Elegoo Neptune 4 (INSANELY FAST SPEEDS) - Setup, Testing, Honest Review

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what's going on everybody welcome back to my channel once again so today we're going to be taking a look at the elegu Neptune 4 Pro and in previous videos I've looked at the Neptune 3 the Neptune 3 Pro the Neptune 3 Max and I'm super excited to check this one out mostly because of the speed now they say this one goes up to 500 millimeters per second which is to me is just insanely fast so we're gonna test that out and see if it actually does go up to those speeds but let's go ahead we'll get this opened up let's see what's inside and let's check this out all right so here is everything taken out of the box which as you saw was nicely packaged so here are the two main pieces that you're going to need to put together then you have the filament holder these four fans to help cool it the screen all the tools you're going to need this tiny little roll of filament which they keep sending this for whatever reason to me this is useless but they send it anyways just in case you're doing a small test piece it does come with the eight gig USB and they actually threw in a little giveaway bonus which is the little TF micro SD card you do have the spatula of the power cords cable ties if you're going to need them and that's about it so I'm gonna go ahead let's get this put together and let's check this out so all the Neptunes that I've tried out are pretty much the same in terms of putting them together their manual is pretty straightforward these are very very simple to put together there's really only like four steps or so I think this one has an additional one just because of the fans which you can see here which is this so this shouldn't take long at all I'm hoping probably only about 15 minutes so let's Jump Right In let's do that let's get this set up so step one is just to use these hm 5 by 45 screws and I always find it easiest to just move the bed to the back or to the side of the table so you can get underneath to screw these in so now that we have the hard part out of the way the next is to use these pm4 by 20 we'll use three of these to mount on this green holder right here on the side so that's attached and the screen it is magnetic and you can just plug that right in so next we'll attach the filament holder which just goes right on top using two screws and they are the same pm4 20 screws the two left that you have from the previous step and then the holder just attaches as well so next we'll attach this run out sensor which screws in right here on the side of the filament holder so next I'll attach all these cables now I'll attach the fan using these pm4x45 bolts that just go in these three spots right here the last step is to just use this r-shaped buckle and attach it right here onto the top so there you have it our setup is complete I only needed to use these three Allen keys that was it the other ones that were in here I did not need now you may need to adjust certain things like the wheels in case they're a little loose but just kind of check it if it doesn't wobble or shake or anything you should be good to go now they do have this factory set but during shipment it is possible that some things could come loose so before I get this powered on I will go over a few things about this machine now on the left hand side you have the power switch on the front you have the connection for the touch screen you have the USB you have a USBC and you have a spot for the TF card or the SD slot right underneath but you can't really see it because the tensioner knob is actually in the way so I think it probably would have been better if they moved it off to the side so you can see it but it is here underneath on the right hand side over here you have a slot for the Lan network if you want to connect it to your LAN you have the magnetic touch screen up on the top you have your spool holder you have the filament run out sensor you have your extruder the tensioner knob as well and your fan which is behind it the build plate is removable and magnetic which is what I like about these it makes it very easy to remove I never really have to use the spatula ever to get my pieces off this does come with extra nozzles just in case you'll need them and it does come with one of these little cleaners in case you need to clean out the nozzle as well all right so I got the cable all plugged in all we have to do now is turn it on and now I did make sure to switch it to 110 volt on the back you can switch it to 230 if you're in a different country and use a different power source but make sure you have it set correctly I'll flip the switch we'll power it on and here you can see on the right hand side the screen is powering on now this does take a minute to turn on apparently a little bit slower than the previous models but there we go it turned on so taking a look you have print prepare settings and level I won't go through all of these right now but you do have light control and you have the overhead light LED and you have observation light which is actually turns on a light for the nozzle but kind of hard to see you have fan control and you can probably hear those fans kick on but I can turn it off for now but we can go into leveling and we can get this all leveled and just follow the on-screen instructions the operation will trigger The Return To Zero action whether to continue confirm is it just me or did that not make any sense so I'll go ahead I'm going to get this all leveled we'll put in some filament and we'll get a test piece all set up so now that the auto leveling has finished I can just place a piece of paper over and just move this down a little bit just to compensate right about there so then all we need to do is just click the little save icon in the upper right hand corner and that will save it so I inserted the u-card the USB into the slot and I'll run this test print and I will just use their little tiny roll of filament for the test so I'll get this all installed and we'll run their test print now that that's all heated up the filament's loaded in let's go ahead and we'll go back we'll go into print we'll scroll over and I guess we'll just