Elden Ring RANDOMIZER Race vs. Ainrun, Captain_Domo, itzCBD, & YoJosherino

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all right so tonight we are doing a elder ring item and enemy randomizer race with some other souls folks we're doing it with cbd cool black dude yo andrew thanks for the seven months student with cbd cool black dude uh ain't run yo josh arino and captain domo and of course myself so yeah we're uh we're doing just a standard rando but uh we have hints turned off so normally you can buy hints from kali we have those disabled so let's say randomizer no hint race are we just doing 80 we don't need to do all seven great runes or all remixes or anything so it's just a race to the end so i'm going to unmute myself in the call now we'll probably say dicks and butts or something and then we'll get started shortly already all right i'm ready when you guys are more of them yeah we're ready yep i am waiting on you aggie ready okay yeah sorry i was doing a little intro spiel uh okay okay um cool good luck friends all right have a good luck guys i mean not have a good luck just dude we all stay in this voice chat and then like when someone wins they awkwardly unmute and they're like hey gg hey gg oh okay yeah i won the video game it's really like super awkward you know yeah it's really cringe so if you want to you can just like because no one has anything to say in response uh to the gg i usually just i just usually just mute ain't so like everyone else says something to him and then i just don't hear him you know you know that sounds good yeah awesome all right all right good luck everyone we'll see you guys uh soon is there like a countdown or anything or we just go oh sure uh yeah i mean we five four three two one blasto your mom okay oh yeah also serpent hunters bands in these races we they they don't allow serpent hunter because it's too good so uh yeah server diner was not an option thank you for the good luck i'm excited i haven't i haven't really done a rando race before should we do the cool guy joke gaming sick as hell what are these just basic ass long swords and a jar shield wow yeah you can use it for right card that's fine that's fine just uh not for anything else uh the winner gets to flex on their peers okay how about how about the winner gets to upload it on youtube as well i'm probably going to upload it regardless or not i don't know i always say upload things to my virtual and then i don't but we'll see well see let's see this is just clothes little graves are all right though some decent boys uh is this better not really you know nfs thing to the front yeah multi explanation multi if you want to watch everyone's streams at once no spoilers just fyi don't be that guy dude varet looks hot as hell holy [ __ ] that's incredible the vod channel doesn't have all the mods no no i do not upload every single vlog to my channel that would be insane makes us think of the prime dude i only i only upload the ones that i deem good enough there's just the good stuff i need a vod squared channel that is actually just all the bots maybe uh crystal staff grave 10 okay enough i'm amazing there you know handsome thank you so much for the front there's like an option to export twitch mods straight to youtube but i don't do that one because then like you actually just pretty much have to export the entire von or highlight the vod and then export the entire highlight which i don't like to do because it's ugly that way because then it's twitch video quality and also it's like a very abrupt beginning it ends what i do is i i local record all my stuff as i'm streaming in much higher quality and then like i'll usually do like a nice little fade in and like maybe throw up some text if something needs some more context and have a little fade out or outro slapped on also the exporting takes forever anyway to go from twitch to youtube turning yeah all the runners should be streaming go to the foot then it summoned me i bequeath it i think at least you're gonna you can check the multi number seven okay you'd watch all my vods that you miss see i mean you might say that and that might be true for you either but how many people would really don't know it would be like a lot of effort to actually transfer every bot over because some pods are s it's true not every stream is a banger like admittedly you know they're not all winners that's a very nice tell them to find number three okay by the way has the camera flickered at all since we plugged it back in i don't think it has i haven't seen it nope names but let me yes are you here does your fist pipe yeah it takes me penny intro i know now's the tip number ten okay and three somber ones and three summer twos okay bernie is a homie noted we don't have crafting materials randomized let's run either wait i should check the settings i don't know if bell bearings are randomized i feel like they usually don't randomize ball bearings hello can you hear me let me see let me check okay ball bearings not randomized important locations are vanilla major bosses merchant shops not golden seed and sacred two churches okay yeah wait they're doing 100 bias what did they actually do 100 bias they did okay so it's like guaranteed to be from major bosses then we already have 1000 pouch though okay [Music] yeah let's hit the graveyards pop into dragon ball to get taken to round table and then uh go from there i really i just need to find a somber weapon where is the graveyard over there [Music] so bias makes the better rewards spawned from like better locations basically order sacks is lightning speed that is an incantation so basically instead of the randomizer being truly random and where it puts everything it uh it kind of like rigs the game so that like late game locations and like difficult boss fights are much more likely to have worthwhile rewards i don't know about the faith run i think we learned our lesson there that [ __ ] sucks i mean unless we find a blasphemous split which is technically a faith build oh my god yeah everyone's running the same seed yeah okay so we have a staff and we have a incant that requires 46 faith okay do you mean still rising speeding because we we do have a solstice sponsor is anybody there yeah no no they were they were stingy about it i guess this got one i didn't even realize this got one i thought i was just streaming to stream it yeah i know they did not give us the hook up dragon crest shield holy [ __ ] steel rising is not good see people say that but then like people just [ __ ] expect to get like elder ring 2 from some random like indie game and like what bro it's not gonna be elden ring too i think it'll it'll probably be fine you see like people are saying times it wasn't good either but i thought taimishi was quite good expect it because of the price i mean it's 40 bucks right which i mean granted that's more than 25 but still not 60. 