Elden Ring Randomizer, but the loser has to EAT THE WORLD'S SPICIEST CHIP

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um yeah I'm good to start whenever all right I think I am too so just to recap so just an 80 Rando race uh it's one great room to get into Lando two great runes to get into mountaintops and then three great rooms to get to final boss yep okay and loser does one chip challenge oh boy all right let's do it sounds good three two one go good luck go good luck oh boy Chad what have we got ourselves into now I can't lose okay I can't lose with the power of the double reduce all right I just need 13 Arcane that's it we can get there why would I agree to this because I gotta make Chris eat the chit okay look I beat it at bingo the other week right I didn't mean to do that okay that's a good start uvia is Parky's favorite weapon that's why specifically double reduce that's what she did in her casual playthrough grafted crystalians right yeah the spirit in the ring blade okay also egg thank you for the resub but thanks for hanging out this weekend it was a fun time Shield of the guilty then that also does blood laws I'm just gonna unequip it I'm never gonna use them okay useless great you get 10 bloody fingers and a liver a lightning liver yep surely we'll find bleedable bosses this time surely looking fly my friend nice pants [Music] okay we're doing zero percent bias so no location is more likely than any other location to have the great rooms as it should be in a randomizer so what does this mean I don't think this really means much for the early game we just want to check the same stuff as usual we gotta check major boss rewards vanilla key item locations and he has a Topper 245 okay nice so sorry major boss rewards basically anybody gives an achievement could possibly drop a gray rune uh vanilla key item locations and then Merchant shops hermit Merchant shops and a few other Merchant shops basically non-spell Merchant shops could have it Shadow care everything for the six months they have not found a single helpful item so far 245 is pretty big though especially when we're doing power stance or duties we're gonna need a lot of somber stones hello crab how are you yo Joel I think of the seven months any Jewels where are my Jewels at Joel got removed what the [ __ ] you can only have joeler and Jolla snow that's unbelievable it will sound hard to treat him with they took him from us how much Arcane do we have nine okay so we need a whopping four levels to start using our weapons that's not so bad it's not bad at all we just gotta find like a few Rune pickups and then we're chilling a pike can I use a pike 20 strengths Lope if I could just get a weapon to kill Margaret with that would also work that'll give us enough runes to get the reduvias going whatever okay continue with the loop it's legally gonna have a 1K prize pool I I'm not sure I almost said there would be something about a price but I don't know what it is though Bernie what up Bernie what what the [ __ ] why is it bugged out let me ask are you here does your fist fight interesting uh nothing of importance okay goodbye dude it's a blue crab look at him that's very rarecha that I called him a crab I meant Lobster just pretend that I said Lobster okay leave me alone man can you hear me all right I'm uh I'm a big shot red carpet streamer now okay I don't I don't need to make sense with my words okay that's that's beneath me now something's down three not bad also we got a golden room so hopefully that's enough for four levels oh we got a pouch but it's worth a lot of money okay okay for later it's 2k not bad I don't get us at least two levels all right halfway there we'll hit this graveyard and then hopefully that'll give us enough runes to start reduveting and then straight to Margaret from there why is it all blue items here what the [ __ ] it's actually all blue items oh okay there we go foreign oh I could just use the ornamental straight sword that works man ornamental straight swords really good I got I gotta commit to the to the parking build though I can't say no that's plenty of rooms to get this 13 arcade as well all right dude 13 Arcane bam let's just go ahead and run down to Fort height check that check that Merchant and then I guess we could take it straight into weeping as well the thing is though okay so with the settings we're using we only need one singular great rune to get into Langdale so like I don't really need to search the whole map pretty Lane though for for a bunch of [ __ ] because like then you're just wasting time because like you you need one to get into Langdale and then you might just get a second one in Langdale which immediately lets you go to mountaintops and then you might just get a third in Mountaintop so just immediately lets you go to the final boss yo Market shackle pop so yeah okay I think we checked Ford height and then we dip and we just go to market and uh start working our way towards Langdale welcome it's called a palace key okay this is good [ __ ] oh God okay that's really expensive dude I don't know if that was worth buying right now but you know we have it at least we have it wait did I not buy the pout what did I not buy I bought the key hmm I bought key and is that it I thought