Elden Ring WEAPON RANDOMIZER Lockout Bingo vs. Captain_Domo

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all right man well uh go ahead and count us down and uh best of luck to you goodster all right best of luck to you sir hey thank you thank you appreciate it appreciate it all right three two one go good luck good luck here we go gamers tested the new format so again just to recap really quickly all the weapons and starting classes are random everything else is a box standard this gives Arcane bro okay I'm one short of being able to actually build Scimitar that's unfortunate I can cast rejection though so that's that's real swell uh let's see yeah okay get this out of here all right we just gotta level real fast that's all zico Adams think of the two months a man called Vox think of the 500 beats dude appreciate it oh okay say on the board we got kill a geo with plus zero so that's definitely the rush or we could go through consumable only boss there's the meta for that will definitely still be Savannah that might be the better idea it might be better in a little bow for action yeah you know I'm gonna do that and then that root or that kill will give me the runes I need to uh to go to a gill afterward s like plus one decks nice pants by the way great pants potato why do you time out druminous for bajillion years no okay he's free now okay okay oh my God I was trying to get the bell ring from Kali I've been playing too much random dude Dwayne The Croc Johnson thanked himself speaking of do I need crack pause for anything I don't think so right here is the cave now Mount Swagger you think of the Prime 40 of these dudes will be plotting kind of worried I wasted too much time grabbing all these Graces but whatever should have skipped first step we're probably fine though okay come here foreign it's like uncomfortably close on the count here I need headshots oh Lord I missed one oh my God that's actually gonna [ __ ] it it's over are you kidding me oh you know what it is you know what it is quite all right I guess so I can't believe this actually mattered Samurai diff already so throwing dagger scale with decks and normally you choose Samurai which starts with 15 decks but I only have 11 now and I actually made that guy not die oh jeez [Music] okay well uh that was incredibly inefficient even if I did miss that one he was gonna live I needed to get way more headshots my time is RTA and his IGT okay I mean it doesn't matter that much but I think I can change it player oh thank you so much okay give me my freaking decks I mean if I killed him then he would be dead and then I couldn't come back in like two seconds and kill him see what was again you know I was trying to get a guild I wonder if it is better to just wait though and go with Naga Kiba instead since then he'll bleed very interesting Let's uh let's do a damage check here that's honestly not that bad thank you why is that it hey get your little butt down here young man what the [ __ ] no it's unbelievable maybe this is a bad idea okay the big hit though spinning slashing again what is this dude doing a Stompy lab give me that face foreign almost there oh God and he's back down come here oh a deal what were you aiming at one not I'm not over [ __ ] God damn it a guild fly it around all over the place actually [ __ ] me you know that you know that again are you [ __ ] pleased with yourself huh you think this stuff got a big joke damn it you piece of [ __ ] that's so [ __ ] stupid unbelievable unfucking believable [ __ ] dragons dude gotta be kidding me this [ __ ] okay what else can we do I can murder people let's see column five isn't that threatening wait he unmarked what ah because he marked it as a purple but he's blue chat he's supposed to be blue okay for his leg mildly concerning me all right do I kill people let's kill some people Bernie's gonna be like actually really hard without anxious though literally everyone's gonna be really hard with that don't you good thing nakakiba has on cheese you just gotta get it online you know if I killed a guild we'd be well on our way to that alas didn't work out that way what about Alex what am I talking about thank you get out Jesus Jake taking the two bucks okay um Iron Fist Alexander a great job Warrior I don't care Alex I don't give a Who say it all right well there's one uh okay now we push Kenneth off cliff and then Navarre or Bernie I honestly don't know which ones shittier or easier that's that's the word I'm looking for hmm [Music] I mean it's a little sleep part here let's scare the [ __ ] out of anyone else oh my God what the [ __ ] he he exploded God all right I get the money get the money get the money get the money get the money okay Ken come here why does this have unsheath because it normally doesn't right either someone who might be interested in rescuing the great Kenneth height let's break some yes asked Richard could you please I am thank you oh okay any any runes for that there we go one equip from Yura has piercing thing normally interesting okay very interesting kind of like Rogers right oh my God lady I think I give a [ __ ] I wasn't stress like tolerance wow that's so cool okay bye forgive mine hello okay surely that's enough I need 22 decks and 12 strength ass uh okay well a little slightly problematic now what like it killed a guy again he'll attempt to kill the guy again I should say I can only buy 29 are you [ __ ] cheating me dude all right yeah I should try to kill someone and just uh get the square done is Vari even still there I don't think Vari is there anymore