45 are you sure i thought it was 40 for the base version and then uh 50 for like the deluxe or whatever there is at 50 for base and then 60 for the deluxe okay maybe it's 50 for bass i mean yeah that's more than 40 but it's still i don't know i'm not very stingy about game prices did i get any yeah i think that should be enough to buy the pouch where's the pouch 4k okay that is not enough [ __ ] is it no yeah see that's how i feel about it matheran i i think pretty much any video game is like an insane value investment in terms of how many hours of entertainment you get out of it yeah some people are like not satisfied unless they're thinking like an hour of entertainment per dollar or something this uh this run is really interesting so far we have a lot of like nice little bonus things also foul foot for braille i need to find a bleed source and i need to find a weapon to like actually use for the rum okay blood boon no chat blood moon on pc though let's go love to see it at long last what does blood boon do it's like an attack right yeah really yeah yeah it's right here in my inventory see blood moon and i'm playing on pc it's about damn time yeah it's moog's splody attack correct please don't die in here this 2600 is actually kind of important oh it's not the splody well whatever gravity stone peddler's bell bearing interesting i actually don't know if the guys allow quitots in their races i i assume yes i'm gonna do it [ __ ] it i won't do any glitches i won't i won't skip fire giant let's run but i think quito is fine probably twinned knight swords i don't think that's bleed you know skip fire nile as a gentleman's agreement i mean we have the witching branches at least can't be that okay i'm gonna get the pouch and uh just kill marge or well whatever replaces marge dom loss is run to brad again what is no hit run rip that sucks now i do remember when i lost my run to wi-fi that was fun do i actually have no gold seats great okay well this doesn't seem too bad well thou art of passing skill warrior blood must truly run i actually have no idea how this dude fights wow okay the fat rolls you interesting so does that just like stay forever gaming [Music] gold sitting ghost nine and i shall remember the tarnished small dream with this but of course yeah bias is a little whack i don't i don't know i i think because margaret's like a major boss technically so he's eligible for like high tier rewards i think it's how that works dude another islamic weak against strike okay oh that's heavy load nevermind wait did that actually increase faith i don't think it did right bro also yeah you're right take off shield what now that's still heavy load sheesh i need bleed dude we would be huge yeah everyone's the same seed number six nice 99 of the time when people are randomized racing they're running same scene also yeah no no spoils from chat please perma for spoilers i agree what does cookbook 15 get you bone great arrows [Music] fuzzy pie thank you for this six months dragonkin uh that might be okay actually because he's squishy mostly just wanted to face check this and then quit out that's probably not ideal goddammit you respect my ability to acknowledge a fight isn't ideal with my lack of ability to act upon that knowledge and give up yeah yeah i'd always do that dude i'm like yeah this isn't worth it i'm gonna try it anyway [ __ ] it oh my controller is not working there we go let's go to lyrium the hunt for bleed gino plays keyboard mouse what the [ __ ] disgusting he doesn't okay thank god i was gonna be real [ __ ] up if like the goat actually played keyboard mouse he doesn't play it but he thinks it's better i mean i guess theoretically sure you just have to be a actual alien to prefer that crafting mats are not random spawn succeed no nor are bell bearings like i actually know exactly where to get sombra ball bearing if i wanted or just a somber one and two i need a freaking weapon first though i mean yeah i use keyboard mouse for certain speedrun skips that's that's different though that's way different that way like casually you just swap the keyboard for those then swap right back i mean i guarantee you josh is using watchdog staff like i i guarantee you he is that's honestly not a bad pick i'd prefer something else though i didn't realize it's like all strength no magic at all okay but i don't have any money highest raw damage among sombers really like for our ones are you saying like without stat scaling interesting it's split damage i mean it's like magic right now it's not split at all wait yeah that's not split at all that's weird i i would definitely assume that did magic oh now there's an option that is more my style yeah i think we go though now i need sombers i could get one and two from the cave over here is that the optimal way to get it i don't know i already have a three six seven okay i can get one and two from this cave here and then there's a somber four uh in the in the cave up to altus yeah yeah okay i can buy one and two from eg it is a randomizer my dude that means that he sells random items yo banjo thank you for the gift sub to sugar appreciate you i mean he could randomly sell the item true i'm just going to do this is there somber no i can never remember which lips have [ __ ] on them yo what up king arthur no crafting mats are not random so like that smithing stone two's vanilla and there's also some sombers in here i'm pretty sure there's at least one summer one and two in here so we're going to link this and then get the hell out i don't think we're gonna beat the boss i'm just gonna die forth with a thousand runes go back up the lift okay there's number two if there's not a sober one in here i'm gonna be real pissed to myself oh [ __ ] d i mean okay the game's given us like a million faith things but like is that i mean is is this really like worth i don't i don't know if it is feels like no though [ __ ] dude i don't know if there's another sombra in here family heads wait did i actually just get a somber one wait what did i i did i didn't even realize bro okay well that clearly i meant to die there because we're done here so i did okay well that's mad convenient i'm not using family hips no we're we're war sickling i need 20 strength 20 ins kind of annoying the boss is not holding a grave with the with the settings we're using they specifically can't spawn in caves and [ __ ] it's gotta be from major bosses either major bosses vanilla locations or merchant shops okay i only need eight levels one now i need some strength as well okay i need like 15 levels to actually use my weapon i think war sickle is good i'm i'm cool with war circle i'd rather do that than watchdog stuff joy that's [ __ ] great let's go around this way watch this dude actually sell somber