ALL 165 Elden Ring Bosses Without Dying BUT Everything Is RANDOM!

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what is up everybody in today's video we're going to be completing Elden ring and it's 165 bosses while everything is completely randomized without dying a single time these randomizers can potentially put gigantic bosses and Tiny Arenas oh boy do I phone out of this horrible enemies along the running sections oh you there were some Incredibly Close calls on this run but the funniest thing was the boss that came the closest to ending it oh oh my God this is insane I just had to give him the dragon halberd we just had 150 000 subscribers a few days ago so thanks so much to everybody who's been watching these videos and if you haven't already make sure to subscribe so you don't miss more runs like this one but for now you can sit back relax and I hope you're prepared for this wild run all right here we go zero deaths all right let's start in class I'm seeing you know what I'm I'm not gonna bother everyone's saying Warrior I will go Warrior let's go with the uh let's go with this one in that one good enough all right here we go dude if we die we restart the entire game Noble s stock Oh I thought this was a straight sword all right all bosses who's boss number one I guess this is probably gonna be like the hardest boss right because uh we have no health and no heels surely not a snow field one and we should like come back later what the I don't think this is happening you guys actually you know what we get a free attempt at this boss I forgot how no death works I've never done like just a straight no death in this game so this is like a free free attempt here because you technically can't die to this guy kind of forgot about that in fact jumping off the edge would be like invalid this is this is definitely like a snow field that bright bird we're getting good attacks though so far and then phase two comes and we get blasted the only thing we have to do here is not fall off the edge done okay now here's where we run into some problems here I would say okay get arena for this guy like other than it could be oh you're skill zero luck involved in that yeah I thought I thought I was too far away on the whoops let's just take it mother even with the recovery iframes that's still insanely hard to dodge oh God mother okay well it's okay I haven't memorized all of the like angles and stuff actually you know what killing the boss like killing the boss would technically be a death so I should have just died instantly the the boss's positioning is relative to the character like you have to memorize based on where you are oh boy and I just don't have them memorized at all so should be pretty weak here right this phase one wait I don't have the serpent Hunter uh well that's not good well hopefully we uh find that somewhere all right what do we got here steeple the first thing is we just want to level HP and try to get godrics your great room that'd be nice although I just realized I I although great rooms are randomized so oh my God my settings are weird oh it's not bad have I done this before I don't think anyone's done this before this way I see ancient smithing Stone uh great runes are randomized yet and and they're randomized to every possible like important location we're going to want to go to the graveyards first it's number four oh look at this helmet wow that's actually really funny she said can you take this little one with you and give me an egg lore friendly uh randomizer all right so first graveyard hopefully we get some runes that'd be very nice so I can level up wow we're at a we have a smithing Stone two three and four already we're just looking for a one somewhere okay that's not bad I'll take that okay there's a there's a Golem Archer up there oh Alexander I don't think I can save you buddy oh my God is this is this real Ms my thanks certainly not gonna one shot me right hey I got you out you dummy I guess that's what happens when somebody Snipes Alexander well I what are you playing I see hey that wasn't me dude I didn't kill him that was not me I I had no part in that to be honest innocent bystander please be remembrance oh I just totally forgot he was a demo dude this is so annoying and how did I not get hit by that oh my God just the sniper in the trees dude this is insane oh is there anything let's take a spell bearing that's good okay and he's got the Alexander innards dude but I don't think I can really do anything with that oh what happened he died somehow that's what he gets for killing Alexander dude all right so let's just keep traveling and and looking for uh graveyards and Merchants and stuff I guess you know what let's just go let's go this direction well I I reduced the the probability of knights cavalries like I we're actually gonna mostly be getting main boss fights on this okay that's uh defense is not bad on a no death run obviously all right let's head into weeping too most likely I would die of falling start off by going over here what is this I it's really dark man why is it so dark here and what was that noise I heard maybe we should wait until daytime dude I don't like it's kind of scary we do have the Holy tier so the the you know the the setup of the whatever that sword was called sacred order sword is live and well it's got like a tiny bit this area is going to be sort of a nightmare I'm just getting this set up for now okay please be a remembrance dude remembrances are nice to pick up at the starts because you get a big oh okay I'll take that we're nearly at a plus ten dude I was is it normally 1800 for that thing it's kind of overpriced um all right let's go get the last sacred tier church I don't really like coming up here on the no hit I I try I tried it one of the runs yesterday and I got blasted so I don't think it's a great idea but could be a great Rune so what is that what is that oh maybe okay here's my idea oh my God what the Jesus dude oh Darkmoon great sword man okay well there's obviously still a lot more to collect here but that's good for now let's go to the beach Merchant strength and intelligence and the wow okay so we got the academy key we also have the ants for Rapier so that's pretty good oh yeah that's true we don't know if it's the correct key or not I think it is right is wait the item description oh that's the thoughts on really oh God damn it oh that's why hander dude there's a rune bear that's not good that's not good and there's a a doula maybe eventually we can go go through there we're just waiting on that somber one okay okay here's our sixth dude this is insane we literally have a plus ten we have a plus 10 except for a somber one we have we are literally just missing a one I like Chase somber one all right let's go kill let's go kill Grail and then level up HP oh did I pick up oh hell yeah dude who knows I grabbed those you love to see that I mean that bleed here we go I mean it's surely a somber one get some HP though so we can go with so with our status set up and maybe at least like 20 25 should be plenty oh God no bro you idiot all right here we go first boss 42 minutes in oh no way dude it's this is the sewer mode oh that's so shitty I come in with the status build and then we get the status immune boss easily your charger too it's better than the doubles pit that's oh I like that R2 kinda remember when I was first learning this boss or even on my first playthrough on my first playthrough I fought mooglord of blood with like a plus or spear some like I I just I got there early somehow and I just had like the worst setup ever and that attack like the blood claw got me so many times man like he would do it and I would roll it and then I'd get blasted it's an unintuitive attack here we go ah smoldering butterfly of course it's a good weapon though man there is a key item location up there you'll probably want to go check that eventually we're just we're looking for somber one if we find one dude then this is easy mode jar oh God that's a Revenant right oh God surely not gonna die to a Revenant instantly oh God generally the Revenant won't port and instantly kill me oh oh God is it is there an invisible assassin in there dude surely there's not actually an invisible assassin here why do I not see enemies up there oh my game's lagging don't like your first thing is get that Grace and rest before I look for stuff here assassin following surely okay I I don't know if I should uh if I should really go check this this Courtyard here man there's a lot of items here but I think I might rather just not there's so many items out here but I just so risky I got most of them yeah missed the summer one surely howl and check this golden seed tree okay that's that's pretty good all right who we got it's really not of the Beast and surely not fire Giant oh okay whoa that's not good oh God he's insane foreign ergyman's actually a very good boss to get because he's kind of weak here we go two cracked pots yeah the bees like when you get Beast clergymen and malcol they just have like no HP you know they're a late game Enemy that's scaled down oh bro Knights resolve and sacred blade do my favorite Ash of Wars the area they're in is like a high scaled area and so when they get Scaled down they just have like even less HP let's go down to the Pot Village odds are we're probably gonna find some good stuff somber one bro it's almost six foreign back here yeah we literally jinxed it you guys yeah there's like a ton of items to pick up along this route as long as we don't get bad enemies surely this guy won't care that I just walk right past him right yo oh that's really good huge pickup right there uh I do have the staff of loss yeah yeah so we're looking I mean this is crazy dude oh God we got a dog here oh that's nice number one God damn it hey get the away from me oh God oh my God how do you do so much damage that's actually insane why okay do not mess with those guys I guess is what I just learned there that's what we learned or hit true combo if you're on a horse yeah good thing I leveled up that Vigor earlier it's number one come on dude of course not oh that was actually kind of close it looked like come on oh how am I missing you come on buddy somber one another scroll still go check the tunnel it's huge I think what is happening here which one's the boss this is the omen killer or is it huge I think it's I think it's the omen killer oh my God it wasn't oh it was flying dragon Omen killer that would be kind of scary if that actually existed oh foreign okay so I I think is the somber one like right at the end of the tunnel here or we can just check wait yeah no no see like these are just plants here yeah the stones are just like straight up aren't here no that's that's actually a good thing that makes it more interesting that's not ideal oh what the thirdly I'm not gonna get knocked off this thing all right things are a lot scarier when uh when you're doing a no death run and there's a bunch of random enemies I can't see anybody in here oh my God what the oh my God imagine getting like I like in this tiny Arena we're gonna have to deal with three guys in here dude thank you all right that's some serious range please stop spamming that [Music] this is really bad like this is actually seriously bad maybe I should bone out thank you this is so dumb at least the Arena's like kind of sort of big enough yeah we're just I I want to take out the shield die first okay I think we have impaling thrust okay lean on just chill out bro oh my God I like certainly that couldn't have done that much damage though right but I I don't want to find out that was close as hell okay one more hit on that guy hey oh my God how are you are you better than every PVP I've ever fought I think that those skulls do like zero damage foreign oh boy okay final boss down and we got an ancient smithing Stone this is craziness like that we're actually getting to the point where like we need that software one dude so where should we look we can go underground that's probably the best place to go actually because there's uh a merchant at least down there oh dude we can get a plus 11. oh hell yeah okay wait a second let's go do that I didn't realize to go and spur or should we go with this y-hander I've used the ants for a lot I'm gonna go with this because I basically haven't used this in my first playthrough so so it's 19 strength right and then maybe we'll get some more endurance let's go underground so plus 11 is pretty good oh true that strength not tier yeah good point all right where was that oh here it is let's have some sleep arrows too you know what I'm just gonna buy those we might run into a boss where that's useful and does anybody know what is this area scaled to like it's definitely higher level than Lim grave but oh um what is it that way oh that doesn't look great it looks a bit better oh the anchor bro my beloved anchor and we have like the jump attack and knights resolve setup on the anchor oh my God you're right we can get a plus dude we can get a plus 20 right now okay well I guess that summer one dream is over so if we just have a smithing Stone eight one smithing Stone eight we have a maxed out weapon God damn it I'm so tempted to sell this the odds that it's something good at this point very unlikely give me that plus 23 dude huge plus 23. oh we don't have the the knife I actually don't know if that's randomized this might be randomized I don't know nope and we got we got the mimicked here dude that's funny okay well I would say we're good to go you guys we can probably start clearing out some bosses now let's definitely go with Knight's resolve and probably I mean look at that bleed even like a bleeds why hander is good man but it's kind of situational so foreign we should be good to clear limb grave and it's a good idea to do that because you know we're gonna just collect more items and stuff this place kind of scares me there's a legendary item back there oh oh oh God okay wait I don't know how much damage he's gonna deal oh he's reaching bastard are you live Jesus dude I reckon somebody like malachath fights selin I have freed you from this monster yeah we have a bunch of Scrolls too so you know maybe we get some defensive spells that's what I would prefer over damage Spells at this point yo a regular bubble although I don't think that's too good night Shard is not great let's go check what this legendary item is up here thank you oh are prelay Greaves I actually have like a such an amazing setup right now I get that if I get that jump attack talisman fitting oh I did I had the mushroom legs on the whole time I didn't even realize that okay ooh do we fight Reichard you can try it I'm gonna switch though to a bleed I think like we should be doing great damage