Elden Ring LOCKOUT BINGO vs. Bushy!

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okay well uh I'm all ready to go if you're all ready to go uh I believe I'm ready yeah so let's explain the format real quick so we're doing the Bingo brawler season two weapon randomizer again so all these starting classes and weapon pickups in the game are shuffled around so like any however pickup can now be any caliber that's not like specifically golden Hubbard or anything like that Etc et cetera yeah and spells as well right that's too important um so for Bingo brawler season two we get to actually look at all the classes and whatnot and the board too for two minutes before we actually get into the game okay so Domo was considering three so it might end up being three okay okay we'll soon we'll do two for this one so all count is down and then we'll start looking at it and then we'll go and then of course lock out as usual uh let me know when your timer runs out because I'm not timing it on my end okay yep I'll let you know all right all right three two one and go all right good luck good luck let's see what we got here let's see okay let's look at the classes first I think that's the most important uh this is really strong I mean Moonville right I guess that needs 21 levels though uh does anyone have a thing that they can just use spiked club here I don't hate it I definitely don't hate it I don't know what the [ __ ] that Bose twin blade I'm gonna work staff Glenstone argument let's see finger Seal urgent heal meh Dragon however kind of cool double shielding okay reg is out I think it's spiked club right that thing's gotta bleed and the stat line isn't the worst thing ever a little more faith than I would care for but yeah okay let's go for Samurai yeah lands between rooms seems a simple but okay Let's see we still got one minute to look at this crackpot in the middle okay never mind I definitely want to do crackpot okay um Row three is actually Omega free I think I think that's The Rush right there let's see I definitely want to go for that guy and that guy I mean yeah you just just roll three bro just do Row three let's see this is a void so Row one column five in the diagonal are totally out did the Mariners and you need to go to alters for that favor all the subs sorry I'll beat him on a sec oh it's Dingus think of the five gifties okay there we go all right 10 seconds okay sounds good all right three two one go good luck yeah good luck all righty the shout out of the century we've all been waiting for it Jim the bushy V Aggie match to be clever just practicing this isn't actually like thing of brawlers we're just having a good time today there wasn't a graph that signed was there I don't think there was no oh there is 30 faith on the board so actually choosing a faith class is kind of five head okay party number one is for sure crackpots 100 percent it's the middle swayer dude we can set up for caver Grotto by getting the grace there at the BofA has a crackpot in there I don't think I actually want to do the vocal right now though I think we want to just like Omega Rush the crackpot bro all right I gotta remember what crackpots are so we started with three we get three from Colin uh um there's one in the Bova cave so that's seven not sure is seven let's see there's a double pickup somewhere or there's there's three in just jarber I guess we just go straight to darbert I'm gonna skip this first grace even we don't really need it honestly right the devil's in Stormville yeah but jarberg is definitely a better bet oh God [Music] actually I need to kill something to afford to buy big crackpots from Colin maybe I should just kill the both of Red Venom there I mean or I could just do ruined pickups like this um decisions decisions Alpha won't even give that much both will give like 1K Maybe I could just get Rune pickups on the way yeah I'm I'll just get room pickups on the one because that was not the cleanest line of all time but you know what it's fine I'll get this one as my 10th so that way I don't have to go on the cave and walk out because you can't faster have a lot of the cave until you beat the boss genius that's optimal baby that's the best part of bingo I'm just optimizing little details like that getting the route planned out perfectly am I still small oh [ __ ] am I still small wait I'm still small I'm 10 small oh no okay don't tell bushy it'll be fine it'll be fine I will fix it after I get my crack pause okay don't don't worry yeah I'm gonna get bigger If I level up I I just won't okay I just won't level up until I fix it okay no it's fine it's fine guys listen Okay I was doing a rod where I level up and every time I level up I get 10 bigger okay pretty Bond frogs wondering what the [ __ ] is going on why is my character slightly small at default sizes level 10 but this class started level nine so I'm only 90 side right up I forgot to uninstall the mod just don't worry about it okay it's fine if anything this is a disadvantage because I am moving 10 slower as a result because my feeties are tinier but don't worry about it don't worry about it I promise this is giving me no tactical Advantage I almost couldn't even jump up there oh God how did I not notice until you guys pointed it out but now that you've mentioned it I'm pretty obviously a little small it's fine okay it's fine do not panic foreign I do this every time I mod my game dude I'm not going to be able to do the jump here oh my God I almost went for the the corner skip but I'm not gonna get the distance I need because you can barely make that [ __ ] anyway I gotta take the pleb wood Jesus I don't know if jarberg's really the fastest pots I don't know they think about it but you know what it's fine because like yeah you start with three you buy three you get one in both a cave um you can buy one at the other limb grave version and then you can get something storm build that might be faster I think you killed Marga and you get the runes to buy the ones too what whatever I already committed to this an important lesson in Bing is is uh learning to just go with it once you decide something you don't want to second guess yourself too much chat so we just gotta go with it I'm slow dude my horse is [ __ ] slow oh God oh God for all I will fix it I will fix it okay it's very simple to fix I promise I just want to give my Square first I just think this is more important although I wonder if I'm losing more time by not fixing it and being slower whatever I'm committed to the bit at this point it it'll all work out and I just call for a timeout no no no no it's fine it's totally fine and the mod the bushes you're not even putting no absolutely not it's my intellectual property until you publicly release it I'm such an idiot bro I can't believe I forgot about the [ __ ] Bond it's fine we're almost there we just gotta get these and then we gotta we gotta make some money and buy the rest okay I think that's the ritual pot actually I'm not sure it is damn it [ __ ] okay I'm gonna ransack the graveyard here because I need money okay yeah Goldenrod six should be enough I think we're golden okay go got like dude you but I can also that you're not then why I am Khan yup yup okay goodbye adios girls like cave just verify I do in fact have nine and ten okay let's fix the bomb all right oh God hold up okay okay uh yep I I think I did it I just renamed the mods folder Matt that would work right because now it's not pointing to the right place he said probably okay I think of the nine months I look bigger I think we're good all right let's kill Mr Beaufort now come here how did you guys notice this is so hard to tell okay oh okay chill out not losing the boat okay I'm just a little flustered okay all right so we're going for all three okay so we want we want free web lids building plus 12. there is okay we're gonna plus one this thing what up cats and stuff finally doing why did I kill BofA it's a caver Grotto and it was fast anyway I don't know it just seemed like the appropriate thing to do you know no matter how do you bam okay great uh let's level some biggies okay if I had a sudden growth spurt I did not uninstall the mod now we're fine it's all good cool okay yeah we're just gonna Rush mark and that'll get us towards the storm Bill wet lid and we can also get some spitting stones in there I think we're gonna have to go to Altus to get the Plus 12. so that's unfortunate I don't know where else you would get something fours at least not 12 of them all right hello sir I I'm definitely still small are you normally this much of a [ __ ] compared to Margaret is Margaret that tall bro I don't know it looks fine to you okay dude I'm [ __ ] kicking his ass holy [ __ ] thank you no stem okay no joke [Music] gaming exactly disease there's no way that this dude's normally taller than you God you breached now there's no way you're normally the same size I Hold On [ __ ] do I need delete man Jesus Christ it's disaster I just deleted the mod files entirely what the [ __ ] how do I fix myself Jesus is he just tall he's always been taller than you yes oh like okay okay what about hold on hold on God damn it I have an idea Corin High check okay we're fine now we're fine all right it's all good it's all good listen dude last stream I played with a giant character okay it's hard to remember exactly how tall you normally are oh man oh God let's let's rest and pump some Vig all right so we're just here for the web blade and then I'll get the one at Stormville or the