do that I'll be back okay we're ready to load filament it's all nice and heated up so this is a the filament they sent let's see if it's going to extrude I see nothing I'm gonna take them all the way in there yep there we go try that again load load the hell is going on mode there we go so now you can see it was tested with a green filament all right once that loads or stops or does whatever it is it's gonna do I think we're ready to print now I believe come on print model benchy rapid benchy 25 minute Benji benches normally take about over an hour let's see what happens very cool confirm it should take 22 minutes it is currently 2 40 P.M we'll see what happens when we turn our LEDs on observation light oh that doesn't seem there we go all right so what are we doing bed is heating up nozzles heating up they shouldn't take very long look at how fast that nozzle heats up yeah things already kind of X squealing over there there we go yeah I didn't see a purge line 242. ah there's our Purge line let's try and get you a better View it's definitely boogieing all right we'll come back when it's done yeah that ain't what you want to see I don't have that I don't have the z-axis axis offset set right yet that's a shame let's try that again all right take two it is now 307 model 3D benchy feel it 25 minute bench code is that the mall I want to print why yes it is where our temperatures at 58 and 123 so it shouldn't take too long to heat up 58 119. we'll turn our LEDs on I don't know what they want them damn LEDs 63 to 60 17 808 man that heats up fast that just heats up really really fast 308 and coming in right now at exactly 308. we're getting a perch line yep we got a little Purge line and the printing has started at 308 in about 15 seconds I'll be back holy cow that big ass curtain fan just came on that's loud foreign there's a lot of really good information available on this pad you can see our X our Y and our Z positions there you can see our extruder temperature our heat bed temperature I'm not sure what that's referring to but that is the speed at which we're moving our movement speed 200 millimeters a second 150 millimeters a second switching back and forth 100 Extrusion rate eighty percent on the fans pretty cool uh we've been printing for 14 minutes and it says we have nine minutes left we're getting there I think we might get to test the filament sensor hey let me cut that light off you can see we're about to run out of film I don't know if we're gonna make it or not luckily I have plenty more filament yeah it looks like the filament uh sensor is going to trigger here in just a few seconds and it's a shame because we are just now drawing on the roof we're gonna have to do a swap it looks like this went off the filament is about to run out please replace confirm [Music] s the new confirmed [Music] continue 93 complete one minute to go it has been printing for 23 minutes drawn the smoke staff on now at 32 millimeters a second 24 millimeters a second we have just about reached the end folks 97 complete 99 24 minutes oh right on time right on time with my clock that is unbelievable couldn't really snap them off you should wait till they cool okay we can read kind of what's there we can read kind of what's there the layer lines are smooth there is no stringing that is an incredible 24 minute benchy from a really really nice printer and I want to thank eligu for sending that out to us free of charge for our consideration and you're going to see that a lot more in melty Mondays alagus agreed to be part of melting Mondays and uh that's a good thing because they have this really awesome printer this thing lists for under 300 right now yeah you're getting a printer that prints of 500 millimeters a second has clipper uh steel reels rails and wheels not the rubber ones awesome uh any cons I can think of yeah I had to remember I told you I had to adjust the gantry and we didn't get anything else the leveling is a little bit confusing but we will talk about Clipper and the leveling another time guys that's all I have for you today I hope you enjoyed this if you did give me a thumbs up feel free to comment share and don't forget to subscribe big thanks to all the patrons enormous thanks to lagoo that's it I'm out peace
Channel: learnelectronics
Views: 4,680
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: elegoo, learnelectronics, 3d printing, 3d printer, 3d printing for beginners, tech, 3d print, 3d printed, stem, how to 3d print, neptune 4, pro, elegoo neptune 4 pro, klipper, mainsail, fluidd, moonraker, mkspi, 1.0, fast, speed, 500mm/s
Id: s9PaRcUrRgs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 53sec (2813 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 28 2023
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