How far can I get without taking a SINGLE hit? - Elden Ring RANDOMIZER NO HIT Distance PB

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thank you a little calling nope is that a typo or is that actually called The Long haft ax surely that's long shaft that's weird regardless we're not choosing that class Fork dude forg with the rot hammer interesting interesting it's actually long halves that's weird old mask with uh Wicked Scythe not really a fan of that thing astrologer staff reichard's rancorp and a halberton and the Ronnie Drew yeah maybe uh not serpenter pulley bow interesting great blade Phalanx carrion Regal scepter interesting okay I'll call so that's the best staff in the game but you need like 60 ins to use it so I don't know astrologer like astrologer staff is still good my card's Wrangler is definitely a better spell than phalanx I can also use this staff immediately which is pretty nice this also has the halberd and the halberd is a pretty good Rush weapon welcome to clown Town wow thank you for the raid son double uh are we going prisoner or astrologer I have a feeling you're gonna pick astrologer because it's got the Ronnie hat and I have certain obligations to attend to this has horns though we can get a little horny with it you know wouldn't that be nice he said prisoner okay he said prisoner the man is spoken all right this is Admiral though all right we're just a little above you here in the rankings thank you very much here we go Admirals are higher ranking than captains right surely surely yo wraith think of the 11 months dude here we go this was the greedier class Choice it has the better staff but we need to get to 60 in to get staff online we can do it though Randall's pretty much unusable because it needs 16 faiths and I'm never gonna get that agent hero of xamlon goodbye no thanks well Frank and I kick the ass in PVE and then I did one game of PVP for the fans and I was absolutely demolishing and then I got one shot by some special like event attack that some player triggered so that was pretty lame but before that we were destroying okay I had nine kills bro in a 50 person Lobby I was Unstoppable I even parried someone dude I pulled off a Perry in PvP sick reminds me of Zapdos in Pokemon Unite honestly like a little bit you're renting Kyoto I think it was six months appreciate it I just grafted Scion just taking a little walk yo what up doorknob corn on the cob incredible username okay we're looking for an early game weapon to rush market and sell them with there's unsheath that's POG if we get a katana very bong wow okay this is all the stones for up to plus nine Geez Louise goodbye you just need to get a katana dude [Music] are you a katana nope foreign the thing is like it was too easy for elderman or impossible because like if you do 80 it's way too easy even without any glitches but like it's not enough time to do all remembrances maybe it is actually but you I can play turning to 80. no it is but it's still too easy unless you don't use glitches and then maybe it is the right timeline delicious I'll remember this oh um I did have an idea to like try a refund run with it randomize it first I was in Detroit tolerance and see if I can beat the randomizer in under two hours to get my refund but every time I fail it I don't have to buy it again and then get a new randomizer suit that would be interesting I remember it says glitchless records 150. okay and that's 150 in game time so yeah that that would not work very well yeah what do you got slurry a tree that'd be cool if it wasn't a faith weapon see what else we can find nice jump what was that dude saw nothing wait hold up you have the summon sign and the dark sign from Dark Souls tattooed on you but you haven't beaten Dark Souls yet am I understanding that correct holy carrying dagger interesting never beaten Dark Souls 1. but you have the stuff from Dark Souls one very interesting if I was a tattoo gun I would maybe get that but I'm not what am I gonna get the Alden ring tattooed on my bag yeah that'd be something foreign dude okay what happens when you get a tattoo and then you become fat is your tattoo just stretched like if you had a tattoo like right on your belly and then you just gain like 200 pounds and have a giant belly is your tattoo just [ __ ] yes becomes 4-3 resolution damn that's rough see that's good motivation to stay skinny at least but now what about the opposite what if you are obese and then you get a tattoo and then you lose weight it takes me any interest be like your tattoos shrunk in the laundry foot not floating give food I mean yeah obviously you'd need a tattoo on a place is that like fluctuated with weight a lot still is that MO no that's a threesome what the [ __ ] how did I see that as moge Resort I'm insane can you hear me help me I'm stuck hello people have lost a lot of weight are hard to tattoo like because their skin is so like loose I could see that that's some really cheap stuff there but I'll wait to buy it see I'm just not gonna get a tattoo that was my plan I don't see myself changing my mind on them I mean who knows maybe maybe someday I'm like you know what I do want Ronnie to think squatting witch tattooed on my arm but for the time being I mean I can just Google search that if I need to see that you know I don't need it permanently on my person yeah companion jar Park chat remember when companion jar literally did not exist in the game at launch and they had to patch in the quest line to obtain it that was really weird how was the entire game ready for launch except for like two quest lines how does that happen what was so [ __ ] up about those two quest lines but they just didn't exist astrologer stuff wow this paid off that's actually perfect that's the staff the other class would have started with okay cool dude now we just need a weapon for the early game bosses they played any of the previous armored cores uh no but I've played metal chaos which surprisingly helped a lot in comprehending armored Core six I'm not allowed to talk about armored Core six yet but I can say that much I think without getting in trouble my Meadow wolf chaos experience came in handy battle wolf chaos I mean it's basically it just armored Core for dumb Americans it was a good introduction to the format give me an Uchi guitar why is it always radicals and never America's I mean still helpful not as it could have been though we could maybe use the scythe as our early game weapon the Scythe in this game are kind of weird which is a shame because I love scythe and Dark Souls 3. and bloodborne I mean we can kill the dragon with it yeah yeah it'll work for that I want something to kill Margaret and selling with them we started doing that recently and I've determined that it is a very good idea to just do that ASAP instead of stall for an entire like hour and a half collecting [ __ ] that way you get into the action a little bit more you get more options for sorceries from selling and uh you get Margaret out of the way ASAP and Margaret is surprisingly one of the more likely bosses to get hit on just because the arena sucks so you know a lot better to go into market and then get hit 15 minutes in as opposed to two hours in boss is a little bit tougher because you're not as power level but still generally pretty easy rogon thank you for the prime appreciate you [Music] I know like two people made some songs for start they were pretty good honestly pretty good I'm gonna stick with my Miss Noble just because it's part of my brand at this point but they turned out