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what's going on everybody welcome back to my channel once again so in a previous video I tested out the elu Neptune 4 and today we're going to be taking a look at the Neptune 4 Max which does have a much bigger build volume now I have tested out the Neptune 3 Max and it's kind of right over there as you can see and it works fantastic so I'm super excited to try this out but I'm going to go ahead I'm going to get this unboxed we'll get it set up and we'll get it tested out so stick around all right so I got everything unpacked from the boxes and laid out on a table and this did come really nicely packaged just like all the other ones do but here you can see that the instruction manual and it's pretty straightforward it's pretty simple to put these together it doesn't take that long at all you have the filament holder over here you have the nozzle all the tools that you're going to need all the screws and everything thing and there's usually not that many maybe like 12 at the most maybe you have the screen holder and the screen controller itself you have the bed get rid of that you have this big fan to keep it cool now these fans on the last one that I did on the Neptune 4 it does get pretty loud when you're running it at full speed but you can control that into software and there is an onoff switch to actually if you don't need to use it you can turn it right off but keep in mind it does get kind of loud and in order to set this up it is pretty easy there's just two screws that go on each side to put the base and everything together and more or less then you just need to attach the tie rods and hook up the nozzle and that's pretty much it so it really doesn't take that long at all but I'll go ahead I'll get this set up and we'll be back right after that so I'll start by attaching the rails to the base and it shows that's actually step two and I should attach the print head first but I'm going to do this a little backwards as I just find it's easier to get this set up so it's not bouncing around and falling over and tilting I think it's easier just to have it stand up right and all the screws does come individually labeled and packaged so that's really nice and I found to attach this the easiest way is just to pull it right off to the end of the table which makes it a lot easier to get underneath to screw it in so once I got one side attached I can just rotate it and now I can attach the other side so now I'll go ahead and attach the print head and this clamp just sits on the back and the screws go in and we can attach it like this and then these little screws right here these are the PM 38s just go right on each side so next I'll attach the screen holder using these pm4 20s I'll attach the filament holder next right on top with these two screws and they do move around so you can move this if you need to and I'm just using these pm4 by 18s next I'll install the runout sensor right here now I'll install this clamp that goes right here I'll now connect these cables I'll install each of these tie rods next here is the bag I'm using I'll connect the antenna right to the side I'll attach the fan Last by using these pm4 by 50 and now all that's left to do is just plug in all the cables all right now that we got everything all put together I will go ahead and turn this on make sure it does power on and I'll just flip the switch right here on the back right and you can see it does light up this LED light that is above and there is an LED light on the actual nozzle itself so I'll let this power on this is actually in real time I'm not speeding this up and as you can see the screen is spinning this does take a minute to load light goes off system is currently starting up please wait I don't know if you can hear that but the fans did just kind of kick on so now that this is all started up the first thing I want to do is level this so I will go into level and click confirm and it does home everything first so the first thing I'm going to want to do is take just a piece of paper and make sure this is leveled underneath and I can just set this Z offset so right about there seems okay so now I'm going to click on the automatic leveling and it will do 121 Point leveling system so now that the 121 Point leveling has finished I will click confirm and now I just need to verify this offset and it's pretty close I'm just going to lower it just a little bit more right about there and then I'll click save in the top right so I'll get some filament loaded in and we'll run one of their test prints first because I always like to do that just to make sure everything's working properly and before I start a print that I'm going to use that may be really big I don't want to screw this up and waste filament so I always like to just run their test print first just to make sure everything is working properly so I can just feed this down into the hole and I'll click load I did preheat this too just to make sure that it was already heated up so I'll go ahead and I'll click back I'll go into print and I'll go into 3D model and everybody always does the 3D benchy I don't want to do that we have the Buddha nutshell opener flower pot tool holder Let's do let's do the nutshell opener so I'll just go ahead and I'll I'll click on that one it says 1 hour and 16 minutes there's a little picture of what it's going to look like so I'll click confirm and then we'll let this run and we'll see how this turns out all right so that has finished and we can take a look at this we'll see if we can remove it that came right off and you can see a little little Mark right here but that is because there is going to be some overhangs and there wasn't any support used so yeah let's see if I can get this like screwed in and that seems to be working just fine so since the test print came out just fine I'm going to head over to my computer find something else to print and we're