I bought two things maybe I'm insane oh golden seed okay yeah now that makes sense more pot okay nice dude if I could just lock into a cyber one that would be so huge checkup just [ __ ] clothes let's see 3K is still enough for like two levels I should probably get some big our tear dice we take a tear okay let's not waste any more time we gotta start knocking [ __ ] down what the hell does that do Vitality yo vitality oh [ __ ] well we gotta put that on it's the best stat in the game Vitality real all right who do we got godric yo that's pretty good what the [ __ ] why are you that tanky foolish I don't want to talk about it all right hold on hold on hold on don't worry about it don't worry about it warm up right we're settling back in okay I gotta remember what a video game is I've got a I'm gonna not power stance I think that was maybe the problem there okay hello roll button why are you that tanky whatever he can bleed yeah I mean it's doable that's doable foreign [Music] I disagree again okay bro okay he's [ __ ] dragon head is just a lot bigger than a look son just give me a bleed I mean I guess that works for fog okay first try baby easy peasy you preached but of course okay can I just like kill him there and get his thing is that better than talking to him after I don't know if that's better no fatty armor oh [ __ ] no heavy load gross dude yeah never mind okay that's not great bro what the [ __ ] thank you run bear unbelievable I need to not lose this money this money's actually kind of important [ __ ] it okay it's fine foreign s as long as I don't die I was spinning six that's something I think that mask gives Arcane that's that's something hey dude that gives a [ __ ] out of our kid a damn oh fat cash okay yes please big ow I'm gonna regret going for this side oh fat cash okay wait the guy shot the dog why is that dog dead oh my God unbelievable it's okay we check Round Table shop and then we go to godric look at all this money holy pop one or two 30k dude okay what do we got what do we got uh yeah give me these sure why not why not interior don't really need that all damage was a sure uh carrying statue sure uh okay that's it give me the pouch give me the other pouch you know give me a sponsored key as well okay here we go bread think of the five gifties pump The Vig 22 pretty good all right we're rolling all right Pizza badge thanks Adam who do we got ranala okay that's not so bad very bleedable Titan Phoenix playing with a five gifted [Music] what a homie I'll [Music] still don't think the power stance is worth yet what the [ __ ] are you doing okay oh geez brah what the [ __ ] was that aim come here lady why am I glowing blue what what is that [Music] the moon gives an armored diva what I would not know because I never get hit by the moon oh speaking of one more bleed please foreign [Music] dude final hit of chain attacks wait that's that's gotta be good for power stance right that has got to be good for power stance I assume that it counts for a chain attack right Charlene Artemis think of the gift soap relin because I think of the Prime sorry for any gifted or Subs that I missed during that fight it seemed like there was a lot foreign s yet but we're in liernia it's not bad I think we might just send it straight up the precipice to get to Altus as soon as possible because as soon as we get one great room we want to go straight into Lane though for sure doc owls think of the Prime I am a little concerned about the lack of somber ones but it's all right we're getting carried by bleed thus far and at least we have a decent amount of levels we got more balls I mean sure dude I guess okay okay how did the ad experiment go we're still conducting it we'll see we'll see I'm gonna grab this Grace Just for potential backtracking later okay thank you torrent get out of here dude cyber what nope the second key we'll take that [ __ ] Torrid button [ __ ] this game god dude thank thank the lord we got this grace that's [ __ ] infuriating bro unreal it just refuses to jump sometimes yeah and then this time yeah as soon as they're present um no no no yeah makes sense Jesus totally this is the deck of the Prime okay we're gonna hit this graveyard we're gonna pray for islamber one we're gonna check the right Lucario key yeah and then we'll warp to EG check his shop and then go up to precipice I think that's the play oh my [ __ ] god I'm fine I'm fine it's fine I'm fine it's fine it's not an issue Jesus bro foreign so happy hola cyber seven yo okay well as soon as we get Cyber one two three four five we're jealous actually we already have four and five don't we Kali has four and five and two rights I'm pretty sure so really we just need somber one and three okay foreign this armor is pretty cool medium low wait this Mass reduces your physical attack by like a lot five percent I mean but also my weapons scale with Arcane so let's see I have a 98 attack power with it off and I have 99 with it on okay I I guess it's worth y I am an old so yeah a somber two I I didn't really need that okay whatever thanks foreign races are so stressful you never know where your opponent is you have no feedback like you do with freaking bingo just ask chat no raises immunity I'll be heavy load if I put it on Mega Mall 14. do I