one and two i am an old perhaps no i don't have bleed bro i'm gonna go to the cave leading to altus and pray we run into bleed on the way there it would be nice that would definitely be nice lead is literally all i need i get bleed i kill grail i pop my foul foot i get enough levels to set up for cycle and then we go bro i'm honestly i'm so confused why my camera isn't broken now like it just makes less sense now like why is it fine it was straight [ __ ] it definitely didn't overheat no 200 secretary uh thank you is that mugs no but it's like good pants hmm this is just 90. just gotta get to the credits yeah all 165 boss randomizer up seems legit i know you just need the basic items you need to beat the game normally kenyan so two great runes to get into lane dole and then roll medallion to get up the lift those are the only three like hard requirements what is five luke meat i can't believe this tiny [ __ ] hp bar is 21 bigger the [ __ ] is pathetic okay chat having a smile on very good knock yourselves out chen it can't go on forever okay only you only get one of each this is this is good for the economy this is this is deflationary this is why streams shouldn't have sound more than yep dude sound boards in any size stream are a horrible idea it does not go well it's number four does the helm reduce hp i don't think so detriment of fp i don't give a [ __ ] about fp that's fine you should be able to gamble for the winner you know that's fair do you to you want to set up a pred for the rando winner sweden you don't but will you chat you have to promise to not be toxic about it if you're toxic about it we're never doing it again oh god okay bro i'm gonna death flight [ __ ] off wow that's a disaster [ __ ] okay i'm going somewhere else i'll i'll do the weeping sweep [ __ ] it i gotta check it eventually anyone uh i don't know good question chad do you want it to be either me or not me as the winner or do you want to gamble on the specific winner so that there's five of us racing let's let's do specific okay that could be some juicy returns let's let's do an option for each player 100 overlap between chronic doubters and people who [ __ ] when they don't get their email requests in 30 seconds yep i don't doubt that i will say this bias makes it much harder to find [ __ ] golden seeds oh my god tear that's kind of nice respect if i need it okay i mean yeah i can buy three gold suits when i finally get [ __ ] money still right oh bhf though hold up okay no no we got a vhf you got a dude there's a bleed i need 17 decks and how much strength do i need to two hands uh 18 66 of 18 12. and some freezing grease okay get a frost broth yo alex thank you for the sub dude okay yeah pret is up get the get the gambes in you [ __ ] addicts suddenly everyone votes aggie now that i found the bloodhound thing uh-huh it's number 10 ninth okay well weeping is paying off in spades my god now bloodandfang is normally in limgrave every jail seventy percent of voters say aggie well what could i say [ __ ] what talented dude look at me let me run this tightrope on a horse bro okay not just anyone can do that how much it's 2.3 k a level right now oh you know i could just farm the surrounding dragons until i get my levels okay gold sun pigs what the [ __ ] uh no time limit no just race to the end or until everyone quits i guess and yeah i haven't seen any [ __ ] cheating from chat but yeah i swear to god [ __ ] if any of you spoil anything for me or anyone else you're your band here zero tolerance don't ruin the race gamma's closing shortly check get him in while he still can check this last merchant they're gonna add some okay yeah i think i'm just gonna farm one of the dragons expensive [ __ ] flask upgrades okay dude archery favor bro okay oh we got some good [ __ ] dude okay yeah what is with that prismatica why is dom like that hot i mean who allowed that also my game crashed he's kind of a beautiful man you know i'm not afraid to admit it's no fair dude [Music] i thought i was the hot one you know i hate to admit it but ain is also a pretty nice looking man hanes ain't an attractive fella we're all attractive fellows here you know some people say that soul speed runners are always hot and i'm just saying i haven't found evidence against that already who are those people i i read it in a thread on reddit once actually it was a thread specifically about me which this makes me sound like the biggest [ __ ] like full of myself piece of [ __ ] ever but like i swear okay when i first got out in ring sub hour someone posted it to live stream fail and one of the top comments was why are soul streamers always hot so you know i i think it it's scientifically proven but uh souls guys are just built different we just got it going on ow i am shocked i didn't launch up bro okay what if all these guys are easy enough to just kill us with oh god can you not back settle do the game just troll me your versace they're gonna give some dude appreciate i think we maybe just kill grail like this dude dude this guy's a literal rat yeah i got the foot ready what is this dude uh i don't see it oh oh it's a little flower bro we're chilling watch me die to this poison bro i just killed grail the intended method holy [ __ ] [ __ ] nice dude world first actually though okay what do i need for bhf 18 strength 17 ducks sweet uh save the rest for post somber level up yeah i guess might as well kill dragonkin that was the wrong grace yeah no the bigger levels didn't go i wanted to make sure i still had enough left over to actually upgrade the weapon right i should buy that earned tree favorite salesman as well i think that was 3k yeah that was totally intentional [Music] and one day okay and uh someone had gold seeds as well what is that thorny two man i already have the six okay yeah buy another one of those okay that was a lot of money to spend but i think worth it's it feels like a gg yeah i mean this is going very good so far like a very very good kind of stupidly good we have two amazing talismans we have an amazing weapon that's already plus four and we're uh we're well on our way we don't have any great runes yet we don't have the royal medallion yet so we we could still get like stuck never finding those is uh is castle morton boss a major boss i can never remember that one i think it has an achievement right so i think so yeah yeah it's the south weaving one i'll i'll check it but not yet get to it eventually zion shouldn't count them major bosses are like anything that gives you an achievement i don't think the rules are really written anywhere no it's an 80 race though 80 know him no uh no glitches or anything no fire giant skip yeah yeah feels bad easy boss probably easy boss that sounds like godskin thought you guys were like not allowed to spawn sorry i thought you were specifically forbidden