pretty nice okay where am I going let's get a round table foreign did you just make it now start Raven or did you make it like a while ago because maybe you were one of the two I already listened to post it in the Discord a while back whenever we were talking about that that's a pretty easy boss for a lot of money it's definitely tempting we'll see I do need a lot of levels for my stuff oh God oh God okay that was close anyway I just put it in the Discord on the music channel I will give it a look to determine yeah that's true Chrono Jim where's that what are the slope is kind of drag dude this headpiece gives you earrings cute you oh welcome I teach and explain by the way well my guy has the breaths interesting May the gold Dexter Sentry torch that's nice to have anti-invisible black knife assassin okay still need a weapon or we can just do the scythe do we think Scythe is good enough 1500 dude [Music] dude we have the jar helmet and the jar talisman We're not gonna take advantage of that at all but kind of interesting there's no way that we would ever actually do a jar build for this challenge there's just zero chance that works out it would be interesting though would be very interesting check weeping yeah I mean a lot of the pots do good damage but not good enough damage it would be kind of POG to have like some holy pots in our back pocket and then throw that [ __ ] on to Nuke deathbirds outside of that though not really that helpful hello sniper man please do not thank you the witching Branch uh uh it like wallows an enemy you hit with it and they attack other enemies for you Godfrey Alex why is that guy walking towards me like that I don't like that at all stop doing that oh no no no no no no no no no no the [ __ ] dude Christ okay it's fine it's totally fine did I get that guy's Bell bearing I think I did right hello how's it going we're fine no hits I mean we're only 20 minutes hello sir I don't like this guy about this dude we'll see we'll see you're welcome I didn't think you were gonna end right after oh PVP POG Bots are real people oh you can't even do it yeah interesting [ __ ] trading what time are we going to bed Okay so push that [Music] makeup off do you have moisturizer it's not moisturizer cleanser you're supposed to do this thing called double cleanse when you have makeup on where you wash your face once and then you wash your face a second time and the first time it gets rid of the makeup and the second time it gets rid of the it just cleans your face you're supposed to cleanse oh my God men are insane men you use a cleanser Domo if you don't have a cleanser do you have like a Dove soap Dove soap gang anything wash your face twice with it surely you have a cleanser bro soap is a cleanser I have shampoo no not to shampoo no you have soap Domo use soap five and one bro okay you soak if you have you just will use something but don't use nasty soap right you guys should see how Aggies like face for penis change in speeding see okay I it's questionably effective though I don't know sometimes I feel like slapping all this [ __ ] on my face just makes my face worse like it's one thing if you're wiping makeup off every day right yeah it makes sense to have like a bajillion step routine When You're just showing up like this every day is glowing a good thing that just means I'm greasy no it doesn't mean you're green you're greasy I'm greasy okay I'm going now but you never look like you go after stream okay yeah okay no guys trust me okay all right will you bring me pizza I have to cut it without cutting it's like one big one just try then I couldn't one hand sure two slices fine yeah okay and a napkin isn't the pizza burn oh yeah they probably made another one I'm not doing a jar build but what if I did a jar build oh man what if it actually worked really well I mean it is ranged right oh God uh nope nope that's Lobster let's go this way this way I think will be fine I'm a little scared of these guys but I think it's chill yeah it's chill we're fine I have the recipe for upgraded Magic Pot um it does scale with ends yo [Music] um funeral Nutter 69. thank you for the five gifted Subs much appreciated Mr funeral Nutter it's very kind people in their usernames no they don't bird Peter exclamation No hits hooray the whole rules break though how do I get down from here safely I normally fast travel but the guys are mad this will work you know there's no way that's a lethal distance to anyone see we're fine oh but now I'm stuck also that's an enemy oh my God there's enemies in here tell me that's the only one okay all good thank God it was just a slug if that was anything else a little bit of bad time because I landed like directly on him is that Godfrey sure is good for him hanging out enjoying the weather beautiful there we go yeah what up Mr zude how we doing Chad I keep saying that we want to kill Margaret quickly and wouldn't you know it's almost 30 minutes and we have not everybody you considered killing him thank you pause [Music] okay George hi zoodle and hang out here alone I guess oh my gosh I'll just go edit yeah okay [Music] you're welcome for for giving you the alone time you need to edit your video it was really selfless of me I'm big egg okay we got a black light but that does not help we did get this which gives us eight arcane which means we can wield nothing else new but it's neat I guess you know please don't murder me bird oh God oh God oh God go away do not follow me all the way down here you are not allowed to thank you yo the golden cathum holy thank you for the ring somebody reads today oh my God what's this man doing with a golden cap how do you get that was it real it's from the hype trains I thought they took those away or did they end up not doing them that was such a weird thing that happened switch decided to give away the golden Capo as a hype trained thing in in baru's chat and specifically only baru's chat for some reason and so borrow got like a trillion Subs and the next week they were like oh by the way we're taking it away and then I don't know if they actually ended up doing that or not outside of that one weird event it's just like one person has a golden cap of every day at random sleep pod recipe Bob oh be sweat had it interesting interesting look at this pizza this actually looks good it's thick hmm not bad at all very greasy though I was sweat had it the hype train thing wait so did he get a jillion subs off of are they still doing those I'm so confused how it works now no God hands well I want a golden cat eye that's a lot of Subs cribe foreign it's a Parky's sister's original pretty yummy [Music] yeah they burnt the first one this one is definitely a little hard but edible still edible imma give the pizza a seven a seven and a half because it was made with love nothing like a homemade pizza thank you anyway what the [ __ ] are we doing so don't have a melee weapon I mean this [ __ ] is so cheap I cannot buy it like we have a lot of potential candidates I want that item it's not worth it dude I've been craving some lasagna perky said she was gonna make some lasagna and then we ended up not making lasagna and I I just haven't really stopped thinking about it since lasagna is good you're no matter opinion on Mondays I like Monday I mean to me they're all the same back in the day when I had school or worker [ __ ] yeah [ __ ] Mondays that's the thing about Garfield right he has no reason to dislike Mondays and yet he still does a man just has it out for Monday what are we doing he doesn't like it because John leaves