bother checking the merchant up there before I go up the precipice um I think probably let's get the Grays down here first number six okay friend thank you for the prime okay honestly no [ __ ] I'm just going up we can we can come back later I might find a somber one and three on the way up unlike we can just get to the boss and if the boss is impossible with a plus zero then then we'll start searching around but I don't think we should search around until we know that for a fact foreign nice try [ __ ] foreign that's kind of interesting I could just put that on my back and get heal over time also America's Hammer I mean oh no just just a regular ass hammer never mind I think we'll stick with her duties a somber eight yo I am so happy I killed that random woman dude just give me the one in three be careful gaming Josh you think of the 10 months big double digits all two gold items oh boy number 10. black knife teach avid POG but I'm never gonna upgrade that [ __ ] not worth the time okay you think of the 33. all right who do we got just be someone Omega bleedable please horaloo I mean it's bleedable I think we can do it I think we can definitely do it there we go foreign can we get a bleed please now okay I guess not oh [ __ ] oh the terrain was so awkward it's not throw please nice bro this camera Let's Get Off the Wall blood blade for the wind nope R1 for the win nice all right not bad kid zero negative two months sure is plus zero we're doing there is for honestly I think the power stancing is questionable I feel like we're doing better without him all right we made it to Altus in a mere 40 minutes not bad not bad we gotta find a gray room though where the hell is this [ __ ] or somber one and three for that matter yeah thanks for yet another cyber seven I guess actually wait that was my first time or something oh no no okay I have two six two sevens one eight uh we'll get this in case we have to go to Elmo later yep pot Mikko won the streamer award all deserved I ain't mad about it would have been cooler if they announced it on stage though that part I'm a little sad about alas will be okay okay I'm gonna check this Merchant over here pray to God he has a somber one if this guy has a somber one then the Bell bearing for somber three and four is in the cave right next to him and I'll just go in and get that and then we can immediately get a plus eight redovia and like a plus seven second ridovia there's something like that because the Bell bearings are not randomized here is a cup as Robert 10 I mean cool I guess but like bro oh God I don't even have smitting Stones so I I couldn't even like temporarily switch to a spinning Stone weapon [Music] we just gotta keep praying for bleedable bosses just gotta get the submissive and bleedable ones I'll get the three and four bell bearing as soon as I get a somber one until I get a cyber one there's not much point I could just say [ __ ] it and go for the somber one buildering which at this point is probably a good idea because I need to get this [ __ ] online I also still need a great room to even get into Laneville out what the [ __ ] dude dude the [ __ ] streamer Awards after party got shut down like an hour in because minks got drunk and hurt herself and then made a fit about it when she was told to leave cool dude so cool she was also explicitly told not to drink because she has a problem I mean do I even have a spinning weapon Hammer I I guess it's not great foreign at the party uh the day before the event I've had some people add the event itself as well it was cool I'm at virtual the the trackmania guy and the rest of his crew uh I'm at Point Crow I'm at Doug Doug spoke to reverse for a little bit Parky really wanted to talk to George not found so we said hi to George and he was like visibly annoyed at the interaction that was about it we found him yes I mean maybe that's just how he asked I have no idea who this guy is besides the fact that he's a Minecraft person Parky asked him to record a thing for her sister and so George was like okay what's your sister's name and did Parky said Ivana the great room great room stop the story great room bomb okay do we go to DTS dude if we can't kill DTS there's no Grace over there and it's gonna be really awkward I think it's worth trying okay anyway so George asked for ivana's or for for Parky's sister's name that's our sister's name is Ivana and George just like so Parky started recording and then Georgia said hey Ivana I hate you I hate you so much and that was it it was like a joke but like was it a joke I don't know I don't know the guy he's from South England they're just like that understandable tibia uh not bleedable but you know I think you can handle this oh God we want to handle it though that is negative damage would power stance be better yes I don't have the summoned belt I would have been good if I had it though because yeah she does percent damage I also don't have enough ffp for it yeah I suppose that's a problem oh Jesus I mean this is getting it done as long as we don't die this is yep yep Mariner 11 months box thank you for the 13. all right two thirds two-thirds maybe three-fourths are we sure this towel has been for the chain attacks is doing anything counts as a chain attack like so confused