I got THE GOD BUILD while attempting this RANDOMIZER NO HIT - Elden Ring Randomizer No Hit PB

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here we go we got Morningstar man double Loretta War sickle okay interesting interesting cumbug staff glaive thing meh Lance meh blackbone not bad ah let's see giant braid no but great blade flanks and a staff okay I'm like a hundred percent on board with like Major League these things the Mage builds work out so well so astrologer and what's the other one prisoner are like the top priority classes because they do at least start with the stuff and a good stat line for INT let's see what else like let's do a comma shirt okay well there you go okay we're almost definitely doing astrologer though I didn't even see the kava chart yeah that'll do that'll do right there that's a game-winning spell what else though a moon Veil spicy discus of light uh Carey night sword and a bomb it shuttle a cannon of Hymer and Prince of death stuff yeah that's way worse than the other end class for sure uh speared um torch numb yup yup yup yup yup let's name this guy Gandalf in honor of Lord of the Rings Gollum releasing today all right uh Game of the Year guaranteed some are calling it The Eldon ring killer okay so you know I mean you know maybe next week when I come back for my break we'll just be a Golem Channel I think the the content scene for that game is gonna be really hot so uh yeah let's see hold on let's let's at least make him aged now that sounds more gandalfi okay and uh we'll just give them bro what is Gandalf's hair look like wait what does his hair look like it's just like a [ __ ] mess right I feel like it's just a mess yeah all right that's that's Gandalf here we go okie dokie hopefully we get a hat we need the wizard up oh yeah we didn't give him a beard oh crap dude well uh Gandalf shape all right it's it's fine here we can fix it at the Round Table it'll be fine all right let's slide Gandalf out of his clothes very good hello Knights cavalry goodbye Knights cavalry good voice excellent boys love it all righty see that was like the part in the movie where he like intentionally like you know drops down to to fight the balrog or whatever but in this case the balrog is just the rest of the game you know and instead of distracting the enemy for Frodo he was just kind of leaving them there for someone else to deal with I don't know man it's a wild reboot all right oh foreign wait is it actually sir Ian McKellen's birthday today you're telling me they released Lord of the Rings Gollum on Gandalf's birthday how dare the dude I kind of want to play that game just a [ __ ] on it I I want to like hate play it and hate streaming if I wasn't about to go on a trip I think maybe I would but I am caught it I don't have time for that it's apparently hot garbage oh we can sorted Insignia spear are you spending ones out of two that's that's nice all right thank you just like what were they thinking bro the game is could conceptually bad like there's no way it ever could have been anything but bad also it's like butt ugly and apparently the recommended specs for it is like a 40 70 and 32 gigs of RAM bro what what are you talking about insane go away I was gonna stressing me out let's run as potential don't [ __ ] me up before I can even get started oh crap but a while since we got a truly vile high profile game is is it that high profile I wasn't even aware it was releasing until like today like I'd heard about him I don't think anyone was hyped for this game though everyone expected it to be bad and then it was bad it will sound hard to treat him with it's still pretty funny though okay Lord of the Rings Gollum they made a game specifically about Gollum inum where you played as Gollum and you just kind of crawl around caves and stuff I guess I don't really know very interesting very interesting how do you get the Lord of the Rings license and that's the best idea you have for a game like bro what were they specifically required to make a game about Goblin for some reason oh oh my God okay this run is looking hot we could already wield it on everything dude hell yes okay for those who don't know uh the ash war on this thing is [ __ ] amazing okay watch out for the Estelle I don't think a lager from this far that's very spooky should we go way over here but I'm like terrified of that thing if he attacks me I have nowhere to hide all right all right we're okay Harry Potter game but you're the pet rat oh dude what's what's the bird's name the the owl Harry Potter Hedwig you just deliver mail the whole time that actually sounds more entertaining than a game about Gollum yeah so dumb I wonder how long the game is I that feels like the kind of game that's like so Jake and stupid that it would be like a classic speedrun you know unless it's like a Omega hard railroading game that just goes on forever in which case it can't even be enjoyed in that way yeah what up nibs yeah data cars whoa yeah that's that's exactly what we wanted Perfect Dude okay Eldon ring tauren I mean that's basically what this game is bro after your first playthrough like at least 50 of the gameplay is just running from point A to B on tour no names but let me ask are you here does your despite it takes me Penny intro I know no way that way dude wow how am I this lucky there's like three runs in a row or you've managed to to get this online this is nuts that is actually nuts thank you Bernie you beautiful son of a [ __ ] think of the 38. you've been having fun yeah where you been a little bit remember him thank you for the sub dude I'm actually cheating check him PC [Music] I wonder what the odds of finding all the things that I keep finding are like this many times in a row maybe it's more likely than you would think because like okay how many sorceries are there in the game like a lot but not like a lot a lot a lot 70 70 right and then you start with two sorceries and top sells three more and the pope sells what four and then you can get two spell books very easily for four more so that's what four eight eleven thirteen sorceries guaranteed proceed and then you can find extras at random so if there's seven of them or seventy of them that still seems pretty unlikely to consistently find unseen form which is like the old lead sorcery that does that kind of thing I'm not gonna use it but it's cool it's cool so dope anyway uh so yeah unseed form is one thing that there's only one sorcery that does that but then like for an offensive spell there's like five that work that are all more or less effectively the same just the slightly varying damage values bro this seed is nuts oh my God oh my God what the hell is this bro we haven't even done anything yet I better not choke this was it sleep pot cookbook no sleep hot is uh the white one I don't remember what it's called this is this is brownish though it's like a pure white and it's number one ever won yeah I don't know if I pronounced that correctly dude yeah we're like we're 12 minutes in and I've shrieked twice okay this is actually the Run YouTube's Gonna Hate Me I'm gonna say wow this kid's annoying shut this [ __ ] up sorry I'm excited okay [Music] now we don't want mimic two if we want anything we want Tish but honestly we probably just go without any summons they're not as useful as anything bro okay I swear to God it this is not rigged okay this is not rigged I didn't do anything I didn't like pre-check the seed I didn't rig it at all but what the [ __ ] dude what is happening oh my God it's so ridiculous Chris