here oh seriously seriously what the is wrong with you dude oh my God I want to reset it oh how did I iframe that what the hell just open up with the two like two of the worst attacks in the entire game oh my God my game liked right as I dodged yo what the is going on here I'm just trying to fight a boss here bro oh my God that HP is insane try to headshot him I guess here we go even get a stagger classic right card hitbox give me that damage you're kidding me oh that's devastating I got hit by that somehow I honestly thought you guys that when he grabbed me that I was just gonna be like killed by getting knocked out of the map that's what I thought okay like I was pretty certain I was gonna get killed there not bad yeah true we're getting all the like good damage types here foreign actually dealing damage to me He's Just Gonna Roll forever oh just kidding oh my god dude dude like Imagine This but imagine this but in a late game area imagine that and where you just like you get one-shotted by that attack yeah snail cave like that would be just devastating we're gonna need at least 60 Vigor and then hopefully we get some defensive stuff okay we continue sketchy as hell dude that show for Merch I I haven't gone down there yet I just grabbed the grace and then we got to Plus 23. yeah we'll definitely go down there soon it's awkward as hell foreign Albus get destroyed okay I don't mind this here we go all right okay uh where's this enemy oh [Music] seriously a lot scarier going through these catacombs when I don't know what enemies are gonna be here can't be worse than imps well well until you get like a crow or something we are still on the lookout for a somber one because obviously if we get one then we get a plus ten and then we're just loaded right we got A plus 23 we would have a plus 10. all right who do we got oh too bad I didn't get sacred blades on for this literally one shot this guy insane there we go another boss down all right so far um so far so good you guys haha oh this guy not scaled what the hell how are you surviving bye it looks easy so far what did I just get by those summer six or smithing six you can make it you can make any build work oh Bell bearing Moog which one is this though hey he might not be able to get out of there oh seriously [Music] uh oh oh my God he's stuck in the shack and it's Lord of blood what the hell this is this is stupid hello oh well there we go Demi godfeld Moog imprisoned by The Shack smoke shackle dude oh man that's funny literally Shackled you hate to see that but an unnecessary delay attack that's just insane thank you hey you trying to shank me hello horse man hmm black knife more God doing two extra 3x no it's just normal is normal oh my God he's still has a attack here bye oh what the hell is that thing okay uh let's just keep clearing the caves this Cave's actually dangerous because you can fall oh God oh okay that's not what I wanted to see in there oh my God look at that HP that's absolutely absurd HP [Music] oh my God okay that was a bit of a jump scare for some reason this runs scary than no hit runs I don't know why really I'm not gonna fall down here it's gonna get like sniped by a Golem while running on these things or something oh ancient hero best boss right here too bad you're gonna get lasted oh no bye everyone's getting blasted right now because we're Bots uh almost 23 dude yeah the elusive somber one what is happening hey you idiot please jump our ones fast oh yeah insane foreign of security that this Run's gonna be insanely easy but we don't know the late game damage of stuff yet that's Borealis I think dude oh my god oh and what look at that education Sentinel there you're a scream or whatever [Music] oh Jesus how dare you do that to me what is this boss doing oh boy insane Borealis uh like frost damn it looks really cool on this oh my God don't you deflect okay why are we not invaded here oh my my long time enemy Magnus the oh my God he's like actually got some damage too whoa oh my God he got planned by that what you Magnus you but bastard so patches is still gonna be in here and I I think we should probably not kill him yeah that guy's actually insane dude probably the hardest NPC in this game oh wow I don't actually know if it's possible to one shot patches I think the game does something so that you can't oh wait wait please imagine we got a cute input there and blast them let's come back I guess that's a boss killed that's good he's dying one here zombie in the roof oh God he's it's blurging everywhere and if this guy has a script oh come on your foot's right there bro is that noise oh this is up you balls oh how would you do that even though it's not and there's this is now broken his head through the wall you snail [Music] all right bastard here we go there we go oh okay well it should die quickly at least I'm at range nope the kick always all right oh yeah you'd love to see that backstabbed thank you easy all right two more bosses remain surely I'm not gonna die to a Chariot and it's it's definitely possible too like a big enemy just knocks me out doing the no hit Strat through here what the hell oh he's coming oh god dude oh also rated troll hey this is the one that has fire right staggered I wonder what this area scale to poke him in the head yep easy soldier eldenbeast that would kind of suck all right who do we got let's see oh dude oh no okay well wait that's kind of satisfying I don't know if it was a good idea but oh what the hell is going on here I instantly took her out I took them all out in one in one attack I guess that was insane dude easy and I think we've cleared Lim grave if I'm not mistaken go to weeping like we definitely want to go sort of in order of the the areas because we want to just keep collecting items uh probably it's fine if I drop down right oh coated sword wool near in the walls dude there's some potential really bad boss Arenas in in Weeping oh wait that's the duo fight it has to be right oh wait does does the normal one just start out eating stuff too I guess so okay there we go goodbye meteoric orblade okay well that's the duo okay well at least it's early I guess optimally I one shot that guy first two for one bro that's what that boss deserves wait I'm Oh I thought it was a somber one for like a millisecond dude dang yeah the the pickups oh yeah like the harvestable items are random too this is maybe not what you like to see oh no are you these guys have some of the worst AI I've ever seen in a video game good amount of damage though here we go what a great attack this one is that deflection dude okay what the is going on here this is not okay okay this is actually not okay I'm gonna get trapped by this guy oh oh wow okay you got HP sir this is so stupid get away from here oh that's right that's what you get come on dude this is just the worst this has got to be one of the worst attacks in the game just what's even the point yeah I'm just gonna make you run away like oh that's awesome dude I thought he's gonna do it again yeah surely it looks cool I still really don't have a lot of HP man oh gilica definitely need to not get used to one-shotting all these bosses dude up here is the smallest arena in the game in the tomb's word cave or whatever it's called did I get the sermon Hunter I don't have it what the oh my God this attack is just so garbage [Music] you I've that's not an attack I see very often our second Reichard and we don't have the servant Hunter somehow we got quick stuff yeah right guys I got 120 poison and like phase one is actually really not bad to like fight reicharden with with non-serpan Hunter because you actually get you can stun him pretty easily just phase two where it's horrible oh what the hell was that noise dude all right smallest arena in the game let's see let's see surely it's not stupid oh my God no oh my God this is really bad oh you oh just kidding okay good dude imagine could you imagine a full-scale Gideon in this Arena dude good Lord that would suck because look how small this arena is it looks really cool but yeah that would have that could have been devastating all all Vigor also gonna replace the holy tear with the thorny tier because we're not getting any use out of the Holy tier yeah Gideon knew we would come right there what the are you doing drinking on the job oh oh this is really bad okay oh my God okay Jesus dude hopefully these guys don't like respawn or some what the dude what the hell I didn't even see that that guy at all oh golden Lance coming in okay we definitely gotta take it slow oh my God I can't believe I just ran in there like that are they respawning or what's happening oh my God they do they respawn dude how do I deal with this oh we did get unseen form not I totally forgot about that yep yep that's a leaf we're leaving totally forgot we had unseen form we need 16 inch for that though okay well three hours in you guys all right what is up you guys welcome back okay so we're gonna continue this you guys now let's go kill leonine somber one where are you I would still love to get a somber one on this you guys could be worse dude you know what I just realized that uh I might have accidentally opened the game from the wrong randomizer files because because the seed that I opened right there was the uh the CDOT with potastic okay cool I guess we're good then okay all right this is more legit oh we have a nostal down there oh boy uh go down okay blasted all right we got a Makar here oh magma be funny if you could just crawl off the edge that's a that's an attack I'm actually kind of curious about because I I got hit on the no hit run and I'm randomizer I got hit by that attack because he did the other follow-up but I wonder if that's like a something I baited out or something you know what's that item for that's the saluvius quest right but okay weeping is mostly cleared it just we're gonna come back to this dungeon when we're a little bit stronger oh you know what yeah that's true actually why can't I fast travel oh yeah let's go to Kayla because I haven't even gone there at all and there's a bunch of merchants and stuff bro come on dude oh my God all right you oh we did visit all the merchants here go to Fort faroff I definitely haven't checked to the Talisman spot in the key item yet the out here with that I find enemies I think although that's a maybe not a fine enemy foreign okay that I could actually die to this guy maybe I know this guy's moves that the other day but I can't really remember it to be honest oh oh get taken right out of the air you bastard yeah you want to strafe that in the other I don't want any part of your damage bro I got taken right out of the air yeah that's a good quote number four don't don't do whatever you're doing oh it's just insane dude foreign I will not die like this I might die like this please don't maybe let's like get the hell out of dragon Barrow huh I'm gonna stay away from Dragon Barrow until I have like 60 vigor okay maybe I won't go that direction God damn it dude bye I think I already checked darberg I've already checked a lot of areas for items who are you oh it's probably the uh weeping enemy are you must be joking me okay there's a rotten duelist here I I don't know the moveset of the ax one oh wait do I I maybe do yeah I do I should this is the one I practice more clearly I don't remember very well the thing is it's really hard when you're like trying to learn multiple enemies um like unless you're fighting them all the time then you're just like you're not gonna remember I think I could jump over that one here we go no problem just don't remember the moveset very well all right 30 bosses down oh that's not bad and let's make sure I'm not gonna get sniped as I go on this number one you're kidding me rotten Crystal spear damn what the hell that could be pretty useful maybe wow I didn't even know that a weapon existed see that being a good weapon it should be fun to just run through here I think foreign ER I have a Parry tool dude this is gonna suck they're actually like kind of tanky there could be a lot worse place to get to get this boss though right we got pillars we got oh boy they're actually breaking the pillars all right not re-summoning this is the fight I definitely prefer honestly find the noble a lot easier this is probably because I fought the noble way more and solar weapons are more reasonable on this fight too Yuri I think nice dude EG ypt yeah there's some really tiny boss Arenas man I'm kind of scared of yeah pumpkin Duo here we go dude oh what that's gotta be lanciaks right if it's a lanciaks it's okay but if well I might just not do this right now I think I think I could do it man you have to somehow avoid all this lightning you I am not a headshot okay [Music] oh nice cancel the head Maybe okay yeah if that was four to six dude that would have been a little bit questionable great we're in the head I think eight wait that's what we needed oh hell yeah dude it's 25. Jesus bro the hell actually really scared me yeah like like I was saying dude I I'm more scared coming down these like drops on a no death run right now than I was going on all bosses when I was like six hours in dude I don't know why all bosses no hit less scary than all bosses no death confirmed foreign oh oh that was probably the worst possible thing I could have done oh what does that helmet do oh nice I said it's actually good I don't see anybody and oh wow that's some HP it's a great weapon form though to be honest oh yeah hit him again oh perfect charger too no problem no problem yeah he's man like that's gonna be a scary boss to get in a small Arena late game sword guy wow the hell is that HP seriously I guess Crouch poke's probably just kill him dude thank you foreign oh yeah it might be like down here already oh yeah yeah okay oh it's Dodge thank her maybe nice another lanciaks over here and says is a way just a way better boss than way better boss than 40 sacks dude and this is this is an amazing weapon for this boss too you got the thrust up the thrust damage good range seed bed curse basic Dragon enemy in this game is so good that's a that's a great question I I think it's it's they they almost just tried too hard it's like a really good boss but then they just have like maybe one or two attacks that are supposed to be these like spectacle attacks that kind of suck and it ruins the fights the dragons like because yeah I think just like the normal Dragon like a gill is totally fine but then you go to like Borealis and XY because it's just terrible thank you [Music] I guess you know it's probably better to go the other direction I'm realizing because when when the noble finishes the roll the angle changes a bit like right there and that that can easily hit you oh I'm trying to jump that nice azure's Lynn's own staff okay this is a fine arena for probably anybody for fire giant obviously okay cool it's actually the one right next door oh that totally blasted oh oh what a fight dude oh what oh come on my perfect fight was ruined are you kidding me nice man that was like almost so clean play the mods blame Drake tossman I'll take that dude uh let's just head next door I guess uh man I want the 16 intelligence but okay let's do it let's hit 16. 