one I gave front I mean and then the third one will be I suppose in caled so we can get some Graces to set up for five Caleb bosses that makes sense no I want the kukri thank you I don't know why I've gotten in the habit of grabbing the energy it bothers me to see if they're now I think there's a smithing two down here and I think this is just like money or some [ __ ] but I'm gonna grab it anyway yep okay I'm gonna get these spitting Stones over here we need 12 of each but we only need 10 spelling ones we already upgraded yeah yeah yeah yeah whatever I like the felly's voice she's got a good voice let's just get this for later because why not actually I think there's another spinning Stone I can get in Rider's weapon no longer plus 12 yeah yeah exactly because weapon Rando or at least I assume not be kind of silly the wolves you yes excellent let me grab these as well just in case I don't remember what these are foreign go there and we're going in here this is painting oh right right this is a painting excuse me guys bro the dog is as big as me is that regular is that just a big dog come on I feel like I'm losing my mind out here dude I don't have a [ __ ] stone sword keep doing no I do I do right because there's one in Stormville of course it's fine guys everything is fine iron weapon uh scoot out oh but I don't know the load screens oh no actually I think the I think the Bingo mod removes those we're fine okay okay I don't know why I'm bothering enough whatever we did it okay cool as well okay front yeah I was trying to grab Miser cord there but then it wasn't exactly where I thought it was and I panicked and we just left but it's fine because we have a bleed club and that's honestly good enough to kill anything in the game with ease see that's the thing with the weapon reader that I'm not fully convinced about is why would I not just use my starting weapon the entire time assuming there's one like reasonably good enough in one of the starting classes foreign to use something else of course but there's really not that many of those you know I don't know regardless still fun that's still random classes still mixing it up I wonder if bushy chose the same class I feel like wieldable bleed clubs is pretty goaded don't tell me Chad okay don't be dumb it's a rhetorical question I did not check the twin maintenance we don't have time damn it I need my third wet blood Jake thank you for the 10 months of prime dude I just realized this thing had barbaric Roar I should be doing the roar dude silly man okay we're done on spinning once Coolio need six more spitting twos and a [ __ ] ton more threesome boys drop here and and there okay oh my I'm great thank you for asking Chad Parkey and I tried Breathe Right nose strips last night and it's life-changing holy [ __ ] I slept so good it doesn't feel like he would do anything right it's just like a piece of tape you put on your nose and it's just like okay what the [ __ ] is that really gonna do it does a lot actually open the nose right up I was sniffing like I'd never sniffed before we also did this thing called mouth tape where you literally just tape your mouth shut so that you won't open your mouth and dry out your throat and snore and [ __ ] and that was stupid that that was a Miss for me especially when I got up in the morning and realized that I had to rip tape off my facial hair that was a big no but we we tried both anyway are you right tape a plus mouth tape no would not recommend what up special I'm not small I'm not small this is a normal sized character special you have no idea what we've been through today I accidentally started the Bingo race with 90 character size because I started at level nine and I didn't uninstall the mod and we keep going back and forth on whether or not I actually fixed it but we definitely fixed it okay it's all good run okay the wet blade is in Castle Redmayne yum I'm pretty sure that's accurate when items on the board are complete will they be marked yes that's why one is marked that's the only one that's been completed do I need this grace honestly might be helpful for uh for getting the bosses I know I might be able to get spitting fours in Celia Crystal tunnel I know there's a few fives in there it's probably also for us forcing Gale tunnel yeah perhaps perhaps Celia tunnel only has fives what the [ __ ] non-somber stones are a nightmare God damn oh [ __ ] the multi's wrong uh yeah we're playing with bushy not Velma we should have Squad streamed dude no one remembers the squad stream he killed Millicent was that how you spell Millicent isn't there two l's I think Domo made a typo whatever GG bushy I should maybe do a second cave or Grotto real quick just because that shit's free obviously we want to get this well played