I think we have to uh kill Mr Bernie come here you know you're Swisher than I thought you did Grace would have of us good thing Poise doesn't exist in elderly this dude's wearing [ __ ] Pogo and it doesn't matter out okay so sometimes it matters but not all the time for some reason foreign he's stalling okay okay there okay no you know Jesus okay he has Beast Champion I should not not bolgo but it's close enough okay that give me enough no not in close now what [ __ ] now what uh yeah I believe legendary armaments is no longer a squirm right because it doesn't really work with the weapon random he gave his Beast claw a great hammer wow [Music] why did I do a gill first that seemed like one of the harder ones bro that shit's cake he was literally from dead when Domo also chose to do a verse it's it's it's a very rushable Square extremely rushable okay so I'm making my way to lean and Miss begotten I don't think I'll do them at this exact moment we might as well head in that direction I don't know dude this is sloppy this is sloppy hello cat hold on Scarlet can you hear her meowing you heard one okay very good what smelling Stones do I have seven ones all right this is not random so I need 12 Smith ones to upgrade something gross okay we're at 10. it'd be cool if that was not a thing for Bingo uh I kind of agree I don't know I don't know it's like what it's not a randomizer it's not that bad to uh to get the stones although I guess yeah typically specific weapons or trash okay so this is a random weapon now yeah wow incredible the thing okay I don't know why I bothered to kill that why blah [Music] are these normally only 60th pop that's kind of cheap Zam sort of Milo's greatax arumi [Music] okay I think I might kill Margaret for money then we can finally get nagakiva online this is definitely very stressful right it it sort of goes against the main ethos of bingo a little bit right because Bingo is all about planning and routing but like it kind of makes you unable to reliably do so it makes it a lot more improvisational or better or worse okay I'm just gonna get this and then go get Margaret I guess I'm at 18 right no should I level up the scimitar [Music] let's just see what this is like oh that's a cake if you're doing yellow damage every R1 yeah you're shilling foreign where we smoked that idiot all right I'm gaming bro oh God all right yeah I'm definitely gonna go lean in Mr Garden next it just makes sense it's just logical and after that what am I set up to do um that's a great question okay there's the 22 come here nakakiba beautiful weapon cyber speak English 16. you're not mad loud you damn fam fam okay I was only plus two but whatever who's red and who's blue if only this information was on the screen directly above where things are being marked red and blue he didn't need the time about well that's a pretty silly question I think this might be spinning ones right here it's not I'll take fire grease though sure there's definitely spinning ones around here somewhere is it you yeah cool they're in Asia thinks of five months lockout means if I get a square then he can't get a square and vice versa look at this sephiroth ass sword dude oh my God this thing is big okay I think there's two spinning twos I can get here so I can get this thing plus forward if I want which I guess I do the lack of a somber meta for this format is very interesting like a reliable cyber weapon that's only one smoothing tube what the [ __ ] is the point magma I'm gonna die okay magma with candlestick should I plus three it's no let's just get this guy killed okay fire Grease sure why not come here Bob this is a big stick bro bam Bruins great sword there's something interesting uh moving on catacomb dungeons sure let's do that why not you're liking plus three while I'm here too yippee cap [Music] [Music] let's see road to slightly threatening I yes not too bad let's just get these catacombs done I should have done two catacombs with doulas that would have been efficient I can at least do my second catacomb with one okay I'm stupid in the nine months how is Scarlett doing she's currently sitting on the desk beside me so I think she's doing great oh uh easy should still be a thing and still have zombie one two three four all right watch battle yummy foreign slower than Gucci I don't think so but it needs like seven more decks who really cares you know it's just weapons that are randomized yet and the starting stat classes the starting class stats there we go well Merchant items are the same it's just the weapons that the merchants have are randomized the rest of their goods are as they usually are you what's the fastest second duelist it's been so long since we've bangus all my bangus knowledge is Rusty I know there's one in that annoying ass caled jail cave dungeon was that the best one surely there's a different one okay huzzah two catacombs baby GG [Music] um okay let's go to Stormville check let's go to Leonia obviously I'm threatening column two I could just keep doing that I would need to kill godskin Noble with something let's not knock a Cuba though because this thing bleeds or I could just be very careful about not blocking it very very careful I mean okay so here the thing with lockout Bingo run is uh you can have a shitty Square in your life as long as it's one shitty Square because if I get all the others in column two then Domo knows that I have to do fia's Champs next and that forces us both to do the shitty objective or I could just let Domo go do it and I can go do something else because he doesn't have