going to try that out so we'll be back right after that okay so here we are in Cura and I do have it set to the elu Neptune 4 Max and since it is just about Halloween and I'll bring in this Frankenstein that I found on thingy verse and it has a brain to go with it but we won't print that just yet we're going to just print the Frankenstein head first okay so I brought in this Frankenstein head and I'm just going to maybe just shrink this down a little bit let's just go to 150 and for the settings I'm going to leave everything stock that it comes with however I did change the infill from 15 to 10 I'm going to keep the printing temperature at 220 the build plate at 60 the speed is at 60 support speed is at 140 I did enable support although I'm going to change this and let's do 65 and I do have brim support that I enabled as well but we'll go ahead and I'll click slice and here you can see now it's going to take approximately 5 hours and 39 minutes and I can do a preview on this let this load up and see what it's going to look like and I think that should be just fine support seem okay I'm not too concerned about it but we'll save this over to the USB drive we'll get this loaded onto the printer and let's get this printed out and let's see how this turns out all right so I'll take the little USB we'll insert it in the machine Let's click on prepare we'll go to Temp and we'll click PLA and get this all set up then we'll go back we'll go into print scroll over and here I have my Frankenstein says 5 hours 39 minutes I'm going to go ahead and click confirm and we'll let this start all right so the Frankenstein has finished and as you saw it took a little over 5 hours and you can see that some of the supports broke off you can see little pieces that kind of fell over so I'll see if I can remove this get the rest of these supports taken off I'll just do this kind of quickly and not trying to make it look perfect and I can clean this this more up later but here you can see the piece and I think overall it came out really good you can see some of the print lines in here which is typical so that's not really a big deal I'm not worried about that supports I'll still have to to trim off which again isn't really a big deal but I do feel that because it was going so fast it was hitting the supports or because the fan was blowing it was it blows it pretty hard and it is kind of loud when it's going and the fans are running at full speed and I can't adjust that but I didn't on this first test just because I just wanted to see what would happen and I've done it before and I kind of had the same issue on the Neptune 4 but overall I think it works great and I think if you're not using supports it's you won't really have this problem and I think the prints will come out just fine but I'm going to run another print and I'm going to adjust some of the settings a little bit more and maybe I'll lower the fan speed and the support speed I'll lower a little bit too so maybe I won't have these little pieces flying all over the place while it's going but overall so far I think it's working just fine all right so for this next test I did load in one of my models it's my cat skull and I did adjust some of the settings on it I changed the speed I bumped it up to 250 mm instead of the 200 I did change the support speeds and I lowered that from 140 to 60 and I lowered the fan speed from 100% to 60% and we're going to see if that makes any kind of difference on the supports and maybe they won't go flying away but everything else I kept the same so I did get this all I'll load it in it is preheated and I will go into my cat skull it says 3 hours and 50 minutes so I'll hit confirm we'll let that go and we'll be back right after that all right so my cat skull has finished and as you can see I think this worked lot better I don't have any supports lingering all over the place that broke off it looks like it all came out cleanly so let's see if I can remove this might have to bend that up but I'll get these supports removed there we go good enough so we can take a look at this and I think think that came out really good so yeah I think changing some of the settings in Cura definitely helped I did lower the support speeds and I did raise up the speed actually to 250 instead of just to 200 that was the default that it had in the settings so it actually did run faster however the supports did go a little bit slower but that allowed it to not fall off or break off so yeah I think that definitely helped a lot so again here are the three pieces that I printed here was that first one the Nutcracker one and I think it did a great job of doing the overhangs it does work so I'm happy with that I think the Frankenstein on the first settings some of the supports kind of broke off a little bit but it still ended up coming out just fine I might just use this for you know a key holder or a candy dish or something like that and continuing on with the Halloween theme was this was the cat skull that I modeled up and I think it came out great so now I'll go over a few things about this machine and some of the things I like and some things I think could just be a little bit better so the first thing that I did notice about this machine after I put it all together and took a closer look at it is that there isn't a Micro SD card slot on here it's only USB but they did include include a USB C port on this one I do like that it has a little slot to store all your little tools and accessories things like that just like that they had on the Neptune 3 Max on the right hand side it does have the ethernet port along with the little antenna for Wi-Fi if you want to use it that way and on the back right you have the power switch and the power cord just like all the other Neptunes it does have the removable build plate it does come with this extremely large fan that you can switch on and off or control through the touch screen and adjust