HUGE FAST & AFFORDABLE? - $470 Elegoo Neptune 4 Max 3D Printer

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take a look at this huge new Fast and affordable 3D printer from eligo this is their new Neptune 4 Max 3D printer and in today's video I'm going to be showing you guys some of these stupidly large things that you can run off in 3D print with this massively large 3D printer that's not going to break the bank to pick one up as well as up your game when it comes to 3D printing things like large cosplay props so over the past year eligo has released an update across their entire lineup up of the Neptune series of 3D printers improving on their Series 3 with now they have the Neptune 4 3D printers which are the smallest options that are available they now have the Neptune 4 plus 3D printers which I'll have a video on next week and we now have this massive one here the Neptune 4 Max which is a new faster iteration of the Neptune 3 Max now the big difference between the Neptune 3 Max and the Neptune 4 is obious obviously going to be the print speed but there are some other key differences between them like the build volume difference the same X Andy build volume is going to be there but the vertical build volume is slightly smaller because of this new larger fan built-in system here to help keep everything cool while it's printing extremely fast and the build volume on this is 420 by 420 by 480 mm large this is just a massive build volume for a 3D printer and it's even a just in general a massive machine that I have a hard time just finding a general location for this when it's up in printing so it's not just sitting on the ground somewhere and typically that's where I have this seated because even here on this table at an angle if this is a twoot long table and it's like it's skewed off the side of the table here so you're definitely going to need a good amount of space when working with a large 3D printer like this so that's just definitely something you need to keep in mind but it is allowing you to print at so much a faster speed than the older Neptune 3 Max and speaking of printing fast this machine can go up to 500 mm per second in reality you're more than likely not ever going to be printing that fast and trying to get really good quality prints that might be great for really quick prototypes in reality you're probably going to be printing somewhere around 150 to 300 mm which is still like insanely fast compared to the older iterations where I was printing typically around 50 to 80 mm/ second so you're still getting a massive bump in speed when it comes to the overall prints and still retaining a lot of the quality that you're looking to expect from these 3D printers and one of the great things about these new Neptune 4 3D printers is that they're coming pre-installed with Clipper that's going to help enable that faster 3D printing and it also enables some other crazy things like on the Neptune 4 Max and the Neptune 4 plus there are no X and Y end stops which I was thoroughly confused with at first and in fact when I got the Neptune 4 Max up and running initially I was hearing some grinding noises whenever I was trying to home and come to find out there was a line of code that needed to be further modified and since then elgu has now provided a firmware update for the Neptune 4 Max and the Neptune 4 plus that if you're running into that you can update those or you can log in directly through the Clipper interface on your 3D printer and modify the printer config file to adjust those values to prevent that grinding from happening now when it comes to leveling this massive print bed there are the six wheels here on the bottom that are going to provide you with a level of manual bed leveling but it also has 121 points of Auto bed leveling now there's a whole lot of contention around this point here I personally prefer having 3D printers that have these wheels on the bottom that I can more finely tune and adjust specific spots if I need to when the auto mesh bed level in isn't necessarily as precise as it can be I've definitely seen that on other 3D printers where I've run into issues where it doesn't have those wheels and I wish it did because like in the front corner my print might be peeling up because it's not perfectly level and I have no way of adjusting it but with these larger beds here thanks to the leveling that's built into it I can easily adjust those as needed the printer is also running a direct drive extruder with a custom nozzle and we will definitely be talking about that here in just a few minutes uh but it's A4 mm nozzle on this massive print bed thankfully this still prints pretty dang fast my perfect scenario perfect world would be that it comes with by default a 6 mm nozzle but that's another topic for me in eligo to continue to discuss on these larger machines but for now it comes with a04 nozzle and is going to provide you with some amazing looking fast prints and because of all that fast 3D printing we need a way to help cool off our prints as it's throwing down filament as quick as it can so it has this massive fan unit on the back of the machine this means that it is going to be fairly loud when that fan is up and running you can potentially disable that if you don't want to and see what the results will look like for now I've been running everything with that massive fan on and getting pretty good results with it on it's again just pretty loud which is by the way kind of becoming the standard I think with most of these Fast 3D printers is just a wildly loud fan the other big call up that I wanted to mention here is this has Wi-Fi built into it and it's stupidly simple to set up on the touchscreen unit here to get connected to your network and once you have that connected if you're using something like Orca slicer which is the slicer that I'm using now pretty much moving forward you can key in that information and then you can just wirelessly send the files that you're slicing directly to the printer and the file