a choice in the matter because if I do for his Champs then I win you know so having one [ __ ] objective in a row isn't that bad as long as you can still like you know threaten it you smell me chat picking up what I'm putting down bro did you just spell line l i g in I'm surprised what the [ __ ] are you okay how did you misspell line my God also yeah like I have black knight but who cares black knife does not count as a status no but still not using it all right that's how you spell line in French Is that real I don't know if I believe you I don't know about that thank you no memes guilt um is this just money yeah I think this has something to in here though yes okay six eight one I could check what's in the ice right just so is it guaranteed to be an ax I guess let's see yes now it's just a significantly shittier app oh boy hmm [Music] I'm gonna get this Grace just in case I want to light it oh God s are loud and being us right pretty sure they are you just can't quit out for Boss kill confirmations like on godric and [ __ ] a line is an English word oh thank you I I was unaware that the word aligned exists well that that clears up everything thank you tots or waffle fries that's easy waffles I'm gonna kill these guys to do the gamer jump never mind scary dude tots are extremely overrated [ __ ] a Todd those are so big it's like I'll eat it if offered but give me a hash brown bro okay Jesus Christ foreign I guess it would have a couple random weapons okay yeah [ __ ] tots unless they're Domino's load of tons yeah sure hello dog the hell out of me uh okay I need to spend 11k real quick let's get Vig is always good okay foreign the weapon items in the game are randomized but only the weapons it's a little confusing I know I don't want to do riot it takes too long my forefoot to the square if I'm killing God's good novel without satisfx yes yes I'm aware that my weapon applies a status effect okay I'm gonna make it work Sky have anything what's up do I want to get this Grace thingy I must say yes oh my Jesus okay I think we blocked Noma and lean and Miss begotten that's fight that's my theory get the hell out of here oh there we go all right why wouldn't you be on the same speed why wouldn't you be on the same seed yeah I don't know I don't no that's a great question it seems like pretty obvious information and we would be running the same scene but alas apparently not the case um oh yeah I have no money no okay let's level up you fine do I have like a cool ass before I could put on something no okay great I don't think twin maiden's really worth checking honestly but I'll do it what the [ __ ] Jesus Christ what the [ __ ] okay well I should have done this earlier dear Lord okay um well I think I should I'm gonna upgrade this thing a little bit we can use that not a noble it'll hit harder the Naga keyboard probably I could only get it like plus two though because I have no [ __ ] money the Ronnie cosplay is basically good to go I just need to wait for the right day to do yeah I know blood I'm back bleats I'm just gonna not rock the bleep okay got a round table have that because it's random it's too gay for them okay well whatever I don't sell curve grade sword normally so that like yeah I don't really fully understand that part either but basically so like boss weapon drops and weapons that you pick up off the ground are always in the same category that they normally are so Trace Dental always drops a however ice round hatch is always an ax of some sort but the merchants are just whatever the [ __ ] if you buy it from a shop it could be anything the reasoning for that was so that you couldn't just go to Merchants to reliably get the kind of weapon you're looking for but I don't know if I fully agree with that logic it almost ends up doing the opposite yeah I agree right because like that's a good [ __ ] Weapon It's a good [ __ ] Round Table okay it's going to be a little strange oh boy [Music] it's maybe ambitious thank you nice 40 damage foreign [Music] so good no accidental bleeds [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] I was gonna SAP with the knock keep it but I was scared I was gonna believe it [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] spot everything is fun how am I alive [Music] hello why is he doing this so frequently that he's literally never getting stuck on the pillar what the hell dude chill out [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [ __ ] thank you gaming okay okay Jesus Christ Jesus that was extremely not worth the risk I gotta say that was that was a terrible idea but you know what we got away with him it's all good now he could switch to my beloved Bloodhound thing oh God there we go Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam okay and let's just dump into vigor and we're schmooving okay which one of these Temple of Eagle right I gotta get back to whatever the [ __ ] virgin Duo right yeah yeah that's the swim yes but I can't believe how hard I have to Rack my brain to remember [ __ ] hasn't been that long has it do you think domo's gonna be mad that I ended up using Bloodhound Fang and the weapon randomizer bingo specifically designed to prevent blood on fangues I mean it's not my fault it's just luck of the draw right one of the chances he isn't using it you know that's true could be doing the same [ __ ] get out of here you little weirdo [Music] oh God I mean no we're not banning weapons it's just the weapons are randomized like I'm allowed to use these now personally I'd ever had an issue with Bingo having meta builds and