last attack on the combo I mean yeah but like okay how much is it doing for me 16 is one of those doing more than 16 it's hard to tell bam all right good five smithing Stone ones thanks cool dude Pike online oh [ __ ] what should we do the hammer I have the stats for the hammer foreign already go away dog okay here's the play chat I'm gonna check the beach Merchant if the Beast version doesn't have it I'm just gonna go do the somber Bell bearing one boss is there any way the randomizer can place fitting stones in an alternate way they would find that I would find acceptable uh not really honestly I don't know what you do with it foreign [ __ ] sure we'll take that though I guess and and Mariah's necklace I guess uh okay okay all right I'm gonna upgrade the hammer so plus whatever we can get it and then we're just going for the Bell bearing I am Bam Bam Bam okay plus three great I have like an ash of where I could put on it I mean sure whatever the [ __ ] fire Hammer hooray okay go go go go go 36 Vig not bad foreign this better pay off I wonder if Chris found a cyber one naturally or a three for that matter my heavy load bro I'm still heavy load oh you know [ __ ] this hell with as long as I'm using the hammer Yellow Version probably had solder one to three a great Rune and a better weapon yeah probably it always does all right come on baby you're an easy boss please [Music] seven remember what nope pants okay who's in there I don't see anyone hello oh hi yeah that that's pretty easy okay hell yeah that that is more than acceptable thank you this dude has no Poise this is a jump R2 all day okay I don't die to the naked man that would be embarrassing hell yeah dude look at that fire damage all right GG okay that was absolutely the right call for that oh god I've been trapped still [ __ ] dude thank you voiderling you're a God please be a zombie free foreign okay I'll plus two reduvia and then go get the other solver Bell bearing this is just the most reliable thing we can do two of those one of those go go go go yeah hello how old Jesus yeah there we go okay power stance plus two reduvius not bad not bad just go yelling at the other Bell bearing helmet right let me see if it's worth now it is it's still worth for damage but I missed the entrance yes it's a one two three great Rune race one great rune for Landell to great room for mountaintops three rate runes for final boss kind of an interesting rule set God please just be another super free boss laughs I don't see anyone again fell twins oh boy that's not the worst damage ever okay Fox holy [ __ ] Jesus Christ it's winnable bro God why is it so weirdly silent I don't like this I'm uncomfortable foreign oh my God the [ __ ] input read on that [ __ ] is so annoying all right oh now we get music okay foreign okay whatever he's dead okay GGG or dubia plus eight here we come do I have the money like this should be enough money let's see I have two sixes two sevens one eight one ten just get two threes oh you sell fours as well right yeah uh sure okay okay yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah oh go go I don't have enough money to upgrade both right now I gotta I gotta sell some [ __ ] oh I did not be doing more just Slayer uh sell all these [ __ ] it that's good money oh hell yes okay [ __ ] I don't have the five go to Cali for the five drunkard takes the one dollar yo five okay and the crafting kit I guess thanks goodbye I only have one five huh okay well that's fine we'll have one plus four and one plus eight that's still pretty good okay whatever just roll with the plus a one for now I don't have the money I have a shield I do gamer job okay hold on let me do it one more time we can do it damage [Music] I mean Langdale in an hour six with one great Rune seems Seems not too bad we need another great room to get out into mountaintops hopefully one of these bosses just has it why is Langdale so dark uh that would be night time the the sun is down yo three exalted flashes that's actually kind of sit where where are they it's not that [ __ ] on hey devs modern Aesthetics bro that dude plays it with like literally zero brightness on his monitor I don't he says it's because he has like vision problems but like how do you see what does that mean I could not see [ __ ] good Vision sensitive eyes yeah I don't know man oh God hello roon bear okay goodbye Gold free who we got someone that spawns in radagon Dragon King uh I mean I guess it can be worse it's pretty good damage this guy should be bleedable as well oh God all right nice world get down the [ __ ] hello it's Parky it's scarly it's hard what a cutie oh God I'm stuck all right nice dude first try bubble tear we'll take a bubble too Scarlet Gonna Miss Parky yes like actually yes Scarlett and her are quite friendly though Scarlett would never admit it Omen armor okay 40 Vig let's start getting some arcane do some damage here how long does that more likely to break stance to your last not very long right 30 seconds 10 seconds okay [ __ ] that noise Morgan who a joy okay you know what that's pretty good damage and we'll bleed I ain't worried foreign the [ __ ] was that baby jump dude come on foreign keep the bleeds coming please so the problem with their Duty over this fight is that she doesn't