on Mondays I don't know if I buy that theory does Garfield even like John okay I I'm very tempted to try the pot build because it's just wild that we have all of these like things for it but like it's bad it's definitely just bad also like how am I gonna get the crafting materials when it's random I have no idea where any of them are I guess jarberg would have a random selection of infinite mats but still do it's just it's not the vibe it's not the vibe what [ __ ] weapon do I use pills are not a single goddamn good weapon like Club should we just Club it's 22 strength though that's 42 strength dude surprise we never got a katana for run she's such Lord sworn Greatsword wait okay there's a thing 16 strength that means we have enough to two-handed no okay that seems like our guy that's our guide let me check Gronk real quick though okay well I was bust we'll buy you [Music] wow nice meets bro okay goodbye yeah we're gonna go with the grid sword man okay uh let's see I need two threes and one four if they're available all right there's the three and there's a three okay sure that's that's good enough give me a sleepout recipe too anyway yeah give me some give me some cheap crackpots give me this to end this there's like a 500 Bots somewhere yeah there it is five will take the Thousand part okay that's it I just want a couple sleep pots to have them on the deck just in case you never know now then you're out whatever it's fine foreign plus nine is enough that's fine cyborg Parker you think there's three months are better Ash award for this thing War crime is that the buff any knowers I don't think it is oh no it is sorry I was distracted so stamp is like good but I think too slow to actually use so I'd rather just get the attack buff like at the start of the fight and then just do a little bit more damage which one of these is better 206 minus 82. I can't tell I'm not too handy just do the standard whatever dude okay salad or Marge first um we'll do salad also yeah Warcraft changes are two so do not or two because I believe it makes it into like some really long chain attack let me just test it right now interesting foreign normally well got a way for it to wear off I'm probably not even going to use the R2 what does jump attack in R1 okay yeah it's honestly about the same speed also yeah I could have just swapped off the weapon you are absolutely correct oops whatever we're rocking a melee build for two seconds [Music] we're gonna try to kill the selling boss and the market boss just so that we get a little established before we spend the next hour searching for random spell [ __ ] foreign don't do the he did the blue one I don't like the blue one okay here we go oh good wow that actually is fine that dude was squishy as hell okay nice hello Mommy I have comment please give comment many glimplete I'll take that let's underrated spell roxling is potentially helpful too okay good very good uh uh let me see how much inch does a glimp blade require D young you are a tough so now only 14 I can use the right now okay well in that case we should kill Grail I think and get the spell online and use that for Market do I have a flip this run yeah I do and we had something for killing Grail didn't we had a shot Maybe well the game crashed very cool yeah the Scythe right do the scythe um cap we're safe oh that's a double hit R2 so it does that's not really helpful though we're probably better off horsebacking stream is lagging that is I'll drop zero frames all stream I'm popping yeah I'm embargoed until the 25th living so aren't getting hit cancel I've lost many runs for that foreign foreign thank you I'm eating pizza leave me alone it's good pizza thank you put off top though why is it taking so long uh scientist attack we'll explore that zone oh god dude that one pixel of HP is gonna take another bleed drug or maybe not maybe not moving off come on safe you can do it bud foreign any minute foot okay cool dude very poggers okay oh we need 16 in okay very good very good we need some stones [ __ ] dude I should have plus aided instead of plus nine the great sword ah poop oh wait no you want that hand you on that end s yeah you're up Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam okay plus nine grade sword plus eight staff that's close enough [Music] uh uh yeah that seems reasonable okay let's mark it up please do not immediately die forget it that would be really depressing I don't like that guy being there okay dude what the [ __ ] is this that's horrible Jesus Christ okay I mean we're fine sketches elbow and you're glad you like the bolt throw room a little variety Andy Challenger that was fun okay little scared chat a little bit scared how many glimp blades can I do seven is that seven what if we cry first okay I think it's worth the war cry first or you know what you know what I can war cry sit and then just go actually wait okay Warcraft [Music] sit to get the Mana back [Music] I don't even know if the war cry applies to the glimp blood but whatever moose that's not too bad oh it's the Regal news though that's worse that's definitely worse it's all doable I just gotta be careful that he doesn't do the heel when I'm right under him because then I will get hit so like I feel like he's probably gonna do the heel soon yeah there it is foreign oh it is so problematic please die okay oh my gosh that was a bit of a tricky one I am very glad that we had both a sword and the spell only having one or the other would have been that way tricky progeny think of the two moments pretty [ __ ] we got Marge down that's comforting take a little trip to gostko next will you get staggered in one hit you sure will watch take this oh God he's too powerful okay what do we got guys cool uh worst earned trees favor okay we had the plus one version somewhere else already is this worth buying I don't know if it is honestly I only need stamina or equip load that bad all right just int it up yup actually wait let's get the scroll see what spells the scroll as Morocco was fired we had a good time dude there's a graveyard here wait what this is a new discovery oh my God dude that's a pretty good graveyard yo okay we're adding that one into the route blood on thing also a pretty good weapon so that's a solid melee option I can't believe no one has suggested that graveyard before and that I didn't know about him oh yeah also there was the graveyard oh God hold on bad place to fast trouble there's the graveyard by the Weeping Merchant but I forgot to go to again bro just let me go why is it letting me open the map for one frame whatever I'll just walk back to selling fun [Music] oh there sure are a lot of enemies though huh this guy's still kooming how I left like two minutes ago you kidding Jesus foreign there you are shall we commence very well I'll be sure to never lose great Glenstone Shard there we go bloggers all right very nice pickup how much is Rock sling 4K yeah we'll go ahead and get rocksling too sure just in case we need physical damage okay I want to get VHF online but probably not gonna be able to for a little bit I need 17 decks 18 string which is only 12 strength two-handed I'm still short on decks either way and we're still trying to get 60 in for our actually good stab oh wait but there is radagons wait true true true where is radagons it was like 5K or something [Music] scarsdale's the shittier one though so this is only plus three that still gives us the stats we need well almost I need one more deck something I can do in okay that's cool it's still not our main weapon we're gonna