40 Vigor 16 intelligence so now we can use unseen form maybe I should just go get the items I'll take that purple items are a scam dude but I'm still gonna go pick this up I didn't even get the shortcut damn okay if that was a no hit run I would be very excited about that but whoa look at this dog's mouth bro look at that I I think I already had a Perry tool yeah like this compare no I can't oh I guess I can Parry now but not gonna be too often where I actually have to Parry what the is that really pretty good name though oh why is that such short range does that feel like very short range on that attack in that big hit too bad I had no FP I assume most of these oh I kind of assumed they would just hit the wall but [Music] here we go please die from this here we go all-ling star Estelle and we're slightly we're slowly powering up I guess this area might get a little scary when we open the thing but probably okay foreign everybody's out I'm gonna make sure I'm not getting followed so nobody chases me here to not like knock me down these drops here or something all right who do we got okay oh I don't like this positioning oh God please don't do the big combo nice weird with no sound though Curse Mark of Death okay that's actually uh something we need right oh yeah true we could go back underground yeah there's still the merchants down there I totally forgot you know what let's let's do that before we do anything else all right let's go here we're kind of due to get some some like sort of great room I would say pretty soon I guess not funny how they're just they're just like running laps man that's that's actually hilarious kind of less dangerous now that there's no no snipers here wow it's three smithing Stone eights right there uh we haven't had Millennia yet no but we are very likely to get her a couple times probably based on the percentages of of the boss swapping so so what I've gone with what the I think for the area bosses I went with 70 self meaning like 70 all bosses and then 30 would be main bosses please reach I guess yeah she does move back on that um and then for main bosses but I think that's what I went with maybe I didn't oh no sorry that's for all bosses I think so so all bosses is 70 or so no main bosses is 70 main bosses 30 all bosses and then um and then for the area bosses it's 33 on each one each type what is this yeah the storm Hawk King what the all right let's go and get the last two uh Flames here all right should be last one I think here we go 's not terrible nepheli Luffy dude that that could be legit though it's sort of like Gail right Gail's an NPC throughout the whole game and then oh this is kind of Epic actually too bad you get a stagger holy dude he's coming in like a bullet [Music] thank you that was kind of weird [Music] nice yeah the laser look would have looked sweet in this Arena okay well that's that's everything for now it already checked Fort height I can't remember um I haven't I've checked okay maybe I can go to this catacomb now that I have unseen form all right here's the problem area man that's so bad just atrocious enemies here I don't think I'm gonna be able to sneak past that Avatar I should have thrown a cockery dude God damn it why didn't I just cuckery oh and now I threw it and wasted it okay no oh my God you're joking me that's just insane all right okay okay we made it foreign the Dragon halberd maybe I'll just wait on that one there's a Revenant somewhere there's a big hand there that's the scariest enemy totally calculated calculated fire bait the Gravity Guy pulling me back in that was pretty funny foreign oh boy our damage good I can get a stun at some point that'd be very nice no way bro imagine that oh follow for some reason could you imagine if those actually started connecting there it is you have enough time to repost here in Logan oh I probably would if we're not this garbage angle no problem dark moon ring all right Caleb catacombs that was interesting [Music] really oh my God bro what the hell again oh here we go ritual pot alright well I guess we can go kill these two bosses here once say this is like an amazing weapon for these guys but it's not bad look at that hitting the horse [Music] unlike a cow dude it's like what the hell like for one second it sounded like it was a cow dude the insane Gambit strats basically oh there he is of course now I'm gonna get rotted but okay that was not bad use that didn't build up enough Rock Me Now nice why don't you do why don't you jump the why don't you jump that attack streamer everybody I watch jumps out attack we can go into the precipice I guess some reason I thought those enemies would be passive how to use unseen form a bit more Jesus I'm gonna try him which of Dark Souls Trilogy games are things the hardest hardest for what just like beating them I don't know the hardest for no hit running is Dark Souls 3. oh it's kind of like a fitting Arena this is the is the frost one too I thought it was the frost one or did I think it was the frost one oh yeah yeah frame rate tanking one God look at this frame rate thank you oh boy nice bye my friend all right there we go no problem dude this was pretty uh pretty easy [Music] I feel like this boss needed to have horse in it you know maybe yeah I kind of forgot the moose in in the randomizer is kind of weird all right [Music] he doesn't do all the proper follow-ups and stuff okay whoa my health is kind of low here Jesus foreign a little bit safer than I have been yeah definitely not a great weapon on this boss though I'll just play it safe here we go oh my God all for a whoa what the what the hell dude what was I doing oh yeah we hit Alta so let's just start clearing out leernie I guess come on about a good thing good thing that that little squid guy saved me the foreign the out of your frog guy okay this is actually concern well that didn't even connect with me bro that's what I get for like rushing through without unseen form wow there we go there's another another plus 25 dude where's the boss immune to poison we're just gonna have to tank the poison in here not really much I can do about it some HP right there oh what oh what the hell interesting here we go Giant's prayer book because we don't need we don't need another slow weapon right about the mace there we go and I will put Sacred blade on that I won't commit to putting putting the sacred infusion on it though that will be nice if we get any Undead bosses or you know just anything like that I keep pumping that HP up and plus it's just like a faster weapon and it's a nice buff oh my God the Carnage wow I didn't realize they would get all their little guys too that's crazy bye interesting I I didn't think they would have all their their the minions with them here and some lag in here oh boy not a good sign holy man this leg is insane dude what the hell you thinking we're getting revenants but they're just not I'm very concerned about what is causing this leg surely not out of Fortis ax fight or something yeah I mean I I guess I haven't really been paying attention but it probably wouldn't take him that long right what the what is that what the is that a stagger oh my goodness attacks so garbage God damn dude oh look at that The Stomping stop all right then we go let's go check the merchant that's probably the first thing Barb oh I didn't realize it was 5 000. damn it and I got scammed right there I don't think I'm gonna head into the academy yet yeah I'm just gonna wait oh dude the troops rolling out um what the kind of tanky as hell [Music] pretty cool animation when he pulls out of swords it's a bit more like it should be gonna run towards me here it's a no insane God to your iframe probably better off just doing a charge R2 there or something here we go yeah I guess we saw this guy when we were going to jarberg oh oh my God what's he even doing I have no idea what he was even doing right there looking at Dan it blasted l-bearing Adan iron wet blade and all the wet blades too that's actually really good because now we can go with the strength actually worse right now but Keen is good he's actually the best I guess right now let's go here oh oh you you just hit uh R3 and you press the right stick down oh nice dude okay I don't really have anything good for that slot at the moment though oh rap patches moved here oh wait I get you know what like this could actually be useful though potentially right I gotta be careful here I want to go get the Talisman and hopefully not get pushed off the edge like this guy could legitimately push me off the edge oh I'm actually really scared of that guy like next thing you know he hits me and I just go flying off the edge and die like there's nothing I can do if I get long off foreign I never usually go to this platform so I don't because you just jump all the way down oh my HP does when the knights use oh my God when these guys use Knight's resolve ice is it like the same damage boost that we get like 80 percent but assume I guess but whoa insane drops from that guy the hell God damn it dude okay we're very low on heels I should probably be careful gotta get good hopefully we don't get a bad boss up here Ellie fish Shield okay oh foreign upset to see whoa getting stuck on the dude stuck on the crystals me stun oops messed up oh dude no laughs yeah we got the suck sucking right on my head see like this is where a gravity death like could happen I'm gonna kill this Lobster I guess or attempt to come on you can do it buddy I'm not gonna fight you out there why can't he make it across this I don't understand oh [Music] nice okay so get ready for this damage you guys this is going to be some insane damage wait where'd he go oh my God that was that wasn't even the weapon part I was just the projectile bye beautiful uh exhale thanks for the brand new Prime so thanks so much dude there we go another ancient Reagan smithing Stone Duo fight oh you honestly this is my least favorite boss at this point and my game is lagging so much but this should do some good damage to him [Music] bastard wait a second wait a minute does that permanently Hills bro oh my God the lag is insane no it doesn't oh that's so unfortunately [Music] I thought for one second that this would have a solution but of course it does not get backstabbed by bastard Gary and something down here is causing all of that lag so what the is that dude [Music] wow that is why did that do so much damage I'm scared of you Rune bear because I'll talk dude insane so this is I mean this is another one of those catacomb Arenas that it is so nice to have this ash of War now dude I'm kind of tempted to actually go it will go like six and four I don't need that many heels right surely no we're still we're still looking for us number one okay the bad NPCs can input read this so risky dude that's like the biggest 200 damage I've ever seen probably dude I'm changes uh yeah but you know plastic from soft always breaking stuff whenever they're trying to fix stuff right literally 100 percent of the time here we go we kind of cool to have like a boss count you know like how many of each type of Boss we've had good faith not tears good upside of me to cast this now we haven't found a summer one yet somehow I'm really not sure how to fight these guys with slow weapon like I I I think I like the um the Nobles better simply because it feels like it's more friendly to slower weapons and you don't need to fast roll whereas on these guys like not fast rolling is so awkward Zeke is that like like if you're not fast rolling I just I don't know how to dodge that to be honest nice oh it's it's the snail fight oh dude I almost left you get these nice charger two punishes on this one [Music] definitely going around this way is way better because look at that I'm in a perfect spot at the end of it I'm gonna try to get us done here really that's that's enough and yeah people complain about that attack I mean once you see it a lot it really just doesn't feel that fast you know all right there should be a snail somewhere I suppose here we go wait did I oh yeah I guess I marked the boss early oops too bad oh my God if that was the somber one we were set dude yeah I I think controllers um like I just like using controllers more you oh at least we have well yeah where's my mace I don't think this is really gonna work yeah I don't have a good like anti-input reading thing yet I guess we're just gonna kill them though foreign Leo big fan of this boss fight [Music] whoa it was interesting maybe this isn't really a great weapon on this guy I'm horrible man Matt came in and said that the randomizer is updated for 109 but um seamless Co-op I don't think is yet I'm sure it won't take that long for them but foreign check who's around here before we go walking across this thing imagine there's like an Archer and I just got sniped okay for stallion watchdog lightning version that attack definitely has a lot less definitely a lot less scary when you are not in a water Arena at least for a no hit run I'm just dying Armor's cookbook frenzy Tower rail foreign oh man there's been there's been like a lot of situations where this Y is just like a little too short Wings should be somewhere here what would be what would be dangerous about trying to go to vike's church all the enemies okay so here I'm just gonna scope it out because I you know I'm pretty sure you die if you fall here so oh my God why is my sensitivity so high no sensitive he's insane I don't think anymore will spawn in right so Lee and I know are the this begotten Warrior over there oh my God he's trying to you bastard trying to knock me off bro see like imagine I tried to gun it through here and oh see ya like I've just gone good thing that one-shotted [Music] all right we should be good we're gonna stop at 60 Vigor oh oh I could have been a great room no are you kidding me this is our third be as Champions dude thank you okay third if he is Champions dude um okay so let's actually go to the merchant now we haven't found a somber one yet Danny we're still looking for it surely there's gonna be something good here well this is crazy dude yeah I'm pretty sure is this every single wet blade I think so but I required I guess there's another boss out here go to uh deathbird Lord hear that damage look at that damage dude that's why we carry sacred blade oh okay which