from spawning or maybe they're just friggin forbidden from spawning for a required boss for like major boss i feel like my car would be a major boss lydia i'm a little confused i wonder if my seeds [ __ ] up that would be really unfortunate i mean we checked though like we checked like three different things and they were all correct so it'd be really weird if my seed was wrong dude [ __ ] this guy's iframes jesus let me check the randomizer wait wait they [ __ ] up they [ __ ] up the settings they excluded godskin duo and valiant gargoyle from replacing regular enemies not bosses should we uh should we be seeing this i i i think we should be see this hey guys uh i have a i have a question what's up i i think the rando settings were [ __ ] up by whoever set them up how so why i i believe that valiant gargoyle and gods can do it were excluded from replacing regular enemies not excluded from replacing bosses oh i mean obviously i think we just have to roll with it at this point but yeah i'm fighting god's gonna do him just fyi oh yeah me too okay oh sorry i i i was but like not right now i just just wanted to point that out okay that's all yeah it wasn't me i swear yeah actually it was you dom and your mom oh definitely don't forget your mom yeah i'll have to let her know okay well i mean that's all good they're all good little deal i think i triggered apostle without triggering the other dude which was rather convenient guards would be a [ __ ] nightmare [ __ ] all right gg gg let's see we have some six seven if we find five weird moving should i remove the helm for the extra fp uh i don't think it matters enough honestly i mean how many times did i use it that fight like four now we still have enough to use it like two more times i think i think we're chill it's honestly stupidly cheap to cast the helm gives us endurance which is nice let's see how much how low it does our endurance skill if we take it off how many stab points is that i have 11 with it off and 13 with it on i'll keep it now grant's an npc so he's he's still in his marble church no change i'm not turning in the death root that's that is not worth it slow af the rewards are randomized yeah they're they're not guaranteed to be like anything useful though in all likelihood you'll just get trash from it oh okay i'm actually a little sad about that because like everyone is gonna find that and i i kind of feel like the earth tree favor that we found was like a little sneaky but now everyone's gonna have that so it was a very nice seat so far very very nice bro okay black wet blade don't really need that i don't know if buying a gold seed for 5k is worth but we sure did do it we get the quad seed check soon [Music] that's always good yeah i mean i guess this is just what it's like playing with bias is uh shit's bias you you find good [ __ ] frequently theodore baloney yeah the cam is functioning for now i don't know what the deal is dude it's very strange i would like to get a foggy randomizer for elm ring i don't know how feasible it is to make but it would be cool i feel like it would probably be possible because like you could you could at least use like all the different boss fog gates right and you could like cut up the areas based off the multiplayer regions because like when you're in multiplayer there's like walls that go up right so you could just turn all those on that's a nice talisman i don't know if it's a nice talisman for my weapon though you're welcome dj there's the moogue tier i only want to buy that if i have to i think but okay nice to have did he have infinite blood rose yeah that's pretty fog if we actually got the blood grease recipe which i don't even have the crafting thing yet i didn't buy it from kali trying to beat this dude a plus 4 might be a mistake since there's no [ __ ] grace over here yeah chris is out of town on some sort of trip so he's not here this week it's very rare to have this boss not be terrible yeah true i mean worm face i think is fine though honestly i haven't fought worm face in forever so i think it's fine okay he's in damage this is chill he's in damage and he doesn't one shot oh [ __ ] nice freeze pots waterfowl counter oh my god let's go i'm gonna pray for vanilla rye look ariaki here if not then i'm gonna go radon [Music] we have zero gray rinse zero great runes and the zero um rolled medallion and we're doing no hints so we we just gotta check [ __ ] blood grease is nomatic six okay [Music] uh let's check belfrees that's such a weird check it does not feel like it should be a [ __ ] important item but it is worth detour to a cave that has guaranteed number five uh yeah probably actually yeah that's definitely a good idea what cave is a guaranteed somber fight does sealed tunnel have that i want to say sealed tunnel for some reason yes to sealed tunnel is that cheating for my chat to tell me that i don't think so right i mean it's not a spoiler it's just a game fact perma get him out of here no he's fine he's fine yo worry wizard think of the one year he subbed it much love yeah that's a very good idea banjo i got the grace near sealed tunnel as well so that'll be quick i didn't check weeping castle yet no i'm gonna do this and then redone then i'll probably pop the foot on radon because that's 70k i don't have the key to right lucario otherwise i would clear that out next because yeah there's a lot of checks in there only 70k right i know pathetic i don't know if early rya is on on this setting or not let me check uh yes it is actually so academy key is guaranteed in lyria somewhere which means there's really not that many places it could be no it it has to be in lyrium according to the thing rusty key has to be in limb grave and academy key has to be in lyria now the chest there is guaranteed to be the bell bearing so i think stone ball bearing but the settings we're using ball bearings aren't random and randomized is it here no what if there's not even a [ __ ] soccer five in here in chat it's just trolling me pause gaming okay do i forfeit 8k to get out of here yes yes i do oh i didn't do this loop around caleb yet [ __ ] actually let me do it this way we'll check the celia items and just go straight there so uh did i turn off my anti-cheat completely through some manipulation or am i just offline uh you gotta disable it with like a text edit basically it's it's really easy to do all you do is just add a text file in your elder ring install folder with the games steam app id and then you'd launch the game via the exe directly and anti-sheet doesn't turn on why does that work i don't it does don't ask me mod engine 2 does it for you okay neat yeah i mean you can't play online if you if you have your auntie sheet disabled it wanna it won't let you connect is top's barrier actually just carrying retaliation without the retaliation why is