stagger from him and like a lot of her opportunities for attacking her rely on staggering her so that she doesn't just hit you right back like normally after she dashes to the left or right you can just hit her and it'll cancel her follow-up but I can with the reduvia like right there right here I guess I can just r one of them Dodge real fast but it's kind of difficult [ __ ] bro on this don't die what [ __ ] you unbelievable okay good damage good damage bro [Music] my balls each I think about the sixth month okay that's not a great time to delete that [ __ ] [ __ ] God damn it I'm out of heels oh Christ no [ __ ] that attack God [ __ ] damn it dude I forgot the order uh uh why doesn't the dagger just stagger dude it's so lame dude it's such a long [ __ ] fight thank you foreign [Music] [Music] oh dude I can't grieve too much she gets the one hit bag it just it validates my last like two and I take damage [Music] foreign [Music] okay shall not be forgiven what the [ __ ] I've never seen her do okay I'm just [ __ ] dead oh see dude God damn it oh I've never seen her do three floaty things in a row and then I'm immediately into waterfowl when I was like trying to [ __ ] get out of the AOE that's so fast dude [Music] oh foreign get on with it [ __ ] [Music] is not a good boss for daggersome [Music] Siri didn't think of the four months all right like come on lady [ __ ] do something [Music] [Music] hey phase two great joy what what the [ __ ] I'm dead I got a Sprint instead of a roll that's [ __ ] amazing it's just amazing cool dude foreign guys are insane [Music] oh [Music] [Music] foreign god dude okay can I knock it immediately meme this time thank you shall not be forgiven you know the crazy part is that I feel like it's phase two is overall easier with phase one just because you get way more opportunity to attack those little explosions she does dude I can't remember how to dodge that attack oh it's so [ __ ] specific oh God that was close [Music] foreign oh my God [ __ ] off just die okay great great room great room great room [ __ ] pouch okay whatever man okay well at least that's done with Captain phase to take with the prime prevented the Thorns the husk the only one become my pup so I'd like to the flame them and guide okay yeah yeah whatever give me all the Arcane dude I need [ __ ] damage my God okay where the hell do I go now let's go to cardio Manor I mean I guess merchants I should have saved some money oops level up the other one dude oh um we'll be fine foreign is now exactly the same whether or not I'm wearing the uh the helmet interesting don't do a lobster don't do it team junk you think of the 10 months foreign Manor whatever I guess this is Korean Manor Plus or Loretta plus pity is for the chicks I mean it's something I've done any of the caled merchants I should probably do those not even gonna get the Grays [ __ ] yeah weeping Merchants also a possibility not a huge weeping fan it's true hello God skin Noble I mean that's pretty chill I guess see he stops when you get it even if it's all right GG yep tear s radioactive spike thing for the five months pidia please hook a boy up come on come on dude we need something here and Panda think of the three months uh uh I don't know if that's the real one or not Funko Pop Ronnie let's go sure dude okay yeah goodbye plenty ninja man thank you for the seven months tequila Marie thank you for the gift slip I don't think that was the real one it was okay okay okay good also wanna beta hope you're doing well my dude okay we checked the merge in here and then we should probably check the caled merchants I only have 13k though it's not very much money well foreign How can I POG we're saved okay hit this show on the road mountaintop's done I wonder if there were any easier checks to get gray roots where the [ __ ] am I this is not what I want oh God that's not what I want at all right thank you for the seventh okay indicate this other reduvia leveled up we have the three four six and seven I'm not sure if there was any other Merchant with a five we definitely haven't seen another eight and we definitely haven't seen any nines yet [ __ ] the caled merchants for now we just want to progress all the way to the final boss eight will be plenty we just have to hope that we stumble into more Somers to get two reduvia pluses that would be big that would be very big also I forgot to mark the keys on the tracker I'll do that on the elevator now we're specifically not requiring rolled you just need great rooms okay we got those guys and rusticube yeah bug I don't know man that Millennia took uh longer than it should have I'm not I'm not feeling too great about that that was like four tries and they were all very long could have been worse definitely could have been worse I need to get more endurance Next Level Up this stamina and equip load is not cutting them dude [Music] we need one more great room to finish the game but well it's like almost assuredly find it on the way to the final boss it would be it would be pretty damn unlikely to not get a single one from from any other required bosses from this point on oh my God note gravity's advantage interesting note okay yep roll random settings we're using just give us that automatically if we if we have two great