it as well the build volume is very large it is 420x 420 by 480 so plenty of space depending on what you're printing if you need to print something really large or really small it'll work either way for that it does have the 121 Point leveling system which is automatic you do still have to manually adjust the knobs underneath the first time you set it up but after that you shouldn't have to touch that at all the screen is very simple to use you can easily click the buttons it just very responsive I can go in and change the light control I can set it up for the Wi-Fi I can turn on and off the filament detector if I want to change the language preparing it I can easily move it around change the temperature the extruder leveling is pretty self standard pretty basic I'm not going to go into leveling it again so I'm not going to print I can easily click on Which models I want to do so yeah I think the screen works really well the machine itself is quite heavy it probably comes in around 45 lbs give or take so moving this around really isn't ideal if you have it set somewhere I would recommend probably keeping it there because again it is it is rather heavy to move this getting this all set up was a breeze this really didn't take long at all it was just a matter of handful of screws attaching some cords putting on the nozzle and sring the filament holder and attaching the antenna and the screen and that was pretty much it it really wasn't much to it at all so the machine did come with everything you're going to need a spatula a little sample roll of filament however this really isn't going to do much especially if you're printing something large on a large machine so this I probably won't be using at all really but they did include two rolls of filament for me to test out so again thank you for that it did come with the ethernet cable in case you want to hook it up like that the one thing that I noticed that it didn't come with which is really weird was a pair of these little Clippers and luckily I have about 50 of these laying around so I wasn't really concerned but for those of you that don't have a 3D printer if this is your first one mine did not come with these little Clippers to help remove supports and things like that so keep that in mind mine just might have been a fluke I don't know but mine did not come with this it did come with the SD card though and it actually came with a little bonus little stick as well here were all the rest of the tools that it came with cable ties if you want to kind of Mount some of the cables and attach it to the side I actually did I attached it to the back of the tie rod but all the tools you're going to need to get this assembled are right here this long little spanner wrench right here in case your bed is a little bit wobbly upon arrival you can adjust the little screws underneath to tighten it that way you won't have that wobble and that's what that long one is for the nozzle is rated at 300° C so this can withstand really high temperatures so whether you're doing abs pla nylon things like that temperatures that have to go really high this will be just fine for it and it did include extra nozzles that came with it so overall I think the Neptune 4 Max is fantastic I love everything about it the speed the build size how everything gets set up I think is just great setting this up was a Breeze getting everything put together fixing a few little issues I had with the supports in Cura definitely helped so yeah I think this is a a fantastic purchase I think if you're looking to get into 3D printing and you don't already have one this is a really great buy you can't really go wrong at all I do recommend though checking maybe your firmware on the control board and on the screen itself upon receiving it just to make sure you have the newest updated version otherwise you may run into some issues but changing out the firmware is a breeze all you need to do is just load it to one of these little USB cards plug it in turn it on and it'll do it all everything for you and for the screen you do actually have to remove the four screws in the back and then place the micro SD card inside powered on and then you're finished so currently this machine is listed at 470 us and and that's on pre-order right now normally it's listed at 550 so that's a really good deal if you ask me I think that's a a great a great price for a machine for this size and what this is capable of doing for the speeds and everything like that I think you can't go wrong I will put a link down in the description though on where you can pick this up if you are looking to pick up either a new printer or if this is your first one there will be a link down there to where you can purchase this so if you have any questions on this machine getting it set up or how to use it or things like that drop a comment down below let me know and I'll try and help out anybody that I can but that's going to be it for this video and if you liked it give it a thumbs up hit that subscribe button down below ring the bell get notified of all the new videos that come out make sure you turn on your notifications and that's it but thanks for watching and I will see you in the next one for
Channel: ArtByAdrock
Views: 20,506
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: elegoo neptune 4 max, elegoo, neptune 4 max, elegoo max, fastest 3d printer 2023, neptue 4 max printer, insane 3d printer, fastest 3d print speeds, elegoo neptune 3d printer, 3d printer, best 3d printer, best elegoo printer, awesome 3d printer, artbyadrock, best 3d printer 2023, elegoo neptune, neptune max printer, fast 3d printer 2023, 3d printing, neptune 4, neptune 4 honest review, neptune 4 max real review, elegoo neptune 4 max review
Id: U7puEV-i2WE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 3sec (1503 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 24 2023
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