Elden Ring 5 Great Runes RANDOMIZER Race vs. Chris, Mitchriz, Domo, Parky, & Blueberrybrioche

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oh okay okay sorry just gonna say it one more time for my vodfrogs uh so two Ray wins to get in the landlord three rate runes to get the rolled Medallion and go into mountain tops and then five great runes to access the final boss with 50 bias everything else is as usual oh and Bell bearings are not randomized okay good to know correct okay randomized there are words they're smithing Stone Bell bearings are yeah okay yeah and then important locations are vanilla key item locations major bosses and Merchant shops okay all cattle stop we're good yeah yep all right yeah all right three two one go good luck good luck and we're off chat so so guilty thing if the gift sub to King a lint appreciate it Let's see we got honed bolts yeah okay thank you Chris very funny it's had to just had to make sure you know yeah yeah that seems good Spina first boss duelist uh uh yep yep I have to do a list cute do I have two shirts on or what a featured Avatar you're not a tree Sentinel you liar you don't know uh element Beast is replaced with uh quickly enough because I had a lot of practice but other than that it's bowling lame dude like mimic tear and leonine come on oh yeah I saw you say that yeah you guys get the actual War scare been a golden run for the first item yep yes yes why the [ __ ] is my deathbed dress here I don't want to take it off because it won't it'll never let me put it back on but also like I kind of need to take it off huh it'd be cooler if it was like a good chest piece and I just got to wear two for free for no reason I can't even like like I can't look at the description I guess it's in here yeah there's no downside but there's not really an upside to it either did we want to put any Stakes on the line guys yeah I agree I already have it actually it's at my desk so oh meaning it after my bingo match tomorrow oh no so that'll be that'll be a lot of fun yeah fun is a word fun for you guys at least dude I actually have really good spells here how much does hone bolt uh require hone bolt is like actually good yeah 24 faith and this requires 15 Arc and 23 bits oh the offhand is 100 Subs cribe all right I'm AFK for the next three hours then pets yeah see you guys later deathbed dress has head equipped and not body equipped but it's just like a bug in the code not a bug in the Rando that's insane that's nuts Hey sir but you I can I could then it summon me ah I bequeath you it will sound orange treat him with I feel like I'm like morally obligated to keep the deathbed dress on my head this entire room it would just be a shame to take it off yeah also Dolores costs 87 FP and it does sleep arrows that sounds kind of [ __ ] sick also it actually benefits from my deathbed dress which is just fun oh yo Paul oh my god dude it's all coming together okay we know we must do it's number two all right all right all right is this seal Saunder or smithing any any knowers I kind of feel like it might be somber it is fog okay so we have a song or two and Kali sold another sombrathu I think veterans prosthesis is smithing not zombie which is unfortunate Veterans of somber as well okay Puck that's that's good I don't know if I'll use this weapon though if I'm going for like a faith thing despite it takes me Benny into all I know uh crystalline ashes Dragon Crest Shield Talisman that's good flame cleanse me that's that's good okay he's he's got stuff I need to come back to him once I have money I guess I already do have a money home okay whatever I'll come back in a sec well I suppose I don't have the Talisman slob for it but I suppose I don't have the faith for my in camps yet so that the fave Talisman isn't really doing much at the moment huh okay it was a spicy start so far I need 15 strength 12 decks for this I I can't do the two Hand bonus for this weapon because it's a it's a dual wield kind of thing that's a somber five and that's a ghost one that actually that that works Dolores is ghost interesting dude a summon Rando ROM pretty interesting not often done yo cookie thing with the 23 dude much love we're just gonna do the usual Loop and then uh and then I'll dip into Leonia to get taken a round table and do all my shopping at once let's see do we get a weapon here the better suits the Faith Build looks like probably new oh free somber six though POG okay we have two five six not bad yeah I should get the Bell from Ronnie I mean it it auto goes to the round table shop if I don't but yeah I might as well get it for free thank you money okay there's definitely some spice here definitely some spice Ibraham is Faith I don't think it is it's Arcane also I'm not taking off the deathbed dress on my head oh yo a free ghost one fog let's go I need to really keep an eye out for glove or just sitting around I have three Summers to choose from I I still think that the uh the Dolores one is our best bet I have enough FP for it right off the bat too that's nice this little graveyard okay actually this this doesn't have much huh I thought that would have more items how am I gonna do roderica I mean same as normal it takes a while to set up but I'm willing to do it just just for the fun Factor of actually running a summit in a rando race that is not often viable these I mean you know what I bet at spitting three or zombie three I mean pog very nice uh butt slam that's that's something remember when I wholly infused whips for fun listen this is this is different okay this this will work this one is gonna work Trust and if sorry for asking you to play a moga something immediately telling you that we're not playing a bogus okay it was an act of desperation maybe next time oh that's great Shield Talisman not Dragon cross breed Shield Ed creature you think about the prime that looks like it might be a somber nope a Twigs not bad I guess I know I have all these cool Helms but I I can't put them on like I'm wearing a dress on my head dude this is insane it's it's too good to take off yo Leon thank you for the prime okay let's go to college get the summon Bell and then check Beach Merchant this way time where am I going may I have a word and the word I'd okay thanks for the top I see it there's a similar bug where you can get stone sword key as a starting spell and you can cast it wait what is a cast as just nothing or does it actually have an effect the cast Briars of the sin of sin that's nuts Eldon ring truly is a game uh okay really cheap gold seats got them okay everything else we can uh we can sit on for now yeah yeah okay all right let's dip in Delirium now Alistair of the thing for the five months I don't want to check Margaret yet I mean I don't even have a weapon I can wield so I definitely want to wait until I either get a weapon or some levels what am I doing uh I hit this run so far by the way I'm just saying kind of clean with it no ashken think of the three bucks grave two not goes to on porch foreign I guess hey mentee I hope you liked it Parky was right about him Aggie hates his