thing for the seven months Jesus again like I said like I don't I don't think we'll end up really using her that's so funny okay keep it rolling I mean you guys saw I I literally generated the seat on screen like that there was no tomfoolery I mean like we might have had a lot of luck with the with the item finds so far but the way are far from actually like succeeding still we could still get hard screwed on the enemy RNG yeah like my gauntlets that would have been amazing if it was the black knife armor for the silent footsteps what other items do I have so I have Flintstone Chris which is like the best for this build but I have an astrologer staff which I don't think astrologer stuff is particularly good but it's it's like fine and then I have unseed form which helps a ton with getting around the map safely I have Glenstone comment Shard which was a [ __ ] on a damage uh and we have Comet azure which is probably never used but it's just funny so DRX 1000 thank you for the two months oh Sean Brown thing for the front also yeah dude we got the tornado so we can use that to kill Grail OG dude what makes it sound Crystal peeling uh this one it is super [ __ ] rude it doesn't look like much but it is if we can find Roger's set it gets a damage buff from that too because it's a Glenstone Azure board [Music] is a record yeah I gotta remember to unseen form blow this well we could really use as a remembrance so that we can get enough in to get our spells online Moog tier [Applause] alley Minecraft God thank you for the sub now remembrances can't be in shops they can be literally anywhere else though they're not key items or anything so it can be any random pickup on the ground yeah the key items aren't randomized so great runes are always where they normally are the rest of the professionals that way we actually know where we have to go and we don't just get lost for three hours every soon desperately searching for Road can I have memory of Grays if I want uh technically it's allowed by Like official no hood rules but I don't I don't like to so I won't to me memory of Grace is analogous to dark sign which is the kill yourself button and pressing the kill yourself button and a no heat run which is inherently also a no death run just feels wrong to me no quit outs during combat either now the Homeward Idol in Sakira was fine because you don't die one and two it's like an eight second cast to use it so it's not like you can just use it whenever the [ __ ] you want like there's a significant drawback to try to get out with it if Homeward bones were in this game I would allow Homeward bumps because those are like a consumable item specifically for that purpose I ain't allowed to fast travel to avoid dying the Falls if I [ __ ] up a jump not allowed to quit out though the difference there is that you can't pass out if you're in combat so if I'm falling wall in combat I'm close but if I'm just like safely trying to do a skip and [ __ ] it up I can I can say that with a faster level there's also the pure blood Knights metal which teleports you to moogs which you could essentially use as a get out of jail free card to get out of whatever situation you're in but it's a key item and I'm not about to do the quest to get it so it's not really relevant okay yo I'm has thing with an 11. no it's not gonna be at a random place because it's a key item and key items aren't randomized on my current settings what the [ __ ] dude get away from me okay well no garage this run it's fine I guess dude it's special you have no idea unseen form and Glenstone Chris and Glenstone common shark it's nuts the run just started bro we haven't even checked anything yet and we got Tish again immediately after me saying the only Summit I could see is using his tiege seed is naughty okay so yeah current game plan uh check all the Caleb merchants we got a round table take stock of what we have available and probably kill Grail then see if we can go around the side of Stormville if we can then we'll check all the different sorcery [ __ ] and the internet merchants if not then we gear up to do markets yeah magic builds are definitely the plane for this room I can't believe how consistently I've been able to get this build online um three summer three is nice I mean it's not like I've never tried a beige build before recently it's just this is the first time I realized how powerful they were and there's Moog so we don't have to worry about that [ __ ] yes foreign like on paper getting a mage build online for this sounds like it'd be a bad idea because generally they take a lot of pieces to set up turns out they don't really you just need a not garbage staff and one of like five or six different good offensive spells and then anything else you get on top of that is just a bonus and yeah that was real Moog because he was chilling there sewer Moog spawns in in like a blood Cloud looking thing I mean we'll probably finish a run tonight yeah no promises but I feel like we probably will ever since I stopped randomizing key items we've been pretty consistently finishing at least one run a night you have a sponsor vid due tomorrow and you've only edited 10 years I'm trying to get my vods ready for my break for like my next two edited videos because I have the the Zelda durability one should be done soon and then the tiny mod video should also be done soon and probably at least one of those will go live while I'm at gtq so I want to make sure the vod's ready to go with it I should have a draft of the Zelda one today I don't know what the status is on the tiny one by editing workflow has been disrupted this week so I gotta figure stuff out suggestions for twitch streamers to watch while I'm gone uh specifically Souls I mean there's a good old Ain he streams a little later than I knew but it's still like ruffling same time slot to buy internet [ __ ] up oh God I think it's okay all right just to hook up let the Wi-Fi in yeah wait no I'm not on Wi-Fi I forgot I don't have to do that anymore I have an Ethernet honestly I don't watch that much Souls uh concept I like watching horror streamers look dices and Maxi lobes mostly it will both be a gdq yeah so they will also not be screaming same with parking he's coming with me so she will not be streaming gonna be a pretty empty week on the twitch directories next week especially since like half the people that'll be left are just playing freaking Zelda I wonder when the Zelda viewer [ __ ] will stabilize like are we far enough out from a release at this point they're like streaming Zelda isn't like a terrible idea for viewership like do people want to watch Zelda at this point are there are they far enough in their casual playthrough to watch streams of it so let's just finish with the game not sure I see a lot of people starting up their challenge runs result of them see that's the thing right like if you hardcore grind Zelda for like you know a week or whatever after release like you take the temporary viewership hit because no one wants to watch that because they're playing it themselves and also everyone else is streaming it at the same time but then you're done casually and you can start making like actual content for the game like if I wanted to do a challenge run for Zelda I'm like way behind the ball now because I'm like a quarter of the way done with my casual playthrough or as everyone else now it's grinding away Chris did a weaponless run apparently except Point Crow's doing a no stamina room small aunt was doing did some sort of run today fine Dexter unfinished