Moog is this I honestly can't tell I think this is our second mode now okay it's the weak one well done I mean one's not actually weaker than the other bud well I guess it kind of is sewer Moog good agree the sewer Mode's actually even tankier because he can't be bled and Status affected and stuff and tell what that is yeah oh I have the claw but I don't really know how to use it so I'm just not going to oh God terrain issues here yes his moveset doesn't work clearly in a not-flat Arena here we go yo that's number one dude insane go ahead and upgrade I don't know man because now that we have sacred blade like golden order great so it's not really as required but um I'll just wait foreign damage I don't really want to bone out but there's a lot of enemies in there they probably all respawn oh my God foreign oh I'm getting cheesed what the hell right through the right through the bars hey we should bow now that's probably good enough uh Matt gang thanks for coming uh DJ thanks so much dude thank you tech support dude yeah clearly God damn it unfortunately my damage is way too high every single liernia boss except for the Academy okay there's some like legitimate danger of getting knocked off here so my physic I I think of like the charge here and maybe the strength one yeah probably we'd be better off going with the stone Barb at this point it looks like all reasonable enemies here most delayed attack there's an Archer right there don't get knocked off I have one job and it is to not get knocked off this print attack is very good yeah like we can still use the golden order Greatsword potentially it just yeah because I was just thinking it would be good for oh my God that scared the on me I'm not gonna lie [Music] please I think this chest might be able to be something so I'm just gonna leave your mouth just don't get death bladed my one job oh my God only way to die is to get death blighted yeah girl yeah oh wait a second oh the tree spear off dude seriously okay at least we got the sermon Hunter for like finally all right jellyfish it would be very good for this guy though I just uh I don't have the no [Music] wait where did it go this is gonna be the transition here so that's gonna hit me for sure but okay I'm actually gonna snag her drink Ard phase two is definitely better to get oh I got a little greedy there I guess thank you nice another Max somber the way that works is for some for whatever reason when he's trying to cast his big like projectile attack he will always get stunned by the ashovore so the dragon halberd would be nice to get lightning damage but I I literally use this just all the time I I think that would be the most reasonable thing to upgrade yo okay well there we go okay I think I so potassic managed to get it working apparently so we we end here you guys seven hours in we have killed 73 bosses somewhere else we're almost halfway done dude all right what is up everybody welcome back but look at these stats now actually huge 58 figure dude I got two more points in vigor and that's a in fact you know what we can get that right now there it is level 69 and 60 figure Vigor right here so I I think the wet blade can be something so gonna attempt to pick that up I should wear this uh it's done Crucible Knight hey man oh dude how'd that hit me even Ultra Instinct Dodge we have the right weapon form at least [Music] foreign man after doing the cob with potastic I'm realizing how much I'd like the storm collar ax or whatever it's called like that that weapon is so good oh there's a lot of bad enemies here I think I should be able to run for this but that's not actually who I meant to attack [Music] this guy scares me because like I'm I'm not really scared of dying to a normal mob but this guy's got that death oh bastard I need to stop trying to scrape that just like it's so weird any close calls so far um I wouldn't say so okay let's just I want to make sure I'm not gonna get hit off of this by some Archer I can overeat too much about picking up the items here uh by the way is there a Talisman up at the top there or wasn't there something like that oh God man that input reading dude is insane like I jump in as soon as I hit R2 there's a roll foreign that's actually really funny all right we're not like amazing on heels but should be okay here hopefully I wouldn't mind some more like or some HP Regen but I don't have any of that shoot good Arena very good Arena at least oh got no HP what am I doing foreign okay that's funny this guy should be really weak though is that the triple guards dude the new boss this is DLC uh preview DLC preview should hit really hard oh okay wow there that's interesting ideally I can get a stun or something here oh here we are honestly I I don't hate this boss I think as as much as most people do done oh I guess a reset at some point I would actually love another gargoyle enemy that'd be really cool what weapon would they wield here we go EG and we got a key item all right do not fall bro I don't have any strong range yet do I this those are some not nice enemies right there be able to get both of them here uh who's that I don't think he sees me oh please like jump off and die or something that'd be great you just do that I don't even know who this is dude wow that's who even is this there we go but it was according to plan basically item but then there's no like Gollum archer in here something dude oh Sentry torches is nice so if we get the invisible assassins we should be okay oh this could be a great rune yep there it is second great run down you guys what are we thinking like do we want to go and into Dragon Barrow now I think so we're we're 60 Vigor we're plus 25. I don't see any reason why we can't do dragon Barrow nice I like this why on the red wolf actually a lot here we go wow the somber Bell one was here the whole time huh I don't have any sort of shackle yet do I another Moog have we gotten like multiple moves at this point but this is not our first mode oh see ya ah Jesus dude right all right into the Kayla Tower foreign I would be definitely lying if I said that this place didn't scare me a lot I'm coming through here I think he has wolf this is not current patch now all right maybe maybe we made it all right let's see what we've got oh oh it's the Almond killer best duo boss in the game unironically a jump Tech oh yeah I don't have a fire weapon we have a fire Grease I've seen Stone clumps I've this we can get a stagger please oh there we go foreign I guess that's my car maybe no that's not theodorex I don't really know how to deal with that attack still use this wine this phase probably better now relax hey you turned Macar cat Talisman you know be kind of cool because like the cat's Houseman is obviously useless in this game right it would be cool if they made it so that you could drop from like any height and survive I think that would have been a good way to make it actually useful because then imagine how big of a pickup that would be on this run it's like oh man now I can survive big drops and stuff skip a ton of things you think so like what I don't know I I it should have done something more than what it does I think Omen killer of Pharma Zula wow what the hell how much poison this guy have oh damn it uh the magic wet blade it's not bad that's some HP nice just take a charger too probably better than a repost is basically useless here we go we're doing all of this by the way you guys with like base strength and index like I I haven't put anything into that yet let's maybe go like that I think or I think that's probably good if I want to switch the infusion now though yeah heavy is just better now I guess heavy uh the explosion somebody asked about the explosion on the shield um that only happens it's a it's a positional thing like if they start up that shield attack while you're in front of them then they will always do the shield attack but if if they start up the shield attack when you're behind them they will never do it so that's that's how that works this is a hero foreign I like that boss a lot because I think it's like a perfect combination of everything that makes a boss fun to fight in a Souls game you know you have a good combination of attacks that are like you know fast and you need to react quickly positioning and then there's jumps I don't know it's a good combination of everything like classic Knights cavalry basically the opposite of this guy like look at I just this is craziness dude almost cleared Caleb there's I believe one more boss I think there's only one more I also think we we might have some death Roots there's also a Talisman down here but I'm kind of scared so I'm gonna wait on that like hopefully hopefully that's not a great Rune I would kind of suck uh I didn't try I I think it's fine for now but I wouldn't mind having it in the future I guess we'll drink Talisman it's not bad all right final enemy here and this this dungeon might be a total disaster all right what do we got in here are they actually gonna be fighting I guess so oh oh nice one yeah this should be pretty easy good very good enemies like actually easier than the base game way easier than the base game there's been like the easiest catacombs so far even those are probably the hardest to the easiest I like how that guy just keeps respawning and like blowing everybody up all right here we go oh boy this is the lightning version nice uh is he gonna die he left oh like when did wouldn't he have died by now if he was falling what the hell dude like I would be hearing him if he was like up on top or something right well sucks minus 30k all right attempt number two I guess I don't make that not happen well he he doesn't have to do that attack so we have like a slight advantage oh I had no idea that had a hitbox that's unfortunate I was gonna say we had an advantage now that I know what the boss is but of course I get blasted foreign dude what the well I guess I'll try to uh the hell that's a huge hitbox dude okay let's just fight some phase one stagger here police stay in the arena you have to well that was cool you guys see how he like kind of rebuffed himself or something after he got up here we go oh and another important item nice let's go down yeah I guess actually yeah we haven't been into volcano Manor yet and we have to wait to get the drawing room key in order to go there it kind of actually rushed this a little bit too quickly I think could have been an Archer okay godric I think or look at that wait what the hell it's not visoxia oh that was interesting I haven't seen a godric yet only godric was in a flat Arena like this man I've only liked all the bosses were in a flat Arena I guess I don't mind like some variation but as long as it doesn't get in the way of the actual fight here we go another another nice fight for the zwai-hander I would say wrong cookbook dude although that I mean technically that's not terrible but that was good foreign going that direction there could have been an enemy that aggro to me and pushed me off the cliff and then I couldn't fast travel because I was drawn aggro so leonine and I also realized I should have been using these foul foots in Dragon Barrow that would have been a nice use of them oh that was a gigantic hit but it wasn't really worth it or it wasn't maybe it was worth it questions okay Ronaldo it's her like insane range common dessert foreign oh that's so awkward insane okay hopefully not a Giant Archer somewhere like that would actually be so bad Archer just shoots me off the ledge and I die instantly I can't tell that is oh it's horrible okay it looked like fat Gail or something dude that's gonna look like so it's like oh a Red Cloak on and all right foreign we are honestly just totally decimating the pauses at this point I I have the curse mark but he doesn't show up until later I guess so let's go kill celeria so the enemies are taken from from an area that has like a certain scaling level and then they're kind of um like brought down to the scaling or brought up depending on where it is I guess that's actually a good way to bait out the punishable follow-up here with us with the slower weapon roll backwards on that one it's like when I was fighting this boss with some of the uh the gray clubs and stuff like pre-light timer that was one attack that like I couldn't punish because it was a bit too slow well then I guess that takes care of that there's also a merchant down here that we're gonna go check [Music] that's why the guy spawns with his ballista but then just like doesn't shoot it come on buddy I will take that though you know this isn't bad I'm gonna buy it that's not bad that's not terrible this is there's so many really nice Arenas underground dude I wonder who that skeleton was oh I guess that makes sense this boss has no HP of course this attack didn't exist man would be nice um there's there's numerous situations with golden lands where why can't I pick this up where like you actually can't Dodge it whereas oh boy what the okay we gotta be careful a little bit here we gotta be really careful Jesus dude foreign nice why did they make it so that you can't even pick these up if it's so annoying dude I don't even want to risk it it's if I fall I died there we go no more checking no more having to check the spoiler logs I guess uh that key is for volcano Manor it was the key I was talking about earlier that like that could potentially have been behind where we needed the key for because there's a there's an alternate way to get into that area with a death obviously we can't die so this is good I just use it too much Astro spasm thanks for the branding Prime stuff beautifully far it was more of a challenge than I envision yeah what I mean what other weapons do we have because like the reason why it makes so much sense is because it's a you know it's a halberd so not a type I have upgraded so far and it also has lightning damage which isn't something I have access to and it also has frostbite which is another thing I don't have access to I might go upgrade it dude I'm gonna go do it it dude it just makes too much sense and also goes perfectly with the stats we have so okay so depending on who this boss is this could be an issue right honestly the winged Crystal tier would be better than Stone Barb um okay how should I do this because this Rod is going to be hurting a lot I don't remember do we have flame cleanse me anywhere oh was it oh is that the church for sure okay cool yeah this is this is good um any other I mean all right off to the lake of rot all right let's I'm gonna give myself the minor Rod oh I see a boss in there it's oh I'm just gonna keep cleansing this I guess what is my health decrease when I use this oh it damages you oh interesting I didn't even realize that all right we should