fans still okay we have five six seven two five six seven I have a good jawline only from the front Okay but if I turn to the side the chin or the the neckline it's sub-optimal not the worst but a little sub-optimal all right you you're surprised no matter no I don't uh pouch pug okay I gotta go back to Bernie by the talisman Lord's healed hey yo the Faith Build coming together man I'm telling you is that a ghost that's grave [ __ ] oh that's a ghost though yo we have ghost one two holy [ __ ] I'm I'm playing support this seed this is sick maybe I should pick a more aggressive summon would huge be more aggressive Lord's heel is 20 Faith that's doable we're gonna get like 25 to use all their spells lightning spoon one shot okay rip the hit let's run oh sh I should not have done that stick this is gonna be a weird respawn point I think yep magic scorp doesn't do anything for us I don't think actually no we have Glenstone breath that does do something for us fog what if I lost that 10K that'll be so bad just twigging it I'm not coming back down here again Arc cup key it's number four [ __ ] yes dude okay two four five six seven actually no didn't we see a three in a shop do we have three as well I think there might have been three in a shot we just need one holy [ __ ] I might just go to the Bell bearing that that feels Worth to immediately get a plus seven weapon was there nine I don't think there was a nine another two for free okay I'm gonna get this Grace just because there was a nine we'll see we'll see Chet you might be lying to me uh we do not have early Legacy duns available early for the soon that means right of the karaoke is not guaranteed to be in Korea I'm thinking this is a precipice kind of run don't even think about a dog he thought about it the only thing I'm missing is a weapon that scales with faith I would really like to find that before I dump seven somber stones into it yeah we do have night bosses swap with night bosses so I could see if we get a lucky night's gov or desperate desperate can also fly off but I don't think there's a setup for it it's just kind of random I presume you also uh I might want those later but not right now I'm gonna go all the way up to precipice so I can get the Grays and check the merchant good old 20 minute just running around on a horse loot I I haven't even checked all the [ __ ] I got weeping and Caleb Merchants still too if I really want to check them I don't know if I do though so many headpieces that I just refused to wear has anyone ever used Dolores is she good she's ranged which I feel like is probably preferable she does like no damage fun she sleeps though is Hughes better use should also be ghost glove board I think there was another Summit in one of the shops that we could consider oh we don't have the FP for Hues though huh balls Your Shadow map think about the prime Parky told you to tell me to order pizza I don't know about that one the only pizza place to order from around here is Domino's which I love Domino's but last time Park and I ordered a pizza from Domino's I got sick as [ __ ] also that would mean I'd have to stop the Rando race I'm not I'm not doing that number one let's go and three holy [ __ ] dude ow do not do not kill me go away it was infinite somber ones are you serious what the [ __ ] I guess he got randomized to EGS holy [ __ ] that's nuts well done where's a faith weapon though my build is almost so cool foreign ones it's uh that's neat I guess to determ if you had it seems torrent whereas I'm there is but I can take other ink they're at my hand oh man Round Table hold might have one we'll see oh my God it has somber ones too holy [ __ ] this is technically a faith weapon that this I mean this is a faith weapon no no we're doing it 20 face though oh boy okay we got a lot of leveling to do is this thing even somber surely it is if it's not I can at least get it to plus three yeah it is okay I cannot worry about leveling the weapon though because I have to level my [ __ ] self uh well I need 13 ducks I'm going for this [ __ ] dude 25th I think and then it was just strength yeah 27 string that we're honestly really close to hitting it I'll just go to Fort faroff hit the graveyard there and then we'll probably get enough room pickups to uh to hit the requirement what is my strength currently uh 11. so two-handing it's 16. and for 27 that means for two-handing I'd need how much 18. yeah 18. is 18 plus nine yo M house thank you for the eight months courageous let's just go this way okay I needed like 23 for holding hone bolt and 25 for Glenstone bro oh 23 for this and 24 for this okay I already have enough for lighting speed I think we saved [ __ ] Glenstone bro and just roll with these two I'm gonna pass tonight here and swap my spells see if it's a night's kill it is not it's a death bird which I think you can cheese off but not consistently so I'm just not gonna bother oh Vikes oh oh is this bad in in PVE [Music] I've never used solarius tree I kind of I kind of want to just see what's up they're both Spears spurf think about the two bones what a stick was hilarious foreign yeah we're never getting up there actually I guess if I quit out okay we'll cut out I have no [ __ ] bigger dude I miss my runes oh [ __ ] okay don't die no I gotta think about 11 months oh I had twig I forgot fog I have another twig if I really wanted let's do it is it the real one it is the real one okay let's [ __ ] go dude another freeze number two goddamn or this seat is not usually if you picked Prophet oh my God okay dude really really he like LED his shot and everything yeah unreal oh there goes the twig that was that was a Waze I should have taken that [ __ ] off Joe didn't know thank you for the 23. hope you're doing good okay got some money Bob pyoter you think of the four months it was 33 all my fault please forgive this is not enough money I need Seven Levels dragon scale blade is int I think do I have a weapon I can just like use for Margaret I don't that sucks [Music] that was just Dex okay thank you okay not even close bro he is really just gonna do that fire over and over again Jesus Christ oh got another one great oh [ __ ] this Jesus foreign [ __ ] now what I just need a little bit more cash I'm so close is there an easy like thing I could do I need two levels and strength and then I can just use the prosthesis for Margaret and then Margaret will get me high enough for solarias selling [ __ ] is trash it's not gonna be enough also I need to Mark the key I can sell the normal spinning Stones that's that's like okay money how many do I have actually a lot that might that might do it for two levels I have a rules question sure yeah are we allowed to do the stake skip to radon [Music] didn't think so yeah yeah quote unquote quote unquote um we can use serpent Hunter for record but no one else right yeah yeah yeah why are you laughing well I'm just imagining me trying to fight super Runner with it and it was it was hard for sure it was doing yeah if if you have like a op weapon and he's like early or something but it could be fine but yeah