first but then after that yeah that might be the next move just to secure another Square I can do it as part of the five Caleb bosses we can just do jail cave actually it'll be a three in one that'd be a Caleb boss it'd be a cape and we'd get something before is there your wife says hi hello 366b swipe how are you Miguel tunnel has nothing for us gel cave as a doula's book oh right the Gale cave is the worst thing of all time I might still have smelling silks you don't need ow you don't need to climb that ladder oh well I did anyone out of the way boys there's no time Domingo squares proposed anywhere I don't think domo's updated was supposed anywhere at this point in time okay let's get some levels yeah there's a public version of the list on bingosync.com well I don't know if you can actually get the list well you can generate boards on things um yeah you're right Joe cave does the stone sword keys do we really want to do [ __ ] jail cave I guess which one of these is closer you okay I wonder if learning 12 sorceries last is a mistake it's pretty easy to do but you need money goddamn get me out of here you know it's way better that happened then instead of when I was halfway through the cave like way better all right I could have gotten though I definitely could have gotten that if I prioritized it which maybe I should have since we were halfway done with them and it's pretty fast Square you know what it's not key to my strategy what is Keys 12 sorceries which he could be looking at column one so maybe as bushy is thinking of doing that relatively soon [Music] I should definitely at least set up for it a little bit no problem see we have three spinning threes right now he could also be doing Caleb bosses because he did Kill Millicent true but it's not a Caleb boss though but it's in the area obviously Rowan is not threatening because Rune level 60 is bad um the diagonal is obviously blocked row two doable definitely doable as is column two if he did Gale cave then he has one duelist killed hmm yeah okay I'm gonna keep doing what I'm doing for them yeah I'm gonna go this way to EG because we can get spinning Breeze from the gazebos on the web yeah no check-ins for Bingo that would kind of spoil the uh strategy because we're actually interacting with each other on the board okay we have half the spinning threes should be more smithing threes here I need to knock it Snipes by the lobster or bushy but mostly the lobster okay that's for the twos that's also fine uh okay we're good on spinning twos now nice so I really need to go to eat you I don't know if I do I can just run it down this way let's see yeah there's the Duelist um she's definitely going for Caleb boss's then and he did the Gale cave duelist is one of them is there a second duelist boss in Caledon I'm not sure there is yeah I think you'd have to go to lindgroup it's not catacombs on the board is there I don't think so there is tunnel or precipice I think I'm gonna do precipice let's get this just in case if he's looking at column two then yeah I definitely need to hurry up with these spitting Stone Plus 12. if he does dectus he could maybe beat me there because the smithing Bell bearing 2 is free I'll be problematic I'm already here though he would still have to afford to buy everything which depending on how many he has to buy is really expensive we'll just rush through this I want to go this way because we get a press of this one and we get spending threes Imports too which means I have less to buy I'm definitely still going to need the Bell bearing to get this building course I just have no idea how you get 12 of those in a quick fashion free Alters and if you're in Altus then you might as well just get the bellberry because it's super fast healers do there's at least 11 smithing cores and pretzels really well I doubt we get them all but we'll give a we can that doesn't take too long so we need five more threes ten more fours I know I don't really care about Chris one must be God dude wow I just realized the spinning Stone Bell bearing one and two's on the board oh [ __ ] foreign could have synergized that hello I want to say that guy drops spitting still that's scary I don't think it's worth oh you know I think it's a somber though it's let's see there's some stoneage up here this is maybe too far out of the way to be worth oh it's a somber the [ __ ] [ __ ] dude the Celia Hideaway count as a tunnel no I think it needs precipice or tunnel in them where even is Celia Hideaway near Rod search I missed one should hold on living thank you for three months today triple crystalians oh yeah yeah no that is not a tunnel it's kind of funny though because it's not Katie because it doesn't have cave in the title questions I can't believe we had