be good though hey you're gonna have to come up here my friend also I guess you can't get rotted huh okay seriously maybe I can bait him with a jump okay well so we're just gonna put this weird ass fight yeah can you sacred blade but he's pretty resistant to Holy so I can try it just to see what it does it's not terrible oh foreign this is actually so annoying he's killing people this range just jump up on the platform dude I just want an honest fight with you like I'm so far away oh what is this insane spam dude wow that has so much range and he he killed people and it gave me a refill a midfight I just have so much range one so rare wow that was like that was so annoying it's crazy yo okay there we go another great room though and The Shard of Alexander that's that's really good too nice man oh Commander Nile and we actually should upgrade the the ax here I'm gonna do that next I think lightning good on these guys here that's a little like 20 damage buff on that though foreign insane they're definitely better like just the club is probably better Hammer than this one this one's okay nice there's a lot of bosses that are weak to Holy and like duplicates right like there's so many deaths there's there's a couple Mariners and there's uh foreign there's a good amount of like the cemetery Shades and stuff like that Nicole is just a really nice damage type to be carrying around yeah so that's why I like sticker blade a lot a lot and it's also like an early game Ash of War not in the randomizer obviously but in the base game it's early early Ash of war and and yeah it's good I better posted him I guess and then like permanently kill skeletons and stuff so yeah secret blade is like definitely one of my favorite ashes of war in the game just because of how useful it is not because it's like super cool or something oh I didn't even see that thank you I think I guess we are going to marry Randy because I I don't know if it's actually a check but I'm pretty sure it's not but if anything it's just a free item uh check check meaning like a spot where something like a key item could be I guess Oh Oh I thought I thought for some reason I thought that had some range on it why did I think that had range oh my God that's horrible that's so bad okay there we go I mean if it hits it does a lot of damage I think I actually don't know if that's gone seems like a decent amount oh baby hey maybe it's pretty good oh boy that's a lot of damage on each one of these who double heal that's I guess pretty significant damage if it's actually hitting I wonder how much that does like on an optimized setup and and how that compares to others oh that could have been really bad okay maybe I should pay attention I almost had a pivot Power Hit there 1600 damage bro huh that's interesting okay uh we're done underground completely aside from moguin I believe no we're not we have four to sacks remaining uh but yeah time for Altus dude I guess we could also go to mobwin I don't know what to level up at this point obviously more strength is good for basically every weapon I have we're gonna probably take this nice and slow I think a one minute 23 Second that is probably not real I really need to be careful yeah I guess I I don't know what the record is at this point for any percent but I thought it was around like four minutes and there were people that like pretended to do speed holy I didn't even realize that did that okay this is up here we go everything here is so tanky [Music] I'm kind of too scared to run up man yep foreign you this is kind of scary dogs probably like the scariest enemy and I could also fall and die here too I just I don't want to fight him near an edge because he could easily push me off not sure how many more of these enemies are gonna be aggroed are you aggroed I I could probably just run this at this point though like I the reason I couldn't just like Sprint past theirs because there were like the ants blocking the way imagine if imagine if all these enemies I grow to you dude how bad that would be okay finally you'd think normally you would feel like unsafe getting to the boss fight but it's actually the opposite oh the ax is probably not good here we can try what what can we use here she looks kind of sweet here dude I'm not gonna lie uh I I guess she is weak or weakest to lightning but oh my God I almost oh bro that's that's probably one shots me I'm not gonna lie dude that is probably one shot because it's a true combo hey I gotta be smart here dude I can't I can't not pay attention oh there we go I also remember to use the the foot here man that was like I'm pretty sure that would have killed me man yeah we can keep going strength like 40 strength is definitely good and we can start going into maybe some like Faith or something uh where should we go now I like Altus is is basically the only place to go at this point Market shackle oh yeah let me equip that all right let's go uh let's start killing some stuff okay um maybe not ideal with this crawl attack just don't do it just don't do it like if you do it twice that's fine but don't do it three times oh my God are you kidding me stop it finally bro I should do a lot of damage to him except now I'm trapped oh boy wow oh my God that is insane damage dude oh why are you not transitioning you idiot nice man these small Arenas I don't like them oh Emmett had my hopes up for a second yeah we've got we've got magic damage covered like we don't have fire damage so maybe I'll give you the best nut ever actually don't have an over 40 Poise damage charger too yet kind of annoying that's some solid damage uh OCS thanks for the brand new Prime sub appreciate it nice AI kind of nice going back to these like early game areas where things are weak again we don't have a somber weapon ready to get upgraded okay let's go upgrade the anchor I guess dude you should probably go with a faster weapon to be honest because like I'm thinking where lightning is good and it's good against like the spectral enemies and and a lot of those guys you want speed on like think about like like God like gold free right I'm gonna go with the stock I'm sure we're gonna find enough materials to get another plus 25 anyway so here we go uh what actually where should I put on though maybe ground slime in in Dark Souls 3 but oh and this uh doing a lot of damage oh and there we go I saw a lot of items in this cave I guess like I just I hope catch flame isn't messed up because like I use catch flame against Aggie and there's other situations where I'd want to use catch flame what the the hell a fire breathing skeleton I haven't seen that all right who do we got Knights cavalry we go spell Jake Talisman I'll like I'll take that if we get another Loretta or something 100 that's worth it I don't know Fire's good on him oh let's try the um for the ax here I imagine this is good here has to be oh my God damn that damage is insane this thing is crazy dude I'd love to see that no I I've given this weapon a try 100 I have but I just I don't remember but I think I might have just used it on like a a bad enemy or something and I was like oh yeah this isn't really working so well please get him laughs um okay well this I I don't know if I want to go through here right now to be honest but this is another catacomb that has a big graveyard in it oh God oh god dude I'm we're starting with the lag already oh God this is gonna be so bad look at this leg and like these most of these guys probably respawn I probably should have leveled up so I can Grace back but I'll just not worry about it it is stealth time [Music] oh it's it's not that bad oh I dude why is it not that bad am I what is causing this insane leg okay well that was way better than it could have been oh boy I wonder if this guy will have that scripted aggro same as the other one that's here normally he's probably not aggro to me right oh he totally is [Music] that was way better than they could have been oh boy I just don't get that on me okay as long as I don't get death on me Yep this will be not good what do I use on forty sacks I'm actually okay I guess just this all right [Music] dude I can't see like anything [Music] oh how nice that was beautiful let me just like go in on the head dude oh oh I hate this like why is there only 100 map markers dude that's so annoying all right where are we heading now I guess uh let's just I guess we can just keep going yo the dragon scale blade dragons go halberd better honestly don't know I I I like objectively do not fall down okay godric godric of raw oh you Fire's not like a fantastic damage type all right here we go this little 2400 damage use it again you know that's actually I guess not a bad talisman like the dragon skill and in the dragon Halbert are it's like the same buff on them right like you could even argue that the Katan is better because it's just it's a faster weapon oh oh dang and the katana's so good on this boss too like probably the best spot in the game for it maybe I should go look and see if I have a somber six or whatever I needed laying around oh uh nice one great enemy failed shoot we don't in A2 I thought I had an eight oh dude I don't even have an eight or nine okay never mind whoa what is going on over here why are you being the aggressive one here honestly the spots would have been a lot better if it was actually here normally instead oh yeah look at that damage dude insane I dare you not staggered nice there's a graveyard up here I guess hey remember remembrance there that sounds like oh wait what what the is going on here why did why did he just cast Elden Stars randomly why is he just casting Elden Stars what the is going on here spamming Elven Stars and there's a bunch of like the worst part about this is that there's a bunch of enemies around this boss right wait maybe they're gone or something what is that not like this dude no wait foreign if only this hit enemies dude we'd be totally fine I gotta take out that squid somehow I gotta take him out [Music] [Music] all right what is up everybody welcome back all right so we're 104 bosses in oh that's right we had uh we had the eldenbeast incident here okay let's mark it gotta be careful here I don't think I'd get one shot to buy a chariot all right we'll use unseen form and I guess I'm just gonna gun it or obviously I know how to get through this dungeon it just depends on the enemies here it's fine it's so funny I I watched over some of the Bingo and like watching uh Aggie and Josh get like totally smoked in this dungeon dude it's pretty insane and then like Aggie was rolling down here and then he was like so scared of The Chariot coming down he's just like looking back the whole way and then Josh would just continually get run over by the guy oh man I felt bad but it was it was like it was hilarious dude all right who do you guys think we got here who got do I have this okay I do just do some Shield pokes I guess you guys think it'd be worth it to like upgrade oh get the pillow that's interesting I get guessing it'd be worth to upgrade the serpent Hunter on this run but yeah probably not for the right card fight here we go yeah I think this is our third right card pick up another death route I guess yo okay there we go that's an item that we need so that I mean we haven't even gotten there yet but I guess that it will unlock mountain tops for us we do have some Ledges and some ladders so we gotta make sure that I don't get lasted bird is good surely this snail won't like oh nice one all right we got a merchant here you guys so all right what do we got here interesting oh infinite boiled CR I mean that's not bad dude like I'm actually gonna buy some of these current state of whips I I don't really know I haven't used them a lot Power stance whips are decent I guess but I actually somehow feel like they might be worse in this game I I don't know for sure I haven't used them a lot like I said but it might be worse in this game than in Dark Souls 3. what the was that noise oh well I'm pretty sure I know who's up there why did I get on horse oh my God bro this boss is just horrible I like how I got hit by that like four times dude I just didn't get hit on the ground I I would have almost died if I did I was like a fist kill flashback right there look at that damage bro we could kindly get the away from there foreign little fire giant scare full grown fire giant even though he didn't have legs our potential key item here I do we have the drawing room I think we do because yeah yeah I was concerned about that because there's there's actually potential that the drawing room key ends up in volcano Manor after you need it and and the reason why that's possible is because there's multiple ways of getting in volcano Manor but obviously if you can't die there's only one way or it's kind of clear and boss at this point we're gonna kill as many bosses as we possibly can with the stuff we have and then if gonna be a point that we reach where we're maybe you know probably needing key items to progress and then once once that actually happens then we can go and get them I can start looking for actual key items because right now we're just killing bosses that's all I'm doing and that is so much damage yeah wow and that damage is insane what else do we have that's a guy running so fast Demi human Queen pumpkin head this is where like a thrusting weapon is good because I'm not gonna hit his face so it's just just nice to have different damage types you know different movesets in Elder ring what I really like about this game too is that Elder Ring's not really a game where uh you're you're kind of encouraged or it's better to upgrade multiple different weapons okay you're gonna have a harder time going through this game if you're just using the same damage hype for everything because you're gonna hit bosses where it's bad against them or it's just not a good moveset or something so having having different damage types covered is very useful you know like holy I think is very important to have yeah especially even though people think it's just the worst damage type ever all right volcano Manor where am I going here I forget my way through volcano Manor apparently oh my God imagine if I fell right there I almost did wow that lava does zero zero damage what the hell yes that's what happens when you're like wearing armor and some fire resist I've never seen it do that little damage I'm so scared of following you guys okay all right go for another one no oh how dare you get away I really hope I timed that right dude that could have been scary I wonder if that would kill me probably such a that's like kind of a cheap move in these Arenas where you just can't see anything update the randomizer uh I'm still on 108 yeah whoa the lighting's all weird I think because the