print the Buddha that's the only test file they have so it says 31 minutes you can see the little picture right there we'll click confirm and let's see how this prints all right so this Buddha has finished and as you can see right here it took about 38 minutes let's pull it off let's take a look at it and that popped right off and I can peel away a little extra Brim taking a look I think that looked pretty good I think it came out pretty much exactly how all my other ones have done that I've tested on these other machines and as you saw when this was running it did jump up to around 250 it kind of fluctuated depending on whether it was doing the infill or the brim and whatnot so it is going to speed up here and there but yeah I think this turned out really really good so I'm going to head over in the cura I'm going to print out something different set something else up and we're actually going to push this to the Limit and set it at 500 millimeters per second run this test print and we'll see how this turns out all right so here we are over in Cura and I did install the one that came on the USB drive and it has Neptune 4 Pro so I clicked on that I inserted this model that I found on thingiverse it's just like a makeup brush holder then I might just give my daughter or you can probably use it for paint brushes or whatever else you want to use it for but over on here the default is set to 250 millimeters per second which is what they recommend but they say this goes up to 500 so I'm going to try that out and we're going to push the speed up to 500. because I just want to see what's going to happen the thickness everything else I'm going to leave the same it looks like I might need some supports underneath I'm not quite sure but I'm just going to go ahead I'm gonna leave them on I set the angle to 75 so it's minimal let's go ahead and click slice build plate adhesion I just left it none I don't think I'll need it considering there's a whole bottom part that's a lot so let's click slice and hopefully this only takes a minute all right so that has completed and it shows right here that it's going to take five hours and eight minutes approximately give or take but let's go ahead and let's click on preview we'll let this process and here we can see how it's going to print and there are minimal supports that you can see here so for something this size I think 5 hours and eight minutes is actually really good and I will show you what it will look like if I bumped it down to what the normal speed is which is right around 60 for most printers but let's go ahead I'll get this saved onto the USB save to removable Drive and I'll click yes so if you're wanting to see what this will look like I'm going to switch this back to what it normally would print at for most machines even the Neptune 3 3 Pro I'll leave everything else the same let's click slice So based at 60 millimeters per second this would take normally about eight hours and at 500 millimeters per second that I'm going to run it at it's going to take five hours so it's about a three hour difference so to me I think that's pretty good all right let's head back over to the machine and let's get this printed and let's see how this turns out all right so I got the USB inserted I am heating this up right now and since there is definitely not enough filament left on that I'm going to be using this La blue and we're going to try this out this way at least you should be able to see it a little bit better but once it's heated up we'll get this installed and we'll see how this turns out all right so I have the filament all loaded in we're all set to go this is heated up let's go back let's go into print scroll over we'll click on sugar skull it says five hours and eight minutes we'll go ahead and click confirm and we'll find out how this is going to turn out at 500 millimeters per second all right so this skull has finished Printing and as you can see there's some little bits and pieces that kind of went flying all over the place and I'm assuming that's due to the fact that it was going really fast and even over here you can see that the supports are a little broken which I was a little afraid of that just because of the speed but overall I think it looks pretty good I'll take it off and take a look at it remove those supports I think overall it did a really good job especially going at 500 millimeters per second now it wasn't going at 500 millimeters per second the entire time as you saw it kind of bounced up and down depending on whether it was doing it the rim around it or the infill it kind of sped up and sped down a little bit but I think it worked out great now I don't think I would actually always keep it at 500 millimeters per second I might actually just set it to 250 which is their default in Cura so I'll probably leave it at that for the time being until I test out more fully but uh for overall I think is actually does work really well at those high speeds so I'll just clean up the bed a little bit knock off these supports and just like that we're all ready to print again so I'll do a little recap and go over a few things about this machine some things are really good and some things I think could be a little bit better so I'll go over some things that I really like about this machine first and I think the number one thing is the speed itself now this goes up to 500 millimeters per second now compared to some of the other ones the Neptune 3 the 3 Pro the max those I typically run about 60 millimeters per second so this is just insanely past me it just blows it away now I wouldn't recommend really always keeping it at 500 millimeters per second I would probably keep it at their default settings at 250 millimeters per second so secondly I really like the inclusion of this fan and it has four fans on it it does have an on off switch right here on the top that you can easily just switch on and off if you need to use it and if you don't depending on your settings you can simply just turn it off this does run on the Clipper firmware compared to the Marlin like the previous models which allows it to print up to the 500 millimeters per second this does have eight gigs of RAM so you can easily store three 400 models on it