another conversation that was ridiculous [ __ ] Grotto all right let's level this [ __ ] I'm broke [ __ ] um [ __ ] these guys okay I have bleed your sleeperies this guy can sleep I suppose I might as well foreign I am incredibly awkward position though sleep already gone okay there's the five bosses okay no big surprise there that's fine that is just fine I think we maybe pivot to column five I know it has room level 60 but if we get everything but Rune level 60 and just force it I think we can win that race standers by the way where are my standards at all right nice yeah gaming I'm digging this weapon now we're gonna get the plus 12. I could get worm phase as well just because it's fast but the plus 12 is priority because then we have a plus 12 weapon okay what's the best tunnel to do to finish off that square once we get our Plus 12. is that good it gives one fate wow oh yeah the Bell bearing is in a tunnel yeah that is a tunnel isn't it boss is easy as [ __ ] too okay cool Synergy baby well we're going for spitting buildings not somber smithing Melbourne's they are both in tunnels though [Music] this is my starting weapon yum see my my theory for being a brawler season two is that the meta play will just be using whatever weapon you start with I don't think it's worth seeking out a specific weapon unless you need to obviously if you happen to just stumble into one that is better than your starting weapon then like sure go for it but I think in general you should just plan on uh rocking or starting up in the whole time remember it's boss colossal weapon only okay if he's going to call him one he needs to do sorcery only as well I'm super worried about that he's probably got a watchdog down though actually if he was party has two Watch Dogs down so maybe I do need to contestless I haven't killed godric so I could pretty easily just go sorcery only that although I guess no guaranteed slicer I could [ __ ] things up a little bit he's doing pretty good he's going fast not bad Mr bushy not bad I gotta be careful if I give him too many squares that I'm just gonna lose a a majority race two to four no two to five right now I'm about to get two back to back here it's not gonna be four to five plus I'm set up in altars which is huge I doubt he's done that yet I gotta start knocking squares down though for sure whether they're in line with a bingo or not okay foreign sky is pretty damn easy let's just jump art to the boss as are most bosses in Elder ring foreign or no I need to get the six to get two upgrades is there one over here no what the [ __ ] oh but no okay that actually is good for you Onyx Lord [ __ ] up I don't think this guy can bleed it's a little unfortunate oh we can't is he not made of Rock apparently not oh [ __ ] dude how does that dot led to die you get staggered by every attack oh my God that's so lame it's fine there's a stake it's only a minor time loss get the stickers at a dumb Place actually what the [ __ ] why would the stake be here [ __ ] Onyx Lord dude come here dude what a loop what a loop this is there you go okay uh where is it I'll get this grace is there any reason to get the screws I don't think there is still we're getting it anyway okay uh let's see we're plus eight so we need five of each okay let's see three little Duos here in levels or death or death right bird is an option uh let me get some actually no no no no no let me go to sell them yeah obviously we need Bell bearing one still of course I'm a little concerned about column one though might be able to get the 12 sorceries really best selling sells six uh uh top sells three the problem is if they sell duplicates it doesn't count as different spells you there could you help us out we gotta account for that but in general six from seven two from scroll two from other scroll three from tops and then you can go to turt for two that'll be 13. but if any of those is any good at all we can do sorcery only uh got it pretty foreign how did that wave Jesus let me just see what she does she has slicer I can just [ __ ] slice very well but I refuse she doesn't oh she does okay maybe we just slice all right um I need a staff [ __ ] do I get a stat it's the noble nearby yeah actually Maybe perhaps or kill tops perhaps well now meteorite would be a random stuff I suppose any Staff Check is as good as any other one because they're all just going to be random anyway I just gotta [ __ ] find one that'll actually be wieldable you fog does that not get randomized because it's an enemy drop because I'm pretty sure that's normally Glenstone stuff if that's consistently glanced on stuff that's huge it is randomized we just got lucky okay yeah it's 100 drop okay I might just slice Goddard genuinely might be faster than uh the getting 