weapons in the first place because that's how any competitive format works there's always met a [ __ ] I don't think it's necessarily A Bad Thing wanted to mix it up so we're mixing it up nice oh boy foreign oh my God I'm a mashing King baby okay oh okay that it was a little close oh my God see dumbledid the Millers interviewed sword key should probably pick up our second duelist for the bloke let's have to remember where the second duelist is definitely one it's kind of annoying there's one on Altus but that's kind of spooky we might have to go that direction anyway to go to morgoth though I don't know hmm oh it's not where I thought I was walking off Jesus Christ I'm gonna go this way there we go I thought that was a that clip that just led to here okay we're fine that's all good let's see his biggest threat right now is definitely calm Ford so like I could I could just try to do that do this real fast it's the question of which one Caleb won or Altus one the Altus one is in the most annoying [ __ ] dungeon in the game I'm not sure I fully remember how to navigate then like the second most annoying version again I'm gonna go with the Gaylord one have I not been to oh my God chubby Chocobo thing with the front I guess I do have a duo trio boss down I can do that really fast yeah let's do that was there no Duo Square there is that would be synergistic I have a blood on thing plus six I mean it's definitely good enough to do it [Music] pad Panic thank you for the sup there's the Duelist okay I definitely need to do the three of them okay I'm on my way to Pumpkin Head Duo right now and then I could do uh The demi-human Duo just to get it done ASAP tree sandal's definitely that slow I mean considering if I don't get the square I lose probably kind of want to just get the squared up Crucible and Miss begotten Duo is not there anymore for me I activated Festival it's okay if we get through this then I think we're set up pretty okay because I don't think he spent the Altus Altus access comes in very clutch for the late game of these yes be as champ is a duo trio boss but like I'm not doing Fierce Champs right now oh okay hopefully he just doesn't have any progress on this duo trio Square here's the entrance of this [ __ ] thing where it is tell me your bumps foreign brother okay cool well let me fast travel thank you uh first up yep just gotta go one shot Demi human twin or Duo whatever we're an hour into this match Weaponry definitely slowed it down typically lockout takes like an hour and a half I guess we might finish it an hour and a half still I don't care thank you for the prime and Nexus evolved thing for the sixth month gummy area turkeys one okay I thought she'd continue walking towards me could I actually like it meme there we go two Coolio okay done with that now then back to what I was doing time to get lightning Ram foreign done and then we're threatening fuse Champs which is very annoying for Domo I don't think I'll actually get for his Champs but we'll see I'll at least progress towards it by killing radon I have zero great wins right now I have a market killed so we're halfway down the storm build can he win if I just rush for his gems I mean [Music] on time especially if we're operating under the assumption that he hasn't been to all this which I don't think he has definitely lightning Ram first but then like I could just [ __ ] around yoink easy squirts like a Puzzler magma worm and beauty is after Red Bull field as is the wet blade [Music] he probably got um gave front wet blade upload that would be my guess [Music] we'll see we'll see good old people torrent yep there's a magma worm boss okay maybe I should do God's Gonna puzzle or I'm he gonna do morgov before I can do phase chance I could win that race I think I guess I'd have to do radon mimic tear uh guards and then these chips I mean that's not like that hard but that is a lot of fights okay foreign what's the fastest way I think from here [Music] [Music] I guess let's just go ahead and try and get it done I have sleep hot recipes and the mats for it just need to buy pots from Colin is it worth honestly probably I feel like it would speed it up quite a bit [Music] nearly I don't know if that was the fastest way to get here or not oh I think I should have gone from the Langdale gate anyway I think Domo did Moonville magma worm that would be my guess feels like the most logical you well you'll give me the [ __ ] yep okay sure free grease too and why not you're six sock thank you 100 bits why am I not horse riding oh my villain got me here Bob he's crisis squishy I almost feel bad for the gun [Music] soup oh he's alive cool okay that way lightning rim foreign [Music] sheep come on two all right all right or five okay six seven eight nine [Music] ten okay Coolio I guess it counts if I wasn't lightning okay I was still using lightning room there's a long way to go before we can do fuse but that's okay it's not a total waste of time it'll get us progress towards more God axis and ghost Club where bell bearing is along the win um dranken Soldier is in that direction actually Fierce Champs leads into morga too half of that really matters because as soon as I get these jams done the game is open but still hmm bargs is fine we have blood on Fang okay we're basically invincible do I have magic grease I don't think I do oh I do and then we're super fine guys it's chill we're not doing the entire sewer [ __ ] line to get to these changes okay that's that's like obviously slow I would need to get into Laneville to even begin that process