stick to sorcery when possible I mean VHF is about as good as it gets for a melee option we have two four five in sombrers hmm [Music] there's a one okay A plus two bhf then let's see if we can do the forts I kind of want to do storm build too just to get it done but I'll wait a little bit I'll let it be going I don't know probably just until this run dies it is almost 2 am what if it doesn't die well then however long it takes okay well it's about to die though it's a thing like right now Jesus Christ uh okay let's go to Stormville yeah stormville's looking pretty good why not okay no foreign I should have gone to the little room you can't fit in the little room okay cool I think we can run through the rest that thing's pretty killable honestly we might as well thank you thank you there's a dog [ __ ] the dog good great I'm just gonna go yeah we're fine is that a little man that is a little man whoa still on the Rock uh no I'm not you just gotta refresh definitely on elderly yep [Music] oh yeah I forgot I got this lowers FP it's kind of a lot of FP [Music] um that's worth [ __ ] all right thank you good hog [Music] or the tree why is it gotta be a revive guy it's so annoying see aggro now not whatever he's chilling I'll keep an eye on them why would it aim for that what the [ __ ] whoops [ __ ] Jesus okay I'm panicking foreign look at all the wings Jesus Christ the flock just just book it just go oh boy what the [ __ ] dog wow I hate this I hate this I hate this okay thank you for standing and barking like an idiot Jesus [Music] um almost there Pizza Time [Music] it is definitely overcooked yup especially now that it's a little colder it's very hard there's hand enemies in DS3 how do I not remember those hmm little baby hands oh yeah yeah I definitely hate the Elder ring once more these guys suck okay oh baby don't be bad double pump uh it's kind of bad it's all my spells are just gonna hit them in the head I can do a flip thing pretty easy or maybe I can freehand this nope it just Auto goes to his head this is pretty problematic that is pretty not great I'm gonna have to just use this I mean at least that damage is good [Music] that guy's stuck that helps a lot oh that totally looked like it I disagree but I'll take it does he just do this till he reaches me he sure does foreign foreign there's one good if this guy is actually just Perma stuck here maybe I can get an angle with The Shard that hits [Music] like it just stop Auto locking onto him yes yes yes yes yes yes yes wow this Jesus Christ okay bro look I just gotta find the perfect camera angle there it is we've done it all right incredible work Jeep I'ma put that back on oh okay not bad not bad at all dude honestly uh you could say that's cheese but like that was a pretty clever cheese that was some Luke Skywalker ass take off the helmet manually aim [ __ ] I liked it all right yeah this is the only good attempt so far at the time well that's okay this has been a very interesting attempt [ __ ] that poker mold not happening I have seen cbd's new game plus one to 100 run yes seems interesting it's definitely interesting I feel like on paper it's like a pretty hard Flex right like you went all the way to new game plus 100 without dying but like The Game Stops getting harder at new game plus seven unless he's using the mod that makes it infinitely scale which if he is then it just turns into black Flame the Run either way it's like impressive but I feel like a little plane right because they're just doing the same thing 100 times it's a fun concept though it yeah it's a title it's it's a hundred percent a title especially did a little similar thing where he did new game plus one to plus seven and I got pretty good YouTube views I believe bam okay moving on slappers on do I really not out of Rune Arc interesting I am eating overcooked Pizza overcooked slightly burnt pizza it has a pet on it and other unidentifiable things like I see a mushroom maybe some bacon don't really know I don't think there's pineapple there unless they are charred beyond recognition hello sir leave it on photo oh night Comet action here we go this is kind of shaping up Chuck not bad at all pineapple on Pizza I used to pay a hater too and then I gave it an Earnest try without judgment or preconceived notions about it and it's like fantastic it was actually really good it fits in well banana on Pizza um way less sold on but I haven't tried it so you know maybe Ella doesn't know what he's doing up there you're surprised no matter oh that's pretty good someone mad at me the [ __ ] is your problem oh my God dude I just heard him like grunt and checked and he was [ __ ] loaded up right here oh my God Jesus Christ oh okay all right we're fine it's all good that was [ __ ] terrifying [ __ ] you dude but I can't see the giant but I gotta watch out for the wind attack there it is okay all right we're fine okay well you already are not being very friendly you're in the wrong [ __ ] neighborhood dude oh my God look at the size of that lap dude he's like right in front of the grace if I try to get the grace it might no okay he's turning around okay yeah I want to go to Pope turtle and I want to go to jarber we'll go to Pope first yo King Jeff thank you for the 301 my dude I appreciate you King jit I think of the 200 more what boss is that Knox Duo okay don't mind having that one out of the way they can be annoying foreign oh [ __ ] do you want me to like NPC stream for you or something 500 bits so good it's that did that do it for you that's not what you're after did we all come any comments gang gang dude how did they make the [ __ ] GG emote stand for gang gang God damn it tick tock Tick Tock is definitely a bliss this is what long streams do to me yes inevitably during every long-ish stream that I do we eventually reach the come Zone and we just talk about come for an inordinate amount of time I'm sorry it's just part of the process bear with me and we'll get through it I would so if you find it unless in which case Hello Pope turtle Flintstone gamachard poggers yep night Shard no thanks we don't need that one dude we got some good spells we need to hit uh 36 no 38. to get them online yeah an unseen former and assassins game it would be fantastic foreign welcome in from work okay once we turn on our great room we just need one more ins and then we'll have both our spells going there's only three Scrolls in the game and we've done the only two that are worth getting the third one I think it's in Raya lucaria somewhere which is super duper not worth checking because that place is terrifying even if it's before Red Wolf it's still not worth because like that little outdoor section of the start of Royal lucaria normally has a million zombie men and now it's a million random enemies that's a terrible time foreign so they're always in the same place it's very convenient for us triple fire giant win never [ __ ] that what's this hog what's this let's park okay uh well that's 100K in the bank Don't Mind If I Do I'm actually scared of this Mausoleum though ever since we got hit by it that one time foreign Falling Rock [Music] are we good okay um bam huh cool cool gaming gaming gaming let's go buy a runarc bam good dude let me try that again dude no damage hits account yes staggers from enemies that do zero damage still countessence oh you should have checked when I can trade one of those for him oh well no big deal good job dump this into int actually yeah okay let me just get the one level swap these okay should I get a fourth slot for rock sling just in