that there wait oh that's the talisman i thought that was the item to go to moog was it not i didn't see it in my inventory no yeah okay that's the thousand i mean i bleed so yeah that's that's pretty good irish think of the prime dude yeah an extra pouch would be really nice do i have money to upgrade kind of this will be enough for like to get the plus five at least dude this is kind of a godsend the only thing missing is the actual items that you need to win the game well like everything else kind of amazing see the actually find the [ __ ] great runes and rolled um i'm starting to become a bias enjoyer just based off this one run if all bias runs are like this dude this is pretty fun champions welcome the stars of aligned [Music] first is just a slider on the randomizer it's like front and center i can sell all the [ __ ] and get the plus six you can probably get the plus seven that way gaming yeah the slider it's a 100 bias so this is as rigged as possible champion [Music] oh my god the market and the sun dude drip jesus bias makes a better rewards and more likely to be in like it did better locations so like major bosses are more likely to give you something good or important as opposed to randomly finding a great rune like on a golden seed tree sounds more fun i mean this has been fun the the thing i don't like about it is it makes it more predictable instead of being truly random but you know maybe that's okay if it's more fun that way it's more fun [Music] what sorry uh excuse me i have a plus seven bro okay well that's pain nice uh nice scaling on this gun very cool i mean yeah he's from mountain tops but he should be scaled at least a bit i mean i do have like no attack steps but still plus seven okay bleed will carry that's fine if you just staggered oh okay [ __ ] off dude staggered again wrong okay i'm stuck in his [ __ ] pit lead perhaps bro this guy is getting destroyed with stagger why did he stagger three times okay there we go yo let's pass great room too oh i forgot to [ __ ] foot [ __ ] you know can't get crew think of the sub is it worth going out of my way to get the great roon on i feel like probably it's only like two minutes the scale's the same with strength index right oh no decks better yeah let's just do that real fast [ __ ] it it's uh it's 40 levels equivalent of stats kind of buzzed 40 levels and like 20 of them are useful hp fp stand strength and decks are all useful so yeah 25 levels it does increase your base defenses as well yeah so technically all 40 levels are at least somewhat worth it i guess arcane for bleed sure it barely matters but sure and five for my faithful yeah let me just slap this on real quick no this is not scale with arcane the arcane in general though helps bleed yeah i think it increases the rock rate people say that all the time at least i don't know how true that is it needs to be a scaling weapon okay well then no that's it's useless this is totally worth getting dude this doesn't even take that long it's like two minutes yeah i think that's how i feel soup i i don't i don't think arcane increases bleed buildup just because spectra says so extra is uh not a valid source of information [ __ ] is wrong on there all the time yeah people just write [ __ ] on fextra there's no fact checking just like twitch said exactly now wikipedia is pretty accurate like actual wikipedia but fan wikis very frequently wrong some more than others fextra i would say is like one of the worst ones for getting reliable accurate information out of some fan wikis are very very very good dude oh my god it wants the faith filled so bad it's not happening ah welcome the amount of things you need a faith build for a faith build to work compared to uh you know just getting a singular blood down thing is not worth it nope yeah everyone's going really good this is a very friendly seed i just need to find a somber 8-9 a great rune and the old medallion and then we're just done really then we zoom yeah that's the thing right special because gdq submissions open up tomorrow so uh we don't want to really fiddle with the settings too much more i really like these settings are running right now except maybe with hints turned on for gdq cookbook seven we need cookbook six right nomatic six for bleed resin i mean i don't know if this is gonna be in gdq i'm gonna submit it though i'm gonna submit this and fly media maybe steel rising if we like it i don't know i'm planning on playing it tomorrow and then maybe we speedrun it if we like it but that's that's a big if i know for free playing a game without being paid to kind of [ __ ] up well you know we'll do it yeah i have a computer science degree bsncs lord armor okay giga chat armor let's go j trippish thank you for the two months i should be able to wear this without being heavy load yeah dude okay can i please not [ __ ] run off the ledge okay fight yeah agdq is online because of [ __ ] florida bro god damn it florida common florida l honestly what's up with florida uh they literally it is illegal to require masks at an event in florida also they hate everyone that's not straight and white at least legally they hate everyone that's not straight in one not saying every floridian is like that but they're they're government jurors oh we're just talking about florida myths just go to old florida dang loretta's is like straight up better in every way i mean it's heavy but not not too heavy also it gives me dummy thick hips look at this i got curves bro so this is not the one with the phase two right oh no it is wait didn't godric have phase two as well though are there multiple dragonkins with this case too i thought there was only the one two have phase two interesting oh bro it's all coming together huge one great rune away from gg oh okay free funky smell hammer do honestly i almost never check underground so uh it's pretty fortunate for the one time i do you know why i checked it though is is because i knew the bias would make it much more likely to be down here because like there were only so many places left to really check pre-altas like i could get into raya lucaria but i didn't have a key and i guess i could go to volcano manor but that would be a [ __ ] without having access to lucaria so this seemed like the only sensible thing to do i never did weeping castle no i guess i should or i could just do like this whole underground do real ancestor guards fizz champs i think all of those should be checks i just need one more great rune to open up lane though i only have godric's you need two to unlock it i think both moves are achievements actually so in theory i should check the other one too nice yeah rayaki is is somewhere in lyarnia but i don't really feel like tracking it down i don't want to check checks to check more checks you know when i could just check checks to find the