12 sorceries also save us some cash kind of nice let's see hold on I need to buy the [ __ ] slicer fruit you are a tasso now yep thank you I need 14 in okay do sorcery only should I level the stat actually okay hold up hold up hold up hold up get me out if we get the Smithy bellberg one we get a square and then we can level up the stab and kill godric much faster also yeah I forgot to memorize the spell loops I'm gonna get this Bell bearing first let me just rock them with the plus 12 stuff yeah there's a death bird or death ripe Bird right here but that'll have to wait it's not the priority right now but I guess row two is kind of scary it's actually very scary maybe that is a bigger priority because I want to do that for my bingo line anyone Jesus dude but I'm missing or is it really this far oh here it is okay you know what I'm gonna get the death Roots done I gotta take this elevator out of the cave [ __ ] warp though just do the gif I'm already here if we do a first drive it's fast I have no heels so I cannot [ __ ] up I have one here on my class actually is this a strike weapon it might be it is okay we're gonna absolutely [ __ ] this guy all right foreign if he gets the death bird Square I'm kind of [ __ ] not completely but I'm in a terrible position I'm really hoping that doesn't happen wow great start okay cool dude glad my [ __ ] Miss foreign gaming uh um I'll just get big and switch these back and we gotta kill the death Bridge okay all right okie dokie we'll get to the spell yeah do not reverse we're not doing the bird with the sorcery this guy's not a remembrance boss we're just beating this [ __ ] with a club damn it just decent oh nice while I was incredibly confused [ __ ] that attack okay [ __ ] that attack that shit's so dumb why did Torin take off so slow too you were just having a little like [ __ ] Sunday trot it's Monday torrent wake the [ __ ] up I'm trying to get the hell out of Dodge all right believable unbelievable Captain McFadden thing oh [ __ ] [ __ ] off holy [ __ ] I hate this boss I'm dead let's get out the building sir foreign there's one the much harder one still night yep nice great stuff okay please do not get involved Mr Giant this is so awkward oh God I mean if you want to kill the bird that's why all right bye bye bam good should I just do Teresa and I'll do them threaten the wind [ __ ] it let's just throw them a whim this is not the right place oops we're level 60 is slow but if it's the only thing that I have left to do it's uh it's pretty threatening uh I don't know who is he going to sorcery only he already did godric some with some other thing I'll try this one time if we don't get this right away then uh all right foreign as fast as [ __ ] no no thank you [Music] extremely convenient foreign holy [ __ ] [ __ ] that move a move is so [ __ ] trash it's so trash okay go to gradu real quick Jesus Christ dude bro I basically was full HP I was dead either way all right okay I'm gonna have to sell more ship to afford the level UPS it's fine I didn't memorize a spell uh so you sell you so you you and you you and you okay that's that's enough plus four is better than plus zero that'll be good enough go go go that's good enough I gotta be careful though I don't have to use I'll be too awkward just enough back foreign are you sure foreign [Music] back to these bullshits I can't believe we got one shot Shield slam is so [ __ ] stupid dude you know let's start with the harder one all the flasks yeah okay hold up the [ __ ] blasts yeah yeah yeah yeah there you go [Music] Let's see we have a little one two three four five six seven to his five okay and all of his are blocked and mine are not yeah we're looking good now it was looking a little sketch for a second now that we got some squares on the board we're just what was that we did a little spin that attack sucks [Music] [Music] fascinating with us I hate this dude's Shield like what the [ __ ] chill out with all that foreign [Music] they are a singular boss unit where I gotta stop using them foreign that gets us access to a lot of squares and then obviously we're just working towards we're level 60 the whole time 30 feet I don't think we'll ever get there but we can start bumping it I have all the Vigor we need at this point Grail will not get us to 60. not yet at least [Music] because he gives us access to underground [ __ ] and my first one must be gotten Duo and he's still worth some pretty fat cash yeah I have a hero's room too yeah yeah which is 15K godrics is 20k that's 35k redon will be 70k plus whatever we get from the foot plus 40K from his remembrance we're at room level 35 we can get there 350k required from current level okay nice dismount press the button oh trust me bro there's not a Redondo solid