you basically need 700 for him all right good luck it's not quite at all okay I need 900 more we can get that via selling [ __ ] you're out get rid of all the head well that actually sold for a lot goddamn okay no head [ __ ] no head hopefully this is an easy boss I guess I could have plus two this prestigious just for this boss fight since I have plenty of twos and infinite ones oh well I guess I also could have just tried the in cans only it with lightning Spears seems unlikely to work out though okay I mean I just feel like I wouldn't have enough Mana to do with that one oh hi Nile well that's fun get his ass boys okay I mean it's damaged skills Warrior blood must truly run my veins what are the chances we fight in Ireland when we're using Nile's weapon standard is not amazing how nice extremely convenient stagger foreign foreign [Music] we're online boys and girls Jesus bro but of course not bad all right 18 strengths and then level up this thing as much as possible probably get it like plus three around I don't I can get five if I had a five there was one in a shop to the next okay money what the [ __ ] my heavy load no I need to get bigger now [Music] yeah I'll level up the seal as well once I'm not so strap for cash Jesus Christ I can't believe that worked out yeah okay you know what I I did just get like a million Rune pickups I guess I'm not strep percussion oh my God oh my [ __ ] dude sheets I knew I should have just quit out before picking up that item God damn it just level up first well I took even I imagine I had your own okay and then I gotta go buy the five where the [ __ ] the five here are five okay okay wait let me buy a one as well to level up the seal dude this is a mess Jesus Christ which one is dude that's so hot plus seven already go back for godric I could just immediately go appeared I I think let's do godric is like pretty frequently possessing a uh a great room also got Stock Show although I guess I could just murder him all right it's fine guys do we have 12 bigger now okay we're gonna make it we're gonna make it just fine foreign that was honestly the only part I was worried about uh just do exclamation tracker excuse me if you want to make a command for it not that it exists I'm saying if you want to make like a new command do uh do tracker there you go okay 45 minutes set up a little slow but we're like completely set up so I'm gonna say worth really cool build too it's number eight I have no idea what this ash before does radagon [Music] okay okay okay foreign that's pretty good [ __ ] eight Mr tug nice GG smears thank you for the three bones smokes and the metal holy [Music] that's nuts oh stock what do we got what oh he got what are you doing here uh nothing of real value I mean in cans but I'm never gonna use this okay thank you I'm gonna go back to Bernie real quick and buy that good ass Talisman and then we're going up precipice well okay dude we're schmooving check Moog dude that's insane if it was an easy boss though and I just got like 400k for more or less free to pimp my character that would be pretty sick and yeah there is a pretty high chance he has a great Rune with 50 bias I'm like I have plus seven so I have the damage this thing scales with strength primarily that's kind of lame I was hoping faith no this is not a new game plus just normalize this new game does that Ash of Wars kill with faith or someone think like that's possible okay [ __ ] this bird all right now Soldier godric is a minor boss he's not in the in the pool look I mean we'll go to Moog okay I just I kind of want to give more Vigor first otherwise I'm just gonna get one shot through the through the path leading up to him I'll just do my car and then we'll go unless I get a gray run from a car in which case I'm just going to Lando [ __ ] it yeah the tracker is sick we love the tracker another cyber two goddamn okay okay okay that's that's a little spooky okay what the [ __ ] guys I love how they just dropping you know I guess you could power stance huh that would be so me me I'm I'm not doing that I am absolutely not doing that but yeah technically power Sans in general is kind of poopy oh my God finally gloves please don't be heavy load fog ow what the [ __ ] um our memory Stone Towers checks no the only one that is is the inverted statue Tower okay pog churches and golden seeds are in checks with us at these settings either what golden golden seeds aren't no they normally no it's just Merchants major bosses and vanilla items hello how great dude okay I mean that was respectable damage at least no not bad not bad at all okay foreign [Music] [Music] please come back oh my dad is not real what the [ __ ] oh come on dude this [ __ ] game oh this is why we want bigger that's so dumb man and now I don't get the free damage nice roll I feel like I maybe could have sagged him out of the malware of those oh this is much worse I can summon I mean I guess she's not gonna do much right now sick man sick I am dead not this [ __ ] [ __ ] again dude damn I was really hoping for the Stagger foreign what are you gonna do the Laser's so far um I knew the wall wouldn't block it I was trying to get like behind him enough so that we were just not in laser range [Music] this is such a trash [ __ ] boss dude I need to switch my Cerulean Sears over I need more healing than this he got stuck outside [Music] bruh come on foreign okay come on dude God he's so [ __ ] tedious dude how do people like this fight if he didn't fly away every two seconds I wouldn't mind them like brother can we can we play can we play thank God yep seed no he did the laser we just survived if a deer is way better than that dude yeah we'll get big and then go Moog actually maybe I'll do DTS first rotten stuff interesting ghost five I mean Dolores was plus zero there but yeah she really not accomplished anything I don't wanna put levels into FP though that feels not worth the summons just fun though you know I got fears dress and I like actually have the glove board to level someone up it would just be fun for the culture you know maybe it's not the best but it'd be different okay I I enjoyed doing like a different slash themed runs for these Rando races makes it more exciting even if Dolores sucks like it's still a body to uh the distract and tank some hits while I just Spam my ash of War hard counters Gods can do them that's that's something right [ __ ] that dog uh Dolores does sleep arrows so I can put you go to sleep will she probably not but in theory she could is that a glove board dude there's go six I mean come on we have one two five and six Authority two is actually good that's poison damage right oh consecutive attacks okay that's less good well one of them is it on bods I'm making a video out of the Rando race that was like insanely close it'll probably take a while for that video to come out though because we have like a backlog of three videos ghost nine dude I mean come on I mean come on you gotta number cyber seven okay what am I missing to level up my seal I don't have a anything I think I can buy most of them I think I