thing i'm actually looking for this should just be clear demon not malika nice flawless bro could you stand still okay [Music] oh i'm a [ __ ] genius bro let's admit it i'm a total genius the hard read on the seed dude holy [ __ ] gaming is a weird email i don't disagree that is very strange looking do you imagine the other guys like everyone else also did this exact same thing i feel like i'm crushing the seed but like what if we're actually just bog standard literally everyone did this no spoilers no spoilers we'll just have to see yeah i'll share the seat after sure it's been a fun run it's fun because i'm winning or at least i think i'm winning the only thing i'm missing is somber eight nine dang dude i was i was trying to use my jinxing abilities to spawn one right there [ __ ] i need more pouches does this give me light roll just out of curiosity no [ __ ] light roll is very hard to get yeah i mean it's a it's a lot more worth it since the recent patch that made you go like 20 feet per roll but like having a heavy armor and just sticking with medium load makes you so tanky like this armor is amazing what is my absorption 28 physical absorption pretty good yeah our [ __ ] faith build really come together hmm it's not the faith is ass it's it's holy his ass which a lot of faith stuff is holy but not everything the non-faith or the non-holy faith stuff is generally really good like [ __ ] blasphemous okay guys stop yo my man ship oh one day okay nice seal for our faith build okay dude it's all coming together it's so dope yeah dude that's the most broken part about [ __ ] blood down thing you just [ __ ] do the ash of work to dodge and then chunk at the same time boston i'm probably gonna want more than 30 big soon i'll try to bump up after 40 after this dude yeah also it can be [ __ ] greased like what the [ __ ] pumpkin heads [Music] sure i mean why not sorry i didn't mention they uh they do full random bosses not not split up by category which honestly i'm also really enjoying it makes for like fun encounters like this i think it's easier this way but it's also more random which i mean that's the point right do you do [Music] okay yeah the helm's been no issue at all we're chilling dude also i really need to uh remember to [ __ ] pop my foot at some point and allow me you are unprevented the thorn a husk the only way and become my purpose so i'd like to the flame then and guide [ __ ] [ __ ] it what are you wow oh good a note about squirts love that that's that's very good ark nice i have not died in this run in like a while i died to duo i think twice that's maybe it's should i pop some of these i'll keep it i don't think we really need the levels right now oh i didn't die to the dragon kenneth godrick yeah so what like three deaths total gold poopy nice dude the [ __ ] hips are so funny i love it it's specifically it's the hips plus the lionel greens i think without the lionel greaves this would not be as bodacious i mean okay it's kind of still it's honestly it may be even hotter like this but we we need the steps [ __ ] it i'm popping dragon word grease just kind of sucks i don't feel like it does that much i think i have some right yeah i have freezing grease as well i guess i'll put it on just for options dragon wound is literally useless outside of dragons freezing could be good though wait it doesn't work on positive sides what fierce champs nice i'll get this but i don't think we'll need it considering i am in go mode no there's no tracker overlay for alden ring that would be nice but like there's actually only like three things you need i guess you could you could throw on like somber one two three four five six seven eight nine on the tracker as well and i guess just like all seven great runes to kind of fill it out a bit it would still probably be useful why am i doing this doing what bro streaming playing games with my friends why hmm i don't know dude i just don't know like something it was a pride oh dude i thought that was an eight or nine per second this is normally a somber eight in vanilla what if dude imagine you know i'll take magic grease it's something drake thank you for the half here dude i don't know how worth it is to check these like slightly out of the way seeds cause like i don't i don't need anything some sacred tiers would be nice well i get i technically don't need anything also this is rando so i i should be able to break this for real this time yeah false do i even have any parts i don't even have the crafting kit elbow how much per level 20k do i have a nine of these what the [ __ ] we'll save one okay that should be five levels that was absolutely worth popping all those okay let's just level here before i get [ __ ] murked i'm a hundred short for my fifth level yup camp if we can get through this fire giant fight gg bro this is this is always the hardest part i'm a little nervous because i only have plus seven it'd be really nice to have eight nine or ten they're just so [ __ ] tanky dude at least we have bleed to fall back on assuming it's a bleedable boss like still i guess with these rando settings since it it doesn't have to be two major bosses it's just two whatever bosses it's it's a lot less likely to be [ __ ] stupid yeah we already saw sims i already saw god skin duo it could be gargoyles could be nile am i playing on the latest version of the phase health reduction uh i'm playing on the beta version you sent me the other day so maybe if that happened uh can you give matt vip's fina can you assign that role if you can then yes do that you can't all right i'll do it real quick matt deserves to be vip bam lanciax yo dragon wound grease [Music] i missed nice but i missed again let's go oh my god please okay that yeah that damage is fun we're chilling bro this is just with after win what bro i did it what was that a tea bag what was that dud are you mocking me oh my head shots are just not worth it they never [ __ ] land oh bro stay still jesus if i die oh my god [ __ ] fighting dragons in this game wiggly little shits bell baron no no no oh come on you can't do this to me ah oh my god okay that has nothing to do with randomizer that that is actually just a known bug that has been in the game since day one if you [ __ ] go on your horse at the exact right frame during the fire giant phase transition you just get stuck oh my god bro that is tragic [Music] damn that was damn so yeah from sauce fix all the speedrun glitches but no the the one thing that can happen casually no can't do it sorry my fire attacks are so cool [Music] okay don't get on your [ __ ] horse jesus belgrade county is a little spooky honestly it's a hard many bus [ __ ] oh my god he moves so suddenly three second wind up two frame animation yep love it dude no okay morgan's delayed attack i worry like he he holds the thing up above his