runes it freaked me out for a second too I kind of forgot so how goes your your randomizer stuff uh it's it's a it's a going it's not the worst I've ever done it's pretty pretty good for me so far mm-hmm hopefully it uh it turns out to be interesting because I'm having a feeling that you're gonna be eating that [ __ ] oh yeah okay Bob but you know we'll see we'll see I suppose we won multiple things so I can't say it that I had Flawless gameplay this entire time so there's an incident or two well best of luck yes you as well I guess so Chris isn't fair Missoula probably let's let's be real here what's this Chris is Almost sure then Zulu he always pipes up as soon as he's in go mode unbelievable foreign right we just gotta go through this whole [ __ ] mountaintops another two phase it's a potentially horrible boss fight you know maybe he doesn't have third great room maybe maybe he gets hard stuck unpleasantness thing of the six months if I lose will I eat the chip anyway you mean if I win will I will I eat the chip anyway the winner is not the person who gets to eat the ship okay that's not that's not a blessing all right that's punishment maybe maybe maybe we should tell Chris that though maybe maybe we'll we'll just say that oh I'm sorry I thought it was an opportunity if if he wins in the very small slim chance scenario that that he wins that's a good idea good idea I don't think it's worth getting the somber five and six bellberry honestly power sensing it's kind of has we have the second reduvia just for the aesthetic number five is the Altus version okay yeah or you can just do that that works okay who is this field trip yo okay that's acceptable [Music] [Music] any bleeders there we go okay something like a two cycle not bad okay nice come on easy phase two easy phase two sure yeah I mean I guess not hard possibly time consuming them okay that was a really bad attack to be on the horse for I'm never doing that again what does rinologist doing just hanging out are we already doing the ring why I don't feel like he's low enough health for the roof now [ __ ] the [ __ ] animation is longer than expected elephant Stars oh boy okay sir get out of the ground what are you doing what the [ __ ] what is happening foreign this is a mess not again dude [ __ ] off please there's no way what the [ __ ] die okay good Lord yep seed [ __ ] Hulk Hulk still gotta find that last gray rune honestly at this point okay operating under the presumption the Chris has already been to pharamazulu it would be better for us if the great room is not along the critical path and we gotta go find one I have a feeling that Chris did not get moog's gray rude like we did so that means there's at least the one other that's out there that's easy to get Maya [ __ ] whatever we can worry about the great room later the important thing right now is it just Blitz through to the final boss oh man an hour 55 and we're in fair I'm that's not bad it's definitely not bad I guess we should slap that on why not oh eight emergency meat dumpling I like that okay I mean it hasn't been much of a double reduce it's more like single with duvia but I'm also holding another one yeah I mean I like daggers they just suck ass in certain scenarios wow you know a gold foul foot okay sure all right I'm gonna go where here I'm gonna get the somber five and then I'm gonna go back turn in the Bell right and get seven and eight and then we'll have two reduvia plus eights and that's pretty pog you're not the guy that I had it what the [ __ ] also wait I can just I have the bell rings I can just go to Round Table oh I don't know if this is worth it we're already doing it which one of you [ __ ] had it did you guys just [ __ ] lie to me you said one of them had a sobber five you piece this is why you'd never believed twistership never ever do a trip okay whatever saying over dubious we got Loretta that's that's fine she's she's bleedable right she should be bleedable thank you okay [ __ ] through that was too close [Music] it's gonna be a bleed come on blade gaming okay moving on foreign let's put on better paints oh better gloves pog that damage was just looking pretty nice 39 damage negation take that Kali sold One Singular Slumber Five Guys we already bought it do do it's number five oh double poop what the [ __ ] hard fixed hold on there we go instead barge thank you for the prime just check the somber 5 is what I didn't read the rest of the message oh thirdilage thing with the prime by Lagoon thank the Donald's oh never to get Bell bearing oh yeah for nine actually dude it's worth because I I have a somber 10 on Deck I say that's freaking worth and Mom yep rat yep dog how am I still in combat oh never much Altis bellberg Merchant did I not grab his Bell bearing though surely I grabbed his Bell bearing is that the only Merchant that I didn't do it for him I guess I was being attacked maybe that's one oh God I need money bro this isn't enough money that's not even close to enough money [ __ ] okay go to malachow [ __ ] dude should have thought of that before I leveled up like six times Trevor back or the thing for the 15. okay submissive and bleedable please please please please Nile okay we're prepared for this well I just I gotta get there in time to get the free