Redan boss that's insane dude it looks kind of scary when it's not super bright out in here I don't think this dog knows how to get here sparking oh no yo I thought he grabbed me in midair that's what I thought oh my God this guy again holy that damage just kill him ah Jesus dude all right I guess we're going to right card now okay there are some there's some Ledges here a section like this is kind of why I wanted to upgrade my bow just so that I could clear out enemies if I yeah and there's a giant hand there's some very scary enemies over there nice wait what oh my God not lure friendly fire weak enemy sits in lava and doesn't care nice okay we should be good I think this is kind of not great but I guess oh my goodness oh that little what go for it I shouldn't need to get this lift for any reason oh yep that's not good and make it in here I guess oh okay I will simply run past you then oh and I think he just died somehow that's what he gets for being the psycho oh I should have gotten the elevator dude because the dagger Talisman could potentially be something uh please don't like in the one in like 400 chance that it's actually something we're screwed with the big weapon I don't see a second one so this is pretty this is like pretty lore friendly is happening foreign I don't have any oh I do oh my God [Music] nice oh oh oh and a great Rune oh I missed it I think I missed until we go I don't even know how to level up at this point I guess Dex helps Dragon Halbert a bit I'll just like I'm just kind of gonna go balance at this point seriously oh oh my God bro just get scripted or something Jesus um I wonder if I can jeeze him Rhoda my fame tornado oh God liking the out of my game look at that frame rate that's like 109 frame rate Jesus dude like it actually was him lagging out my game too no way oh I hit somebody behind me right there wow it saved my ass dude I was about to get grabbed okay okay oh oh boy oh boy that's really bad okay we just got a tanka it's okay I'm on two heels though so I gotta be a little bit aggressive thank you get a nice phase two transition somewhere that'd be nice don't just die okay a little scary I I didn't know blocking made me take like way more damage so I guess that's good to know yeah I'll change the daytime when it makes sense too again or it's about to be daytime there's only uh there are a few night bosses here though right like there's two that I can think of interesting oh big mistake by you Estelle huge mistake oh maybe maybe I'll give you the best nut ever oh boy it's going too fast I don't really want to get comboed [Music] hey oh Jesus dude okay well good thing that wasn't me getting getting destroyed man the Sasha 4 is actually insane yeah no wonder this guy's so tanky too is because of the the snow field one here we go all right another Merchant up here I I don't know if this could actually be anything so I'm not gonna get it pick that up I'm gonna try this ax on them well he's weak as hell you might give me like a good attack oh he does oh yeah oh yeah dude look at that destroyed have dude Cavalry face have a reface all right we continue somber bellburn two that's not bad oh jump scared by a hand a radagon know what that nice talk I guess oh aha you got blocked by a oh oh boy not good a fireman here oh no maxab y oh boy let's face this is what I get for not clearing the enemies first oh I think that guy might have diagram it's awkward dude like the Pega aim on this thing here we go oh boy okay so we got some issues first one is that I think Estelle is the boss and then second one is we have a blood bird who is very angry oh no let me in the best nut ever this is not so good please stagger make my life so easy please oh my God surely that can't work in this Arena would you look at that and pretty easy but I guess yeah stealth may be not such a bad boss to get in a small Arena though but if we got if we got like those aoes though like there's no way I could have actually dodged those oh there wasn't dude okay cool surely nobody's aggroing don't use that bastard what is this frame rate foreign I guess my mimic doesn't know how to roll or something um I kind of messed up I'm just what I'm supposed to do is do this walk out on the main path to like start them to walk I guess it should right oh two golden items oh mogan's sacred spear though hello all right let's see if when I trigger him yeah I can't use him well we know what weapon to use at least maybe I can get a stun foreign oh you hate to see that okay one boss down we got an Elmer foreign oh boy oh this is why see what happens maybe not this thing is working pretty well I would say oh I guess it's got a really good Sprint attack for her actually a jump attack too I guess [Music] number two maybe yo this is good for her I would say beautiful all right we do get a phase two oh I think yeah that's why he's good against her kinda I like it dude that nice poke oh it's a beauty man insane Millennia weapon at that thrusting R2 good bye here we go Crimson bubble tier that's that's actually like really good but do I need it though oh yes I've been saving these been saving these this is I I do like this Duo boss oh my God wow they could not have made that any easier for me and like the perfect the perfect amount of HP remaining fan of this guy I definitely like the noble better oh she just got caught by like all his attacks foreign grape what does that do into the outskirts I guess hello there oh nice looks so weird when he's like not when he's not uh in combat like he just stands there okay okay okay soft cotton oh oh you seriously yeah I can't really imagine this works too well on this guy but all right the hell was that attack even yeah this isn't a boss but it's a Talisman location so I'm just I'm gonna check it just because why not have a lot of pots dude all right another Merchant and a boss here all right we get lucky Finger Slayer blade actually good all right who we got in this tiny Shack this one doesn't throw our staff okay here seriously this is going to oh God I give it the Dragon halberd actually I'm gonna get like true combo and die oh just kidding got enough Poise to get out of that his enemies suck so much dude [Music] getting cuckreed oh so how come you can get out of that but I can oh my God this is insane that damage is insane bro I just had to give him the dragon halberd oh that was so like that was so close dude and let's go to you if you got the torch out [Music] what's up I would have actually sucked so much okay well I didn't die true combo like and that's not even supposed to be a true combo though like even in PvP it's not true combo means that it's like inescapable really the sisters are here dude oh and of course I didn't even have like the defense Talisman on for that Margot let's swap after like one hit dude boss is so scuffed wow thank you margoth like 2 000 hours or something okay who do we got I'm kind of happy we had a millennia though Millennia is a fun fight dude especially with this y-hander I didn't realize it was that good on her wow you just you can't not use this thing this thing dude it's just so much damage 129 yo our last Talisman pouch okay that's good we can go with the golden Scarab or I can go more defense uh the weapon is in the uh black knife assassin how to call her black knife catacombs I think it's called and then maybe a weapon like apparently someone requested a run with this so I'm I'm very interested because this like based off of what I'm seeing this weapons like could be just top tier alright Heroes grave we do have a shackle though which is very nice very nice that we got the shackle I don't remember where we got that from but it was a good pickup okay remembrance I don't like that Enemy being there these guys scare me because obviously doesn't matter how much HP you have on them if they death bite you your toast oh reindeer I don't really know whoa I don't really know what weapon would be good here oh sacred blade Maybe those are weak to Holy foreign I actually really don't like this boss man and yeah the randomizer is kind of weird he just like never follows up anything for some reason Oh I thought that was a headshot but it wasn't here we go yeah golden seed okay so now we have officially cleared every single boss prior to the capital I think every single one oh Scion I've been imbued okay oh yeah I think I think cyan's a lifestyle actually up to the belfries [Music] are you barking at me the bird killer yeah they really don't want you to have over 100 markers for sure I believe I've been I've been pretty good at updating the counter though on this run like 130 should be pretty accurate but that's wild though huh we haven't even gone to the capital and we've already killed every single really really sucks so much dude this here oh I guess not thank you sniped maybe maybe I'll give you but yeah we like we just made it into the capital and we've already killed 131 bosses dude and like I would say if you were just doing like the main story progression of this game when you reach the capitol you're like halfway through I guess very uh unbalanced with how many bosses there are spread out I actually don't know Brendan if it does oh okay here we go that's a Scion the rest of it kind of looks okay please jump down like I just I'm worried about falling off here dude maybe maybe this is going too far um I do actually have sleep this time laughs [Music] foreign and then the weapon like probably the ax right oh yeah dude look at that damage that's what I'm talking about maybe maybe and uh nizzle thanks for the brand of friendship as well look at that beautiful damage all right there we go see like I definitely didn't need sleep here but it just makes it simpler nice holy health oh damn voice X dude how did that happen insane [Music] here we go yeah that's his voice dude we are sitting on four great runes at the moment oh God oh he's poisoned aha a part of my plan oh my god he has so much HP tiger 's a tank bro stagger oh great oh they all Miss they should be able to get good damage after you though at least two all right nice oh okay you think there's some like borders here for the edges so that I couldn't there's like a tree and stuff so it can really fall off [Music] uh oh oh you bike at least it's not the like combo potential that the mimic to your head on me we can go check what all these remembrances are gonna be whoa whoa Beast torch crab no Archer secretly I guess we'll just head down here first ah get enemies here I guess it could have been a lot worse oh there's the Holy One I actually didn't even know you could fall down here I guess that's uh leads you to like the beginning that'd be devastating if you fell down there thank you for eight we actually kind of needed that I think hurry up yeah I'm not messing with that also rated watchdog foreign yeah the jar Cannon would be great but again like I would have to I I would have to find it and then on top of finding it I would have to get like the bolts for it right I did see a crab hopefully you just don't do anything these sections are kind of scary dude I'll give you the best nut ever I'm almost too scared to pick up this item but like I don't know why I'm I'm more scared of on an I'm more scared on a no death run than I am on a no head run for some reason but maybe it's also because we're like 14 hours into a run but I guess let's go to the death bird first the Crusader Chad I'm not the best weapon for him but it's probably better I just realized I am faster one because the physic we have the fast roll physican like that can you just like Crouch poke Luke these guys I don't actually know we're getting to the point where things are like definitely dealing some damage so I can't can't really get comboed by stuff another radagon what's going on foreign 's kind of not super good and attack a lot of times though [Music] magic tier that'll make the Roses actually do even more damage oh golden item Loretta they've really got to be careful of that double hit combo that will kill me if I get hit by it like I'm almost zeroed out that that would kill me oh my God why do you listen I I like this boss but she just jumps back way too much whoa how did I strafe that the hell God to your strafe hell I don't understand that great room or how to dream medallion Emma okay we got column they're gonna have to take out that Golem I think it's a scaly Miss begotten or something or I don't know can tell foreign oh it's the duo bastard whoa you're fast as oh tanky as hell though Jesus okay I guess tracia just doesn't care they blasted her like you know why are they both in the cave together it's a good question what are they doing dude back here best what are they doing together in that cave it's going too far not a huge fan I wonder if I kill the snail if I guess the snails aren't randomized and like even just even just the whole Invasion thing oh my God another gold tree even just the whole Invasion thing about like not getting co-invasions as much I guess or maybe maybe that's not even true but oh with bad damage what if it's fast enough here I guess it's fast enough for you stagger them two gold threes in a row oh God I guess I'll just I'll just warp with just having like high poison high high grammar and stuff wow summer Bell bearing three oh we can get a we can get a plus eight now I don't know the only people who I've ever heard that actually like passive Poise is like the DS1 Fanboys and a gold free or Godfrey are we getting so many in this boss but no that's I I guess it's not entirely true there is some some people that like the passive Poise I think maybe mainly for PVE at least that's that's the most common that I've I've seen because in PvP yeah you can just like face tank stuff and it's like fun I guess I sort of understand it but but yeah even though yeah I I agree like it doesn't like logically make sense I guess how like you would think yeah if you're wearing a ton of armor even if you're swinging a weapon it doesn't matter like you're gonna probably not get like staggered as much as if you're just wearing like clothes but this is also isn't like real life so I don't know I think the only thing that matters is just how uh PVP flows and uh yeah I think cosplay is bad fire snail okay fire snails very challenging boss foreign gold items are such a like they're usually just bait but I can't not pick them up man you just you have to pick up the gold items dude right here is grave this is the last boss in mountaintops man I wonder if this will still be the giant I guess it has to be probably has to be I would say the PVE in this game especially for like a first playthrough is definitely better than any other Souls game they've done let's see and so yeah just like all of that is kind of a formula to make it so that BP's