it does actually come with the USB and micro SD card as well so if you want to do it that way you can or you can use it via the LAN it does have the Dual gear direct drive extruder and a 300 high temp nozzle compared to typically they're about 260 degrees Celsius so this one actually heats up hotter which allows you to print pla ptg ABS TPU and other high temp filaments kind of like nylon or things like that I really like that it has the segmented heat bed so if you're heating up let's say this and you're slicing this up it's only going to heat up up to the 120 millimeter Mark compared to the whole 225 which is really nice so if you find out that your model is bigger and it takes up more area it will heat up the full bed allowing it to go to that 150 watt power I think this came very nicely packaged it was fairly simple to set up as you saw at the beginning I think the only difference between setting up these and the Neptune threes and Pros was the fan everything else was more or less virtually the same and it doesn't take long at all it probably took me about 15 minutes I also like that it has the LED bar underneath just like in the Neptune 3 Pro and it actually has an additional LED underneath the extruder as well so now I'll go over a few things that I think could be a little bit better about this machine and the one thing I think the biggest thing to me is the placement of the SD card now it's right underneath the tensioner knob and you can't even see that it's here unless you actually lift up the machine or Crouch down to actually look underneath but it's it's down there secondly I think this takes a little bit longer to boot up compared to the previous models now it's not horrible it's I don't know maybe 10 seconds longer but to me it does take a minute to heat up or to boot up for that matter as you can see this is live not sped up real time so you can see how long this is actually taking and we'll just let this go for a minute so you can see for yourself how long this actually takes to turn on there we go all right so now it finally kicked in now along with that note it does the screen I think doesn't feel as responsive as the previous ones now it looks exactly the same it feels exactly the same it's magnetic just like the other ones but sometimes when I'm pushing some of these buttons If I go into like settings and I try and do like fan control it doesn't I kind of have to push it maybe it's just I need to push it in the right spot but it's it's really touchy and to me it's just I think it could be a little bit better and a little bit more responsive normally I think it works just fine on most things but on certain places when I'm trying to do certain things it just takes a minute just like in the previous models I still don't really care for the filament run out sensor which to me just seems a little wobbly I think it could be better and it could be maybe just placed differently or something but it just seems kind of flimsy to me and it doesn't seem like it goes with the rest of the machine I think the only other thing that I kind of dislike about this is it's definitely not as quiet as the previous models but that is due to the fan so when I had this running at 500 millimeters per second the fan was on pretty much the entire time and it does get fairly loud so keep that in mind that if you're running things at high speed and you have that fan going it definitely will make some noise so overall I think this is an absolute great machine I think there's some things that could be fixed a little bit but that's still going back to the Neptune 3 and pro and Max and they're all very similar but this does have a price point right now at 299 so I think that's a really good deal I think at 500 millimeters per second this only took about six hours compared to probably nine nine and a half hours this would normally take to print at 50 or at 60 millimeters per second and now I have something that I can use as a little tool holder or pencil holder or whatever I want to use it for so I think they came out great when you look at the detail on it you can still see some of the print lines but they're really faint and I mean even in the Buddha depending on what color you're printing in like the white it's really hard to see the print lines I can barely see them on camera it's a little bit harder maybe but yeah I think overall the prints came out great so I think at 299 this is definitely worth it I wish the build volume was just a little bit bigger now it is comparable to like the Neptune 3 in build size but it does print a lot faster so keep that in mind that that will save you time overall but if you do need to print things that are bigger I would probably go with the Neptune 3 Max which I have over there in the corner which I love that thing and it's got a much bigger build volume than this probably three times the size so if you're looking for something that'll just print things that aren't huge definitely worth it but if you want something that's a little bit bigger I would probably right now opt for the Neptune 3 Max but that's just my two cents now I'm sure they'll probably have a bigger version of this that does print at the same speeds so I'll be keeping an eye out for that but yeah that's gonna be it for this video If you guys liked it give it a thumbs up hit that subscribe button down below ring the bell get notified of all the new videos that come out and as always thanks for watching and I will see you in the next one foreign
Channel: ArtByAdrock
Views: 19,911
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: elegoo, neptune 4 pro, elegoo pro, fastest 3d printer, neptue 4 pro printer, insane 3d printer, fastest 3d print speeds, elegoo neptune 3d printer, 3d printer, best 3d printer, best elegoo printer, awesome 3d printer, artbyadrock, best 3d printer 2023, elegoo neptune, neptune pro printer, fast 3d printer 2023, 3d printing, neptune 4, neptune 4 honest review, neptune 4 vs neptune 3, setup and testing, elegoo neptune 4, elegoo neptune 4 pro, elegoo neptune 4 pro review
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 37sec (1417 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 06 2023
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