yeah Max we got the magic dream build again feels good we just need some money it's the main thing missing right now foreign levels all right go to rounds it 'll determine if you had it seems torrent whereas I'm there is but I can take Gathering I'm not a huge Diablo person I played a little bit of three and like I liked it yeah it's not like my maid squeeze or anything I'd check it out for a sponsor for sure though all right what do we got oh nothing particularly helpful foreign s two twos two threes three fours and one five that's pretty good and three eights for some reason the [ __ ] okay I'm oh welcome to pour in your enchants but what do you have I'm ensuring by the way eel I could get it just for the Royal Revenant emergency button maybe later when I have some more expendable cash also yeah let's get him a beard what the [ __ ] is beard bro oh good foreign there wasn't another stab was there does anyone know how good astrologer staff is comparatively uh to other staff options I assume it's like not as good as Academy Glenstone Style but probably better than Denny human and no other staff options see if we can get to learn him Amy human staff is slightly better really even at high ends because I mean we'll at least get to like mid-range and pretty quickly it has better magic sailing thing okay so what this is like better than Prince of death stuff and that's about it and yeah I know Prince of death staff is good with faith but like we're not leveling through it's over this context it's poop dude I'm just a lucky bastard winter I can't keep getting away with it crab and a mage that's pretty rough I don't I don't think we can do that in that case I think we just killed Grail and then go for Margaret you should have pretty decent damage it won't be that though hopefully I have a weapon I can put a tornado on no matter yes that's the only option okay oh standard all right I don't think I have enough strength to two-hand this bro 14 and I have eight which means I have effectively 12. okay we can get two strength levels I think that's fine it's not a huge deal what a beautiful [ __ ] ass word get the damage bro my God foreign okay okay surely there's one spinning tuna shop somewhere and then I can get my stab all the way up to plus 13. right off the bat that's nuts and Glenstone Chris to at least plus three there it is okay uh it was radagons scar seal which is like not bad this thing's definitely better for now yeah I know yeah I have the blue towels with August it's not all right okay please let me get enough in yeah there's plenty how much do I need to cast this oh actually okay it's not plenty it's exactly though okay cool all right FPA be slightly tight we'll probably be okay why am I old I'm I'm Gandalf today do I have a hat no they're just naked Gandalf that looks pretty good can you charge this yes how much decks do I have 12. this is the same spell we had last night's run right I think I'm actually feeling the difference from the next level because last night I think we had 18 decks oh maybe it was Glenstone shard if that's a different thing yeah I don't know this does feel like a cast a little bit slower though maybe we'll invest invest in dicks just for cast speed out of them that's a royal revenant oh and there's a comeback too wow that's actually problematic I could try to go around I mean I could probably one shot the mage and the crab maybe like a three or four show I gotta go into Market eventually regardless though I think the spell is faster than the Azure board yeah and the spell is spammable let's see if we can go around [Music] I got a market eventually but like maybe I already have enough damage but if I could just like one shot the [ __ ] bug and maybe even the Revenant with a spell before they attack that would be good where we try to go up there oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy dude I don't even trust the wildlife not after the goat incident okay two dogs and an imp oh God who do you attack first they're all kind of in a line I mean it does Pierce I think if I try to line them up though they're gonna aggro okay that'll do this thing has really good range all right the next dream pickup is Shard spiral surely tops has Shard spiral for us right buddy okay well maybe the turtle foreign Chad guess what I finally have a fully functioning vehicle after like six months of having at least one mechanical problem with it let's [ __ ] go [Music] finally all done foreign the brakes are fixed the wheel is fixed the heat is fixed I went through the whole winter without functional heat in my car because I I never about time to get a fixed it's a Ford Fusion nothing fancy part of me wants to go out and buy a fancy car then the other part of me realizes that like amounts of a [ __ ] about my car anyway and honestly I like my Ford Fusion also like mine's a 2011 right so it doesn't have all that [ __ ] like smart technology and like touch screen tablet [ __ ] in it and I like that all the new cars have these [ __ ] shitty ass touch screens that you can't use when you're driving because they have no buttons Subscription Service cars yeah exactly [ __ ] that I did take an electric vehicle would be kind of cool though never buy a GM products wasn't planning on it do I like retro style cars I mean I don't really care either way too much never been a car guy foreign special what people were stealing gas out of your car like they were [ __ ] siphoning it that actually happens consistently enough that you need a gaska or a gas cap lock that's nuts oh my car doesn't even have a gas cap like you open the little panel up and then you just like push it in it's just like a little like a doggy door almost you just like push through when you put in the the the nozzle thing it's really convenient I like it also has the Scarab good what does this do reduce FP cost of sorceries but increase damage I'm all about it how much does it reduce it any knowers this plus the Talisman I mean that's got to be pretty good right it does cover up our Gandalf but you know that's all right he's in disguise death right Bird [ __ ] you you know what there's only like four of those in the game that's that's at least one we don't have to deal with so that's good 15 reduction that's pretty good what's the reduction from the talisman and do they stack additively or multiplicative I feel like it's multiplicative but I'm not positive housing's 25 okay damn that scared me I just have one red just in case I need it for whatever reason all damage recovery six blue is like plenty it'll keep getting more blue whenever I get golden suits I just like to have the one you are welcome I am what up dirt do you know how it came well Shattered by the mattress oh you are free I would say if you find unless in which case there's still a tibia new very well heresy whole thing Starlight and gravity will in New all right that's fine dude I checked this chest every time but it's a key item so it's like it's always that which does not matter yeah I can go get the other scroll [Music] we found a bug here that's all what happened it's a good bugger it helps yeah what up filthy so far so good it's nice casual hour-long setup as per huge you know what [ __ ] I'm in a good mood I will help you out foreign you're a [ __ ] homie bro all right I'm helping him out every time though is Bogue 30 or 40 kid I think he's 30 which is dumb as [ __ ] because Sam Walker thank you for the 10 months oh no you would think Moog is 50k because he's Moog but he's not because this game is stupid Melania and