don't have another five I have infinite well we've already got plus two okay [ __ ] this it's already plus two I think there was a second Sombra three I could buy I don't know if there's another song before I could get okay oh the Moog tears sure Market shackle shirt Yelp [Music] reptiles and thank you for the six months that's grave poop dude I've got the eagle eyes for these glove warts I usually never see him on the ground foreign the fake DTS once again I need to get some sacred tears probably should have asked a word yeah God damn dude that's so good oh my it tried to block it and it didn't work yeah there were tears at the round table I just need to get them now that I have the spare change nice dude easy 50k baby I [ __ ] love this weapon this is amazing never used it before all right I'm gonna buy all the sacred tears and level up my seal as much as I can and then uh we'll go mode let's see there's one [Music] I need three I'll get the nine later there's six oh there's a four as well okay pog holy [ __ ] okay there was also uh ritual sword Talisman just super [ __ ] good um uh I'll swap this is [ __ ] defense exactly okay I just ate a five and then I can get that to plus seven as well yeah that's looking good all right we're grooving dude oh glovework grief next time I'm in Round Table I should set up Dolores just because unless I happen to get a better ghost summoned before them doubted them oh hello Moonville bro how the [ __ ] can you not get through there Jesus okay my game crashed nice dude awesome foreign Chris unbelievable I should be right where I was right oh don't [ __ ] tell me I'm hard locked dude no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no I quit out in the wrong [ __ ] spot apparently by creating a new save file save slot oh my god I've never had this happen before bro okay I'll make a new game please fix this dude what the [ __ ] please please please please please please please please please please I can't believe that I cannot believe it I have never been hard locked in this game until now actually never laughs oh loaded without randomizer yeah yeah yeah yeah okay and then just get out of the zone and then go back good idea hopefully that fixes it please preferably keep item randomizer oh okay too late uh how's this gonna work I'm just gonna go to the grays well now I have two [ __ ] great runes oh it's [ __ ] oh this is so [ __ ] now I can get like like dupe like it great ruins right or at least like it'll spawn and then I'll just put it on the ground okay hold on I'm relaunching with Rando now this could soft lock me later on Joy I can't drop it okay well we're back in the game but oh good boy okay we'll just ignore it I mean that's all we can do damn that sucks did I get anything else important I don't think so I just I just got goddess rate running as remembrance and a talisman oh on a thousand pouch okay yeah I just want to use that pouch hey guys yo uh do not quit out on the path up to Moog it will actually hard lock your game right oh okay well it will potentially hard lock your game I I crashed on loadin every time oh no I was able to fix it by just launching without randomizer but then I got a bunch of items that I wasn't supposed to have yeah so like I'm good now and I'm just gonna ignore the items I got but yeah just just try to avoid that if you can't I actually might have not cut out I don't remember but yeah that that makes sense anyway yeah more rewarding that's it malicus okay okay okay it's not too bad it's a tank stop spamming my least favorite movie like this foreign [Music] I don't know if that's worth [ __ ] with I don't know I'm dead or not that do no damage good foreign [Music] [Music] foreign are you kidding me unreal unfucking real dude that was so clean dodged lethal into instant one shot holy [ __ ] oh my God he's tweaking [Music] now that's not better the R2 into the ripples yeah that's not better either okay I need to not get hit at all by the big swings [Music] a tripod 2 does not do as much as you can think laughs foreign foreign why is that doing no damage but that should be killing me I mean I'm not complaining but I'm pretty sure that should kill me it's mine and mine alone I disagree also I'm surprised that one shots God damn yeah I should swap my towels but once uh once I get a new one I mean I could put it on but no hey let me think of the seven months is this bad because holy damage is that the problem I don't know if malekith is Holy resistant 80 holy roses it's 80 percent what the [ __ ] bro [Music] laughs foreign foreign [Music] oh man okay we had no word for that one Jesus oh radon's a great room okay in there let's get some strength too yeah yeah okay all right off the lineup we are set dude I should send some of the spoiler logs so they can notify whenever I get the checks so you can probably count them because they won't drop from other locations though oh okay I thought it would drop a godric spray Rune but it just won't go to my inventory and it'll just sit on the ground yeah I trust you the most Matt I'll uh I'll send you these seed well actually no I guess you just need the spoiler lock itself huh wow do you know why that crash happened like is there is there a specific reason that you're aware of why that would occur hey hold up let me get the seed My Utmost thanks for bringing me to the base of the earth tree here I can govern my own movement and thus the Accord is fulfilled God I shall depart attain the purpose I was given farewell I shall leave torrent and the power to turn runes into strength here with you okay in realizing oh [ __ ] what the hell you have fought long and hard I have no doubt you will become okay sent you it Matt I'll play it's not the right one I think I did not gaming on Forge gaming yeah I mean to be clear about like I fully understand the randomizer [ __ ] up and it's crashing and freaking out sometimes like that's totally understanding I am not mad about it is it tragic yes but I am not blaming you hello crab is Elder ring the easiest from soft game to quit out of uh uh yes I mean it's probably just as easy as DS3 foreign has weird menu delay and uh so does sakiro Securus is more like menu lag not menu to live for bloodborne and DS2 I don't know I have not quit out enough in those games was that eight golden Rune tons was that oh my God that's a lot of money [Music] oh paw let's go okay just give me a somber eight dude that's the only one we're missing we've got nine in a shop these [ __ ] hands bro okay yeah I'm [ __ ] okay unless oh my God okay thanks for the sub sorry I missed the name my alert list is blocked right now hello moose all right you know there's really no reason to ever use an end Cam and I can just do that do that it's kind of sad but that was pretty darn good dude hard to compete with that foreign just slam it downward okay interesting I assumed it was just gonna be a weaker project though thank you for the sub again sorry I miss the name again my windows freaked out and now they're all weird sizes and blocking [ __ ] that's normally not blocked all right foreign you don't