transfer speeds are actually fast so I'm so far thrilled with just the Wi-Fi capabilities of this machine oh and the most important thing that you probably want to know is the pricing for this machine it comes in at $470 that's under $500 for this massively huge Fast 3D printer that you'll have links to down below I did want to take a quick mention and say thank you to eligo for sponsoring today's video they are the makers of the Neptune 4 Max and the Neptune 4 plus which again I'll be showing off in a video next week they also have some amazing new filament colors that you can find over on Amazon which I'll be also showing off in some of the prints here in today's video now the very first thing that I went off in 3D printed was a benchi that was pre-sliced with the printer this came in at 28 minutes while that might not be the absolute fastest Beni that I've seen thrown down on a 3D printer this was just a standard Beni it wasn't like a speed boat or whatever it is like the where that has no infill or anything like that this is just a standard Beni that they've sliced I believe with the elu cura version of their slicer for this printer and the results are pretty good it's not bad it's not horrible looks decent now I was so excited to get this assembled right before I was making this video I was getting the parts assembled and quickly realized that this helmet that I've run off and printed in multiple Parts I didn't scale all of the parts correctly I ended up resizing this file from the galactic Armory and unfortunately yeah some of the parts here are in the original scale like this earpiece here as well well as the Dome of the helmet which is just a good bit larger than the rest of it there but what I did want to show off is the print quality that I'm getting here so this was my very first set of prints that I went off and printed on this machine and overall the prints were looking pretty decent this was using the eligo cura just the default profiles there and again the prints were looking pretty good I did end up running into some print issues or print failures with the support settings on some of the ear pieces these are kind of some tricky parts to run off in three print and to have stabilized and not knock over when they were printing so I I'm going to end up having to reprint this one anyways as well as the top Dome so I'll be posting some further updates on that but what I am pretty happy with is the face plate here with this silk looking uh trans transitioning filament here came out pretty nice and then I went off and reprinted it and ELO's new gold silk PLA and this is a really nice vibrant gold that I think is a good match for helmet unfortunately I did have one slight layer shift it looks like it's like a very small faint layer shift right in the center of the face plate there so I'm going to have to look into why exactly that happened thankfully I haven't run into too many of those I also went off and tried to print this other skull variation of it but again this is with the eligo cura and I was just having so many issues with the tree support settings off of the uh that Cura version there so I've since going to be rerunning these but this is just an example of some of the things that I've printed with this I've could I'll I have better examples I promise you have better examples so I have a long-standing tradition of needing to run off and print some Eastman files whenever I'm running a Neptune 3D printer video so I found this Johnny silverhand cyberpunk file that I've scaled up to I think 200% of the original size and went off and printed it here on the Neptune 4 Max unfortunately in some areas it came out really nice and clean in other areas it's splitting the the filament was splitting and uh looks like it was undere extruding and lots of issues with the supports on the back of that file it just did not turn out entirely the greatest and I think it took maybe 28 hours or something like that for this to run off in 3D print but the good news is that I went off and created my own Orca slicer profile and reran this print and it looks so much better it is so clean and just turned out absolutely fantastic these were all both printed Hollow this one ended up saving I think 4 hours on the print time but again I didn't end up using any supports on this thanks to one of the settings that make overhang printable in Orca slicers which modifies the geometry slightly so that you don't need supports and this turned out so dang good and I think it was at a 28 layer height as well obviously I could be printing these slightly faster but overall the print quality is what I'm aiming for here along with some some speed improvements and this I'm really happy with now just because you have a huge 3D printer doesn't necessarily mean that you're going to run off and maximize the build volume every single time you're printing something so I went off and printed this print in place skull from Hollow props and this turned out Spectacular Now I did run into a print clog initially when trying to do this and cleared the clog and then was able to proceed with printing the this properly and it worked just great and I ended up printing that little unicorn horn on the Neptune 4 plus which again I'll have a video on next week now this next print was driving me absolutely crazy because I ran into print fail after print fail after print fail trying to run off and print this huge T-Rex file from flexi Factory scaled up to 250% the original size and what ended up happening was the filament that I was using was just a silk based PLA and I don't think I had the temperatures right or just the settings dialed in well enough for that particular filament and it kept clogging up on me Midway through the print or at least initially on so what I ended up doing was just swapping out the filament and then it printed so much better and it looks so good I think one of the biggest issues that I'm running into right now with the machine is just a lot of the stringing that I'm getting with a