poke oh nice I think we got it okay good holy [ __ ] they're annihilating him Jesus Christ dude he's alive for the phase two months holy [ __ ] I have the shackle for you come here all my friends gone oh sheesh wrong popping off foreign nice okay we got a little overconfident there for a second but let's chill yep pot of Destiny okay now we can go get a somber plus 10 reduvian go go go okay man a lack of somber 5 is on forged you know oh um oh no bam okay sick I don't know if I have the Grace by the merchant but you know what [ __ ] it it's not worth it one single plus 10 reduvius plenty we've had a really good luck so far with the with the set of required bosses all being bleedable elasmina gargoyles here would really [ __ ] me up that that would be very bad very bad indeed I still need one more great room yes but we we might as well progress to the final boss prefer to go searching for it okay Now's the Time to maybe start busting out these fleshes who this radagon I knew you'd come to stand before the Elden ring I think it's radagon because radagon spawns them or maybe he is yeah or maybe God's can Duo she'll take the throne there's a lot of spawning bosses huh that we continue Super Bowl oh great what the [ __ ] is that well I mean he's bleedable might be the way to go here just for foreign [Music] thank you foreign please just like stay in the arena is that possible I need to hit your foot bro you know I said this would probably be a good time to use the Flesh and then I never use the flesh but at this point I mean he's almost dead it's like one bleed proper way from Death okay GG not too bad giza's wheel wow okay all right power stands he was pretty [ __ ] sick there I'm gonna see if I have the grace by the Altus Merchant I do I do okay okay I swear to God if you guys are lying again please divorce oh okay you guys are off the hook this time good job okay we're doing here plus nine or doobie plus ten pretty good pretty good go go go go go get the Arcane levels hog let's see is this helmet still worth it no actually okay the helmet's no longer worth it because we have too much arcane all right what do we got God for you God's skin Duo you know this faders the bleed I gotta say I don't I don't think it's gonna be an issue at all this is actually good for me because Chris if he's not running a bleed build very well my struggle with this I almost want to get hit just to get that attack over with whatever okay wow dude that was it's quite the combo [ __ ] ah [ __ ] yeah okay we're fleshing we're fleshing it we're fleshing it yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah do they not see me oh there we go okay bro we [ __ ] melt holy God she [Music] what the why would it aim there God damn it lock on [Music] okay good damage good damage good damage right on cue perfect [Music] foreign phase two not bad God again man okay at least it's the easier one yeah this this dude's kind of getting melted stagger okay foreign the search for a great Rune begins I got a good feeling about Caleb and weeping merchants where I think the state of the game is out of here is that Chris is also in front of the final boss and is also missing a third grade room but I don't think he would have gotten the bow grade I think I feel like that one was a little cheeky we'll see ow the [ __ ] dude Dusty man thank you for the 10 months mogrun was Ryan lucaria Merchant oh [ __ ] dude I forgot about this [ __ ] I think it's right lacai emergent you need the key and the key was from pitia and I feel like pity is kind of niche well I'm just gonna get invaded huh yeah yeah exactly Mitch [ __ ] okay we got out of the invade Ridge laughs come on Merchants yes there it is go go go go go go dude I was right oh my God go get some stats uh decks all right we have two flesh one for each phase here we could win boys come on baby submissive and bleedable leadable definitely believable not bad damage either okay don't don't [ __ ] it up though [ __ ] okay I don't know if uh Power stance is the play for this guy attacks a little slow nice dude okay now power stands because he's gonna try to phase transition oh yes [ __ ] nice roll fighter boss okay flesh I did a good flash for that guy it'll work it worked it's deleted dude we're all free don't throw oh God I still didn't apply My Flesh oh it's not worth the time this dude squish it up already okay okay okay oh God please just give me the dub hurry that was so scared yes yo ggs no yeah I got the final [ __ ] fight dude oh my God oh yes I didn't die to fire Giant in Gideon's room oh my God oh well oh Lord just be just be Leonard now damn dude that was like 15 seconds oh my God just touch this see the [ __ ] ship oh that's too bad blood yeah [Music] laughs [Music] it tastes bad there's worse than losing the Aggie yeah this is definitely the worst part of it that's how bad it is just Bud [ __ ] you you're next you're next [ __ ] you I'm eating ice cream [Music]
Channel: LilAggy VODs
Views: 80,552
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lilaggy, lil aggy, lilaggy vods, lil aggy vods
Id: rBvpjOBVrJc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 147min 51sec (8871 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 15 2023
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