think randomizer will mess up giving out the remaining items Pogba glad to hear clean trees think about the prime who was that oh hi this again um well at least I have not a dagger this time so it's gonna be like way easier thank you damage is lower than I would have expected them foreign resistant too okay I'm expecting the waterfall 40 I mean that's not the worst thing ever foreign I hate that one dude dog you gotta Dodge left [ __ ] you [ __ ] off God I knew that's gonna happen again no throat no throat no throne thine part in this shall not be forgiven [Music] okay Jesus bro stagger there it is no I rolled dude my ass I [ __ ] hate that attack dude it does so much damage I need to relearn that attack I used to know how to dodge it it's always the one in the middle I [ __ ] up there's one that just whiffs and you're not supposed to dodge but if you dodge on it then the next one hits you too quickly I always get it wrong I should have lived there though I could have dodged the actual millennia's attack I just uh didn't let go of the button in time [Music] [Music] hello okay Millennium but thanks can you safely cartoon when she gets up you can oh well seemingly said I'm [ __ ] I was in The Dead Zone there the too far away to circle around not far away enough away to just like run whatever it wasn't lethal oh my God what am I doing dude wow that was way more delayed than I thought it was [ __ ] dude uh it sucks I wish I had a somber [ __ ] seven the damage is so bad here okay probably waterfall right out of us on the chair not the chair [Music] [Music] by my curse shall not be forgiven [Music] good foreign wow Rusty key pog Chris also has these two great rooms uh uh yeah assuredly because he said he went to Moog man if I lose his raise by like five minutes that's gonna be just because of the [ __ ] lock that sucks so hard hello and guide thank you melanum let's go right lucarion the scaling on this thing is [ __ ] good oh my God 594 AR en't pretty solid all right I was gonna do the [ __ ] speedrun skip that's not really gonna work with random enemies then well he's not guaranteed to work maybe I would have though actually should have tried it's 50 bias so I'm thinking we do red wolf from Nala and then get abducted the volcano Manor and do Noble right card I guess radon's a free check I should probably do radon too that one's so fast yo Arkham Cloud thank you so much for the seven moments appreciate it the bias absolutely just makes it a game of who's faster and it also just makes it like generally less random which I don't think is fun I play randomizer for the randomness thank you hello Godfrey [ __ ] deck this left that means nothing but I get to highlight a swear so that that's fun oh boy just give me a somber 8 man come on could go from plus seven to plus ten that would be huge damn insane Dodge okay thank you jump on a hole any hole jumpers not the Dead yeah yeah those are two things that have been the exact same special not draconic draconics reasonable and uh Morgan millennium foreign my guy is getting destroyed goodbye well that was easy oh hello Moog this is real Vogue should have put on the tube that is quite appropriate that they're together maybe it's not real mode he shouldn't be in the healing by now now this is definitely not okay fog I think it just didn't fade in because of the cutscene transition like he was just already there by the time he could see him am I poised through that that's nuts I run please poop okay we're done I can check immersion on the way too that'd be good love work love work love work grave Hulk [Music] has a person ever had a great High bias uh uh not that I can think of well besides Gale mere Merchant okay gailmir Merchant is cracked that dude he's not a merchant he's a god blood work [ __ ] always grave why don't we play with bias I don't know Chris is the only one that likes it I think because it favors his play style Elmo likes it or he just makes fun of me for not liking it yet maybe she okay that's just lightning ninja that was holy damage that would be cracked I honestly I think bias makes runs on average longer because you more frequently have to go to a stellen hey look true okay let us celebrate St Patty's uh I don't know dude St Patty's is a weird holiday it's like not a big deal at all but also a big deal like it feels like no one should give a [ __ ] but the people do I'm just like parades and [ __ ] and excuse the drink I mean Fair I can respect that laughs that's my endurance eight I should give more endurance yo thanks purity please wow eight great room tens is only worth 40 kid that's underwhelming yo ducky anything for the two months Buddhists B is chimps oh God it's an all-out War will be very interesting are they smart enough to dodge this thank you yes they're not smart enough to walk around that thing though okay oh [ __ ] it is gonna be Lionel V Lionel isn't it [Music] the NPCs are doing no damage they do be knocking them though thank you thank you all right GG oh boy a hailing tree half I love hey luxury huh they're my favorite I can't believe bias would do this that say it ain't so thank you where am I going VM time I can start using that Talisman pouch oh what was that supposed to drop on thank you Matt I forgot about endurance oops oh well I'm not gonna respect just to get something dirty stuff out of board honestly I feel like my stamina bar is surprisingly big for only having eight endurance wait I'm dumb I'm supposed to just jump off this is randomizer will you kill me can you kill me will you kill me fast you're not even gonna kill me you piece of [ __ ] oh unbelievable foreign T how are you yeah normal runs you have to die to the grab attack of the abductor and Rando you can just die and anyway and it works foreign follow the road here chain of logic did I I didn't get the Grizz I didn't get the Ritz I I could have swore I got the grace my game crashed fun oh boy gotta turn the fan on here it's hot the black thing as the fan controls this why is it separate from the switches it it's like a remote control I could have at my desk if I wanted to but I never do because I don't know I just don't it's not taped okay it's got a little holder it goes in hitbox and think about the 10 months foreign I can't believe I didn't get the grace I I swear I did this better be worth it where did he flee my sweetings would you come out from Wednesday night okay hilarious hilarious very amusing giggly Smalls thank you for the gifts up biased moment what the get the [ __ ] out of here randomly Ernie a Divine Bridge guy foreign that's a fun little trick nice little time save it's just lava totally heartless in this game just like in real life yep [Music] um please don't be horrible honestly this is a bad check just because it's two phases of really high scaling we've already had a lot of Bad Bosses well maybe not a lot really just plastic because they like bad boss here's Margot okay hi Margaret I don't know why I picked that up but okay bro laughs okay almost through the market that would have been awkward foreign next Dragon King all right not not my fave