case I need it yeah sure it's only like three kid okay let's see so this costs 13 this costs nine this costs 16. so we want our FP to be a multiple of 16. so what 16 32 64 128 sure let's try to get the 128 FB is that 128 nope how about now okay cool cool it's okay so we have 44 effective and we're still 16 levels off getting this other staff on that's ridiculous but whatever we're fine in the meantime okay gotta do the forts let's do Pharaoh first since we know Port height has a birch not a huge fan of Mr Burge but uh the randomizer gives you the full map just for convenience we didn't earn them you [ __ ] you jellyfish never again whoa oh my God too [ __ ] close dude oh God okay it's fine it's fine it's fine everything's fine all under control don't worry guys I'm not worried no need to be worried come out of your little [ __ ] oh my God he's flying this dude's a menace this is Christ now he's still mad come out and fight me where is he Jesus dude do not like where'd the skeleton go I know he revived there just gonna hit him with one of these just get the big free fire going okay dear Lord that was a little spooky okay now we gotta go back to birdsville oh geez I think I'm just gonna have to slowly take out all these enemies on the approach so that I can fight the bird from afar properly okay there he is look at him what a menace can you sleep bird I had a pot yes I don't know bro you think I'll one shot him actually hold up hold up hold up I can upgrade my staff one or two more times first okay just one more time but still it helps to upgrade that tube do I want a plus for it therefore plus five it's yo [ __ ] it okay hopefully we find another four and five before we switch over to the other stuff I also Wanna Be yodo hope you're doing well my friend that staff Bonk is for you bud I know you like them what if I just like went around see that seems like a bad idea because then when he suddenly aggros when I'm not expecting it I'm [ __ ] how are you average are you kidding me right now you are not that guy okay good that's uh that's fine bro I just do not know about this I mean he's chilling we could just leave him alone but what if no no he's gotta go what if he aggers as soon as they step on the staircase chat what then I'm just in a bad place oh my God all right that my kill it didn't okay that's fine it's fine it's fine foreign I didn't know he dodged why does the bird Dodge spells I should have night commented oh my god dude look at him look at his piece of [ __ ] yeah [ __ ] you okay all right Mission success that's all good oh good dude it sounds like there's something big in here for all okay so there's a dragon in the tiny room that's fine you'll probably just vibe in there okay okay God this one's terrifying okay cool cool cool all right okay just gotta get to Altus I should use night common for random trash mobs more often I almost died because I didn't know the bird would Dodge the standard comment shard no one will ever Dodge Knight comet why would they give it a Dodge I don't know because Miyazaki is [ __ ] in the head dudes a lunatic why would the giant bird enemy need something like that the giant bird enemy is op enough I hate this fog condition can't see [ __ ] dude okay luckily it was just plants no fall damage doesn't count it's a no hit run not a no damage run the game crashed good oh okay hopefully it spawns me at the teleporter let's see yeah okay it's probably where the teleporter would take is this a god run it has potential to be it's definitely not there yet but it's well on its way I am an old so yeah no need the holy tear whoa why was that so close to me what the [ __ ] dude that's messed up okay okay bye bye Rika no cutouts are not allowed in combat at least they're like avoid damage you could quit out for like convenience just to like progress a quest or something it doesn't really matter but no quit out cheesy yeah now fast traveling a minute yeah I mean that's allowed it's not a quido now the thing about fast traveling is you can only do it when you're outside of combat anyone so it's technically different the words of someone doing something fair I mean who cares there's there's one spot where I will maybe fast travel better if I [ __ ] up a drill and the jump saves all of Lake 20 seconds I just like doing it it's fine bro don't worry about it any jumpers thank you [Music] what are we looking for here something fives and sixes I guess and then we'll go do for Don yeah my no hid rules are slightly stricter than the official nowhere rules so okay you can't get me crap it's for allowing one thing that is normally allowed anyway now we're not doing region lock but we are doing uh sell on a market rush pretty frequently these days when possible we're going to those two ASAP just to get the Run established and get us some more spell options so we can see if it's even a good run quicker I don't like that man I'm I'm gonna wait the man out honestly I don't trust him and my distance PB is still more God for zero hits my three hit PB got hit on Gold free so it almost got there [ __ ] off school can squirrels hit you is that possible I don't I don't trust them like yeah if they like fall on you or like Sprint into you do you take damage I feel like that would be a thing yo ding dong thank you for the prime appreciate it comrade Rica thank you for the sub oh here's a spinning five remembrance I really want to get the 60 ends already boom that stat will be a huge upgrade once we get it leveled a bit you have all the jewels very nice any Joel's chat for my Joel poster set hey no Brian's or whatever his name is [ __ ] Brian get him out of here strictly drool droll Joel bruise yes I don't even know his name no one knows you Bruce you are not Joel [ __ ] bruise hmm foreign bad things you don't want to numb good thing no one is ever cringy right trap this is the most cringe free chat room on Twitch [Music] no weirdos here we have two smithing fives can we get a third is custom well nope what is this though seven and nine okay not bad I already have a seven oh you know okay let's plus 14 the staff and check out DTS oh and if DTS is bad then we'll run away and be redone first it seems easy then we'll just do it then camp all right no I have not played convergence I'm like the only person on Earth that hasn't played convergence your own keeps asking me you know who's blowing up on YouTube with convergence chat is Mr Domo almost got some good views with some convergence contents he also posted our randomizer race on YouTube didn't know you're gonna make a video out of that Mr Domo claimants I should I should great idea soap foreign but it's the one with the golden ordered sword thing uh I don't know how I feel about that guy oh he's he's coming you know I don't like him I've decided I don't like him [ __ ] him nope Miss big Garden scares me more than most bosses like he's far from the worst well I'm not a fan of his [ __ ] especially not that version with the special sword no you're fine Noah you didn't have to ask you're all good foreign myself but since you already did I'll just post the one you were the Victor after all it's an earned YouTube video [Music] but yeah in the future it might be a good idea too coordinate videos I just didn't know you were on that grind my dude [ __ ] all of a sudden I see my avatar in a thumbnail from Mr Captain Dola got the rest of your channel and oh damn he's popping off my man's a YouTuber good [ __ ] dude very solid views okey-dokey see what we got Electro oh That's mildly annoying I think Knight comet will suffice