Champions welcome should have dumped my levels in the figure the festival but now cool okay this drip is unhinged it's it's a look it's definitely a look fuzzy bye thank you for the 15. okay we're done Bring It On bub can he defrosted probably foreign where did I get the freeze grease recipe I didn't even intentionally do that but it is carrying dude like holy [ __ ] that was free all right now we go dude why do we have no [ __ ] grazins on this side of the lib green what is going on just never got my physicals it was the one in Alaska ruins okay noted I'll have to keep that in mind can I be out of combat so I can look at the recipe please the no summers could be greased they can't for the most part the Bloodhound Fang doesn't give a [ __ ] okay blood on Fang does whatever it wants where do you get rhymed Crystal blood where did I get that was that also going last game was that also in last killing I mean yeah I know in mountaintops guys but I don't know if you're aware of what we're not going to mountaintops in bingo so that's not really relevant I assume it was somewhere in lyrion I didn't go to Korea matters that's not where I got him but you have noted oh Temple quarter has it okay gotcha [Music] by the ice wrench just joking makes sense I'm gonna hold off on leveling so that my mimic tier is squishier just a little five head play for you you know what can I say totally didn't just forget to level and realize it's actually sort of helpful that's all part of the plant I did a lot less damage than I thought it would thank God though if I died down here I'd be [ __ ] this is such a long walk back [Music] what happens if you die um you it's cease to exist I don't know I'm not sure I understand the question just like normally dying in the game nothing different I got that Grace right pretty sure I did uh let's give the mimic claw grade hammer I can't wield that'll be funny bro foreign good very good I was gonna get the forest Chris or sacred Woods whatever this place is called for uh through dragonkin swelly Banks think of the sub dude ancestral Woods yeah that one I mean it's like on the way to Gardens kind of Muslim that wasn't too bad of a detour level yeah I'll do it at the next one there's no remembrance squared on this is there I don't think so [Music] I think it was six months appreciate it got him uh you know what 30s fine let's just get a [ __ ] ton of damage if we both have 12 squares and don't have the Rya squared because we both locked ourselves out of it then we could either just say it's a tie or if we really truly wanted to we could go to New Game Plus I think we'd probably just call it a tie because I mean it's just a test match anyway there's no Stakes on the line got me your Beach well that was not a great start it's fine Just Gotta Get In the Zone that's all what did he just do the love work okay foreign that's so cool what an incredible attack well uh maybe I kill him in time guys possible never mind I intentionally thought okay there was nothing we could do if I didn't get hit we'd maybe maybe I forgot that I didn't have like any secret to so my heels suck but it's fine we can make it work I just need to knock it poisoned yeah I mean he's he's in macron if he has the ghost bellberry so his presumably progressing towards fears it's a little concerning for me I assume the ghost glove work was his second one because Shirley he wouldn't have the ghost one already and then go out of the way for the other one when I win I'll see his Champs so at worst we're both fighting dogs right now I don't think he's ahead of me foreign so cool okay foreign okay Google definitely wasn't the fastest bite of all time I did less damage than I expected to first then but it's fine the l2s still hit like a truck that's all that really matters this is definitely a little close if Domo didn't die to guards that I think it would be about neck and neck foreign okay no memes please oh God no memes meme why did he guard counter bro we're not supposed to do that could you fight foreign [Music] [Music] well let's just thank you for the slope God I hate these [ __ ] skulls foreign stop whoa okay pretty smart reason wait did he just Mark treason will do [Music] is he calling my bluff but I'm not bluffing interesting very interesting well in that case unless I [ __ ] die a million times I think we're good wow okay maybe we will Lionel cut this [ __ ] out Lionel oh my God I hate this guy all right just you and me this is why NPCs need Mana world yes approach me please no enough with the skulls Lionel [Music] gaming okay and done GG okay yo GG is my friend you ruined my speech dude I was oh [ __ ] I was feeling myself this whole time I was talking mad [ __ ] a fault my fault uh you wanna you wanna start over Ah that's fine as far as whatever how'd it go though how'd it go how do you feel that was interesting it was very interesting that was uh a little overwhelming at the start honestly yeah I think it's a good thing though well yum very interesting format yeah I think so I think honestly I have uh twin Maiden husks didn't have Bloodhound Fang it would have been a little bit different for me but yeah I ended up rocking that as well it's just too easy so it's just too easy foreign [Music]
Channel: LilAggy VODs
Views: 96,437
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lilaggy, lil aggy, lilaggy vods, lil aggy vods
Id: iyqagNcieLc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 105min 26sec (6326 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 29 2023
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