but I think it's doable holy [ __ ] that is some damage right up his bottle [ __ ] um [ __ ] nice to please please great room that's great okay Going Underground yeah they'll win Underground I mean at least it was fast I guess I could check tanith um maybe I should I forgot about the endurance again oops it just cook thank you for the prime no I have not been to Korea Manor at all or Gilmore Merchant foreign Merchant [Music] might be the schmoove I didn't check Altus Merchant either that's probably what I should be doing nasty Prime thank you for the prime oh hello Ronaldo that jump is sussy blood Boon on PC baby let's go you love to see it it is an N can yes I'm missing those four get the Grays now we're just gonna kill the dude how much is blood boon hey guys 17 hours really hard for me so I'm just gonna like I'm gonna call it and just go match tomorrow this seed is actually awful and I'm very sorry that this was the one that ultimately we got but yeah definitely get some sleep just some early level show for my Bingo tomorrow and I have to clean yeah anyway so completely understandable yeah this seed is pretty awful all right it's a seed how's it going for you guys it's not going really can I tell you something that I did that was really stupid I don't know what you guys are gonna judge me for the rest of forever it was so bad it was so bad guys I had a momentary lapse of judgment Okay so I might have not been fully paying attention um after I got into Stormville and I was talking to gestock and I was like yeah I want to use the front gate haha and then I just straight up murdered you couldn't open it yep oh no a problem is it it's been a really fun day uh I actually know yeah where the yeah I got the key but I don't remember yeah okay what do I need to do in order to maybe coerce you into types so the thing is uh just don't worry about it you'll find it eventually that's all I can say if you were telling me Oh no I think I know what that means okay all right that's fine I have to live with my mistakes honestly it was so stupid oh no yeah yeah yeah yeah you guys uh I'm doing okay now I lost a lot of time to my game getting the game soft locks yeah we're doing okay now I don't think my game is crashed once actually it's kind of surprising I feel like I'm doing good but I don't want to say I'm doing good in the next 20 minutes someone's gonna say ggs and I'll be depressed so I'm just gonna say is going high yeah I will say that I love my build I'm a big thing I will say that I don't I just had a 10 minute fight actually 10 minutes I have a timer running and I looked at it when I started and ended so it's actually where I got the rusty key yeah that one took me some time as well the thing is that like typically you do in a randomizer because of the lack of other things what's the thing that she definitely the thing that you will do you will do you have to it's an unavoidable location yeah okay so I'm suddenly getting very tired and I am oh God I want to keep going for a little bit longer but it's not looking good yeah it will keep getting longer either no only definitely won't do that dude poor Bree that's actually a nightmare scenario both both great runes are are Stormville locked and you can't get into Stormville if you didn't open the gate until after Millennia which requires both great rooms so she has to find two totally different ones that's horrible that is just horrible she can she can do the mimic tier to get renalas and then I don't even know where another one is I've only found three I have four in my inventory but that's just because my game freaked out she could technically still go to Mo actually no you can't I know you can't because you'd have to get the Crimson medallion but it's it's a Goddard so yeah she she's like hard [ __ ] I mean there's definitely a way because the seed would account for that logic but uh yeah yeah that's that's not a great situation that's just the quest that I'm right yeah that is so sad or brioche no she can't go around because she doesn't have the rusty key to go around you need the rusty key yeah hippopotamus thing for the 20 months this road has been good except for the [ __ ] obligence hello brev what are the vibes uh The Vibes are The Vibes are all right finally got a great room well yeah yeah we're getting there I feel like Chris probably got to this point a long time ago uh uh Ronaldo godric right card on and miniature I say goodbye to Scarlet I'm taking you're not taking I'm going home tomorrow no [Music] you have to get your own Scarlet um could you just like get the Clorox wipes that are below the sink and just wipe all the counters in the table gonna do some Bingo practice okay then if you finish that uh just Windex the mirrors I guess thanks I know I know I know that's that's my drink but look we have a stockpile all right Windex is a multi-use product let's see it golden order seal but I don't think it matters especially when it requires 17 inch new we got it goes nine that's oh we already had it goes nine never mind let's that's less exciting though yeah perky going to the tower it'll return something dude with the new camera angle it's it's even more like the front and center right there you can see the whole cat instead of only half the cat what do you think chat should we should we check the thing the merchant I'm gonna get this Bell bearing over here because this is for somber five and then I can get my seal to plus seven although I have not used my seal uh at all so perhaps that doesn't really matter I agree it progress as much as possible before I was looking to Rejects I agree we did use it on Nile but that was before we had this bad boy set up where am I uh great ruins are on major bosses vanilla key item locations and Herman Merchant shops Faith to your pog you'd love to see it major boss is basically meaning any boss with an achievement so like main progression bosses any somber Eights no why is there just a random bird tree Avatar we've seen a lot of like bosses as just standard enemies and like some of them make sense where is there a non-boss herb tree Avatar oh helic tree yeah yeah okay you're welcome Life's a joke yeah four to six counts cortex is not a check but like he's in the major boss pool so like we could run into Porta sex but we never have to check Porta sex Arena for anything important because it is miscible but I run the spear again I mean it's kind of sick you get it in deep root depths normally right from uh soluria imagine that slurious tree from slurry yeah you'd imagine the damage that this thing was plus ton like it's it's already nuking wait is it just on the ground is it not the boss drop that's not the boss drop that's kind of Pop it's the chest behind the boss interesting all right I could put on better armor now I'm just gonna quit out and get the new thing I could put on better armor but I kind of like the double dress look yeah that's a real ass Moog right there oh I had the faiths here as well I should have put on the faith tube oh well phase one is Moga who knows what's behind that all right Bob oh the damage