eldenbees they're the only 50 kids I think and maybe plassy as well I've been like radon is 40 kids godric is 20K and everyone else is 30. Mega Eldon beast and Ray Carter 50. okay yeah for Don 40 everyone else 30. it's so [ __ ] weird I could think about the prime uh let's turn listen see what these spells are then we'll dupe the remembrance then we'll dump some more int and then I might do the forts before Margaret honestly the whole thing Karen retaliation and Crystal release all right this might be our final set of spells but honestly that'll do dude right Gogeta like why did they [ __ ] Nerf it so much fossils used to be good as [ __ ] oh I mean sure you can dupe them but like they need to be nerfed that much was the Elden ring Rune economy really so carefully balanced and making boss ruin your remembrance is actually worth consuming that important oh my God you're up okay maybe we'll keep one just in case there's a good spell we can swap it for him not really dying for that much more money right now let's get my usual 15 endurance how many times can I cast myself eleven does that apply these Buffs yes it does it's normally 17. okay yeah so 11 and I have 95 FB how much FP do I have if I get to my mind 105. actually just one more that would give me an extra not wouldn't wait 11 times nine no it's 99 right yes that that works well okay sure I think we need 130 FP for teach eventually I'll just get the one end point for now though all right let's do the forts I'm hard stalling this time all right I know I know we all want the boss fights well like I could maybe get to Altus before doing [ __ ] anything the more prepared the better okay surprisingly tanky would you like to come down here sir okay goodbye foreign just gone oh there he is oh my God dude he actually almost snuck up on us that was a good call dude there's a [ __ ] bug in here too why foreign ly he was a [ __ ] there's a dog there's a dog there's a dog there's a dog there's a dog what the [ __ ] okay pop up yep game recommendations uh Lord of the Rings Gollum generation defining experience it's multiplicative stacking okay I figured that's unfortunate that makes sense all right yeah the Eldon ring killer Lord of the Rings Golem bro this this dog okay dude that game has DLC to make the elves speak Elvin they thought that was worth an additional ten dollars on a 60 price tag there's also a DLC to unlock like a glossary or something bro what God that range is nuts there's DLC emote at least they're embracing the the Golem mentality okay they want their precious money foreign technically has like a pre-order bonus Evo or like a deluxe edition bonus email or something that's different than selling just that that's nuts well I can't Target flower but the flower drops something will this like hit me yeah dude why is this actually scary this is so bro why can't I Target an enemy if it could hurt me that I should be able to Target it what the [ __ ] that was directed thank you wow it's smelling one oh dude Jesus Barack think about the prime okay uh oh I never finished lionium have I heard about the archipelago multi-game randomizer uh new what is that sounds interesting archipelago that's how you say it right archipelago or chippe Lego none of those how do you say these archipelago well whatever man look that just means that I've only ever seen that word in bolts or in in text that means I read a lot okay good anyone else have words that they only ever saw in written form and just mispronounced in their head their entire lives everyone has at least one word like that Macabre That's a classic one macabre you thought volleyball was called volleyball okay that's kind of the opposite but I like it that's that's incredible a ride yeah that's a that's a classic word Colonel mm-hmm onomatopoeia all right back the ballista Melissa I don't know where I got Melissa man I I swear I've heard it pronounced Melissa all my life this is like a it's like a Berenstein Bears moment what are those called Mandela effect okay I come from the belissa universe I crossed over at some point all right version what do you got oh this is so [ __ ] rigged this is so [ __ ] real well holy dude it's literally like almost the exact same build as last night we got the magic tear back the only thing we're missing is shardsboro actually okay to be fair dude that's a game bug that's a game bug you can't tell me that counts you can't tell me that counts it's literally just a bug bro [ __ ] off [ __ ] off man it's so stupid it's so stupid I literally did wait a little bit like I tried to be careful about that [ __ ] I'm so [ __ ] mad I am actually perhaps unbelievable you know what [ __ ] that that ruined my mood I'm just gonna go kill mark I was cool with taking the forever to set up but you know then now the rod is tardish let's just [ __ ] send it dumb as [ __ ] tightest thing for the prime I mean we can still PV by a lot in all likelihood this wasn't gonna be the zero that's really [ __ ] frustrating though whoa buddy okay death is always a hit that's why as a fall damage doesn't count but dying default damage does come I died to fall damage it's just the game bugged and combined two falls into one which made it a lethal distance when it should have been just fall damage and then me walking down a slow it's so dumb all right what do we got great uh I might have to pray for a stagger here can we add this guy as our first boss the last scene too but this is not the same seat because there are things different it's just extremely similar foreign [Music] in fear of the night the hands but of course this is heartbreaking dude at least let the first hit be like my fault man well it's fine it's fine it's fine Shake It Off it'll only be really upsetting if I actually get through the entire rest of the game without any other hits which is unlikely if this is a one hit run and that's the only hit I would debate not counting it I think I would probably still count it though [Music] when it really comes down to it if you take the the least forgiving interpretation of it it's like I know the bug exists and I know that the bug frequently happens in that rock so I I should have been even more careful than I already was to make sure the bug didn't happen like I thought I had paused enough but clearly not it's not like it was completely unavoidable and even if it was there's plenty of other things that happen in these random note hit runs that are completely unavoidable and they still count it's just unfortunate like I'm not about to upload a no hit run with something like that in it okay I don't I don't care how the buggy or [ __ ] it was like it would just feel wrong just sucks man foreign I wasn't even going for stagger there I I thought that there was no way we'd get the Stagger since we have a dagger so I I just switched to trying to rush him down before the album stars came out and like without the Stagger he definitely would have got the element Stars before he killed him kind of would have hit us as his death animation played foreign foreign from top to bottom sakiro bloodborne Dark Souls 1 the Eldon ring Dark Souls 3 Dark Souls 2 demon souls well I like the S3 a lot okay don't get me wrong I just think I like eldering a little bit more just just because I don't know I mean DS3 has the better bosses my outer Ring's just more fun to [ __ ] around in the DS3 DS3 is so [ __ ] linear I'm curious if I played bloodborne more these days if I would still rank it as highly I think I would but who knows this is bad dude we keep getting comeback spawns holy [ __ ] [ __ ] foreign okay God what's that thank you okay foreign this is definitely copium but the one benefit of that fall damage [ __ ] being our first and currently only hit is that I still feel like the run is Flawless but without the pressure of having a zero hit run you know like I'm not I'm not sweating it but I'm still like very end of the Run that's oh God thank you uh okay no no it's it's not worth it I was gonna get the other items screwed I don't want to [ __ ] with that guy foreign [Music] probably rushed down to perfume Rivers possible not sure if that's going to be possible [Music] I'm dead nice dude I really need to stop mashing the button it always buffers one more than I want oh [ __ ] dude [Music] a holy Shades which is all [Music] right are you not back something [Music] brother foreign [Music] [Music] I don't know how that last one is I've never seen a [ __ ] hitbox in our favor that's a nice change of pace hitbox error in your favor yeah okay two hits isn't the end of the world we did the forts beforehand too so like we're we're just going straight into radon now well I mean I guess we'll check the altitude send that into it on eight concrete that's kind of nice though oh man there's two loots down there yep that's actually that's normally where you get this bug head I'm pretty sure they're one of the buckheads at least no patches is not randomized me llamo yeah he's more NPC than boss I suppose yeah weird pixel thing the sixth month okay never say hi because you can't pronounce your name cutorius Caillou dorius do you even say hi to me though that's the thing gotta say hi to get on and even then I'm not guaranteed it's just personal yeah I clearly hate you [ __ ] you Summers get the [ __ ] out of here hey what's up Aaron how you doing fireflies I guess the summer stick with the sub I rescind my [ __ ] I do resent you for telling me to eat chicken yes I'll never forget as long as I live there's nothing more annoying than someone telling you to take a break though especially when you clearly don't need to take a break and you're like almost done anyway or like when someone tells you to go to bed as if you're not just doing your job like stop backseating my life bro also I I don't understand the people that are like yo I was here five hours ago and then I took a nap and you're still live like yes I don't know why that's surprising it's my job bro I feel like those comments only become justifiable after like a 10 hour plus up time or something I feel like up to eight hours is pretty normal because you know that's how long General shift of work is your day of work I know it's five years it's annoying I don't like when people do that no one likes it when people do that it's like the Marg Shack laughs yeah this seed's really weird it's like suspiciously similar to the previous one uh DTS on the last CB played it was blacklade kindred godric was different though I don't remember what godric was last night but it wasn't that yeah and obviously I didn't have Chris last night Wowie [Music] [ __ ] this thing I don't know if this one does the wind attack [ __ ] or not fans are all like a [ __ ] though true haddock true [ __ ] the wind of tax in this game unless they're my wind attacks then they're pretty useful okay so we gotta check these seeds and then we gotta check the other Merchant I think I'm gonna check that graveyard that I had the somber 5 last night you're the Black Knight assassin boss and then we're off to DTS or no then we're off to radon Daniel oh yeah also I can check what this is though blink for one second and I'm still going I know right crazy bro it's number six sold it dude yeah they upped the price of twitch Turbo it's uh it's twelve dollars now instead of nine dollars I'm not surprised [Music] but uh it is a little shitty they're Dark Shadow thing for the five months I still think it's a reasonable ish prize for it because it's still like just a little more than two subs worth and you get no ads anywhere like I was literally talking to Parky a couple weeks ago that like twitch is pushing more ads and then they're gonna start promoting turbo as the solution to Those ads now what do you know in April they they started pushing more ads and now the next month they've up turbo price but they're still not really advertising Turbo as far as I can tell he's a customer well he's moving fives nice event to problem solve the solution exactly [Music] do they have a button advertising turbo as you get ad-free I guess maybe they do promote it I just haven't seen it because I've had a turbo sub for a while I just know when I first sign up for Turbo it was like buried at a menu which is so weird because like you would think it would be Twitches like number one favorite thing to sell to you it's a twitch sub that they don't have to split with the streamer and the way twitch it forces adds now is that like you only get a good cut of your ad Revenue if you play at least three of them per or if you play at least three minutes of ads per hour so like I just have it set up to play three minutes of ads at the top of every hour it's either that or play one and a half minutes of ads every 30 minutes which to me sounds worse like sure you get less like one of ten ad means that way but more frequent interruptions feels more annoying foreign I don't really think that many streamers are leaving twitch but I do think the Twitches of walking a dangerous path with their blatant disregard for customer streamer satisfaction because like YouTube streaming is catching up kick whatever [ __ ] kick kick is a non-factor totally like irrelevant but YouTube streaming is is definitely like a threat to Twitch I would say for sure takeover is the streaming platform of choice for most people if YouTube Just figures out like discoverability of streaming on their platform will be golden it's pretty amazing how [ __ ] they are at him like I don't think it's that hard to reconfigure what your website to make streaming like a more visible thing that's happening you would think that would be YouTube's like top priority to figure that [ __ ] out but I mean at least they're getting there slowly but truly your smart carrot thing to the prime and yeah twitch discoverability like on the micro level is bad like discoverability for a small streamer is bad but like the entire website is is live streams so like finding live streams in the general Sense on Twitch is very easy and like finding live streams of whatever you specifically want to watch is very easy on YouTube like finding streams at all is difficult and that's obviously bad and well like as soon as YouTube fixes that problem I think YouTube streaming we'll see some serious growth also YouTube ads are like which doesn't even have five seconds which is ridiculous the thing okay pointless Batman okey dokey yeah I think YouTube premium is a good deal I think twitch turbo even with the price increases still a pretty good deal too yo I'm a great thing for the four months foreign welcome the stars of aligned the festival is okay I think I'm gonna get my mind up now actually no I'm gonna do that do you mind after the place um foreign yeah I mean I think if YouTube has been able to figure out shorts then I think there's only a better time for they figure out live streams too welcome the stars are the festival the kind of weird thing is it it feels like twitch doesn't even really care if YouTube like outgrows them like it feels like from Amazon's POV they don't give a [ __ ] about twitch like whatever they wanted out of it they