system this guy's a horse Boss by the way is that two I think that's two I don't think we've done anyone else besides this intrusome oh okay I [ __ ] up I like it you can just run I don't know I don't know dude I should have been on tour it I guess let's see let's see we all make mistakes give me a break oh I gotta go the other way blogsberg I think it was four months [Music] oh yeah oh yeah dude this is more like it I'm not a one second okay we'll get on the [ __ ] horse this time are you happy God I hate that attack oh all right good we're grooving we are grooving baby let's just go for the duo for the square why not pop these first okay there's 170k already well there's the 35th okay we got him on the ropes boys and girls it's looking good we're at nine squares total need 13 for majority and we need 10 more levels to hit bingas grave just sell up Festival okay bro riddles take the six months to it all right do I have a Perry shield no that's annoying but we can deal with it thank you is it just in time Crucible now Bob Cove think of five gifties man Ure follow me okay don't get too cute here do not die nice okay okay oh all right foreign I just somehow accidentally scraped under his tail that was sick as [ __ ] nice job dude that's so cool [Music] if you're on his right leg he whiffs never knew that or his left leg I guess my right would I ever trust that enough to actually like intentionally do it when it matters though I don't think so definitely not to know it yeah right there like I did not need to roll it that's dope dude yeah you really got to be in like just the right place so yeah yeah Cool Tech probably not worth doing that much bro get out of the tent dude come on now [Music] all right very good aim okay uh what's next on the agenda Grail and knights Cav s see 15K level right now that'll probably be 20K a level by level 60. I'm gonna get another foot down just set up for the Grays first I'm at level 50 right now see I like the strategy of going for a line with one bad thing because now that we have all the squares but the bad thing bushy is forced to do the bad thing because you cannot win until you block all other lines well you can't win by majority until you block other lines so bushy has to go for that I mean I'm going for it as well like I'm getting other [ __ ] done in the meantime it's a devious uh strategy very devious and yeah I can do but remember remembrance for 40K let's see dude [Music] I'm not saying dirt let me go get the foot yeah I'm gonna do Grail and then try future to Avatar and then do knights cap cheese after that that should definitely be enough [Music] do do actually with the putrid itself you know no that would get us at most like five levels because with the foot we'll get like 100k out of it but if we're assuming like 20K level yeah it only gets a sapling okay we'll get 118k if we killed foot yeah all right I don't even know if we can kill it in three minutes with the foot if we're popping this right as Grail does full soup I know I could have got the flail really easy foreign actually that means 18 does also the flail is randomized right right point dude I'm the three head shatter now Jesus Christ I make fun of people so bad when they suggest I go get something and it's vanilla location and a randomizer here I am in the same thing okay this is going pretty fast this is a solid weapon to kill Braille with swings fast on Horseback doesn't take too much stamina each swing and it's 50 build up pretty soon foreign [Music] three out of five flails have passive bleed there's only five players I guess that sounds about right I mean how many flows can there really be there it is okay good Rune collection all right go to the Future let me just do a sanity check yeah we're level 51. 15K a level we have 105k this will get us another 100k I think we're in there as long as I kill this guy foreign good slicer is definitely not better this thing is way more leveled up [Music] foreign still active I think it's got to be almost done though I don't know if we're gonna get the bonus I don't know if the bonus matters though babe give me the money give me the money under 18K let's see I think it's it 62 game yo Gigi is my friend yeah GG bro yeah pretty much I got those first five squares I was feeling good and then after that point I lost literally four races in a row oh no I was going I think it was actually five total squares the smithing Stone plus 12 smithing Stone Bell bearing one and two remembrance boss sorcery only the death rate bird and the tree Sentinel Duo I lost all those that's rough that is rough okay okay so walk me through it so yeah once you had five squares and I still only had two I was sweating a bit because I knew I needed to block one column one and row two and