head people always complain about it that is one of the few delayed attacks that actually is like totally reactive if you watch his arm it like starts moving well before the the attack goes out like it's it's very easy to see coming once you know what to look for what even is that i think i'm on my last rudor okay one more after this ugh we were actually killing this run until now classic fire giant dude is lanciax weak to magic let's find out wait was it element or was it uh just a bell-bearing answer it doesn't make a difference they have the same move so i think eleanor would have a bigger health pool it was just bell bearing okay what the [ __ ] is that am i gonna get one shot by this again okay we've avoided it yeah dom didn't choose the funny name option what the [ __ ] bomb this man does not want to get staggered jesus christ bruh look at his damage dude he's [ __ ] absurd what the [ __ ] is wrong with this guy what do you do not this is straight [ __ ] this is actually like a disaster scenario [Music] i just gotta learn how to [ __ ] fight him good thing i have to fight lanciax every time fun fun yeah i'll use the ice creams on them i didn't want to do that attempt because i was obviously gonna lose not looking for your back seat hints chat thank you i'll play the game myself damaged so [Music] [ __ ] i gotta actually play careful on this too just to conserve healing [Music] bro oh my god why is that not headshot then [Music] okay yeah just run this whole thing staggers would be nice just focus on not getting it wow [Music] dead [Music] [Music] [ __ ] everything about this boss jesus [ __ ] guys oh my god [Music] this boss i don't have a [ __ ] rude arc anymore [ __ ] oh my god i'm heavy load without rude arc yeah please sell one please thank you that's a sauber 8 16k we can maybe afford it if we sell everything you know the finger shape are you just not going to give me my item okay i wonder if that was a somber aid oh i mean i don't need these technically oh i have enough okay now those previous rounds phoenix number eight helps definitely helps oh god dude this is actually the run of a lifetime until now i should prioritize defense with the talismans so [Music] i'm about to disagree with you there god it dude this dude's exactly like 46. that [ __ ] is so [ __ ] stupid dodge is an explosion so [ __ ] you get hit anyway it's just not fun okay so [Music] so [Music] hmm as soon as you [ __ ] go for the attack he just does that [ __ ] awesome man i love not being able to punish [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [ __ ] you dude jesus okay back on track now be a fun boss if you didn't [ __ ] two-shot you with all moves it's just stupid yeah he catches heels like crazy too you gotta get so far away two shot is randomizer feature no i assure you bell bearing hunters always [ __ ] chunk you at any point in the vanilla game that is just how they always are ice world and death are you to commit very little this is the caled one the dragon barrel one to be fair that's the worst one oh him and like elmer himself okay we're fine we made it i mean if we [ __ ] like plow through everyone else we can still sub three yeah we were we were on easy sub three phase before then not seen millennia or malakith no if i can just get a somber nine actually i mean i guess we're guaranteed a summer night huh we'll get the bell bearing here it's just a matter of doing it before or after all the bosses so well if it's locked behind the city sacks i'm just not getting it that's that's possible there's like five different places the bell bearing could be oh no wait bail bearings aren't randomized in this setting no never mind you know when we for sure get it yeah we're fine i don't remember where it normally is though like this is the seven-eighths ball bearing the nine is the one before malakath okay i wasn't sure if that was somber standard smithing we're fine then yeah i already have a plus 10. so we just need the nine duo drops a standard one yeah if duo is guards i'm gonna be real pissed at dom for [ __ ] up the settings my god does that hood actually get bigger oh it does one point to vigor wow duelist sure yeah i think we got this one handled okay i'm throwing though hold on [Music] hit it from the back [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] oh that's unfortunate you know it happens to the best of the side of runarch right no okay [ __ ] dude he gets an insane like defense buff when he does that scream simply just don't let him do the he's screaming it too late gg okay nice jump video game cool good job oh what the ghost dragon can sweetness yeah it's fine everyday stuff would this game be better with or without mario as a regular recurring enemy you know i think everything's better with a little bit of mario why not throw him in there luigi can come too [Music] okay buddy you know i just realized i might have [ __ ] up by spinning all my runes because now i can't buy a somber nun good great if you damage cappy enough he'll separate from mario and you can crit him yeah very important in phase two only good way to do damage to him i actually have no idea how much the zombie 9 costs i'm going to guess like 25k though it is indeed 25k liquidate all assets everything must go i am literally selling scraps so i need i need money for the application fees as well can't forget those that's probably enough yo sugar glider thank you for the five months oh yeah i need to buy a runark tube oh no 38.40 it sells for a thousand what the [ __ ] okay here we go simply beat three bosses in 12 minutes easy sub 3. the only thing i wish we got here was an extra thousand slot that would be nice oh well actually yeah technically it's six you're right because this is two bosses gideon's one boss godfrey's two bosses oh it's seven because yeah riding on elements two bosses jesus well that kind of chunks juice so bro why is it spamming the jump so much it's not even hard to avoid is just a tedious freaking rotten established i covered zamworm okay [Music] gonna have to disagree with that one but sure did whatever you said oh god uh i think i lose this guy's supposed to be squishy dude oh can i just [ __ ] stagger spam though [Music] yes i can we definitely lose [ __ ] jesus wednesday thing for the prime yeah my physic has nothing it has a uh faith tear in it and that's it give me a run arc i mean okay incredible bosses i knew truly peaked from soft death [Music] this guy's cake until a transformation then he's pretty spooky [Music] bro oh my god calm your ass bro jesus [Music] is it against frostbite i mean it boosts all damage negation okay it's something far from the worst tier in the game this dude is like actually a one movement oh okay of course now i do something different just to prove me wrong closet [Music] established so [Music] [Music] all the blade nice okay yeah the tear was massive actually i don't know how much damage negation that gives you seems like a lot though 15 extra like a flat 15 or 15 of whatever you already had 15 okay if it's flat that's super juicy there's an easy way to test this let's see i have 35.9 damage negation and now i have 45.5 okay so that was not 15 but it was like 10 still good 15 of 39 yeah but i had 35. 