High Speed 3D Printing With Elegoo Neptune 4 / 4 Pro

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now it's been a while since I've been this excited for our fdm 3D printer now this is the alagoon Neptune 4 Pro and it can print up to speeds of 500 millimeters per second so let's check it out [Music] now first I do want to thank Alley Group for sending this over to me for review and I have done plenty of stuff with them before which is their SLA printers and uh the Neptune 3 as well so I'll leave a link to those videos as well now first off I gotta say they've done an amazing job with this printer now this is the pro version that we are reviewing and it's on sale now for 299 dollars there's also the Neptune 4 which is the non-pro version for 249 which you will still be able to achieve speeds of 500 millimeters per second now compared to its predecessor which is the Neptune 3 this will make that look like a village idiot and I'm not even kidding about that now to talk about the specs a little bit this is uh 225 by 225 by 265 height which is similar to the Neptune 3. now it does run its own arm 64 processor in here which is a quad core Rock Chip 3328 running the Clipper software along with a 32-bit 84 megahertz Microsoft Processing Unit so yeah it definitely has an operating system inside and to be honest the rock 3328 is actually more powerful than the Raspberry Pi so yeah you have that embedded into this machine it also has Network support and has a couple of USBS up in front so you can connect devices to it like a USBS to read the G-Code or you can hook up a webcam to the front and have the Clipper software do time lapse if you want if you're familiar with Armin that's what's actually loaded into the Neptune 4. so you could actually SSH into here configure some stuff maybe set up some Network shares if you want so it is very powerful in itself hence what I say makes the Neptune 3 look like a village idiot because it runs its own arm 64 CPU now this is the pro model that we have and there are a couple of differences between Pro and the standard model mainly the X and Y axes have been upgraded to these dual rails so there's a rail up here and a rail on the bottom it also has partitioning heat features for the bed so it actually has two zones the center and then the outer zone so it actually keeps everything all level while heated compared to the Neptune 3 where the heating element was actually more towards the left side and if you are going to print something really large the right doesn't get as much heat as the left side so this doesn't have that problem the nozzle can also go up to 300 degrees Celsius and the bed could go up to 110 and there is a 130 degree uh heat protection so I'll actually shut it off if it goes too hot other than this as being a very very fast printer I do like the fact that this is a direct drive I've talked about this before on previous videos for 3D printing the in the direct drive just allows you to print different types of materials that you can't do with the Bowden also the downside to this is that this has more weight than the Bowden drive but it actually doesn't feel too heavy for this nozzle head also compared from the Neptune 4 and the pro this does have a LED strip up on top so you actually have full flood lighting when you're printing something and you'll be able to see whatever you're looking for but both still have a led by the nozzle it does come with a remote control that's magnetically held on and so you could actually move this around and control it but most of time I'm actually using the network to control this anyway so I don't really actually touch this controller it also has um 36 Point Auto leveling system which is much more accurate than the Neptune 3 and if you can see from this mesh you can see that the back side of this is actually a little bit lower now one thing they did upgrade from the previous version is that you can now adjust the bed itself with these dials which is one of the problems I actually had with the Neptune 3 and I'm glad that they resolved that is one of the sides of the bed is a little bit higher than the other on my Neptune three so and there's no way for me to adjust it but this you could actually correct the bed first and then do the auto leveling and everything would just dial down really nice also I know I mentioned this before because we are using the coupler software you can hook up a USB webcam to the front and actually get footage or set it up as a time lapse if you're planning to do that overall they just kept the profile the same but they dialed everything up by like 11. now I did a couple of test prints over here as you can see so these are the vases of Oz and I'm using the vas mode or spiral mode so it only uses one layer on the outside just so it could print as fast as possible now this one on the right is printed with the Neptune 3 at 80 millimeters per second this one is printed with this printer the Neptune 4 at 250 millimeters per second this one all the way to our right is printed with the Neptune 4 at its Max setting around 430 millimeters per second I try to push it to five but it started to get sketchy so 250 is their recommended speed it will go up to 500 because you got the acceleration and deceleration so it does surpass the 250 as you're traveling I also did a little a b testing which is this little sheet I have over here now on Neptune 3 printing this model out I took an hour and 13 minutes average around 75 and peaked at 400 watts that's when the bed is heated and then it uses a total of 0.15 kilowatt hour and that was what I was more interested in does this use more power because it has to push More Voltage to the motors now here's the interesting bit this is 250 millimeters per second took 22 minutes to print using 0.09 kilowatt hours and average around 130 watts and peaked at 450 when the bed needed some