definitely don't be on your horse though definitely don't do that yeah we're fine whoa mama foreign I just don't know when I can safely cast because yeah she can just pull out that [ __ ] [Music] and yeah we've combined all the possibles it's all 165 bosses than one randomizer form so any boss could be literally anything For Better or Worse a lot of these minor bosses are more dangerous than the major bosses honestly get away from these random sword piles I'm totally gonna get stuck on one of those at random then die okay 164 bosses because patches is not randomized because he's technically an NPC but besides that yeah anyone goes foreign good shits very nicely done okay [Music] getting close we're like 50. nope ton more alrighty back to this dude how's the Ronnie cosplay working out what it's common okay it's a work in progress don't worry about them yo eight we've somber 789 now damn those and trios are still together then and they're normal pairings someone said you should dress as a tarnish so we can get married I thought that'd be real cute very cute Maybe are you proposing to me is this official okay get off the horse should I open with a bunch of glimp lids it seems like an okay idea honestly foreign just keep walking Bud you're doing great no no running no this is a walk only Zone nah okay well there you go somber six dude it's coming together we're getting there six seven eight nine yeah that was a lot better than expected I didn't think he would just walk but I mean thanks I appreciate this cooperation you know what obstetox have I done God run three God no absolutely not I haven't even know hit all the games individually I've only ever noted this game sakiro and Diaz won oh there's a five fog I do not like The Horseman Horseman kind of sucks [Music] there's a little Aggy Elder ring no head bid exist uh two of them in fact I did it twice for elderly around the bar Channel wow well that just went really well Flawless execution I'm Gonna Leave thank you for the two years it's a long ass time much love you're out okay not upgrading blood on Fang anymore since we almost have the new staff online I want to save the zombies thank you does my voice sound normal to you guys I feel like my voice feels kind of rough today maybe just because I haven't streamed it a few days voice is more tired than normal normal enough okay should we kill him I feel like we should try to kill him well an attempt was made oh God horse of the building that never mind he's stuck sorry Mr horse okay good [Music] what is the horse in a hospital reference I'm I'm unfamiliar with that one John Mulaney hello melanoma my for bringing here and [Music] [Music] come [Music] all right now it's time for the jump here we go nope so he's not cheating okay it's not I'm not in combat I'm not quitting out I can do whatever I want it's totally legal I don't know why I'm so bad at the jump these days I used to be a master mom you think they made it harder I don't know dude I don't know what's gotten into me [Music] like what the hell what's my [ __ ] problem bro Janice I think it was six months I don't know I don't know I missed the old jump too they patched out an innocent skip completely innocent there it is good okay honestly I guess that jump does Skip quite a few enemies in Orlando still it's it's legal there's no way that dog's gonna jump down here right oh [ __ ] the Talisman pouch I can get one at Roundtable that's actually huge oh okay that's pretty helpful too yo [ __ ] yes dude how much uh damage is this is it is it eight I want to say eight percent yeah eight percent damage buff pretty good uh it's like the lady I'm here lady you have to become the things no become okay bam are we there yet six more levels we got a Shiny Rayquaza bog jujube Rayquaza's [ __ ] dope that's a cool shiny too oh I forgot to upgrade my stuff I'll do it at the next Cruise what do you call a VOD frog and a stream watcher hmm Schrodinger's Fork it is both a VOD frog and a live viewer based on when it is observing why can't I lock onto this enemy there we go don't fall damage is not killed foreign yeah you could add that to the command if you want I I swear it's in there is it not it is in there people just don't read wow that was actually barely enough to kill him that's nuts I'm just gonna let those guys be I really should add the command to the title that's a good idea all right there added Jose this run is up pretty spicy one what's up big dog yeah good good message guys gold tree is one of the spookier bosses in this run because the arena [ __ ] sucks too many corners to get stuck on also you got a ways like half your Mana just getting to him all right foreign very cheeky oh boy all right it's fine it's fine don't panic okay Jesus Christ cool who we got oh I hate when you can't see all the worst bosses spawn in after you enter oh man could be a dragonkin could be radagon could be Moog fake Moog that'd be vanilla yeah I think one of the fire giant phases spawns in sometimes which is [ __ ] up oh Lord okay here goes nothing man it's fire truck why has it gotta be fired okay okay [Music] foreign [Music] foreign oh god dude any bleeders give me a bleed I'm stuck on his [ __ ] crotch side unfortunately no headshots for me foreign thank God oh God that was way too stressful all he had to do was that [ __ ] fired breath attack one time and I would be completely [ __ ] thankfully I don't think he could ever get far enough away from me to want to do it he just kept rolling back and forth thank god dude that has got to be one of the worst bosses to get there can't believe that worked up shout outs to the melee weapon not saved our ass would have been totally [ __ ] without it how did he not bleed a single time though like what the [ __ ] it's messed up dude so we're plus 16 I think we're done with fives yeah he did bleed once am I just blind I need two hits the two not two hits I do not need two hits I need two int two more ins well nothing to do with hits so close it's getting carrying Regal we still wouldn't have like any money to get the upgrades applied though so just gotta get through one more boss we got putrid Avatar okay had a nice flat Arena I like it I like it a lot here we go just don't get memed by a bad Scarlett Rod splash it was a pretty squishy one good oh my god well there's a splash foreign of it anymore I've been burned by it too many times what you doing stop what are you doing get the [ __ ] away from me okay all right it's fine and their animations freak out when the boss is talking it's afraid he was gonna do that when he was t-pose and I couldn't see it coming luckily he did not let's go dude new distance peeping holy [ __ ] all right [ __ ] yes this is huge it is 3 30 a.m oh God whatever it's worth it at this point it was a fat run and guide him bam okay 60 inch switcheroo now we gotta level it up also I don't think we have anything good to put in this pouch because nothing of value okay we're looking for Somers four and five and nine please tell me there's a four and five available God how is there knocked bro unbelievable there's the nine should I just buy the nine now I'll wait until I get the others oh Jesus oh thanks for the good luck sweat okay well the Bell bearing for somber four is an Alta somewhere and the bell bearing person for five is a Mountaintop somewhere so that's great let's upgrade what we can at least yeah we can check the shop might have something oh okay there's a five all right all right all right good that was gonna be the more annoying one to find there's a pretty good chance