not as interesting for people I I think at least maybe that's not entirely true that's sort of how I feel better though there's just it feels like there's so much more PVE stuff to do in this game especially for like no hit runs and stuff that I just I don't even know if I'm ever gonna have time to do PVP especially when it's like not even that interesting in the first place to me another morgot oh wait Margaret oh it's Market dude okay First Market fight hanky as hell God damn that's scaling I did not mean to replace you know what's funny I was practicing this hero of zamor the other day and I realized that you can get hit by the boss backstepping onto that ledge and landing on you and you just instantly get hit it's just insane not sure why I have done this thank you and you just die too like at least I did because I was at zero health for Red Feather like why does it like there really had to be a tiny ledge around the Boss Arena so that the boss could like just get up on it and like land on you all right 145 20 to go okay let's not fall down so scared there's gonna be just like a an Archer sitting somewhere and snipe me off the edge honestly how oh my God I'm not sure how all of those missed another millennia one's probably gonna be quite a bit tankier bro yikes that's a lot of damage dude foreign [Music] bro these pillars are insane a waterfowl please foreign [Music] foreign pillars or something please start breaking pillars I'm also mid-rolling now here we go [Music] okay that was a little bit that's probably like the scariest boss I've had or it's definitely one of them missing well missing a jump is is probably the most likely way I'm gonna die to be honest oh there's an Archer down there [Music] it's really just uh I don't know I imagine I can probably just run past that Archer but it's a little scary though cause you could snipe me when I'm trying to jump up and this is where I wish I had a good bow wow that's like a Halligan tree Archer or something too sure why he's not shooting me a damn wolf with the lightning oh tanky ass wolf dude okay there we go yo the storm Hawk ax okay we do have to be careful up here because there is that like bridge to run across where I could fall we're getting to the point in this run where it's like kind of scary all right let's go do uh placidusacks first and yeah we only got uh I guess 19 bosses left uh this is a death ray bird I can't tell that the wings sorta how dare you dodge that can dodge that bye oh how do you not stun oh does this this Grace automatically lights for you I didn't even I didn't know that and so yeah it's awkward so yeah I mean it's at this at this rate like we're definitely oh that's a good year at this rate we've got four great runes it's very unlikely we're gonna get three more from just boss fights now and so yeah we're gonna probably have to start looking pretty soon oh yeah we could easily Dawn I mean that's very possible especially considering like that's not something like a lot of the talismans I don't go to very often so I'm not gonna be super confident and actually um like going through the areas and stuff wow tough Malachi dude it's been he's still building four though that's that's good wow Market again dude we're getting like the same you haven't gotten a plus to do sacks we haven't gotten uh foreign Boston tankiest Market I've ever seen [Music] stupid okay Watchdog first Elden Lord the legend foreign another oh it's gold Freud though that's better legendary gold Droid oh whoops it's a lot of damage you're dealing kind of wasted I guess oh wait I forgot this guy doesn't transition this right all right all right that's as far as we can go for now and no great room it's too bad okay well let's go down to uh the sewers then I guess the thing with the tasmans though like we don't actually have to pick up the item to know if it's a great Rune necessarily like if it's not golden it's not something we need so we can just like look at it from far away and tell like that's already not a great room I'm pretty sure yeah we probably still got a good like at least five hours on this run man at least all right so probably the first place we go is esker how to pick up the golden item always even though it's usually trash I think I'm gonna do the skip for getting to sewer mode but did I not get hit right there but we will see oh that's actually not bad no way no way again I love how the the like these guys use Advanced tactics to attack you like look at him look at this guy he's insane dude with 1.7 mil but I don't really know to level up so we're pretty good on everything I guess I could get some more endurance though we get like 30 endurance oh yeah dude you got the chunky hunky armor now see look how like the boys dude a on bird look at the big nipple guy pants for normal enemies uh it possibly if oh it's possible if um it's a it's like a Talisman that that enemy drops or something I guess I can just Crouch poke you to death kind of lame but seriously why would you do this to me very intimidating name it's number seven not what we're looking for should I do the skip I wonder oh dude that's huge a little late but I'll take it another remembrance I probably shouldn't do the skip I'm not going to it's also been a while since I've gone through the dungeon properly so I don't mind it you know what maybe this is kind of risky maybe I should go to do the skip that I'm thinking about it okay sweet IE wow call him there the whole time yeah the thing is if I get pushed off by an enemy it's not like you can fast travel like you're just dead dude there's kind of like not good enemies I wonder if he's still gonna have his like normal path thing that he does here he's actually not going all the way down though just drop on here Skelly here I think silent backstab there's gonna be an enemy I feel like there's a high percentage chance that this has something good invisible boss wow another one come on dude give me something good at least oh okay I'll take that that's lucky as hell so two more great runes dude like there's still plenty of key items that we're missing though right we don't have the curse mark of death yet oh we do when did we get that okay wait a second never mind oh I think that's actually what happened we got it but then like this was before we burned the archery Sophia didn't move yet yeah we have the imbued keys so we we're gonna we're likely gonna have to start checking talismans now what do you know another right card is it gonna work in here okay good I guess it only like it does it doesn't work for the open area bosses I think but like the main ones does like our fourth Ray card I think or is there something and he looks sick in this Arena I'm not gonna lie but lava's like glowing and stuff foreign is he like actually aim that at you never even noticed give me something good howling tree Alexandria greyburn bro it's runes all right but definitely not a great one let us see if we're missing any bosses that are so Lim grave good weeping oh oh I didn't kill the death burden weeping apparently I didn't miss that that's insane okay it might be like the only one I missed I guess yeah so we gotten everybody except for the um somehow we missed the the death of bird here oh it's a red wolf I'm I'm really liking this y on some of these bosses man really good really good [Music] all right you guys well it's uh we've done everything we possibly can and so that means that there's a Talisman somewhere in the game that is this halictri half oh true yeah yeah we can go hand in the finger Slinger that's a good point we could get another like maybe it's actually the halog tree half oh I guess we're gonna do that tomorrow you guys whenever my game crashes that's a sign that somebody wants me to end my stream that's that's what that means all right uh welcome back you guys we are gonna attempt to finish this today surely I'm not gonna die in halligree let's go to let's go to farm Azula because there we know we have some trees and stuff I don't see any golden yeah oh God holy there's so many enemies up here dude it's insane and be a quest reward I I it could be if it's not like a missable Quest I think all right let's go uh here I shouldn't really have to go all the way down here to see if this is something and and there's a Tasman down on this section too it could count with one finger how many times I've been over here not very often okay somber Bell bearing four though that's like every somber Bell bearing except for the fifth one oh God bro enemies are trying to kill me okay so so there is a is the Talisman down here and I don't like I also don't know the enemy locations down here very well so like there's normally is there normally a crucible night somewhere down here oh yeah is that normally the Tasman there I have I I think I've literally been here one time okay I know archers or something is it chest but but what is it like is it something important or is it not because it doesn't matter if it's just like some random item what the hell is happening here yeah I remember when I was routing no hit through this area and this purple though I guess oh what are these like clay man weak to invades you as you leave I don't think that's true Maybe I'm Wrong be golden or purple okay it's purple Emma all right I guess we can go check over here we're we're kind of we're looking for great runes but more importantly we're looking for the hallig tree medallion no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no way thank you oh my God okay that scared the out of me dude God damn and it almost killed me too just insane oh God that was a little scary dude like I was looking back and I'm like I can't see anything dude like this might be an invisible one this is going too far oh there it is meow and nice and slow I could kill it not a bad idea but I'd rather sneak around it I I guess we're still gonna get invaded up here right or is there is there a way to this Talisman without getting invaded and just head straight through the middle now this is terrifying it's terrifying because I don't know like what this area is about it's purple Emma your tree I'll check that one like later because that one's super far the way right I guess we can go here oh man I don't want to die down here man uh oh man this is like I've been down here a few times but I don't feel great about it like are you actually just supposed to like jump on these tiny Ledges and then like somehow not die while going down these other ones oh God this Mount please this is normally like a bat here or something I should survive this fall at the bottom right actually I don't know if I do this is so scuffed it's what I get for like not coming down here ever Raw okay I probably would have survived that it's purple I guess we got the study hall I guess I'll go there God damn it dude I guess it shouldn't be too hard but I don't know I guess we'll see maybe I should like wait for this one yeah true there's definitely some in Stormville hey we can go to Stormville uh and then wait a second where's the cloth talisman oh this is the this is the I don't know I forget which one this is oh Lord just kill that fast these guys are dangerous yeah the the inside why are these guys so tanky dude like you're in Stormville dude why do you have a million health purple oh dude I got my hopes up for a second I thought it was legit dang hey I haven't done this skip since my first playthrough but it was like a skip to get in here oh come on bro I thought this was the intended way down here I'm like holy dude this game's like super Advanced but obviously I was wrong about that and I didn't realize that until way later that this wasn't the intended way down here purple come on dude damn it I see gold I pick up gold that's that's just how it works dude even though it's a scam 90 oh wound of knock Stella you know it's a scam like 95 of the time yeah the banana hat yeah I don't like the look of that oh I guess this room's closed is it because I seriously hello little dragon I don't mind if I blast you in the face where'd the wing world do is this is this the character Talisman right here 's necklace um what else is there Moonlight altar what where is the is there a Talisman in here hey where the is this place oh there we go it's just uh it's just a words to live by okay there we go that's nice so there's one more dude no I haven't got the daggered husband yet man that what a what a Arc this would be if it was actually the dagger talisman oh I apparently did grab that would like the false Academy key count as a it would right I guess it would so we should probably go check that I should be careful dude like a Archer somewhere all right what else you guys what else is there oh yeah yeah yeah yeah the uh belfries oh that was kind of actually a hard drop is it not done oh yeah yeah oh it's golden oh come on okay there we go that's every great room dude all right but we're still we're still looking though we okay we just need literally one more key item dude and then we're good all true Yeah we actually have a boss that we could go kill now yeah that's a good point yeah that's true we can go kill Ellen Beast oh yo that might be it you guys that could be it we should go do that like immediately all right please give me the Alec dream medallion not the boss I like to see though this boss is so messed up and the randomizers it seems dude like the distances from which it does attacks is just totally off at least that's how I feel like it feels like that for some reason in there should have reposted all right that's right dude like normally from this distance the boss would follow up those attacks [Music] seriously his worm face no I not a fight worm face though be funny if it actually oh okay you with Dan I hate you bro I thought it was the mimic here I was gonna get scared but I didn't have that I don't have the dragon Hogwart equipped so it's fine I don't think we've gotten him as a boss yet there's actually a lot of NPCs that we haven't gotten as passes yet oh my God how am I so bad he also doesn't have the same Poise that he normally does oh my goodness he's a god look at that he's he's flexing on me wait a second here you can't do that to me please holly tree medallion oh you're such a bastard all right the search continues though what's the other one in the action capital item in Ronaldo's Divine Tower oh did I really not pick it up okay I can go back and check yeah that was pretty dude if that's actually The Medallion there I'm such an idiot yeah sure I didn't know I I didn't know that the uh like Medallion halves were purple and not golden it's purple come on just please just be it so I have to stop I don't have to keep looking dude oh thank the Lord okay there we go we found it all right ten bosses dude let's go upgrade some before