column two two so I wasn't really sure what to go for I was originally rushing spitting plus 12 but that [ __ ] takes way longer than you would think okay that yeah that makes sense because I when you didn't get the smithing Stone Bell bearing one and two I was like did he just not Mark that or something but you you legit got smithing Plus 12. yeah yeah I got the the Bell bearing two to finish off the Plus 12. I I honestly didn't even see that spitting still billboard one or two is a square okay okay that makes sense that makes a lot of sense more concerned with Row three I thought you had I thought you had completed the smithing Stone Bell bearing one tunnel to get the two tunnels or precipice squares uh-huh so I was like how the hell did he get the smithing Stone Bell bearing one but not the smithing Stone Bell bearing 2 and cut the smithing Stone plus 12. that wasn't making sense to me yeah so I I did precipice to get to Altus and then I just finished the tunnel that smitting building two's in yeah yeah that makes sense yeah and then I realized that I don't even need to finish that tunnel because yeah I would have completed it by getting the bell ring one two which if you did that to be fair I would have actually probably beat you to it because I was right there interesting my idiocy paid off I mean you know sometimes that's the play right like it's it's less optimal but you get the square that you need faster even if it delays something else yeah it's definitely I was definitely prioritizing that a little bit here at the beginning of the game instead of being like fully efficient it was like okay I need to get these five bosses in Caleb because Row three is kind of scaring me and column four um so I I even though I could have like done more like horse bosses and been more efficient or or things like that um I just focused on actually getting the squares so that I didn't end up getting them sniped and then proceeded to get five of them sniped in a row it's rough you uh you yoinked kaver Grotto from me I was about to head into my second one for that have you got that okay nice so it wasn't completely one-sided uh did you go for crackpots at the beginning I did yeah okay I I went for I thought I I didn't think jarberg was going to be that fast so I went for Margaret into uh yeah I went for the Margaret route and you just beat me to it yeah I think Morgan actually is faster if you if you started with the crackpots because then like you could just buy the other three and then get the two in Stormville and then buy from the other the Saints Bridge Merchant you get one there and then the one in the in the BofA cave yeah that's what I was going for and I was I was like two pots off and you were got it I was like holy [ __ ] interesting maybe jarberg isn't really I didn't it was probably faster when there was a Uchi script depends on your Market speed yeah because I didn't really like mess it up but like it's not like it was scripted right what uh what classes did you go uh I went for the one that had the curved club and the dragon halberd okay interesting I went for the guy with the spiked club okay mostly because that was the only wieldable weapon with the starting stats and I know it had bleed on it so like it can't be that bad right and I just rocked that the whole time the curve Club was uh was just missing strength so it was technically wieldable not I mean obviously Dragon hellbirds really good oh yeah there's a slight mishap at the beginning I don't know if your chat told you yeah I forgot to turn off my boss that was a little small at the beginning but we we fixed it it's fine you had to like restart your game right and you still beat me to the pods yeah well no I I just like rolled with it until I got the crackpot square and then I put out and fixed it and then we were questioning the entire rest of the time if I was actually the right size or not like I mean 90 was 100 like it was kind of hard to tell I didn't have any frame of reference for it yeah it was all good yeah definitely a good game I got to practice deathrite birds and tree Sentinel Duo because I I just actually [ __ ] those up but I did not deserve to get those squares yeah I died once to uh to both of those just good old one shots yeah uh you down for another we could run one more why not all right all right let me uh take a bathroom break and then we'll reconvene and get it going sure yeah [Music]
Channel: LilAggy VODs
Views: 153,563
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lilaggy, lil aggy, lilaggy vods, lil aggy vods
Id: m-QxV3PIC2I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 114min 33sec (6873 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 09 2023
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