of finding the Bell bearing person number four the only place the Bell bring could be where I can't safely get it is on shaded Castle but it's most likely on one of these churches or golden seed trees that I haven't checked oh God foreign [Music] [Music] there it is Yo first check [ __ ] yes dude we're about to have a plus nine carrying Regal so after holy [ __ ] Jesus okay where was that nine give me check in PC honestly well I took email hell yes okay can I get the blood on thing upgraded anymore [Music] I don't think so yeah I need a six once I get a six I have a seven ready it'll have to wait okay did Anya have a six way to actually oh well thank you edia okay that's pretty convenient all right plus a lot down Fang yes dude you know what's incredible is we don't have a single fizzy flask too that is remotely helpful that'd be nice actually I feel like there's maybe one for like posture breaking which I guess is sort of helpful for blood on thing bosses but there's a Dexter bro I've been letting the dextier just sit here when I have blood on Fang do you know how much more damage this is gonna give us well I don't think scaling is [ __ ] stupid this is like a 40 damage yeah and there's The Stance one okay give me the stance sure [ __ ] it are there any more am I stupid foreign I guess we might as well buy the retrieve Paper Plus One we have an open slot I'm sure we'll take the 600 secret too why not okay looking pretty good okay here let's do a test I have you can't see because of my face 488 attack power for the blood I'm trying right now and then I will drink this and now I have is it I did not mix the fizzy okay uh hold on hold up okay I have 488 plus 10 decks and now I have Jesus Christ 529 yeah that's that's mildly helpful not bad that gives me cast speed too or the spellge that would have been very helpful for fire giant now hold on oh my God he's actually going for it there's no way okay spooky I [ __ ] hate on the staircase take it nice and slow should be able to just ignore that [Music] good not the crab you can sleep crab right [Music] I'm like 90 positive you can sleep grub what's he doing dude I don't I don't like crab oh God here he comes please sleep why dude oh wow okay he died a lot faster than Elizabeth that was not that bad we've got some pretty fat damage at this point I don't have any more lilies are you kidding okay I gotta get some of those for the next boss just in case were they available for point to somewhere okay cool cool land squirt oh [ __ ] let's try Birds thing but the squirt is in the wall what the [ __ ] dude can I hit it okay dude come on there we go foreign at this point is a distance PB feels [ __ ] good [Music] all it takes is one bad boss yeah yeah yeah I mean we've managed to get out of some pretty bad situations this run Iron Giant gold freedom is no joke we survived Spectra thank you for the sub foreign sucks that we don't have a stealth spell makes these sections a lot sketchier he's using the blue attack God damn it okay we're out of Ranger fun yeah the crossbow kind of scared me I was worried he's got a second if you're fired a second one but I didn't have anywhere to strafe that's mimicked here there okay wall game settle down we're fun why don't I use the stones what stones we leveled our [ __ ] we're good rainbow stones Bro [ __ ] Rainbow Stone oh that's kind of spooky I think it just looks spooky I don't know if it's actually spooky but it definitely looks sweet I'm just gonna verify this guy doesn't scream at us oh we teleports that's terrible news dude I can't look behind me here to see the [ __ ] scream attack coming okay he gave up all right we're fine thank God he didn't be sure it does not matter that he doesn't have a hood they can still do the roar I'm pretty sure that could be a somber 10 over there foreign max level Stone thanks Gold free was fire giant phase two and morgot was a putrid Avatar pretty spooky Looking for Gold free at least foreign we can get the deathbed dress if we wanted no pants though [ __ ] pants hey welcome mother Luby pleased to have you here let's see I'm not gonna go to the church this time I don't need to all we're looking for is somber 9 and 10. I don't really need any more golden see through sacred tooths by that way inside of the spirit spring uh to avoid the lake and whatever boss replaces a doula what why would you crash right now bro I'm gonna have to do the whole [ __ ] section again come on come on dude I was just pausing to make sure the crab wasn't gonna [ __ ] us up oh my God okay hold on I'll wait it sounds like game appears on screen for you guys there it is I think at worst it'll put us back at the lake because we got a Grace there I'll know where where the [ __ ] I'm here okay seems like a weird place to autosave but sure come bug avoid okay nice nice nothing happened so the Game just crashed that's all red jelly never trust the red jelly chip never again oh Palm all right there's bhf plus nine raila rabbit thank you for the gifts up to Mother Looney there's another red all right how does twitch Prime work you link your Amazon Prime account to your Twitch account and then you get a free sub to any channel of your choosy what's a book what the [ __ ] bro where did he even come from oh my God how what the [ __ ] Jesus Christ what the [ __ ] dude oh my God oh that was pure luck I didn't get hit there I did not see him okay all right we're fine we're fine we're fine for I think the seven months Wing Nang thank you for the three months put 50k on me bam Porky I'll try okay it's plus nine the Bloodhound thing get another level okay let me sell my [ __ ] too bad not matter that does not give us another level but you know what whatever okay oh fire Giants can either be very easy or very hard it's a huge Arena and you have torrent so a lot of bosses are just kitable but the entire arena is also on a 45 degree slant which is [ __ ] up makes a lot of attacks Jank as [ __ ] and also it's two phases and also it's tanky who is that is that Rick Gideon oh [ __ ] me okay that's bad news thank God we have Night cover I just got a kite him he won't Dodge that ever he's an idiot okay there's the heel [Music] God I don't like this this debuff doesn't count by the way it's not doctor okay uh it takes him it makes you take more magic damage I think there it is okay okay okay [Music] BBK there's worse things this is the better variant I like this a lot more than the twin blade one thank you [Music] [Music] okay [Music] nice try again please kick over here but don't do that charge attack again the charge attacks [ __ ] up I don't like that one [Music] [Music] foreign oh my [ __ ] god dude Jesus Christ okay that was well earned either of those phases were easy oh yeah very good arena for them get in in an enclosed space would have been just completely [ __ ] so glad he's out of the way 62 ins plus seven I as well correct once you get a boss once you can't get him again so technically more of a shuffler [ __ ] Danny you think about the prime and Comet Rika I think for the gifts though and anyone else that's something if I missed you Parky thank you for the gifts of winner winner chicken dinner all right that's a good almond right was that a random sub or did you intentionally give the winner winner chicken dinner totally random okay cool that was a very tame first room of pharam like it all right a very tame all right I need to get sleep pods forgot about them foreign just in case okay zombie what's the other dude the hand foreign oh what's that guy yeah I think we're fine good okay this part