already got and now there's like the platform exists but they don't really care about its future that much which is very weird I mean YouTube definitely has an audience but in terms of viewers I'm pretty sure twitch still dominates pretty hard I don't think twitch is profitable [Music] I mean yeah it's all accounting true would you dodge if I freehand it balls okay well I'm just gonna try to do this cool guy way and not summon all the dudes but um but all the dudes dude oh my God that letter from the CEO of twitch explaining why they have to like up ads or like not offer sub for better subsplits or something like that was so embarrassing Bladen complaining about server costs when you're owned by Amazon [Music] now Amazon servers are actually really good like AWS Amazon web services it's like industry standard [ __ ] I'm pretty sure that I watch Chris's latest video the the one button thing new but I saw that he posted it wait all DS1 videos have at least one million views though yo let's see damn I'm surprised that refund video actually got there it did not do super well when I first posted it that's crazy how many DS1 videos do I have like probably at least five or six ten I have ten DS1 videos holy the Diaz won the refund video is very funny it just it wasn't like a viral thing like the uh like the Sakura one was also that's pretty good for Glenstone Chris oh I don't know Crystal does but it doesn't really make a difference all right foreign sorry man I must have missed don't think I did that [ __ ] intentionally just this bro this Rod is a repeat this is so nuts I just need Shard spiral honestly not having Shard spirals a pretty big buffer that thing just absolutely nukes the big boys check him PC nope now he turned in the the Glenstone books already swirls or whatever holy you have that means I randomized the game every time it's like I'm not doing the exact same randomizer setting every time to like I have no idea what's coming basically zero planning possible and thus I shelter farewell I shall leave I wish you you have I have no if the ends very good uh I guess I could put on flanks couldn't I I might as well I feel like the great blade one might actually be kind of good and do like sort of okay damage the carrion pullings one was a dog shoot and the regular glint blade flakes this is also wait did I really do goddess rate Rune and never actually put on God's great room wow okay have you guys been telling me that the whole time or did we all just realize I mean we clearly didn't need yeah last day was a godric and then the other hit was a fall damage plug I feel like The Goddard Kit only happened because I was tilted from the fall damage thing and it was just being Reckless I wasn't paying as much attention as I should have yeah that's a langx that's good damage foreign it's specifically failing that's weird sure it's not either or America's sure does anyone know if that's better Flintstone vs astrologers same I mean it can't be the exact same right one of them's got to be at least a little better it's better if my ins under 30. okay well it is definitely not under 30. also wow we really need a zombified I can get a plus eight uh Glenstone thank you I already did check that graveyard that has a zombified lastly foreign I'll definitely seek one out if I don't get one by uh fire Giant or gold friend Morgan the staff is probably fine we're honestly barely using Glenstone first anyway [Music] thank you augers megamo okay resetting all that's fine and Mr Frost do you think of the seven wait he's gonna Perry really I feel like he will maybe I should stagger this [Music] oh that's such bad damage though foreign [Music] yes yes you can he's right to be cautious [Music] okay we're gonna be a one punish Andy [Music] what the [ __ ] was that foreign [Music] Style music dude the pixel thing for the front foreign [Music] [Music] okay any vanilla somber fives boy zombie bait thing with the five months I think it's Glenstone Scarab [Music] see okay the thing is is it worth finding out what is punishable and what's not if you don't know a hundred percent when he's going to spell Perry like I tried to find some other openings and he's spell perried even though it looked like he shouldn't have been able to so like if I know the one thing works why do anything else laughs there it is okay cool thank you just in time oh I didn't I'll be doing just layer bam dude alias okay now I got runes from gold tree I just already leveled Stone Digger troll that's super fruit foreign good fight okay all right we're officially tied with our PV our PB was Zero hits up till that boss and then I got hit twice on malakith so this is as good as that run it should be better but you know whatever hello allow me prevented The Thorn a husk the only way and become my purpose or I'd Lie To The Flame them and guide you shall I let my hand share them with me your thought the two hits are one the game miscalculating fall damage and killing me and two uh getting smacked in the face by Lena and miss piggotten because I accidentally buffered an extra attack yeah you got to be really careful with buffering in this game like you should really only press the button the exact amount of times that you want to attack if you're just mashing it until you want to stop attacking like you will frequently get [ __ ] like that what do you guys go is it worth finding out I think so I I think it shows wrong that guy's tankier than I thought it'd be I don't know if he does the wind attack that's the only thing I'm scared of he does he does okay dude I tried to roll it and everything but wall man I [ __ ] up I still really want to know about item is but I don't think we're gonna be able to get it yeah I mean it's most likely not something we need it'll be at most mildly helpful like we already have a staff and a weapon and spells it was not worth the risk I don't even think it can be loose that stuff I don't think that's a gold item isn't it oh shh it could be Ronaldo's stuff true that would be interesting you're gonna [ __ ] about some tech issues you were having dropping frames every 30 seconds irrespective of graphic settings damn you're on that Lord of the Rings Gollum grinds uh pretty demanding game I hear we'll be rocking at least a 40-70. I kind of tinted to get a 40 90 just because but I don't think I really have any need for it I have a I don't even know what I have right now I think a 30 70. oh no Marcus thank you for the read I hope you had a good stream actually let me check now I'm curious I didn't build this PC it was given to me by Intel but where can you find your graphics card in I thought it'd be in g4's experience but I don't see it in them oh there it is okay no no no I have a 30 90 not a 37 dude I guess I could have just done tax manager yeah that would have been easier I have two commands to save my spec okay listen shut up well it's just the fact that I didn't buy my graphics card if I bought it I I feel like I would know more for sure but it was a PC from a sponsor thing there's no possible way for me to say this without coming off as a [ __ ] like cocky dude so we're just gonna move on from the conversation Bro Look it's a family vacation that's cute smug dig wouldn't be more appropriate not cocky the timer stops oh [ __ ] did it oh it's gone I just fixed it I didn't even do anything I just tabbed into my timer weird foreign I need sixes I need three sixes and two more sevens and then our staff is basically maxed oh God uh I think we're fine I have three monitors now I had to up until like a