is not bad that's pretty good is he weak to Holy there's dude he still heals so much of that I thought it reduces healing from the heel as well it's [ __ ] up foreign [Music] good job or yeah well I'm totally fine I uh no I just meant because you well I mean I don't actually already get the recipe but going it's from more God replacement that's so very unfortunate yeah that's very unfortunate are you gonna keep going or can I reveal how just how unfortunate it is no I because um yeah in Stormville you get a great Rune and you get the thing that takes you to Moog when you get another great room that's so unfortunate dude oh yeah because I was wondering because I heard eggy brought up the um I knew you were gonna yeah Knights metal yeah like where the [ __ ] did he get that because I I wasn't super thorough but I didn't find it but I mean it was a Brookie mistake I shouldn't have done it so I try my hardest I got a great room right it's so good let's go which one did you get um the mimic tier one yeah yeah but I did have an insane build about to be going I got rivers of blood dropped randomly in the academy for me and then I got something out of it you went you got me Academy yeah dude I was all over you didn't get in the academy yeah with like no damage I would get the key on the Far West Merchant in membrane no where is it uh or no fear off it was fair off yeah oh my God I like the one time I don't check Fair off dude yeah it had nothing in it so it just saved you a bunch of times yeah yeah when I saw plassy it was my car replaced and we're like oh yeah this is a disaster yeah that was that was a bit of a disaster but I found all of deactus Medallion so like oh well disaster yeah so if I then I had a plus six uh celery as well the uh Godfrey icon and ritual sword challenge you know I'm using slurries as well do that yeah big fan works really really good in PvP by the way I'm using cestus however you say it and this weapon on millennia yeah I figured that out and I had to do that but it's so little damage yeah that's why that was my 10 minute fight like yeah yeah I got to fight Millennia mm-hmm she's morga just go get the rest for the rusty key okay well that's okay it was still really fun it was just like as soon as I made that mistake I'm like oh that's gonna be a problem for sure oh that's okay all right I think I'm gonna go to bed who's all playing Bingo tomorrow uh me and I'm against Ian and percus against uh JoJo not against me Josh okay oh nice cool yeah I gotta wake up at like 10 in the morning for my parents insane what is that it's like you have to be your normal human being it's crazy normal is just a standard set by Society oh you tell yourself that back you got any more slogans from like Hot Topic or whatever okay dude laughs all right guys take care good luck with Bingo either tomorrow or Sunday and I'll talk to you later see ya all right see ya that's good that's good my Chad said it was a joker meme I think that's pretty accurate to him yeah you'd probably find that on a joker shirt or something in a Hot Topic I'm very curious where where or what which which great runes you got because I I like just found my third a little bit ago Naman fareham um that's where I got my third two so yeah I checked all of Raya and volcano matter and that was a total waste of time oh no volcano Manor to check okay no sorry okay I just assumed if you did Riot you would do volcano as well now I'm spoiling I kind of forgot about Raya unlocking volcano Manor that was pretty helpful I mean with 50 bias I was like okay surely there would uh there would be one over there good thing I know that there has to be at least one more that you can get to before Lane Dell right yeah yeah Breeze situation okay so you ended with a plus six Chris is that what you said are you just rolling oh no I had one bite Placida sex okay okay then had like a plus eight afternoon plus six by placidia sex I had plus seven yeah I didn't have money to buy the seven base I had basically up to a nine at that point I just needed money so like as I killed bosses I got yeah and then I found a 10 from a merchant or somewhere I don't know huh but yeah well I'm I'm way faster you guys I got a plus 16. so wow insane ah breaking the barriers who is this guy I also I kind of like you the fact that you can do the uh the Bell bearings makes it so you can actually do a non-somber yeah yeah and the smithing ones are kind of like more on the way than the somber ones at least kind of yeah the the one kind of sucks being in the liernia lake yeah yeah if you get past after that it's pretty decent [ __ ] okay yeah flame gravity strength is good very good we'll be doing that uh [ __ ] a Hound bolt I guess never used it all right plus 10 Solaria here we come juicy okay plus seven seal is good enough I could have bought it a but whatever actually maybe I didn't I don't think I had cash for them it doesn't really matter it's just an fgms button yeah we're gonna finish it shouldn't take too much longer unless the gray roots are extremely annoying which uh honestly is possible I'm gonna say we find at least one along the bathroom hello fire Giant well that's fun that's that's that's very fun I did yeah could you not be in the wall please that's [ __ ] up that's pretty [ __ ] up that was three months dink dunk died yeah you got two accuracy Downs at the very start of the Jasmine gym leader and uh you can imagine how that went from that point on lots of misses a lot lots of misses spoiled oh [ __ ] sorry my bad holy dude the head shot with uh that's nuts this is supremely annoying foreign big dick damage oh I'm dead that's that's fun this this is just guaranteed that very cool very cool all right I didn't switch the flask again oops foreign let's switch the [ __ ] flask maybe we Bolt if lightning spirit's the eye um that'll be pretty nice let's do that like I guess I don't know all right this is stupid foreign nothing Jesus Christ oh that's gonna be out of range well not if it goes near me okay thanks bud I'll take that trip what okay you gotta be [ __ ] [Music] is this thing good at poisoning can I just like use it like that nice okay okay uh awkward Xeno thank you for the two months foreign why is it here it's a randomizer read the title self-explanatory a little squirrel thing for the 11 months bro Elton ring shatters are a special breed for sure it's just popular game chatter it's okay that's that's that's what it really is popular game Chatters are are very interesting your stored belt think of the two bones I'm level 89 that feels pretty high I guess we did Kill Moog that makes sense yo it's just a normal ass dude look at that was a vanilla enemy oh my foreign a lot of stupid questions General yeah and there's a lot of strange questions I mean you know it is what it is we all have brain farts every once in a while I guess hello worm face how are you understandable goodbye oh great no I I love that actually this is the L tumor in the face fight this is fine yeah we're chilling dude I just need to get more blue flasks probably he's just gonna slowly approach me