lot of my prints which is just going to come down to either me drying out my filament more or moving in in and adjusting some of my other settings for the print profiles with some of the filament like the retraction settings and just some of the other temperature settings there but this is just one of the coolest things that I have run off in 3D printed my youngest son is absolutely in love with this and has been dying for me to finish this video so I can bring this home and just let him have it in his room it's such a really fun and easy to runoff in print file and I think it was like a day maybe a little over a day long for this to run off in print no supports by the way now I also found this amazing clock spring bottle design that I needed to run off in print I think this was like a 13 hour print or something crazy like that scaled up by 500% no supports needed on this and then the top took I think 2 hours to run off in print this is the new dual color uh red and green filament from eligo one weird thing that came off with this so obviously we're going to have a little bit of a color shift there from one side to another but there's some odd band ending that was happening like it it looks like the filament Twisted mid print but I'm really liking how it turned out along the top here just kind of odd with some of the bands that were in between but still a really cool clean looking print here off the 4 Max and finally one of the craziest things that I've run off in 3D printed with this 4 Max is a Magneto Samurai helmet from the 3D Craftsman this looks stunning absolutely stunning in this new eleg Galaxy black pla it just turned out spectacular I am so thrilled with the results of these prints it again printed pretty dang fast here I'll have the times on screen as well and everything just looks super clean and crispy with all of these details now one really interesting thing that I went off and tested out with this is I printed the back panels there are two large back panels I printed one here on the Neptune 4 Max and the other other I went off and printed on another Brand's Fast 3D printer that a lot of folks are impressed by the speeds with and I wanted to see how fast it would compare to the Neptune 4 Max which is so much larger in build volume and about a fraction of the price of that other 3D printer and I am excited to say that the Neptune 4 Max came in at just under I think about an hour less than the other print on that other machine using the exact same print profile settings it's also in two separate parts so I can run off and try and finish one or the other and then combine them together and then actually wear both of them I need to still add padding to this as it's kind of large so it fits better on my head here but overall I am so impressed with how this print turned out and while I've gotten some amazing prints off of this I have run into some things that I wanted to call out to make sure that you're aware of while I've been working with this machine the biggest one is that proprietary nozzle it does come with a spare .4 mm nozzle however at the moment there are no other Alternatives out there for larger nozzles or replacement nozzles until eligo has those manufactured or some other brand decides to start making those and offering them eligo has reached out to me and let me know that they're actively working on those and working on getting those distributed out to the Amazon warehouse so hopefully those will be available very soon as soon as I have them in hand I'll definitely be making a video update follow up with those new set of nozzles the other issue that I've been running into is with the Z offset on the 3D printer I'm continually having to adjust that after I run a print for whatever reason I'm not entirely sure why that continually happens but I will level the bed adjust the Z offset start my print manually adjust that to where it's printing perfectly and then when I go to start my next print the offset seems to not take it into account properly or something and I need to further tweak it basically with each print one thing that I have found found as a slight workaround it seems to work relatively well is if I power off the machine in between prints it seems to do a better job at retaining what that value was that's the value is still there it's just like it's not taking into account what it actually is and again hopefully we'll see some kind of firmware update from eligo on a fix for that now if you're looking for a really large fast affordable 3D printer this might be the perfect option for you I'll have links to the Neptune 4 Max down below and I did want to say a big huge thank you to all my patreon supporters for your continuous support if you're interested in things like my new profile settings for the Nune 4 Max you'll find those over in my patreon but let me know what you think about this really large fast new 3D printer from eligo and some of the crazy things that I've been able to run off and print with it I need to figure out a way to further magnetize this Samurai Magneto helmet here and potentially get this thing painted it just looks so good in this new Galaxy black I'm just kind of stunned by it but hey thanks so much for watching you all and I'll see you next time [Music] bye
Channel: Uncle Jessy
Views: 126,051
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Uncle Jessy, 3D Printing, 3D Printed, 3D Printer, Cosplay, Elegoo, Neptune 4, Neptune 4 Pro, Neptune 4 Plus, Neptune 4 Max, Replica Prop, UncleJessy4Real, Elegoo Mars, Elegoo Saturn, Fast 3D Printer, Affordable Fast, Budget 3D printer, Setup, Secrets, Homing, Grinding, Enoch Helmet, Star Wars, Batman, Phantasm, Galaxy Black, Filament, Orca Slicer, Wireless Setup, T-Rex, Samurai Helmet, Magneto, CyberPunk, Johnny Silverhand, Nozzle, Magneto Helmet, Neptune vs Bambu
Id: QpBGbv-F6Mw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 18sec (1038 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 30 2023
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