couple months ago I finally upgraded would recommend is pretty sick one of them is vertical because I don't really have space for a third horizontal both so nice just to throw random [ __ ] up I just can't like watch anything on it yeah unseen Farm is way better than a Southeast Gambit yeah I thought I would use the vertical for my twitch chat but I don't I just put my OBS preview and my Discord on it why I I don't really know honestly like my vertical monitor is over here which I feel like would be harder to glance at constantly for chat whereas I just have chat on like the corner of my other horizontal model monitor there's a smithing six is pop I wish you could put twitching on a vertical modern app Jack go under the video do I know it's so annoying that you can't bothers me to no end and yes let me just alt tab to check my chat good idea single monitor gang let's I should just put the game in a 480 window okay and then I can just put everything else around the window on my main monitor be so much better or why is there a crab I'm not going that way I don't like Ultra wide monitors I mean I guess I've never had one but I don't think I would like them is it not weird that when you maximize a monitor it takes up the whole [ __ ] thing when like usually that is not what you would want to happen right and then you'd have to like it manually resize it whereas like if you just have like three monitors in a row you can just max three Windows Bam Bam Bam or do half screen with six windows that's like super nice Lotto is playing today months like is the ultra wide that cool for like ultrawide gaming yo that's sleep pot remember when people were trying to make 3D TVs a thing [ __ ] was domazel laughs 3D TVs were not sick they were never sick it's just like Tech that sounds cool but in actuality like no one wants it it's like how every futuristic like Sci-Fi show has like hologram video calls but like bro that's strictly inferior to [ __ ] face time like why would you ever do that it doesn't it doesn't make any sense it just looks kind of neat you don't think about it too much yo pog okay we have a plus 25 staff if we get two more smithing Subs you take a 27 inch monitor is too small bro you're nuts 27 is like this is a maximum I can tolerate I have 24 inch and I would really not want any bigger than that that's actually specifically why I got the monitors that I did recently I was using like like seven or eight-year-old monitors up until a couple months ago oh there's a spinning seven okay my old monitors were 60 hertz 1080p 24 inch and I was wanting to go to 144 Hertz and 1440p but they only make 1440p monitors in like 27 inches and above so I I just got 1080p 144 Hertz and 24 inches and I'm quite satisfied Dang if that was a red feathered Brent sword that'd be really interesting you just recently upgraded from VGA dag dude that was wild no no no oh don't pay me just lay out no matter I thought I was late to the HD by a party because my monitors before the monitors I had before these ones where VGA and DVI and that was what like 2014. it's pretty well into HDMI being standard by that point I really don't know at what point you don't need like any more resolution like 1080p already looks fine to me at like there's 1440p and 4K above that like there's no way you need more than 4K ever right unless you just have like an absolutely giant monitor or like for phones I could see like a higher resolution being important for like standard PC use there's no way you would ever need more than 4K right even though I feel successful oh [ __ ] we did have three spinning sevens pop I was 25 baby okay but we're about to shred what up Jalen dude right Luna like my monitor is like an arm's length away from me how big does it need to be like you don't want a monitor like that goes to the point where the edges are like into your peripherals that's bad Bell twins okay God they spotted oh okay maybe they don't [Music] sometimes do when they feel like usually not [Music] [Music] 3 out of 13 inch holy dude CS GoPros use really small monitors so that they can easily see everything 13 is nuts [Music] the shade oh the shade this thing's weird [Music] like you got to get it to stop doing that and it's it's very finicky [Music] it's like stop okay there we go there we go okay just do that two more times he went home [Music] [Music] oh I almost died Shirley no [Music] foreign [Music] you don't have to take damage for it to count as a hood but conversely just because you took damage doesn't necessarily mean you've got it as in fall damage but yeah I mean that's like obviously it's not that was literally stunned by the attack four hits isn't bad we'll live foreign no damage is generally easier because that means you can just sit on a shield the whole time but it does make fall damage annoying I guess well I'm dead are you to Commitment your ads playing four minutes so I'm just gonna run out of ads while the cutscene place and go to the bathroom BRB oh a tree you shall burn for the sake of the new Lord thank you for guiding me here the one who walks alongside Flame shall one day meet the road of destined death goodbye [Music] foreign foreign okay who's ready for gaming chat let's bring it home four hits and pharam pretty good pretty good pretty good Mitchell's Socks playing for the five months any Jewelers where are my Jewelers at yeah I don't know where scar is I'm hanging out with us tonight you roll the thing of the two surprisingly chill opening room there oh the one shots I think this is the first time I actually got a maxed out this is [ __ ] nuts I mean those are squishy enemies but still why can't I lock onto this dude oh [ __ ] dude yeah the game is trolling Jesus yo I was literally just about to say that all we need is a somber nine for the Chris and there it is I mean I guess somber 10 would be good too check him PC this is not right [ __ ] dude we should really bid zero hits all four of my heads have been done as well like three of them were my fault and the other one was just a dumb bug like I don't think I've been putting any unfair situation though until now we're a little bit [ __ ] oh boy lay out your own I think we're definitely gonna have to kill it bro that's gonna take like five of those things is he stuck please be stuck oh hell yes I'm back okay thank God too big for his own good I'm sure we can all relate right Chuck whoa okay hello Jesus my man was on for troll I'd probably have to kill that thing well that's gonna be so annoying to kill unless it's squishier to Magic that I think it is but I I don't think that's the case we can maybe stealth around foreign yeah okay I think we can actually do this noise okay I'm gonna buy some sacred tears I want full Mana bar from every flask also to see how it started I drop frames again okay interest ing uh you know I might as well get this bro where are the sacred deuce we just not have any there's one okay yo Burton snow thank you for the four books appreciate okay that'll do uh we've already seen Moog just chilling in the world so I don't have to worry about him otherwise yeah I would be running the mug too it doesn't count as a hit either way but just to survive it I went at the moment too because otherwise I need to carry around three red blasts and that would be done holy Poise dude chill you're a skeleton yo okay this area wasn't complete as for once let's go bro what was that guy's death screen oh are you okay oh he's fine good for him [Music] okay good dude that the frames again come on man what the [ __ ] is happening it's