0.9 diminishing returns maybe oh please be someone easy okay he's just standing there none shall take the throne queen marcus where are my standards at onto eternity this actually is not too bad not too bad at all [Music] down oh my god are you joking dude i healed because i was like you know this might actually do that much damage i didn't think it [ __ ] one-shot me still wrong jesus christ well okay we had one good shot of this and now it's just over yeah okay great awesome what is he doing that's he didn't finish his combo oh here we go do i get to play the rest of the fight okay oh nice cannot become a lord not even you a man alpha thank you for two months guards into millennia god we can only hope so gee how fun would that be well i tried to pick the item up and it didn't work so [ __ ] who is that it's another zamber dude it is a great okay this one sucks though how the [ __ ] does that mix what invisible chair what the [ __ ] scams knights cavalry interesting okay this is way more fun with the whole bosses they're like all the bosses in one pool way easier but more fun what like what is his ai doing he is confused dude [Music] okay knight's cavalry is black as hell [Music] he's like not aiming at the right things i swear he's like sideways attacking and it's so weird [Music] so [Music] all right jump r1 for the win baby dude we even get to marry ronnie actually wait do you i think you have to turn that in don't you what okay yeah i didn't want to rest anyway fine can i warp to it okay i can warp two there we go and it still doesn't work okay just go to this one wow so glad we went back for that bro i am 400 short from another level whatever the race is still on yeah no one no one has finished yet i did like really good for the first half and then fire giant happens after that we started struggling a bit but uh i kind of killed it for the first half fire giant was lanciax into bell-bearing hunter into caleb ball bearing hunting it was a bad time i lost like half an hour there another one bro now yeah the l2 does not work very well on these guys too slow [Music] [Music] okay esker and his doggies oh boy this stock does like 1 trillion damage per second or whatever look at them go okay let's go dude now we get a flex on all the gamers hold on let me let me hit credits first time okay ain't you told me to do it all right who's who's fast just do it you did great yeah yeah it's okay you'll get better at the ggs it's fine yes okay then okay just takes time you know uh 3 13 26 i think nice damn okay yeah that's pretty cool i i take issue with this seed bro this seed is terrible blood outfit excuse you wait what blood i'm feeling all day baby no wait what the [ __ ] was blood out in fact i didn't even see that weeping wait oh i never went to weeping did you finish the um like did you do the same way you finished your triple boss's mod or let's skip fire giant no no no dude i lost like half an hour on fire it was [ __ ] horrible uh yeah i'm like uh dude i have somber issues on the seat anyone else or i've i've got mad somber issues dude i got like all somber immediately actually yeah nice nice i was stuck at plus seven for a little bit but besides that at the place i'm at right now i have a plus three and i really should not have a plus three right now yeah i have a plus four and i'm kinda aren't stuck but that's okay um i'm having a good old time dude that's great dude [ __ ] watchdog stuff again but this time i just [ __ ] discarded it yeah i found that too and i said nope yeah uh all right gg zaggy now uh now it's the uh awkward moment where you you're just like uh you know confused on what to do with your life right right oh my god i'm nine [ __ ] somber [ __ ] sevens in this [ __ ] game dude yeah there are a lot of zombie sevens it's true okay pro tip do you want a pro tip yeah yeah what's up what's a prototype the crafting mats aren't randomized so just go to a cave with the somber stone you need yeah yeah yeah but like i don't [ __ ] have the rolled aggie like you said you're a plus four yeah oh you're trying to tell me to go to like old altis tunnel [ __ ] i don't have the time for that sealed uh sealed tunnel has a zombie fight what the [ __ ] that yeah i've decided that um i'm gonna start doing that from now on oh is that the one with the magma worm no with the abductor version towards the bottom no it's no at the start of like lane dell like you you go past the double tree sentinel there's there's one just roaming around like in the area of december oh really yeah okay that's cool yeah i could have used that like a long time ago but guys i just love you all okay oh my god yeah it's okay but now i'm like deprivation and i'm like well i've made it this far without going to the tunnel you might as well wait you [ __ ] [ __ ] somberfy dude finally god i'm surprised you finished so fast with no hints i got i got pretty lucky with what i decided to check i will right i got like two great runes and the world like within like 15 minutes of each other wow uh yeah aggie we're just playing for fun oh you know fast is fun for some of us some of us strive for your greatness all right anyways gg's guys that was really fun yeah we got to do bingo next week oh yeah yeah for sure actually uh yeah i'm definitely done i would like to do bingo because like the the bingo [ __ ] that you guys have for ental maybe not the exact same ones because that was like really difficult uh i thought it was like really cool at least way better than the previous uh bingo ones uh bingo [ __ ] that you guys have done so yeah if we can put together a uh a thing then that that would be cool sure yeah i think uh if you're like do we like come up with our own [Music] for the yeah yeah we can we can brainstorm them and then you just need to submit a list of this thing yeah all right cool yeah all right i liked the wacky ones that the intel one had but some of them were like two do you [ __ ] kill radon without gilbert down without hitting him like did you get 14 remembrances [Laughter] all right that was really fun i'm proud of us chat we won we won [Music] you
Channel: LilAggy VODs
Views: 821,142
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lilaggy, lil aggy, lilaggy vods, lil aggy vods
Id: 7dLniqDbrlo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 201min 28sec (12088 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 10 2022
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