we go let's definitely upgrade a great bow probably even like a normal bow too because why not let's go with the pulley bow for one of them maybe just the standard great bow we could also switch the edge of War of this one so I'll go so I'll go with this one so there's no reason why I couldn't just upgrade both but okay plus 25 bow oh oh we're gonna go with moguin Moog spear here we go plus 10 Moog spear stick to like that that's probably good all right here we go you have like lightning arrows or something literally the worst enemy thank you foreign this is going too far what is that it's like a wraith calling thing right what is a ball what is happening here what is going on there dude I think we got this bow it's like Dark Souls 2 Gameplay right here literally Dark Souls 2 Gameplay and like these are all holly tree enemies so they're all insanely tanky oh boy oh boy I really okay well let's get the lightning wow he's tanky as I'm really like there's almost no way I'm not gonna get hit by yeah I can't get around there's almost no way I'm not gonna get hit by some of his transition attacks so I'm just gonna have to like I don't know hope it doesn't deal too much damage [Music] all right wow like even this isn't dealing that much damage to him that's scary this has been like doing so much damage the entire run oh boy oh oh no oh my God he teleported in that's that's insane dude okay okay do I bone out of this oh it doesn't be that much damage oh no I had no idea how much damage that was gonna deal oh need to need a clutch stun right here dude I mean that's done or just die dying is fine too okay there we go uh Mika thanks for the Raven how's your stream oh and we get the bubble tea right I like that oh boy okay that was the one finger play through going that sounds like I don't even understand that I just insane 156. we literally just found the Halligan tree half Medallion like we were looking for it we now have every single great Rune we need and like we have seven Great Rooms I've already killed elvenbeast boss and now it's just about killing the rest of the snow field and I honestly don't know which direction to go through here I don't know which direction like if we should just go the no hitway but that's kind of risky because we get like a giant Archer then he's gonna me up and snipe me off the cliff I think we just go right down the middle there's potential that this area will be easier than normal but I'm not banking on that yeah we had one Millennia just like sitting out in the open somewhere it was pretty simple oh my God that's a right card all right another right card and and unfortunately like oh God he's following the Caravan oh God yeah unfortunately the serpent Hunter doesn't work out in the open and this is late game scaled right card bro oh black flame is actually not a bad idea I have black flame tornado I'm pretty sure okay this is uh this is interesting I do go upgrade that thing yeah reign of eres is probably okay but all right there we go okay so do I have sleep thank you hey what's up in the Caravan if there's some there's some not good enemies around here dude let's trigger him oh my God there's a Rune bear there's a dragon a rune bear like some Elite Knight see if I can just bait him out I don't know if I can though like he does follow you so also don't think his like Sky attack works I thought but I guess we're about to see he's gonna try to do it AC's moving here slowly he's doing it I don't think it works though beautiful damage I should get a good punish here uh Dark Monkey thanks for the faster yeah unfortunately the uh 700 doesn't work when you're like fighting open world bosses like or fighting right card in the open world if he was in a Boss Arena it would work though oh there we go did you which boys damage is black flame tornado do even oh but there's an oh dude I totally forgot there's another boss I guess that's what the dragon is okay which do I hope it is I hope it's the Rune bear but I don't think so based on the based on where it's standing let's attack the Rune bear first no oh no no okay this is a dueling I'm just gonna stay off my horse getting on horse just invites getting comboed by these flame attacks uh malberry thanks for the uh brand new Prime sub and Shiva thanks for the brand new sub as well but that's a lot of damage considering the defense I have oh really uh yep I'm down here nice get hit by every single one of those foreign just didn't come out oh boy I thought he was doing the other one wow I just like I blame blame the B button dude obviously it's not my fault obviously my controller is broken and my game is lagging and I hit B and all that stuff all right finally wait did I already did I already update for this boss does anybody know I might have all right let's see who's going to replace uh these guys can't be worse than theodorix yeah we haven't seen a Rick yet imagine Rick is like Millennia boss that'd be insane actually like scripted ending oh God this might oh dude like what's scary about this is like we are in snow field which is the latest scale area in the game and so we're gonna have a double guard situation but not that tanky like a little little guy over there I think wow okay he's tanky as okay take it back should we get to stagger one of these days here oh no way oh there's no way you did that foreign oh yeah I think he's not even Aggron yeah yeah we're good yeah I I baited him I baited him far away enough where this guy was too far away to even aggro so God damn it there we go what I think he has bird I I'm gonna heal I I'm I'm scared of that invisible assassin pulling up and just like killing me instantly I am not gonna allow that to happen yeah we can use that I forgot we had that so we have a bit of a flower situation here this looks cool and so what is that self buff ad oh it's just blood Flame lead oh it has that jump attack better jump attack than like a serpent Hunter I would say poke oh [Music] not the invisible assassin I wonder if this ash of War like can they believe in bleed I'm just gonna use this why dude oh wait it's the it's the Lim grave one so this guy's like super cooked and has weird AI oh God this has very little damage all right yeah I thought I thought it was the invisible assassin too for a second that's why that's why I put the torch away because I was like oh foreign the area that I'm the most scared of by far dude like it's gonna be so easy to fall off man yeah I could do mine I got a dog hey let's try this uh this great bow here maybe we shouldn't waste the great arrows but I think I've quite a few of them oh that is some decent damage dude but I'd like yeah I don't think I would die from this fall though okay it doesn't look like it can turn him around like if I could just kill this guy then I'd we'd be fine oh you kind of get an angle from here oh that is some HP God damn it dude how much this does wow through and through is good like that's a lot of damage so for Halligan tree like hopefully we're just blasting everybody just look at that damage dude all right should be last shot I think there we go 22 000 runes for that meanwhile this like noble is just what the just happened uh is it a dragon oh I was like man is that a style like in Estelle's Boss Arena is got to be good on these guys right nice foreign this thing's kind of blasting him at like Pierce damage we somehow staggered him with this dang dude he's getting totally destroyed oh oh get taken right out of the air dude God damn oh the discarded Palace key dang that annihilates him let's go check what's in here this could be I don't know mice relax all right uh two more field bosses here and then halik tree okay another Bell bearing Hunter I don't want to buff but I also don't want to trigger him there we go future and Hunter this one slow R2 oh man I thought I thought I did the second L2 there so that's why I just didn't roll because I thought I thought I was in the middle of something I'm almost I'm like wondering if we should go take out that Mausoleum dude maybe it's okay Amos last words and it's twin guards again that's got to be some sort of joke right Okay so this is a uh an issue here and I like no no no no no no no no don't you do that hey so what the is going on here this is so stupid oh that's pretty handy nice all right now we're good to go fight the duo guards again uh let's go ahead and use what should we use on this guy oh let's use the Roses ax forget about this guy oh yeah there we go foreign seriously I guess it is called through and through but I mean come on really this is not a rune bear because that guy would be sniping me all the way from here downtown this definitely isn't like amazing for the Gargoyles especially this one I feel like it's worse on this one wow you do zero damage to me because we do have some good uh uh image negation like the crab and stuff like look at those look at those numbers over there the the same if you guys aren't like super resistant to Magic damage though that's why I mean just our r1s are dealing good damage all right 162 down all right one more trip through the fog hey I am somewhere where I'm not supposed to be if I pass the Caravan there have been a lot of like nope moments on this run dude all right out of Comb time thankfully we picked up the shackle whoa this one tanky bastard oh God oh that just was I like hitting his head or something maybe I was hitting his head that scared me a little bit and like it's like oh God we're fighting some monster here and this weapon actually is insanely good isn't it [Music] yeah if I were to jump off at the beginning of the game then it would count as a as like a death right wow another Bell bearing Hunter dude this one's tankier though I think what if this was fast enough here oh boy yeah this is actually like a boss on the randomizers that I never really considered you'd see so much of it obviously makes sense hey I didn't even think about it it's going so Harmony here we go all right final areas all right I would assume this area actually should be easier than it is in the base game it doesn't matter it's just halik tree man like that's what it all comes down to I think what would be the worst boss for Millennia scaling um I really don't know mimic if I start with the wrong weapon probably like if I go in there with a dragon halberd I would be so scared I would bone out immediately all right here we go dude holly tree surely no Gollum Archer immediately it's looking maybe okay I think we just take this nice and slow why do I not one shot you page up there come on dude how's that not a headshot yeah God damn it dude oh this sucks I hate this place I don't know if I have to headshot him to actually get that knock back there you go this is so stupid God damn it dude honestly the enemies are like looking okay though so far I don't see any big boys that are gonna like block the path why did this place have to be last like why did it I don't know dude the decent houseman okay the enemies look okay dude I think we can just go you dog all right step one complete it's really just about like identifying the enemies properly and then like then it should be fine oh there's just so many Ledges here dude okay who do we got in here wolf zombie oh interesting these uh guys are still here oh dude okay oh god seriously not exactly what I'd like to see dude it's also silent foreign if the boss could just like leave the arena that'd be so funny it's like pops up out there [Music] beginning Triple Ring any moment here weird how elderby's follows up this attack in the randomizer but like almost never does it in the base game thank you I don't know why but the ledges are kind of scaring me dude like for some reason I just feel like he's gonna swim and like Lift Me Up and oh there I go that's what it feels like it's gonna happen please connect there we go insane no sound Elven Beast huh it's like the guy that's normally there except I think it's like the crazy aggro range version that's in the war dead catacombs I'll give you the best nut ever maybe not all right lots of enemies are gonna be here so let's see who it is oh normal guy here look sorta standard Knight honestly looks like better enemies in the base game one more set of roots here so we're just gonna have to like scout out the enemies that are gonna be here and then assess if there's anybody who could knock me off oh you that guy could knock me right off this boat doesn't have great range though man oh my God it's the it's the uh the sewer guy who does a front flip oh yeah true most beer you can do it from like up here maybe oh absolutely blasted oh yeah see look at this guy he's already shooting me look at that range that is why we don't around with these guys dude one hit on the branch and I'm gone from this guy dude Howard foreign we do have a lightning ball so maybe I can like Quick Step to the island here and try to bait him out that way here we go that should be it yeah imagine pulling an eight run right now they're just like walking off if the final boss is Rick you guys know this is scripted that's what that's what you can you can know for sure all right in we go there's still this room though [Music] oh God there's a ball sack ant over there like are those guys normally passive I think so right [Music] send it oh flowers trying to drive me on the elevator bastard imagine that all right one boss dude last one please know like fire giant or something runeberry yeah that'd be funny too all right dude here we go oh boy okay it's actually a boss here okay I think that's Commander Niall patient of aggro though can you stagger nice foreign hits like a truck normally so I don't even want to see his damage I don't even want to see you oh man it just doesn't get any better than that iframe right there dude God to your iframe I want to get that ritual Shield back up so I don't have to thank like a full hit all right there we go we did it dude no problem I'm not gonna lie that was like a little scary like especially that page man that page like trying to kill me on the on the tree branch like that was actually so scary dude we get the good ending all bosses item and enemy randomizer no no no hit run no death run yeah that's fun man no death runs are kind of scary because uh like we didn't have it all planned out right and we had no idea what to expect as we were going through it maybe May be I don't think I've watched this cutscene in a long time GG brother which hand you taken dude oh I actually don't know which hand you take
Channel: GinoMachino
Views: 1,519,833
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 719ErDnq76E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 300min 59sec (18059 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 30 2023
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