whack it's it's fine now right I think it's fine now on my end it doesn't seem like it's that bad I've dropped 1500 frames the entire stream which is like not that many BofA all right that's chilled that's super chill okay yep that's what I wanted thanks again [Music] thank you foreign okay I don't remember what the PB was at at this point in the Run I think it was more than four though he speaks a thing with the slope was it eight I don't know maybe it sounds possibly correct or what is making the weirdo sounds oh that's annoying thank you bro no no no no no no no no I don't love these guys okay I don't think you'll see us if we just do this okay cyber auger thing for the sub dude come bug is just what they're called it's just their name yes fall depth count we had one this one technically that was my faults but we did have one Lois to death so far that's zero it's 11. holy [ __ ] that guy's terrifying get the [ __ ] away from me dude okay I thought he was stabbing he he went like this that looks like he's gonna stab not swing horizontal yeah foreign [Music] I got baited by the gold item I didn't even need to go over there dude that was like The Last Enemy of the Run well actually okay there's one more but whatever plays DTS It's the final standard enemy boss after that it's just Boss Rush yeah that's two hits to me greeting for gold items that I didn't need unbelievable all right who stands on our way it's a skinny dude okay good fight [ __ ] to you Old Stage saying the 3-0 healed before useless if a remembrance as a sacred tear can you clone it yes I don't know if the randomizer allows for that though I don't think I've ever seen that happen oh yeah I guess I wouldn't let you pick the sacred deer twice though is that true true true true okie dokie password moose again bro this seat is actually just a minor remix of yesterday so many exact same things I think this is not Regal music he doesn't have any animal Bells check him PC I agree dude I agree where are you going this moose is confused check this out just Noble just Noble all right that's that's not too bad foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] dude got the pillar again this is a sketch [Music] foreign [Music] easy baby he's getting like the three moments 91 inch I'm feeling it dude big hat we can't use it though bug is better have I ever had moose in Regal moose back to back uh I don't think so which one of you is the real Moog but I saw a Moog already and he was just there he didn't spawn in is it superbug but he's just there because it's a Gideon or was the other ones to remove but he was just there because he like spawned in off screen [Music] jeez well I mean I can set up Comet Azure but I'm not going to be able to kill him before he healed we don't count in the heel but it is lame let's have to run into it man I am in fact saying the hills board's audience [ __ ] that [ __ ] don't I have a shotgun how do I have margs this was in the shop somewhere I'm pretty sure it counts are Steve thank you for the prime there it is you shame you could [ __ ] sell at that shop Jesus oh no I have magic shouting material already Wade I should buy the memories though no I need three slots for azure yeah yeah I can take that off I kind of want to keep this on just because I can Precast and get just a little bit of extra dip okay that's enough freaking Moog dude you're my nerves should I think before okay uh I get this dude oh I should have waited to put away my stealth spell okay extra save okay you know you think of the sub gravity thing of the four four two again in the heel does not count but I'm gonna try to Nuke him so that he doesn't get to anyway just for the flex I don't think it'll work but we can try at least yeah the problem is we don't have the fp2 or Terra Magic so it's kind of just rip unless our damage is actually that nuts but I don't think it would be he should be scaled down a little bit I assume Gideon is lowered scaled than mode vanilla foreign maybe it is super boat you know maybe we're all just being trolled let's take off these extra items alrighty what should we open with chug the flask obviously set up a great billion phalanx and then shackle the comment but I guess should probably hit him from the back instead of the front so I can't be that far in front of him because the staircase will [ __ ] it up all right here we go to become Elden Lord What a Sad State of Affairs I commend your spirit but alas yeah ain't no way bro and it is real Moog thank you [Music] great it's all much damage oh cool cool he got stuck on the pillar nice great oh and then the game Crash insult to injury unbelievable dude even the initial blast is like not even close it's fine oh there's no Terra magic anywhere even if there was it wouldn't be enough you gotta stack a lot of [ __ ] Buffs to kill him that way and comedy Azure is a meme spell for sure what up Simba inbred all right do it again [Music] did I got closer to killing him by just spamming laugh s foreign just in general now the hill doesn't count because you can't dodge it it's it's basically scripted damage in the same way they like the sea to death in Dark Souls 1 unscripted like there is technically a way around it but you're not supposed to oh yeah I can swap the physics and get all my other items back on [ __ ] comment hazard crystalian that's kind of annoying if it's just solo gazillion that's that's pretty chill 17. [Music] as the ash before actually will that break him eventually here is the Phalanx good hey Lex is good for posture but I don't know if it would like crack him [Music] God I think I should just jump out to him oh all right there it is foreign second input isn't it the like charred I don't want to do that [ __ ] that was a little close off what should I do getting close they're just hard Sprint to the side brother you just get [ __ ] stance broken already there it is also yeah closing the Gap definitely the better way to go [Music] Zoo thank you to 11. okay okay okay this is the better Black Blade kindred what's up not attacking dude he like LED that attack do you like it didn't aim it at me he he literally like read the role before it happened what the [ __ ] yeah he free aimed it bro god dude it's like it's always I don't need them oh please let this PB man thank you [Music] thank you wow okay way better than standing out one picture [Music] okay running straight away is pretty good if you have room in I feel so wrong that the best way to dodge a spell like that is to run away from him Prometheus ass Dawn foreign foreign strength beef I've got all strength beef yo Pusheen posed about 3 000. with the five books okay butterballs could be a three-hit PB potentially see what happens this lady can be very dangerous when she gets going God okay that's not too bad hello okay [Music] he's lulling us into a fall sense of security chat don't buy it stay alert he may look like he's broken but he will Unbreak at a moment's notice and you got to be ready for it [Music] [Music] let's [ __ ] go hell yes hell yes dude it was a pretty fast run dude 340. pop a bar everything for the 10 gifties okay I like it at the beginning of yesterday or PB was 16 we literally cut it in half 24 hour time spoon sub five next nope [Music]
Channel: LilAggy VODs
Views: 266,904
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lilaggy, lil aggy, lilaggy vods, lil aggy vods
Id: 4WMAcKaHrwM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 223min 16sec (13396 seconds)
Published: Wed May 31 2023
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