is always the worst part of Ferrum I heard a knife I guess we're fine is that everyone but the squid dude I think so yeah we probably have to kill him foreign okay okay now we need sleep pots yeah yeah we'll get them rip dog it's 3am what am I doing now I'm gonna let you in a little secret uh I'm always up at 3am okay I'm usually just not streaming we're on a hot one though also it's 4am now true and we see what boss this is snail oh my God it's snail Crucible Knights snail okay okay okay that's not as free as it appears all right like it's kind of a tight room and the cruisable night lunge is really far gotta be careful I don't think we can sleep The Crucible night let's just go out and buy the Trina lilies for you if you get where the [ __ ] even were the well right there damn 15K Jesus Christ oh whatever now we've got him okay what do you mean get up at eight Parky no no no no no no no no no at least nine right oh jeez e the morning thing whatever I'm not thinking about that right now okay where is the Knight where is the knife why can't I hear him but I can't see him where is the night bro okay scaring me I guess it's someone else I hear stomping around [Music] is it worth trying to kill him how fast does he respawn if you kill him how are you [ __ ] snail okay [ __ ] yes another one down huge who is stomping around out there he's scaring me where are the men there should be men here the [ __ ] what is that is it an invisible Mage guy oh my God that's an invisible Mage guy thank you I'm just going okay all good stupid cookbook foreign that's fine okay plants plant nice this enemy's fake he's not real don't worry about them you just chills okay whatever replaces the DTs up here is the last standard enemy of the Run what do we got it's a guy one of those guys sure okay only bosses from this point on how many bosses is it seven bosses if you count each phase is a different boss malachith malachith Gideon godfreed or Loom radagon album Beast mm-hmm any plus nine bhf long time ago we restocked sleep pots yep we're good to go nice that would have Max how are we doing dude all right all right now we have not seen our favorite Magic Dragon yet or our favorite ice dragon or guards or classy but we won't we'll continue to not see them okay we've already had our fair share of rough boss fights this run we're due for some easy ones okay praise alone think of the 10 months here we go son of a [ __ ] that's my rag I think it's Morag that's the least bad one it's fine this is what we have blood on thing for okay it was made for this foreign [Music] he didn't do the animation no dude the [ __ ] dialogue meme not the dials why I'm just used all my money to [ __ ] that was selling the bag that was a dumb way to get it ugh still PBS foreign I don't know if he [ __ ] up the animation because the voice line he definitely had a [ __ ] up animation after or if it was just because I was like the camera was a little inside him so it was hard to see coming [Music] that's the attack I like thought he was going to use like I expected it I just didn't I just didn't dodge it on the right time I was like waiting for the visual cue for it and I didn't see it oh my God that's so trash I want to see a replay of that one I don't know if we got animation meme their camera memes [ __ ] dude clematius is he gonna drop oh no I thought it was gonna drop off the edge any staggers there it is okay uh uh so awkward oh what the [ __ ] he did it he did it again wait am I crazy or is it [ __ ] up he's not doing the right like movement for it am I insane [ __ ] dude I had a much clearer review that time and it still looked [ __ ] up I don't I don't know dude that's not even like a heart attack to dodge oh my God that's so weird [Music] always the dragons it's not already a stack like that that just looks weird I swear they wrapped their tail around like a lot more than that before they swing back yeah like that oh whatever pumpkin why is this actually scary I'm gonna turn off the auto Target and just do this all right [Music] foreign I'm so mad [Music] so mad I gotta put twice by the two what the [ __ ] dude God damn it [ __ ] if we finish this with no more hits it's gonna be the saddest thing ever honestly just the saddest [ __ ] thing ever I was like the first attempt he was like 25 HP when that happens I think right like we were nearly through already he's creative they give it 11. Scottish John the thing with the two all right this run has been really good it's been a mix of melon and ranged we've had some pretty difficult fights still managed to get through like it was a it was a really good seed but not a completely free one like we had really earn the zero head up to this point hello Mr death bird it's honestly not so bad to stand before the album ring to become Elden Lord What a Sad State of Affairs I commend your spirit but a loss for us man not become a lord not even you a man so Bittersweet now oh God [Music] okay three more no wait four more can't tell who this is like sure [Music] oh my God the pillar almost trolled me ten [Music] God's Gonna fossil [Music] [Music] this is so sad okay those were free very very free but thanks I'm so sad I'm I'm really bummed [Music] yeah I don't I'll take a PB I guess okay what's another VOD for the channel room oh man thanks okay okay you are our final two ancient hero that's pretty easy with night comments and it's just walking he's still just walk oh here he goes foreign last one tree Spirit yeah I'm a tanky boy [Music] huh incredible hitbox absolutely incredible very cool game very cool could you imagine if that was hit number one oh my God what the [ __ ] dude I hate that attack melee might be better bro what do you want me to do what what the [ __ ] do you want me to do I roll and he Scoops me and then it hits me anyway because the attack just lingers forever what the [ __ ] is that what the [ __ ] dude so stupid that is so [ __ ] stupid [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] chill out I dusted the same way that was the exact same thing why do I live that time what do you mean I'm doing the same thing bro you're insane that time I just actually did not in time because I was just so shocked that I actually [ __ ] dodged the previous day dude what is this pause [ __ ] this stupid thing this thing is so [ __ ] dumb God damn it the entire challenge of the boss is that its animations are [ __ ] trash and that it literally just Wiggles back and forth and you have to determine when it's actually attacking and when it's just moving thank you it's it's a pretty notoriously bad boss I don't think anyone likes that gun [Applause] I don't think he'd hit me three times though so if they're only one of the hits really feels legitimate I don't understand why is this a Dodge why is dodging to the right into him a Dodge but dodging forward like past him is a hit the [ __ ] do you mean it doesn't make any sense come back my man is confused come back [Music] unbelievable oh God oh God the fallen leaves tell a story of how that's [ __ ] close to him Elden Lord in our home that close what the fog the lands between it's a distant speedy pretty big distance PB all the way to Malachi will look back upon us and recall [Music]
Channel: LilAggy VODs
Views: 569,740
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lilaggy, lil aggy, lilaggy vods, lil aggy vods
Id: h0xQdP6kCwo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 239min 39sec (14379 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 17 2023
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