and let me do this okay now if the game could aim it correctly that would be great now all right what is this like aiming so weird you said about not [ __ ] face there we go fire hit boxes are fascinating ah it's not gonna make it [ __ ] that was my last one okay we're banking on phase two being easy honestly we've seen most of the hardships haven't seen gargs though good could be guards that would be a bad time field trip I feel like field trip is always you got all field trip foreign [Music] [Music] yep Siege I look like I'm bullying underclassmen I can see that yeah oh yeah is Matt still around to tell me when I was supposed to get gothic's great room it's actually kind of important foreign still uh in this call anyone anyone tell me if is it just you or did Chris do I don't know do you have godric's rate room no okay never mind then because I got Project's great room due to the like soft lock bug that I had to fix oh and now Matt said that uh what I was supposed to get it it's not gonna give it to me so I'm like operating under the assumption that I don't have it yet but I don't I don't actually know if I'm supposed to have you ah okay never mind Matt just said that I've not gotten it all right oh does he have the spoiler log yeah yeah I give him the load ah who this to stand before the Elden ring to become godskin Duo What a Sad State of Affair Dolores this is your time to shine Loris I would I would recommend getting away from the spawn point we continue to struggle onto eternity that's fine I guess is Loretta not there from the start why did she have to spawn in that's weird good ow don't you yoboo kick me you thought well okay that that Gambit did not work out [ __ ] God damn is Loretta sleepable that uh lady get get a sleepover oh she's probably like DTS yeah where it's not really a real estate oh God what am I doing fog your Dolores you're insane holy [ __ ] dude that is so much damage a tarnished no way runes on my there's definitely this weapon definitely uh moved away on my tier list I gotta say this thing's sick big fan great Spears are just fun man stab forward for him can't go wrong with a Big Pokey stick this [ __ ] doesn't even have both stream imagine this with Alexander short oh boy oh boy this is only phase one while wasting no time at least the damage is good yeah that kind of nukes if I can get a stagger off this that'd be huge I did not okay yeah time to die I have no stamina and I'm stuck in a corner okay fun I think my stagger got eaten by the uh the weapon transition there I don't think he can be staggered during that it's unfortunate it's really just gonna not be a grouping that's pretty nice oh cool dude see [Music] this weapon is pretty good for this except that I'm gonna die to the [ __ ] poison Jesus Christ that is so broken it's so broken you could not even tell that it was like at me yeah like it did not visually look like it had even reached me and then it just hard nukes you that is so [ __ ] up but Lord not the greatest boss no no I would I would have to agree with that assessment I did that exact same thing last time I need to not do that damn it didn't give me it again foreign [Music] okay cool foreign there's a lot of damage foreign [Music] okay thank God there's a great rune all right so it is just one okay like underground is most likely actually is underground my only option kind of final option for bosses I could do tanets still yeah tanith and gelmer version thank you oh oh okay uh thanks I'm gonna go to gargs First why is everyone asking about dinner all of a sudden what the [ __ ] I didn't have dinner there's like four people asking about dinner it was lunch lunch was fine it was good to eat it uh no I'm a Christmas finish actually doubles it Double's still racing right double didn't answer me when I asked must have been another boss fight two others quit well Parky and Bree quit yeah almost still in this right was Domo here almost here yeah okay I'm not insane I didn't hallucinate domo's presence don't you heal me blood moon or whatever that is oh he's gonna get the heal up you prick what is this just random armor because it's replacing gargoyle usually he cosplays the boss but I guess you can't really cosplay gargoyle it's fun anything anything anything wait I'm sorry do they not normally drop anything oh that was it right okay no that was it okay yeah that makes sense all right I was gonna say there's no way that you get nothing right yeah that was all right all right all right I'm with it off we go thank you man oh hello other Loretto that's fun I'm damn dude [Music] thank you [ __ ] oh my God the buffers did stop you know when you're mashing B to try and Dodge an attack and then the attack hits you and then it immediately rolls after the attack done all right that's fine I was I was I was a little overconfident there I just wanted the L2 yeah Dodge is on release is brutal that's why sakiro's the best Souls game Dodge on press baby I mean I get why the other Souls games don't do that because if you dodge on press then every time you sprint that you you have to start it with a Dodge roll which would look weird but insecure you do a little Dash which like smoothly transitions into Sprints so it looks normal foreign [Music] [Music] break no big deal okay wow double ghosts that's that's fun those of the bosses we have already bought we only got the real versions of both these days thank you that's why there goes yeah how I disagree [Music] for the win let's go honestly I was worried that was not gonna work out yep pot all right not bad I suppose ggs tell a story GG of how astonished became Eldon Lord you know I hope that every time you blink you have an eyelash in your eye across the fog it's pretty [ __ ] up the lens between I didn't even get first place man you didn't say that to Chris dude Chris always wins what I'm going to say there I'll have you know that Ivy Chris and randomizer has played 20 whole seconds uh like five days ago an H of franchise did anyone else start profit any other properties uh it had the veterans prosthesis prosthesis no I don't know I started uh Vagabond for the taste test and I think that was a really bad idea [Music] I was like how different can it be from the iron balls yeah yeah turns out it doesn't really do damage yeah so profit started with fear's dress as the headpiece so that though that was fun I just had two dresses on the whole race it was really nice anyway Gigi's friends I'm gonna hop up I've been looking for the fifth one this whole damn time I couldn't find it I got pretty lucky as soon as I got to the final boss store my first check was uh was fifth rune damn nice maybe I'll be lucky I hope I hope yeah I hope I hope hi ho hi ho all right bye-bye yo Gigi's man ggs foreign [Music]
Channel: LilAggy VODs
Views: 648,960
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lilaggy, lil aggy, lilaggy vods, lil aggy vods
Id: PXZJRssvd-g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 201min 58sec (12118 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 19 2023
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