heating now on the highest speed that I have guided to was about 430 I'm just going to say 400 it took 16 minutes to print this piece out took only 0.07 kilowatt hours average wattage was about 250 and peaked at 450 but to show you the side of this model as soon as it started going that speed you can see it gets a little sketchy and it skips some parts especially when it has to decelerate and accelerate again the Extrusion just could not keep up so depending on what you print at 400 and above you might have to check the models to see if it's able to even do it something like this definitely not but if it's just a circle I think it should have no problem now I also printed this benchy which only took about 35 minutes so if you ever printed a benchi before it takes about an hour and 14 or an hour and 20 minutes depending on your printer at 80 millimeters per second and this took half the time so with this high speed depending on what you print it's almost half the time of standard printers or maybe even faster now as far as sound goes this thing gets pretty loud even though the stepper Motors are low it's the fan that actually gets Extremely Loud because of the speed that it needs to be pushing the filament at it needs to be able to be rapidly cooled so the fan in the back which has four blower motors causes majority of the sound so here it is thank you so if you're concerned about the sound yeah this does make a lot of noise now I did wish I had this printer earlier so I could do more a b testing on this graphic card that I was working on with the blower motor because I was printing multiple samples of those and it took an hour and a half each time with this it would have took probably 45 minutes which is half the speed and I would have more fun doing it after the initial bed leveling and getting everything done it just worked perfectly I switched between a couple of filaments this is a glow-in-the-dark one I had a red one I had put in a white one as well in here and filaments wasn't a problem since the bed could be heated up to 110 you should be able to print ABS with this as well and with the direct driver should help a lot I highly recommend building an enclosure for this because the blower motors will just blow the ABS smell all over the place so don't even do this indoors if you're going to use ABS or at least slow down the speed by a lot and turn off this big fin in the back then you'll probably be able to print ABS but at high speeds I wouldn't recommend it now there is a network Port off to the side so if you hook this up to a router or you hooked it up to your Hub you should be able to get internet access on there there's also a menu for this to get the IP address now I did hear that Kepler should be able to do Wi-Fi if you install a Wi-Fi module I have not tried this myself but it is possible since it is a full operating system in there I don't see why not and if you guys are familiar with uh fluid or Kepler you might be able to do a lot with this so highly recommend checking out the Kepler firmware now if you're familiar with octoprint that's basically what this is It's a network enables software to control your printer and it has a lot of features in there especially I like the dashboard of how it looks you can upload your G-Code files over there change different settings also it has a history of all the prints that you've done and what the print times are yeah the software is pretty powerful it has a G-Code viewer has a lot of settings that you change you can add plugins in there for time lapse and everything there's so much you can do like it's basically octoprint on steroids if you ever played around with it and also if you never played around with the software uh you could download it I'll leave a link to the Kepler software and then you can load it up to your Raspberry Pi and hook it up to a printer that you already have so ultimately this is a huge step up compared to any other printer that I've tested so far and it's actually making me have second thoughts about starting an Etsy store because this is so fast and it produces everything so clean that and is highly possible as far as the quality of the prints I don't see much difference between the 80 millimeters per second from the Neptune 3 and the 250. after doing a benchy as well I did not see the stringing that I would normally see on other printers so yeah it actually came out really really nice especially the layer lines on a layer height of 0.15 it just does very well at 250. all right that is it for me guys everything will be linked down in the description below for the regular and also for the pro again 249 for the regular and 299 for the pro and if you are to get it I highly highly recommend getting the pro because of the heating bed element and a few other adjustments and improvements that they made especially for this rail you're going to see this printer on this channel a lot more just because I'm going to be printing a lot more because it's a lot faster anyway that is it if you guys have any questions about this hit me up down in the comments below and if you guys are new to this channel consider subscribing and also hitting that Bell notification icon so you know when the next video is going to be out and I say my nerd cave hack till it hurts
Channel: Novaspirit Tech
Views: 30,402
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: novaspirit, tech, elegoo, elegoo neptune 4, neptune 4, neptune, neptune 4 pro, 500 mm/s 3d printer, 500 mm 3d printer, 3d printer, fdm printer, printer, elegoo neptune, kilpper, klipper fluidd, fluidd, auto leveling, benchy, 3d print, high speed 3d printer, high speed, pla, abs, high speed 3d printing, direct drive
Id: xga_Dtsi9JM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 4sec (604 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 02 2023
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