The MASSIVE Elegoo Neptune 4 MAX is here! It's Everything I Wanted And More

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igu shocked us all earlier this year when they unveiled the massive Neptune 3 Max a super sized version of their Neptune 3 Pro Series machine that was bigger than most fdm machines on the market you may remember that I printed a stool on my 3 Max one of if not the biggest prints I've ever done well elu have done it again super sizing the Clipper enabled Neptune 4 and releasing the four Max which retails for $470 let's get this thing together before we go over the specs assembly is relatively easy and the Machine ships in two major parts the Gantry and the base a pro tip for assembly here is to get a hold of one of these Roofing squares they're relatively cheap and can help you get the giant Gantry perfectly Square to the frame before locking in the struts and tightening the Z Extrusion from the bottom of the base it seems like elu listened to the community after the launch of the Neptune 4 and 4 Pro as this one supports a little antenna for wireless network printing in the print head assembly under the kylo renes Shroud is a pancake stepper inductive bed sensor direct drive extruder and a new hot-end heat block design these elongated heater blocks with the heating cartridge running parallel to the nozzle seem to be the trend for Fast Printing these days let me know in the comments if this reminds you of another fast printer's hot-end design [Music] after connecting a few wires and bolting on the screen and auxiliary part cooling fan we're ready to fire this machine up make sure you pull these injection molded plastic parts out from under the bed before turning it on for the first time while digging around in the menus I noticed they added input shaping and P calibration wizard in the advaned menu upon closer inspection there's an accelerometer permanently installed under the bed and in the manual it looks like the daughter board for the print head assembly has an accelerometer on it as well so all the calibrations for this machine can be done right from the touch screen on the printer which is awesome to see in the manual I found mention of a oneclick calibration wizard that'll run resonance PID and mesh bed calibration one after the other I think I have a pre-release firmware that's missing this but the idea is super cool tuning the machine took under 15 minutes and we're ready to start a few prints first up is the Buddha test print included on the thumb [Music] drive [Music] this took 45 minutes and there's no sign of ghosting or ringing here so it looks like the resonance tuning is doing its job at 2 mm this came out great I just moved into a new place and we have a serious wasp problem so I'm going to print this design I made back in 2017 to try and hopefully scare them away I use the elegu slicer to slice this model it's a pretty clean re skin of cira and it estimated this 150% size model to take about 3 [Music] [Music] hours this thing turned out great it's super solid because I use three perimeters and should hopefully keep any wasps from setting up camp near my deck finally I'm going to queue up this articulated snake and scale it to [Music] 250% [Music] this thing took under 24 hours with A4 mm nozzle I think this machine could really benefit from a 6 nozzle but just look at the size of this thing super cool so what are my initial thoughts on the elu Neptune 4 Max having a build volume of this size puts this printer in a realm of its own with almost no competition the added improvements that elegu has made with including Wi-Fi accelerometers and a new hot-end design mean this thing should be more or less future proof for the next couple years if cosplay props like helmets are in your print queue then this printer will fit perfectly into your Workshop special thanks to elu for sponsoring this video and sending the Neptune 4 Max for me to take a look at as always thanks for watching and happy printing
Channel: WildRoseBuilds
Views: 37,173
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Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 32sec (332 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 08 2023
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